Example #1
        public double[] Run(double[] Xobdata, double[] obdatay, double[] para   //,double noise
            Parameters.Verbosity = VerbosityLevels.OnlyCritical;
            //Debug.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out));
            var optMethod = new NelderMead();

            optMethod.Add(new GoldenSection(1e-8, 0.001));
            optMethod.Add(new DeltaFConvergence(1e-7));
            var opt = new OneDObjectiveFunc(Xobdata, obdatay, para);

            double[] xStar;
            var      xInit = para;

                var fstar_opt = optMethod.Run(out xStar, xInit);
                var output    = new double[4] {
                    xStar[0], xStar[1], xStar[2], fstar_opt
                var output = new double[4] {
                    100, 1000, 1000, 100000
            // return xStar;
Example #2
        public double[] Run(double[,] Xobdata, double[] obdatay, double[] para)
            Parameters.Verbosity = VerbosityLevels.OnlyCritical;
            // this next line is to set the Debug statements from OOOT to the Console.
            //Debug.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out));
            // var optMethod = new GradientBasedOptimization();
            // var Y = ThreeDinput.GetfVactor(obdatay);
            //    var optMethod = new GradientBasedOptimization();
            //    var optMethod = new GeneralizedReducedGradientActiveSet();
            //  var optMethod = new HillClimbing();

            var optMethod = new NelderMead();

            // optMethod.Add(new StochasticNeighborGenerator);
            // var optMethod = new NelderMead();
            //    optMethod.Add(new CyclicCoordinates());
            // optMethod.Add(new CyclicCoordinates());
            optMethod.Add(new GoldenSection(1e-7, 0.01));
            //   optMethod.Add(new DeltaXConvergence(1e-10));
            optMethod.Add(new DeltaFConvergence(1e-6));
            // optMethod.Add(new MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence(1e-3));
            //optMethod.Add(new inequalityWithConstant())
            var opt = new OneDObjectiveFunc(Xobdata, obdatay, para);

            // optMethod.Add(new Inequality(opt, Xobdata, obdatay));
            // optMethod.Add(new OptimizationToolbox.greaterThanConstant { constant = 0.0, index = 0 });
            //optMethod.Add(new OptimizationToolbox.greaterThanConstant { constant = 0.0, index = 1 });
            //optMethod.Add(new OptimizationToolbox.greaterThanConstant { constant = 0.0, index = 2 });
            //optMethod.Add(new OptimizationToolbox.lessThanConstant() { constant = 0.30, index = 2 });
            //optMethod.Add(new OptimizationToolbox.squaredExteriorPenalty(optMethod, 1.0));
            // var p = new double[2] { para[0], para[1] };
            double[] xStar;
            var      xInit = para;

                var fstar_opt = optMethod.Run(out xStar, xInit);
                var output    = new double[5] {
                    xStar[0], xStar[1], xStar[2], xStar[3], fstar_opt
                // var output = new double[4] { xStar[0], xStar[1], xStar[2],  fstar_opt };//1d
                // var output = new double[4] {  1000, 1000, 1000, 100000000 };//1d
                var output = new double[5] {
                    100, 1000, 1000, 1000, 100000000

            // return xStar;
        protected void RunFullTPSquared()
            Random r = new Random();

            double[,] desiredPath = { { 1.87,    8 }, { 2.93, 8.46 }, { 2.80, 8.41 },
                                      { 1.99, 8.06 }, { 0.96, 7.46 }, {    0, 6.71 },{ -0.77, 5.93 }, { -1.3, 5.26 }, { -1.60, 4.81 }, { -1.65, 4.75 }, { -1.25, 5.33 }, { 0, 6.71 } };
            double          startAngle = 0;
            double          endAngle   = 2 * Math.PI;
            double          iOmega     = 2;
            double          iAlpha     = 0;
            MechSimulation  sim        = new MechSimulation();
            BoundingBox     bb         = new BoundingBox(sim, 10, 10);
            GrashofCriteria cc         = new GrashofCriteria(sim, 0);

            List <candidate> candidates = new List <candidate>();

            while (true) //notConverged())
                // 1. Generate topologies - calling rulesets - this adds candidates to the candidates list.

                //2. Evaluate  & Param Tuning
                foreach (candidate c in candidates)
                    if (double.IsNaN(c.f0))
                        sim.Graph = c.graph;
                        NelderMead NMOpt = new NelderMead();
                        //gbu.Add(new GoldenSection(.001, 20));
                        //gbu.Add(new BFGSDirection());
                        NMOpt.Add(new MaxIterationsConvergence(100));
                        double[] x0 = new double[8];
                        for (int i = 0; i < x0.GetLength(0); i++) //since I am going to assign ground pivots as they are
                            x0[i] = r.NextDouble();

                        double[] xStar;
                        double   fStar = NMOpt.Run(out xStar, x0);
                        //   double fStar = NMOpt.Run(out xStar,8);
                        c.f0 = fStar;

                //3. Pruning
                // throw out topologies (candidates) that have bad/large values of f0.

                //4. Guide?
        protected override void Run()
            Random r = new Random(); //1);

            //  double[,] desiredPath ={{1.87,8},{2.93,8.46},{2.80,8.41},
            //                             {1.99,8.06},{0.96,7.46},{0,6.71},{-0.77,5.93},{-1.3,5.26},{-1.60,4.81},{-1.65,4.75},{-1.25,5.33},{0,6.71}};
            double[,] desiredPath = { { 125, 225 }, { 165.44, 217.76 }, { 189.57, 200.42 }, { 185.89, 178.49 }, { 158.65, 161.92 }, { 109.38, 135.30 }, { 57.997, 101.69 }, { 24.59, 82.07 }, { 0.33, 76.90 }, { -17.03, 91.46 }, { -13.92, 129.10 }, { -0.74, 155.01 }, { 20.73, 180.91 }, { 53.78, 205.65 }, { 88.17, 219.90 } };

            double         startAngle = 0;
            double         endAngle   = 2 * Math.PI;
            double         iOmega     = 2;
            double         iAlpha     = 0;
            MechSimulation sim        = new MechSimulation();

            //Below is a relation for bounding box and also the first point
            double bb_min, bb_max;

            //   bb_min = StarMath.Min(desiredPath);
            //  bb_max = StarMath.Max(desiredPath);

            //now that min and max are obtained - we will form a bounding box using these max and min values

            bb_max = 250;
            bb_min = 250;

            sim.Graph = seedGraph;
            //  designGraph testGraph = this.seedGraph;
            //   ev.c = new candidate(testGraph, 0);
            //  ev.c = this.seedGraph;

            //bounding box - trying to contain the solutions within a particular box
            //      BoundingBox bb = new BoundingBox(sim, bb_max,bb_min);
            //   GrashofCriteria cc = new GrashofCriteria(sim, 0);

            //adding a new objective function which can be taken by the optimization program
            var pathObjFun = new ComparePathWithDesired(seedCandidate, desiredPath, sim);

            //initializing the optimization program
            var optMethod = new NelderMead();

            //var optMethod = new GradientBasedOptimization();

            optMethod.Add(new PowellMethod());
            optMethod.Add(new DSCPowell(0.00001, .5, 1000));

            //     optMethod.Add(new GoldenSection(0.001,300));
            optMethod.Add(new ArithmeticMean(0.001, 0.1, 300));

            //adding simulation

            //adding objective function to this optimization routine

            //we are removing this since we do not have a merit function defined
            optMethod.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(optMethod, 1.0));
            //      optMethod.Add(bb);
            //    optMethod.Add(cc);

            // convergence
            optMethod.Add(new MaxIterationsConvergence(100));
            //   optMethod.Add(new DeltaXConvergence(0.01));
            optMethod.Add(new ToKnownBestFConvergence(0.0, 0.1));
            optMethod.Add(new MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence(0.01));

            var n     = 6;
            var dsd   = new DesignSpaceDescription();
            var minX  = StarMath.Min(StarMath.GetColumn(0, desiredPath));
            var maxX  = StarMath.Max(StarMath.GetColumn(0, desiredPath));
            var minY  = StarMath.Min(StarMath.GetColumn(1, desiredPath));
            var maxY  = StarMath.Max(StarMath.GetColumn(1, desiredPath));
            var delta = maxX - minX;

            minX -= delta;
            maxX += delta;
            delta = maxY - minY;
            minY -= delta;
            maxY += delta;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                if (i % 2 == 0)
                    dsd.Add(new VariableDescriptor(minX, maxX));
                    dsd.Add(new VariableDescriptor(minY, maxY));
            // dsd.Add(new VariableDescriptor(0,300));
            var LHC        = new LatinHyperCube(dsd, VariablesInScope.BothDiscreteAndReal);
            var initPoints = LHC.GenerateCandidates(null, 100);

            //for each initPoints - generate the fstar value

            //generating random x,y values
            //double[] x0 = new double[8];
            //for (int i = 0; i < x0.GetLength(0); i++) //since I am going to assign ground pivots as they are
            //    x0[i] =  100*r.NextDouble();


            // double[] xStar;
            // double fStar = optMethod.Run(out xStar, x0);
            //// double fStar = optMethod.Run(out xStar, 8);

            double[]        fStar1 = new double[initPoints.Count];
            List <double[]> xStar1 = new List <double[]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < fStar1.GetLength(0); i++)
                double[] x0 = new double[n];
                x0 = initPoints[i];
                double[] xStar;
                double   fStar = optMethod.Run(out xStar, x0);
                fStar1[i] = fStar;
                SearchIO.output("LHC i: " + i);

            int xstarindex;

            SearchIO.output("fStar Min=" + StarMath.Min(fStar1, out xstarindex), 0);
            SearchIO.output("Xstar Values:" + xStar1[xstarindex]);
            SearchIO.output("***Converged by" + optMethod.ConvergenceDeclaredByTypeString, 0);
            SearchIO.output("Rerunning with new x values", 0);

            //     var optMethod1 = new GradientBasedOptimization();
            //     optMethod1.Add(new FletcherReevesDirection());
            //  //   optMethod1.Add(new ArithmeticMean(0.001, 0.1, 300));

            //     optMethod1.Add(new GoldenSection(0.001, 300));
            //     optMethod1.Add(sim);
            //     optMethod1.Add(pathObjFun);
            //     optMethod1.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(optMethod, 1.0));
            ////     optMethod1.Add(new MaxIterationsConvergence(100));
            //     optMethod1.Add(new ToKnownBestFConvergence(0.0, 0.1));
            //   //  optMethod.Add(new MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence(0.01))

            //     double[] xStar2;
            //     double fStar2 = optMethod1.Run(out xStar2, xStar1[xstarindex]);

            //     SearchIO.output("New Fstar = " + fStar2, 0);

            //double xstarmin, xstarmax;
            //xstarmax = StarMath.Max(xStar1[xstarindex]);
            //xstarmin = StarMath.Min(xStar1[xstarindex]);

            //var dsd1 = new DesignSpaceDescription();
            //dsd1.Add(new VariableDescriptor(xstarmin, xstarmax));
            //var LHC1 = new LatinHyperCube(dsd1, VariablesInScope.BothDiscreteAndReal);
            //var initPoints1 = LHC.GenerateCandidates(null, 100);
            //double[] fstar1 = new double[initPoints1.Count];
            //List<double[]> xstar_second = new List<double[]>();
            //for (int i = 0; i < fstar1.GetLength(0); i++)
            //    double[] x0 = new double[n];
            //    x0 = initPoints[i];
            //    double[] xStar;
            //    double fStar = optMethod.Run(out xStar, x0);
            //    fstar1[i] = fStar;
            //    xstar_second.Add(xStar);
            //    SearchIO.output("LHC i: " + i);


            //SearchIO.output("New fStar = " + StarMath.Min(fstar1), 0);

            //SearchIO.output("***Converged by" + optMethod.ConvergenceDeclaredByTypeString, 0);