Example #1
        //Stephanie Yao
        /* CONTEXT: A user has already been selected from the list of assigned students. 
         * PURPOSE: Deletes a user from the group (in memory only- no XML writing).*/
        public void delUserFromGroupBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Remove from the list of the affiliated group (given by active Tab Page)
            string group="U";

            //JT: we need to actually update the targetUserGroup variable to know what student we are moving
            //targetUserGroup = currentTeacher.students[1];

            targetUserGroup  = update_var_targetuserGroup();
            if (targetUserGroup != null)
                switch (manageGroupTabControl.SelectedTab.Name)
                    case "GroupPageA":
                        Console.WriteLine("we are removing from groupA:::" + targetUserGroup.fullName);
                    case "GroupPageB":
                        Console.WriteLine("we are removing from groupB:::" + targetUserGroup.fullName);
                    case "GroupPageC":
                        Console.WriteLine("we are removing from groupC:::" + targetUserGroup.fullName);
            //check if user is in the list, if it is dont add it
            //Aurelio Arango
                if (!checkStudentIsInList(Unassigned, targetUserGroup.userID))
                    changeStudentGroup(targetUserGroup.userID, group);

                    //Update the listBox

            //JT: set the student to null becase we are done moving students. before it was saving the last student we  moved
            targetUserGroup = null;

        }//end function
Example #2
 }//end function
 //Stephanie Yao
 private void groupRosterC_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //userChangeGroupIndex = Convert.ToInt32(groupRosterC.SelectedIndex);
     int size = groupRosterC.Items.Count;
     if (size > 0 && manageGroupTabControl.SelectedTab.Name.Equals("GroupPageC"))
         userChangeGroupIndex = Convert.ToInt32(groupRosterA.SelectedIndex);
         if(userChangeGroupIndex >=0 && GroupC.Count != 0)
              targetUserGroup = GroupC[userChangeGroupIndex];
     //Console.WriteLine("from groupRosterC");
 }//end function
Example #3
 }//end function
 //Aurelio Arango
 private void manageStudentList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     int size = manageStudentList.Items.Count;
     if (size > 0 )
         manageStudentIndex = Convert.ToInt32(manageStudentList.SelectedIndex);
         if (manageStudentIndex >= 0 )
             targetUserUnassigned = Unassigned[manageStudentIndex];//
         //Console.WriteLine("the current person clicked on is:" + Unassigned[manageStudentIndex].fullName);
Example #4
        }//end validate input

//------------------------------------------------Set Problems page end
//----------------------------------------Manage Users page start
         //Aurelio Arango and Stephanie Yao
        //Laod all the lists based on the user info
        /*  COMPONENT: Called in AdminForm_Load(..., ...).*/
        private void load_ManageStudentList()
            Unassigned = new List<Student>();
            GroupA = new List<Student>();
            GroupB = new List<Student>();
            GroupC = new List<Student>();
            Student targetUserUnassigned = new Student();
            Student targetUserGroup = new Student();

            for (int i = 0; i < valid_students.Count; i++)
                switch (valid_students[i].group)
                    case "U": Unassigned.Add(valid_students[i]); break;
                    case "A": GroupA.Add(valid_students[i]); break;
                    case "B": GroupB.Add(valid_students[i]); break;
                    case "C": GroupC.Add(valid_students[i]); break;
                }//end switch
            }//end for
Example #5
        //When you select someone from the list, save to a variable which member it is, and personalize a message.
        /* SELECTEDINDEXCHANGED event triggered when selecting a different student for whom to create problems
         * Will update the label (Generating problems for...) and the file path.
         * Kevin and Uriah

        private void listOfStudents_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Program.targetUser = Convert.ToInt32(listOfStudents.SelectedIndex);
            int selectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(listOfStudents.SelectedIndex);;
            if (selectedIndex <= 0)
                selectedIndex = 0;
            //targetUser = Program.teachers[Program.currentTeacherIndex].students[Program.currentStudentIndex];
            setProblems_targetStudent = new Student();
            setProblems_targetStudent = Program.teachers[Program.currentTeacherIndex].students[selectedIndex];
            //Aurelio Arango
            //adding string for date and user
            //string admin_welcome = "Welcome " + currentUser.fullName + " "+getUserDate(currentUser.userID);
            string admin_welcome = "Welcome " + currentTeacher.fullName + " " + currentTeacher.lastLogin;

            fileName = @"c:\users\public\MathDrills\ProblemSets\" + setProblems_targetStudent.userID + ".xml";

            //labelGenProblemsFor.Text = admin_welcome;// +"\nCreating problems for " + setProblems_targetStudent.fullName;
            //labelGenProblemsFor.Left = (((this.ClientSize.Width - 179) - labelGenProblemsFor.Width) / 2) + 179; //Center the greeting. 179 accounts for the list of users on the side.
Example #6
        //Aurelio ARango
        //This method was taken from Kevin's and Uriahs, and uses objects rather than accessing the xml
        //This method adds a new student or teacher to the xml
        private void add_student_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string userFullName = "";
            userFullName = inputFullName.Text;
            userFullName = removeSpecialChars(userFullName);
            if (userFullName.Count() > 0)
                //if is a student, create a new student and add to main list
                if (add_delete_Student_radioButton.Checked)

                    int total_students = Program.teachers[Program.currentTeacherIndex].students.Count;
                    int new_id = Program.teachers[Program.currentTeacherIndex].userID + total_students + 1;
                    Student newStudent = new Student(userFullName, new_id, "U", "1");
                    //add new student
                    loadAll();//updating all pages
                    inputFullName.Text = "";
                }//add a teacher
                    int new_id = Program.teachers[Program.currentTeacherIndex].userID  + 100;//increase by 100 each id
                    List<Student> slist = new List<Student>();
                    Teacher newTeacher = new Teacher(userFullName,new_id,slist,"admin");
                    loadAll();//updating all pages
                    inputFullName.Text = "";

Example #7
        }//end function
        //Aurelio Arango
        private void manageStudentList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int size = manageStudentList.Items.Count;
            if (size > 0 )
                manageStudentIndex = Convert.ToInt32(manageStudentList.SelectedIndex);
                if (manageStudentIndex >= 0 )
                    targetUserUnassigned = Unassigned[manageStudentIndex];//

Example #8
        /*Aurelio Arango
         * This method retrieves the last login date for a given user based user id.
         * Returns a string of the last date a student was logged. 
        //Aurelio Arango
        //Not in use because student object holds last loggin
       /* public string getDate(int user_id)
            string string_date="";
            XElement studentListXML;
            studentListXML = XElement.Load(Program.USERSFILE);

            foreach (XElement user in studentListXML.Descendants("Student"))
                if (Convert.ToInt32(user.Element("UserID").Value) == user_id)
                    string_date = user.Element("LastLogin").Value;

            return string_date;
         *Jorge Torres & Aurelio Arango & Kevin Novak 24/29/2014 - Reload all the data when the form is reloaded
        private void loadAll()
            currentUser = new Student();
            //currentUser = Program.Student[Program.currentStudentIndex];
            currentUser = Program.students[Program.currentStudentIndex]; //Program.teachers[Program.currentTeacherIndex].students[Program.currentStudentIndex];
