protected bool CheckForColorDirectionalDestroy() { int sumH = matchCount[(int)TileMatchDirection.Left] + matchCount[(int)TileMatchDirection.Right]; int sumV = matchCount[(int)TileMatchDirection.Top] + matchCount[(int)TileMatchDirection.Bottom]; if (sumH == 3 && sumV < 2 && (matchCount[(int)TileMatchDirection.Left] == 2 || matchCount[(int)TileMatchDirection.Right] == 2)) { NormalTile tileLeft = (BoardPiece as Match3BoardPiece).Left.Tile as NormalTile; NormalTile tileRight = (BoardPiece as Match3BoardPiece).Right.Tile as NormalTile; if (movedByInput || ((tileLeft == null || !tileLeft.movedByInput) && (tileRight == null || !tileRight.movedByInput))) { movedByInput = true; StartCoroutine(SpawnDirectionalDestroy(typeof(ColumnDestroyTile))); return(true); } } if (sumV == 3 && sumH < 2 && (matchCount[(int)TileMatchDirection.Top] == 2 || matchCount[(int)TileMatchDirection.Bottom] == 2)) { NormalTile tileTop = (BoardPiece as Match3BoardPiece).Top.Tile as NormalTile; NormalTile tileBottom = (BoardPiece as Match3BoardPiece).Bottom.Tile as NormalTile; if (movedByInput || ((tileTop == null || !tileTop.movedByInput) && (tileBottom == null || !tileBottom.movedByInput))) { movedByInput = true; StartCoroutine(SpawnDirectionalDestroy(typeof(RowDestroyTile))); return(true); } } return(false); }
public override void RaiseEventTileSwitchAnimBegan(Match3Tile neighborTile) { base.RaiseEventTileSwitchAnimBegan(neighborTile); lastNeighborTile = neighborTile as NormalTile; movedByInput = true; }
public void Replicate() { int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, validReplicationList.Count); int randomIndexSpecial = Random.Range(0, validReplicationListSpecial.Count); Match3BoardPiece targetBoardPiece; if (validReplicationList.Count != 0) { targetBoardPiece = freezerNeighbors[validReplicationList[randomIndex]]; } else { targetBoardPiece = freezerNeighbors[validReplicationListSpecial[randomIndexSpecial]]; } NormalTile oldTile = targetBoardPiece.Tile as NormalTile; //Create new freezer tile Match3BoardRenderer.Instance.SpawnSpecificTileAt(targetBoardPiece.BoardPosition, typeof(FreezerTile), TileColorType.None, false); FreezerTile newFreezerTile = (targetBoardPiece.Tile as FreezerTile); //Raise CREATE event RaiseOnFreezerTileCreateEvent(newFreezerTile); newFreezerTile.StartCoroutine(newFreezerTile.PlayCreateAnimation()); if (oldTile != null) { oldTile.DisableTileLogic(); GameObject.Destroy(oldTile.gameObject); } Match3BoardGameLogic.Instance.IsBoardStable = false; Match3BoardGameLogic.Instance.TryCheckStableBoard(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f); NormalTile tile = GetComponent <NormalTile>(); tile.ApplyLateUpdatePunchEffect(Vector3.up - Vector3.right); }
/// <summary> /// Event raised by the <see cref="WinterchillEffect"/> spawned in the "SpawnEffect(float angle)" method when a tile /// entered the freeze trigger of the effect. /// </summary> /// <param name='tile'> /// Tile. /// </param> void OnTileEnteredFreezeTrigger(NormalTile tile) { //TODO: currently if a tile doesn't support the freeze effect it will not get destroyed. if (tile != this && tile.IsDestructible && tile.Freeze()) { //TODO: Make the tile not match any other tiles because it will be destroyed by this effect anyway. ??? tilesToDestroy.Add(tile); } }
//Called When Color bomb meets Bomb Tile (Alternative effect - temporary until we decide wich will remain) //TODO: Lots of redundancy between this coroutine and DestroyDirectionalTiles IEnumerator CombineWithBombDestroy() { if (OnBombColorBombCombine != null) { OnBombColorBombCombine(this); } //Update the tiles to destroy list Board.ApplyActionToAll((boardPiece) => { if (IsValidTarget(boardPiece.Tile, destroyColor)) { tilesToDestroy.Add(boardPiece.Tile as Match3Tile); } }); //tilesToDestroy.Remove(neighborTile); //Destroy(neighborTile.gameObject); StartCoroutine(ConvertTilesToBombTiles()); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(postConversionWaitTime)); for (int i = 0; i < tilesToDestroy.Count; i++) { tileIterator = tilesToDestroy[i] as NormalTile; // if ( IsGlacierShardTargetValid(tileIterator) ) { // if (prefabTilesDestroyEffect != null) { // Transform effectInstance = (Instantiate(prefabTilesDestroyEffect) as GameObject).transform; // effectInstance.position = WorldPosition; // effectInstance.parent = cachedTransform.parent; // // effectInstance.LookAt(tileIterator.cachedTransform); // // StartCoroutine(MoveTargetTo(effectInstance, tileIterator.cachedTransform, tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime)); //// HOTween.To(effectInstance, tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime, "localPosition", Board[i, j].LocalPosition); // // Destroy(effectInstance.gameObject, tilesDestroyEffect.lifeTime); // } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime)); // Repeat the tests for the targeted tile because things may have changed until the glacier shard reaches it. if (IsGlacierShardTargetValid(tileIterator)) { tileIterator.Destroy(); } // } } // Wait for an extra 0.5f seconds for extra safety. yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); base.TileDestroy(false); Match3BoardGameLogic.Instance.TryCheckStableBoard(); }
/// <summary> /// Event raised by the <see cref="TileBombDestroyEffect"/> when a tile enters the destroy trigger of the effect. /// </summary> /// <param name='tile'> /// Tile. /// </param> void OnTileEnteredDestroyTrigger(NormalTile tile) { // Make sure we don't add to the destroy list this tile or the time bomb tile it may have spawned. if (tile != this && tile.IsDestructible && !(tile is TimeBombTile) && tile.Freeze()) { //TODO: Make the tile not match any other tiles because it will be destroyed by this effect anyway??? tilesToDestroy.Add(tile); } }
//Called When Color bomb meets directional tile //TODO: Lots of redundancy between this coroutine and DestroyDirectionalTiles IEnumerator DestroyDirectionalTiles() { if (OnColorBombDirectionalCombine != null) { OnColorBombDirectionalCombine(this); } //Update the tiles to destroy list Board.ApplyActionToAll((boardPiece) => { // if (boardPiece.Tile != null && boardPiece.Tile.IsDestructible && (boardPiece.Tile as Match3Tile).TileColor == destroyColor) if (IsValidTarget(boardPiece.Tile, destroyColor)) { boardPiece.Tile.IsUserMoveable = false; tilesToDestroy.Add(boardPiece.Tile as Match3Tile); } }); StartCoroutine(ConvertToDirectionalDestroyers()); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(postConversionWaitTime)); for (int i = 0; i < tilesToDestroy.Count; i++) { tileIterator = tilesToDestroy[i] as NormalTile; // Ice bolt effect. Removed because no longer needed------------------------------------------------------------------- // if ( IsGlacierShardTargetValid(tileIterator) ) { // if (prefabTilesDestroyEffect != null) { // Transform effectInstance = (Instantiate(prefabTilesDestroyEffect) as GameObject).transform; // effectInstance.position = WorldPosition; // effectInstance.parent = cachedTransform.parent; // // effectInstance.LookAt(tileIterator.cachedTransform); // // StartCoroutine(MoveTargetTo(effectInstance, tileIterator.cachedTransform, tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime)); //// HOTween.To(effectInstance, tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime, "localPosition", Board[i, j].LocalPosition); // // Destroy(effectInstance.gameObject, tilesDestroyEffect.lifeTime); // } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yield return(new WaitForSeconds(tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime)); // Repeat the tests for the targeted tile because things may have changed until the glacier shard reaches it. if (IsGlacierShardTargetValid(tileIterator)) { tileIterator.Destroy(); } // } } base.TileDestroy(false); Match3BoardGameLogic.Instance.TryCheckStableBoard(); }
public override void InitComponent () { base.InitComponent (); movedByInput = false; lastNeighborTile = null; if (prefabDestroyEffect) { destroyEffect = prefabDestroyEffect.GetComponent<DestroyEffect>(); } }
protected void PopulateTileList() { Match3BoardGameLogic.Instance.boardData.ApplyActionToAll((boardPiece) => { NormalTile tile = boardPiece.Tile as NormalTile; if (tile && tile.GetType() == typeof(NormalTile)) { tileList.Add(tile); } }); }
//Used to test the editor scripting public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); NormalTile tile = (NormalTile)target; if (GUILayout.Button("Get Planar Position")) { Debug.Log( + " : " + tile.GetPlanarPosition()); } }
void OnTileSelected(AbstractTile tile) { if (!tile.IsMoving && tile.IsDestructible && !tile.IsDestroying && tile.IsUserMoveable && !(tile as NormalTile).IsFrozen()) { Match3Tile.OnTileTap -= OnTileSelected; tileToDestroy = tile as NormalTile; effectPosition = tile.cachedTransform; ActuallyUsingItem(); DoItem(); } }
public void OnStartNormalTileDestroySndEvent(NormalTile tile, bool isSingleDestroyed) { if (!isSingleDestroyed) { sndTileMatch.PlayQueued(); } else { // Use another sound effect controller with different properties when multiple tiles will be destroyed one by one // to ensure that the next destroy sound won't stop the previous destroy sound (given the impression of a "machine-gun" sound play sequence). sndTileDestroy.PlayQueued(); } }
public override void InitComponent() { base.InitComponent(); movedByInput = false; lastNeighborTile = null; if (prefabDestroyEffect) { destroyEffect = prefabDestroyEffect.GetComponent <DestroyEffect>(); } }
public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider target) { if (target.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("BoardTile")) { NormalTile targetTile = target.GetComponent <NormalTile>(); if (targetTile) { // Mark that these tiles are going to be destroyed one by one (not gathered in a list and then destroyed in a bulk). targetTile.isSingleDestroyed = true; targetTile.Destroy(); RaiseOnTargetDestroyed(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether this tile instance is a valid target for colorBombInteraction /// </summary> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if this instance is valid target; otherwise, <c>false</c>. /// </returns> public bool IsValidTarget(AbstractTile tile, TileColorType destroyColor) { NormalTile target = tile as NormalTile; // if (target != null && // target.IsDestructible && // target.TileColor == destroyColor) // { // return true; // } // return false; // return(target != null && target.IsDestructible && target.TileColor == destroyColor && !target.IsDestroying && !(target is SnowTile) && !target.IsFrozen()); }
protected IEnumerator CombineWithColorBombDestroy(float perTileWaitTime = 0.075f) { if (wasFirstTapped) { if (OnColorBombColorBombCombine != null) { OnColorBombColorBombCombine(this); } // Init the delay after each glacier shard will be thrown towards a tile. for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < Board.NumColumns; colIdx++) { for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < Board.NumRows; rowIdx++) { tileIterator = Board[rowIdx, colIdx].Tile as NormalTile; if (IsGlacierShardTargetValid(tileIterator) && tileIterator != this && tileIterator != lastNeighborTile) { // Throw the next glacier shard at the next found tile after "totalDelay" seconds. StartCoroutine(StartGlacierDestroyForTile(tileIterator, (targetTile) => { if (IsGlacierShardTargetValid(targetTile) && targetTile != this && targetTile != lastNeighborTile) { targetTile.isSingleDestroyed = true; targetTile.IsMatched = true; targetTile.Destroy(); } })); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(perTileWaitTime)); } } } } // Wait for the last shard to hit the board, wait an extra 1 second for safety and then destroy this tile. yield return(new WaitForSeconds(tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime + 0.5f)); base.TileDestroy(false); Match3BoardGameLogic.Instance.TryCheckStableBoard(); }
// Use this for initialization IEnumerator Start() { NormalTile normalTile = GetComponent <NormalTile>(); // normalTile.tileModelTransform.localPosition += Vector3.up * normalTile.fallBouncePower; HOTween.To(normalTile.tileModelTransform, normalTile.fallBounceStiffness, new TweenParms() .Prop("localPosition", Vector3.up * normalTile.fallBouncePower) .Ease(EaseType.EaseOutSine) //, amplit, period) ); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(normalTile.fallBounceStiffness * 0.5f)); Tweener fallBounceAnimTweener = HOTween.To(normalTile.tileModelTransform, normalTile.fallBounceStiffness, new TweenParms() .Prop("localPosition", normalTile.tileModelLocalPos) .Ease(EaseType.EaseOutBounce)//, amplit, period) ); // yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); // fallBounceAnimTweener.Play(); // fallBounceAnimTweener.Kill(); }
/// <summary> /// Raises the trigger enter Unity event. /// </summary> /// <param name='other'> /// The collider that entered this trigger. /// </param> void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (!enabled) //|| other.gameObject.layer != Match3Globals.Instance.layerBoardTile { return; } tileComponent = other.GetComponent<NormalTile>(); if (OnTileEntered != null && tileComponent != null) { OnTileEntered(tileComponent); return; } boardPieceComponent = other.GetComponent<Match3BoardPiece>(); if (OnBoardPieceEntered != null && boardPieceComponent != null) { OnBoardPieceEntered(boardPieceComponent); } }
/// <summary> /// Raises the trigger enter Unity event. /// </summary> /// <param name='other'> /// The collider that entered this trigger. /// </param> void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (!enabled) //|| other.gameObject.layer != Match3Globals.Instance.layerBoardTile { return; } tileComponent = other.GetComponent <NormalTile>(); if (OnTileEntered != null && tileComponent != null) { OnTileEntered(tileComponent); return; } boardPieceComponent = other.GetComponent <Match3BoardPiece>(); if (OnBoardPieceEntered != null && boardPieceComponent != null) { OnBoardPieceEntered(boardPieceComponent); } }
/// <summary> /// Starts the glacier destroy for a targeted tile. Used by "CombineWithColorBombDestroy(...)" method. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The glacier destroy for tile. /// </returns> /// <param name='targetTile'> /// Target tile. /// </param> /// <param name='afterDelay'> /// After delay. /// </param> protected IEnumerator StartGlacierDestroyForTile(NormalTile targetTile, System.Action <NormalTile> OnFinished = null) { // yield return new WaitForSeconds(afterDelay); targetTile.IsUserMoveable = false; Transform effectInstance = (Instantiate(iceTrailEffect) as GameObject).transform; effectInstance.position = WorldPosition; effectInstance.parent = cachedTransform.parent; effectInstance.LookAt(targetTile.cachedTransform); StartCoroutine(MoveTargetTo(effectInstance, targetTile.cachedTransform, tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime)); GameObject.Destroy(effectInstance.gameObject, tilesDestroyEffect.lifeTime * 1.5f); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime)); if (OnFinished != null) { OnFinished(targetTile); } }
private void GenerateGridFromCSV(string filepath, string filename) { Tile[] obstacleTiles = { new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("tileset-481")), type = "ObstacleTile" }, new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("tileset-484")), type = "ObstacleTile" }, new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("tileset-487")), type = "ObstacleTile" }, new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("tileset-489")), type = "ObstacleTile" }, new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("tileset-554")), type = "ObstacleTile" } }; Tile[] normalTiles = { new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("tileset-105")), type = "NormalTile" }, // uncracked new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("tileset-81")), type = "NormalTile" }, new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("tileset-82")), type = "NormalTile" }, new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("tileset-83")), type = "NormalTile" }, new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("tileset-103")), type = "NormalTile" }, new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("tileset-104")), type = "NormalTile" }, new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("tileset-292")), type = "NormalTile" }, new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("tileset-293")), type = "NormalTile" }, new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("tileset-294")), type = "NormalTile" } }; Tile start = new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("StartTile")), type = "StartTile" }; Tile end = new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("EndTile")), type = "EndTile" }; Tile trap = new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("SpikeTile")), type = "TrapTile" }; Tile ice = new Tile() { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("IceTile")), type = "IceTile" }; string[,] GridCSV = CsvUtil.readData(filepath, filename); rows = GridCSV.GetLength(0); cols = GridCSV.GetLength(1); float centerOffsetX = -cols * tileSize / 2; // center float centerOffsetY = rows * tileSize / 2; for (int i = 0; i < GridCSV.GetLength(0); i++) { List <Tile> tileRow = new List <Tile>(); for (int j = 0; j < GridCSV.GetLength(1); j++) { GameObject tile; if (GridCSV[i, j] == "S") { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(start.tile, transform); StartTile startTile = new StartTile() { tile = tile, type = "StartTile" }; tileRow.Add(startTile); } else if (GridCSV[i, j] == "E") { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(end.tile, transform); EndTile endTile = new EndTile() { tile = tile, type = "EndTile" }; tileRow.Add(endTile); } else if (GridCSV[i, j] == "W") //W = wallobstacle { int randomChoice = (int)Random.Range(0, obstacleTiles.Length - 0.001f); tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(obstacleTiles[randomChoice].tile, transform); ObstacleTile obstacleTile = new ObstacleTile() { tile = tile, type = "ObstacleTile" }; tileRow.Add(obstacleTile); } else if (GridCSV[i, j] == "T") { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(trap.tile, transform); TrapTile trapTile = new TrapTile() { tile = tile, type = "TrapTile" }; tileRow.Add(trapTile); } else if (GridCSV[i, j] == "I") { tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(ice.tile, transform); IceTile iceTile = new IceTile() { tile = tile, type = "IceTile" }; tileRow.Add(iceTile); } else { int randomChoice = (int)Random.Range(0, normalTiles.Length - 0.001f); tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(normalTiles[randomChoice].tile, transform); NormalTile normalTile = new NormalTile() { tile = tile, type = "NormalTile" }; tileRow.Add(normalTile); } float posX = j * tileSize + centerOffsetX; float posY = i * -tileSize + centerOffsetY; if (GridCSV[i, j] == "S") { StartPos = new Vector2(posX, posY); } tile.transform.position = new Vector2(posX, posY); } Tiles.Add(tileRow); } foreach (Tile obstacleTile in obstacleTiles) { Destroy(obstacleTile.tile); } foreach (Tile normalTile in normalTiles) { Destroy(normalTile.tile); } Destroy(start.tile); Destroy(end.tile); Destroy(trap.tile); Destroy(ice.tile); //bool x = await Task.FromResult(false); }
/// <summary> /// Event raised by the <see cref="TileBombDestroyEffect"/> when a tile enters the destroy trigger of the effect. /// </summary> /// <param name='tile'> /// Tile. /// </param> void OnTileEnteredDestroyTrigger(NormalTile tile) { // Make sure we don't add to the destroy list this tile or the time bomb tile it may have spawned. if ( tile != this && tile.IsDestructible && !(tile is TimeBombTile) && tile.Freeze()) { //TODO: Make the tile not match any other tiles because it will be destroyed by this effect anyway??? tilesToDestroy.Add(tile); } }
protected bool IsGlacierShardTargetValid(NormalTile targetTile) { return targetTile != null && !(targetTile is SnowTile) && !(targetTile is FreezerTile) && !targetTile.IsFrozen() && targetTile.IsDestructible && !targetTile.IsDestroying; }
/// <summary> /// Starts the glacier destroy for a targeted tile. Used by "CombineWithColorBombDestroy(...)" method. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The glacier destroy for tile. /// </returns> /// <param name='targetTile'> /// Target tile. /// </param> /// <param name='afterDelay'> /// After delay. /// </param> protected IEnumerator StartGlacierDestroyForTile(NormalTile targetTile, System.Action<NormalTile> OnFinished = null) { // yield return new WaitForSeconds(afterDelay); targetTile.IsUserMoveable = false; Transform effectInstance = (Instantiate(iceTrailEffect) as GameObject).transform; effectInstance.position = WorldPosition; effectInstance.parent = cachedTransform.parent; effectInstance.LookAt(targetTile.cachedTransform); StartCoroutine(MoveTargetTo(effectInstance, targetTile.cachedTransform, tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime)); GameObject.Destroy(effectInstance.gameObject, tilesDestroyEffect.lifeTime * 1.5f); yield return new WaitForSeconds(tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime); if (OnFinished != null) { OnFinished(targetTile); } }
//Called When Color bomb meets Bomb Tile (Alternative effect - temporary until we decide wich will remain) //TODO: Lots of redundancy between this coroutine and DestroyDirectionalTiles IEnumerator CombineWithBombDestroy() { if (OnBombColorBombCombine != null) { OnBombColorBombCombine(this); } //Update the tiles to destroy list Board.ApplyActionToAll((boardPiece) => { if (IsValidTarget(boardPiece.Tile, destroyColor)) { tilesToDestroy.Add(boardPiece.Tile as Match3Tile); } }); //tilesToDestroy.Remove(neighborTile); //Destroy(neighborTile.gameObject); StartCoroutine(ConvertTilesToBombTiles()); yield return new WaitForSeconds(postConversionWaitTime); for(int i = 0; i < tilesToDestroy.Count; i++) { tileIterator = tilesToDestroy[i] as NormalTile; // if ( IsGlacierShardTargetValid(tileIterator) ) { // if (prefabTilesDestroyEffect != null) { // Transform effectInstance = (Instantiate(prefabTilesDestroyEffect) as GameObject).transform; // effectInstance.position = WorldPosition; // effectInstance.parent = cachedTransform.parent; // // effectInstance.LookAt(tileIterator.cachedTransform); // // StartCoroutine(MoveTargetTo(effectInstance, tileIterator.cachedTransform, tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime)); //// HOTween.To(effectInstance, tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime, "localPosition", Board[i, j].LocalPosition); // // Destroy(effectInstance.gameObject, tilesDestroyEffect.lifeTime); // } yield return new WaitForSeconds(tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime); // Repeat the tests for the targeted tile because things may have changed until the glacier shard reaches it. if ( IsGlacierShardTargetValid(tileIterator) ) { tileIterator.Destroy(); } // } } // Wait for an extra 0.5f seconds for extra safety. yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); base.TileDestroy(false); Match3BoardGameLogic.Instance.TryCheckStableBoard(); }
//Called When Color bomb meets directional tile //TODO: Lots of redundancy between this coroutine and DestroyDirectionalTiles IEnumerator DestroyDirectionalTiles() { if (OnColorBombDirectionalCombine != null) { OnColorBombDirectionalCombine(this); } //Update the tiles to destroy list Board.ApplyActionToAll((boardPiece) => { // if (boardPiece.Tile != null && boardPiece.Tile.IsDestructible && (boardPiece.Tile as Match3Tile).TileColor == destroyColor) if (IsValidTarget(boardPiece.Tile, destroyColor)) { boardPiece.Tile.IsUserMoveable = false; tilesToDestroy.Add(boardPiece.Tile as Match3Tile); } }); StartCoroutine(ConvertToDirectionalDestroyers()); yield return new WaitForSeconds(postConversionWaitTime); for(int i = 0; i < tilesToDestroy.Count; i++) { tileIterator = tilesToDestroy[i] as NormalTile; // Ice bolt effect. Removed because no longer needed------------------------------------------------------------------- // if ( IsGlacierShardTargetValid(tileIterator) ) { // if (prefabTilesDestroyEffect != null) { // Transform effectInstance = (Instantiate(prefabTilesDestroyEffect) as GameObject).transform; // effectInstance.position = WorldPosition; // effectInstance.parent = cachedTransform.parent; // // effectInstance.LookAt(tileIterator.cachedTransform); // // StartCoroutine(MoveTargetTo(effectInstance, tileIterator.cachedTransform, tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime)); //// HOTween.To(effectInstance, tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime, "localPosition", Board[i, j].LocalPosition); // // Destroy(effectInstance.gameObject, tilesDestroyEffect.lifeTime); // } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yield return new WaitForSeconds(tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime); // Repeat the tests for the targeted tile because things may have changed until the glacier shard reaches it. if ( IsGlacierShardTargetValid(tileIterator) ) { tileIterator.Destroy(); } // } } base.TileDestroy(false); Match3BoardGameLogic.Instance.TryCheckStableBoard(); }
protected bool IsGlacierShardTargetValid(NormalTile targetTile) { return(targetTile != null && !(targetTile is SnowTile) && !(targetTile is FreezerTile) && !targetTile.IsFrozen() && targetTile.IsDestructible && !targetTile.IsDestroying); }
public void OnStartTileImpactBounceSndEvent(NormalTile tile) { // Plays from 3 random audio clips setup on the sound effect sndTileDropImpact.PlayQueued(); }
protected IEnumerator CombineWithColorBombDestroy(float perTileWaitTime = 0.075f) { if (wasFirstTapped) { if (OnColorBombColorBombCombine != null) { OnColorBombColorBombCombine(this); } // Init the delay after each glacier shard will be thrown towards a tile. for(int colIdx = 0; colIdx < Board.NumColumns; colIdx++) { for(int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < Board.NumRows; rowIdx++) { tileIterator = Board[rowIdx, colIdx].Tile as NormalTile; if ( IsGlacierShardTargetValid(tileIterator) && tileIterator != this && tileIterator != lastNeighborTile) { // Throw the next glacier shard at the next found tile after "totalDelay" seconds. StartCoroutine(StartGlacierDestroyForTile(tileIterator, (targetTile) => { if ( IsGlacierShardTargetValid(targetTile) && targetTile != this && targetTile != lastNeighborTile ) { targetTile.isSingleDestroyed = true; targetTile.IsMatched = true; targetTile.Destroy(); } })); yield return new WaitForSeconds(perTileWaitTime); } } } } // Wait for the last shard to hit the board, wait an extra 1 second for safety and then destroy this tile. yield return new WaitForSeconds(tilesDestroyEffect.destroyTileTime + 0.5f); base.TileDestroy(false); Match3BoardGameLogic.Instance.TryCheckStableBoard(); }
public void OnStartNormalTileDestroySndEvent(NormalTile tile, bool isSingleDestroyed) { if ( !isSingleDestroyed ) { sndTileMatch.PlayQueued(); } else { // Use another sound effect controller with different properties when multiple tiles will be destroyed one by one // to ensure that the next destroy sound won't stop the previous destroy sound (given the impression of a "machine-gun" sound play sequence). sndTileDestroy.PlayQueued(); } }
/// <summary> /// Event raised by the <see cref="WinterchillEffect"/> spawned in the "SpawnEffect(float angle)" method when a tile /// entered the freeze trigger of the effect. /// </summary> /// <param name='tile'> /// Tile. /// </param> void OnTileEnteredFreezeTrigger(NormalTile tile) { //TODO: currently if a tile doesn't support the freeze effect it will not get destroyed. if ( tile != this && tile.IsDestructible && tile.Freeze() ) { //TODO: Make the tile not match any other tiles because it will be destroyed by this effect anyway. ??? tilesToDestroy.Add(tile); } }