Example #1
        public void RunOnlineKEPSampling()
            // Kernel EP with importance sampling.

             * Only one W just like in Ali's paper.
             * In practice, we typically observe multiple sets of observations
             * where we want to do inference on the same model with the same
             * parameter.
            Vector w = Vector.Zero(d);

            Rand.Normal(Vector.Zero(d), PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(d), w);

            List <LogisticOpRecords> allRecs = new List <LogisticOpRecords>();

            // Create the Logistic operator instance only one because we want to use the same
            // one after a new problem (new seed).
            // stopwatch for measuring inference time for each problem
            Stopwatch watch         = new Stopwatch();
            var       logisticOpIns = new KEPOnlineISLogisticOpIns(
                new LogisticOpRecords(), watch, -8.5);

            logisticOpIns.IsRecordMessages       = true;
            logisticOpIns.IsPrintTrueWhenCertain = false;
            /** Use mixture or not ...*/
            logisticOpIns.isGaussianOp.useMixtureProposal = false;
            logisticOpIns.SetFeatures(new int[] { 300, 500 });

            OpControl.Set(typeof(KEPOnlineLogisticOp), logisticOpIns);
            Type logisticOp = typeof(KEPOnlineLogisticOp);

            List <long> allInferTimes       = new List <long>();
            var         allPosteriors       = new List <VectorGaussian>();
            var         allDotNetPosteriors = new List <VectorGaussian>();

            LogisticOp2.IsCollectLogisticMessages = false;
            LogisticOp2.IsCollectProjMsgs         = false;
            LogisticOp2.IsCollectXMessages        = false;
            for (int seed = seed_from; seed <= seed_to; seed++)
                double b = 0;
                // combine the bias term into W
                Vector[] X;
                bool[]   Y;
                LogisticRegression.GenData(n, w, b, out X, out Y, seed);

                Console.Write("Y: ");

                VectorGaussian wPost;

                LogisticOpRecords recorder = new LogisticOpRecords();
                // Set a new recorder for a new problem seed
                //			Type logisticOp = typeof(LogisticOp2);

                // start the watch
                LogisticRegression.InferCoefficientsNoBias(X, Y, out wPost, epIter, logisticOp);
                // stop the watch
                long inferenceTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                recorder.inferenceTimes = new List <long>();

                recorder.postW = MatrixUtils.ToList(wPost);

                Console.WriteLine("n: {0}", n);
                Console.WriteLine("d: {0}", d);
                int t = Y.Sum(o => o ? 1 : 0);
                Console.WriteLine("number of true: {0}", t);
                Console.WriteLine("True bias: {0}", b);
                //			Vector meanW = wPost.GetMean();

                Console.WriteLine("True w: {0}", w);
                Console.WriteLine("Inferred w: ");

                // Run Infer.net's operator on the same data
                VectorGaussian dotNetPostW;
                LogisticRegression.InferCoefficientsNoBias(X, Y, out dotNetPostW,
                                                           epIter, typeof(LogisticOp2));
                recorder.dotNetPostW = MatrixUtils.ToList <VectorGaussian>(dotNetPostW);
                // write the records to a file
                string fname = string.Format("rec_onlinekep_is{0}_n{1}_logistic_iter{2}_s{3}.mat",
                                             importanceSamplingSize, n, epIter, seed);
                string recordPath = Config.PathToSavedFile(fname);
                var    extra      = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                // MatlabWriter cannot write int
                extra.Add("d", (double)d);
                extra.Add("n", (double)n);
                extra.Add("epIter", (double)epIter);
                extra.Add("trueW", w);
                extra.Add("X", MatrixUtils.StackColumns(X));
                extra.Add("Y", MatrixUtils.ToDouble(Y));
                recorder.WriteRecords(recordPath, extra);
            // merge all records and write
            LogisticOpRecords merged = LogisticOpRecords.Merge(allRecs.ToArray());

            merged.inferenceTimes = allInferTimes;
            merged.dotNetPostW    = allDotNetPosteriors;
            merged.postW          = allPosteriors;

            string fnameM = string.Format("rec_onlinekep_is{0}_n{1}_logistic_iter{2}_sf{3}_st{4}.mat",
                                          importanceSamplingSize, n, epIter, seed_from, seed_to);
            string recordPathM = Config.PathToSavedFile(fnameM);

Example #2
        public static void CollectMessages()
            // collect all incoming/outgoing messages from a logistic factor
            // to its argument x (as in logis = logistic(x) )
            // in a binary logistic regression model.
            const int seed_from = 1;
            const int seed_to   = 20;
            const int d         = 10;
            const int n         = 400;
            const int epIter    = 5;
            // true => collect proj messages instead of outgoing messages
            const bool   collectProj    = false;
            const string targetAnnotate = collectProj ? "_proj" : "";

            LogisticOp2.IsCollectProjMsgs         = collectProj;
            LogisticOp2.IsCollectLogisticMessages = true;
            LogisticOp2.IsCollectXMessages        = true;

            var allToXMsgs        = new List <Tuple <Gaussian, Gaussian, Beta> >();
            var allToLogisticMsgs = new List <Tuple <Beta, Gaussian, Beta> >();

            for (int seed = seed_from; seed <= seed_to; seed++)
                Vector   w;
                double   b;
                Vector[] X;
                bool[]   Y;

                w = Vector.Zero(d);
                Rand.Normal(Vector.Zero(d), PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(d), w);
//				b = Rand.Normal(0, 1);
                b = 0;

                LogisticRegression.GenData(n, w, b, out X, out Y);

                Console.Write("Y: ");

                VectorGaussian wPost;
                Gaussian       biasPost;

//				LogisticRegression.InferCoefficients(X, Y, out wPost,
//					out biasPost, epIter, typeof(LogisticOp2));
                LogisticRegression.InferCoefficientsNoBias(X, Y, out wPost,
                                                           epIter, typeof(LogisticOp2));

                Console.WriteLine("n: {0}", n);
                Console.WriteLine("d: {0}", d);
                int t = Y.Sum(o => o ? 1 : 0);
                Console.WriteLine("number of true: {0}", t);
//				Console.WriteLine("True bias: {0}", b);
//				Console.WriteLine("Inferred bias: {0}", biasPost);
                Console.WriteLine("True w: {0}", w);
                Console.WriteLine("Inferred w: ");

                // save the collected messages
                List <Tuple <Gaussian, Gaussian, Beta> > toXMsgs = LogisticOp2.GetToXMessages();
                string toXFname = string.Format("binlogis_bw{0}_n{1}_iter{2}_s{3}.mat",
                                                targetAnnotate, n, epIter, seed);
                string toXPath = Config.PathToSavedFile(toXFname);

                List <Tuple <Beta, Gaussian, Beta> > toLogisticMsgs = LogisticOp2.GetToLogisticMessages();
                string toLogisticFname = string.Format("binlogis_fw{0}_n{1}_iter{2}_s{3}.mat",
                                                       targetAnnotate, n, epIter, seed);
                string toLogisticPath = Config.PathToSavedFile(toLogisticFname);

                // extra information apart from collected messages
                var extra = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "regression_input_dim", (double)d },
                    { "true_w", w }, { "true_bias", b }, {
                    { "X", X }, { "Y", Y }
                ToXSerializeToMat(toXPath, toXMsgs, extra);
                ToLogisticSerializeToMat(toLogisticPath, toLogisticMsgs, extra);
            // save combined messages from seed_from to seed_to
            string allToXFname = string.Format("binlogis_bw{0}_n{1}_iter{2}_sf{3}_st{4}.mat",
                                               targetAnnotate, n, epIter, seed_from, seed_to);
            string allToXPath = Config.PathToSavedFile(allToXFname);

            ToXSerializeToMat(allToXPath, allToXMsgs, null);

            string allToLogisticFname = string.Format("binlogis_fw{0}_n{1}_iter{2}_sf{3}_st{4}.mat",
                                                      targetAnnotate, n, epIter, seed_from, seed_to);
            string allToLogisticPath = Config.PathToSavedFile(allToLogisticFname);

            ToLogisticSerializeToMat(allToLogisticPath, allToLogisticMsgs, null);
Example #3
        public void RecordInferNETTime()
            /**Records time by infer.net*/

             * Only one W just like in Ali's paper.
             * In practice, we typically observe multiple sets of observations
             * where we want to do inference on the same model with the same
             * parameter.
            Vector w = Vector.Zero(d);

            Rand.Normal(Vector.Zero(d), PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(d), w);

            // Create the Logistic operator instance only one because we want to use the same
            // one after a new problem (new seed).
            // stopwatch for measuring inference time for each problem
            Stopwatch watch      = new Stopwatch();
            Type      logisticOp = typeof(LogisticOp2);

            LogisticOp2.Watch = watch;
            List <long> allInferTimes = new List <long>();
            var         allPosteriors = new List <VectorGaussian>();

            LogisticOp2.IsCollectLogisticMessages = false;
            LogisticOp2.IsCollectProjMsgs         = false;
            LogisticOp2.IsCollectXMessages        = false;
            for (int seed = seed_from; seed <= seed_to; seed++)
                double b = 0;
                // combine the bias term into W
                Vector[] X;
                bool[]   Y;
                LogisticRegression.GenData(n, w, b, out X, out Y, seed);

                Console.Write("Y: ");

                VectorGaussian wPost;

                // start the watch
                LogisticRegression.InferCoefficientsNoBias(X, Y, out wPost, epIter, logisticOp);
                // stop the watch
                long inferenceTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;


                Console.WriteLine("n: {0}", n);
                Console.WriteLine("d: {0}", d);
                int t = Y.Sum(o => o ? 1 : 0);
                Console.WriteLine("number of true: {0}", t);
                Console.WriteLine("True bias: {0}", b);
                //			Vector meanW = wPost.GetMean();

                Console.WriteLine("True w: {0}", w);
                Console.WriteLine("Inferred w: ");
            string fnameM = string.Format("rec_dnet_n{0}_logistic_iter{1}_sf{2}_st{3}.mat",
                                          n, epIter, seed_from, seed_to);
            string       recordPathM = Config.PathToSavedFile(fnameM);
            MatlabWriter writer      = new MatlabWriter(recordPathM);

            writer.Write("allInferTimes", MatrixUtils.ToDouble(allInferTimes));
            Vector[] postMeans = allPosteriors.Select(vg => vg.GetMean()).ToArray();
            Matrix[] postCovs  = allPosteriors.Select(vg => vg.GetVariance()).ToArray();
            writer.Write("postMeans", postMeans);
            writer.Write("postCovs", postCovs);
            writer.Write("dim", d);
            writer.Write("n", n);
            writer.Write("epIter", epIter);
            writer.Write("seed_from", seed_from);
            writer.Write("seed_to", seed_to);
            writer.Write("init_fixed_seed", init_fixed_seed);