Example #1
            NodeAttr CreateNodeAttr(string id, bool isSelected)
                NodeTypeEntry nte = Model.GraphEditor.NodeTypes.Last();

                NodeAttr nodeAttr = new NodeAttr();

                nodeAttr.Id    = id;
                nodeAttr.Color = Styles.NODE_LINE_COLOR.ToMsAgl();

                if (Entity.Virtual)
                    nodeAttr.FillColor = Styles.NODE_BGCOLOR_VIRTUAL.ToMsAgl();
                else if (Entity.Abstract)
                    nodeAttr.FillColor = Styles.NODE_BGCOLOR_ABSTRACT.ToMsAgl();
                    nodeAttr.FillColor = Styles.NODE_BGCOLOR_NORMAL.ToMsAgl();

                if (isSelected)
                    nodeAttr.Color = Styles.SELECTED_NODE_LINE_COLOR.ToMsAgl();

                nodeAttr.Shape       = nte.Shape;
                nodeAttr.LabelMargin = 8;
                nodeAttr.LineWidth   = 4;

 public static NodeAttr Copy(this NodeAttr attr, NodeAttr newAttr)
     attr.Shape     = newAttr.Shape;
     attr.Color     = newAttr.Color;
     attr.FillColor = newAttr.FillColor;
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the attributes of the nodes in the graph
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="attribute">Attribute to be set on all nodes in the graph</param>
 public static void SetNodeAttribute(this Graph graph, NodeAttr attribute)
     foreach (var node in graph.Nodes)
         node.Attr = attribute.Clone();
 static void ApplyVertexStyle(NodeAttr attr, Type type)
     if (type.IsGenericType)
         Type openType = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
         if (openType == typeof(TypedChannelAdapter <>))
             attr.Shape     = Shape.Diamond;
             attr.Fillcolor = Microsoft.Glee.Drawing.Color.Blue;
         else if (openType == typeof(BroadcastChannel <>))
             attr.Shape     = Shape.Octagon;
             attr.Fillcolor = Microsoft.Glee.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
             attr.Fontcolor = Microsoft.Glee.Drawing.Color.Black;
         else if (openType == typeof(IntervalChannel <>) || openType == typeof(DistinctChannel <,>) ||
                  openType == typeof(ConvertChannel <,>) || openType == typeof(LastChannel <>))
             attr.Shape     = Shape.Ellipse;
             attr.Fillcolor = Microsoft.Glee.Drawing.Color.PowderBlue;
             attr.Fontcolor = Microsoft.Glee.Drawing.Color.Black;
         else if (openType == typeof(FilterChannel <>))
             attr.Shape     = Shape.Ellipse;
             attr.Fillcolor = Microsoft.Glee.Drawing.Color.YellowGreen;
             attr.Fontcolor = Microsoft.Glee.Drawing.Color.Black;
         else if (openType == typeof(ConsumerChannel <>) || openType == typeof(InstanceChannel <>))
             attr.Shape     = Shape.Ellipse;
             attr.Fillcolor = Microsoft.Glee.Drawing.Color.Green;
         else if (openType == typeof(InstanceChannelProvider <,>))
             attr.Shape     = Shape.Diamond;
             attr.Fillcolor = Microsoft.Glee.Drawing.Color.Purple;
         if (type == typeof(ChannelAdapter))
             attr.Fillcolor = Microsoft.Glee.Drawing.Color.Orange;
         else if (type == typeof(BroadcastChannel))
             attr.Shape     = Shape.Octagon;
             attr.Fillcolor = Microsoft.Glee.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
             attr.Fontcolor = Microsoft.Glee.Drawing.Color.Black;
        internal static void DrawEllipse(Canvas g, Brush pen, DNode dNode)
            var      node     = dNode.DrawingNode;
            NodeAttr nodeAttr = node.Attr;
            var      x        = (float)(node.GeometryNode.Center.X - node.Width / 2.0);
            var      y        = (float)(node.GeometryNode.Center.Y - node.Height / 2.0);
            var      width    = (float)node.Width;
            var      height   = (float)node.Height;

            DrawEllipseOnPosition(dNode, nodeAttr, g, x, y, width, height, pen);
        static void DrawEllipseOnPosition(DNode dNode, NodeAttr nodeAttr, Canvas g, float x, float y, float width,
                                          float height, Brush pen)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

             * if (NeedToFill(dNode.FillColor))
             *  g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(dNode.FillColor), x, y, width, height);
             * if (nodeAttr.Shape == Shape.Point)
             *  g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(pen.Color), x, y, width, height);
             * g.DrawEllipse(pen, x, y, width, height); //*/
Example #7
        protected void WriteFill(NodeAttr attr)
            var color = attr.FillColor;

            if (color.A == 0 && !attr.Styles.Contains(Style.Filled))
                writer.WriteAttribute("fill", "none");
                writer.WriteAttribute("fill", color);
                writer.WriteAttribute("fill-opacity", color);
Example #8
        private static void FillTheGraphicsPath(NodeAttr nodeAttr, float width, float height, ref float xRadius, ref float yRadius, GraphicsPath path)
            float w = (float)(width / 2);

            if (xRadius > w)
                xRadius = w;
            float h = (float)(height / 2);

            if (yRadius > h)
                yRadius = h;
            float x      = (float)nodeAttr.Pos.X;
            float y      = (float)nodeAttr.Pos.Y;
            float ox     = w - xRadius;
            float oy     = h - yRadius;
            float top    = y + h;
            float bottom = y - h;
            float left   = x - w;
            float right  = x + w;

            const float PI = 180;

            if (ox > 0)
                path.AddLine(x - ox, bottom, x + ox, bottom);
            path.AddArc(x + ox - xRadius, y - oy - yRadius, 2 * xRadius, 2 * yRadius, 1.5f * PI, 0.5f * PI);

            if (oy > 0)
                path.AddLine(right, y - oy, right, y + oy);
            path.AddArc(x + ox - xRadius, y + oy - yRadius, 2 * xRadius, 2 * yRadius, 0, 0.5f * PI);
            if (ox > 0)
                path.AddLine(x + ox, top, x - ox, top);
            path.AddArc(x - ox - xRadius, y + oy - yRadius, 2 * xRadius, 2 * yRadius, 0.5f * PI, 0.5f * PI);
            if (oy > 0)
                path.AddLine(left, y + oy, left, y - oy);
            path.AddArc(x - ox - xRadius, y - oy - yRadius, 2 * xRadius, 2 * yRadius, PI, 0.5f * PI);
Example #9
        internal static void DrawFromMsaglCurve(Graphics g, Pen pen, DNode dNode)
            NodeAttr     attr = dNode.DrawingNode.Attr;
            Curve        c    = (Curve)attr.GeometryNode.BoundaryCurve;
            GraphicsPath p    = new GraphicsPath();

            foreach (ICurve seg in c.Segments)
                AddSegToPath(seg, ref p);

            if (NeedToFill(dNode.FillColor))
                g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(dNode.FillColor), p);
            g.DrawPath(pen, p);
Example #10
        static internal void DrawEllipse(Graphics g, Pen pen, DNode dNode)
            NodeAttr nodeAttr = dNode.DrawingNode.Attr;
            double   x        = (double)nodeAttr.Pos.X - (double)nodeAttr.Width / 2.0f;
            double   y        = (double)nodeAttr.Pos.Y - (double)nodeAttr.Height / 2.0f;

            if (NeedToFill(dNode.FillColor))
                g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(dNode.FillColor), (float)x, (float)y, (float)nodeAttr.Width, (float)nodeAttr.Height);
            if (nodeAttr.Shape == Shape.Point)
                g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(pen.Color), (float)x, (float)y, (float)nodeAttr.Width, (float)nodeAttr.Height);

            g.DrawEllipse(pen, (float)x, (float)y, (float)nodeAttr.Width, (float)nodeAttr.Height);
Example #11
        static internal void DrawDiamond(Graphics g, Pen pen, DNode dNode)
            NodeAttr nodeAttr = dNode.DrawingNode.Attr;
            double   w2       = (double)nodeAttr.Width / 2.0f;
            double   h2       = (double)nodeAttr.Height / 2.0f;
            double   cx       = (double)nodeAttr.Pos.X;
            double   cy       = (double)nodeAttr.Pos.Y;

            System.Drawing.PointF[] ps = new System.Drawing.PointF[]
                new PointF((float)cx - (float)w2, (float)cy), new PointF((float)cx, (float)cy + (float)h2), new PointF((float)cx + (float)w2, (float)cy), new PointF((float)cx, (float)cy - (float)h2)

            if (NeedToFill(dNode.FillColor))
                System.Drawing.Color fc = FillColor(nodeAttr);
                g.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(fc), ps);

            g.DrawPolygon(pen, ps);
Example #12
        static internal void DrawDoubleCircle(Graphics g, Pen pen, DNode dNode)
            NodeAttr nodeAttr = dNode.DrawingNode.Attr;
            double   x        = (double)nodeAttr.Pos.X - (double)nodeAttr.Width / 2.0f;
            double   y        = (double)nodeAttr.Pos.Y - (double)nodeAttr.Height / 2.0f;

            if (NeedToFill(dNode.FillColor))
                g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(dNode.FillColor), (float)x, (float)y, (float)nodeAttr.Width, (float)nodeAttr.Height);

            g.DrawEllipse(pen, (float)x, (float)y, (float)nodeAttr.Width, (float)nodeAttr.Height);
            float w     = (float)nodeAttr.Width;
            float h     = (float)nodeAttr.Height;
            float m     = Math.Max(w, h);
            float coeff = (float)1.0 - (float)(DoubleCircleOffsetRatio);

            x += coeff * m / 2.0;
            y += coeff * m / 2.0;
            g.DrawEllipse(pen, (float)x, (float)y, w - coeff * m, h - coeff * m);
Example #13
            internal void CreateNode()
                IsNodeSelected = false;
                if (Model == null)

                if (drawingNode != null)
                    IsNodeSelected = drawingNode.Attr.Color == Styles.SELECTED_NODE_LINE_COLOR.ToMsAgl();

                GeometryPoint center = new GeometryPoint(Xcoordinate ?? 0.0, Ycoordinate ?? 0.0);
                NodeAttr      attr   = CreateNodeAttr(Label, IsNodeSelected);

                if (Model.Graph != null)
                    drawingNode            = Model.Graph.AddNode(Label);
                    drawingNode.Attr       = attr;
                    drawingNode.Label.Text = Entity.Label;
                    drawingNode.UserData   = this;
                    CreateNodeGeometry(drawingNode, Model.Graph, Model.GeometryGraph, center, ConnectionToGraph.Connected);
                    drawingNode            = new DrawingNode(Label);
                    drawingNode.Attr       = attr;
                    drawingNode.Label.Text = Entity.Label;
                    drawingNode.UserData   = this;

                    IViewerNode viewerNode = Model.GraphEditor.Viewer.CreateIViewerNode(drawingNode, center, null);
                    Model.GraphEditor.Viewer.AddNode(viewerNode, false);

Example #14
        static internal void DrawBox(Graphics g, Pen pen, DNode dNode)
            NodeAttr nodeAttr = dNode.DrawingNode.Attr;

            if (nodeAttr.XRadius == 0 || nodeAttr.YRadius == 0)
                double x = (double)nodeAttr.Pos.X - (double)nodeAttr.Width / 2.0f;
                double y = (double)nodeAttr.Pos.Y - (double)nodeAttr.Height / 2.0f;

                if (NeedToFill(dNode.FillColor))
                    System.Drawing.Color fc = FillColor(nodeAttr);
                    g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(fc), (float)x, (float)y, (float)nodeAttr.Width, (float)nodeAttr.Height);

                g.DrawRectangle(pen, (float)x, (float)y, (float)nodeAttr.Width, (float)nodeAttr.Height);
                float width   = (float)nodeAttr.Width;
                float height  = (float)nodeAttr.Height;
                float xRadius = (float)nodeAttr.XRadius;
                float yRadius = (float)nodeAttr.YRadius;
                using (GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath()) {
                    FillTheGraphicsPath(nodeAttr, width, height, ref xRadius, ref yRadius, path);

                    if (NeedToFill(dNode.FillColor))
                        g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(dNode.FillColor), path);

                    g.DrawPath(pen, path);
        private static void setNodeAttributes(NodeAttr attr, NodeType type)
            NodeClass c = EnumUtils.getClassFromType(type);

            attr.Shape = Shape.Circle;
            switch (c)
            case NodeClass.directive:
                attr.Color = Color.Black;
                attr.Shape = Shape.Box;

            case NodeClass.numeric:
                attr.Color = Color.Red;

            case NodeClass.boolean:
                attr.Color = Color.Blue;

                attr.Color = Color.Gray;
            switch (type)
            case NodeType.dirTerminal:
                attr.Shape = Shape.Diamond;

            case NodeType.NumInput:
                //attr.FillColor = Color.DarkGoldenrod;
                attr.Shape = Shape.DoubleCircle;
Example #16
        internal void DrawNode(Graphics g, DNode dnode)
            DrawingNode node = dnode.DrawingNode;

            if (node.IsVisible == false)

            if (node.DrawNodeDelegate != null)
                if (node.DrawNodeDelegate(node, g))
                    return;                     //the client draws instead
            if (node.GeometryNode == null || node.GeometryNode.BoundaryCurve == null)             //node comes with non-initilalized attribute - should not be drawn
            NodeAttr attr = node.Attr;

            using (var pen = new Pen(dnode.Color, (float)attr.LineWidth))
                foreach (Style style in attr.Styles)
                    Draw.AddStyleForPen(dnode, pen, style);
                switch (attr.Shape)
                case Shape.DoubleCircle:
                    Draw.DrawDoubleCircle(g, pen, dnode);

                case Shape.Box:
                    Draw.DrawBox(g, pen, dnode);

                case Shape.Diamond:
                    Draw.DrawDiamond(g, pen, dnode);

                case Shape.Point:
                    Draw.DrawEllipse(g, pen, dnode);

                case Shape.Plaintext:
                    //do nothing

                case Shape.Octagon:
                case Shape.House:
                case Shape.InvHouse:
                case Shape.Ellipse:
                case Shape.DrawFromGeometry:

                case Shape.TestShape:
                    pen.EndCap = LineCap.Square;
                    Draw.DrawFromMsaglCurve(g, pen, dnode);

                    Draw.DrawEllipse(g, pen, dnode);
            Draw.DrawLabel(g, dnode.Label);
            node.PostDrawNodeDelegate?.Invoke(node, g);
Example #17
 private static System.Drawing.Color FillColor(NodeAttr nodeAttr)
Example #18
 void WriteFillAndStroke(NodeAttr attr)
Example #19
        private static void DrawBox(Graphics g, DrawingNode drNode)
            NodeAttr nodeAttr = drNode.Attr;
            var      settings = drNode.UserData as NodeDisplaySettings;

            // Create the shape.
            var width   = (float)drNode.Width;
            var height  = (float)drNode.Height;
            var xRadius = (float)nodeAttr.XRadius;
            var yRadius = (float)nodeAttr.YRadius;
            var path    = new GraphicsPath();

            FillTheGraphicsPath(drNode, width, height, ref xRadius, ref yRadius, path);

            // Select line width.
            var lineWidth = (float)drNode.Attr.LineWidth;

            if (settings.HasErrors)
                lineWidth += 2;

            if (settings.IsHighlighted)
                lineWidth += 2;

            // Set up line pen.
            Color lineColor;

            if (settings.HasErrors)
                lineColor = Color.Red;
            else if (settings.IsHighlighted)
                lineColor = Color.Blue;
                lineColor = Draw.MsaglColorToDrawingColor(drNode.Attr.Color);

            if (settings.IsFadedOut)
                lineColor = Color.FromArgb(128, lineColor.R, lineColor.G, lineColor.B);

            var pen = new Pen(lineColor, lineWidth);

            // Set up fill brush.
            Brush brush;
            Color fillColor = Draw.MsaglColorToDrawingColor(nodeAttr.FillColor);

            if (settings.IsFadedOut)
                fillColor = Color.FromArgb(128, fillColor.R, fillColor.G, fillColor.B);

            if (settings.HasUnsavedChanges)
                var hashColor = Color.FromArgb((int)(fillColor.R * 0.9f + 128 * 0.1f),
                                               (int)(fillColor.G * 0.9f + 128 * 0.1f),
                                               (int)(fillColor.B * 0.9f + 128 * 0.1f));
                brush = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.WideUpwardDiagonal, hashColor, fillColor);
                brush = new SolidBrush(fillColor);

            // Paint.
            g.FillPath(brush, path);
            g.DrawPath(pen, path);
 static Color FillColor(NodeAttr nodeAttr)