// ######################  VPP TEST  ##########################

        private void testVPP_Enter()
            byte[] pinscript = new byte[2];
            pinscript[0] = KONST._SET_ICSP_PINS;
            pinscript[1] = 0x03;        // set both pins to inputs.

            timerPGxToggle.Enabled = false;

            buttonCancel.Text = "Cancel";

            if (Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].Vpp < 1)
                labelStep2FamilyVPP.Text = "1) VPP for this family: "
                                           + string.Format("{0:0.0}V (=VDD)", numericUpDown1.Value);
                labelStep2FamilyVPP.Text = "1) VPP for this family: "
                                           + string.Format("{0:0.0} Volts.", Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].Vpp);
            labelReadVPP.Text        = "";
            labelVPPLow.Visible      = false;
            labelVPPMCLR.Visible     = false;
            labelVPPMCLROff.Visible  = false;
            labelVPPPass.Visible     = false;
            labelVPPShort.Visible    = false;
            labelVPPVDDShort.Visible = false;
        private void radioButtonPGCHigh_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            byte[] pgcscript = new byte[2];

            if (radioButtonPGDToggle.Checked || radioButtonPGCToggle.Checked)
                return; // don't do anything
            { // ensure timer is off and set pin states!
                timerPGxToggle.Enabled = false;

                pgcscript[0] = KONST._SET_ICSP_PINS;

                if (radioButtonPGCHigh.Checked && radioButtonPGDHigh.Checked)
                    pgcscript[1] = 0x0C;
                else if (radioButtonPGCHigh.Checked)
                    pgcscript[1] = 0x04;
                else if (radioButtonPGDHigh.Checked)
                    pgcscript[1] = 0x08;
                    pgcscript[1] = 0x00;
 public DialogTroubleshoot()
     byte[] pinscript = new byte[2];
     pinscript[0] = KONST._SET_ICSP_PINS;
     pinscript[1] = 0x03;        // set both pins to inputs.
        private void PGxToggle()
            timerPGxToggle.Enabled = false;

            byte pgxvaluehigh = 0x0;
            byte pgxvaluelow  = 0x0;

            if (radioButtonPGDToggle.Checked)
                pgxvaluehigh |= 0x8;
            if (radioButtonPGCToggle.Checked)
                pgxvaluehigh |= 0x4;
            if (radioButtonPGCHigh.Checked)
                pgxvaluehigh |= 0x4;
                pgxvaluelow  |= 0x4;
            if (radioButtonPGDHigh.Checked)
                pgxvaluehigh |= 0x8;
                pgxvaluelow  |= 0x8;

            // 30kHz square wave - 500ms @ 30k^-1 * 256 * 59
            byte[] pgdscript = new byte[17];
            pgdscript[0]  = KONST._CONST_WRITE_DL;
            pgdscript[1]  = 59;
            pgdscript[2]  = KONST._CONST_WRITE_DL;
            pgdscript[3]  = 0;
            pgdscript[4]  = KONST._SET_ICSP_PINS;
            pgdscript[5]  = pgxvaluehigh;
            pgdscript[6]  = KONST._BUSY_LED_ON;        // a NOP to stretch the high pulse time.
            pgdscript[7]  = KONST._BUSY_LED_ON;        // a NOP
            pgdscript[8]  = KONST._SET_ICSP_PINS;
            pgdscript[9]  = pgxvaluelow;
            pgdscript[10] = KONST._BUSY_LED_ON;         // a NOP
            pgdscript[11] = KONST._LOOP;
            pgdscript[12] = 7;
            pgdscript[13] = 0;  //256
            pgdscript[14] = KONST._LOOPBUFFER;
            pgdscript[15] = 10;
            pgdscript[16] = KONST._BUSY_LED_OFF;

            timerPGxToggle.Enabled = true;
        private void trblshtingFormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            // clean up - shut down everything
            timerPGxToggle.Enabled = false;

            byte[] closescript = new byte[5];
            closescript[0] = KONST._VPP_OFF;
            closescript[1] = KONST._MCLR_GND_OFF;
            closescript[2] = KONST._VPP_PWM_OFF;
            closescript[3] = KONST._SET_ICSP_PINS;
            closescript[4] = 0x03;                  // inputs

        private void buttonMCLROff_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            labelVPPLow.Visible      = false;
            labelVPPMCLR.Visible     = false;
            labelVPPMCLROff.Visible  = true;
            labelVPPPass.Visible     = false;
            labelVPPShort.Visible    = false;
            labelVPPVDDShort.Visible = false;
            labelReadVPP.Text        = "/MCLR Off";

            // Ensure VPP is off and de-assert /MCLR
            byte[] vppscript = new byte[3];
            vppscript[0] = KONST._VPP_OFF;
            vppscript[1] = KONST._VPP_PWM_OFF;
            vppscript[2] = KONST._MCLR_GND_OFF;
        // ######################  VDD TEST  ##########################
        private void testVDD()
            float vdd = 0;
            float vpp = 0;

            // ensure VPP is off.
            byte[] vppscript = new byte[4];
            vppscript[0] = KONST._VPP_OFF;
            vppscript[1] = KONST._VPP_PWM_OFF;
            vppscript[2] = KONST._VDD_OFF;
            vppscript[3] = KONST._VDD_GND_ON;

            Thread.Sleep(250); // sleep a bit to let VDD bleed down.

            if (Pk2.CheckTargetPower(ref vdd, ref vpp) == KONST.PICkit2PWR.selfpowered)
                panelStep1VDDExt.Visible = true;
                labelVoltageOnVDD.Text   = "An external voltage was detected\non the VDD pin at "
                                           + string.Format("{0:0.0} Volts.", vdd);
                panelStep1VDDExt.Visible  = false;
                panelStep1VDDTest.Visible = true;
                labelGood.Visible         = false;
                labelVDDShort.Visible     = false;
                labelVDDLow.Visible       = false;
                labelReadVDD.Text         = "";
                numericUpDown1.Maximum    = (decimal)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].VddMax;
                numericUpDown1.Minimum    = (decimal)Pk2.DevFile.PartsList[Pk2.ActivePart].VddMin;
                if ((float)numericUpDown1.Maximum > 4.5F)
                    numericUpDown1.Value = (decimal)4.5;
                    numericUpDown1.Value = numericUpDown1.Maximum;
Example #8
 private void prepTestMem()
     // Send pre-requisite scripts
     if (Pk2.GetActiveFamily() == 0)
     { // midrange = Load Config command
         byte[] prepscript = new byte[7];
         prepscript[0] = KONST._WRITE_BITS_LITERAL;
         prepscript[1] = 0x06;
         prepscript[2] = 0x00;
         prepscript[3] = KONST._WRITE_BYTE_LITERAL;
         prepscript[4] = 0;
         prepscript[5] = KONST._WRITE_BYTE_LITERAL;
         prepscript[6] = 0;
     else if (Pk2.GetActiveFamily() == 2)
     { // baseline
         int    tmStart    = (getTestMemAddress() / 4) - 1;
         byte[] prepscript = new byte[18];
         prepscript[0]  = KONST._CONST_WRITE_DL;     // put # loops in buffer for LOOPBUFFER
         prepscript[1]  = (byte)(tmStart & 0xFF);
         prepscript[2]  = KONST._CONST_WRITE_DL;
         prepscript[3]  = (byte)((tmStart >> 8) & 0xFF);
         prepscript[4]  = KONST._WRITE_BITS_LITERAL;
         prepscript[5]  = 0x06;
         prepscript[6]  = 0x06;
         prepscript[7]  = KONST._WRITE_BITS_LITERAL;
         prepscript[8]  = 0x06;
         prepscript[9]  = 0x06;
         prepscript[10] = KONST._WRITE_BITS_LITERAL;
         prepscript[11] = 0x06;
         prepscript[12] = 0x06;
         prepscript[13] = KONST._WRITE_BITS_LITERAL;
         prepscript[14] = 0x06;
         prepscript[15] = 0x06;
         prepscript[16] = KONST._LOOPBUFFER;
         prepscript[17] = 12;
     else if (Pk2.GetActiveFamily() == 3)
     { // PIC18F - Set address pointer to 0x200000
         byte[] prepscript = new byte[18];
         prepscript[0]  = KONST._COREINST18;
         prepscript[1]  = 0x20;
         prepscript[2]  = 0x0E;
         prepscript[3]  = KONST._COREINST18;
         prepscript[4]  = 0xF8;
         prepscript[5]  = 0x6E;
         prepscript[6]  = KONST._COREINST18;
         prepscript[7]  = 0x00;
         prepscript[8]  = 0x0E;
         prepscript[9]  = KONST._COREINST18;
         prepscript[10] = 0xF7;
         prepscript[11] = 0x6E;
         prepscript[12] = KONST._COREINST18;
         prepscript[13] = 0x00;
         prepscript[14] = 0x0E;
         prepscript[15] = KONST._COREINST18;
         prepscript[16] = 0xF6;
         prepscript[17] = 0x6E;
        // ###################### PGx TEST  ##########################
        private void testPGCPGDEnter()
            float vdd = 0;
            float vpp = 0;

            // set VPP off
            byte[] vppscript = new byte[3];
            vppscript[0] = KONST._VPP_OFF;
            vppscript[1] = KONST._VPP_PWM_OFF;
            vppscript[2] = KONST._MCLR_GND_ON;


            buttonCancel.Text = "Finished";

            Thread.Sleep(200); // sleep a bit to let VDD bleed down.

            // check for a powered target first
            if (Pk2.CheckTargetPower(ref vdd, ref vpp) == KONST.PICkit2PWR.selfpowered)
                Pk2.SetVDDVoltage((float)numericUpDown1.Value, 0.85F);

            // check status next for shorts
            KONST.PICkit2PWR status = Pk2.PowerStatus();
            if ((status == KONST.PICkit2PWR.vdderror) || (status == Constants.PICkit2PWR.vddvpperrors))
            { //VDD short!
                radioButtonPGCHigh.Enabled   = false;
                radioButtonPGCLow.Enabled    = false;
                radioButtonPGDHigh.Enabled   = false;
                radioButtonPGDLow.Enabled    = false;
                radioButtonPGCToggle.Enabled = false;
                radioButtonPGDToggle.Enabled = false;
                labelPGxOScope.Visible       = false;
                labelPGxVDDShort.Visible     = true;
            else if (status == KONST.PICkit2PWR.vpperror)
            {//VPP short
                radioButtonPGCHigh.Enabled   = false;
                radioButtonPGCLow.Enabled    = false;
                radioButtonPGDHigh.Enabled   = false;
                radioButtonPGDLow.Enabled    = false;
                radioButtonPGCToggle.Enabled = false;
                radioButtonPGDToggle.Enabled = false;
                labelPGxOScope.Visible       = false;
                labelPGxVDDShort.Visible     = true;
            else if (status != Constants.PICkit2PWR.no_response)
            {   // status OK, Set PGC/PGC pins outputs low.
                radioButtonPGCHigh.Enabled   = true;
                radioButtonPGCLow.Enabled    = true;
                radioButtonPGDHigh.Enabled   = true;
                radioButtonPGDLow.Enabled    = true;
                radioButtonPGCToggle.Enabled = true;
                radioButtonPGDToggle.Enabled = true;
                labelPGxOScope.Visible       = true;
                labelPGxVDDShort.Visible     = false;

                vppscript[0] = KONST._SET_ICSP_PINS;
                vppscript[1] = 0x00;
                vppscript[2] = KONST._BUSY_LED_OFF; // "NOP"

                radioButtonPGDToggle.Checked = false;
                radioButtonPGCToggle.Checked = false;
                radioButtonPGCHigh.Checked   = false;
                radioButtonPGCLow.Checked    = true;
                radioButtonPGDHigh.Checked   = false;
                radioButtonPGDLow.Checked    = true;
        private void buttonTestVPP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            float vdd = 0;
            float vpp = 0;

            labelVPPLow.Visible      = false;
            labelVPPMCLR.Visible     = false;
            labelVPPMCLROff.Visible  = false;
            labelVPPPass.Visible     = false;
            labelVPPShort.Visible    = false;
            labelVPPVDDShort.Visible = false;
            labelReadVPP.Text        = "";

            Thread.Sleep(250); // sleep a bit to let VDD bleed down.

            // check for a powered target first
            if (Pk2.CheckTargetPower(ref vdd, ref vpp) == KONST.PICkit2PWR.selfpowered)
                Pk2.SetVDDVoltage((float)numericUpDown1.Value, 0.85F);
            // Set VPP voltage
            float expectedVPP;

            if (Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].Vpp > 1)
                expectedVPP = Pk2.DevFile.Families[Pk2.GetActiveFamily()].Vpp;
                expectedVPP = (float)numericUpDown1.Value;
            Pk2.SetVppVoltage(expectedVPP, 0.50F);
            byte[] vppscript = new byte[8];
            vppscript[0] = KONST._VPP_OFF;
            vppscript[1] = KONST._VPP_PWM_ON;
            vppscript[2] = KONST._DELAY_LONG;
            vppscript[3] = 30;
            vppscript[4] = KONST._MCLR_GND_OFF;
            vppscript[5] = KONST._VPP_ON;
            vppscript[6] = KONST._DELAY_LONG;
            vppscript[7] = 20;

            // check status first for shorts
            KONST.PICkit2PWR status = Pk2.PowerStatus();
            if ((status == KONST.PICkit2PWR.vdderror) || (status == Constants.PICkit2PWR.vddvpperrors))
            { //VDD short!
                labelVPPVDDShort.Visible = true;
            else if (status == KONST.PICkit2PWR.vpperror)
            {//VPP short
                labelVPPShort.Visible = true;
                labelReadVPP.Text     = "Short!";
            else if (status != Constants.PICkit2PWR.no_response)
            {   // status OK, read VPP voltage
                if (Pk2.ReadPICkitVoltages(ref vdd, ref vpp))
                    labelReadVPP.Text = string.Format("{0:0.0} V", vpp);
                    if ((expectedVPP - vpp) > 0.3F)
                        labelVPPLow.Visible = true;
                        labelVPPPass.Visible = true;