Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the data processing associated with this editing operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The context in which the geometry is being calculated.</param>
        internal override void CalculateGeometry(EditingContext ctx)
            // Get the radius, in meters on the ground.
            double rad = m_Radius.GetDistance(m_Center).Meters;

            if (rad < Constants.TINY)
                throw new Exception("NewCircleOperation.CalculateGeometry - Radius is too close to zero.");

            // If the closing point was created by this edit, define it's position
            ArcFeature   arc = (ArcFeature)this.Line;
            PointFeature p   = arc.StartPoint;

            if (p.Creator == this)
                PointGeometry pg = new PointGeometry(m_Center.X, m_Center.Y + rad);
                p.ApplyPointGeometry(ctx, pg);

            // Define the radius of the circle and include in the map model
            Circle circle = arc.Circle;

            Debug.Assert(circle != null);
            circle.Radius = rad;

            // Refer the center point to the circle.
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the position of the sideshot point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dir">The direction observation (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="len">The length observation (if any). Could be a <c>Distance</c> or an
        /// <c>OffsetPoint</c>.</param>
        /// <returns>The position of the sideshot point (null if there is insufficient data
        /// to calculate a position)</returns>
        internal static IPosition Calculate(Direction dir, Observation len)
            // Return if there is insufficient data.
            if (dir == null || len == null)

            // Get the position of the point the sideshot should radiate from.
            PointFeature from = dir.From;

            // Get the position of the start of the direction line (which may be offset).
            IPosition start = dir.StartPosition;

            // Get the bearing of the direction.
            double bearing = dir.Bearing.Radians;

            // Get the length of the sideshot arm.
            double length = len.GetDistance(from).Meters;

            // Calculate the resultant position. Note that the length is the length along the
            // bearing -- if an offset was specified, the actual length of the line from-to =
            // sqrt(offset*offset + length*length)
            IPosition to = Geom.Polar(start, bearing, length);

            // Return if the length is an offset point. In that case, the length we have obtained
            // is already a length on the mapping plane, so no further reduction should be done
            // (although it's debateable).
            if (len is OffsetPoint)

            // Using the position we've just got, reduce the length we used to a length on the
            // mapping plane (it's actually a length on the ground).
            ISpatialSystem sys  = CadastralMapModel.Current.SpatialSystem;
            double         sfac = sys.GetLineScaleFactor(start, to);

            return(Geom.Polar(start, bearing, length * sfac));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Intersects this direction with a specific entity type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ent">The entity type to look for.</param>
        /// <param name="maxdist">Observation defining the maximum distance between the
        /// direction's from-point & the intersection. This can either be a <c>Distance</c>
        /// or an <c>OffsetPoint</c> object.</param>
        /// <param name="xsect">The position of the intersection (if any). Null if no intersection found.</param>
        /// <returns>True if an intersection was found.</returns>
        bool Intersect(IEntity ent, Observation maxdist, out IPosition xsect)
            // Initialize the intersection.
            xsect = null;

            //	Get the max distance. It has to be defined to be SOMETHING.
            double dist = maxdist.GetDistance(this.From).Meters;

            if (Math.Abs(dist) < Constants.TINY)

            //	Define the position of the direction line.
            IPosition from = this.StartPosition;
            IPosition to   = Geom.Polar(from, this.Bearing.Radians, dist);

            throw new NotImplementedException("Direction.Intersect");

             * //	Construct a corresponding line segment.
             * CeLocation start(vfrom);
             * CeLocation end(vto);
             * CeSegment seg(start,end);
             * //	Intersect the segment with the map (all features on
             * //	the currently active theme).
             * CeLayerList curlayer;
             * CeXObject xseg(seg,&curlayer);
             * //	Get the first intersection (if any) with the specified
             * //	entity type.
             * UINT4 nprim = xseg.GetCount();	// How many primitives did we intersect?
             * FLOAT8 bestdsq = 10e+38;		// Closest distance (squared) so far.
             * FLOAT8 tdistsq;					// Test distance (squared).
             * LOGICAL gotone=FALSE;
             * for ( UINT4 i=0; i<nprim; i++ ) {
             * //		Get the next thing we intersected.
             *  const CeXResult& xres = xseg[i];
             *  const CeLine* const pLine =
             *          dynamic_cast<const CeLine* const>(xres.GetpObject());
             * //		Skip if it wasn't a line.
             *  if ( !pLine ) continue;
             * //		Find the attached arc that has the current theme. Has
             * //		to be topological(?)
             *  const CeArc* const pArc = pLine->GetpArc(curlayer);
             * //		Skip if it doesn't have the desired entity type.
             *  if ( pArc && pArc->GetpEntity()!=&ent ) continue;
             * //		Determine the intersection on the primitive that is
             * //		closest to the start of the direction (ignoring any
             * //		intersections that are right at the start of the
             * //		direction line).
             *  gotone = TRUE;
             *  UINT4 nx = xres.GetCount();
             *  CeVertex vtest;
             *  for ( UINT4 j=0; j<nx; j++ ) {
             *          vtest = xres.GetX1(j);
             *          tdistsq = vfrom.DistanceSquared(vtest);
             *          if ( tdistsq<bestdsq && tdistsq>TINY ) {
             *                  xsect = vtest;
             *                  bestdsq = tdistsq;
             *          }
             * //			Check any grazing intersection too.
             *          if ( xres.IsGrazing() ) {
             *                  vtest = xres.GetX2(j);
             *                  tdistsq = vfrom.DistanceSquared(vtest);
             *                  if ( tdistsq<bestdsq && tdistsq>TINY ) {
             *                          xsect = vtest;
             *                          bestdsq = tdistsq;
             *                  }
             *          }
             *  } // next intersection
             * } // next intersected primitive
             * return gotone;
             * } // end of Intersect
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates intersection points.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dist1">1st distance observation.</param>
        /// <param name="from1">The point the 1st distance was observed from.</param>
        /// <param name="dist2">2nd distance observation.</param>
        /// <param name="from2">The point the 2nd distance was observed from.</param>
        /// <param name="usedefault">True if the default intersection is required (the one that has the
        /// lowest bearing with respect to the 2 from points). False for the other one (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="xsect">The position of the intersection (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="xsect1">The 1st choice intersection (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="xsect2">The 2nd choice intersection (if any).</param>
        /// <returns>True if intersections were calculated. False if the distance circles
        /// don't intersect.</returns>
        internal static bool Calculate(Observation dist1, PointFeature from1, Observation dist2, PointFeature from2, bool usedefault,
                                       out IPosition xsect, out IPosition xsect1, out IPosition xsect2)
            // Initialize intersection positions.
            xsect = xsect1 = xsect2 = null;

            // Get the 2 distances.
            double d1 = dist1.GetDistance(from1).Meters;
            double d2 = dist2.GetDistance(from2).Meters;

            if (d1 < Constants.TINY || d2 < Constants.TINY)

            // Form circles with radii that match the observed distances.
            ICircleGeometry circle1 = new CircleGeometry(from1, d1);
            ICircleGeometry circle2 = new CircleGeometry(from2, d2);

            // See if there is actually an intersection between the two circles.
            IPosition x1, x2;
            uint      nx = IntersectionHelper.Intersect(circle1, circle2, out x1, out x2);

            if (nx == 0)

            // If we have 2 intersections, and we need the non-default one, pick up the 2nd
            // intersection. If only 1 intersection, use that, regardless of the setting for
            // the "use default" flag.

            if (nx == 2 && !usedefault)
                xsect = x2;
                xsect = x1;

            // Return if both distances are offset points.
            OffsetPoint offset1 = (dist1 as OffsetPoint);
            OffsetPoint offset2 = (dist2 as OffsetPoint);

            if (offset1 != null && offset2 != null)
                xsect1 = x1;
                xsect2 = x2;

            // Reduce observed distances to the mapping plane.
            ISpatialSystem sys = CadastralMapModel.Current.SpatialSystem;

            if (offset1 == null)
                d1 = d1 * sys.GetLineScaleFactor(from1, xsect);

            if (offset2 == null)
                d2 = d2 * sys.GetLineScaleFactor(from2, xsect);

            // And calculate the exact intersection (like above)...
            // Form circles with radii that match the observed distances.
            ICircleGeometry circle1p = new CircleGeometry(from1, d1);
            ICircleGeometry circle2p = new CircleGeometry(from2, d2);

            // See if there is still an intersection between the two circles.
            nx = IntersectionHelper.Intersect(circle1p, circle2p, out x1, out x2);
            if (nx == 0)

            // If we have 2 intersections, and we need the non-default one, pick up the 2nd
            // intersection. If only 1 intersection, use that, regardless of the setting for
            // the "use default" flag.

            if (nx == 2 && !usedefault)
                xsect = x2;
                xsect = x1;

            xsect1 = x1;
            xsect2 = x2;

        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the position of the sideshot point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dir">The direction observation (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="len">The length observation (if any). Could be a <c>Distance</c> or an
        /// <c>OffsetPoint</c>.</param>
        /// <returns>The position of the sideshot point (null if there is insufficient data
        /// to calculate a position)</returns>
        internal static IPosition Calculate(Direction dir, Observation len)
            // Return if there is insufficient data.
            if (dir == null || len == null)
                return null;

            // Get the position of the point the sideshot should radiate from.
            PointFeature from = dir.From;

            // Get the position of the start of the direction line (which may be offset).
            IPosition start = dir.StartPosition;

            // Get the bearing of the direction.
            double bearing = dir.Bearing.Radians;

            // Get the length of the sideshot arm.
            double length = len.GetDistance(from).Meters;

            // Calculate the resultant position. Note that the length is the length along the
            // bearing -- if an offset was specified, the actual length of the line from-to =
            // sqrt(offset*offset + length*length)
            IPosition to = Geom.Polar(start, bearing, length);

            // Return if the length is an offset point. In that case, the length we have obtained
            // is already a length on the mapping plane, so no further reduction should be done
            // (although it's debateable).
            if (len is OffsetPoint)
                return to;

            // Using the position we've just got, reduce the length we used to a length on the
            // mapping plane (it's actually a length on the ground).
            ISpatialSystem sys = CadastralMapModel.Current.SpatialSystem;
            double sfac = sys.GetLineScaleFactor(start, to);
            return Geom.Polar(start, bearing, length * sfac);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Intersects this direction with a specific entity type. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ent">The entity type to look for.</param>
        /// <param name="maxdist">Observation defining the maximum distance between the
        /// direction's from-point & the intersection. This can either be a <c>Distance</c>
        /// or an <c>OffsetPoint</c> object.</param>
        /// <param name="xsect">The position of the intersection (if any). Null if no intersection found.</param>
        /// <returns>True if an intersection was found.</returns>
        bool Intersect(IEntity ent, Observation maxdist, out IPosition xsect)
            // Initialize the intersection.
            xsect = null;

            //	Get the max distance. It has to be defined to be SOMETHING.
            double dist = maxdist.GetDistance(this.From).Meters;
            if (Math.Abs(dist) < Constants.TINY)
                return false;

            //	Define the position of the direction line.
            IPosition from = this.StartPosition;
            IPosition to = Geom.Polar(from, this.Bearing.Radians, dist);

            throw new NotImplementedException("Direction.Intersect");

            //	Construct a corresponding line segment.
            CeLocation start(vfrom);
            CeLocation end(vto);
            CeSegment seg(start,end);

            //	Intersect the segment with the map (all features on
            //	the currently active theme).
            CeLayerList curlayer;
            CeXObject xseg(seg,&curlayer);

            //	Get the first intersection (if any) with the specified
            //	entity type.

            UINT4 nprim = xseg.GetCount();	// How many primitives did we intersect?
            FLOAT8 bestdsq = 10e+38;		// Closest distance (squared) so far.
            FLOAT8 tdistsq;					// Test distance (squared).
            LOGICAL gotone=FALSE;

            for ( UINT4 i=0; i<nprim; i++ ) {

            //		Get the next thing we intersected.
            const CeXResult& xres = xseg[i];
            const CeLine* const pLine =
            dynamic_cast<const CeLine* const>(xres.GetpObject());

            //		Skip if it wasn't a line.
            if ( !pLine ) continue;

            //		Find the attached arc that has the current theme. Has
            //		to be topological(?)
            const CeArc* const pArc = pLine->GetpArc(curlayer);

            //		Skip if it doesn't have the desired entity type.
            if ( pArc && pArc->GetpEntity()!=&ent ) continue;

            //		Determine the intersection on the primitive that is
            //		closest to the start of the direction (ignoring any
            //		intersections that are right at the start of the
            //		direction line).

            gotone = TRUE;
            UINT4 nx = xres.GetCount();
            CeVertex vtest;

            for ( UINT4 j=0; j<nx; j++ ) {

            vtest = xres.GetX1(j);
            tdistsq = vfrom.DistanceSquared(vtest);
            if ( tdistsq<bestdsq && tdistsq>TINY ) {
                xsect = vtest;
                bestdsq = tdistsq;

            //			Check any grazing intersection too.
            if ( xres.IsGrazing() ) {
                vtest = xres.GetX2(j);
                tdistsq = vfrom.DistanceSquared(vtest);
                if ( tdistsq<bestdsq && tdistsq>TINY ) {
                    xsect = vtest;
                    bestdsq = tdistsq;

            } // next intersection

            } // next intersected primitive

            return gotone;

            } // end of Intersect
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the intersection point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dir">Direction observation.</param>
        /// <param name="distance">Distance observation.</param>
        /// <param name="from">The point the distance was observed from.</param>
        /// <param name="usedefault">True if the default intersection is required (the one 
        /// closer to the origin of the direction line). False for the other one (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="xsect">The position of the intersection (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="xsect1">The 1st choice intersection (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="xsect2">The 2nd choice intersection (if any).</param>
        /// <returns>True if intersections were calculated. False if the distance circles
        /// don't intersect.</returns>
        internal static bool Calculate(Direction dir, Observation distance, PointFeature from, bool usedefault,
            out IPosition xsect, out IPosition xsect1, out IPosition xsect2)
            // Initialize intersection positions.
            xsect = xsect1 = xsect2 = null;

            // Get the distance.
            double dist = distance.GetDistance(from).Meters;
            if (dist < Constants.TINY)
                return false;

            // Form circle with a radius that matches the observed distance.
            ICircleGeometry circle = new CircleGeometry(from, dist);

            // See if there is actually an intersection between the direction & the circle.
            IPosition x1, x2;
            uint nx = dir.Intersect(circle, out x1, out x2);
            if (nx==0)
                return false;

            // If we have 2 intersections, and we need the non-default one, pick up the 2nd
            // intersection. If only 1 intersection, use that, regardless of the setting for
            // the "use default" flag.

            if (nx==2 && !usedefault)
                xsect = x2;
                xsect = x1;

            // Return if the distance is an offset point.
            OffsetPoint offset = (distance as OffsetPoint);

            if (offset!=null)
                xsect1 = x1;
                xsect2 = x2;
                return true;

            // Reduce observed distance to the mapping plane.
            ISpatialSystem sys = CadastralMapModel.Current.SpatialSystem;
            dist = dist * sys.GetLineScaleFactor(from, xsect);

            // And calculate the exact intersection (like above)...
            // Form circle with a radius that matches the reduced distance.
            ICircleGeometry circlep = new CircleGeometry(from, dist);

            // See if there is actually an intersection between the direction & the circle.
            nx = dir.Intersect(circlep, out x1, out x2);
            if (nx==0)
                return false;

            // If we have 2 intersections, and we need the non-default one, pick up the 2nd
            // intersection. If only 1 intersection, use that, regardless of the setting for
            // the "use default" flag.

            if (nx==2 && !usedefault)
                xsect = x2;
                xsect = x1;

            xsect1 = x1;
            xsect2 = x2;

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates intersection points.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dist1">1st distance observation.</param>
        /// <param name="from1">The point the 1st distance was observed from.</param>
        /// <param name="dist2">2nd distance observation.</param>
        /// <param name="from2">The point the 2nd distance was observed from.</param>
        /// <param name="usedefault">True if the default intersection is required (the one that has the
        /// lowest bearing with respect to the 2 from points). False for the other one (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="xsect">The position of the intersection (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="xsect1">The 1st choice intersection (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="xsect2">The 2nd choice intersection (if any).</param>
        /// <returns>True if intersections were calculated. False if the distance circles
        /// don't intersect.</returns>
        internal static bool Calculate(Observation dist1, PointFeature from1, Observation dist2, PointFeature from2, bool usedefault,
            out IPosition xsect, out IPosition xsect1, out IPosition xsect2)
            // Initialize intersection positions.
            xsect = xsect1 = xsect2 = null;

            // Get the 2 distances.
            double d1 = dist1.GetDistance(from1).Meters;
            double d2 = dist2.GetDistance(from2).Meters;
            if (d1 < Constants.TINY || d2 < Constants.TINY)
                return false;

            // Form circles with radii that match the observed distances.
            ICircleGeometry circle1 = new CircleGeometry(from1, d1);
            ICircleGeometry circle2 = new CircleGeometry(from2, d2);

            // See if there is actually an intersection between the two circles.
            IPosition x1, x2;
            uint nx = IntersectionHelper.Intersect(circle1, circle2, out x1, out x2);
            if (nx==0)
                return false;

            // If we have 2 intersections, and we need the non-default one, pick up the 2nd
            // intersection. If only 1 intersection, use that, regardless of the setting for
            // the "use default" flag.

            if (nx==2 && !usedefault)
                xsect = x2;
                xsect = x1;

            // Return if both distances are offset points.
            OffsetPoint offset1 = (dist1 as OffsetPoint);
            OffsetPoint offset2 = (dist2 as OffsetPoint);

            if (offset1!=null && offset2!=null)
                xsect1 = x1;
                xsect2 = x2;
                return true;

            // Reduce observed distances to the mapping plane.
            ISpatialSystem sys = CadastralMapModel.Current.SpatialSystem;

            if (offset1==null)
                d1 = d1 * sys.GetLineScaleFactor(from1, xsect);

            if (offset2==null)
                d2 = d2 * sys.GetLineScaleFactor(from2, xsect);

            // And calculate the exact intersection (like above)...
            // Form circles with radii that match the observed distances.
            ICircleGeometry circle1p = new CircleGeometry(from1, d1);
            ICircleGeometry circle2p = new CircleGeometry(from2, d2);

            // See if there is still an intersection between the two circles.
            nx = IntersectionHelper.Intersect(circle1p, circle2p, out x1, out x2);
            if (nx==0)
                return false;

            // If we have 2 intersections, and we need the non-default one, pick up the 2nd
            // intersection. If only 1 intersection, use that, regardless of the setting for
            // the "use default" flag.

            if (nx==2 && !usedefault)
                xsect = x2;
                xsect = x1;

            xsect1 = x1;
            xsect2 = x2;

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the intersection point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dir">Direction observation.</param>
        /// <param name="distance">Distance observation.</param>
        /// <param name="from">The point the distance was observed from.</param>
        /// <param name="usedefault">True if the default intersection is required (the one
        /// closer to the origin of the direction line). False for the other one (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="xsect">The position of the intersection (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="xsect1">The 1st choice intersection (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="xsect2">The 2nd choice intersection (if any).</param>
        /// <returns>True if intersections were calculated. False if the distance circles
        /// don't intersect.</returns>
        internal static bool Calculate(Direction dir, Observation distance, PointFeature from, bool usedefault,
                                       out IPosition xsect, out IPosition xsect1, out IPosition xsect2)
            // Initialize intersection positions.
            xsect = xsect1 = xsect2 = null;

            // Get the distance.
            double dist = distance.GetDistance(from).Meters;

            if (dist < Constants.TINY)

            // Form circle with a radius that matches the observed distance.
            ICircleGeometry circle = new CircleGeometry(from, dist);

            // See if there is actually an intersection between the direction & the circle.
            IPosition x1, x2;
            uint      nx = dir.Intersect(circle, out x1, out x2);

            if (nx == 0)

            // If we have 2 intersections, and we need the non-default one, pick up the 2nd
            // intersection. If only 1 intersection, use that, regardless of the setting for
            // the "use default" flag.

            if (nx == 2 && !usedefault)
                xsect = x2;
                xsect = x1;

            // Return if the distance is an offset point.
            OffsetPoint offset = (distance as OffsetPoint);

            if (offset != null)
                xsect1 = x1;
                xsect2 = x2;

            // Reduce observed distance to the mapping plane.
            ISpatialSystem sys = CadastralMapModel.Current.SpatialSystem;

            dist = dist * sys.GetLineScaleFactor(from, xsect);

            // And calculate the exact intersection (like above)...
            // Form circle with a radius that matches the reduced distance.
            ICircleGeometry circlep = new CircleGeometry(from, dist);

            // See if there is actually an intersection between the direction & the circle.
            nx = dir.Intersect(circlep, out x1, out x2);
            if (nx == 0)

            // If we have 2 intersections, and we need the non-default one, pick up the 2nd
            // intersection. If only 1 intersection, use that, regardless of the setting for
            // the "use default" flag.

            if (nx == 2 && !usedefault)
                xsect = x2;
                xsect = x1;

            xsect1 = x1;
            xsect2 = x2;
