public override void evaluate(Manifold manifold, Transform xfA, Transform xfB)
     ChainShape chain = (ChainShape) m_fixtureA.getShape();
     chain.getChildEdge(edge, m_indexA);
     pool.getCollision().collideEdgeAndPolygon(manifold, edge, xfA,
         (PolygonShape) m_fixtureB.getShape(), xfB);
 public DrawingEditDetail(Manifold.Interop.Point p_objPoint)
     this.X = p_objPoint.X;
     this.Y = p_objPoint.Y;
     this.XCoord = p_objPoint.X.ToString();
     this.YCoord = p_objPoint.Y.ToString();
Example #3
	    public override void Step(Framework.Settings settings)
            Manifold manifold = new Manifold();
		    Collision.CollidePolygons(ref manifold, _polygonA, ref _transformA, _polygonB, ref _transformB);

		    WorldManifold worldManifold = new WorldManifold(ref manifold, ref _transformA, _polygonA._radius, ref _transformB, _polygonB._radius);

            _debugDraw.DrawString(50, _textLine, "point count = {0:n}", manifold._pointCount);
		    _textLine += 15;

			    Color color = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
                FixedArray8<Vector2> v = new FixedArray8<Vector2>();
			    for (int i = 0; i < _polygonA._vertexCount; ++i)
				    v[i] = MathUtils.Multiply(ref _transformA, _polygonA._vertices[i]);
			    _debugDraw.DrawPolygon(ref v, _polygonA._vertexCount, color);

			    for (int i = 0; i < _polygonB._vertexCount; ++i)
				    v[i] = MathUtils.Multiply(ref _transformB, _polygonB._vertices[i]);
			    _debugDraw.DrawPolygon(ref v, _polygonB._vertexCount, color);

		    for (int i = 0; i < manifold._pointCount; ++i)
			    _debugDraw.DrawPoint(worldManifold._points[i], 0.5f, new Color(0.9f, 0.3f, 0.3f));
        public void OnCollide(Manifold m)
            //Find which collider is another node.

            if (m.A == Collision || m.B == Collision) //If we are one of the collision pairings
                otherNode = m.A != Collision ? m.A : m.B; //Find which one is the other node.
                //TODO: Asteroids do not resolve with ghosts.
                //Oncollide was called from a ghost, find which one isn't the ghost
                otherNode = m.A.Parent.GetType() == typeof(AsteroidGhost) ? m.A : m.B;
                Asteroid a = (otherNode.Parent as AsteroidGhost).GetOriginal();
                //Use a special resolver to resove the collision
                Manifold specialresolver = new Manifold(Collision, a.Collision);

            if (otherNode.Parent.GetType() == typeof(Bullet) || otherNode.Parent.GetType() == typeof(PlayerShip))
Example #5
File: Circle.cs Project: Ecnor/POO2
        public static bool CirclevsCircle(Manifold M)
            // Setup manifold object
            Circle A = (Circle)((Ball)M.m_A).m_hitbox;
            Circle B = (Circle)((Ball)M.m_B).m_hitbox;

            // Vector from A to B
            Vector2 n = B.m_position - A.m_position;

            float r = A.m_radius + B.m_radius;
            r *= r;

            if(n.LengthSquared() > r)
                return false;

            // Compute manifold
            float d = n.Length();

            if(d != 0)
                M.m_penetration = r - d;
                M.m_normal = n / d;
                M.m_penetration = A.m_radius;
                M.m_normal = new Vector2(1, 0);

            return true;
        public void ConnectEvents(Manifold.Interop.Scripts.Events ev)
            ev.DocumentClosed += new Manifold.Interop.Scripts.Events.DocumentClosedEventHandler(DocumentChanged);

            ev.DocumentCreated += new Manifold.Interop.Scripts.Events.DocumentCreatedEventHandler(DocumentChanged);

            ev.DocumentOpened += new Manifold.Interop.Scripts.Events.DocumentOpenedEventHandler(DocumentChanged);

            ev.DocumentSaved += new Manifold.Interop.Scripts.Events.DocumentSavedEventHandler(DocumentChanged);

            ev.AddinLoaded += new Manifold.Interop.Scripts.Events.AddinLoadedEventHandler(DocumentChanged);
        //NOTE: I think the axManifoldMap.NativeToScreen() method does the same as this.
        public static Manifold.Interop.Point convertPointCoordinates(AxManifold.Interop.AxComponentControl p_Target, Manifold.Interop.Drawing p_Source, Manifold.Interop.Point p_objPoint)
            Manifold.Interop.CoordinateSystem csSource = null;
            Manifold.Interop.CoordinateSystem csTarget = null;
            csTarget = p_Target.Application.DefaultCoordinateSystemLatLon;

            if (p_Source.CoordinateSystemVerified == true)
                csSource = p_Source.CoordinateSystem;
                p_Source.CoordinateSystem = p_Target.Application.Application.NewCoordinateSystem("Irish Grid");
                csSource = p_Target.Application.Application.NewCoordinateSystem("Irish Grid");
                p_Source.CoordinateSystemVerified = true;

            Manifold.Interop.CoordinateConverter objConverter = p_Target.Application.NewCoordinateConverter();
            objConverter.Prepare((Manifold.Interop.Base)csTarget, (Manifold.Interop.Base)csSource);
            objConverter.Convert((Manifold.Interop.Base)p_objPoint, null);
            return p_objPoint;
        public static void DrawArea(Manifold.Interop.Drawing p_Drawing, Manifold.Interop.Geom p_objGeomArea)
                Manifold.Interop.Table objTable = (Manifold.Interop.Table)p_Drawing.OwnedTable;
                StringBuilder sbSQL = new StringBuilder();

                sbSQL.Append("INSERT INTO [" + objTable.Name + "] ([Geom (I)]) VALUES (AssignCoordSys(CGeom(CGeomWKB(\"" + p_objGeomArea.ToTextWKT() + "\")),CoordSys(\"" + objTable.Name + "\" as COMPONENT)));");
                Manifold.Interop.Query qryQuery = p_Drawing.Document.NewQuery("Temp_AddLine", false);
                qryQuery.Text = sbSQL.ToString();

                //Commit query

                //Remove the query
            catch (Exception objEx)
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a coordinate to the selected Edit object
        /// </summary>
        private void addCoordinate(Manifold.Interop.Point p_objPointScreen)
            Manifold.Interop.Query query = this._MapControl.get_Document().NewQuery("TempQuery", false);
            bool bAddPointAtEnd = false;
            this._AddingCoordinate = true;
                Manifold.Interop.Drawing tempDrawing = null;
                bool bAdditionOccured = false;
                if (this._DrawingOriginalEditObject.Selection.Count > 0)
                    StringBuilder sbSQL = new StringBuilder();
                    double SearchRange = this._SelectionTolerance; ;
                    double AddCoordinateSelectionTolerance = this._SelectionToleranceAddCoordinate;

                    //Compose a rectangular area around the clicked point - then gets its Geom WKT for use later. This will
                    // be used to in selection later
                    string wkt = Utility.getBoundingBoxWKT(this._DrawingEdit, p_objPointScreen, SearchRange);

                    //Create or use existing Temp Drawing which will hold the Area\Line object that we are adding
                    // the new Point to. The Area\Line object is Exploded into its separate Line segments
                    int iExists = this._MapControl.get_Document().ComponentSet.ItemByName("TempDrawing");
                    if (iExists > 0)
                        tempDrawing = (Manifold.Interop.Drawing)this._MapControl.get_Document().ComponentSet["TempDrawing"];
                        //Create a temp Drawing to hold a copy of the object which will be Exploded into its separate Line segments
                        tempDrawing = this._MapControl.get_Document().NewDrawing("TempDrawing", this._MapControl.Application.NewCoordinateSystem("Irish Grid"), false);
                    StringBuilder sbSQLExplode = new StringBuilder();
                    sbSQLExplode.AppendLine("INSERT INTO [" + tempDrawing.Name + "] ");
                    sbSQLExplode.AppendLine("([Geom (I)])");
                    sbSQLExplode.AppendLine("SELECT [Segment] FROM [" + this._DrawingOriginalEditObject.Name + "] WHERE ID = " + this._SelectedManifoldID);
                    sbSQLExplode.AppendLine("SPLIT BY Branches(IntersectLine(ConvertToLine([Geom (I)]), [Geom (I)])) AS [Segment]");

                    //// Here I attempted to explode and select in 1 SQL statement.
                    //StringBuilder ExplodeSQL = new StringBuilder();
                    //ExplodeSQL.AppendLine("   ");
                    //ExplodeSQL.AppendLine("   SELECT [Segment] FROM [" + this._DrawingOriginalEditObject.Name + "] AS [tblExploded] WHERE ID = " + this._SelectedManifoldID);
                    //ExplodeSQL.AppendLine("   SPLIT BY Branches(IntersectLine(ConvertToLine([Geom (I)]), [Geom (I)])) AS [Segment]");

                    //sbSQL.Length = 0;
                    //sbSQL.AppendLine("SELECT [BranchIndex], [PointIndex], [BranchMaxIndex] FROM [" + this._DrawingEdit.Name + "] ");
                    //sbSQL.AppendLine("Where TOUCHES([ID],BUFFER( ");
                    //sbSQL.AppendLine("Select StartPoint(Geom(ID)) as s FROM (" + ExplodeSQL.ToString() + ") ");
                    //sbSQL.AppendLine("WHERE Touches(AssignCoordSys(CGeom(CGeomWKB(\"" + wkt + "\")), CoordSys(\"" + this._DrawingEdit.Name + "\" AS COMPONENT)), [ID])," + AddCoordinateSelectionTolerance.ToString() + ")) ");
                    //sbSQL.AppendLine("OR ");
                    //sbSQL.AppendLine("TOUCHES([ID],BUFFER( ");
                    //sbSQL.AppendLine("Select EndPoint(Geom(ID)) as s FROM (" + ExplodeSQL.ToString() + ") ");
                    //sbSQL.AppendLine("WHERE Touches(AssignCoordSys(CGeom(CGeomWKB(\"" + wkt + "\")), CoordSys(\"" + this._DrawingEdit.Name + "\" AS COMPONENT)), [ID])," + AddCoordinateSelectionTolerance.ToString() + ")) ");
                    //sbSQL.AppendLine("ORDER BY [PointIndex] ASC ");

                    ////This working SQL uses a OR operator - would also be possible using UNION operator.
                    //Using the bounding box WKT and the Exploded object held in the TempDrawing find where the new point should be added.
                    //QUESTION: It should be possible to do away with the 'tempDrawing' and instead combine the above Exploded SQL and the
                    //          SQL below into 1 query.
                    sbSQL.Length = 0;
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("SELECT [BranchIndex], [PointIndex], [BranchMaxIndex] FROM [" + this._DrawingEdit.Name + "] ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("Where TOUCHES([ID],BUFFER( ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("Select StartPoint(Geom(ID)) as s FROM [" + tempDrawing.Name + "] ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("WHERE Touches(AssignCoordSys(CGeom(CGeomWKB(\"" + wkt + "\")), CoordSys(\"" + this._DrawingEdit.Name + "\" AS COMPONENT)), [ID])," + AddCoordinateSelectionTolerance.ToString() + ")) ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("OR ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("TOUCHES([ID],BUFFER( ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("Select EndPoint(Geom(ID)) as s FROM [" + tempDrawing.Name + "] ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("WHERE Touches(AssignCoordSys(CGeom(CGeomWKB(\"" + wkt + "\")), CoordSys(\"" + this._DrawingEdit.Name + "\" AS COMPONENT)), [ID])," + AddCoordinateSelectionTolerance.ToString() + ")) ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("ORDER BY [PointIndex] ASC ");

                    query.Text = sbSQL.ToString();
                    Manifold.Interop.Table table = query.Table;

                    Int32 iBranchIndex = 0;
                    Int32 iFirstPointIndex = 0;
                    Int32 iLastPointIndex;
                    Int32 iBranchMaxIndex;

                    if (table.RecordSet.Count > 0)
                        iBranchIndex = Convert.ToInt32(table.RecordSet[0].get_Data("BranchIndex"));
                        iBranchMaxIndex = Convert.ToInt32(table.RecordSet[0].get_Data("BranchMaxIndex"));
                        iFirstPointIndex = Convert.ToInt32(table.RecordSet[0].get_Data("PointIndex"));
                        iLastPointIndex = Convert.ToInt32(table.RecordSet[1].get_Data("PointIndex"));

                        if (iFirstPointIndex != iLastPointIndex)
                            Manifold.Interop.Branch objBranch = VBManifoldWrapper.ManifoldObjectWrapper.getBranch(this._OriginalObjectBranchSet, iBranchIndex);
                            Manifold.Interop.PointSet objPointSetBefore = objBranch.get_PointSet();
                            Manifold.Interop.PointSet objPointSetAfter = this._MapControl.get_Document().Application.NewPointSet();

                            //Remove Query and tempDrawing

                            //When adding point to end of GEOM i.e.- FirstIndex=0 and LastIndex=PointSet.Count
                            // this dosnt work so dont add any points - this will bve done later.
                            if (iFirstPointIndex == 0 && iLastPointIndex == objPointSetBefore.Count - 1)
                                bAddPointAtEnd = true;
                                //Determine where to insert the point
                                for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < objPointSetBefore.Count; iIndex++)
                                    if (bAdditionOccured == false)
                                        if (iIndex > iFirstPointIndex)
                                            bAdditionOccured = true;
                                    objPointSetAfter.Add(VBManifoldWrapper.ManifoldObjectWrapper.getPointFromPointSet(objPointSetBefore, iIndex));

                            //Redraw the new Object with added Point if required
                            if (bAdditionOccured == true)
                                if (bAddPointAtEnd == true)
                    //Unset any Edit Drawing selection
                    this._UserAddedCoordinate = true;
            catch (Exception objEx)
                this._AddingCoordinate = false;
        private void mapObjectSelection(Manifold.Interop.Point p_PointLocationScreen)
                //Clear any Previous selection
                p_PointLocationScreen = axComponentControl1.ScreenToNative(p_PointLocationScreen);
                //Utility.setNearestSelection(axComponentControl1, DrawingOriginal, p_PointLocationScreen, 10);
                Utility.setSelection(axComponentControl1, DrawingOriginal, p_PointLocationScreen, 10);

            catch (Exception err)
                MessageBox.Show("ERROR:" + err.Message);
Example #11
        public override void Evaluate(ContactListener listener)
            Body     body     = this._shape1.GetBody();
            Body     body2    = this._shape2.GetBody();
            Manifold manifold = this._manifold.Clone();

            Collision.Collision.CollidePolygons(ref this._manifold, (PolygonShape)this._shape1, body.GetXForm(), (PolygonShape)this._shape2, body2.GetXForm());
            bool[]       array        = new bool[2];
            bool[]       array2       = array;
            ContactPoint contactPoint = new ContactPoint();

            contactPoint.Shape1      = this._shape1;
            contactPoint.Shape2      = this._shape2;
            contactPoint.Friction    = Settings.MixFriction(this._shape1.Friction, this._shape2.Friction);
            contactPoint.Restitution = Settings.MixRestitution(this._shape1.Restitution, this._shape2.Restitution);
            if (this._manifold.PointCount > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < this._manifold.PointCount; i++)
                    ManifoldPoint manifoldPoint = this._manifold.Points[i];
                    manifoldPoint.NormalImpulse  = 0f;
                    manifoldPoint.TangentImpulse = 0f;
                    bool      flag = false;
                    ContactID iD   = manifoldPoint.ID;
                    for (int j = 0; j < manifold.PointCount; j++)
                        if (!array2[j])
                            ManifoldPoint manifoldPoint2 = manifold.Points[j];
                            if (manifoldPoint2.ID.Key == iD.Key)
                                array2[j] = true;
                                manifoldPoint.NormalImpulse  = manifoldPoint2.NormalImpulse;
                                manifoldPoint.TangentImpulse = manifoldPoint2.TangentImpulse;
                                flag = true;
                                if (listener != null)
                                    contactPoint.Position = body.GetWorldPoint(manifoldPoint.LocalPoint1);
                                    Vec2 linearVelocityFromLocalPoint  = body.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(manifoldPoint.LocalPoint1);
                                    Vec2 linearVelocityFromLocalPoint2 = body2.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(manifoldPoint.LocalPoint2);
                                    contactPoint.Velocity   = linearVelocityFromLocalPoint2 - linearVelocityFromLocalPoint;
                                    contactPoint.Normal     = this._manifold.Normal;
                                    contactPoint.Separation = manifoldPoint.Separation;
                                    contactPoint.ID         = iD;
                    if (!flag && listener != null)
                        contactPoint.Position = body.GetWorldPoint(manifoldPoint.LocalPoint1);
                        Vec2 linearVelocityFromLocalPoint  = body.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(manifoldPoint.LocalPoint1);
                        Vec2 linearVelocityFromLocalPoint2 = body2.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(manifoldPoint.LocalPoint2);
                        contactPoint.Velocity   = linearVelocityFromLocalPoint2 - linearVelocityFromLocalPoint;
                        contactPoint.Normal     = this._manifold.Normal;
                        contactPoint.Separation = manifoldPoint.Separation;
                        contactPoint.ID         = iD;
                this._manifoldCount = 1;
                this._manifoldCount = 0;
            if (listener != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < manifold.PointCount; i++)
                    if (!array2[i])
                        ManifoldPoint manifoldPoint2 = manifold.Points[i];
                        contactPoint.Position = body.GetWorldPoint(manifoldPoint2.LocalPoint1);
                        Vec2 linearVelocityFromLocalPoint  = body.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(manifoldPoint2.LocalPoint1);
                        Vec2 linearVelocityFromLocalPoint2 = body2.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(manifoldPoint2.LocalPoint2);
                        contactPoint.Velocity   = linearVelocityFromLocalPoint2 - linearVelocityFromLocalPoint;
                        contactPoint.Normal     = manifold.Normal;
                        contactPoint.Separation = manifoldPoint2.Separation;
                        contactPoint.ID         = manifoldPoint2.ID;
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Add contacts for penetrating vertices. Note that this does not handle
        /// cases where an overlap was detected, but no vertices fall inside the
        /// opposing polygon (like a Star of David). For this we have a fallback.
        /// See
        /// </summary>
        private static void FindVerts(
      VoltPolygon poly1,
      VoltPolygon poly2,
      Vector2 normal,
      float penetration,
      Manifold manifold)
            bool found = false;

              for (int i = 0; i < poly1.countWorld; i++)
            Vector2 vertex = poly1.worldVertices[i];
            if (poly2.ContainsPoint(vertex) == true)
              if (manifold.AddContact(vertex, normal, penetration) == false)
              found = true;

              for (int i = 0; i < poly2.countWorld; i++)
            Vector2 vertex = poly2.worldVertices[i];
            if (poly1.ContainsPoint(vertex) == true)
              if (manifold.AddContact(vertex, normal, penetration) == false)
              found = true;

              // Fallback to check the degenerate "Star of David" case
              if (found == false)
            FindVertsFallback(poly1, poly2, normal, penetration, manifold);
Example #13
File: Hitbox.cs Project: Ecnor/POO2
        public static bool AABBvsCircle(Manifold M)
            // Setup a couple pointers to each object
            Brick A = (Brick)M.m_A;
            Ball B = (Ball)M.m_B;

            // Vector from A to B
            Vector2 posA = new Vector2((A.m_position.X + (A.m_texture.Width / 2)), (A.m_position.Y + (A.m_texture.Height / 2)));
            Vector2 posB = new Vector2((B.m_position.X + (B.m_texture.Width / 2)), (B.m_position.Y + (B.m_texture.Height / 2)));
            Vector2 n = posB - posA;

            // Closest point on A to center B
            Vector2 closest = n;

            // Calculate half extents along each axis
            float x_extent = (((AABB)A.m_hitbox).m_max.X - ((AABB)A.m_hitbox).m_min.X) / 2;
            float y_extent = (((AABB)A.m_hitbox).m_max.Y - ((AABB)A.m_hitbox).m_min.Y) / 2;
            Vector2 extent = new Vector2(x_extent, y_extent);

            // Clamp point to edges of the AABB
            closest = Vector2.Clamp(closest, -extent, extent);

            bool inside = false;

            // Circle is inside the AABB, so we need to clamp the circle's center
            // to the closest edge
            if (n == closest)
                inside = true;

                // Find closest axis
                if(Math.Abs(n.X) > Math.Abs(n.Y))
                    // Clamp to closest extent X
                    if(closest.X > 0)
                        closest.X = extent.X;
                        closest.X = -extent.X;
                    // Clamp to closest extent Y
                    if (closest.Y > 0)
                        closest.Y = extent.Y;
                        closest.Y = -extent.Y;

            Vector2 normal = n - closest;
            float d = normal.LengthSquared();
            float r = ((Circle)B.m_hitbox).m_radius;

            // Early out of the radius is shorter than distance to closest point and
            // Circle not inside the AABB
            if (d > (r * r) && !inside)
                return false;

            // Avoided sqrt until we need
            d = (float)Math.Sqrt(d);

            // Collision normal needs to be flipped to point outside if circle was
            // inside the AABB
                M.m_normal = -Vector2.Normalize(normal);
                M.m_penetration = r - d;
                M.m_normal = Vector2.Normalize(normal);
                M.m_penetration = r - d;

            return true;
Example #14
 protected Contact(IWorldPool argPool)
     m_fixtureA = null;
     m_fixtureB = null;
     m_nodeA = new ContactEdge();
     m_nodeB = new ContactEdge();
     m_manifold = new Manifold();
     pool = argPool;
Example #15
            /// <summary>
            /// Evaluate the manifold with supplied transforms. This assumes
            /// modest motion from the original state. This does not change the
            /// point count, impulses, etc. The radii must come from the Shapes
            /// that generated the manifold.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="manifold">The manifold.</param>
            /// <param name="xfA">The transform for A.</param>
            /// <param name="radiusA">The radius for A.</param>
            /// <param name="xfB">The transform for B.</param>
            /// <param name="radiusB">The radius for B.</param>
            /// <param name="normal">World vector pointing from A to B</param>
            /// <param name="points">Torld contact point (point of intersection).</param>
            public static void Initialize(ref Manifold manifold, ref Transform xfA, float radiusA, ref Transform xfB, float radiusB, out Vector2 normal, out FixedArray2 <Vector2> points)
                normal = Vector2.Zero;
                points = new FixedArray2 <Vector2>();

                if (manifold.PointCount == 0)

                switch (manifold.Type)
                case ManifoldType.Circles:
                    normal = new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f);
                    var pointA = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfA, manifold.LocalPoint);
                    var pointB = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfB, manifold.Points[0].LocalPoint);
                    if (Vector2.DistanceSquared(pointA, pointB) > Settings.Epsilon * Settings.Epsilon)
                        normal = pointB - pointA;

                    var cA = pointA + radiusA * normal;
                    var cB = pointB - radiusB * normal;
                    points[0] = 0.5f * (cA + cB);

                case ManifoldType.FaceA:
                    normal = MathUtils.Mul(xfA.q, manifold.LocalNormal);
                    var planePoint = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfA, manifold.LocalPoint);

                    for (int i = 0; i < manifold.PointCount; ++i)
                        var clipPoint = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfB, manifold.Points[i].LocalPoint);
                        var cA        = clipPoint + (radiusA - Vector2.Dot(clipPoint - planePoint, normal)) * normal;
                        var cB        = clipPoint - radiusB * normal;
                        points[i] = 0.5f * (cA + cB);

                case ManifoldType.FaceB:
                    normal = MathUtils.Mul(xfB.q, manifold.LocalNormal);
                    var planePoint = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfB, manifold.LocalPoint);

                    for (int i = 0; i < manifold.PointCount; ++i)
                        var clipPoint = MathUtils.Mul(ref xfA, manifold.Points[i].LocalPoint);
                        var cB        = clipPoint + (radiusB - Vector2.Dot(clipPoint - planePoint, normal)) * normal;
                        var cA        = clipPoint - radiusA * normal;
                        points[i] = 0.5f * (cA + cB);

                    // Ensure normal points from A to B.
                    normal = -normal;
Example #16
        public ContactSolver(TimeStep step, Contact[] contacts, int contactCount)
            _step            = step;
            _constraintCount = contactCount;

            _constraints = new ContactConstraint[_constraintCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < _constraintCount; i++)
                _constraints[i] = new ContactConstraint();

            //int count = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < _constraintCount; ++i)
                Contact contact = contacts[i];

                Fixture  fixtureA = contact._fixtureA;
                Fixture  fixtureB = contact._fixtureB;
                Shape    shapeA   = fixtureA.Shape;
                Shape    shapeB   = fixtureB.Shape;
                float    radiusA  = shapeA._radius;
                float    radiusB  = shapeB._radius;
                Body     bodyA    = fixtureA.Body;
                Body     bodyB    = fixtureB.Body;
                Manifold manifold = contact.Manifold;

                float friction    = Settings.MixFriction(fixtureA.Friction, fixtureB.Friction);
                float restitution = Settings.MixRestitution(fixtureA.Restitution, fixtureB.Restitution);

                Vec2  vA = bodyA._linearVelocity;
                Vec2  vB = bodyB._linearVelocity;
                float wA = bodyA._angularVelocity;
                float wB = bodyB._angularVelocity;

                Box2DNetDebug.Assert(manifold.PointCount > 0);

                WorldManifold worldManifold = new WorldManifold();
                worldManifold.Initialize(manifold, bodyA._xf, radiusA, bodyB._xf, radiusB);

                ContactConstraint cc = _constraints[i];
                cc.BodyA       = bodyA;
                cc.BodyB       = bodyB;
                cc.Manifold    = manifold;
                cc.Normal      = worldManifold.Normal;
                cc.PointCount  = manifold.PointCount;
                cc.Friction    = friction;
                cc.Restitution = restitution;

                cc.LocalPlaneNormal = manifold.LocalPlaneNormal;
                cc.LocalPoint       = manifold.LocalPoint;
                cc.Radius           = radiusA + radiusB;
                cc.Type             = manifold.Type;

                    fixed(ContactConstraintPoint *ccPointsPtr = cc.Points)
                        for (int j = 0; j < cc.PointCount; ++j)
                            ManifoldPoint           cp  = manifold.Points[j];
                            ContactConstraintPoint *ccp = &ccPointsPtr[j];

                            ccp->NormalImpulse  = cp.NormalImpulse;
                            ccp->TangentImpulse = cp.TangentImpulse;

                            ccp->LocalPoint = cp.LocalPoint;

                            ccp->RA = worldManifold.Points[j] - bodyA._sweep.C;
                            ccp->RB = worldManifold.Points[j] - bodyB._sweep.C;

                            float rnA = Vec2.Cross(ccp->RA, cc.Normal);
                            float rnB = Vec2.Cross(ccp->RB, cc.Normal);
                            rnA *= rnA;
                            rnB *= rnB;

                            float kNormal = bodyA._invMass + bodyB._invMass + bodyA._invI * rnA + bodyB._invI * rnB;

                            Box2DNetDebug.Assert(kNormal > Common.Settings.FLT_EPSILON);
                            ccp->NormalMass = 1.0f / kNormal;

                            float kEqualized = bodyA._mass * bodyA._invMass + bodyB._mass * bodyB._invMass;
                            kEqualized += bodyA._mass * bodyA._invI * rnA + bodyB._mass * bodyB._invI * rnB;

                            Box2DNetDebug.Assert(kEqualized > Common.Settings.FLT_EPSILON);
                            ccp->EqualizedMass = 1.0f / kEqualized;

                            Vec2 tangent = Vec2.Cross(cc.Normal, 1.0f);

                            float rtA = Vec2.Cross(ccp->RA, tangent);
                            float rtB = Vec2.Cross(ccp->RB, tangent);
                            rtA *= rtA;
                            rtB *= rtB;

                            float kTangent = bodyA._invMass + bodyB._invMass + bodyA._invI * rtA + bodyB._invI * rtB;

                            Box2DNetDebug.Assert(kTangent > Common.Settings.FLT_EPSILON);
                            ccp->TangentMass = 1.0f / kTangent;

                            // Setup a velocity bias for restitution.
                            ccp->VelocityBias = 0.0f;
                            float vRel = Vec2.Dot(cc.Normal, vB + Vec2.Cross(wB, ccp->RB) - vA - Vec2.Cross(wA, ccp->RA));
                            if (vRel < -Common.Settings.VelocityThreshold)
                                ccp->VelocityBias = -cc.Restitution * vRel;

                        // If we have two points, then prepare the block solver.
                        if (cc.PointCount == 2)
                            ContactConstraintPoint *ccp1 = &ccPointsPtr[0];
                            ContactConstraintPoint *ccp2 = &ccPointsPtr[1];

                            float invMassA = bodyA._invMass;
                            float invIA    = bodyA._invI;
                            float invMassB = bodyB._invMass;
                            float invIB    = bodyB._invI;

                            float rn1A = Vec2.Cross(ccp1->RA, cc.Normal);
                            float rn1B = Vec2.Cross(ccp1->RB, cc.Normal);
                            float rn2A = Vec2.Cross(ccp2->RA, cc.Normal);
                            float rn2B = Vec2.Cross(ccp2->RB, cc.Normal);

                            float k11 = invMassA + invMassB + invIA * rn1A * rn1A + invIB * rn1B * rn1B;
                            float k22 = invMassA + invMassB + invIA * rn2A * rn2A + invIB * rn2B * rn2B;
                            float k12 = invMassA + invMassB + invIA * rn1A * rn2A + invIB * rn1B * rn2B;

                            // Ensure a reasonable condition number.
                            const float k_maxConditionNumber = 100.0f;
                            if (k11 * k11 < k_maxConditionNumber * (k11 * k22 - k12 * k12))
                                // K is safe to invert.
                                cc.K.Col1.Set(k11, k12);
                                cc.K.Col2.Set(k12, k22);
                                cc.NormalMass = cc.K.GetInverse();
                                // The constraints are redundant, just use one.
                                // TODO_ERIN use deepest?
                                cc.PointCount = 1;
Example #17
        public void Reset(Contact[] contacts, int contactCount, float impulseRatio, bool warmstarting)
            _contacts = contacts;

            _constraintCount = contactCount;

            // grow the array
            if (Constraints == null || Constraints.Length < _constraintCount)
                Constraints = new ContactConstraint[_constraintCount * 2];

                for (int i = 0; i < Constraints.Length; i++)
                    Constraints[i] = new ContactConstraint();

            // Initialize position independent portions of the constraints.
            for (int i = 0; i < _constraintCount; ++i)
                Contact contact = contacts[i];

                Fixture  fixtureA = contact.FixtureA;
                Fixture  fixtureB = contact.FixtureB;
                Shape    shapeA   = fixtureA.Shape;
                Shape    shapeB   = fixtureB.Shape;
                float    radiusA  = shapeA.Radius;
                float    radiusB  = shapeB.Radius;
                Body     bodyA    = fixtureA.Body;
                Body     bodyB    = fixtureB.Body;
                Manifold manifold = contact.Manifold;

                Debug.Assert(manifold.PointCount > 0);

                ContactConstraint cc = Constraints[i];
                cc.Friction    = Settings.MixFriction(fixtureA.Friction, fixtureB.Friction);
                cc.Restitution = Settings.MixRestitution(fixtureA.Restitution, fixtureB.Restitution);
                cc.BodyA       = bodyA;
                cc.BodyB       = bodyB;
                cc.Manifold    = manifold;
                cc.Normal      = Vector2.Zero;
                cc.PointCount  = manifold.PointCount;

                cc.LocalNormal = manifold.LocalNormal;
                cc.LocalPoint  = manifold.LocalPoint;
                cc.RadiusA     = radiusA;
                cc.RadiusB     = radiusB;
                cc.Type        = manifold.Type;

                for (int j = 0; j < cc.PointCount; ++j)
                    ManifoldPoint          cp  = manifold.Points[j];
                    ContactConstraintPoint ccp = cc.Points[j];

                    if (warmstarting)
                        ccp.NormalImpulse  = impulseRatio * cp.NormalImpulse;
                        ccp.TangentImpulse = impulseRatio * cp.TangentImpulse;
                        ccp.NormalImpulse  = 0.0f;
                        ccp.TangentImpulse = 0.0f;

                    ccp.LocalPoint   = cp.LocalPoint;
                    ccp.rA           = Vector2.Zero;
                    ccp.rB           = Vector2.Zero;
                    ccp.NormalMass   = 0.0f;
                    ccp.TangentMass  = 0.0f;
                    ccp.VelocityBias = 0.0f;

Example #18
        public void InitializeVelocityConstraints()
            for (int i = 0; i < _constraintCount; ++i)
                ContactConstraint cc = Constraints[i];

                float    radiusA  = cc.RadiusA;
                float    radiusB  = cc.RadiusB;
                Body     bodyA    = cc.BodyA;
                Body     bodyB    = cc.BodyB;
                Manifold manifold = cc.Manifold;

                Vector2 vA = bodyA.LinearVelocity;
                Vector2 vB = bodyB.LinearVelocity;
                float   wA = bodyA.AngularVelocity;
                float   wB = bodyB.AngularVelocity;

                Debug.Assert(manifold.PointCount > 0);
                FixedArray2 <Vector2> points;

                Collision.Collision.GetWorldManifold(ref manifold, ref bodyA.Xf, radiusA, ref bodyB.Xf, radiusB,
                                                     out cc.Normal, out points);
                Vector2 tangent = new Vector2(cc.Normal.Y, -cc.Normal.X);

                for (int j = 0; j < cc.PointCount; ++j)
                    ContactConstraintPoint ccp = cc.Points[j];

                    ccp.rA = points[j] - bodyA.Sweep.C;
                    ccp.rB = points[j] - bodyB.Sweep.C;

                    float rnA = ccp.rA.X * cc.Normal.Y - ccp.rA.Y * cc.Normal.X;
                    float rnB = ccp.rB.X * cc.Normal.Y - ccp.rB.Y * cc.Normal.X;
                    rnA *= rnA;
                    rnB *= rnB;

                    float kNormal = bodyA.InvMass + bodyB.InvMass + bodyA.InvI * rnA + bodyB.InvI * rnB;

                    Debug.Assert(kNormal > Settings.Epsilon);
                    ccp.NormalMass = 1.0f / kNormal;

                    float rtA = ccp.rA.X * tangent.Y - ccp.rA.Y * tangent.X;
                    float rtB = ccp.rB.X * tangent.Y - ccp.rB.Y * tangent.X;

                    rtA *= rtA;
                    rtB *= rtB;
                    float kTangent = bodyA.InvMass + bodyB.InvMass + bodyA.InvI * rtA + bodyB.InvI * rtB;

                    Debug.Assert(kTangent > Settings.Epsilon);
                    ccp.TangentMass = 1.0f / kTangent;

                    // Setup a velocity bias for restitution.
                    ccp.VelocityBias = 0.0f;
                    float vRel = cc.Normal.X * (vB.X + -wB * ccp.rB.Y - vA.X - -wA * ccp.rA.Y) +
                                 cc.Normal.Y * (vB.Y + wB * ccp.rB.X - vA.Y - wA * ccp.rA.X);
                    if (vRel < -Settings.VelocityThreshold)
                        ccp.VelocityBias = -cc.Restitution * vRel;
                        ccp.VelocityBias = 0.0f;

                // If we have two points, then prepare the block solver.
                if (cc.PointCount == 2)
                    ContactConstraintPoint ccp1 = cc.Points[0];
                    ContactConstraintPoint ccp2 = cc.Points[1];

                    float invMassA = bodyA.InvMass;
                    float invIA    = bodyA.InvI;
                    float invMassB = bodyB.InvMass;
                    float invIB    = bodyB.InvI;

                    float rn1A = ccp1.rA.X * cc.Normal.Y - ccp1.rA.Y * cc.Normal.X;
                    float rn1B = ccp1.rB.X * cc.Normal.Y - ccp1.rB.Y * cc.Normal.X;
                    float rn2A = ccp2.rA.X * cc.Normal.Y - ccp2.rA.Y * cc.Normal.X;
                    float rn2B = ccp2.rB.X * cc.Normal.Y - ccp2.rB.Y * cc.Normal.X;

                    float k11 = invMassA + invMassB + invIA * rn1A * rn1A + invIB * rn1B * rn1B;
                    float k22 = invMassA + invMassB + invIA * rn2A * rn2A + invIB * rn2B * rn2B;
                    float k12 = invMassA + invMassB + invIA * rn1A * rn2A + invIB * rn1B * rn2B;

                    // Ensure a reasonable condition number.
                    const float k_maxConditionNumber = 100.0f;
                    if (k11 * k11 < k_maxConditionNumber * (k11 * k22 - k12 * k12))
                        // K is safe to invert.
                        cc.K.Col1.X = k11;
                        cc.K.Col1.Y = k12;
                        cc.K.Col2.X = k12;
                        cc.K.Col2.Y = k22;

                        float a = cc.K.Col1.X, b = cc.K.Col2.X, c = cc.K.Col1.Y, d = cc.K.Col2.Y;
                        float det = a * d - b * c;
                        if (det != 0.0f)
                            det = 1.0f / det;

                        cc.NormalMass.Col1.X = det * d;
                        cc.NormalMass.Col1.Y = -det * c;
                        cc.NormalMass.Col2.X = -det * b;
                        cc.NormalMass.Col2.Y = det * a;
                        // The constraints are redundant, just use one.
                        // TODO_ERIN use deepest?
                        cc.PointCount = 1;
Example #19
 /// Evaluate this contact with your own manifold and transforms.
 internal abstract void Evaluate(ref Manifold manifold, in Transform xfA, Transform xfB);
Example #20
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void PostStep()
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))
                _positionB.X -= 0.1f;

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D))
                _positionB.X += 0.1f;

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
                _positionB.Y -= 0.1f;

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W))
                _positionB.Y += 0.1f;

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q))
                _angleB += 0.1f * Settings.Pi;

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
                _angleB -= 0.1f * Settings.Pi;

            _transformB.Set(_positionB, _angleB);
            var manifold = new Manifold();

            CollisionUtils.CollidePolygons(ref manifold, _polygonA, _transformA, _polygonB, _transformB);
            var worldManifold = new WorldManifold();

            worldManifold.Initialize(manifold, _transformA, _polygonA.Radius, _transformB, _polygonB.Radius);
            DrawString($"point count = {manifold.PointCount}");
                var color = Color.FromArgb(230, 230, 230);
                var v     = new Vector2[Settings.MaxPolygonVertices];
                for (var i = 0; i < _polygonA.Count; ++i)
                    v[i] = MathUtils.Mul(_transformA, _polygonA.Vertices[i]);

                Drawer.DrawPolygon(v, _polygonA.Count, color);

                for (var i = 0; i < _polygonB.Count; ++i)
                    v[i] = MathUtils.Mul(_transformB, _polygonB.Vertices[i]);

                Drawer.DrawPolygon(v, _polygonB.Count, color);

            for (var i = 0; i < manifold.PointCount; ++i)
                Drawer.DrawPoint(worldManifold.Points[i], 4.0f, Color.FromArgb(230, 77, 77));
 public override void Evaluate(Manifold manifold, Transform xfA, Transform xfB)
     Pool.GetCollision().CollideEdgeAndPolygon(manifold, (EdgeShape)FixtureA.Shape, xfA, (PolygonShape)FixtureB.Shape, xfB);
 /// <summary>
 /// Used to delete a selected coordinate whilst MODETYPE_OPERATION==DeleteCoordinate
 /// </summary>
 private void deleteCoordinate(Manifold.Interop.Point p_objPointScreen)
         if (EditModeOperation == MODETYPE_OPERATION.EditDeleteCoordinate)
             Utility.setNearestSelection(this._MapControl, this._DrawingEdit, p_objPointScreen, this._SelectionTolerance);
             if (this._DrawingEdit.Selection.Count > 0)
                 switch (this._DrawingOriginalEditObject.Selection[0].Type)
                     case Manifold.Interop.ObjectType.ObjectArea:
                     case Manifold.Interop.ObjectType.ObjectLine:
     catch (Exception objEx)
        private void insertEditObjectInflectionPoints(Manifold.Interop.Drawing p_Drawing, int p_ManifoldID, Manifold.Interop.BranchSet p_ManifoldObjectBranchSet)
                StringBuilder sbSQL = new StringBuilder();
                for (int iBranchIndex = 0; iBranchIndex < p_ManifoldObjectBranchSet.Count; iBranchIndex++)
                    Manifold.Interop.Branch objBranch = p_ManifoldObjectBranchSet.get_Item(iBranchIndex);
                    int iCoorCounts = objBranch.get_PointSet().Count;

                    sbSQL.Length = 0;
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("INSERT INTO [" + this._DrawingEdit.Name + "] ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("( ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("  PointIndex ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("  ,[Geom (I)] ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("  ,BranchMaxIndex ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("  ,ThemeFeatureType ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("  ,[Selection (I)]");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("  ,BranchIndex ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine(") ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("SELECT ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("  CASE [Point] = StartPoint(ConvertToLine(BRANCH([ID]," + iBranchIndex.ToString() + "))) ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("    WHEN TRUE THEN 0 ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("    ELSE CoordCount(Branch(IntersectLine(ConvertToLine(BRANCH([ID]," + iBranchIndex.ToString() + ")), [Point]), 0)) - 1 ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("  END AS [PointIndex] ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("  ,[Point] ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("  ,CoordCount(BRANCH([ID]," + iBranchIndex.ToString() + ")) AS [BranchPointMaxIndex] ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("  , \"" + this._Edit_ThemePoint + "\"");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("  , 1");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("  , " + iBranchIndex.ToString() + " ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("FROM [" + p_Drawing.Name + "]  ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("WHERE ID = " + p_ManifoldID.ToString() + " ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("SPLIT BY Coords(BRANCH([ID]," + iBranchIndex.ToString() + ")) AS [Point]; ");
            catch (Exception objEx)
 public ManifoldRecord(Manifold manifold)
     this.manifold   = manifold;
     this.isExpanded = false;
Example #25
        public virtual void preSolve(Contact contact, Manifold oldManifold)
            Manifold manifold = contact.getManifold();

            if (manifold.pointCount == 0)

            Fixture fixtureA = contact.getFixtureA();
            Fixture fixtureB = contact.getFixtureB();

            Collision.Collision.getPointStates(state1, state2, oldManifold, manifold);


            for (int i = 0; i < manifold.pointCount && pointCount < MAX_CONTACT_POINTS; i++)
                ContactPoint cp = points[pointCount];
                cp.fixtureA = fixtureA;
                cp.fixtureB = fixtureB;
                cp.state = state2[i];
                cp.normalImpulse = manifold.points[i].normalImpulse;
                cp.tangentImpulse = manifold.points[i].tangentImpulse;
                cp.separation = worldManifold.separations[i];
Example #26
 private static void CollideCircles(ref Manifold manifold, Shape shape1, Transform xf1, Shape shape2, Transform xf2)
     Collision.Collision.CollideCircles(ref manifold, (CircleShape)shape1, xf1, (CircleShape)shape2, xf2);
 public void OnCollide(Manifold m)
     Node otherNode = m.A != Collision ? m.A : m.B;
     if (otherNode.Parent is Asteroid)
Example #28
 /// <summary>
 ///     Collides the polygons using the specified manifold
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="manifold">The manifold</param>
 /// <param name="shape1">The shape</param>
 /// <param name="xf1">The xf</param>
 /// <param name="shape2">The shape</param>
 /// <param name="xf2">The xf</param>
 private static void CollidePolygons(ref Manifold manifold, Shape shape1, XForm xf1, Shape shape2, XForm xf2)
     Collision.Collision.CollidePolygons(ref manifold, (PolygonShape)shape1, xf1, (PolygonShape)shape2, xf2);
Example #29
 public override void evaluate(Manifold manifold, Transform xfA, Transform xfB)
     pool.getCollision().collideEdgeAndCircle(manifold, (EdgeShape) m_fixtureA.getShape(), xfA,
         (CircleShape) m_fixtureB.getShape(), xfB);
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize position dependent portions of the velocity constraints.
        /// </summary>
        public void InitializeVelocityConstraints()
            for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i)
                ContactVelocityConstraint vc = VelocityConstraints[i];
                ContactPositionConstraint pc = _positionConstraints[i];

                float    radiusA  = pc.RadiusA;
                float    radiusB  = pc.RadiusB;
                Manifold manifold = _contacts[vc.ContactIndex].Manifold;

                int indexA = vc.IndexA;
                int indexB = vc.IndexB;

                float   mA           = vc.InvMassA;
                float   mB           = vc.InvMassB;
                float   iA           = vc.InvIA;
                float   iB           = vc.InvIB;
                Vector2 localCenterA = pc.LocalCenterA;
                Vector2 localCenterB = pc.LocalCenterB;

                Vector2 cA = _positions[indexA].C;
                float   aA = _positions[indexA].A;
                Vector2 vA = _velocities[indexA].V;
                float   wA = _velocities[indexA].W;

                Vector2 cB = _positions[indexB].C;
                float   aB = _positions[indexB].A;
                Vector2 vB = _velocities[indexB].V;
                float   wB = _velocities[indexB].W;

                Debug.Assert(manifold.PointCount > 0);

                Transform xfA = new Transform();
                Transform xfB = new Transform();
                xfA.p = cA - MathUtils.Mul(xfA.q, localCenterA);
                xfB.p = cB - MathUtils.Mul(xfB.q, localCenterB);

                Vector2 normal;
                FixedArray2 <Vector2> points;
                FixedArray2 <float>   _;
                WorldManifold.Initialize(ref manifold, ref xfA, radiusA, ref xfB, radiusB, out normal, out points, out _);

                vc.Normal = normal;

                int pointCount = vc.PointCount;
                for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
                    VelocityConstraintPoint vcp = vc.Points[j];

                    vcp.rA = points[j] - cA;
                    vcp.rB = points[j] - cB;

                    float rnA = MathUtils.Cross(vcp.rA, vc.Normal);
                    float rnB = MathUtils.Cross(vcp.rB, vc.Normal);

                    float kNormal = mA + mB + iA * rnA * rnA + iB * rnB * rnB;

                    vcp.NormalMass = kNormal > 0.0f ? 1.0f / kNormal : 0.0f;

                    Vector2 tangent = MathUtils.Cross(vc.Normal, 1.0f);

                    float rtA = MathUtils.Cross(vcp.rA, tangent);
                    float rtB = MathUtils.Cross(vcp.rB, tangent);

                    float kTangent = mA + mB + iA * rtA * rtA + iB * rtB * rtB;

                    vcp.TangentMass = kTangent > 0.0f ? 1.0f / kTangent : 0.0f;

                    // Setup a velocity bias for restitution.
                    vcp.VelocityBias = 0.0f;
                    float vRel = Vector2.Dot(vc.Normal, vB + MathUtils.Cross(wB, vcp.rB) - vA - MathUtils.Cross(wA, vcp.rA));
                    if (vRel < -Settings.VelocityThreshold)
                        vcp.VelocityBias = -vc.Restitution * vRel;

                // If we have two points, then prepare the block solver.
                if (vc.PointCount == 2 && Settings.BlockSolve)
                    VelocityConstraintPoint vcp1 = vc.Points[0];
                    VelocityConstraintPoint vcp2 = vc.Points[1];

                    float rn1A = MathUtils.Cross(vcp1.rA, vc.Normal);
                    float rn1B = MathUtils.Cross(vcp1.rB, vc.Normal);
                    float rn2A = MathUtils.Cross(vcp2.rA, vc.Normal);
                    float rn2B = MathUtils.Cross(vcp2.rB, vc.Normal);

                    float k11 = mA + mB + iA * rn1A * rn1A + iB * rn1B * rn1B;
                    float k22 = mA + mB + iA * rn2A * rn2A + iB * rn2B * rn2B;
                    float k12 = mA + mB + iA * rn1A * rn2A + iB * rn1B * rn2B;

                    // Ensure a reasonable condition number.
                    const float k_maxConditionNumber = 1000.0f;
                    if (k11 * k11 < k_maxConditionNumber * (k11 * k22 - k12 * k12))
                        // K is safe to invert.
                        vc.K.ex       = new Vector2(k11, k12);
                        vc.K.ey       = new Vector2(k12, k22);
                        vc.NormalMass = vc.K.Inverse;
                        // The constraints are redundant, just use one.
                        // TODO_ERIN use deepest?
                        vc.PointCount = 1;
Example #31
        public override void preSolve(Contact contact, Manifold oldManifold)
            base.preSolve(contact, oldManifold);

            Fixture fixtureA = contact.getFixtureA();
            Fixture fixtureB = contact.getFixtureB();

            if (fixtureA == m_platform || fixtureB == m_platform)
Example #32
        public void Reset(TimeStep step, int count, Contact[] contacts, Position[] positions, Velocity[] velocities)
            _step       = step;
            _count      = count;
            _positions  = positions;
            _velocities = velocities;
            _contacts   = contacts;

            // grow the array
            if (VelocityConstraints == null || VelocityConstraints.Length < count)
                VelocityConstraints  = new ContactVelocityConstraint[count * 2];
                _positionConstraints = new ContactPositionConstraint[count * 2];

                for (int i = 0; i < VelocityConstraints.Length; i++)
                    VelocityConstraints[i] = new ContactVelocityConstraint();

                for (int i = 0; i < _positionConstraints.Length; i++)
                    _positionConstraints[i] = new ContactPositionConstraint();

            // Initialize position independent portions of the constraints.
            for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i)
                Contact contact = contacts[i];

                Fixture  fixtureA = contact.FixtureA;
                Fixture  fixtureB = contact.FixtureB;
                Shape    shapeA   = fixtureA.Shape;
                Shape    shapeB   = fixtureB.Shape;
                float    radiusA  = shapeA.Radius;
                float    radiusB  = shapeB.Radius;
                Body     bodyA    = fixtureA.Body;
                Body     bodyB    = fixtureB.Body;
                Manifold manifold = contact.Manifold;

                int pointCount = manifold.PointCount;
                Debug.Assert(pointCount > 0);

                ContactVelocityConstraint vc = VelocityConstraints[i];
                vc.Friction     = contact.Friction;
                vc.Restitution  = contact.Restitution;
                vc.TangentSpeed = contact.TangentSpeed;
                vc.IndexA       = bodyA.IslandIndex;
                vc.IndexB       = bodyB.IslandIndex;
                vc.InvMassA     = bodyA._invMass;
                vc.InvMassB     = bodyB._invMass;
                vc.InvIA        = bodyA._invI;
                vc.InvIB        = bodyB._invI;
                vc.ContactIndex = i;
                vc.PointCount   = pointCount;

                ContactPositionConstraint pc = _positionConstraints[i];
                pc.IndexA       = bodyA.IslandIndex;
                pc.IndexB       = bodyB.IslandIndex;
                pc.InvMassA     = bodyA._invMass;
                pc.InvMassB     = bodyB._invMass;
                pc.LocalCenterA = bodyA._sweep.LocalCenter;
                pc.LocalCenterB = bodyB._sweep.LocalCenter;
                pc.InvIA        = bodyA._invI;
                pc.InvIB        = bodyB._invI;
                pc.LocalNormal  = manifold.LocalNormal;
                pc.LocalPoint   = manifold.LocalPoint;
                pc.PointCount   = pointCount;
                pc.RadiusA      = radiusA;
                pc.RadiusB      = radiusB;
                pc.Type         = manifold.Type;

                for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
                    ManifoldPoint           cp  = manifold.Points[j];
                    VelocityConstraintPoint vcp = vc.Points[j];

                    if (Settings.EnableWarmstarting)
                        vcp.NormalImpulse  = _step.dtRatio * cp.NormalImpulse;
                        vcp.TangentImpulse = _step.dtRatio * cp.TangentImpulse;
                        vcp.NormalImpulse  = 0.0f;
                        vcp.TangentImpulse = 0.0f;

                    vcp.rA           = Vector2.Zero;
                    vcp.rB           = Vector2.Zero;
                    vcp.NormalMass   = 0.0f;
                    vcp.TangentMass  = 0.0f;
                    vcp.VelocityBias = 0.0f;

                    pc.LocalPoints[j] = cp.LocalPoint;
Example #33
        private bool GetNextCollision(IReadOnlyList <Manifold> collisions, int counter, out Manifold collision)
            // The *4 is completely arbitrary
            if (counter > collisions.Count * 4)
                collision = default;
            var indexes = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < collisions.Count; i++)
            foreach (var index in indexes)
                if (collisions[index].Unresolved)
                    collision = collisions[index];

            collision = default;
        public override void HandleCollision(Manifold m, Body a, Body b)
            Circle  A = (Circle)a.shape;
            Polygon B = (Polygon)b.shape;

            m.contactCount = 0;

            // Transform circle center to Polygon model space
            // Vec2 center = a->position;
            // center = B->u.Transpose( ) * (center - b->position);
            Vec2 center = B.u.Transpose().Muli(a.position.Sub(b.position));

            // Find edge with minimum penetration
            // Exact concept as using support points in Polygon vs Polygon
            float separation = -float.MaxValue;
            int   faceNormal = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < B.vertexCount; ++i)
                // real s = Dot( B->m_normals[i], center - B->m_vertices[i] );
                float s = Vec2.Dot(B.normals[i], center.Sub(B.vertices[i]));

                if (s > A.radius)

                if (s > separation)
                    separation = s;
                    faceNormal = i;

            // Grab face's vertices
            Vec2 v1 = B.vertices[faceNormal];
            int  i2 = faceNormal + 1 < B.vertexCount ? faceNormal + 1 : 0;
            Vec2 v2 = B.vertices[i2];

            // Check to see if center is within polygon
            if (separation < ImpulseMath.EPSILON)
                // m->contact_count = 1;
                // m->normal = -(B->u * B->m_normals[faceNormal]);
                // m->contacts[0] = m->normal * A->radius + a->position;
                // m->penetration = A->radius;

                m.contactCount = 1;
                B.u.Mul(B.normals[faceNormal], m.normal).Negi();
                m.penetration = A.radius;

            // Determine which voronoi region of the edge center of circle lies within
            // real dot1 = Dot( center - v1, v2 - v1 );
            // real dot2 = Dot( center - v2, v1 - v2 );
            // m->penetration = A->radius - separation;
            float dot1 = Vec2.Dot(center.Sub(v1), v2.Sub(v1));
            float dot2 = Vec2.Dot(center.Sub(v2), v1.Sub(v2));

            m.penetration = A.radius - separation;

            // Closest to v1
            if (dot1 <= 0.0f)
                if (Vec2.DistanceSq(center, v1) > A.radius * A.radius)

                // m->contact_count = 1;
                // Vec2 n = v1 - center;
                // n = B->u * n;
                // n.Normalize( );
                // m->normal = n;
                // v1 = B->u * v1 + b->position;
                // m->contacts[0] = v1;

                m.contactCount = 1;
                B.u.Mul(v1, m.contacts[0]).Addi(b.position);

            // Closest to v2
            else if (dot2 <= 0.0f)
                if (Vec2.DistanceSq(center, v2) > A.radius * A.radius)

                // m->contact_count = 1;
                // Vec2 n = v2 - center;
                // v2 = B->u * v2 + b->position;
                // m->contacts[0] = v2;
                // n = B->u * n;
                // n.Normalize( );
                // m->normal = n;

                m.contactCount = 1;
                B.u.Mul(v2, m.contacts[0]).Addi(b.position);

            // Closest to face
                Vec2 n = B.normals[faceNormal];

                if (Vec2.Dot(center.Sub(v1), n) > A.radius)

                // n = B->u * n;
                // m->normal = -n;
                // m->contacts[0] = m->normal * A->radius + a->position;
                // m->contact_count = 1;

                m.contactCount = 1;
                B.u.Mul(n, m.normal).Negi();
                m.contacts[0].Set(a.position).Addsi(m.normal, A.radius);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p_MapControl">Reference to the Manifold ActiveX control.</param>
        /// <param name="p_DrawingOriginalEditObject">The Drawing layer which contains the original Line\Area to edit.</param>
        /// <param name="p_DrawingEdit">A temporary Drawing layer - used only to display inflection Points of the Line\area to edit.</param>
        /// <param name="p_Draw">Internal class used to draw ojects on Drawings.</param>
        /// <param name="p_MODETYPE_OPERATION"></param>
        public EditDrawingFactorySQL(AxManifold.Interop.AxComponentControl p_MapControl, Manifold.Interop.Drawing p_DrawingOriginalEditObject, Manifold.Interop.Drawing p_DrawingEdit, MODETYPE_OPERATION p_MODETYPE_OPERATION)
                //Map events
                this._MapControl = p_MapControl;

                this._MapControl.MouseDownEvent += new AxManifold.Interop.IComponentControlEvents_MouseDownEventHandler(this.MapControl_MouseDownEvent);
                this._MapControl.MouseUpEvent += new AxManifold.Interop.IComponentControlEvents_MouseUpEventHandler(this.MapControl_MouseUpEvent);
                this._MapControl.MouseMoveEvent += new AxManifold.Interop.IComponentControlEvents_MouseMoveEventHandler(this.MapControl_MouseMoveEvent);

                if (p_DrawingOriginalEditObject == null )
                    throw new Exception("The Original Edit objects Drawing was null in the EditDrawingFactory constructor. Assign an initialised Manifold.Interop.Drawing to it before calling this class.");
                    this._DrawingOriginalEditObject = p_DrawingOriginalEditObject;

                if (p_DrawingEdit == null)
                    throw new Exception("The Edit Drawing layer was null in the EditDrawingFactory constructor. Assign an initialised Manifold.Interop.Drawing to it before calling this class.");
                    this._DrawingEdit = p_DrawingEdit;
                this._EditModeOperation = p_MODETYPE_OPERATION;
            catch (Exception objEx)
Example #36
 protected virtual void PreSolve(Contact contact, ref Manifold oldManifold)
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a coordinate to the selected Edit object
        /// </summary>
        private void addCoordinate1(Manifold.Interop.Point p_objPointScreen)
            Manifold.Interop.Query query;
            bool bAddPointAtEnd = false;
            this._AddingCoordinate = true;
                bool bAdditionOccured = false;
                if (this._DrawingOriginalEditObject.Selection.Count > 0)
                    StringBuilder sbSQL = new StringBuilder();
                    double SearchRange = this._SelectionTolerance; ;
                    double AddCoordinateSelectionTolerance = this._SelectionToleranceAddCoordinate;

                    query = this._MapControl.get_Document().NewQuery("TempQuery", false);

                    //Compose a rectangular area around the clicked point - then gets its Geom WKT
                    Manifold.Interop.PointSet points = this._MapControl.Application.NewPointSet();
                    points.Add(this._MapControl.Application.NewPoint(p_objPointScreen.X - SearchRange, p_objPointScreen.Y - SearchRange));
                    points.Add(this._MapControl.Application.NewPoint(p_objPointScreen.X + SearchRange, p_objPointScreen.Y - SearchRange));
                    points.Add(this._MapControl.Application.NewPoint(p_objPointScreen.X + SearchRange, p_objPointScreen.Y + SearchRange));
                    points.Add(this._MapControl.Application.NewPoint(p_objPointScreen.X - SearchRange, p_objPointScreen.Y + SearchRange));
                    points.Add(VBManifoldWrapper.ManifoldObjectWrapper.getPointFromPointSet(points, 0));

                    Manifold.Interop.Geom geom = this._MapControl.Application.NewGeom(Manifold.Interop.GeomType.GeomArea, null);
                    Manifold.Interop.BranchSet geomBranchSet = geom.get_BranchSet();
                    VBManifoldWrapper.ManifoldObjectWrapper.setPointSetInBranchSet(points, geomBranchSet);
                    string wkt = geom.ToTextWKT();

                    //Create a temp Drawing to hold a copy of the object which will be Exploded into its separate Line segments
                    Manifold.Interop.Drawing tempDrawing = this._MapControl.get_Document().NewDrawing("tempDrawing", this._MapControl.Application.NewCoordinateSystem("Irish Grid"), false);

                    //NOTE: When the object is exploded the Points at the end of the lines dont match exactely (percision
                    //  is slightly off) to those that were added from the objects PointSet to the Edit Drawing layer thus
                    //  query below adds small BUFFER and TOUCHES logic to get around this.
                    Manifold.Interop.Analyzer myAnalyzer = this._MapControl.get_Document().NewAnalyzer();
                    myAnalyzer.Boundaries((Manifold.Interop.Component)tempDrawing, tempDrawing, tempDrawing.ObjectSet);
                    myAnalyzer.Explode((Manifold.Interop.Component)tempDrawing, tempDrawing.ObjectSet);

                    sbSQL.Length = 0;
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("SELECT [BranchIndex], [PointIndex], [BranchMaxIndex] FROM [" + this._DrawingEdit.Name + "] ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("Where TOUCHES([ID],BUFFER( ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("Select StartPoint(Geom(ID)) as s FROM [" + tempDrawing.Name + "] ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("WHERE Touches(AssignCoordSys(CGeom(CGeomWKB(\"" + wkt + "\")), CoordSys(\"" + this._DrawingEdit.Name + "\" AS COMPONENT)), [ID])," + AddCoordinateSelectionTolerance.ToString() + ")) ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("UNION ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("SELECT [BranchIndex], [PointIndex], [BranchMaxIndex] FROM [" + this._DrawingEdit.Name + "]  ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("Where TOUCHES([ID],BUFFER( ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("Select EndPoint(Geom(ID)) as s FROM [" + tempDrawing.Name + "] ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("WHERE Touches(AssignCoordSys(CGeom(CGeomWKB(\"" + wkt + "\")), CoordSys(\"" + this._DrawingEdit.Name + "\" AS COMPONENT)), [ID])," + AddCoordinateSelectionTolerance.ToString() + ")) ");
                    sbSQL.AppendLine("ORDER BY [PointIndex] ASC ");

                    query.Text = sbSQL.ToString();
                    Manifold.Interop.Table table = query.Table;

                    Int32 iBranchIndex = 0;
                    Int32 iFirstPointIndex = 0;
                    Int32 iLastPointIndex;
                    Int32 iBranchMaxIndex;

                    if (table.RecordSet.Count > 0)
                        iBranchIndex = Convert.ToInt32(table.RecordSet[0].get_Data("BranchIndex"));
                        iBranchMaxIndex = Convert.ToInt32(table.RecordSet[0].get_Data("BranchMaxIndex"));
                        iFirstPointIndex = Convert.ToInt32(table.RecordSet[0].get_Data("PointIndex"));
                        iLastPointIndex = Convert.ToInt32(table.RecordSet[1].get_Data("PointIndex"));

                        if (iFirstPointIndex != iLastPointIndex)
                            Manifold.Interop.Branch objBranch = VBManifoldWrapper.ManifoldObjectWrapper.getBranch(this._OriginalObjectBranchSet, iBranchIndex);
                            Manifold.Interop.PointSet objPointSetBefore = objBranch.get_PointSet();
                            Manifold.Interop.PointSet objPointSetAfter = this._MapControl.get_Document().Application.NewPointSet();

                            //Remove Query and tempDrawing

                            //When adding point to end of GEOM i.e.- FirstIndex=0 and LastIndex=PointSet.Count
                            // this dosnt work so dont add any points - this will bve done later.
                            if (iFirstPointIndex == 0 && iLastPointIndex == objPointSetBefore.Count - 1)
                                bAddPointAtEnd = true;
                                //Determine where to insert the point
                                for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < objPointSetBefore.Count; iIndex++)
                                    if (bAdditionOccured == false)
                                        if (iIndex > iFirstPointIndex)
                                            bAdditionOccured = true;
                                    objPointSetAfter.Add(VBManifoldWrapper.ManifoldObjectWrapper.getPointFromPointSet(objPointSetBefore, iIndex));

                            //Redraw the new Object with added Point if required
                            if (bAdditionOccured == true)
                                if (bAddPointAtEnd == true)
                    //Unset any Edit Drawing selection
                    this._UserAddedCoordinate = true;
            catch (Exception objEx)
                this._AddingCoordinate = false;
Example #38
        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates the listener
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listener">The listener</param>
        public void Update(IContactListener listener)
            Manifold oldManifold = Manifold.Clone();


            Body bodyA = FixtureA.Body;
            Body bodyB = FixtureB.Body;

            int oldCount = oldManifold.PointCount;
            int newCount = Manifold.PointCount;

            if (newCount == 0 && oldCount > 0)

            // Slow contacts don't generate TOI events.
            if (bodyA.IsStatic() || bodyA.IsBullet() || bodyB.IsStatic() || bodyB.IsBullet())
                Flags &= ~CollisionFlags.Slow;
                Flags |= CollisionFlags.Slow;

            // Match old contact ids to new contact ids and copy the
            // stored impulses to warm start the solver.
            for (int i = 0; i < Manifold.PointCount; ++i)
                ManifoldPoint mp2 = Manifold.Points[i];
                mp2.NormalImpulse  = 0.0f;
                mp2.TangentImpulse = 0.0f;
                ContactId id2 = mp2.Id;

                for (int j = 0; j < oldManifold.PointCount; ++j)
                    ManifoldPoint mp1 = oldManifold.Points[j];

                    if (mp1.Id.Key == id2.Key)
                        mp2.NormalImpulse  = mp1.NormalImpulse;
                        mp2.TangentImpulse = mp1.TangentImpulse;

            if (oldCount == 0 && newCount > 0)
                Flags |= CollisionFlags.Touch;
                if (listener != null)

            if (oldCount > 0 && newCount == 0)
                Flags &= ~CollisionFlags.Touch;
                if (listener != null)

            if ((Flags & CollisionFlags.NonSolid) == 0)
                if (listener != null)
                    listener.PreSolve(this, oldManifold);

                // The user may have disabled contact.
                if (Manifold.PointCount == 0)
                    Flags &= ~CollisionFlags.Touch;
        private void insertEditObjectInflectionPoints(Manifold.Interop.Drawing p_Drawing, int p_ManifoldID)
                Manifold.Interop.Table objTable = (Manifold.Interop.Table)p_Drawing.OwnedTable;
                StringBuilder sbSQL = new StringBuilder();

                sbSQL.AppendLine("INSERT INTO [" + this._DrawingEdit.Name + "] ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("( ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("  PointIndex ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("  ,[Geom (I)] ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("  ,BranchMaxIndex ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("  ,ThemeFeatureType ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("  ,[Selection (I)]");
                sbSQL.AppendLine(") ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("SELECT ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("  CASE [Point] = StartPoint(ConvertToLine([ID])) ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("    WHEN TRUE THEN 0 ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("    ELSE CoordCount(Branch(IntersectLine(ConvertToLine([ID]), [Point]), 0)) - 1 ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("  END AS [PointIndex] ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("  ,[Point] ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("  ,CoordCount(ID) AS [BranchPointMaxIndex] ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("  , \"" + this._Edit_ThemePoint + "\"");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("  , 1");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("FROM [" + p_Drawing.Name + "]  ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("WHERE ID = " + p_ManifoldID.ToString() + " ");
                sbSQL.AppendLine("SPLIT BY Coords([ID]) AS [Point]; ");

            catch (Exception objEx)
Example #40
 private static void CollidePolyAndEdgeContact(ref Manifold manifold, Shape shape1, Transform xf1, Shape shape2, Transform xf2)
     Collision.Collision.CollidePolyAndEdge(ref manifold, (PolygonShape)shape1, xf1, (EdgeShape)shape2, xf2);
Example #41
 public abstract void evaluate(Manifold manifold, Transform xfA, Transform xfB);
Example #42
 public void PreSolve(Contact contact, Manifold manifold)
Example #43
 internal void PreSolve(Contact contact, ref Manifold oldManifold)
     //CreateContactInfo(contact, ContactType.PreSolve, ContactType.PreSolve);
Example #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the contact manifold and touching status.
        /// Note: do not assume the fixture AABBs are overlapping or are valid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contactManager">The contact manager.</param>
        internal void Update(ContactManager contactManager)
            Body bodyA = FixtureA.Body;
            Body bodyB = FixtureB.Body;

            if (FixtureA == null || FixtureB == null)

            Manifold oldManifold = Manifold;

            // Re-enable this contact.
            Enabled = true;

            bool touching;
            bool wasTouching = IsTouching;

            bool sensor = FixtureA.IsSensor || FixtureB.IsSensor;

            // Is this contact a sensor?
            if (sensor)
                Shape shapeA = FixtureA.Shape;
                Shape shapeB = FixtureB.Shape;
                touching = Collision.Collision.TestOverlap(shapeA, ChildIndexA, shapeB, ChildIndexB, ref bodyA._xf, ref bodyB._xf);

                // Sensors don't generate manifolds.
                Manifold.PointCount = 0;
                Evaluate(ref Manifold, ref bodyA._xf, ref bodyB._xf);
                touching = Manifold.PointCount > 0;

                // Match old contact ids to new contact ids and copy the
                // stored impulses to warm start the solver.
                for (int i = 0; i < Manifold.PointCount; ++i)
                    ManifoldPoint mp2 = Manifold.Points[i];
                    mp2.NormalImpulse  = 0.0f;
                    mp2.TangentImpulse = 0.0f;
                    ContactID id2 = mp2.Id;

                    for (int j = 0; j < oldManifold.PointCount; ++j)
                        ManifoldPoint mp1 = oldManifold.Points[j];

                        if (mp1.Id.Key == id2.Key)
                            mp2.NormalImpulse  = mp1.NormalImpulse;
                            mp2.TangentImpulse = mp1.TangentImpulse;

                    Manifold.Points[i] = mp2;

                if (touching != wasTouching)
                    bodyA.Awake = true;
                    bodyB.Awake = true;

            IsTouching = touching;

            if (wasTouching == false)
                if (touching)
#if (AllCollisionCallbacksAgree)
                        bool enabledA = true, enabledB = true;

                        // Report the collision to both participants. Track which ones returned true so we can
                        // later call OnSeparation if the contact is disabled for a different reason.
                        enabledA = FixtureA.RaiseOnCollision(FixtureA, FixtureB, this) && enabledA;

                        // Reverse the order of the reported fixtures. The first fixture is always the one that the
                        // user subscribed to.
                        enabledB = FixtureB.RaiseOnCollision(FixtureB, FixtureA, this) && enabledB;

                        Enabled = enabledA && enabledB;

                        // BeginContact can also return false and disable the contact
                        if (enabledA && enabledB && contactManager.BeginContact != null)
                            Enabled = contactManager.BeginContact(this);
                        //Report the collision to both participants:
                        Enabled = FixtureA.RaiseOnCollision(FixtureA, FixtureB, this);

                        //Reverse the order of the reported fixtures. The first fixture is always the one that the
                        //user subscribed to.
                        Enabled = FixtureB.RaiseOnCollision(FixtureB, FixtureA, this);

                        //BeginContact can also return false and disable the contact
                        if (contactManager.BeginContact != null)
                            Enabled = contactManager.BeginContact(this);
                    // If the user disabled the contact (needed to exclude it in TOI solver) at any point by
                    // any of the callbacks, we need to mark it as not touching and call any separation
                    // callbacks for fixtures that didn't explicitly disable the collision.
                    if (!Enabled)
                        IsTouching = false;
                if (touching == false)
                    //Report the separation to both participants:
                    FixtureA?.RaiseOnSeparation(FixtureA, FixtureB);

                    //Reverse the order of the reported fixtures. The first fixture is always the one that the
                    //user subscribed to.
                    FixtureB?.RaiseOnSeparation(FixtureB, FixtureA);


            if (sensor)

            if (contactManager.PreSolve != null)
                contactManager.PreSolve(this, ref oldManifold);
Example #45
 internal override void Evaluate(out Manifold manifold, ref Transform xfA, ref Transform xfB)
     Collision.CollideCircles(out manifold,
                              (CircleShape)FixtureA.Shape, ref xfA,
                              (CircleShape)FixtureB.Shape, ref xfB);
Example #46
 /// An axis aligned bounding box.
 /// Compute the collision manifold between two circles.
 public static void CollideCircles(
     ref Manifold manifold,
     CircleShape circleA,
     in Transform xfA,
Example #47
        public override void preSolve(Contact contact, Manifold oldManifold)
            base.preSolve(contact, oldManifold);

            Fixture fixtureA = contact.getFixtureA();
            Fixture fixtureB = contact.getFixtureB();

            if (fixtureA != m_platform && fixtureA != m_character)

            if (fixtureB != m_character && fixtureB != m_character)

            Vec2 position = m_character.getBody().getPosition();

            if (position.y < m_top + m_radius - 3.0f*Settings.linearSlop)
Example #48
    public void PhysicsUpdate()
        for (int i = 0; i < physEnts.Length; i++)
            if (physEnts[i] == null)

            for (int j = i + 1; j < physEnts.Length; j++)
                if (physEnts[j] == null)

                PhysicsData a = physEnts[i];
                PhysicsData b = physEnts[j];

                Manifold m = new Manifold {
                    a = a, b = b

                if (CircleVsCircle(m, a.circ, b.circ))
                    Calc.ResolveCollision(a, b, m.normal, m.penetration);
                // do collision stuff for a and b?

        // gravity
        for (int i = 0; i < physEnts.Length; i++)
            if (physEnts[i] == null)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < physEnts.Length; j++)
                if (physEnts[j] == null)
                Vector2 forceA = Calc.GravityForce(physEnts[i], physEnts[j]);
                physEnts[i].velocity += forceA / physEnts[i].mass * (1f / 60f);

                Vector2 forceB = Calc.GravityForce(physEnts[j], physEnts[i]);
                physEnts[j].velocity += forceB / physEnts[j].mass * (1f / 60f);

        for (int i = 0; i < physEnts.Length; i++)
            if (physEnts[i] == null || physEnts[i].mass == 0)
            physEnts[i].position += (Vector3)(physEnts[i].velocity) * (1.0f / 60.0f);
            physEnts[i].owner.transform.position = physEnts[i].position;
Example #49
        public override void PreSolve(Contact contact, ref Manifold oldManifold)
            base.PreSolve(contact, ref oldManifold);

            Fixture fixtureA = contact.GetFixtureA();
            Fixture fixtureB = contact.GetFixtureB();

            if (fixtureA != _platform && fixtureA != _character)

            if (fixtureB != _character && fixtureB != _character)

            Vector2 position = _character.GetBody().GetPosition();

            if (position.Y < _top + _radius - 3.0f * Settings.b2_linearSlop)
Example #50
 internal override void Evaluate(out Manifold manifold, in Transform xfA, in Transform xfB)
Example #51
        /// <summary>
        /// A fallback for handling degenerate "Star of David" cases.
        /// </summary>
        private static void FindVertsFallback(
      VoltPolygon poly1,
      VoltPolygon poly2,
      Vector2 normal,
      float penetration,
      Manifold manifold)
            for (int i = 0; i < poly1.countWorld; i++)
            Vector2 vertex = poly1.worldVertices[i];
            if (poly2.ContainsPointPartial(vertex, normal) == true)
              if (manifold.AddContact(vertex, normal, penetration) == false)

              for (int i = 0; i < poly2.countWorld; i++)
            Vector2 vertex = poly2.worldVertices[i];
            if (poly1.ContainsPointPartial(vertex, -normal) == true)
              if (manifold.AddContact(vertex, normal, penetration) == false)
Example #52
 /// <summary>
 ///     Compute contact points for edge versus circle.
 ///     This accounts for edge connectivity.
 ///     计算边缘和圆的碰撞点
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="manifold"></param>
 /// <param name="edgeA"></param>
 /// <param name="xfA"></param>
 /// <param name="circleB"></param>
 /// <param name="xfB"></param>
 public static void CollideEdgeAndCircle(
     ref Manifold manifold,
     EdgeShape edgeA,
     in Transform xfA,
Example #53
 public override void evaluate(Manifold manifold, Transform xfA, Transform xfB)
     pool.getCollision().collidePolygons(manifold, (PolygonShape) m_fixtureA.getShape(), xfA,
         (PolygonShape) m_fixtureB.getShape(), xfB);
Example #54
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks whether the given colliders intersect, generating an Intersection instance
 /// with the collision data in that case.
 /// Since this function represents a "box vs circle" collision, the symmetric function is called
 /// instead. See DCircleCollider for more info.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">the second collider</param>
 /// <param name="intersection">the collision data, <code>null</code> if no collision has been detected.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override bool Intersects(DCircleCollider other, out Manifold intersection)
     return(other.Intersects(this, out intersection));
Example #55
File: AABB.cs Project: Ecnor/POO2
        public static bool AABBvsAABB(Manifold M)
            // Setup manifold object
            Brick A = (Brick)M.m_A;
            Brick B = (Brick)M.m_B;

            // Vector from A to B
            //Vector2 n = B.m_position - A.m_position;
            Vector2 posA = new Vector2((A.m_position.X + (A.m_texture.Width / 2)), (A.m_position.Y + (A.m_texture.Height / 2)));
            Vector2 posB = new Vector2((B.m_position.X + (B.m_texture.Width / 2)), (B.m_position.Y + (B.m_texture.Height / 2)));
            Vector2 n = posB - posA;

            AABB abox = (AABB)A.m_hitbox;
            AABB bbox = (AABB)B.m_hitbox;

            // Calculate half extents along x axis for each object
            float a_extent = (abox.m_max.X - abox.m_min.X) / 2;
            float b_extent = (bbox.m_max.X - bbox.m_min.X) / 2;

            // Calculate overlap on x axis
            float x_overlap = a_extent + b_extent - Math.Abs(n.X);

            // SAT test on x axis
            if (x_overlap > 0)
                // Calculate half extents along x axis for each object
                a_extent = (abox.m_max.Y - abox.m_min.Y) / 2;
                b_extent = (bbox.m_max.Y - bbox.m_min.Y) / 2;

                // Calculate overlap on y axis
                float y_overlap = a_extent + b_extent - Math.Abs(n.Y);

                // SAT test on y axis
                if (y_overlap > 0)
                    // Find out which axis is axis of least penetration
                    if (x_overlap < y_overlap)
                        // Point towards B knowing that n points from A to B
                        if (n.X < 0)
                            M.m_normal = new Vector2(-1, 0);
                            M.m_normal = new Vector2(1, 0);

                        M.m_penetration = x_overlap;

                        return true;
                        // Point toward B knowing that n points from A to B
                        if (n.Y < 0)
                            M.m_normal = new Vector2(0, -1);
                            M.m_normal = new Vector2(0, 1);

                        M.m_penetration = y_overlap;

                        return true;

            return false;
Example #56
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the contact manifold. Do not modify the manifold unless you understand the
 /// internals of Box2D.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="manifold">The manifold.</param>
 public void GetManifold(out Manifold manifold)
     manifold = Manifold;
 private void DrawLine(Manifold.Interop.Geom p_objGeomLine)
         this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
         Utility.DrawLine(this.DrawingOriginal, p_objGeomLine);
     catch (Exception err)
         MessageBox.Show("ERROR:" + err.Message);
         this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Example #58
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the contact manifold and touching status.
        /// Note: do not assume the fixture AABBs are overlapping or are valid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contactManager">The contact manager.</param>
        internal void Update(ContactManager contactManager)
            Manifold oldManifold = Manifold;

            // Re-enable this contact.
            Flags |= ContactFlags.Enabled;

            bool touching;
            bool wasTouching = (Flags & ContactFlags.Touching) == ContactFlags.Touching;

            bool sensor = FixtureA.IsSensor || FixtureB.IsSensor;

            Body bodyA = FixtureA.Body;
            Body bodyB = FixtureB.Body;

            // Is this contact a sensor?
            if (sensor)
                Shape shapeA = FixtureA.Shape;
                Shape shapeB = FixtureB.Shape;
                touching = AABB.TestOverlap(shapeA, ChildIndexA, shapeB, ChildIndexB, ref bodyA.Xf, ref bodyB.Xf);

                // Sensors don't generate manifolds.
                Manifold.PointCount = 0;
                Evaluate(ref Manifold, ref bodyA.Xf, ref bodyB.Xf);
                touching = Manifold.PointCount > 0;

                // Match old contact ids to new contact ids and copy the
                // stored impulses to warm start the solver.
                for (int i = 0; i < Manifold.PointCount; ++i)
                    ManifoldPoint mp2 = Manifold.Points[i];
                    mp2.NormalImpulse  = 0.0f;
                    mp2.TangentImpulse = 0.0f;
                    ContactID id2   = mp2.Id;
                    bool      found = false;

                    for (int j = 0; j < oldManifold.PointCount; ++j)
                        ManifoldPoint mp1 = oldManifold.Points[j];

                        if (mp1.Id.Key == id2.Key)
                            mp2.NormalImpulse  = mp1.NormalImpulse;
                            mp2.TangentImpulse = mp1.TangentImpulse;
                            found = true;
                    if (found == false)
                        mp2.NormalImpulse  = 0.0f;
                        mp2.TangentImpulse = 0.0f;

                    Manifold.Points[i] = mp2;

                if (touching != wasTouching)
                    bodyA.Awake = true;
                    bodyB.Awake = true;

            if (touching)
                Flags |= ContactFlags.Touching;
                Flags &= ~ContactFlags.Touching;

            if (wasTouching == false && touching)
                //Report the collision to both participants:
                if (FixtureA != null)
                    if (FixtureA.OnCollision != null)
                        Enabled = FixtureA.OnCollision(FixtureA, FixtureB, this);

                //Reverse the order of the reported fixtures. The first fixture is always the one that the
                //user subscribed to.
                if (FixtureB != null)
                    if (FixtureB.OnCollision != null)
                        Enabled = FixtureB.OnCollision(FixtureB, FixtureA, this);

                //BeginContact can also return false and disable the contact
                if (contactManager.BeginContact != null)
                    Enabled = contactManager.BeginContact(this);

                //if the user disabled the contact (needed to exclude it in TOI solver), we also need to mark
                //it as not touching.
                if (Enabled == false)
                    Flags &= ~ContactFlags.Touching;

            if (wasTouching && touching == false)
                //Report the separation to both participants:
                if (FixtureA != null && FixtureA.OnSeparation != null)
                    FixtureA.OnSeparation(FixtureA, FixtureB);

                //Reverse the order of the reported fixtures. The first fixture is always the one that the
                //user subscribed to.
                if (FixtureB != null && FixtureB.OnSeparation != null)
                    FixtureB.OnSeparation(FixtureB, FixtureA);

                if (contactManager.EndContact != null)

            if (sensor)

            if (contactManager.PreSolve != null)
                contactManager.PreSolve(this, ref oldManifold);
Example #59
        public virtual void PreSolve(Contact contact, ref Manifold oldManifold)
            Manifold manifold;
            contact.GetManifold(out manifold);

	        if (manifold._pointCount == 0)

	        Fixture fixtureA = contact.GetFixtureA();
	        Fixture fixtureB = contact.GetFixtureB();

            FixedArray2<PointState> state1, state2;
	        Collision.GetPointStates(out state1, out state2, ref oldManifold, ref manifold);

	        WorldManifold worldManifold;
	        contact.GetWorldManifold(out worldManifold);

	        for (int i = 0; i < manifold._pointCount && _pointCount < k_maxContactPoints; ++i)
                if (fixtureA == null)
                    _points[i] = new ContactPoint();
		        ContactPoint cp = _points[_pointCount];
		        cp.fixtureA = fixtureA;
		        cp.fixtureB = fixtureB;
		        cp.position = worldManifold._points[i];
		        cp.normal = worldManifold._normal;
		        cp.state = state2[i];
                _points[_pointCount] = cp;
Example #60
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks whether the two boxes collide, generating an intersection containing the collision data.
    /// This function can only compare bounding boxes againsts other bounding boxes.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="other">bounding box to check</param>
    /// <param name="intersection">the collision data, <code>null</code> if no collision has been detected.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public override bool Intersects(DBoxCollider other, out Manifold intersection)
        intersection = null;

        //check if one of them is a trigger
        if (this.IsTrigger || other.IsTrigger)
            intersection = new Manifold(this.Body, other.Body);

        // Vector from A to B
        Vector2F distance = other.Body.Position - Body.Position;

        // Calculate half extents along x axis for each object
        Fix32 xEntentA = (max.x - min.x) / (Fix32)2;
        Fix32 xExtentB = (other.max.x - other.min.x) / (Fix32)2;

        // Calculate overlap on x axis
        Fix32 offsetX = xEntentA + xExtentB - Fix32.Abs(distance.x);

        // SAT test on x axis
        if (offsetX > Fix32.Zero)
            // Calculate half extents along x axis for each object
            Fix32 yExtentA = (max.y - min.y) / (Fix32)2;
            Fix32 yExtentB = (other.max.y - other.min.y) / (Fix32)2;

            // Calculate overlap on y axis
            Fix32 offsetY = yExtentA + yExtentB - Fix32.Abs(distance.y);

            // SAT test on y axis
            if (offsetY > Fix32.Zero)
                Vector2F n;
                // Find out which axis is axis of least penetration
                if (offsetX < offsetY)
                    // Point towards B knowing that n points from A to B
                    if (distance.x < Fix32.Zero)
                        n = new Vector2F(-1, 0);
                        n = new Vector2F(1, 0);
                    intersection = new Manifold(Body, other.Body, n, offsetX);
                    // Point toward B knowing that n points from A to B
                    if (distance.y < Fix32.Zero)
                        n = new Vector2F(0, -1);
                        n = new Vector2F(0, 1);
                    intersection = new Manifold(Body, other.Body, n, offsetY);