Example #1
        public void Clamp()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"Clamp START");
            double d             = 1.0;
            var    testingTarget = NumericExtensions.Clamp(d, 0, 10);

            Assert.AreEqual(d, testingTarget, "Should be equal.");

            float f = 1.0f;
            var   testingTarget2 = NumericExtensions.Clamp(f, 0, 10);

            Assert.AreEqual(f, testingTarget2, "Should be equal.");

            int i = 1;
            var testingTarget3 = NumericExtensions.Clamp(i, 0, 10);

            Assert.AreEqual(i, testingTarget3, "Should be equal.");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"Clamp END");
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Arranges and sizes the
        /// <see cref="T:System.Windows.Controls.WrapPanel" /> control and its
        /// child elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="finalSize">
        /// The area within the parent that the
        /// <see cref="T:System.Windows.Controls.WrapPanel" /> should use
        /// arrange itself and its children.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The actual size used by the
        /// <see cref="T:System.Windows.Controls.WrapPanel" />.
        /// </returns>
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
            // Variables tracking the size of the current line, and the maximum
            // size available to fill.  Note that the line might represent a row
            // or a column depending on the orientation.
            Orientation  o           = Orientation;
            OrientedSize lineSize    = new OrientedSize(o);
            OrientedSize maximumSize = new OrientedSize(o, finalSize.Width, finalSize.Height);

            // Determine the constraints for individual items
            double itemWidth      = ItemWidth;
            double itemHeight     = ItemHeight;
            bool   hasFixedWidth  = !double.IsNaN(itemWidth);
            bool   hasFixedHeight = !double.IsNaN(itemHeight);
            double indirectOffset = 0;
            double?directDelta    = (o == Orientation.Horizontal) ?
                                    (hasFixedWidth ? (double?)itemWidth : null) :
                                    (hasFixedHeight ? (double?)itemHeight : null);

            // Measure each of the Children.  We will process the elements one
            // line at a time, just like during measure, but we will wait until
            // we've completed an entire line of elements before arranging them.
            // The lineStart and lineEnd variables track the size of the
            // currently arranged line.
            UIElementCollection children = Children;
            int count     = children.Count;
            int lineStart = 0;

            for (int lineEnd = 0; lineEnd < count; lineEnd++)
                UIElement element = children[lineEnd];

                // Get the size of the element
                OrientedSize elementSize = new OrientedSize(
                    hasFixedWidth ? itemWidth : element.DesiredSize.Width,
                    hasFixedHeight ? itemHeight : element.DesiredSize.Height);

                // If this element falls of the edge of the line
                if (NumericExtensions.IsGreaterThan(lineSize.Direct + elementSize.Direct, maximumSize.Direct))
                    // Then we just completed a line and we should arrange it
                    ArrangeLine(lineStart, lineEnd, directDelta, indirectOffset, lineSize.Indirect);

                    // Move the current element to a new line
                    indirectOffset += lineSize.Indirect;
                    lineSize        = elementSize;

                    // If the current element is larger than the maximum size
                    if (NumericExtensions.IsGreaterThan(elementSize.Direct, maximumSize.Direct))
                        // Arrange the element as a single line
                        ArrangeLine(lineEnd, ++lineEnd, directDelta, indirectOffset, elementSize.Indirect);

                        // Move to a new line
                        indirectOffset += lineSize.Indirect;
                        lineSize        = new OrientedSize(o);

                    // Advance the start index to a new line after arranging
                    lineStart = lineEnd;
                    // Otherwise just add the element to the end of the line
                    lineSize.Direct  += elementSize.Direct;
                    lineSize.Indirect = Math.Max(lineSize.Indirect, elementSize.Indirect);

            // Arrange any elements on the last line
            if (lineStart < count)
                ArrangeLine(lineStart, count, directDelta, indirectOffset, lineSize.Indirect);

Example #3
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
            // Variables tracking the size of the current line, the total size
            // measured so far, and the maximum size available to fill.  Note
            // that the line might represent a row or a column depending on the
            // orientation.
            Orientation  o           = Orientation;
            OrientedSize lineSize    = new OrientedSize(o);
            OrientedSize totalSize   = new OrientedSize(o);
            OrientedSize maximumSize = new OrientedSize(o, constraint.Width, constraint.Height);

            // Determine the constraints for individual items
            double itemWidth      = ItemWidth;
            double itemHeight     = ItemHeight;
            bool   hasFixedWidth  = !double.IsNaN(itemWidth);
            bool   hasFixedHeight = !double.IsNaN(itemHeight);
            Size   itemSize       = new Size(
                hasFixedWidth ? itemWidth : constraint.Width,
                hasFixedHeight ? itemHeight : constraint.Height);

            // Measure each of the Children
            foreach (UIElement element in Children)
                // Determine the size of the element
                OrientedSize elementSize = new OrientedSize(
                    hasFixedWidth ? itemWidth : element.DesiredSize.Width,
                    hasFixedHeight ? itemHeight : element.DesiredSize.Height);

                // If this element falls of the edge of the line
                if (NumericExtensions.IsGreaterThan(lineSize.Direct + elementSize.Direct, maximumSize.Direct))
                    // Update the total size with the direct and indirect growth
                    // for the current line
                    totalSize.Direct    = Math.Max(lineSize.Direct, totalSize.Direct);
                    totalSize.Indirect += lineSize.Indirect;

                    // Move the element to a new line
                    lineSize = elementSize;

                    // If the current element is larger than the maximum size,
                    // place it on a line by itself
                    if (NumericExtensions.IsGreaterThan(elementSize.Direct, maximumSize.Direct))
                        // Update the total size for the line occupied by this
                        // single element
                        totalSize.Direct    = Math.Max(elementSize.Direct, totalSize.Direct);
                        totalSize.Indirect += elementSize.Indirect;

                        // Move to a new line
                        lineSize = new OrientedSize(o);
                    // Otherwise just add the element to the end of the line
                    lineSize.Direct  += elementSize.Direct;
                    lineSize.Indirect = Math.Max(lineSize.Indirect, elementSize.Indirect);

            // Update the total size with the elements on the last line
            totalSize.Direct    = Math.Max(lineSize.Direct, totalSize.Direct);
            totalSize.Indirect += lineSize.Indirect;

            // Return the total size required as an un-oriented quantity
            return(new Size(totalSize.Width, totalSize.Height));
        public void ToEnglishWords_WithNullModel_ReturnsNull(double source, string expected)
            var result = NumericExtensions.ToEnglishWords(source);

            result.Should().Match(x => x.Equals(expected, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
 public override string ToString()
     return($"AT*LED={SequenceNumber},{(int) ledAnimation},{NumericExtensions.Normalize(frequency)},{duration}\r");
Example #6
        public void WriteMultiTraceRegular()
            int id = 0, traceNumber = 0, traceCount = 0;

            // Find an existing time series that has at least one trace and where the
            // time series type is not irregular
            String comm = "SELECT TOP(1) x.Id FROM " + _traceTableName + " t\n"
                          + "JOIN " + _paramTableName + " x ON t.TimeSeries_Id=x.Id\n"
                          + "WHERE x.TimeSeriesType != 0";

            using (var queryCommand = new SqlCommand(comm, _connx)
                CommandTimeout = 0
                using (var reader = queryCommand.ExecuteReader())
                    // Loop through every record in the result set
                    while (reader.Read())
                        // Populate an array of Objects with the query results for this record
                        Object[] valueArray = new Object[1];
                        id = (int)valueArray[0];
            // Get the highest existing trace number of the existing time series
            comm = "SELECT TOP(1) t.[TraceNumber] FROM " + _traceTableName + " t\n"
                   + "where t.[TimeSeries_Id]=" + id + "\norder by t.[TraceNumber] desc";
            using (var queryCommand = new SqlCommand(comm, _connx)
                CommandTimeout = 0
                using (var reader = queryCommand.ExecuteReader())
                    // Loop through every record in the result set
                    while (reader.Read())
                        // Populate an array of Objects with the query results for this record
                        Object[] valueArray = new Object[1];
                        traceNumber = (int)valueArray[0];
            // Get the highest existing trace number of the existing time series
            comm = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + _traceTableName + " t\n"
                   + "where t.[TimeSeries_Id]=" + id;
            using (var queryCommand = new SqlCommand(comm, _connx)
                CommandTimeout = 0
                using (var reader = queryCommand.ExecuteReader())
                    // Loop through every record in the result set
                    while (reader.Read())
                        // Populate an array of Objects with the query results for this record
                        Object[] valueArray = new Object[1];
                        traceCount = (int)valueArray[0];
            // Read the values of the existing trace that has the highest trace number
            int ArrayDim = 5000;
            var valArray = new Double[ArrayDim];
            int nVals    = _lib.ReadValuesRegular(_connxNumber,
                                                  GetSbyte(_paramTableName), GetSbyte(_traceTableName),
                                                  id, traceNumber, ArrayDim, valArray, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue);
            var newValArray = valArray.Take(nVals).ToArray();

            // Create temporary tables that will absorb all data changes.  We do this because
            // the tested methods use SqlBulkCopy, which is not subject to TransactionScope.

            // The method being tested--we add another trace that is identical to the one we just
            // read, but give it a new trace number.
            _lib.WriteTraceRegular(_connxNumber, GetSbyte(_TestParamTableName), GetSbyte(_TestTraceTableName),
                                   id, traceNumber + 1, newValArray);
            _lib.CommitTraceWrites(_connxNumber, GetSbyte(_TestParamTableName), GetSbyte(_TestTraceTableName));

            // Now verify that the new trace is written to the DB,
            // and that the checksum of the time series includes all traces including the new one
            comm = "SELECT c.[Checksum], c.[TimeStepUnit], c.[TimeStepQuantity], "
                   + "c.[StartDate],\n    t.[TraceNumber], t.[Checksum]\n"
                   + "FROM [" + _TestParamTableName + "] c\n"
                   + "LEFT JOIN [" + _TestTraceTableName + "] t ON c.[Id]=t.[TimeSeries_Id]\n"
                   + "WHERE c.[Id]=" + id;

            using (var queryCommand = new SqlCommand(comm, _connx)
                CommandTimeout = 0
                using (var reader = queryCommand.ExecuteReader())
                    Boolean  initialized      = false;
                    var      traceList        = new List <ITimeSeriesTrace>();
                    Byte[]   checksum         = new Byte[0];
                    var      timeStepUnit     = TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Day;
                    short    timeStepQuantity = 1;
                    DateTime startDate        = DateTime.MinValue;
                    // Loop through every record in the result set
                    while (reader.Read())
                        // Populate an array of Objects with the query results for this record
                        Object[] valueArray = new Object[6];
                        if (!initialized)
                            checksum         = (Byte[])valueArray[0];
                            timeStepUnit     = (TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode)(int) valueArray[1];
                            timeStepQuantity = (short)(int)valueArray[2];
                            startDate        = (DateTime)valueArray[3];
                            initialized      = true;
                        // Add to the collection a container object for this trace's properties
                        traceList.Add(new TSTrace
                            TraceNumber = (int)valueArray[4],
                            Checksum    = (Byte[])valueArray[5]
                    // Is the new trace in the DB?
                    Assert.IsTrue(traceList.Any(o => o.TraceNumber == traceNumber + 1));
                    // Is the actual number of traces incremented by one?
                    Assert.AreEqual(traceCount + 1, traceList.Count);
                    // Do an independent computation of the checksum
                    var correctChecksum = TSBlobCoder.ComputeChecksum(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                                                                      startDate, traceList);
                    // was the correct checksum stored in the DB?
                    Assert.IsTrue(NumericExtensions.ByteArraysAreEqual(correctChecksum, checksum));