public void Load(MusicNames MusicName, Levels level) { NotesManager notesManager = (NotesManager)FindObjectOfType(typeof(NotesManager)); MoveManager moveManager = (MoveManager)FindObjectOfType(typeof(MoveManager)); JudgeScript judgeScript = (JudgeScript)FindObjectOfType(typeof(JudgeScript)); string folderName = "Data/" + MusicName.ToString() + "/"; TextAsset musicData = Resources.Load <TextAsset>(folderName + tuneData); StringReader sr = new StringReader(musicData.text); while (sr.Peek() != -1) { string _str = sr.ReadLine(); string[] str = _str.Split(','); TuneDataIndex tuneDataIndex; Enum.TryParse <TuneDataIndex>(str[0], out tuneDataIndex); switch (tuneDataIndex) { case TuneDataIndex.NAME: musicName = str[1]; break; case TuneDataIndex.BPM: bpm = float.Parse(str[1]); break; case TuneDataIndex.OFFSET: offset = float.Parse(str[1]); break; } } notesManager.SetBPM(bpm); notesManager.SetOffset(offset); TextAsset notesData = Resources.Load <TextAsset>(folderName + level.ToString() + "NotesData"); notesManager.Load(notesData); AudioClip clip = Resources.Load <AudioClip>(folderName + clipName); moveManager.Init(); moveManager.SetClip(clip); judgeScript.Init(); moveManager.MusicStart(); }
void Start() { style = new GUIStyle(); style.normal.textColor =; int count = MoveManager.GetNumConnected(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { MoveManager move = gameObject.AddComponent <MoveManager>(); if (!move.Init(i)) { Destroy(move); continue; } PSMoveConnectionType conn = move.ConnectionType; if (conn == PSMoveConnectionType.Unknown || conn == PSMoveConnectionType.USB) { Destroy(move); } else { moves.Add(move); move.OnControllerDisconnected += HandleControllerDisconnected; move.SetLED(Color.cyan); DisplayedPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); TransformMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.identity,; // The proposed algorithm’s adjustable parameter, ß, was set to 0.033 for the MARG // implementation and 0.041 for the IMU implementation. //AHRS = new AHRS.MadgwickAHRS(1f / 75f, 0.1f); AHRS = new AHRS.MadgwickAHRS(1f / 75f, 0.033f); } } }