Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xv">position and orientation of the camera</param>
        /// <param name="u">Control vector of accelerations</param>
        /// <param name="delta_t">time step in seconds</param>
        public override void func_fv_and_dfv_by_dxv(Vector xv, Vector u, float delta_t)
            Vector3D   rold, vold, omegaold, rnew, vnew, omeganew;
            Quaternion qold, qnew;

            // Separate things out to make it clearer
            rold     = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            vold     = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            omegaold = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            qold     = new Quaternion();
            extract_r_q_v_omega(xv, rold, qold, vold, omegaold);

            Vector3D acceleration = new Vector3D(u);

            // rnew = r + v * delta_t
            //rnew = (Vector3D)((Point3D)rold + (Point3D)vold * delta_t);
            rnew = new Vector3D(rold + vold * delta_t);

            // qnew = q x q(omega * delta_t)

            // Keep qwt ( = q(omega * delta_t)) for later use
            Quaternion qwt = new Quaternion(omegaold * delta_t);

            qnew = qold.Multiply(qwt);

            // vnew = v
            vnew = new Vector3D(vold + acceleration * delta_t);

            // omeganew = omega
            omeganew = omegaold;

            // Put it all together
            compose_xv(ref rnew, ref qnew, ref vnew, ref omeganew, ref fvRES);

            // cout << "rold qold vold omegaold" << rold << qold
            //      << vold << omegaold;
            // cout << "rnew qnew vnew omeganew" << rnew << qnew
            //      << vnew << omeganew;

            // Now on to the Jacobian...
            // Identity is a good place to start since overall structure is like this
            // I       0             I * delta_t   0
            // 0       dqnew_by_dq   0             dqnew_by_domega
            // 0       0             I             0
            // 0       0             0             I

            // Fill in dxnew_by_dv = I * delta_t
            MatrixFixed Temp33A = new MatrixFixed(3, 3);

            Temp33A *= delta_t;
            dfv_by_dxvRES.Update(Temp33A, 0, 7);

            // Fill in dqnew_by_dq
            // qnew = qold x qwt  ( = q3 = q2 x q1 in Scene/newbits.cc language)
            MatrixFixed Temp44A = MatrixFixed.dq3_by_dq2(qwt); //4,4

            dfv_by_dxvRES.Update(Temp44A, 3, 3);

            // Fill in dqnew_by_domega = d(q x qwt)_by_dqwt . dqwt_by_domega
            Temp44A = MatrixFixed.dq3_by_dq1(qold); // Temp44A is d(q x qwt) by dqwt

            // Use function below for dqwt_by_domega
            MatrixFixed Temp43A = new MatrixFixed(4, 3);

            dqomegadt_by_domega(omegaold, delta_t, Temp43A);
            // Multiply them together
            MatrixFixed Temp43B = Temp44A * Temp43A;

            // And plug it in
            dfv_by_dxvRES.Update(Temp43B, 3, 10);

            // cout << "dfv_by_dxvRES" << dfv_by_dxvRES;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill noise covariance matrix Pnn: this is the covariance of
        /// the noise vector (V)
        ///                  (Omega)
        /// that gets added to the state.
        /// Form of this could change later, but for now assume that
        /// V and Omega are independent, and that each of their components is
        /// independent...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xv"></param>
        /// <param name="v"></param>
        /// <param name="delta_t"></param>
        public override void func_Q(Vector xv, Vector v, float delta_t)
            float linear_velocity_noise_variance =
                SD_A_component_filter * SD_A_component_filter * delta_t * delta_t;
            float angular_velocity_noise_variance =
                SD_alpha_component_filter * SD_alpha_component_filter * delta_t * delta_t;

            // Independence means that the matrix is diagonal
            MatrixFixed Pnn = new MatrixFixed(6, 6);

            Pnn.Put(0, 0, linear_velocity_noise_variance);
            Pnn.Put(1, 1, linear_velocity_noise_variance);
            Pnn.Put(2, 2, linear_velocity_noise_variance);
            Pnn.Put(3, 3, angular_velocity_noise_variance);
            Pnn.Put(4, 4, angular_velocity_noise_variance);
            Pnn.Put(5, 5, angular_velocity_noise_variance);

            // Form Jacobian dxnew_by_dn
            // Is like this:
            // I * delta_t     0
            // 0               dqnew_by_dOmega
            // I               0
            // 0               I

            // Start by zeroing
            MatrixFixed dxnew_by_dn = new MatrixFixed(13, 6);


            // Fill in easy bits first
            MatrixFixed Temp33A = new MatrixFixed(3, 3);


            dxnew_by_dn.Update(Temp33A, 7, 0);
            dxnew_by_dn.Update(Temp33A, 10, 3);
            Temp33A *= delta_t;
            dxnew_by_dn.Update(Temp33A, 0, 0);

            // Tricky bit is dqnew_by_dOmega
            // Is actually the same calculation as in func_fv...
            // Since omega and Omega are additive...?
            Vector3D   rold     = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3D   vold     = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3D   omegaold = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            Quaternion qold     = new Quaternion();

            extract_r_q_v_omega(xv, rold, qold, vold, omegaold); // overkill but easy
            // Fill in dqnew_by_domega = d(q x qwt)_by_dqwt . dqwt_by_domega
            // Temp44A is d(q x qwt) by dqwt
            MatrixFixed Temp44A = MatrixFixed.dq3_by_dq1(qold);
            // Use function below for dqwt_by_domega
            MatrixFixed Temp43A = new MatrixFixed(4, 3);

            dqomegadt_by_domega(omegaold, delta_t, Temp43A);
            // Multiply them together
            MatrixFixed Temp43B = Temp44A * Temp43A;

            // And then plug into Jacobian
            dxnew_by_dn.Update(Temp43B, 3, 3);

            // Finally do Q = dxnew_by_dn . Pnn . dxnew_by_dnT
            QxRES.Update(dxnew_by_dn * Pnn * dxnew_by_dn.Transpose());

            //  cout << "QxRES" << QxRES;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Form the covariance matrix  Q  of the process noise associated with  x_v .
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xv"></param>
        /// <param name="v"></param>
        /// <param name="delta_t"></param>
        public override void func_Q(Vector xv, Vector v, float delta_t)
            // Fill noise covariance matrix Pnn: this is the covariance of
            // the noise vector (V)
            //                  (Omega)
            // that gets added to the state.
            // Form of this could change later, but for now assume that
            // V and Omega are independent, and that each of their components is
            // independent...
            float linear_velocity_noise_variance =
                SD_A_component_filter * SD_A_component_filter * delta_t * delta_t;
            float angular_velocity_noise_variance =
                SD_alpha_component_filter * SD_alpha_component_filter * delta_t * delta_t;

            // Independence means that the matrix is diagonal
            MatrixFixed Pnn = new MatrixFixed(6, 6);

            Pnn.Put(0, 0, linear_velocity_noise_variance);
            Pnn.Put(1, 1, linear_velocity_noise_variance);
            Pnn.Put(2, 2, linear_velocity_noise_variance);
            Pnn.Put(3, 3, angular_velocity_noise_variance);
            Pnn.Put(4, 4, angular_velocity_noise_variance);
            Pnn.Put(5, 5, angular_velocity_noise_variance);

            // Form Jacobian dxnew_by_dn
            // Is like this:
            // I * delta_t     0
            // 0               dqnew_by_dOmega

            // Start by zeroing
            MatrixFixed dxnew_by_dn = new MatrixFixed(7, 6);


            // The translation part is just I \Delta t
            MatrixFixed Temp33A = new MatrixFixed(3, 3);

            Temp33A *= delta_t;
            dxnew_by_dn.Update(Temp33A, 0, 0);

            // qnew = q x \Omega \Deltat
            // dqnew_by_d\Omega = dqnew_by_d\Omega\Delta t . d\Omega\Delta t_by_d\Omega

            // Get the first part
            Vector     qRXYZ = xv.Extract(4, 3);
            Quaternion qold  = new Quaternion();

            MatrixFixed Temp44A = MatrixFixed.dq3_by_dq1(qold);

            // Use function below for dqwt_by_dOmega
            Vector Omega = new Vector(3);


            MatrixFixed Temp43A = new MatrixFixed(4, 3);

            dqomegadt_by_domega(new Vector3D(Omega), delta_t, Temp43A);
            // Multiply them together
            MatrixFixed Temp43B = Temp44A * Temp43A;

            // And then plug into Jacobian
            dxnew_by_dn.Update(Temp43B, 3, 3);

            // Finally do Q = dxnew_by_dn . Pnn . dxnew_by_dnT
            QxRES.Update(dxnew_by_dn * Pnn * dxnew_by_dn.Transpose());