Example #1
        protected override void GetChildItems(string path, bool recurse)
            // Files = me/skydrive:me/skydrive/files
            // Folders = me/skydrive:me/skydrive/files?filter=folders
            // Photos = me/skydrive:me/skydrive/files?filter=albums

            OneDriveInfo oneDrive = PSDriveInfo as OneDriveInfo;

            LiveOperationCompletedEventArgs eventArgs = default(LiveOperationCompletedEventArgs);

            using (ManualResetEvent signal = new ManualResetEvent(false))
                oneDrive.Client.GetCompleted += (s, e) => { eventArgs = e; signal.Set(); };
                oneDrive.Client.GetAsync(hiddenRoot + path, signal);


            var items = ((object[])eventArgs.Result["data"]).Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();

            foreach (var item in items)
                OneDriveItem onedriveItem = new OneDriveItem(item);
                WriteItemObject(onedriveItem, hiddenRoot + onedriveItem.Name, onedriveItem.IsFolder || onedriveItem.IsAlbum ? true : false);
Example #2
        protected override bool IsValidPath(string path)
            if (PathIsDrive(path))

                OneDriveInfo oneDrive = PSDriveInfo as OneDriveInfo;

                LiveOperationCompletedEventArgs eventArgs = default(LiveOperationCompletedEventArgs);
                using (ManualResetEvent signal = new ManualResetEvent(false))
                    oneDrive.Client.GetCompleted += (s, e) => { eventArgs = e; signal.Set(); };
                    oneDrive.Client.GetAsync(hiddenRoot + path, signal);


                OneDriveItem onedriveItem = new OneDriveItem((((object[])eventArgs.Result["data"]).Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >()).First());
                return(onedriveItem.IsFolder || onedriveItem.IsAlbum ? true : false);
            catch (Exception)
Example #3
        protected override PSDriveInfo NewDrive(PSDriveInfo drive)
                using (var dialog = new SignInDialog())
                    dialog.Scopes        = new[] { "wl.basic", "wl.signin", "wl.offline_access", "wl.skydrive_update", "wl.contacts_skydrive", "wl.emails" };
                    dialog.ShowInTaskbar = true;
                    dialog.Locale        = "en";
                    dialog.ClientId      = "000000004412E411";

                    if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        OneDriveInfo oneDrive = new OneDriveInfo(drive);
                        oneDrive.Client = new LiveConnectClient(dialog.Session);

                        LiveOperationCompletedEventArgs eventArgs = default(LiveOperationCompletedEventArgs);
                        using (ManualResetEvent signal = new ManualResetEvent(false))
                            oneDrive.Client.GetCompleted += (s, e) => { eventArgs = e; signal.Set(); };
                            oneDrive.Client.GetAsync("me", signal);


                        if (eventArgs.Error == null)
                            foreach (var key in eventArgs.Result.Keys)
                                WriteVerbose(string.Format("{0}={1}", key, eventArgs.Result[key]));

                        if (eventArgs.Cancelled)
                            WriteError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("Operation cancelled by user."), "503", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, null));

                        WriteError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception(eventArgs.Error.Message), "200", ErrorCategory.AuthenticationError, null));
                        WriteError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception("Operation cancelled by user."), "502", ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, null));
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteError(new ErrorRecord(ex.InnerException, "100", ErrorCategory.NotSpecified, null));
Example #4
        public DeployAction TryParseDeploymentInfo(HttpRequest request, JObject payload, string targetBranch, out DeploymentInfoBase deploymentInfo)
            deploymentInfo = null;
            string url = payload.Value <string>("RepositoryUrl");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url) || !url.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("api.onedrive.com"))

             *   Expecting payload to be:
             *   {
             *      "RepositoryUrl": "xxx",
             *      "AccessToken": "xxx"
             *   }
            string accessToken = payload.Value <string>("AccessToken");

            // keep email and name, so that can be re-used in later commit
            OneDriveInfo oneDriveInfo = new OneDriveInfo(_repositoryFactory)
                Deployer      = "OneDrive",
                RepositoryUrl = url,
                AccessToken   = accessToken,
                AuthorName    = _settings.GetValue("authorName"),
                AuthorEmail   = _settings.GetValue("authorEmail")

            deploymentInfo = oneDriveInfo;

            deploymentInfo.TargetChangeset = DeploymentManager.CreateTemporaryChangeSet(
                authorName: oneDriveInfo.AuthorName,
                authorEmail: oneDriveInfo.AuthorEmail,
                message: String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, Resources.OneDrive_Synchronizing)

Example #5
        public async Task SyncBasicTests()
            var mockTracer = new Mock <ITracer>();

            .Setup(m => m.Trace(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <IDictionary <string, string> >()));

            var repository      = Mock.Of <IRepository>();
            var fileSystem      = new Mock <IFileSystem>();
            var fileBase        = new Mock <FileBase>();
            var fileInfoFactory = new Mock <IFileInfoFactory>();
            var fileInfo        = new Mock <FileInfoBase>();
            var dirBase         = new Mock <DirectoryBase>();
            var dirInfoFactory  = new Mock <IDirectoryInfoFactory>(); // mock dirInfo to make FileSystemHelpers.DeleteDirectorySafe not throw exception
            var dirInfoBase     = new Mock <DirectoryInfoBase>();

            fileSystem.Setup(f => f.File).Returns(fileBase.Object);
            fileSystem.Setup(f => f.FileInfo).Returns(fileInfoFactory.Object);
            fileInfoFactory.Setup(f => f.FromFileName(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(() => fileInfo.Object);
            fileSystem.Setup(f => f.Directory).Returns(dirBase.Object);
            fileSystem.Setup(f => f.DirectoryInfo).Returns(dirInfoFactory.Object);
            dirInfoFactory.Setup(d => d.FromDirectoryName(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(dirInfoBase.Object);
            fileBase.Setup(fb => fb.Exists(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns((string path) =>
                return(path != null && (path.EndsWith("f-delete") || path.EndsWith("bar.txt")));
            fileBase.Setup(fb => fb.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <DateTime>()));

            dirBase.Setup(d => d.Exists(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns((string path) =>
                return(path != null && (path.EndsWith("f-delete-dir") || path.EndsWith("f2")));
            FileSystemHelpers.Instance = fileSystem.Object;

            // prepare change from OneDrive
            OneDriveModel.OneDriveChange change = new OneDriveModel.OneDriveChange();
            change.IsDeleted = false;

            // prepare OneDriveInfo
            var info = new OneDriveInfo();

            info.AccessToken     = "fake-token";
            info.RepositoryUrl   = "https://api.onedrive.com/v1.0/drive/special/approot:/fake-folder";
            info.TargetChangeset = new ChangeSet("id", "authorName", "authorEmail", "message", DateTime.UtcNow);

            // prepare http handler
            var handler = new TestMessageHandler((HttpRequestMessage message) =>
                StringContent content = null;
                if (message != null && message.RequestUri != null)
                    if (message.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri.Equals(info.RepositoryUrl))
                        content = new StringContent(@"{ 'id': 'fake-id'}", Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                        return(new HttpResponseMessage {
                            Content = content
                    else if (message.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri.Equals("https://api.onedrive.com/v1.0/drive/items/fake-id/view.changes"))
                        content = new StringContent(ViewChangePayload, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                        return(new HttpResponseMessage {
                            Content = content
                    else if (message.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri.EndsWith("items/A6034FFBC93398FD!331") ||
                        content = new StringContent(@"{ '@content.downloadUrl': 'http://site-does-not-exist.microsoft.com'}", Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                        return(new HttpResponseMessage {
                            Content = content

                content = new StringContent("test file content", Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                return(new HttpResponseMessage {
                    Content = content

            // perform action
            OneDriveHelper helper = CreateMockOneDriveHelper(handler: handler, tracer: mockTracer.Object);
            await helper.Sync(info, repository);

            // verification

             * Sycing f2 to wwwroot:
             *   There are 6 changes
             *      2 deletion
             *        f2\f-delete       (existed as file)
             *        f2\f-delete-dir   (existed as folder)
             *      2 file changes
             *        f2\foo.txt        (not existed)
             *        f2\f22\bar.txt    (existed)
             *      2 folder chagnes
             *        f2                (existed)
             *        f2\f22            (not existed)

            // deletion
            mockTracer.Verify(t => t.Trace(@"Deleted file D:\home\site\wwwroot\f-delete", It.Is <IDictionary <string, string> >(d => d.Count == 0)));
            mockTracer.Verify(t => t.Trace(@"Deleted directory D:\home\site\wwwroot\f-delete-dir", It.Is <IDictionary <string, string> >(d => d.Count == 0)));

            // file changes
            mockTracer.Verify(t => t.Trace(@"Creating file D:\home\site\wwwroot\foo.txt ...", It.Is <IDictionary <string, string> >(d => d.Count == 0)));
            mockTracer.Verify(t => t.Trace(@"Updating file D:\home\site\wwwroot\f22\bar.txt ...", It.Is <IDictionary <string, string> >(d => d.Count == 0)));

            mockTracer.Verify(t => t.Trace(@"Deleted file D:\home\site\wwwroot\f-delete", It.Is <IDictionary <string, string> >(d => d.Count == 0)));
            mockTracer.Verify(t => t.Trace(@"Deleted directory D:\home\site\wwwroot\f-delete-dir", It.Is <IDictionary <string, string> >(d => d.Count == 0)));

            // directory changes
            mockTracer.Verify(t => t.Trace(@"Ignore folder f2", It.Is <IDictionary <string, string> >(d => d.Count == 0)));
            mockTracer.Verify(t => t.Trace(@"Creating directory D:\home\site\wwwroot\f22 ...", It.Is <IDictionary <string, string> >(d => d.Count == 0)));
Example #6
        protected override PSDriveInfo RemoveDrive(PSDriveInfo drive)
            OneDriveInfo oneDrive = drive as OneDriveInfo;
