public OrderedSequence <T, V> DeleteAll(T t)
            V vK = KeyObj.KeyAssign(t);      // the Key of t

            Pair <OrderedSequence <T, V>, OrderedSequence <T, V> >
            tPart = Partition(vK);

            OrderedSequence <T, V> seqPrecedestheEl   = tPart.first;
            OrderedSequence <T, V> seqStartsWiththeEl = tPart.second;

            Pair <FTreeM <OrdElem <T, V>, V>, FTreeM <OrdElem <T, V>, V> > lastTreeSplit
                        (new MPredicate <V>
                            (FP.Curry <V, V, bool>
                                (theLTMethod2, vK)

            //OrderedSequence<T, V> seqBeyondtheEl =
            //    new OrderedSequence<T, V>(KeyObj, lastTreeSplit.second);

            return(new OrderedSequence <T, V>
        public OrderedSequence <T, V> Merge(OrderedSequence <T, V> ordSeq2)
            FTreeM <OrdElem <T, V>, V> theMergedTree
                = OrdMerge(treeRep, ordSeq2.treeRep);

            return(new OrderedSequence <T, V>
                       (KeyObj, theMergedTree));
        // Constructor 2
        public OrderedSequence(Key <T, V> KeyObj, IEnumerable <T> aList)
            this.KeyObj = KeyObj;

            OrderedSequence <T, V> tempSeq = new OrderedSequence <T, V>(KeyObj);

            treeRep = new EmptyFTreeM <OrdElem <T, V>, V>(new KeyMonoid <T, V>(KeyObj).theMonoid);

            foreach (T t in aList)
                tempSeq = tempSeq.Push_Back(new OrdElem <T, V>(t, KeyObj));

            treeRep = tempSeq.treeRep;
        Partition(V vK)
            Pair <FTreeM <OrdElem <T, V>, V>, FTreeM <OrdElem <T, V>, V> > baseSeqSplit
                    treeRep.SeqSplit(new MPredicate <V>
                                         (FP.Curry <V, V, bool>
                                             (theLEMethod2, vK)

            OrderedSequence <T, V> left
                = new OrderedSequence <T, V>(KeyObj, baseSeqSplit.first);

            OrderedSequence <T, V> right
                = new OrderedSequence <T, V>(KeyObj, baseSeqSplit.second);

                   Pair <OrderedSequence <T, V>,
                         OrderedSequence <T, V>
                       (left, right));