Example #1
    Vector3 Deform(Vector3 p, float off, MegaRope rope, float alpha)
        Vector3 np = rope.Interp(alpha);                //tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Interp(alpha));

        T   = rope.Velocity(alpha).normalized;
        wtm = rope.CalcFrame(T, ref N, ref B);
        //wtm.SetRow(3, np);
        MegaMatrix.SetTrans(ref wtm, np);

Example #2
    // This will take a selected object and deform that along the spline
    public override void BuildMesh(MegaRope rope)
        // Option to stretch the mesh to fit, and end to start from
        if ( source )
            if ( overts == null )
                //Mesh smesh = MegaUtils.GetMesh(source);
                //bounds = smesh.bounds;
                //sverts = smesh.vertices;
                //verts = new Vector3[smesh.vertexCount];

            // Calc frames
            if ( frames == null || frames.Length != numframes + 1 )
                frames = new Matrix4x4[numframes + 1];

            wtm = rope.GetDeformMat(0.0f);
            T = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Velocity(0.0f).normalized);

            // Calc vector to use for cp based on velocity of first point
            Vector3 cp = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.right));
            N = (cp - wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Interp(0.0f))).normalized;
            B = Vector3.Cross(T, N);

            frames[0] = wtm;

            for ( int i = 0; i <= numframes; i++ )
                float alpha = (float)i / (float)numframes;
                if ( i == 0 )
                    alpha = 0.001f;

                T = rope.Velocity(alpha).normalized;
                frames[i] = rope.CalcFrame(T, ref N, ref B);

            int ax = (int)meshaxis;

            Vector3 sscl = scale;	//StartScale * GlobalScale;
            //Vector3 soff = Vector3.Scale(offset, sscl);

            tm = Matrix4x4.identity;
            //wtm = rope.GetDeformMat(0.0f);
            //T = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Velocity(0.0f).normalized);

            // Calc vector to use for cp based on velocity of first point
            //Vector3 cp = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.right));
            //N = (cp - wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Interp(0.0f))).normalized;
            //B = Vector3.Cross(T, N);

            float off = 0.0f;
            float min = bounds.min[ax];
            float sz = bounds.size[ax];
            //float alpha = 0.0f;
            //Debug.Log("min " + min + "sz " + sz);

            off -= bounds.min[(int)meshaxis] * sscl[ax];

            if ( !stretchtofit )
                sz = rope.RopeLength;

            for ( int i = 0; i < sverts.Length; i++ )
                Vector3 p = sverts[i];

                float alpha = Mathf.Clamp01((p[ax] - min) / sz);	// can pre calc

                //if ( alpha > 1.0f || alpha < 0.0f )
                //	Debug.Log("Alpha " + alpha + " val " + p[ax]);
                MegaMatrix.SetTrans(ref frames[(int)(alpha * numframes)], rope.Interp(alpha));

                p[ax] = 0.0f;
                p.x *= scale.x;
                p.y *= scale.y;
                p.z *= scale.z;
                //p = Deform(p, off, rope, alpha);
                overts[i] = frames[(int)(alpha * numframes)].MultiplyPoint3x4(p);

            // Going to need Mega Normal calculator here potentially
            rope.mesh.vertices = overts;
            RecalcNormals(rope.mesh, overts);
Example #3
    Vector3 Deform(Vector3 p, float off, MegaRope rope, float alpha)
        Vector3 np = rope.Interp(alpha);	//tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Interp(alpha));
        T = rope.Velocity(alpha).normalized;
        wtm = rope.CalcFrame(T, ref N, ref B);
        //wtm.SetRow(3, np);
        MegaMatrix.SetTrans(ref wtm, np);

        return p;
Example #4
    // This will take a selected object and deform that along the spline
    public override void BuildMesh(MegaRope rope)
        // Option to stretch the mesh to fit, and end to start from
        if (source)
            if (overts == null)
                //Mesh smesh = MegaUtils.GetMesh(source);
                //bounds = smesh.bounds;
                //sverts = smesh.vertices;
                //verts = new Vector3[smesh.vertexCount];

            // Calc frames
            if (frames == null || frames.Length != numframes + 1)
                frames = new Matrix4x4[numframes + 1];

            wtm = rope.GetDeformMat(0.0f);
            T   = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Velocity(0.0f).normalized);

            // Calc vector to use for cp based on velocity of first point
            Vector3 cp = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.right));
            N = (cp - wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Interp(0.0f))).normalized;
            B = Vector3.Cross(T, N);

            frames[0] = wtm;

            for (int i = 0; i <= numframes; i++)
                float alpha = (float)i / (float)numframes;
                if (i == 0)
                    alpha = 0.001f;

                T         = rope.Velocity(alpha).normalized;
                frames[i] = rope.CalcFrame(T, ref N, ref B);

            int ax = (int)meshaxis;

            Vector3 sscl = scale;               //StartScale * GlobalScale;
            //Vector3 soff = Vector3.Scale(offset, sscl);

            tm = Matrix4x4.identity;
            //wtm = rope.GetDeformMat(0.0f);
            //T = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Velocity(0.0f).normalized);

            // Calc vector to use for cp based on velocity of first point
            //Vector3 cp = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.right));
            //N = (cp - wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Interp(0.0f))).normalized;
            //B = Vector3.Cross(T, N);

            float off = 0.0f;
            float min = bounds.min[ax];
            float sz  = bounds.size[ax];
            //float alpha = 0.0f;
            //Debug.Log("min " + min + "sz " + sz);

            off -= bounds.min[(int)meshaxis] * sscl[ax];

            if (!stretchtofit)
                sz = rope.RopeLength;

            for (int i = 0; i < sverts.Length; i++)
                Vector3 p = sverts[i];

                float alpha = Mathf.Clamp01((p[ax] - min) / sz);                        // can pre calc

                //if ( alpha > 1.0f || alpha < 0.0f )
                //	Debug.Log("Alpha " + alpha + " val " + p[ax]);
                MegaMatrix.SetTrans(ref frames[(int)(alpha * numframes)], rope.Interp(alpha));

                p[ax] = 0.0f;
                p.x  *= scale.x;
                p.y  *= scale.y;
                p.z  *= scale.z;
                //p = Deform(p, off, rope, alpha);
                overts[i] = frames[(int)(alpha * numframes)].MultiplyPoint3x4(p);

            // Going to need Mega Normal calculator here potentially
            rope.mesh.vertices = overts;
            RecalcNormals(rope.mesh, overts);
    public override void BuildMesh(MegaRope rope)
        float lengthuvtile = uvtiley * rope.RopeLength;

        Twist    = TwistPerUnit * rope.RopeLength;
        segments = (int)(rope.RopeLength * SegsPerUnit);

        float off = (rope.radius * 0.5f) + offset;

        float sradius = 0.0f;

        if (strands == 1)
            off     = offset;
            sradius = rope.radius;
            sradius = (rope.radius * 0.5f) + strandRadius;


        int vcount = ((segments + 1) * (sides + 1)) * strands;
        int tcount = ((sides * 2) * segments) * strands;

        if (cap)
            vcount += ((sides + 1) * 2) * strands;
            tcount += (sides * 2) * strands;

        if (verts == null || verts.Length != vcount)
            verts = new Vector3[vcount];

        bool builduvs = false;

        if (uvs == null || uvs.Length != vcount)
            uvs      = new Vector2[vcount];
            tris     = new int[tcount * 3];
            builduvs = true;

        //mat = Matrix4x4.identity;
        tm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        switch (rope.axis)
        case MegaAxis.X: MegaMatrix.RotateY(ref tm, -Mathf.PI * 0.5f); break;

        case MegaAxis.Y: MegaMatrix.RotateX(ref tm, -Mathf.PI * 0.5f); break;

        case MegaAxis.Z: break;

        //switch ( rope.RopeUp )
        //	case MegaAxis.X: ropeup = Vector3.right; break;
        //	case MegaAxis.Y: ropeup = Vector3.up; break;
        //	case MegaAxis.Z: ropeup = Vector3.forward; break;
        // We only need to refresh the verts, tris and uvs are done once
        int vi = 0;
        int ti = 0;

        Vector2 uv   = Vector2.zero;
        Vector3 soff = Vector3.zero;

        //Vector3 up = Vector3.up;

        Vector3 T = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 N = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 B = Vector3.zero;

        for (int s = 0; s < strands; s++)
            //rollingquat = Quaternion.identity;

            float ang = ((float)s / (float)strands) * Mathf.PI * 2.0f;

            soff.x = Mathf.Sin(ang) * off;
            soff.z = Mathf.Cos(ang) * off;
            //Matrix.SetTrans(ref tm, soff);

            int vo = vi;

            // Cap maybe needs to be submesh, at least needs seperate verts
            if (cap)
                // Add slice at 0
                float alpha = 0.0f;
                wtm = rope.GetDeformMat(alpha);
                //wtm = rope.GetDeformMat(alpha, up);

                //float uvt = alpha * uvtwist;

                float tst = alpha * Twist * Mathf.PI * 2.0f;
                soff.x = Mathf.Sin(ang + tst) * off;
                soff.z = Mathf.Cos(ang + tst) * off;

                //int ovi = vi;

                for (int v = 0; v <= cross.Length; v++)
                    Vector3 p = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(cross[v % cross.Length] + soff);
                    verts[vi] = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);                        //cross[v]);

                    if (builduvs)
                        uv.y = 0.0f;                            //alpha * uvtiley;
                        uv.x = 0.0f;                            //(((float)v / (float)cross.Length) * uvtilex) + uvt;

                        uvs[vi++] = uv;

                //up = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(cross[0])).normalized;

                if (builduvs)
                    for (int sd = 1; sd < sides; sd++)
                        tris[ti++] = vo;
                        tris[ti++] = vo + sd + 1;
                        tris[ti++] = vo + sd;

                vo = vi;

                // Other end
                alpha = 1.0f;
                wtm   = rope.GetDeformMat(alpha);

                //wtm = rope.CalcFrame(T, ref N, ref B);

                //uvt = alpha * uvtwist;

                tst    = alpha * Twist * Mathf.PI * 2.0f;
                soff.x = Mathf.Sin(ang + tst) * off;
                soff.z = Mathf.Cos(ang + tst) * off;

                for (int v = 0; v <= cross.Length; v++)
                    Vector3 p = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(cross[v % cross.Length] + soff);
                    verts[vi] = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);                        //cross[v]);

                    if (builduvs)
                        uv.y = 0.0f;                            //alpha * uvtiley;
                        uv.x = 0.0f;                            //(((float)v / (float)cross.Length) * uvtilex) + uvt;

                        uvs[vi++] = uv;

                if (builduvs)
                    for (int sd = 1; sd < sides; sd++)
                        tris[ti++] = vo;
                        tris[ti++] = vo + sd;
                        tris[ti++] = vo + sd + 1;

            vo = vi;

            //wtm = rope.GetDeformMat(0.0f);

            for (int i = 0; i <= segments; i++)
                float alpha = ((float)i / (float)segments);

                float uvt = alpha * uvtwist;

                float tst = (alpha * Twist * Mathf.PI * 2.0f);                  // + rollang;
                soff.x = Mathf.Sin(ang + tst) * off;
                soff.z = Mathf.Cos(ang + tst) * off;

                if (i == 0)
                    wtm = rope.GetDeformMat(alpha);
                    T   = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Velocity(0.0f).normalized);

                    Vector3 cp = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(cross[0]));
                    N = (cp - wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Interp(0.0f))).normalized;
                    B = Vector3.Cross(T, N);
                    Vector3 np = rope.Interp(alpha);                            //tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Interp(alpha));
                    T   = rope.Velocity(alpha).normalized;
                    wtm = rope.CalcFrame(T, ref N, ref B);
                    //wtm.SetRow(3, np);
                    MegaMatrix.SetTrans(ref wtm, np);

                //wtm = rope.GetDeformMat(alpha);

                for (int v = 0; v <= cross.Length; v++)
                    Vector3 p = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(cross[v % cross.Length] + soff);
                    verts[vi] = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);                        //cross[v]);

                    //if ( true )	//builduvs )
                        uv.y = alpha * lengthuvtile;                            //uvtiley;
                        uv.x = (((float)v / (float)cross.Length) * uvtilex) + uvt;

                        uvs[vi++] = uv;
                    //	vi++;
                // Uv is - to 1 around and alpha along

            if (builduvs)
                int sc = sides + 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < segments; i++)
                    for (int v = 0; v < cross.Length; v++)
                        tris[ti++] = (i * sc) + v + vo;
                        tris[ti++] = ((i + 1) * sc) + ((v + 1) % sc) + vo;
                        tris[ti++] = ((i + 1) * sc) + v + vo;

                        tris[ti++] = (i * sc) + v + vo;
                        tris[ti++] = (i * sc) + ((v + 1) % sc) + vo;
                        tris[ti++] = ((i + 1) * sc) + ((v + 1) % sc) + vo;

        //Mesh mesh = MegaUtils.GetMesh(rope.gameObject);

        if (builduvs)
            rope.mesh.vertices  = verts;
            rope.mesh.uv        = uvs;
            rope.mesh.triangles = tris;
            rope.mesh.vertices = verts;
            rope.mesh.uv       = uvs;

Example #6
    public override void BuildMesh(MegaRope rope)
        float lengthuvtile = uvtiley * rope.RopeLength;

        Twist = TwistPerUnit * rope.RopeLength;
        segments = (int)(rope.RopeLength * SegsPerUnit);

        float off = (rope.radius * 0.5f) + offset;

        float sradius = 0.0f;

        if ( strands == 1 )
            off = offset;
            sradius = rope.radius;
            sradius = (rope.radius * 0.5f) + strandRadius;


        int vcount = ((segments + 1) * (sides + 1)) * strands;
        int tcount = ((sides * 2) * segments) * strands;

        if ( cap )
            vcount += ((sides + 1) * 2) * strands;
            tcount += (sides * 2) * strands;

        if ( verts == null || verts.Length != vcount )
            verts = new Vector3[vcount];

        bool builduvs = false;

        if ( uvs == null || uvs.Length != vcount )
            uvs = new Vector2[vcount];
            tris = new int[tcount * 3];
            builduvs = true;

        //mat = Matrix4x4.identity;
        tm = Matrix4x4.identity;

        switch ( rope.axis )
            case MegaAxis.X: MegaMatrix.RotateY(ref tm, -Mathf.PI * 0.5f); break;
            case MegaAxis.Y: MegaMatrix.RotateX(ref tm, -Mathf.PI * 0.5f); break;
            case MegaAxis.Z: break;

        //switch ( rope.RopeUp )
        //	case MegaAxis.X: ropeup = Vector3.right; break;
        //	case MegaAxis.Y: ropeup = Vector3.up; break;
        //	case MegaAxis.Z: ropeup = Vector3.forward; break;
        // We only need to refresh the verts, tris and uvs are done once
        int vi = 0;
        int ti = 0;

        Vector2 uv = Vector2.zero;
        Vector3 soff = Vector3.zero;

        //Vector3 up = Vector3.up;

        Vector3 T = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 N = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 B = Vector3.zero;

        for ( int s = 0; s < strands; s++ )
            //rollingquat = Quaternion.identity;

            float ang = ((float)s / (float)strands) * Mathf.PI * 2.0f;

            soff.x = Mathf.Sin(ang) * off;
            soff.z = Mathf.Cos(ang) * off;
            //Matrix.SetTrans(ref tm, soff);

            int vo = vi;

            // Cap maybe needs to be submesh, at least needs seperate verts
            if ( cap )
                // Add slice at 0
                float alpha = 0.0f;
                wtm = rope.GetDeformMat(alpha);
                //wtm = rope.GetDeformMat(alpha, up);

                //float uvt = alpha * uvtwist;

                float tst = alpha * Twist * Mathf.PI * 2.0f;
                soff.x = Mathf.Sin(ang + tst) * off;
                soff.z = Mathf.Cos(ang + tst) * off;

                //int ovi = vi;

                for ( int v = 0; v <= cross.Length; v++ )
                    Vector3 p = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(cross[v % cross.Length] + soff);
                    verts[vi] = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);	//cross[v]);

                    if ( builduvs )
                        uv.y = 0.0f;	//alpha * uvtiley;
                        uv.x = 0.0f;	//(((float)v / (float)cross.Length) * uvtilex) + uvt;

                        uvs[vi++] = uv;

                //up = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(cross[0])).normalized;

                if ( builduvs )
                    for ( int sd = 1; sd < sides; sd++ )
                        tris[ti++] = vo;
                        tris[ti++] = vo + sd + 1;
                        tris[ti++] = vo + sd;

                vo = vi;

                // Other end
                alpha = 1.0f;
                wtm = rope.GetDeformMat(alpha);

                //wtm = rope.CalcFrame(T, ref N, ref B);

                //uvt = alpha * uvtwist;

                tst = alpha * Twist * Mathf.PI * 2.0f;
                soff.x = Mathf.Sin(ang + tst) * off;
                soff.z = Mathf.Cos(ang + tst) * off;

                for ( int v = 0; v <= cross.Length; v++ )
                    Vector3 p = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(cross[v % cross.Length] + soff);
                    verts[vi] = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);	//cross[v]);

                    if ( builduvs )
                        uv.y = 0.0f;	//alpha * uvtiley;
                        uv.x = 0.0f;	//(((float)v / (float)cross.Length) * uvtilex) + uvt;

                        uvs[vi++] = uv;

                if ( builduvs )
                    for ( int sd = 1; sd < sides; sd++ )
                        tris[ti++] = vo;
                        tris[ti++] = vo + sd;
                        tris[ti++] = vo + sd + 1;

            vo = vi;

            //wtm = rope.GetDeformMat(0.0f);

            for ( int i = 0; i <= segments; i++ )
                float alpha = ((float)i / (float)segments);

                float uvt = alpha * uvtwist;

                float tst = (alpha * Twist * Mathf.PI * 2.0f);	// + rollang;
                soff.x = Mathf.Sin(ang + tst) * off;
                soff.z = Mathf.Cos(ang + tst) * off;

                if ( i == 0 )
                    wtm = rope.GetDeformMat(alpha);
                    T = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Velocity(0.0f).normalized);

                    Vector3 cp = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(cross[0]));
                    N = (cp - wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Interp(0.0f))).normalized;
                    B = Vector3.Cross(T, N);
                    Vector3 np = rope.Interp(alpha);	//tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(rope.Interp(alpha));
                    T = rope.Velocity(alpha).normalized;
                    wtm = rope.CalcFrame(T, ref N, ref B);
                    //wtm.SetRow(3, np);
                    MegaMatrix.SetTrans(ref wtm, np);

                //wtm = rope.GetDeformMat(alpha);

                for ( int v = 0; v <= cross.Length; v++ )
                    Vector3 p = tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(cross[v % cross.Length] + soff);
                    verts[vi] = wtm.MultiplyPoint3x4(p);	//cross[v]);

                    //if ( true )	//builduvs )
                        uv.y = alpha * lengthuvtile;	//uvtiley;
                        uv.x = (((float)v / (float)cross.Length) * uvtilex) + uvt;

                        uvs[vi++] = uv;
                    //	vi++;
                // Uv is - to 1 around and alpha along

            if ( builduvs )
                int sc = sides + 1;
                for ( int i = 0; i < segments; i++ )
                    for ( int v = 0; v < cross.Length; v++ )
                        tris[ti++] = (i * sc) + v + vo;
                        tris[ti++] = ((i + 1) * sc) + ((v + 1) % sc) + vo;
                        tris[ti++] = ((i + 1) * sc) + v + vo;

                        tris[ti++] = (i * sc) + v + vo;
                        tris[ti++] = (i * sc) + ((v + 1) % sc) + vo;
                        tris[ti++] = ((i + 1) * sc) + ((v + 1) % sc) + vo;

        //Mesh mesh = MegaUtils.GetMesh(rope.gameObject);

        if ( builduvs )
            rope.mesh.vertices = verts;
            rope.mesh.uv = uvs;
            rope.mesh.triangles = tris;
            rope.mesh.vertices = verts;
            rope.mesh.uv = uvs;
