void IAleConnectionObserver.OnAleUserDataArrival(byte[] aleUserData) { try { var maslFrame = MaslFrame.Parse(aleUserData, 0, aleUserData.Length - 1); if (maslFrame.FrameType == MaslFrameType.AU1) { LogUtility.Info(string.Format("{0}: Masl层当前状态{1},处理AU1。", _rsspEndPoint.ID, _currentState.GetType().Name)); _currentState.HandleAu1Frame(maslFrame as MaslAu1Frame); } else if (maslFrame.FrameType == MaslFrameType.AU2) { LogUtility.Info(string.Format("{0}: Masl层当前状态{1},处理AU2。", _rsspEndPoint.ID, _currentState.GetType().Name)); _currentState.HandleAu2Frame(maslFrame as MaslAu2Frame); } else if (maslFrame.FrameType == MaslFrameType.AU3) { LogUtility.Info(string.Format("{0}: Masl层当前状态{1},处理AU3。", _rsspEndPoint.ID, _currentState.GetType().Name)); _currentState.HandleAu3Frame(maslFrame as MaslAu3Frame); } else if (maslFrame.FrameType == MaslFrameType.AR) { LogUtility.Info(string.Format("{0}: Masl层当前状态{1},处理AR。", _rsspEndPoint.ID, _currentState.GetType().Name)); _currentState.HandleArFrame(maslFrame as MaslArFrame); } else if (maslFrame.FrameType == MaslFrameType.DT) { if (!(_currentState is MaslConnectedState)) { LogUtility.Error(string.Format("{0}: Masl层当前状态{1},处理DT。", _rsspEndPoint.ID, _currentState.GetType().Name)); } _currentState.HandleDtFrame(maslFrame as MaslDtFrame); } else if (maslFrame.FrameType == MaslFrameType.DI) { LogUtility.Info(string.Format("{0}: Masl层当前状态{1},处理DI。", _rsspEndPoint.ID, _currentState.GetType().Name)); _currentState = this.GetInitialState(); this.Connected = false; //_currentState.HandleDiFrame(maslFrame as MaslDiFrame); } } catch (MaslException ex) { this.Disconnect(ex.MajorReason, ex.MinorReason); LogUtility.Error(ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Disconnect(MaslErrorCode.NotDefined, 0); LogUtility.Error(ex.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Makes the HTTP request (Sync). /// </summary> /// <param name="path">URL path.</param> /// <param name="method">HTTP method.</param> /// <param name="queryParams">Query parameters.</param> /// <param name="postBody">HTTP body (POST request).</param> /// <param name="headerParams">Header parameters.</param> /// <param name="formParams">Form parameters.</param> /// <param name="fileParams">File parameters.</param> /// <param name="pathParams">Path parameters.</param> /// <param name="contentType">Content Type of the request</param> /// <returns>Object</returns> public object CallApi( string path, Method method, Dictionary <string, string> queryParams, object postBody, Dictionary <string, string> headerParams, Dictionary <string, string> formParams, Dictionary <string, FileParameter> fileParams, Dictionary <string, string> pathParams, string contentType) { //declared separately to handle both regular call and download file calls int httpResponseStatusCode; IList <Parameter> httpResponseHeaders = null; string httpResponseData = string.Empty; LogUtility logUtility = new LogUtility(); var response = new RestResponse(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AcceptHeader)) { var defaultAcceptHeader = "," + headerParams["Accept"]; defaultAcceptHeader = AcceptHeader + defaultAcceptHeader.Replace("," + AcceptHeader, ""); headerParams.Remove("Accept"); headerParams.Add("Accept", defaultAcceptHeader); } //check if the Response is to be downloaded as a file, this value to be set by the calling API class if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DownloadResponseFileName)) { var request = PrepareRequest( path, method, queryParams, postBody, headerParams, formParams, fileParams, pathParams, contentType); // set timeout RestClient.Timeout = Configuration.Timeout; // set user agent RestClient.UserAgent = Configuration.UserAgent; RestClient.ClearHandlers(); if (Configuration.Proxy != null) { RestClient.Proxy = Configuration.Proxy; } // Adding Client Cert if (Configuration.MerchantConfigDictionaryObj.ContainsKey("enableClientCert") && Equals(bool.Parse(Configuration.MerchantConfigDictionaryObj["enableClientCert"]), true)) { string clientCertDirectory = Configuration.MerchantConfigDictionaryObj["clientCertDirectory"]; string clientCertFile = Configuration.MerchantConfigDictionaryObj["clientCertFile"]; string clientCertPassword = Configuration.MerchantConfigDictionaryObj["clientCertPassword"]; string fileName = Path.Combine(clientCertDirectory, clientCertFile); // Importing Certificates var certificate = new X509Certificate2(fileName, clientCertPassword); RestClient.ClientCertificates = new X509CertificateCollection { certificate }; } // Logging Request Headers var headerPrintOutput = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var param in request.Parameters) { if (param.Type.ToString().Equals("HttpHeader")) { headerPrintOutput.Append($"{param.Name} : {param.Value}\n"); } } if (logUtility.IsMaskingEnabled(logger)) { logger.Debug($"HTTP Request Headers :\n{logUtility.MaskSensitiveData(headerPrintOutput.ToString())}"); } else { logger.Debug($"HTTP Request Headers :\n{headerPrintOutput}"); } InterceptRequest(request); response = (RestResponse)RestClient.Execute(request); InterceptResponse(request, response); } else { //prepare a HttpWebRequest request object var requestT = PrepareHttpWebRequest(path, method, queryParams, postBody, headerParams, formParams, fileParams, pathParams, contentType); // Logging Request Headers var headerPrintOutput = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var headerKey in requestT.Headers.AllKeys) { var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.Append($"{headerKey} : "); foreach (var value in requestT.Headers.GetValues(headerKey)) { stringBuilder.Append($"{value}, "); } headerPrintOutput.Append($"{stringBuilder.ToString().Remove(stringBuilder.Length - 2)}\n"); } if (logUtility.IsMaskingEnabled(logger)) { logger.Debug($"HTTP Request Headers :\n{logUtility.MaskSensitiveData(headerPrintOutput.ToString())}"); } else { logger.Debug($"HTTP Request Headers :\n{headerPrintOutput.ToString()}"); } //getting the response stream using httpwebrequest HttpWebResponse responseT = (HttpWebResponse)requestT.GetResponse(); using (Stream responseStream = responseT.GetResponseStream()) { try { //setting high timeout to accomodate large files till 2GB, need to revisit for a dynamic approach responseStream.ReadTimeout = 8000000; responseStream.WriteTimeout = 9000000; using (Stream fileStream = File.OpenWrite(DownloadResponseFileName)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int bytesRead = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, 4096); while (bytesRead > 0) { fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); bytesRead = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, 4096); } } } catch (Exception err) { logger.Error($"ApiException : Error writing to path {DownloadResponseFileName}"); throw new ApiException(-1, $"Error writing to path : {DownloadResponseFileName}"); } } //setting the generic response with response headers foreach (var header in responseT.Headers) { response.Headers.Add(new Parameter(header.ToString(), string.Join(",", responseT.Headers.GetValues(header.ToString()).ToArray()), ParameterType.HttpHeader)); } //setting the generic RestResponse which is returned to the calling class response.StatusCode = responseT.StatusCode; if (responseT.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { response.Content = "Custom Message: Response downloaded to file " + DownloadResponseFileName; } else if (responseT.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { response.Content = "Custom Message: The requested resource is not found. Please try again later."; } else { response.Content = responseT.StatusDescription; } } Configuration.DefaultHeader.Clear(); // Logging Response Headers httpResponseStatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode; httpResponseHeaders = response.Headers; httpResponseData = response.Content; logger.Debug($"HTTP Response Status Code: {httpResponseStatusCode}"); var responseHeadersBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var header in httpResponseHeaders) { responseHeadersBuilder.Append($"{header}\n"); } if (logUtility.IsMaskingEnabled(logger)) { logger.Debug($"HTTP Response Headers :\n{logUtility.MaskSensitiveData(responseHeadersBuilder.ToString())}"); } else { logger.Debug($"HTTP Response Headers :\n{responseHeadersBuilder.ToString()}"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpResponseData)) { if (logUtility.IsMaskingEnabled(logger)) { logger.Debug($"HTTP Response Body :\n{logUtility.MaskSensitiveData(httpResponseData)}"); } else { logger.Debug($"HTTP Response Body :\n{httpResponseData}"); } } return(response); }
public void Error(Exception x) { Error(LogUtility.BuildExceptionMessage(x)); }
protected void InitializeColumnData(ref DataTable dt) { try { string displayName = string.Empty, groupName = string.Empty; bool blnVisible = false, blnSortable = false, blnOrderable = false; foreach (DataColumn gridColumn in dt.Columns) { displayName = gridColumn.ColumnName; blnVisible = false; blnSortable = false; blnOrderable = false; groupName = string.Empty; switch (gridColumn.ColumnName) { case "X": displayName = " "; blnVisible = true; break; case "PRIORITYTYPE": displayName = "Priority Type"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "Priority": displayName = "Priority"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "DESCRIPTION": displayName = "Description"; blnVisible = true; break; //case "WorkRequest_Count": // displayName = "Work Requests"; // blnVisible = true; // blnSortable = true; // break; case "WorkItem_Count": displayName = "Primary Tasks"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "SORT_ORDER": displayName = "Sort Order"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "ARCHIVE": displayName = "Archive"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; } columnData.Columns.Add(gridColumn.ColumnName, displayName, blnVisible, blnSortable); columnData.Columns.Item(columnData.Columns.Count - 1).CanReorder = blnOrderable; } //Initialize the columnData columnData.Initialize(ref dt, ";", "~", "|"); //Get sortable columns and default column order SortableColumns = columnData.SortableColumnsToString(); DefaultColumnOrder = columnData.DefaultColumnOrderToString(); //Sort and Reorder Columns columnData.ReorderDataTable(ref dt, ColumnOrder); columnData.SortDataTable(ref dt, SortOrder); SelectedColumnOrder = columnData.CurrentColumnOrderToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.LogException(ex); } }
protected void InitializeColumnData(ref DataTable dt) { try { string displayName = string.Empty, groupName = string.Empty; bool blnVisible = false, blnSortable = false, blnOrderable = false; foreach (DataColumn gridColumn in dt.Columns) { displayName = gridColumn.ColumnName; blnVisible = false; blnSortable = false; blnOrderable = false; groupName = string.Empty; switch (gridColumn.ColumnName) { case "X": blnVisible = true; break; case "WORKITEMTYPEID": blnVisible = false; blnSortable = false; break; case "WORKITEMTYPE": blnVisible = false; blnSortable = false; break; case "STATUSID": blnVisible = false; blnSortable = false; break; case "STATUS": displayName = "Status"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "DESCRIPTION": displayName = "Description"; blnVisible = true; break; case "ARCHIVE": displayName = "Archive"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; } columnData.Columns.Add(gridColumn.ColumnName, displayName, blnVisible, blnSortable); columnData.Columns.Item(columnData.Columns.Count - 1).CanReorder = blnOrderable; } //Initialize the columnData columnData.Initialize(ref dt, ";", "~", "|"); //Get sortable columns and default column order SortableColumns = columnData.SortableColumnsToString(); DefaultColumnOrder = columnData.DefaultColumnOrderToString(); //Sort and Reorder Columns columnData.ReorderDataTable(ref dt, ColumnOrder); columnData.SortDataTable(ref dt, SortOrder); SelectedColumnOrder = columnData.CurrentColumnOrderToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.LogException(ex); } }
public void MultipartUploadPartCopyComplexStepTest() { //get target object name var targetObjectKey = OssTestUtils.GetObjectKey(_className); var initRequest = new InitiateMultipartUploadRequest(_bucketName, targetObjectKey); var initResult = _ossClient.InitiateMultipartUpload(initRequest); // 设置每块为 512K const int partSize = 1024 * 512 * 1; var sourceObjectMeta = _ossClient.GetObjectMetadata(_bucketName, _sourceObjectKey); // 计算分块数目 var partCount = OssTestUtils.CalculatePartCount(sourceObjectMeta.ContentLength, partSize); LogUtility.LogMessage("Object {0} is splitted to {1} parts for multipart upload part copy", _sourceObjectKey, partCount); // 新建一个List保存每个分块上传后的ETag和PartNumber var partETags = new List <PartETag>(); for (var i = 0; i < partCount; i++) { // 跳到每个分块的开头 long skipBytes = partSize * i; // 计算每个分块的大小 var size = partSize < sourceObjectMeta.ContentLength - skipBytes ? partSize : sourceObjectMeta.ContentLength - skipBytes; // 创建UploadPartRequest,上传分块 var uploadPartCopyRequest = new UploadPartCopyRequest(_bucketName, targetObjectKey, _bucketName, _sourceObjectKey, initResult.UploadId) { BeginIndex = skipBytes, PartSize = size, PartNumber = (i + 1), ModifiedSinceConstraint = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1) }; uploadPartCopyRequest.MatchingETagConstraints.Add(_objectETag); var uploadPartCopyResult = _ossClient.UploadPartCopy(uploadPartCopyRequest); // 将返回的PartETag保存到List中。 partETags.Add(uploadPartCopyResult.PartETag); } var lmuRequest = new ListMultipartUploadsRequest(_bucketName); var lmuListing = _ossClient.ListMultipartUploads(lmuRequest); string mpUpload = null; foreach (var t in lmuListing.MultipartUploads) { if (t.UploadId == initResult.UploadId) { mpUpload = t.UploadId; break; } } Assert.IsNotNull(mpUpload, "The multipart uploading should be in progress"); var completeRequest = new CompleteMultipartUploadRequest(_bucketName, targetObjectKey, initResult.UploadId); foreach (var partETag in partETags) { completeRequest.PartETags.Add(partETag); } _ossClient.CompleteMultipartUpload(completeRequest); Assert.IsTrue(OssTestUtils.ObjectExists(_ossClient, _bucketName, targetObjectKey)); //delete the object _ossClient.DeleteObject(_bucketName, targetObjectKey); }
///<summary> Reads the kilometers. </summary> ///<remarks> Amartinez, 19/05/2017. </remarks> ///<param name="pstrPath"> Full pathname of the pstr file. </param> public static List <KilometersTraveled> ReadKilometers(string pstrPath) { string lStrline; List <KilometersTraveled> lListKilometersTraveled = new List <KilometersTraveled>(); using (var lObjfile = File.OpenRead(pstrPath)) using (var lObjreader = new StreamReader(lObjfile)) { lStrline = lObjreader.ReadLine(); try { Console.Write("Verificando archivo KMrecorridos: " + Path.GetFileName(pstrPath)); while (!lObjreader.EndOfStream) { lStrline = lObjreader.ReadLine(); KilometersTraveled lobjKilometesTraveled = new KilometersTraveled(); var lArrValues = lStrline.Split(','); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lArrValues[1].Trim())) //Verifica salto de linea { //lArrValues[0] = lArrValues[0].Replace("\"", ""); //lArrValues[0] = lArrValues[0].Replace("\\", ""); //lobjKilometesTraveled.Name = lArrValues[0]; lStrline = lObjreader.ReadLine();// Salto de linea de archivo //lStrline = lStrline.Replace("\"", ""); //lStrline = lStrline.Replace("\\", ""); lStrline = lStrline.Replace("<br>", ""); lArrValues = lStrline.Split(new[] { "\",\"" }, StringSplitOptions.None); } var lArrValuesNew = lStrline.Split(new[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.None); string lStrDir1 = string.Empty; List <string> lListString = new List <string>(); int lIntInicio = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lArrValuesNew.Length; i++) { if (lIntInicio == 0) { if (lArrValuesNew[i].Contains("\"")) { lStrDir1 += lArrValuesNew[i]; lIntInicio++; } else { lListString.Add(lArrValuesNew[i].Replace("\"", "")); } } else { if (lIntInicio == 1) { if (lArrValuesNew[i].Contains("\"")) { lStrDir1 += lArrValuesNew[i]; lIntInicio = 0; lListString.Add(lStrDir1.Replace("\"", "")); lStrDir1 = string.Empty; } else { lStrDir1 += ", " + lArrValuesNew[i]; } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lStrDir1)) { lListString.Add(lStrDir1.Replace("\"", "")); } var lArrDir = lStrline.Split(new[] { "\"" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); lArrValues[0] = lArrValues[0].Replace("\"", ""); lobjKilometesTraveled.Name = lListString[0]; var fecha = DateTime.Parse(lListString[1]); lobjKilometesTraveled.FromDate = DateTime.Parse(lListString[1]); lobjKilometesTraveled.FromAddress = lListString[2]; lobjKilometesTraveled.ToDate = DateTime.Parse(lListString[3]); lobjKilometesTraveled.ToAddress = lListString[4]; lobjKilometesTraveled.Distance = float.Parse(lListString[5]); lobjKilometesTraveled.Duration = lListString[6]; lobjKilometesTraveled.MaxVelocity = lListString[7]; lobjKilometesTraveled.OdometerStart = float.Parse(lListString[8]); lobjKilometesTraveled.OdometerEnd = float.Parse(lListString[9]); if (lListString[10] == "-") { lobjKilometesTraveled.MotorHours = 0;//Convert.ToInt32(lArrValues[10]); } else { lobjKilometesTraveled.MotorHours = Convert.ToInt32(lListString[10]); } lListKilometersTraveled.Add(lobjKilometesTraveled); } Console.WriteLine("OK"); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtility.Write(e.Message + " En archivo: " + Path.GetFileName(pstrPath)); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } return(lListKilometersTraveled); } }
public static void WriteError(string pStrMessage) { LogUtility.Write(string.Format("[ERROR] {0}", pStrMessage)); }
protected void InitializeColumnData(ref DataTable dt) { try { string displayName = string.Empty, groupName = string.Empty; bool blnVisible = false, blnSortable = false, blnOrderable = false; foreach (DataColumn gridColumn in dt.Columns) { displayName = gridColumn.ColumnName; blnVisible = false; blnSortable = false; blnOrderable = false; groupName = string.Empty; switch (gridColumn.ColumnName) { case "X": blnVisible = true; break; case "ProductVersionID": blnVisible = false; break; case "ProductVersion": displayName = "Product Version"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "Description": displayName = "Description"; blnVisible = true; break; case "CONTRACTID": blnVisible = false; break; case "CONTRACT": displayName = "Contract"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "NarrativeDescription": displayName = "CR Report Narrative"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "WorkloadAllocationType": displayName = "Workload Allocation Type"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "ImageID": displayName = "Image"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "Archive": blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "Y": blnVisible = true; break; } columnData.Columns.Add(gridColumn.ColumnName, displayName, blnVisible, blnSortable); columnData.Columns.Item(columnData.Columns.Count - 1).CanReorder = blnOrderable; } //Initialize the columnData columnData.Initialize(ref dt, ";", "~", "|"); //Get sortable columns and default column order SortableColumns = columnData.SortableColumnsToString(); DefaultColumnOrder = columnData.DefaultColumnOrderToString(); //Sort and Reorder Columns columnData.ReorderDataTable(ref dt, ColumnOrder); columnData.SortDataTable(ref dt, SortOrder); SelectedColumnOrder = columnData.CurrentColumnOrderToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.LogException(ex); } }
GridViewRow createChildRow(string itemId = "") { GridViewRow row = new GridViewRow(0, 0, DataControlRowType.DataRow, DataControlRowState.Selected); TableCell tableCell = null; try { row.CssClass = "gridBody"; row.Style["display"] = "none"; row.ID = string.Format("gridChild_{0}", itemId); if (_currentLevel == 0) { row.Attributes.Add("ProductVersionID", itemId); } else if (_currentLevel == 1) { row.Attributes.Add("CONTRACTID", itemId); } else if (_currentLevel == 2) { row.Attributes.Add("NarrativeID", itemId); } row.Attributes.Add("Name", string.Format("gridChild_{0}", itemId)); //add the table cells for (int i = 0; i < DCC.Count; i++) { tableCell = new TableCell(); tableCell.Text = " "; if (_currentLevel == 0) { if (i == DCC["X"].Ordinal) { //set width to match parent tableCell.Style["width"] = "32px"; tableCell.Style["border-right"] = "1px solid transparent"; } else if (i == DCC["ProductVersion"].Ordinal) { tableCell.Style["padding-top"] = "10px"; tableCell.Style["padding-right"] = "10px"; tableCell.Style["padding-bottom"] = "0px"; tableCell.Style["padding-left"] = "0px"; tableCell.Style["vertical-align"] = "top"; tableCell.ColumnSpan = DCC.Count - 1; //add the frame here tableCell.Controls.Add(createChildFrame(itemId: itemId)); } else { tableCell.Style["display"] = "none"; } } else { if (i == DCC["X"].Ordinal) { //set width to match parent tableCell.Style["width"] = "32px"; tableCell.Style["border-right"] = "1px solid transparent"; } else if (i == DCC["CONTRACT"].Ordinal) { tableCell.Style["padding-top"] = "10px"; tableCell.Style["padding-right"] = "10px"; tableCell.Style["padding-bottom"] = "0px"; tableCell.Style["padding-left"] = "0px"; tableCell.Style["vertical-align"] = "top"; tableCell.ColumnSpan = DCC.Count - 1; //add the frame here tableCell.Controls.Add(createChildFrame(itemId: itemId)); } else { tableCell.Style["display"] = "none"; } } row.Cells.Add(tableCell); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.LogException(ex); row = null; } return(row); }
public static string DeleteItem(int itemId, int contractID, int productVersionID) { Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "id", itemId.ToString() } , { "exists", "" } , { "deleted", "" } , { "archived", "" } , { "error", "" } }; bool exists = false, deleted = false, archived = false; string errorMsg = string.Empty; try { //delete if (itemId == 0) { errorMsg = "You must specify an item to delete."; } else if (itemId == -1) { DataTable dt = MasterData.NarrativeList_Get(productVersionID: productVersionID, contractID: contractID); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { int.TryParse(dr["NarrativeID"].ToString(), out itemId); deleted = MasterData.Narrative_Delete(itemId, out exists, out archived, out errorMsg); } } } else { if (productVersionID > 0) { deleted = MasterData.Narrative_Delete(itemId, out exists, out archived, out errorMsg); } else { DataTable dt = MasterData.NarrativeList_Get(productVersionID: itemId); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { int.TryParse(dr["NarrativeID"].ToString(), out itemId); deleted = MasterData.Narrative_Delete(itemId, out exists, out archived, out errorMsg); } } } //deleted = MasterData.Narrative_Delete(0, "", itemId, out exists, out archived, out errorMsg); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.LogException(ex); deleted = false; errorMsg = ex.Message; } result["exists"] = exists.ToString(); result["deleted"] = deleted.ToString(); result["archived"] = archived.ToString(); result["error"] = errorMsg; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.None)); }
public static string Copy(int oldReleaseID, string newReleaseID, int contractID) { Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "saved", "" }, { "ids", "" }, { "error", "" } }; bool exists = false, saved = false; int newID = 0; string errorMsg = string.Empty; int newRelease_ID; string missionNarrative = string.Empty, programMGMTNarrative = string.Empty, deploymentNarrative = string.Empty, productionNarrative = string.Empty; int missionImageID = 0, programMGMTImageID = 0, deploymentImageID = 0, productionImageID = 0; int.TryParse(newReleaseID.ToString(), out newRelease_ID); try { DataTable dt = MasterData.NarrativeList_Get(productVersionID: oldReleaseID, contractID: contractID); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { switch (dr["WorkloadAllocationType"].ToString()) { case "Mission": missionNarrative = dr["NarrativeDescription"].ToString(); int.TryParse(dr["ImageID"].ToString(), out missionImageID); break; case "Program MGMT": programMGMTNarrative = dr["NarrativeDescription"].ToString(); int.TryParse(dr["ImageID"].ToString(), out programMGMTImageID); break; case "Deployment": deploymentNarrative = dr["NarrativeDescription"].ToString(); int.TryParse(dr["ImageID"].ToString(), out deploymentImageID); break; case "Production": productionNarrative = dr["NarrativeDescription"].ToString(); int.TryParse(dr["ImageID"].ToString(), out productionImageID); break; } } saved = MasterData.Narrative_Add( newRelease_ID, contractID, 0, missionNarrative, missionImageID, 0, programMGMTNarrative, programMGMTImageID, 0, deploymentNarrative, deploymentImageID, 0, productionNarrative, productionImageID, false, out exists, out newID, out errorMsg); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.LogException(ex); result["error"] = ex.Message; } result["exists"] = exists.ToString(); result["saved"] = saved.ToString(); result["error"] = errorMsg; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.None)); }
public void TestDisableCrc() { Common.ClientConfiguration config = new Common.ClientConfiguration(); config.EnableCrcCheck = false; IOss ossClient = OssClientFactory.CreateOssClient(config); var targetFile = OssTestUtils.GetTargetFileName(_className); targetFile = Path.Combine(Config.DownloadFolder, targetFile); var objectKeyName = "test-object-disable-crc"; try { // put & get PutObjectResult putObjectResult = ossClient.PutObject(_bucketName, objectKeyName, Config.UploadTestFile); var actualCrc = putObjectResult.ResponseMetadata[HttpHeaders.HashCrc64Ecma]; OssObject ossObject = ossClient.GetObject(_bucketName, objectKeyName); var expectedCrc = OssUtils.ComputeContentCrc64(ossObject.Content, ossObject.ContentLength); Assert.AreEqual(expectedCrc, actualCrc); ossClient.DeleteObject(_bucketName, objectKeyName); // put & get by uri var testStr = FileUtils.GenerateOneKb(); var content = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(testStr); var now = DateTime.Now; var expireDate = now.AddSeconds(120); var uri = _ossClient.GeneratePresignedUri(_bucketName, objectKeyName, expireDate, SignHttpMethod.Put); var putResult = ossClient.PutObject(uri, new MemoryStream(content)); expectedCrc = putResult.ResponseMetadata[HttpHeaders.HashCrc64Ecma]; actualCrc = OssUtils.ComputeContentCrc64(new MemoryStream(content), content.Length); Assert.AreEqual(expectedCrc, actualCrc); uri = _ossClient.GeneratePresignedUri(_bucketName, objectKeyName, expireDate, SignHttpMethod.Get); ossObject = ossClient.GetObject(uri); expectedCrc = OssUtils.ComputeContentCrc64(ossObject.Content, ossObject.ContentLength); Assert.AreEqual(expectedCrc, actualCrc); ossClient.DeleteObject(_bucketName, objectKeyName); // upload & download var uploadObjectResult = ossClient.ResumableUploadObject(_bucketName, objectKeyName, Config.MultiUploadTestFile, null, Config.DownloadFolder); actualCrc = uploadObjectResult.ResponseMetadata[HttpHeaders.HashCrc64Ecma]; DownloadObjectRequest downloadObjectRequest = new DownloadObjectRequest(_bucketName, objectKeyName, targetFile); var metadata = ossClient.ResumableDownloadObject(downloadObjectRequest); Assert.AreEqual(metadata.Crc64, actualCrc); ossClient.DeleteObject(_bucketName, objectKeyName); // append using (var fs = File.Open(Config.UploadTestFile, FileMode.Open)) { var fileLength = fs.Length; var appendObjectRequest = new AppendObjectRequest(_bucketName, objectKeyName) { Content = fs, }; var appendObjectResult = _ossClient.AppendObject(appendObjectRequest); fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); actualCrc = OssUtils.ComputeContentCrc64(fs, fs.Length); Assert.AreEqual(appendObjectResult.HashCrc64Ecma.ToString(), actualCrc); ossClient.DeleteObject(_bucketName, objectKeyName); } } finally { try { FileUtils.DeleteFile(targetFile); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtility.LogWarning("Delete file {0} failed with Exception {1}", targetFile, e.Message); } } }
public static string SaveChanges(int parentID, string rows) { Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "saved", "" }, { "ids", "" }, { "error", "" } }; bool exists = false, saved = false; string ids = string.Empty, errorMsg = string.Empty, tempMsg = string.Empty; try { DataTable dtjson = (DataTable)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(rows, (typeof(DataTable))); if (dtjson.Rows.Count == 0) { errorMsg = "Unable to save. An invalid list of changes was provided."; saved = false; } int id = 0, categoryId = 0, sortOrder = 0, archive = 0; int assignedToID = 0, smeID = 0, busResourceID = 0, techResourceID = 0; string allocation = string.Empty, description = string.Empty; HttpServerUtility server = HttpContext.Current.Server; //save foreach (DataRow dr in dtjson.Rows) { id = categoryId = sortOrder = archive = 0; assignedToID = smeID = busResourceID = techResourceID = 0; allocation = description = string.Empty; tempMsg = string.Empty; int.TryParse(dr["ALLOCATIONID"].ToString(), out id); allocation = server.UrlDecode(dr["ALLOCATION"].ToString()); description = server.UrlDecode(dr["DESCRIPTION"].ToString()); int.TryParse(dr["SORT_ORDER"].ToString(), out sortOrder); int.TryParse(dr["ARCHIVE"].ToString(), out archive); int.TryParse(dr["DefaultAssignedTo"].ToString(), out assignedToID); int.TryParse(dr["DefaultSME"].ToString(), out smeID); int.TryParse(dr["DefaultBusinessResource"].ToString(), out busResourceID); int.TryParse(dr["DefaultTechnicalResource"].ToString(), out techResourceID); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(allocation)) { tempMsg = "You must specify a value for Allocation."; saved = false; } else { if (id == 0) { exists = false; saved = MasterData.AllocationGroup_Assignment_Add(allocationID: allocation, description: description, sortOrder: sortOrder, archive: archive == 1, defaultSMEID: smeID, defaultBusinessResourceID: busResourceID, defaultTechnicalResourceID: techResourceID, defaultAssignedToID: assignedToID, AllocationGroupID: parentID, exists: out exists, newID: out id, errorMsg: out tempMsg); if (exists) { saved = false; tempMsg = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", tempMsg, tempMsg.Length > 0 ? Environment.NewLine : "", "Cannot add duplicate Allocation record [" + allocation + "]."); } } else { saved = MasterData.AllocationGroup_Assignment_Update(id, allocation: allocation, description: description, sortOrder: sortOrder, archive: archive == 1, defaultSMEID: smeID, defaultAssignedToID: assignedToID, defaultBusinessResourceID: busResourceID, defaultTechnicalResourceID: techResourceID, errorMsg: out tempMsg); } } if (saved) { ids += string.Format("{0}{1}", ids.Length > 0 ? "," : "", id.ToString()); } if (tempMsg.Length > 0) { errorMsg = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", errorMsg, errorMsg.Length > 0 ? Environment.NewLine : "", tempMsg); } } } catch (Exception ex) { saved = false; errorMsg = ex.Message; LogUtility.LogException(ex); } result["ids"] = ids; result["saved"] = saved.ToString(); result["error"] = errorMsg; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.None)); }
public static bool InserPrintersModels() { try { var printerList = new List <PrinterModel> { new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Bematech", Name = "MP-4200 TH", Model = "7" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Bematech", Name = "MP-4000 TH", Model = "5" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Bematech", Name = "MP-2500 TH", Model = "8" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Bematech", Name = "MP-2100 TH", Model = "0" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Bematech", Name = "MP-2000 TH", Model = "0" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Bematech", Name = "MP-2000 CI", Model = "0" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Bematech", Name = "MP-20 TH", Model = "0" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Bematech", Name = "MP-20 MI", Model = "1" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Bematech", Name = "MP-20 CI", Model = "1" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Epson", Name = "TM-T81+", Model = "TM-T81+" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Epson", Name = "TM-T88 IV", Model = "TM-T88 IV" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Epson", Name = "TM-T88 V", Model = "TM-T88 V" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Epson", Name = "TM-T20", Model = "TM-T20" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Epson", Name = "TM-T20 II", Model = "TM-T20 II" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Epson", Name = "TM-T70", Model = "TM-T70" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Epson", Name = "TM-T70II", Model = "TM-T70II" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Epson", Name = "TM-P60II", Model = "TM-P60II" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Epson", Name = "TM-P80", Model = "TM-P80" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Epson", Name = "TM-P20", Model = "TM-P20" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Epson", Name = "TM-H6000 III", Model = "TM-H6000 III" }, new PrinterModel { Manufacturer = "Epson", Name = "TM-H6000 IV", Model = "TM-H6000 IV" } }; printerList.ForEach(item => PrinterModelController.Instance.Insert(item)); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.Log(LogUtility.LogType.SystemError, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex.Message); throw; } }
public static void WriteInfo(string pStrMessage) { LogUtility.Write(string.Format("[INFO] {0}", pStrMessage)); }
public static string SaveChanges(int parentID, string rows) { Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "saved", "" }, { "ids", "" }, { "error", "" } }; bool exists = false, saved = false; string ids = string.Empty, errorMsg = string.Empty, tempMsg = string.Empty; try { DataTable dtjson = (DataTable)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(rows, (typeof(DataTable))); if (dtjson.Rows.Count == 0) { errorMsg = "Unable to save. An invalid list of changes was provided."; saved = false; } int id = 0, sortOrder = 0, archive = 0; string scope = string.Empty, description = string.Empty; HttpServerUtility server = HttpContext.Current.Server; //save foreach (DataRow dr in dtjson.Rows) { id = 0; sortOrder = 0; scope = string.Empty; description = string.Empty; archive = 0; tempMsg = string.Empty; int.TryParse(dr["ALLOCATIONID"].ToString(), out id); //scope = server.UrlDecode(dr["Scope"].ToString()); //description = server.UrlDecode(dr["DESCRIPTION"].ToString()); //int.TryParse(dr["SORT_ORDER"].ToString(), out sortOrder); //int.TryParse(dr["X"].ToString(), out archive); saved = MasterData.Allocation_Set_GroupID(id, parentID, out tempMsg); if (saved) { ids += string.Format("{0}{1}", ids.Length > 0 ? "," : "", id.ToString()); } if (tempMsg.Length > 0) { errorMsg = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", errorMsg, errorMsg.Length > 0 ? Environment.NewLine : "", tempMsg); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.LogException(ex); saved = false; errorMsg = ex.Message; } result["saved"] = saved.ToString(); result["error"] = errorMsg; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.None)); }
public static void WriteError(int pIntCode) { LogUtility.Write(string.Format("[ERROR] Code: {0}\t Message: {1}", pIntCode, DIApplication.Company.GetLastErrorDescription())); }
protected void InitializeColumnData(ref DataTable dt) { try { string displayName = string.Empty, groupName = string.Empty; bool blnVisible = false, blnSortable = false, blnOrderable = false; foreach (DataColumn gridColumn in dt.Columns) { displayName = gridColumn.ColumnName; blnVisible = false; blnSortable = false; blnOrderable = false; groupName = string.Empty; switch (gridColumn.ColumnName) { //case "X": // displayName = " "; // blnVisible = true; // break; //case "Y": // displayName = " "; // blnVisible = true; // break; case "NewsID": displayName = "NewsID"; blnVisible = false; blnSortable = false; break; case "Start_Date": displayName = "Start Date"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "End_Date": displayName = "End Date"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; //case "Summary": // displayName = "Summary"; // blnVisible = true; // blnSortable = true; // break; //case "NewsType": // displayName = "Type"; // blnVisible = true; // blnSortable = true; // break; //case "Bln_Active": // displayName = "Active"; // blnVisible = true; // blnSortable = true; // break; } columnData.Columns.Add(gridColumn.ColumnName, displayName, blnVisible, blnSortable); columnData.Columns.Item(columnData.Columns.Count - 1).CanReorder = blnOrderable; } //Initialize the columnData columnData.Initialize(ref dt, ";", "~", "|"); ////Get sortable columns and default column order //SortableColumns = columnData.SortableColumnsToString(); //DefaultColumnOrder = columnData.DefaultColumnOrderToString(); ////Sort and Reorder Columns //columnData.ReorderDataTable(ref dt, ColumnOrder); //columnData.SortDataTable(ref dt, SortOrder); //SelectedColumnOrder = columnData.CurrentColumnOrderToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.LogException(ex); } }
public static string SaveChanges(string workItemType_ID, string rows) { Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "saved", "0" } , { "failed", "0" } , { "savedIds", "" } , { "failedIds", "" } , { "error", "" } }; bool exists = false, saved = false; int savedQty = 0, failedQty = 0; string ids = string.Empty, failedIds = string.Empty, errorMsg = string.Empty, tempMsg = string.Empty; try { DataTable dtjson = (DataTable)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(rows, (typeof(DataTable))); if (dtjson.Rows.Count == 0) { errorMsg = "Unable to save. An invalid list of changes was provided."; saved = false; } else { int id = 0, workItemTypeID = 0, statusID = 0, archive = 0; //, ALLOCATIONGROUPID = 0; bool duplicate = false; string description = string.Empty; HttpServerUtility server = HttpContext.Current.Server; //save foreach (DataRow dr in dtjson.Rows) { id = workItemTypeID = statusID = 0; archive = 0; description = string.Empty; archive = 0; duplicate = false; tempMsg = string.Empty; int.TryParse(dr["WORKITEMTYPE_StatusID"].ToString(), out id); int.TryParse(workItemType_ID, out workItemTypeID); int.TryParse(dr["STATUS"].ToString(), out statusID); description = server.UrlDecode(dr["DESCRIPTION"].ToString()); int.TryParse(dr["ARCHIVE"].ToString(), out archive); if (statusID == 0) { tempMsg = "You must specify a Status."; saved = false; } else { if (id == 0) { exists = false; saved = MasterData.WORKITEMTYPE_Status_Add(WORKITEMTYPEID: workItemTypeID , STATUSID: statusID , exists: out exists , newID: out id , errorMsg: out tempMsg); if (exists) { saved = false; tempMsg = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", tempMsg, tempMsg.Length > 0 ? Environment.NewLine : "", "Cannot add duplicate Work Activity - Status record."); } } else { saved = MasterData.WORKITEMTYPE_Status_Update(WORKITEMTYPE_StatusID: id , WORKITEMTYPEID: workItemTypeID , STATUSID: statusID , archive: (archive == 1) , duplicate: out duplicate , errorMsg: out tempMsg); } } if (saved) { ids += string.Format("{0}{1}", ids.Length > 0 ? "," : "", id.ToString()); savedQty += 1; } else { failedQty += 1; } if (tempMsg.Length > 0) { errorMsg = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", errorMsg, errorMsg.Length > 0 ? Environment.NewLine : "", tempMsg); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { saved = false; errorMsg = ex.Message; LogUtility.LogException(ex); } result["savedIds"] = ids; result["failedIds"] = failedIds; result["saved"] = savedQty.ToString(); result["failed"] = failedQty.ToString(); result["error"] = errorMsg; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.None)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> ReqAction() { string jsonString = "", postData = "", endPoint = ""; int companyId; if (Request.QueryString["mAction"] != null) { try { RestfulAPIHelper apiHelper = new RestfulAPIHelper(); switch (Request.QueryString["mAction"].ToString().ToLower()) { case "iothubreceiver": { companyId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["companyId"].ToString()); string subAction = Request.QueryString["sAction"].ToString(); string IoTHubAlias = Request.Form["iotHubAlias"].ToString(); endPoint = Global._operationTaskEndPoint; if (subAction.ToLower() == "launch iothub receiver") { OpsInfraMessage opsInfraMessage = new OpsInfraMessage("provisioning iothub alias", "IoTHubAlias", IoTHubAlias, "create iothub alias", 0, Session["firstName"].ToString() + " " + Session["lastName"].ToString(), Session["email"].ToString()); OpsTaskModel opsTask = new OpsTaskModel(subAction, companyId, "IoTHubAlias", IoTHubAlias, opsInfraMessage.GetJsonContent()); postData = opsTask.GetPostData(); jsonString = await apiHelper.callAPIService("POST", endPoint, postData); dynamic jsonResult = JObject.Parse(jsonString); if (jsonResult.id != null) { opsInfraMessage.taskId = jsonResult.id; opsInfraMessage.Send(); } } else if (subAction.ToLower() == "restart iothub receiver") { IoTHubEventProcessTopic iotHubTopic = new IoTHubEventProcessTopic("Restart", IoTHubAlias, 0, Session["firstName"].ToString() + " " + Session["lastName"].ToString(), Session["email"].ToString()); OpsTaskModel opsTask = new OpsTaskModel(subAction, companyId, "IoTHubAlias", IoTHubAlias, iotHubTopic.GetJsonContent()); postData = opsTask.GetPostData(); jsonString = await apiHelper.callAPIService("POST", endPoint, postData); dynamic jsonResult = JObject.Parse(jsonString); if (jsonResult.id != null) { iotHubTopic.taskId = jsonResult.id; iotHubTopic.Send(); } } break; } case "getrunningtask": { endPoint = Global._operationTaskSearchEndPoint; string q = "?"; if (Request.QueryString["taskstatus"] != null) { endPoint = endPoint + q + "taskstatus=" + Request.QueryString["taskstatus"]; q = "&"; } if (Request.QueryString["hours"] != null) { endPoint = endPoint + q + "hours=" + Request.QueryString["hours"]; } jsonString = await apiHelper.callAPIService("GET", endPoint, postData); break; } case "getusagelogsumbyday": { endPoint = Global._usageLogSumByDayEndPoint; string q = "?"; if (Request.QueryString["day"] != null) { endPoint = endPoint + q + "days=" + Request.QueryString["day"]; q = "&"; } endPoint = endPoint + q + "order=desc"; jsonString = await apiHelper.callAPIService("GET", endPoint, postData); break; } default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.ToLower() == "invalid session") { Response.StatusCode = 401; } else { StringBuilder logMessage = LogUtility.BuildExceptionMessage(ex); logMessage.AppendLine("EndPoint:" + endPoint); logMessage.AppendLine("Action:" + Request.QueryString["action"].ToString()); logMessage.AppendLine("PostData:" + Request.Form.ToString()); Global._sfAppLogger.Error(logMessage); Response.StatusCode = 500; jsonString = ex.Message; } } } return(Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonString), "application/json")); }
public void MultipartUploadComplexStepTest() { var sourceFile = Config.MultiUploadTestFile; //get target object name var targetObjectKey = OssTestUtils.GetObjectKey(_className); var initRequest = new InitiateMultipartUploadRequest(_bucketName, targetObjectKey); var initResult = _ossClient.InitiateMultipartUpload(initRequest); // 设置每块为 1M const int partSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1; var partFile = new FileInfo(sourceFile); // 计算分块数目 var partCount = OssTestUtils.CalculatePartCount(partFile.Length, partSize); LogUtility.LogMessage("File {0} is splitted to {1} parts for multipart upload", sourceFile, partCount); // 新建一个List保存每个分块上传后的ETag和PartNumber var partETags = new List <PartETag>(); //upload the file using (var fs = new FileStream(partFile.FullName, FileMode.Open)) { for (var i = 0; i < partCount; i++) { // 跳到每个分块的开头 long skipBytes = partSize * i; fs.Position = skipBytes; // 计算每个分块的大小 var size = partSize < partFile.Length - skipBytes ? partSize : partFile.Length - skipBytes; // 创建UploadPartRequest,上传分块 var uploadPartRequest = new UploadPartRequest(_bucketName, targetObjectKey, initResult.UploadId) { InputStream = fs, PartSize = size, PartNumber = (i + 1) }; var uploadPartResult = _ossClient.UploadPart(uploadPartRequest); // 将返回的PartETag保存到List中。 partETags.Add(uploadPartResult.PartETag); } } var lmuRequest = new ListMultipartUploadsRequest(_bucketName); var lmuListing = _ossClient.ListMultipartUploads(lmuRequest); string mpUpload = null; foreach (var t in lmuListing.MultipartUploads) { if (t.UploadId == initResult.UploadId) { mpUpload = t.UploadId; } } Assert.IsNotNull(mpUpload, "The multipart uploading should be in progress"); var completeRequest = new CompleteMultipartUploadRequest(_bucketName, targetObjectKey, initResult.UploadId); foreach (var partETag in partETags) { completeRequest.PartETags.Add(partETag); } _ossClient.CompleteMultipartUpload(completeRequest); Assert.IsTrue(OssTestUtils.ObjectExists(_ossClient, _bucketName, targetObjectKey)); //delete the object _ossClient.DeleteObject(_bucketName, targetObjectKey); }
private void SetupLogging() { LogUtility.Initialise(); log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType()); }
public void Fatal(Exception x) { Fatal(LogUtility.BuildExceptionMessage(x)); }
public SQLHelper() { log = new LogUtility(); }
public static string SaveChanges(string rows) { Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "saved", "" }, { "ids", "" }, { "error", "" } }; bool exists = false, saved = false; string ids = string.Empty, errorMsg = string.Empty, tempMsg = string.Empty; try { DataTable dtjson = (DataTable)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(rows, (typeof(DataTable))); if (dtjson.Rows.Count == 0) { errorMsg = "Unable to save. An invalid list of changes was provided."; saved = false; } int id = 0, typeId = 0, sortOrder = 0, archive = 0; string Priority = string.Empty, description = string.Empty; HttpServerUtility server = HttpContext.Current.Server; //save foreach (DataRow dr in dtjson.Rows) { id = 0; typeId = 0; sortOrder = 0; Priority = string.Empty; description = string.Empty; archive = 0; tempMsg = string.Empty; int.TryParse(dr["PriorityID"].ToString(), out id); int.TryParse(dr["PriorityType"].ToString(), out typeId); Priority = server.UrlDecode(dr["Priority"].ToString()); description = server.UrlDecode(dr["DESCRIPTION"].ToString()); int.TryParse(dr["SORT_ORDER"].ToString(), out sortOrder); int.TryParse(dr["ARCHIVE"].ToString(), out archive); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Priority)) { tempMsg = "You must specify a value for Priority."; saved = false; } else { if (id == 0) { exists = false; saved = MasterData.Priority_Add(typeId, Priority, description, sortOrder, archive == 1, out exists, out id, out tempMsg); if (exists) { saved = false; tempMsg = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", tempMsg, tempMsg.Length > 0 ? Environment.NewLine : "", "Cannot add duplicate Priority record [" + Priority + "]."); } } else { saved = MasterData.Priority_Update(id, typeId, Priority, description, sortOrder, archive == 1, out tempMsg); } } if (saved) { ids += string.Format("{0}{1}", ids.Length > 0 ? "," : "", id.ToString()); } if (tempMsg.Length > 0) { errorMsg = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", errorMsg, errorMsg.Length > 0 ? Environment.NewLine : "", tempMsg); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.LogException(ex); saved = false; errorMsg = ex.Message; } result["saved"] = saved.ToString(); result["error"] = errorMsg; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.None)); }
protected void InitializeColumnData(ref DataTable dt) { try { string displayName = string.Empty, groupName = string.Empty; bool blnVisible = false, blnSortable = false, blnOrderable = false; foreach (DataColumn gridColumn in dt.Columns) { displayName = gridColumn.ColumnName; blnVisible = false; blnSortable = false; blnOrderable = false; groupName = string.Empty; switch (gridColumn.ColumnName) { case "X": blnVisible = true; break; case "AOR #": blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "AOR Name": blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "Description": displayName = "Description"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "Risk": blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "Weight": displayName = "Weight (%)"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "Avg. Resources": blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "Z": blnVisible = true; break; } columnData.Columns.Add(gridColumn.ColumnName, displayName, blnVisible, blnSortable); columnData.Columns.Item(columnData.Columns.Count - 1).CanReorder = blnOrderable; } //Initialize the columnData columnData.Initialize(ref dt, ";", "~", "|"); //Get sortable columns and default column order SortableColumns = columnData.SortableColumnsToString(); DefaultColumnOrder = columnData.DefaultColumnOrderToString(); //Sort and Reorder Columns columnData.ReorderDataTable(ref dt, ColumnOrder); columnData.SortDataTable(ref dt, SortOrder); SelectedColumnOrder = columnData.CurrentColumnOrderToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.LogException(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Capture a Payment Include the payment ID in the POST request to capture the payment amount. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="CyberSource.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception> /// <param name="capturePaymentRequest"></param> /// <param name="id">The payment ID returned from a previous payment request. This ID links the capture to the payment. </param> /// <returns>Task of ApiResponse (PtsV2PaymentsCapturesPost201Response)</returns> public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <ApiResponse <PtsV2PaymentsCapturesPost201Response> > CapturePaymentAsyncWithHttpInfo(CapturePaymentRequest capturePaymentRequest, string id) { LogUtility logUtility = new LogUtility(); // verify the required parameter 'capturePaymentRequest' is set if (capturePaymentRequest == null) { logger.Error("ApiException : Missing required parameter 'capturePaymentRequest' when calling CaptureApi->CapturePayment"); throw new ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'capturePaymentRequest' when calling CaptureApi->CapturePayment"); } // verify the required parameter 'id' is set if (id == null) { logger.Error("ApiException : Missing required parameter 'id' when calling CaptureApi->CapturePayment"); throw new ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'id' when calling CaptureApi->CapturePayment"); } var localVarPath = $"/pts/v2/payments/{id}/captures"; var localVarPathParams = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var localVarQueryParams = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var localVarHeaderParams = new Dictionary <string, string>(Configuration.DefaultHeader); var localVarFormParams = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var localVarFileParams = new Dictionary <string, FileParameter>(); object localVarPostBody = null; // to determine the Content-Type header string[] localVarHttpContentTypes = new string[] { "application/json;charset=utf-8" }; string localVarHttpContentType = Configuration.ApiClient.SelectHeaderContentType(localVarHttpContentTypes); // to determine the Accept header string[] localVarHttpHeaderAccepts = new string[] { "application/hal+json;charset=utf-8" }; string localVarHttpHeaderAccept = Configuration.ApiClient.SelectHeaderAccept(localVarHttpHeaderAccepts); if (localVarHttpHeaderAccept != null) { localVarHeaderParams.Add("Accept", localVarHttpHeaderAccept); } if (id != null) { localVarPathParams.Add("id", Configuration.ApiClient.ParameterToString(id)); // path parameter } logger.Debug($"HTTP Request Body :\n{logUtility.ConvertDictionaryToString(localVarPathParams)}"); if (capturePaymentRequest != null && capturePaymentRequest.GetType() != typeof(byte[])) { localVarPostBody = Configuration.ApiClient.Serialize(capturePaymentRequest); // http body (model) parameter } else { localVarPostBody = capturePaymentRequest; // byte array } if (logUtility.IsMaskingEnabled(logger)) { logger.Debug($"HTTP Request Body :\n{logUtility.MaskSensitiveData(localVarPostBody.ToString())}"); } else { logger.Debug($"HTTP Request Body :\n{localVarPostBody}"); } // make the HTTP request IRestResponse localVarResponse = (IRestResponse)await Configuration.ApiClient.CallApiAsync(localVarPath, Method.POST, localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarFileParams, localVarPathParams, localVarHttpContentType); int localVarStatusCode = (int)localVarResponse.StatusCode; if (ExceptionFactory != null) { Exception exception = ExceptionFactory("CapturePayment", localVarResponse); if (exception != null) { logger.Error($"Exception : {exception.Message}"); throw exception; } } return(new ApiResponse <PtsV2PaymentsCapturesPost201Response>(localVarStatusCode, localVarResponse.Headers.ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.Value.ToString()), (PtsV2PaymentsCapturesPost201Response)Configuration.ApiClient.Deserialize(localVarResponse, typeof(PtsV2PaymentsCapturesPost201Response)))); // Return statement }
public static string SaveChanges(string rows) { Dictionary<string, string> result = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "saved", "0" } , { "failed", "0" } , { "savedIds", "" } , { "failedIds", "" } , { "error", "" } }; bool exists = false, saved = false; int savedQty = 0, failedQty = 0; string ids = string.Empty, failedIds = string.Empty, errorMsg = string.Empty, tempMsg = string.Empty; try { DataTable dtjson = (DataTable)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(rows, (typeof(DataTable))); if (dtjson.Rows.Count == 0) { errorMsg = "Unable to save. An invalid list of changes was provided."; saved = false; } else { int AORReleaseDeliverableID = 0, Weight = -999; //save foreach (DataRow dr in dtjson.Rows) { tempMsg = string.Empty; int.TryParse(dr["AORReleaseDeliverable_ID"].ToString(), out AORReleaseDeliverableID); if (dr["Weight"].ToString() != "") int.TryParse(dr["Weight"].ToString(), out Weight); result = AOR.AORReleaseDeliverable_Save(AORReleaseDeliverableID, Weight); if (result["saved"].ToString() == "True") { //ids += string.Format("{0}{1}", ids.Length > 0 ? "," : "", id.ToString()); savedQty += 1; } else { failedQty += 1; } if (tempMsg.Length > 0) { errorMsg = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", errorMsg, errorMsg.Length > 0 ? Environment.NewLine : "", tempMsg); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { saved = false; errorMsg = ex.Message; LogUtility.LogException(ex); } result["savedIds"] = ids; result["failedIds"] = failedIds; result["saved"] = savedQty.ToString(); result["failed"] = failedQty.ToString(); result["error"] = errorMsg; return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.None); }
/// <summary> /// Makes the asynchronous HTTP request. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">URL path.</param> /// <param name="method">HTTP method.</param> /// <param name="queryParams">Query parameters.</param> /// <param name="postBody">HTTP body (POST request).</param> /// <param name="headerParams">Header parameters.</param> /// <param name="formParams">Form parameters.</param> /// <param name="fileParams">File parameters.</param> /// <param name="pathParams">Path parameters.</param> /// <param name="contentType">Content type.</param> /// <returns>The Task instance.</returns> public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <object> CallApiAsync( string path, Method method, Dictionary <string, string> queryParams, object postBody, Dictionary <string, string> headerParams, Dictionary <string, string> formParams, Dictionary <string, FileParameter> fileParams, Dictionary <string, string> pathParams, string contentType) { LogUtility logUtility = new LogUtility(); var request = PrepareRequest( path, method, queryParams, postBody, headerParams, formParams, fileParams, pathParams, contentType); // Logging Request Headers var headerPrintOutput = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var param in request.Parameters) { if (param.Type.ToString().Equals("HttpHeader")) { headerPrintOutput.Append($"{param.Name} : {param.Value}\n"); } } if (logUtility.IsMaskingEnabled(logger)) { logger.Debug($"HTTP Request Headers :\n{logUtility.MaskSensitiveData(headerPrintOutput.ToString())}"); } else { logger.Debug($"HTTP Request Headers :\n{headerPrintOutput.ToString()}"); } InterceptRequest(request); var response = await RestClient.ExecuteTaskAsync(request); InterceptResponse(request, response); // Logging Response Headers var httpResponseStatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode; var httpResponseHeaders = response.Headers; var httpResponseData = response.Content; logger.Debug($"HTTP Response Status Code: {httpResponseStatusCode}"); var responseHeadersBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var header in httpResponseHeaders) { responseHeadersBuilder.Append($"{header}\n"); } if (logUtility.IsMaskingEnabled(logger)) { logger.Debug($"HTTP Response Headers :\n{logUtility.MaskSensitiveData(responseHeadersBuilder.ToString())}"); } else { logger.Debug($"HTTP Response Headers :\n{responseHeadersBuilder.ToString()}"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpResponseData)) { if (logUtility.IsMaskingEnabled(logger)) { logger.Debug($"HTTP Response Body :\n{logUtility.MaskSensitiveData(httpResponseData)}"); } else { logger.Debug($"HTTP Response Body :\n{httpResponseData}"); } } return(response); }
protected void InitializeColumnData(ref DataTable dt) { try { string displayName = string.Empty, groupName = string.Empty; bool blnVisible = false, blnSortable = false, blnOrderable = false; foreach (DataColumn gridColumn in dt.Columns) { displayName = gridColumn.ColumnName; blnVisible = false; blnSortable = false; blnOrderable = false; groupName = string.Empty; switch (gridColumn.ColumnName) { case "A": displayName = ""; blnVisible = true; break; case "ALLOCATIONID": blnVisible = false; blnSortable = false; break; case "AllocationCategoryID": blnVisible = false; blnSortable = false; break; case "ALLOCATION": displayName = "Allocation"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "DESCRIPTION": displayName = "Description"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "SORT_ORDER": displayName = "Sort Order"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "DefaultSME": displayName = "SME"; groupName = "Default Resources"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "DefaultBusinessResource": displayName = "Business Resource"; groupName = "Default Resources"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "DefaultTechnicalResource": displayName = "Technical Resource"; groupName = "Default Resources"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "DefaultAssignedTo": displayName = "Assigned To"; groupName = "Default Resources"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "ARCHIVE": displayName = "Archive"; blnVisible = true; blnSortable = true; break; case "ALLOCATIONGROUPID": blnVisible = false; blnSortable = false; break; } columnData.Columns.Add(gridColumn.ColumnName, displayName, blnVisible, blnSortable); columnData.Columns.Item(columnData.Columns.Count - 1).CanReorder = blnOrderable; columnData.Columns.Item(columnData.Columns.Count - 1).GroupName = groupName; } //Initialize the columnData columnData.Initialize(ref dt, ";", "~", "|"); //Get sortable columns and default column order SortableColumns = columnData.SortableColumnsToString(); DefaultColumnOrder = columnData.DefaultColumnOrderToString(); //Sort and Reorder Columns columnData.ReorderDataTable(ref dt, ColumnOrder); columnData.SortDataTable(ref dt, SortOrder); SelectedColumnOrder = columnData.CurrentColumnOrderToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.LogException(ex); } }