private static void AddPortalPins(Minimap __instance)
     foreach (Portal portal in MinimapManager.Instance.GetPinsToShow())
         if (portal.MapPin != null && !_miniMap.HaveSimilarPin(portal.MapPin.m_pos, portal.MapPin.m_type, portal.MapPin.m_name, portal.MapPin.m_save))
             portal.MapPin = null;
         if (portal.MapPin == null)
             portal.MapPin = __instance.AddPin(portal.Position, PinType, portal.Tag, true, false);
             PortalPinAdded?.Invoke(null, portal.MapPin);
         if (portal.MapPin != null)
             portal.MapPin.m_name = portal.Tag;
         if (portal.MapPin.m_uiElement != null && MinimapManager.Instance.UseColorCoding)
             Image icon = portal.MapPin.m_uiElement.GetComponent <Image>();
             icon.color = portal.AssignedColor;
Example #2
 public static void AddPin(ref Minimap __instance)
     Minimap.PinType pintype  = iconSelected.value == 4 ? Minimap.PinType.Icon4 : (Minimap.PinType)iconSelected.value;
     Minimap.PinData addedPin = __instance.AddPin(pinPos, pintype, pinName.text, true, false);
     if (Configuration.Current.Map.shareablePins && sharePin.isOn && !Configuration.Current.Map.shareAllPins)
     __instance.m_wasFocused = false;
Example #3
        static void GenerateTestData(bool[] m_explored, Minimap _instance, Texture2D m_fogTexture,
                                     List <Minimap.PinData> m_pins)
            Utils.Log("Generating test data...");
            var ySize = _instance.m_textureSize;

            if (!explored)
                var exploredChunkCounter = 0;
                Utils.Log($"Discover whole map");
                if (_instance == null)
                    Utils.Log("_instance is null");

                if (m_explored == null)
                    Utils.Log("m_explored is null");

                for (var i = 0; i < m_explored.Length; i++)
                    if (_instance.Explore(i % ySize, i / ySize))

                if (exploredChunkCounter > 0)

                explored = true;

            var vals = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Minimap.PinType));

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                var randSpotX   = Random.Range(0, ySize);
                var randSpotY   = Random.Range(0, ySize);
                var randPos     = new Vector3(randSpotX, 0f, randSpotY);
                var randPinType = Random.Range(0, 5);

                _instance.AddPin(randPos, (Minimap.PinType)vals.GetValue(randPinType), "randompin" + i, true,
                                 Random.Range(0, 1) == 0);
        public static void MergePinData(List <Minimap.PinData> pinsIn, List <Minimap.PinData> existingPins,
                                        Minimap minimap)
            if (pinsIn == null || pinsIn.Count == 0)

            foreach (var p in pinsIn)
                if (!HaveSimilarPin(existingPins, p))
                    minimap.AddPin(p.m_pos, p.m_type, p.m_name, p.m_save, p.m_checked);
Example #5
            private static bool CheckPin(Minimap __instance, Player player, ZDO zdo, int hashCode, string pinName)
                if (zdo.m_prefab != hashCode)

                Minimap.PinData customPin;
                bool            pinWasFound = customPins.TryGetValue(zdo, out customPin);

                // turn off associated pin if player controlled ship is in that position
                Ship controlledShip = player.GetControlledShip();

                if (controlledShip && Vector3.Distance(controlledShip.transform.position, zdo.m_position) < 0.01f)
                    if (pinWasFound)

                if (!pinWasFound)
                    customPin = __instance.AddPin(zdo.m_position, Minimap.PinType.Death, pinName, false, false);

                    Sprite sprite;
                    if (icons.TryGetValue(hashCode, out sprite))
                        customPin.m_icon = sprite;

                    customPin.m_doubleSize = true;
                    customPins.Add(zdo, customPin);
                    customPin.m_pos = zdo.m_position;

Example #6
        public static void Postfix(Minimap __instance)
            //Skip this entirely if disabled in the config.
            if (showMinimapIcons.Value)
                //Populate the list of current HUD characters.
                List <Character> guysList = new List <Character>();
                foreach (EnemyHud.HudData hud in EnemyHud.instance.m_huds.Values)
                    if (hud.m_character != null && hud.m_hoverTimer < EnemyHud.instance.m_hoverShowDuration)

                //Add minimap pins if they haven't been added already.
                foreach (Character character in guysList)
                    if (character is Player)

                    bool flag = false;

                    foreach (Minimap.PinData pin in __instance.m_pins)
                        if (pin.m_name.Equals("CS__" + character.GetZDOID().ToString()))
                            flag = true;

                    if (!flag)
                        __instance.AddPin(character.GetCenterPoint(), Minimap.PinType.RandomEvent, "CS__" + character.GetZDOID().ToString(), false, false);

                //Remove minimap pins which are not needed anymore.
                List <Minimap.PinData> removePins = new List <Minimap.PinData>();

                foreach (Minimap.PinData pin in __instance.m_pins)
                    if (pin.m_type == Minimap.PinType.RandomEvent && pin.m_name.Contains("CS__"))
                        bool flag = false;
                        foreach (Character character in guysList)
                            if (pin.m_name.Equals("CS__" + character.GetZDOID().ToString()))
                                pin.m_pos.x = character.GetCenterPoint().x;
                                pin.m_pos.y = character.GetCenterPoint().y;
                                pin.m_pos.z = character.GetCenterPoint().z;
                                flag        = true;

                        if (!flag)

                foreach (Minimap.PinData pin in removePins)
                    Debug.Log("removing pin for " + pin.m_name);
        public static void MergeSharedMapPinData(List <Minimap.PinData> sharedMapPins, List <Minimap.PinData> playerPins,
                                                 Minimap minimap, Dictionary <string, PlayerSyncData> playerSyncDatas, Dictionary <string, ExtendedPinData> extendedPinDatas)
            if (sharedMapPins == null || playerSyncDatas == null || extendedPinDatas == null)

            Utils.Log("mergeSharedMapPinData executing.");
            //Build some hashes
            var sharedMapPinsDict = new Dictionary <string, Minimap.PinData>();
            var playerPinsDict    = new Dictionary <string, Minimap.PinData>();

            sharedMapPins.ForEach(p =>
                sharedMapPinsDict[GetPinKey(p)] = p;

            playerPins.ForEach(p =>
                playerPinsDict[GetPinKey(p)] = p;

            Utils.Log("Hashes built.");
            //Get last player sync date
            var lastSyncDate = DateTime.MinValue;

            if (playerSyncDatas.ContainsKey(Player.m_localPlayer.GetPlayerName()))
                lastSyncDate = playerSyncDatas[Player.m_localPlayer.GetPlayerName()].SyncDate;
                Utils.Log($"Last player sync: {lastSyncDate}");
                Utils.Log($"No last player sync for {Player.m_localPlayer.GetPlayerName()}");

            //Delete any pins from incoming data player has removed since last sync - from the shared map pins dict and list
            DeleteRemovedPinsFromSharedMap(lastSyncDate, sharedMapPins, sharedMapPinsDict, playerPinsDict, extendedPinDatas);
            DeleteRemovedPinsFromPlayer(playerPinsDict, extendedPinDatas, minimap);

            //If the player is sharing their own pins, add them to the shared and extended pin data
            if (Settings.MapSettings.SendPinShares.Value)
                playerPins.ForEach(p =>
                    var pKey = GetPinKey(p);
                    sharedMapPinsDict[pKey] = p;
                    extendedPinDatas[pKey]  = new ExtendedPinData(pKey, DateTime.Now, false);

            //add any pins to the map from incoming data that the player is missing
            foreach (var pin in sharedMapPinsDict)
                var pVal = pin.Value;
                if (!playerPinsDict.ContainsKey(pin.Key))
                    minimap.AddPin(pVal.m_pos, pVal.m_type, pVal.m_name, pVal.m_save, pVal.m_checked);
Example #8
        public static void UpdateDynamicPins_Postfix(Minimap __instance)
            var player = Player.m_localPlayer;

            if (player == null)

            var adventureSaveData = player.GetAdventureSaveData();

            if (adventureSaveData == null)

            var unfoundTreasureChests = adventureSaveData.GetUnfoundTreasureChests();
            var oldPins = TreasureMapPins.Where(pinEntry => !unfoundTreasureChests.Exists(x => x.Interval == pinEntry.Key.Item1 && x.Biome == pinEntry.Key.Item2)).ToList();

            foreach (var pinEntry in oldPins)
                if (pinEntry.Value.DebugPin != null)

            foreach (var chestInfo in unfoundTreasureChests)
                var key = new Tuple <int, Heightmap.Biome>(chestInfo.Interval, chestInfo.Biome);
                if (!TreasureMapPins.ContainsKey(key))
                    var position = chestInfo.Position + chestInfo.MinimapCircleOffset;
                    var area     = __instance.AddPin(position, Minimap.PinType.EventArea, string.Empty, false, false);
                    area.m_worldSize = AdventureDataManager.Config.TreasureMap.MinimapAreaRadius * AreaScale;
                    var label = Localization.instance.Localize("$mod_epicloot_treasurechest_minimappin", Localization.instance.Localize($"$biome_{chestInfo.Biome.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()}"), (chestInfo.Interval + 1).ToString());
                    var pin   = __instance.AddPin(position, EpicLoot.TreasureMapPinType, label, false, false);

                    if (DebugMode)
                        var debugPin = __instance.AddPin(chestInfo.Position, Minimap.PinType.Icon3, $"{chestInfo.Position.x:0.0}, {chestInfo.Position.z:0.0}", false, false);
                        TreasureMapPins.Add(key, new AreaPinInfo()
                            Pin = pin, Area = area, DebugPin = debugPin
                        TreasureMapPins.Add(key, new AreaPinInfo()
                            Pin = pin, Area = area

            var currentBounties = adventureSaveData.GetInProgressBounties();
            var oldBountyPins   = BountyPins.Where(pinEntry => !currentBounties.Exists(x => x.ID == pinEntry.Key)).ToList();

            foreach (var pinEntry in oldBountyPins)

            foreach (var bounty in currentBounties)
                var key = bounty.ID;
                if (!BountyPins.ContainsKey(key))
                    var position = bounty.Position + bounty.MinimapCircleOffset;
                    var area     = __instance.AddPin(position, Minimap.PinType.EventArea, string.Empty, false, false);
                    area.m_worldSize = AdventureDataManager.Config.TreasureMap.MinimapAreaRadius * AreaScale;
                    var label = Localization.instance.Localize("$mod_epicloot_bounties_minimappin", AdventureDataManager.GetBountyName(bounty));
                    var pin   = __instance.AddPin(position, EpicLoot.BountyPinType, label, false, false);

                    if (DebugMode)
                        var debugPin = __instance.AddPin(bounty.Position, Minimap.PinType.Icon3, $"{bounty.Position.x:0.0}, {bounty.Position.z:0.0}", false, false);
                        BountyPins.Add(key, new AreaPinInfo()
                            Pin = pin, Area = area, DebugPin = debugPin
                        BountyPins.Add(key, new AreaPinInfo()
                            Pin = pin, Area = area
Example #9
        private static bool Minimap_UpdateProfilePins(Minimap __instance, ref Minimap.PinData ___m_deathPin)
            PlayerProfile prof = Game.instance.GetPlayerProfile();

            if (prof.HaveDeathPoint() && ___m_deathPin == null)
                var text = string.Empty;
                if (Settings.MoreDetailsOnDeathMarkers.Value)
                    text = prof.GetName() + "\n" + DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm");
                var newpin = __instance.AddPin(prof.GetDeathPoint(), Minimap.PinType.Death, text, true, false);
                ___m_deathPin = newpin;
                if (Settings.ShareDeathMarkers.Value)
                    Plugin.SendPin(newpin, text);

            bool done = false;

            if (Settings.ShowCarts.Value)
                if (cartZDOs == null)
                    cartZDOs = new List <ZDO>();
                var cartIndex = index;
                while (!done && cartIndex - index < sectorsPerFrame)
                    done = done || ZDOMan.instance.GetAllZDOsWithPrefabIterative(CartPrefab, cartZDOs, ref cartIndex);

                cartZDOs = cartZDOs
                           .Where(x => x.GetPosition().y > ZoneSystem.instance.m_waterLevel - 40f)

                if (cartPins == null)
                    cartPins = new List <Minimap.PinData>();

                if (cartPins.Count != cartZDOs.Count)
                    foreach (var pin in cartPins)
                    for (int i = 0; i < cartZDOs.Count; i++)
                        var pos    = cartZDOs[i].GetPosition();
                        var newPin = Minimap.instance.AddPin(pos, Minimap.PinType.Icon1, string.Empty, false, false);
                        newPin.m_icon = Assets.cartSprite;
                for (int i = 0; i < cartZDOs.Count; i++)
                    cartPins[i].m_pos = cartZDOs[i].GetPosition();
            if (Settings.ShowBoats.Value)
                if (raftZDOs == null)
                    raftZDOs = new List <ZDO>();
                if (karveZDOs == null)
                    karveZDOs = new List <ZDO>();
                if (longboatZDOs == null)
                    longboatZDOs = new List <ZDO>();

                raftZDOs.RemoveAll(x => x == null || !x.IsValid());
                karveZDOs.RemoveAll(x => x == null || !x.IsValid());
                longboatZDOs.RemoveAll(x => x == null || !x.IsValid());

                var raftIndex  = index;
                var karveIndex = index;
                var longIndex  = index;
                while (!done && raftIndex - index < sectorsPerFrame)
                    done = done || ZDOMan.instance.GetAllZDOsWithPrefabIterative(RaftPrefabName, raftZDOs, ref raftIndex);
                    ZDOMan.instance.GetAllZDOsWithPrefabIterative(KarvePrefabName, karveZDOs, ref karveIndex);
                    ZDOMan.instance.GetAllZDOsWithPrefabIterative(LongboatPrefabName, longboatZDOs, ref longIndex);

                raftZDOs     = raftZDOs.Distinct().ToList();
                karveZDOs    = karveZDOs.Distinct().ToList();
                longboatZDOs = longboatZDOs.Distinct().ToList();

                var boatZDOs = raftZDOs.Select(x => new Tuple <ZDO, string>(x, Localization.instance.Localize("$ship_raft")))
                               .Concat(karveZDOs.Select(x => new Tuple <ZDO, string>(x, Localization.instance.Localize("$ship_karve"))))
                               .Concat(longboatZDOs.Select(x => new Tuple <ZDO, string>(x, Localization.instance.Localize("$ship_longship"))))
                               .Where(x => x.Item1.GetPosition().y > ZoneSystem.instance.m_waterLevel - 40f) // Attempt to remove/hide items below the map

                if (boatPins == null)
                    boatPins = new List <Minimap.PinData>();

                if (boatPins.Count != boatZDOs.Count)
                    foreach (var pin in boatPins)

                    for (int i = 0; i < boatZDOs.Count; i++)
                        var pos = boatZDOs[i].Item1.GetPosition();

                        var newPin = Minimap.instance.AddPin(pos, Minimap.PinType.Icon1, boatZDOs[i].Item2, false, false);
                        newPin.m_icon = Assets.boatSprite;
                for (int i = 0; i < boatZDOs.Count; i++)
                    boatPins[i].m_pos  = boatZDOs[i].Item1.GetPosition();
                    boatPins[i].m_name = boatZDOs[i].Item2;

            if (done)
                index = 0;
                index += sectorsPerFrame;
