Example #1
    public MotionIK(ChaControl info, bool isHscene = false, MotionIKData data = null)
        this.info = info;
        this.data = data ?? new MotionIKData();
        Animator animBody = info.animBody;

        this.ik = (FullBodyBipedIK)((Component)animBody).GetComponent <FullBodyBipedIK>();
        if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)this.ik, (Object)null))
            this.frameCorrect = (FrameCorrect)((Component)animBody).GetComponent <FrameCorrect>();
            this.ikCorrect    = (IKCorrect)((Component)animBody).GetComponent <IKCorrect>();
        this.SetPartners((MotionIK[])Array.Empty <MotionIK>());
        if (isHscene)
        this.tmpBones = new List <GameObject>();
        ((Component)animBody).get_transform().FindLoopPrefix(this.tmpBones, "f_pv_");
        this.DefBone[0] = this.ListFindBone(this.tmpBones, "f_pv_arm_L");
        this.DefBone[1] = this.ListFindBone(this.tmpBones, "f_pv_elbo_L");
        this.DefBone[2] = this.ListFindBone(this.tmpBones, "f_pv_arm_R");
        this.DefBone[3] = this.ListFindBone(this.tmpBones, "f_pv_elbo_R");
        this.DefBone[4] = this.ListFindBone(this.tmpBones, "f_pv_leg_L");
        this.DefBone[5] = this.ListFindBone(this.tmpBones, "f_pv_knee_L");
        this.DefBone[6] = this.ListFindBone(this.tmpBones, "f_pv_leg_R");
        this.DefBone[7] = this.ListFindBone(this.tmpBones, "f_pv_knee_R");
    public MotionIKData.State InitState(string stateName, int sex)
        int index1 = -1;

        if (this.states != null)
            int index2 = -1;
            }while (++index2 < this.states.Length && !(this.states[index2].name == stateName));
            index1 = index2 < this.states.Length ? index2 : -1;
        if (index1 == -1)
            MotionIKData.State[] stateArray = new MotionIKData.State[1]
                new MotionIKData.State()
                    name = stateName
            this.states = this.states != null ? ((IEnumerable <MotionIKData.State>) this.states).Concat <MotionIKData.State>((IEnumerable <MotionIKData.State>)stateArray).ToArray <MotionIKData.State>() : stateArray;
            index1      = this.states.Length - 1;
        MotionIKData.State state = this.states[index1];
        MotionIKData.InitFrame(state, sex);
Example #3
 public void SetMapIK(string AnimatorName)
     if (!Singleton <Resources> .Instance.MapIKData.TryGetValue(AnimatorName, out this.tmpMapData))
         this.tmpMapData = (MotionIKData)null;
     this.data = this.tmpMapData != null?this.tmpMapData.Copy() : (MotionIKData)null;
    public static void InitFrame(MotionIKData.State state, int sex)
        int ikLen = MotionIK.IKTargetPair.IKTargetLength;
        IEnumerable <MotionIKData.Frame> source = Enumerable.Range(0, ikLen).Select <int, MotionIKData.Frame>((Func <int, MotionIKData.Frame>)(i => new MotionIKData.Frame()
            frameNo = i
        })).Concat <MotionIKData.Frame>(Enumerable.Range(0, FrameCorrect.FrameNames.Length).Select <int, MotionIKData.Frame>((Func <int, MotionIKData.Frame>)(i => new MotionIKData.Frame()
            frameNo = i + ikLen

        state.frames = source.ToArray <MotionIKData.Frame>();
        for (int index = 0; index < state.frames.Length; ++index)
            MotionIKData.InitShape(ref state.frames[index]);
Example #5
    public static void dumpassets()
        print("Dumping all text serializable assets");
        var dumpdir   = Dir.mod + "!base/";
        var mainass   = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().First(a => a.GetName().Name == "Assembly-CSharp");
        var dumpables = mainass.GetExportedTypes().Where(t => typeof(IDumpable).IsAssignableFrom(t));
        var basedir   = Dir.abdata;

        print($"Found {dumpables.Count()} types.");
        foreach (var bpath in Directory.GetFiles(Dir.abdata + subdir, "*.unity3d", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
            var bundle = bpath.Replace("\\", "/");
            var abname = bundle.Substring(Dir.abdata.Length);
            if (abname.Contains("--"))
            var lab = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(bundle);
            if (lab == null)
            foreach (var longname in lab.GetAllAssetNames())
                var    dir   = bundle.Remove(bundle.LastIndexOf('.')).Substring(Dir.abdata.Length);
                byte[] bytes = null;
                var    name  = Path.GetFileName(longname).ToLower();
                var    bname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(name);
                string ext   = name.Substring(bname.Length).ToLower();
                if (ext != ".asset" && ext != ".txt" && ext != ".bytes" && ext != "")
                var ass = lab.LoadAsset(bname);
                if (ass == null)
                    print("Failed to load ", ass);
                var ta = ass as UnityEngine.TextAsset;
                var da = ass as IDumpable;
                if (ta != null)
                    if (bname.StartsWith("cf_anmshape"))
                        var si = new AnimationKeyInfo();
                        si.LoadInfo(new MemoryStream(ta.bytes));
                        bytes = si.Marshal().ToBytes();
                        ext   = ".csv";
                    if (abname.Contains("list/characustom/"))
                        var chd = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize <ChaListData>(ta.bytes);
                        bytes = chd.Marshal().ToBytes();
                        bname = chd.categoryNo + "_" + bname;
                        var disa = $"{chd.distributionNo:00}";
                        var disb = Path.GetFileName(dir);
                        dir = dir.Remove(dir.LastIndexOf('/') + 1) + disa + ((disa != disb)?("_" + disb):"");
                        ext = ".csv";
                    if (name.ToLower().EndsWith(".txt"))
                        bytes = ta.text.StripBOM().ToBytes();
                        ext   = ".lst";
                        var test = ta.text.Replace("\r", "").Split('\n');
                        if (test.Length > 2 && (test[0].Split('\t').Length == test[1].Split('\t').Length) && test[0].Split('\t').Length >= 2)
                            bytes = ta.text.StripBOM().ToBytes();
                            ext   = ".lst";
                            if (abname.Contains("h/list") && bname.StartsWith("kh") && ext == ".bytes")
                                var ikd = new MotionIKData();
                                ikd.Read(new MemoryStream(ta.bytes));
                                bytes = ikd.Marshal().ToBytes();
                                ext   = "." + ikd.GetFileExt();
                                print("Uknown " + bname);
                else if (ass is IDumpable)
                    ext = "." + da.GetFileExt();
                    try {
                        bytes = da.Marshal().ToBytes();
                    } catch (Exception ex)
                        print("Something went wrong");

                if (bytes != null)
                    var ddir = dumpdir + dir;
                    var dst = ddir + "/" + bname + ext;
                    File.WriteAllBytes(dst, bytes);
                    //print("Dumping " + dst.Substring(Dir.root.Length) + " of type " + ass.GetType().Name);
    public MotionIKData Copy()
        MotionIKData motionIkData = new MotionIKData();
        int          length1      = this.states.Length;

        motionIkData.states = new MotionIKData.State[length1];
        for (int index1 = 0; index1 < length1; ++index1)
            MotionIKData.State state1 = new MotionIKData.State();
            MotionIKData.State state2 = this.states[index1];
            state1.name = state2.name;
            int length2 = state1.parts.Length;
            for (int index2 = 0; index2 < length2; ++index2)
                MotionIKData.Parts part1 = state1.parts[index2];
                MotionIKData.Parts part2 = state2.parts[index2];
                part1.param2.sex           = part2.param2.sex;
                part1.param2.target        = part2.param2.target;
                part1.param2.weightPos     = part2.param2.weightPos;
                part1.param2.weightAng     = part2.param2.weightAng;
                part1.param2.blendInfos[0] = new List <MotionIKData.BlendWeightInfo>((IEnumerable <MotionIKData.BlendWeightInfo>)part2.param2.blendInfos[0]);
                part1.param2.blendInfos[1] = new List <MotionIKData.BlendWeightInfo>((IEnumerable <MotionIKData.BlendWeightInfo>)part2.param2.blendInfos[1]);
                part1.param3.chein         = part2.param3.chein;
                part1.param3.weight        = part2.param3.weight;
                part1.param3.blendInfos    = new List <MotionIKData.BlendWeightInfo>((IEnumerable <MotionIKData.BlendWeightInfo>)part2.param3.blendInfos);
            int length3 = state2.frames.Length;
            state1.frames = new MotionIKData.Frame[length3];
            for (int index2 = 0; index2 < length3; ++index2)
                MotionIKData.Frame frame1 = new MotionIKData.Frame();
                MotionIKData.Frame frame2 = state2.frames[index2];
                frame1.frameNo = frame2.frameNo;
                frame1.editNo  = frame2.editNo;
                int length4 = frame2.shapes.Length;
                frame1.shapes = new MotionIKData.Shape[length4];
                for (int index3 = 0; index3 < length4; ++index3)
                    MotionIKData.Shape shape1 = new MotionIKData.Shape();
                    MotionIKData.Shape shape2 = frame2.shapes[index3];
                    shape1.shapeNo = shape2.shapeNo;
                    for (int index4 = 0; index4 < 3; ++index4)
                        shape1[index4] = new MotionIKData.PosAng?(new MotionIKData.PosAng());
                        MotionIKData.PosAng posAng = shape1[index4].Value;
                        for (int index5 = 0; index5 < 3; ++index5)
                            ((Vector3) ref posAng.pos).set_Item(index5, ((Vector3) ref shape2[index4].Value.pos).get_Item(index5));
                        for (int index5 = 0; index5 < 3; ++index5)
                            ((Vector3) ref posAng.ang).set_Item(index5, ((Vector3) ref shape2[index4].Value.ang).get_Item(index5));
                        shape1[index4] = new MotionIKData.PosAng?(posAng);
                    frame1.shapes[index3] = shape1;
                state1.frames[index2] = frame1;
            motionIkData.states[index1] = state1;