Example #1
        //Test the functionality of the User noProfile method using test data.
        public void Users_noProfile_Test()
            UsersController usersController = new UsersController();
            MyDataEntities  db = new MyDataEntities();

            ViewResult result = usersController.noProfile() as ViewResult;

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult));

            Assert.AreEqual("noProfile", result.ViewName);
Example #2
        //Test the functionality of the User Delete method when using unintended test data.
        //Because the User has already been deleted by the previous method, this will result in a value of -1 (signifying a
        // failure to delete a user), rather than the value of 1 that is returned on the successful deletion of a user.
        public void Users_Delete_FAILURETest()
            SqlSecurityManager manager = new SqlSecurityManager();

            UsersController usersController = new UsersController();
            MyDataEntities  db = new MyDataEntities();
            int result = manager.Delete("testRegisterUser");

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(int));
            Assert.AreEqual(result, -1);
Example #3
        //Test the functionality of the Order Remove method using test data.
        public void Order_Remove_Test()
            OrderController orderController = new OrderController();
            MyDataEntities  db = new MyDataEntities();
            //Grab the previously created test user and test product and find their IDs
            var productArray = db.Products.Where(x => x.ProductName == "testProduct").ToList();
            var userArray    = db.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == "testRegisterUser").ToList();

            int testProductID = 0;

            foreach (var item in productArray)
                testProductID = item.ProductID;
            int testUserID = 0;

            foreach (var item in userArray)
                testUserID = item.UserID;

            //Using the UserID create a list of orders owned by the user (Should cotnain 1 order) and record the orderID
            var orderArray  = db.Orders.Where(x => x.UserID == testUserID).ToList();
            int testOrderID = 0;

            foreach (var item in orderArray)
                testOrderID = item.OrderID;

            //Using the OrderID and ProductID get the list of OrderProducts (Should contain 1 item) and record its OrderProductID to be
            // used int he remove method
            var orderProductArray = db.OrderProducts.Where(x => x.OrderID == testOrderID)
                                    .Where(x => x.ProductID == testProductID).ToList();
            int testOrderProductID = 0;

            foreach (var item in orderProductArray)
                testOrderProductID = item.OrderProductID;
            ActionResult result = orderController.Remove(testOrderProductID);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(JsonResult));
Example #4
        //Test the functionality of the SqlSecurityManager LoadUser method when using unintended test data.
        //Loading a username that is not owned by any User will simply return a null User.
        public void SqlSecurityManager_LoadUser_FAILURETest()
            SqlSecurityManager manager = new SqlSecurityManager();
            MyDataEntities     db      = new MyDataEntities();

            User   test;
            string username = "******";

            test = manager.LoadUser(username);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, test.UserID);
Example #5
        public ActionResult Edit(EmpTable postedData)
            //Create the Context object
            MyDataEntities context = new MyDataEntities();
            //Find the matching record
            var rec = context.EmpTables.FirstOrDefault((e) => e.EmpID == postedData.EmpID);

            //Set the values to the record
            rec.EmpName    = postedData.EmpName;
            rec.EmpAddress = postedData.EmpAddress;
            rec.EmpSalary  = postedData.EmpSalary;
            rec.EmpPhone   = postedData.EmpPhone;
            //Update the record to the database
            context.SaveChanges();//Commmit the transaction....
            //Redirect to the AllEmployees Page....
Example #6
        //Test that adding a user to the database is successful
        public void spAddUser_Test()
            string         testUserName = "******"; string testEmailAddress = "*****@*****.**";
            MyDataEntities db = new MyDataEntities();
            ObjectResult <Store.Data.spAddUser_Result> result = db.spAddUser(testUserName, testEmailAddress);
            //Use the testUserName to get the User object that we just made
            var item = db.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == testUserName).FirstOrDefault();

            string returnUserName     = item.UserName;
            string returnEmailAddress = item.EmailAddress;

            //Compare the UserName and Password we started with and ensure that the User Object has the same properties.
            Assert.AreEqual(testUserName, returnUserName);
            Assert.AreEqual(testEmailAddress, returnEmailAddress);
Example #7
 public ActionResult Login(Manager account)
     using (MyDataEntities mde = new MyDataEntities())
         var user = mde.Managers.Where(a => a.Username.Equals(account.Username) && a.Password.Equals(account.Password)).FirstOrDefault();
         if (user != null)
             FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.Username, false);
             ViewBag.Error = "Incorrect user or password";
        public ActionResult Login(Table t)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                using (MyDataEntities dc = new MyDataEntities())
                    var v = dc.Tables.Where(a => a.UserName.Equals(t.UserName) && a.Password.Equals(t.Password)).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (v != null)
                        return RedirectToAction("AfterLogin");

            return View(t);
Example #9
        public ActionResult DeleteEvent(int id)
            bool status = false;

            using (MyDataEntities dc = new MyDataEntities())
                var v = dc.Events.Where(a => a.EventId == id).FirstOrDefault();
                if (v != null)
                    status = true;
            return(new JsonResult {
                Data = new { status = status }
Example #10
        //Test the functionality of the Order Index method using test data.
        public void Order_Index_Test()
            OrderController orderController = new OrderController();
            MyDataEntities  db = new MyDataEntities();
            //Grab the previously created test user and find their ID
            var array      = db.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == "testRegisterUser").ToList();
            int testUserID = 0;

            foreach (var item in array)
                testUserID = item.UserID;
            ActionResult result = orderController.ShowIndex(1, testUserID);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult));
Example #11
        //Test the functionality of the Product Details method using test data.
        public void Products_Details_Test()
            ProductsController productsController = new ProductsController();
            MyDataEntities     db = new MyDataEntities();
            //Grab the previously created test product and find its ProductID
            var array         = db.Products.Where(x => x.ProductName == "testProduct").ToList();
            int testProductID = 0;

            foreach (var item in array)
                testProductID = item.ProductID;
            ActionResult result = productsController.Details(testProductID);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult));
Example #12
        //Test that a user can be successfully deleted from the database
        public void spDeleteUser_Test()
            string         testUserName = "******";
            MyDataEntities db           = new MyDataEntities();
            //Grab the user we want to manipulate based on the testUserName parameter
            var array = db.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == testUserName).ToList();
            int deletedID = 0;

            foreach (var item in array)
                //Deletion check the passed back ID
                deletedID = db.spDeleteUser(item.UserID);
            //If the entry is successfully deleted, the program will return a value of -1. 0 if not successful
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, deletedID);
        public async Task <string> GetPaged(int pageNo = 1)
            // If authentitcated user
            if (IsLoggedIn())
                // get query to json with paging
                using (MyDataEntities mde = new MyDataEntities())
                    int totalPage, totalRecord, pageSize;
                    pageSize    = 5;
                    totalRecord = mde.Orders.Count();
                    totalPage   = (totalRecord / pageSize) + ((totalRecord % pageSize) > 0 ? 1 : 0);
                    // Order records by
                    var query = (from b in mde.Orders
                                 join man in mde.Managers on b.ManagerId equals man.ManagerId
                                 orderby b.Number
                                 select new
                        OrderId = b.OrderId,
                        Manager = man.Name,
                        Number = b.Number,
                        Created_date = b.Created_date,
                        Delivery_date = b.Delivery_date,
                        Description = b.Description
                    var pagedQuery = query.Skip(pageSize * (pageNo - 1)).Take(pageSize);
                    var toJson     = await pagedQuery.ToListAsync();

                    OrdersWithPaging pagedOrders = new OrdersWithPaging
                        Orders    = toJson,
                        TotalPage = totalPage
                    var jsonSerialiser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    var json           = jsonSerialiser.Serialize(pagedOrders);
                return("You are not authorized to view this");
Example #14
        public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            if (value == null)

            MyDataEntities customerEntities = new MyDataEntities();
            var            q = from r in customerEntities.Products
                               where r.ProductName == value.ToString()
                               select r;

            if (q.Count() == 0)

Example #15
        //Test the functionality of the ShoppingCart ShowCart method using test data.
        public void ShoppingCart_ShowCart_Test()
            ShoppingCartController shoppingCartController = new ShoppingCartController();
            MyDataEntities         db = new MyDataEntities();
            //Grab the previously created test user and find their ID
            var initialArray = db.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == "testRegisterUser").ToList();
            int testUserID   = 0;

            foreach (var item in initialArray)
                testUserID = item.UserID;
            ActionResult result = shoppingCartController.ShowCart(testUserID);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult));
Example #16
        //Test the functionality of the Product Delete method using test data.
        public void Products_Delete_Test()
            ProductsController productsController = new ProductsController();
            MyDataEntities     db = new MyDataEntities();
            //Grab the test product that we created in Products_Create and find its ProductID
            var array         = db.Products.Where(x => x.ProductName == "testProduct").ToList();
            int testProductID = 0;

            foreach (var item in array)
                testProductID = item.ProductID;
            ActionResult result = productsController.Delete(testProductID);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(JsonResult));
Example #17
        //Test the functionality of the ShoppingCart Delete method using test data.
        public void ShoppingCart_Delete_Test()
            ShoppingCartController shoppingCartController = new ShoppingCartController();
            MyDataEntities         db = new MyDataEntities();
            //Grab the test user that we created in Users_Register and find their UserID. This is used to delete the User's cart
            var userArray  = db.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == "testRegisterUser").ToList();
            int testUserID = 0;

            foreach (var item in userArray)
                testUserID = item.UserID;

            ActionResult result = shoppingCartController.Delete(testUserID);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(JsonResult));
Example #18
        //Test the functionality of the WebAPI GetOrders method using test data.
        public void WebAPI_GetOrders_Test()
            MyDataEntities          db = new MyDataEntities();
            OrderShippingController os = new OrderShippingController();

            List <Order> list = new List <Order>();
            //This time value is equal to 1 minute and the purpose is to subtract the current time by 1 minutes and get all the orders created
            //within the last minute (we will only find our test order)
            TimeSpan time      = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0);
            DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(time);
            DateTime endDate   = DateTime.Now;

            list = os.GetOrders(startDate, endDate);
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(list, typeof(List <Order>));
            Assert.IsTrue(list.Count() == 1);
Example #19
        //Test the functionality of the SqlSecurityManager DeleteUser method using test data.
        public void SqlSecurityManager_DeleteUser_Test()
            SqlSecurityManager manager = new SqlSecurityManager();
            MyDataEntities     db      = new MyDataEntities();

            //Grab the test user that we created in SqlSecurityManager_RegisterUser and find their UserID to be used in the Delete method
            var userArray  = db.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == "testSqlUser").ToList();
            int testUserID = 0;

            foreach (var item in userArray)
                testUserID = item.UserID;
            int result = manager.Delete("testSqlUser");

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(int));
            Assert.AreEqual(result, 1);
Example #20
        //Test the functionality of the ShoppingCart ShowCart method when using unintended test data.
        //This will give the method a UserID of a User that does not have their own Shopping Cart. The method will simply redirect
        // the process back to the homepage rather than returning the Shopping Cart View.
        public void ShoppingCart_ShowCart_FAILURETest()
            ShoppingCartController shoppingCartController = new ShoppingCartController();
            MyDataEntities         db = new MyDataEntities();

            var initialArray = db.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == "No one").ToList();
            int testUserID   = 0;

            foreach (var item in initialArray)
                testUserID = item.UserID;
            RedirectResult result = shoppingCartController.ShowCart(testUserID) as RedirectResult;

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(RedirectResult));

Example #21
        //Test that a user's details can be updated successfully
        public void spUpdateUser_Test()
            string         testUserName = "******"; string testEmailAddress = "*****@*****.**";
            MyDataEntities db = new MyDataEntities();
            //Grab the user we want to manipulate based on the testUserName parameter
            var array = db.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == testUserName).ToList();

            //We already grabbed the user with our previous UserName, now we can change it to what we want to test
            testUserName = "******";
            int successfulUpdateID = 0;

            foreach (var item in array)
                //Update + check the passed back ID
                successfulUpdateID = db.spUpdateUser(item.UserID, testUserName, testEmailAddress);
            //If the entry is successfully updated, the program will return a value of -1. 0 if not successful
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, successfulUpdateID);
 public async Task <string> GetManagers()
     if (IsLoggedIn())
         using (MyDataEntities mde = new MyDataEntities())
             //var query = await mde.Managers.ToListAsync();
             var query = await(from m in mde.Managers
                               select new
                 ManagerId = m.ManagerId,
                 Name      = m.Name
             var jsonSerialiser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
             var json           = jsonSerialiser.Serialize(query);
         return("You are not authorized to view this");
Example #23
        //Test the functionality of the SqlSecurityManager LoadUser method using test data.
        public void SqlSecurityManager_LoadUser_Test()
            SqlSecurityManager manager = new SqlSecurityManager();
            MyDataEntities     db      = new MyDataEntities();

            //Grab the test user that we created in SqlSecurityManager_RegisterUser and find their UserID
            var userArray  = db.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == "testSqlUser").ToList();
            int testUserID = 0;

            foreach (var item in userArray)
                testUserID = item.UserID;

            //These parameters refer to the test user that we created in SqlSecurityManager_RegisterUser
            User   test;
            string username = "******";

            test = manager.LoadUser(username);
            Assert.AreEqual(testUserID, test.UserID);
        public async Task <string> GetAll()
            // Get all elements from DB
            using (MyDataEntities mde = new MyDataEntities())
                var query = (from b in mde.Orders
                             join man in mde.Managers on b.ManagerId equals man.ManagerId
                             orderby b.Number
                             select new
                    OrderId = b.OrderId,
                    Manager = man.Name,
                    Number = b.Number,
                    Created_date = b.Created_date.ToString(),
                    Delivery_date = b.Delivery_date.ToString(),
                    Description = b.Description
                var toJson = await query.ToListAsync();

                var jsonSerialiser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                var json           = jsonSerialiser.Serialize(toJson);
 public PreventiveRepository(MyDataEntities dbEntity = null)
     this.dbEntity = dbEntity ?? new MyDataEntities();
Example #26
 public StageRepository(MyDataEntities dbEntity)
     this.dbEntity = dbEntity ?? new MyDataEntities();
Example #27
 public Item getItems(int id)
     db = new MyDataEntities();
Example #28
 public Item[] getItem()
     db = new MyDataEntities();
Example #29
 public Producer getProducers(int id)
     db = new MyDataEntities();
Example #30
 public Producer[] getProducer()
     db = new MyDataEntities();
Example #31
 public CustomerRepository(MyDataEntities dbEntity = null)
     this.dbEntity = dbEntity ?? new MyDataEntities();