Example #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (_rb.velocity.magnitude > _velocityLimits.min)
            float velocityN = Mathf.Clamp(_velocityLimits.InverseLerp(_rb.velocity.magnitude), 0, 1);
            float emission  = _emissionRange.Lerp(velocityN);

Example #2
    // ---- Position ----
    void updatePosition()
        // set zoom amount, smoothed
        // get the normalized distance between the zoom limits, then ease it.
        _targetDistN = _distanceLimits.InverseLerp(Vector3.Distance(_targetPos, transform.position));
        if (_zoomSpeedEasing.keys.Length > 0)
            _targetDistN = _zoomSpeedEasing.Evaluate(_targetDistN);

        _desiredDistance += _inputState.zoom * Time.deltaTime * _zoomSpeed.Lerp(_targetDistN);
        _desiredDistance  = _distanceLimits.ClampValue(_desiredDistance);
        _currDistance     = Mathf.Lerp(_currDistance, _desiredDistance, Time.deltaTime * _zoomDampening);

        // calculate position based on the new distance
        transform.position = _targetPos - (transform.forward * _currDistance) + _targetOffset;