// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. public override void _Ready() { player = (Node2D)GetParent(); //Grab a refference to the map MapInfoRequestEvent mirei = new MapInfoRequestEvent(); mirei.FireEvent(); map = mirei.tileMap; }
//Grab mouse clikced signal from the input manager, might need to assign input manager tot a node 2D in the main scnene itself public override void _Ready() { //random.Seed = 21; random.Randomize(); //Create ne reference for the Simplex noise to be used for map generation noise = new OpenSimplexNoise(); //Generate a random noise patern by using a randomized seed noise.Seed = (int)random.Randi(); noise.Octaves = 1; noise.Period = 12; //noise.Persistence = 0.7f; MouseClickEvent.RegisterListener(CheckTileClicked); MapInfoRequestEvent.RegisterListener(GetMapInfo); //Set the tile map data size tileDataMap = new Tile[(int)mapSize.x, (int)mapSize.y]; //Grab a refference to the tile map node tileMap = GetNode <TileMap>("Nav2D/TileMap"); //Initialize the tile data for every entry in the array InitMap(); //Init test of the tile map generation GenerateMap(); }
private void SpawnScenes() { //---------------------------------- //NOTE: The scenes instanced first will be at the bottom of the z sorting layer!!!!!!!! //---------------------------------- //Instacne the map map = mapScene.Instance(); map.Name = "Map"; //Set the map as a child of the main scene AddChild(map); //Grab the map info for the spawning of the player MapInfoRequestEvent mirei = new MapInfoRequestEvent(); mirei.FireEvent(); tileMap = mirei.tileMap; mapSize = mirei.mapSize; //Spawn the artifact SpawnArtifact(); //Spawn the player in an open tile somewhere in the left uper corner of the map SpawnPlayer(); //Spawn enemies across the map SpawnEnemies(); }
public override void _ExitTree() { MouseClickEvent.UnregisterListener(CheckTileClicked); MapInfoRequestEvent.UnregisterListener(GetMapInfo); }
private void GetMapInfo(MapInfoRequestEvent mirei) { mirei.mapSize = mapSize; mirei.tileMap = tileMap; }