public static void ShowArgInfoControl(ArgInfo argInfo, TemplateInfoControl templateInfoControl, TemplateInfo templateInfo) { var w = new MetroWindow { Height = 430, Width = 600, EnableDWMDropShadow = true, ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize }; w.LostFocus += (ss, ee) => w.Focus(); w.Title = "参数信息"; w.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; var control = new ArgInfoControl(); control.Load(argInfo); control.OnCancelClose += (sender, args) => w.Close(); control.OnOkClose += (ss, ee) => { if (Tools.UpdateArgConfig(argInfo) != "") { return; } templateInfoControl.Load(templateInfo, true); w.Close(); }; w.Content = control; w.ShowDialog(); }
/// <summary> /// Thực hiện thao tác xóa nhóm (Được gọi bởi module RemoveGroup /// </summary> /// <param name="RemoveContact">Trạng thái xóa bạn bè hay không</param> /// <param name="GroupToRemove">Đối tượng chứa thông tin nhóm sẽ xóa</param> /// <param name="GroupMoveTo">Đối tượng chứa thông tin nhóm sẽ chuyển bạn bè tới (Mặc định Null)</param> public void DoRemoveGroup(bool RemoveContact, FriendGroup GroupToRemove, FriendGroup GroupMoveTo = null) { //Trường hợp nhóm bị xóa có bạn bè và người dùng muốn xóa bạn bè trong nhóm thì... if (GroupToRemove.Friends.Count > 0 && RemoveContact) { RemoveGroup(GroupToRemove.GroupID, RemoveContact); //Xóa nhóm và tất cả bạn bè trong nhóm GroupTree.RemoveGroup(GroupToRemove); //Xóa nhóm trong cây dữ liệu treeFriend.UpdateLayout(); removeGroupWin.Close(); return; } else if (GroupToRemove.Friends.Count == 0) //Trường hợp nhóm bị xóa không có bạn bè thì.. { RemoveGroup(GroupToRemove.GroupID, false); //Xóa nhóm (Ko thực hiện thao tác xóa bạn bè) GroupTree.RemoveGroup(GroupToRemove); //Xóa nhóm trong cây dữ liệu treeFriend.UpdateLayout(); removeGroupWin.Close(); return; } //Trường hợp di chuyển bạn bè tới nhóm mới trước khi xóa //Duyệt qua tất cả bạn bè có trong nhóm cần xóa foreach (Users child in GroupToRemove.Friends) { MoveContact(userId, child.UserID, GroupMoveTo.GroupID); //Chuyển bạn bè sang nhóm mới (Cập nhập trên CSDL) GroupTree.MoveFriend(child, GroupToRemove, GroupMoveTo); //Chuyển bạn bè sang nhóm mới trong cây dữ liệu } GroupTree.RemoveGroup(GroupToRemove); //Xóa nhóm được chỉ định treeFriend.UpdateLayout(); removeGroupWin.Close(); }
public void CloseDivisionDetailDialog() { if (divisionDetailView != null) { divisionDetailView.Close(); } }
public void CloseRacerDetailDialog() { if (racerDetailView != null) { racerDetailView.Close(); } }
private void ButtonCreate_Click(TextBox textBoxName, TextBox textBoxVersion, TextBox textBoxDirectory, MetroWindow win) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBoxName.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(LocalizedLangExtension.GetString("PleaseEnterName")); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBoxVersion.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(LocalizedLangExtension.GetString("PleaseEnterVersion")); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBoxDirectory.Text.Replace("mod/", ""))) { MessageBox.Show(LocalizedLangExtension.GetString("PleaseEnterDirectory")); return; } if (newTags.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show(LocalizedLangExtension.GetString("PleaseSelectTag")); return; } string hoi4 = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "\\" + "Paradox Interactive" + "\\" + "Hearts of Iron IV"; string hoi4ModFile = hoi4 + "\\" + textBoxDirectory.Text + ".mod"; string hoi4ModFolder = hoi4 + "\\" + textBoxDirectory.Text; //整合模组配置字符串 string strDec = ""; string strMod = ""; strMod += string.Format("name=\"{0}\"\n", textBoxName.Text); strMod += string.Format("version=\"{0}\"\n", textBoxVersion.Text); strMod += "tags={\n"; foreach (var item in newTags) { strMod += string.Format("\t\"{0}\"\n", item); } strMod += "}\n"; strDec = strMod; strMod += string.Format("path=\"{0}\"\n", hoi4ModFolder.Replace("\\", "/")); FileStream fs = new FileStream(hoi4ModFile, FileMode.Create); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false)); sw.Write(strMod); sw.Close(); fs.Close(); Directory.CreateDirectory(hoi4ModFolder); FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(hoi4ModFolder + "\\" + "descriptor.mod", FileMode.Create); StreamWriter sw1 = new StreamWriter(fs1, new UTF8Encoding(false)); sw1.Write(strDec); sw1.Close(); fs1.Close(); win.Close(); }
public void CloseDialog() { if (windowDialog != null) { windowDialog.Close(); } }
private async void ExecuteCloseDialogAsync(string parameter) { switch (parameter) { case "Backup": await _currentWindow.HideMetroDialogAsync(_backupDialog); break; case "Restore": await _currentWindow.HideMetroDialogAsync(_restoreBackupDialog); break; case "User": await _currentWindow.HideMetroDialogAsync(_userDialog); break; case "Login": await _currentWindow.HideMetroDialogAsync(_loginDialog); _currentWindow.Close(); break; default: break; } }
public void Configure(object parentWindow) { var win = new MetroWindow() { Title = "Configuration", Width = 300, Height = 100, WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen, Owner = (Window)parentWindow, BorderThickness = new Thickness(0), GlowBrush = Brushes.Black, ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize }; var check = new CheckBox() { Content = "Add/remove Seymour automatically", Margin = new Thickness(5), IsChecked = ModSettings.ReadSetting <bool>("AutoAddRemove") }; var butt = new Button() { Content = "Save", Margin = new Thickness(5) }; var stack = new StackPanel() { Children = { check, butt }, Margin = new Thickness(5) }; butt.Click += (sender, args) => { ModSettings.WriteSetting("AutoAddRemove", check.IsChecked); win.Close(); }; win.Content = stack; win.ShowDialog(); }
private async void ExecuteCloseDialogAsync(string parameter) { try { switch (parameter) { case "Backup": await currentWindow.HideMetroDialogAsync(backupDialog); break; case "Restore": await currentWindow.HideMetroDialogAsync(restoreBackupDialog); break; case "startShift": await currentWindow.HideMetroDialogAsync(startShiftDialog); currentWindow.Close(); break; case "back": await currentWindow.HideMetroDialogAsync(startShiftDialog); LoginModel = new LoginDataModel(); loginDialog.DataContext = this; await currentWindow.ShowMetroDialogAsync(loginDialog); break; case "Login": await currentWindow.HideMetroDialogAsync(loginDialog); currentWindow.Close(); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void ExecuteSaveAsync() { Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait; _selectedSupplyOffer.Client = _selectedClient; _supplyOfferServ.UpdateSupplyOffer(_selectedSupplyOffer); _supplyOfferCategoryServ.DeleteSupplyOfferCategories(ID); foreach (var item in _supplyOfferCategories) { SupplyOfferCategory _supplyOfferCategory = new SupplyOfferCategory { CategoryID = item.CategoryID, Cost = item.Cost, CostAfterDiscount = item.CostAfterDiscount, CostAfterTax = item.CostAfterTax, CostTotal = item.CostTotal, CostTotalAfterDiscount = item.CostTotalAfterDiscount, CostTotalAfterTax = item.CostTotalAfterTax, Discount = item.Discount, DiscountValue = item.DiscountValue, DiscountValueTotal = item.DiscountValueTotal, SupplyOfferID = ID, Qty = item.Qty, Tax = item.Tax, TaxValue = item.TaxValue, TaxValueTotal = item.TaxValueTotal }; _supplyOfferCategoryServ.AddSupplyOfferCategory(_supplyOfferCategory); } DS ds = new DS(); ds.Sale.Rows.Clear(); int i = 0; foreach (var item in _supplyOfferCategories) { ds.Sale.Rows.Add(); ds.Sale[i]["Client"] = _selectedClient.Name; ds.Sale[i]["Serial"] = i + 1; ds.Sale[i]["Category"] = item.Category + " " + item.Company; ds.Sale[i]["Qty"] = item.Qty; ds.Sale[i]["Price"] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(item.CostAfterTax), 2); ds.Sale[i]["TotalPrice"] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(item.CostTotalAfterTax), 2); ds.Sale[i]["BillPrice"] = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(_selectedSupplyOffer.CostAfterTax), 2); i++; } ReportWindow rpt = new ReportWindow(); SupplyOfferReport supplyOfferRPT = new SupplyOfferReport(); supplyOfferRPT.SetDataSource(ds.Tables["Sale"]); rpt.crv.ViewerCore.ReportSource = supplyOfferRPT; Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; _currentWindow.Hide(); rpt.ShowDialog(); _currentWindow.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// 关闭Popup /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> private void ClosePopup(object obj) { //多个Popup时需要入栈 if (popupWindowsStack.Count > 0) { MetroWindow popupWindow = popupWindowsStack.Pop() as MetroWindow; popupWindow.Close(); popupWindow = null; GC.Collect(); } }
/// <summary> /// 关闭对话框 /// </summary> private void closePopView(bool b) { if (popupViewStack.Count > 0) { MetroWindow popupWindow = popupViewStack.Pop() as MetroWindow; popupWindow.MouseDown -= PopupWindows_MouseDown; popupWindow.Close(); popupWindow = null; GC.Collect(); } }
private void ExecuteSignOut() { try { MainViewModel.IsSignOut = true; currentWindow.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void AttemptLogin(object obj) { PasswordBox pwBox = obj as PasswordBox; User u = AuthenticateUser(LoginName, pwBox.Password, PIN); if (u != null) { MainWindow mw = new MainWindow(); mw.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.SingleBorderWindow; mw.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; mw.DataContext = DesktopApplication.MainViewModel; Platform.CurrentUser = u; //Get this workstation if (DesktopApplication.Librarian.GetItems(typeof(Workstation), new List <RetrievalCriteria>()).Where(x => (x as Workstation).Name == Environment.MachineName).Any()) { DesktopApplication.MainViewModel.CurrentWorkstation = (Workstation)DesktopApplication.Librarian.GetItems(typeof(Workstation), new List <RetrievalCriteria>()).Where(x => (x as Workstation).Name == Environment.MachineName).First(); } else { Workstation w = new Workstation(); w.Name = Environment.MachineName; DesktopApplication.Librarian.SaveItem(w); DesktopApplication.MainViewModel.CurrentWorkstation = w; logger.Info("New workstation " + w.Name + " created and saved"); } if (DesktopApplication.Librarian.GetItems(typeof(NucMedPractice), new List <RetrievalCriteria>()).Any()) { DesktopApplication.CurrentPratice = (NucMedPractice)DesktopApplication.Librarian.GetItems(typeof(NucMedPractice), new List <RetrievalCriteria>()).First(); } iRadiate.Desktop.Common.DesktopApplication.CurrentUser = u; iRadiate.Desktop.Common.DesktopApplication.MainWindow = mw; mw.DataContext = DesktopApplication.MainViewModel; mw.InitializeComponent(); mw.Show(); Properties.Settings.Default.LastLoginName = u.LoginName; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); MetroWindow element = FindParent <MetroWindow>(pwBox); element.Close(); } else { PopupMessage = "Login details not correct - try again"; PopupOpen = true; Password = ""; PIN = ""; } }
private MetroWindow GetTestWindow() { if (testWindow != null) { testWindow.Close(); } testWindow = new MetroWindow() { Owner = this, WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner, Title = "Another Test...", Width = 500, Height = 300 }; testWindow.Closed += (o, args) => testWindow = null; return(testWindow); }
public async void CloseWind(string Title, string Message, MessageDialogStyle settings) { MessageDialogResult result = await wind.ShowMessageAsync(Title, Message); if (result == MessageDialogResult.Negative) { await Task.Run(() => { wind.Close(); }); } else { return; } //else return; }
private void butSaveExecute(MetroWindow myWindow) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name)) { MessageBox.Show("Пустое имя"); return; } _bridge.AddEvent(new SimpleEventModel(Name, Description, DatePlanned)); myWindow.Close(); // Чтобы при повторном открытии приложения не сохрнились старые значения снесем эти Name = null; Description = null; DatePlanned = DateTime.Now; }
/// <summary> /// 关闭提示框 /// </summary> /// <param name="s"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <param name="from"></param> private static void WinCloseTimer_Elapsed(object s, ElapsedEventArgs e, MetroWindow from) { try { if (from != null) { from.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { from.Close(); })); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("弹出窗体出现异常:" + ex.Message); } }
private void Sign(User user, MetroWindow window) { ClientServer client = new ClientServer(user?.UserConfig?.SavedCredential); if (user?.UserConfig?.SavedCredential != null) { var indicator = new IndicatorWindow(); window.Hide(); indicator.Show(); if (client.CheckIsLogined()) { ClientServer.AuthenticationMounted = user?.UserConfig?.SavedCredential; new MainWindow().Show(); indicator.Close(); window.Close(); } } }
public void PopupWindowWithBorder(string title, string text) { if (m_PopupWin != null) { m_PopupWin.Close(); } m_PopupWin = new MetroWindow() { Owner = this, WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner, Title = title, Width = 500, Height = 300 }; m_PopupWin.Closed += (o, args) => m_PopupWin = null; m_PopupWin.Content = new TextBlock() { Text = text, FontSize = 28, FontWeight = FontWeights.Light, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center }; m_PopupWin.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1); m_PopupWin.GlowBrush = null; m_PopupWin.SetResourceReference(MetroWindow.BorderBrushProperty, "AccentColorBrush"); m_PopupWin.Show(); }
public NewInjection(Injection Injection = null, Patient patient = null) { if (window != null) { window.Close(); } window = this; InitializeComponent(); NewInjectionViewModel vm = new NewInjectionViewModel(Injection); DataContext = vm; if (Injection == null) { ThemeManager.Current.ChangeTheme(this, "Light.Green"); DeleteButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; DischargeButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ReAdmitButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (patient != null) { vm.selectPatient(patient); } } else { ThemeManager.Current.ChangeTheme(this, "Light.Red"); this.Title = "Modify Injection"; if (Injection.patientStatus == "Discharged") { DischargeButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else { ReAdmitButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } }
public Control CreateControl(MetroWindow metroWindow, ClsLoginModel clsLogin, string menuId) { switch (menuId) { case "退出": metroWindow.Close(); return(null); case "Bug 反馈": Process.Start(""); return(null); case "关于我们": return(new About { Owner = metroWindow }); default: return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the database /// </summary> /// <param name="win">The windwow that calls this task.</param> public async void Init(MetroWindow win) { ActiveWindow = win; await ShowProgressDialog(CAP_LOADING, MSG_LOADING_DB); OracleTransactions.InitDatabase( async (BackgroundWorker worker, Object result) => { string msg; if (result is Exception) msg = (result as Exception).Message; else { this.InitCompleted(result); msg = MSG_MEMORY_LOADED; } await CloseProgressDialog(); await win.ShowMessageAsync(String.Empty, msg, MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative); win.Close(); if (!(result is Exception) && DatabaseLoaded != null) this.DatabaseLoaded(); }); }
private async void Deco() { var window = Application.Current.Windows.OfType <MetroWindow>().LastOrDefault(); if (window != null) { var result = await window.ShowMessageAsync("Avertissement", "Voulez-vous vraiment vous déconnecter ?", MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative, new MetroDialogSettings { AffirmativeButtonText = "Oui", NegativeButtonText = "Non", AnimateHide = false, AnimateShow = true }); if (result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { VueLogin vl = new VueLogin(); vuePrecedente.Show(); vuePrecedente.Close(); window.Close(); vl.Show(); } } }
async void CloseCommandExecute(CancelEventArgs e) { if (CloseCommandCanExecute == false) { e.Cancel = true; var result = await _dialogCoordinator.ShowProgressAsync(this, "Even geduld..", "Bezig met afsluiten", true); result.Canceled += delegate { result.CloseAsync(); }; result.SetProgress(0.3); await Task.Delay(100); result.SetProgress(0.5); await Task.Delay(100); result.SetProgress(0.7); await Task.Delay(100); result.SetProgress(1); await result.CloseAsync(); CloseCommandCanExecute = true; metroWindow.Close(); } }
public void Close() { _win.Close(); }
private void ConsoleButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _logWindow?.Close(); _logWindow = new LogViewer(); _logWindow.Show(); }
private void ExecuteSave() { try { Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait; _selectedSale.Salesperson = SelectedSalesperson; _saleServ.UpdateSale(_selectedSale); _safeServ.DeleteSafe(_selectedSale.RegistrationDate); _clientAccountServ.DeleteAccount(_selectedSale.RegistrationDate); var saleCategories = _saleCategoryServ.GetSaleCategories(_selectedSale.ID); foreach (var item in saleCategories) { Category cat = _categoryServ.GetCategory(item.CategoryID); if (cat.Qty + item.Qty != 0) { cat.Cost = (item.CostTotal + (cat.Cost * cat.Qty)) / (cat.Qty + item.Qty); } cat.Qty = cat.Qty + item.Qty; _categoryServ.UpdateCategory(cat); } _saleCategoryServ.DeleteSaleCategories(ID); foreach (var item in _saleCategories) { SaleCategory _saleCategory = new SaleCategory { CategoryID = item.CategoryID, Cost = item.Cost, CostTotal = item.CostTotal, Price = item.Price, PriceTotal = item.PriceTotal, SaleID = ID, Qty = item.Qty }; _saleCategoryServ.AddSaleCategory(_saleCategory); Category cat = _categoryServ.GetCategory(item.CategoryID); cat.Qty = cat.Qty - item.Qty; _categoryServ.UpdateCategory(cat); } ClientAccount _account = new ClientAccount { ClientID = _selectedSale.ClientID, Date = _selectedSale.Date, RegistrationDate = _selectedSale.RegistrationDate, Statement = "فاتورة مبيعات رقم " + ID, Credit = _selectedSale.CashPaid + _selectedSale.DiscountPaid, Debit = _selectedSale.Price }; _clientAccountServ.AddAccount(_account); if (_selectedSale.CashPaid > 0) { Safe _safe = new Safe { Date = _selectedSale.Date, RegistrationDate = _selectedSale.RegistrationDate, Statement = "فاتورة مبيعات رقم " + ID + " للعميل: " + _selectedSale.Client.Name, Amount = _selectedSale.CashPaid, Source = 4 }; _safeServ.AddSafe(_safe); } Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; _currentWindow.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void PrintMethod() { try { using (var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(new GeneralDBContext())) { unitOfWork.Bills.Edit(_selectedBill); unitOfWork.Safes.Remove(d => d.RegistrationDate == _selectedBill.RegistrationDate); Safe safe = new Safe { Amount = _selectedBill.Total, CanDelete = false, RegistrationDate = _selectedBill.RegistrationDate, Type = true, Statement = $"فاتورة {_selectedBill.ID}", UserID = (int)_selectedBill.UserID }; unitOfWork.Safes.Add(safe); unitOfWork.BillsItems.Remove(s => s.BillID == BillID); foreach (var item in BillItems) { unitOfWork.BillsItems.Add(new BillItem { BillID = BillID, ItemID = item.ItemID, Price = item.Item.Price, Qty = item.Qty, Total = item.Qty * item.Item.Price }); } unitOfWork.Complete(); Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait; int rnd = new Random().Next(1000, 9999); List <int?> categoriesId = _billItems.Select(s => s.Item.CategoryID).Distinct().ToList(); foreach (var categoryId in categoriesId) { DS ds = new DS(); ds.Bill.Rows.Clear(); int i = 0; foreach (var item in BillItems.Where(w => w.Item.CategoryID == categoryId)) { ds.Bill.Rows.Add(); ds.Bill[i]["BillID"] = $"#{rnd}#{_selectedBill.ID}#"; ds.Bill[i]["Date"] = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); ds.Bill[i]["Time"] = DateTime.Now.ToString(" h:mm tt"); ds.Bill[i]["Type"] = _selectedBill.Type; ds.Bill[i]["Details"] = _selectedBill.Details; ds.Bill[i]["ItemQty"] = item.Qty; ds.Bill[i]["ItemName"] = item.Item.Name; ds.Bill[i]["ItemPrice"] = string.Format("{0:0.00}", item.Item.Price);; ds.Bill[i]["BillTotal"] = string.Format("{0:0.00}", Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(BillItems.Where(w => w.Item.CategoryID == categoryId).Sum(s => s.Total)), 0)); i++; } BillItemsReport billItemsReport = new BillItemsReport(); billItemsReport.SetDataSource(ds.Tables["Bill"]); Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; billItemsReport.PrintToPrinter(1, false, 0, 15); } currentWindow.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } finally { Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; } }
private void ExecuteSave() { try { _supplyServ.UpdateSupply(_selectedSupply); _safeServ.DeleteSafe(_selectedSupply.RegistrationDate); _clientAccountServ.DeleteAccount(_selectedSupply.RegistrationDate); var supplyCategories = _supplyCategoryServ.GetSupplyCategories(_selectedSupply.ID); foreach (var item in supplyCategories) { Category cat = _categoryServ.GetCategory(item.CategoryID); if (cat.Qty - item.Qty != 0) { cat.Cost = ((cat.Cost * cat.Qty) - item.CostTotal) / (cat.Qty - item.Qty); } if (cat.Cost < 0) { cat.Cost = 0; } cat.Qty = cat.Qty - item.Qty; _categoryServ.UpdateCategory(cat); } _supplyCategoryServ.DeleteSupplyCategories(ID); foreach (var item in _supplyCategories) { SupplyCategory _supplyCategory = new SupplyCategory { CategoryID = item.CategoryID, Cost = item.Cost, CostTotal = item.CostTotal, SupplyID = ID, Qty = item.Qty, Price = item.Price }; _supplyCategoryServ.AddSupplyCategory(_supplyCategory); Category cat = _categoryServ.GetCategory(item.CategoryID); if (cat.Qty + item.Qty != 0) { cat.Cost = (item.CostTotal + (cat.Cost * cat.Qty)) / (cat.Qty + item.Qty); } cat.Qty = cat.Qty + item.Qty; cat.Price = item.Price; _categoryServ.UpdateCategory(cat); } ClientAccount _account = new ClientAccount { ClientID = _selectedSupply.ClientID, Date = _selectedSupply.Date, RegistrationDate = _selectedSupply.RegistrationDate, Statement = "فاتورة مشتريات رقم " + ID, Credit = _selectedSupply.Cost, Debit = _selectedSupply.CashPaid + _selectedSupply.DiscountPaid }; _clientAccountServ.AddAccount(_account); if (_selectedSupply.CashPaid > 0) { Safe _safe = new Safe { Date = _selectedSupply.Date, RegistrationDate = _selectedSupply.RegistrationDate, Statement = "فاتورة مشتريات رقم " + ID + " من العميل : " + _selectedSupply.Client.Name, Amount = -_selectedSupply.CashPaid, Source = 3 }; _safeServ.AddSafe(_safe); } _currentWindow.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }