Example #1
        public NodeState MakeChild(ref NodeState parentNode, int i)
            //FROM and TO city indices
            int cityCount = Cities.Length;
            int fromCity  = parentNode.GetLastCityInRouteIndex();
            int toCity    = i;

            //Make a child matrix from parent
            double[,] copyMatrix  = CopyMatrix(parentNode.GetMatrix(), cityCount);
            double[,] childMatrix = MakeChildMatrix(copyMatrix, fromCity, toCity);

            //Inherit and add to lower bound for the child
            double childLB = parentNode.GetLowerBound() + parentNode.GetMatrix()[toCity, fromCity];

            //Inherit and add to route for the child
            ArrayList childRoute = (ArrayList)parentNode.GetRoute().Clone();


            //Inherit the cities already visited by the parent and add the city the child is going to be in.
            List <bool> childCitiesVisited = CopyCitiesVisited(parentNode.GetCitiesVisited());

            childCitiesVisited[toCity] = true;

            return(new NodeState(childMatrix, childLB, childRoute, toCity, childCitiesVisited));
Example #2
        public NodeState PruneTheQueue(ref List <NodeState> queue, NodeState currentNodeState, ref int TotalNodeStatesPrunned)
            while (currentNodeState.GetLowerBound() >= bssf.costOfRoute() && queue.Count != 1)
                currentNodeState = DeletePriorityNode(ref queue);

Example #3
        public void GenerateChildren(ref List <NodeState> queue, ref int MaxNodeStateAmount, ref int BSSFupdates, ref int TotalNodeStates, ref int TotalNodeStatesPrunned, int startCity)
            int cityCount = Cities.Length;
            //Get the first node in the priority
            NodeState currentNodeState = DeletePriorityNode(ref queue);

            //If the currentNodeState should be prunned
            if (currentNodeState.GetLowerBound() >= bssf.costOfRoute())
                currentNodeState = PruneTheQueue(ref queue, currentNodeState, ref TotalNodeStatesPrunned);
            //Generate a child for each city the currentNodeState can go to.
            for (int i = 0; i < cityCount; i++)
                if (!currentNodeState.AlreadyVisited(i))
                    //Make a child
                    NodeState child = MakeChild(ref currentNodeState, i);
                    // Add to node states because a child was generated

                    //If LB is less BSSF then add to queue, TNS++
                    if (child.GetLowerBound() < bssf.costOfRoute())
                        //Before adding to the queue, see if you have a new BSSF
                        if (BetterBSSFExists(ref child, startCity))
                            bssf = new TSPSolution(child.GetRoute());
                            //add node to the queue
                            if (!child.HasVisitedAllCities())
                                AddNodeToPriorityQueue(ref queue, child);
                        //Prune. We don't need to even visit it.

            //Check the MaxNodeStates
            CheckQueueSize(ref MaxNodeStateAmount, queue.Count - 1);
Example #4
        public void SiftDown(ref List <NodeState> queue, NodeState last, int i, int queueSize)
            //put node last in position 1 of the queue and let it sift down.
            int min = SmallestChild(ref queue, i, queueSize);

            while ((min != 0) && (queue[min].GetLowerBound() < last.GetLowerBound()))
                queue[i] = queue[min];
                i        = min;
                min      = SmallestChild(ref queue, i, queueSize);

            if (queue[i] != last)
                queue[i] = last;

            //Remove last node in the heap because we must have one less