protected void SetUserGridData() { //logFiles.ErrorLog("INTO SET USER GRID: curr group " + CurrentGroupName); try { string groupname = CurrentGroupName; curgrpname.Text = " Current Group: " + groupname; if (CurrentGroupName == "None") return; setLeadeermsg(username, groupname); int groupid = groupManagement.find_group_id(groupname); if (groupid < 1) { ShowErrorMessage(" did not find group " + groupname); return; } string selectQuery = " SELECT distinctrow webmpx.group_members.* FROM webmpx.group_members WHERE (((Group_members.Groupname)='" + groupname + "')) order by webmpx.group_members.Username asc;"; using (OdbcConnection connection = new OdbcConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MySQLConnStr"].ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); using (OdbcCommand command = new OdbcCommand(selectQuery, connection)) using (OdbcDataAdapter adapter = new OdbcDataAdapter(command)) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { adapter.Fill(dt); dt.DefaultView.Sort = SortExpression; groupmembers.DataSource = dt.DefaultView; groupmembers.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error in getting data using sql query: " + selectQuery + ". " + ex.Message, ex); } } connection.Close(); } } catch (Exception exp) { logFiles.ErrorLog(exp); ShowErrorMessage("An error has occured when reading user data."); } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public int add_model_file(string filePath, string fileName, string fileOwner, int groupid) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { try { byte[] rawData = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath + "\\" + fileName); int fileSize = rawData.Length; // other way to get a file to byte array //FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); //long fileSize2 = fs.Length; //rawData = new byte[fileSize]; //fs.Read(rawData, 0, (int)fileSize2); //fs.Close(); string groupname; groupname = find_group_name(groupid); DateTime DateC = DateTime.UtcNow; DbUse.RunMySqlParams("INSERT INTO webmpx.group_files (File_name, File_stuff, File_size, File_owner, Group_id, Groupname, Date_created) VALUES (@FileName, @File, @FileSize, @File_owner, @Group_id, @Groupname, @DateC);", new string[] { "@FileName", "@File", "@FileSize", "@File_owner", "@Group_id", "@Groupname", "@DateC" }, new object[] { fileName, rawData, fileSize, fileOwner, groupid, groupname, DateC }); } catch (Exception ex) { // show error message... LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); return(0); } return(-1); }
public static bool OpenAdoMysql(ADODB.Connection conn) { bool opened; // close the connection if it already exists CloseAdo(conn); try { // gwwd - nont here at start ... conn.DefaultDatabase = ""; //conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MySQLProv;Data Source=webmpx; Persist Security Info = False"; //conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MySQLProv;" + GetUserDatabaseConnection().ToString(); /* using (OdbcConnection connection = new OdbcConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MySQLConnStr"].ConnectionString)) { * connection.Open(); * */ conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MySQLConnStr"].ConnectionString; conn.Mode = (ADODB.ConnectModeEnum)ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseServer; conn.Open(); opened = true; } catch (Exception e) { // MyUtilities.MsgBox("Error in opening database connection: " + conn.ConnectionString + " (" + e.Message + ")"); opened = false; LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(e); //throw new Exception(e.Message); } return(opened); }
public static bool RunMysql(string commandString) { bool updated = false; string conn_string = GetConnectionString(); using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(conn_string)) using (MySqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { //watch out for this SQL injection vulnerability below cmd.CommandText = commandString; try { conn.Open(); try { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception exp) { throw new Exception("Error in executing MySql command. Command string: " + commandString + ". Exception message: " + exp.Message, exp); } updated = true; } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); } finally { conn.Close(); } } return(updated); }
public static bool SameOperNumDiffNameExists(string opName, int opNum, int prodId, int opId, string connectionString, LogFiles logFiles) { bool exists = false; ADODB.Connection conn = new ADODB.Connection(); ADODB.Recordset rec = new ADODB.Recordset(); opName = opName.ToUpper(); bool adoOpen = DbUse.OpenAdo(conn, connectionString); string queryString = "SELECT OpID, OpNam, OpNum, Prodfore FROM tblOper WHERE Prodfore = " + prodId + " AND OpNam <> '" + opName + "' AND OpNum = " + opNum + " AND OpID <> " + opId; bool recOpen = DbUse.OpenAdoRec(conn, rec, queryString); try { if (adoOpen && recOpen) { exists = !rec.EOF; } } catch (Exception ex) { logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); } finally { DbUse.CloseAdoRec(rec); DbUse.CloseAdo(conn); } return(exists); }
public static bool RunMySqlParams(string commandString, string[] paramNames, object[] parameters) { bool updated; string conn_string = GetConnectionString(); try { using (MySqlConnection oleConn = new MySqlConnection(conn_string)) { oleConn.Open(); using (MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand(commandString, oleConn)) { try { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { comm.Parameters.AddWithValue(paramNames[i], parameters[i]); } comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Exception excep = new Exception("Error in executing mysql command. Command string: " + comm.CommandText + ". Exception message: " + ex.Message, ex); throw excep; } oleConn.Close(); updated = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); updated = false; } return(updated); }
public static bool RunSql(string commandString, string connectionString) { bool updated; try { using (OleDbConnection oleConn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString)) { oleConn.Open(); using (OleDbCommand comm = new OleDbCommand(commandString, oleConn)) { try { comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Exception excep = new Exception("Error in executing oledb command. Command string: " + comm.CommandText + ". Exception message: " + ex.Message, ex); throw excep; } oleConn.Close(); updated = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); updated = false; } return(updated); }
public void LogRequest() { try { LogFiles logFile = new LogFiles(); logFile.ErrorLog(Server.MapPath("/Logs/Success/LogUrl"), Request.Url.ToString()); } catch { } }
public void LogError(string Error) { try { LogFiles logFile = new LogFiles(); logFile.ErrorLog(Server.MapPath("/Log/Error/LogUrl"), "ERROR: " + Error + " >>>URL: " + Request.Url.ToString()); } catch { } }
public static void CreateRunFile(string userdirPath, string username) { try { using (StreamWriter runFile = new StreamWriter(userdirPath + CalcClass.RUN_FILE, false)) { runFile.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Ticks); runFile.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(username); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); } }
public bool ChangePassword(string link, string pswdNew) { bool updated = false; int id = GetPasswordResetLinkId(link); if (id != -1) { string hash = PasswordHash.PasswordHash.CreateHash(pswdNew); updated = DbUse.RunMysql("UPDATE userlog SET usercode = '" + hash + "' WHERE id = " + id + ";"); if (updated) { try { string logBody = "Password was changed for\n"; logBody += "Username: "******"username", "id", id, "userlist") + "\n"; logBody += "User IP: " + System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress + "\n"; MailInfo.SendMail(logBody, MailInfo.PASSWORD_RESET_ACTION); } catch (Exception ex) { logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); } } } return(updated); }
public static void DeleteCommonRunFile() { string pathToRunFile = GetMainDirectory() + "Bin\\" + COMMON_RUN_FILE; if (FileOperations.WaitForFile(pathToRunFile, 50, 100)) { try { File.Delete(pathToRunFile); } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); } } }
public static void CreateDllInProcessFile(string username) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); string fullPath = GetMainDirectory() + "Bin\\" + COMMON_RUN_FILE; try { using (StreamWriter runFile = new StreamWriter(fullPath, false)) { runFile.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Ticks); runFile.Close(); } logFiles.ErrorMessageLog("Created common fun file '" + fullPath + "'."); } catch (Exception ex) { logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); throw ex; } }
/////////////////////////////////////////// public int get_file(int fileId, int groupid, string filePath, string username) /////////////////////////////////////////// { string nfilename; string fuldir; // get file with fileid from groupid nfilename = get_filename(groupid, fileId); // check for dupl name (add a_ at front if file exists already) fuldir = unique_user_filename(nfilename, filePath); // place file into userdir using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(DbUse.GetConnectionString())) { using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT File_stuff From Webmpx.group_files WHERE file_id = @fileId;", conn)) { try { conn.Open(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fileId", fileId); MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { byte[] fileBytes = (byte[])reader["File_stuff"]; File.WriteAllBytes(fuldir, fileBytes); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { // show error message... LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); return(0); } } } return(-1); }
public static bool RunSqlAdo(ADODB.Connection openConn, string queryString) { object ret; bool success = false; try { try { openConn.Execute(queryString, out ret, 0); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error in executing ado command. Command string: " + queryString + ". Exception message: " + ex.Message, ex); } success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); } return(success); }
public static bool DuplicateOperNamesOrNumbers(string connectionString, int prodId) { bool duplicate = false; ADODB.Connection conn = new ADODB.Connection(); ADODB.Recordset rec = new ADODB.Recordset(); string sqlQuery = "SELECT tblOper_1.ProdFore, tblOper.OpNum, tblOper.OpNam FROM tblOper INNER JOIN tblOper AS tblOper_1 ON (tblOper.OpNam = tblOper_1.OpNam) AND (tblOper.ProdFore = tblOper_1.ProdFore) WHERE ((tblOper.OpNum)<[tbloper_1].[opnum])"; if (prodId > 0) { sqlQuery += " AND tblOper_1.ProdFore = " + prodId; } sqlQuery += ";"; DbUse.OpenAdo(conn, connectionString); DbUse.OpenAdoRec(conn, rec, sqlQuery); try { duplicate = !rec.EOF; } catch (Exception exp) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(exp); } finally { DbUse.CloseAdoRec(rec); } sqlQuery = "SELECT tblOper_1.ProdFore, tblOper.OpNum, tblOper.OpNam FROM tblOper INNER JOIN tblOper AS tblOper_1 ON (tblOper.OpNum = tblOper_1.OpNum) AND (tblOper.ProdFore = tblOper_1.ProdFore) WHERE StrComp(tblOper.OpNam, tbloper_1.OpNam) = 1"; if (prodId > 0) { sqlQuery += " AND tblOper_1.ProdFore = " + prodId; } sqlQuery += ";"; DbUse.OpenAdoRec(conn, rec, sqlQuery); try { duplicate = duplicate || !rec.EOF; } catch (Exception exp) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(exp); } finally { DbUse.CloseAdoRec(rec); } DbUse.CloseAdo(conn); return(duplicate); }
public static bool OpenAdo(ADODB.Connection conn, string dbpath) { bool opened; // close the connection if it already exists CloseAdo(conn); try { conn.ConnectionString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = " + dbpath + "; Persist Security Info = False"; conn.Mode = (ADODB.ConnectModeEnum)ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseServer; conn.Open(); opened = true; } catch (Exception ex) { // MyUtilities.MsgBox("Error in opening database connection: " + conn.ConnectionString + " (" + e.Message + ")"); LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); opened = false; //throw new Exception(e.Message); } return(opened); }
public static bool OpenAdoRec(ADODB.Connection globaldb, ADODB.Recordset rec, string connectionString) { bool opened; CloseAdoRec(rec); try { // Open table. rec.CursorType = ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic; // all types of movement through Recordset are allowed rec.LockType = ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockPessimistic; rec.Open(connectionString, globaldb); opened = true; } catch (Exception ex) { // MyUtilities.MsgBox("Error in opening recordset."); opened = false; LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); //throw new Exception(ex.Message); } // Response.Write(opened); - for debugging purposes return(opened); }
public static void DeleteRunFile(string userdirPath, string username, bool logSuccess) { string pathToRunFile = userdirPath + CalcClass.RUN_FILE; LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(username); if (FileOperations.WaitForFile(pathToRunFile, 500, 3)) { try { File.Delete(pathToRunFile); if (logSuccess) { logFiles.ErrorMessageLog("Run file deleted successfully."); } } catch (Exception ex) { logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); } } else if (logSuccess) { logFiles.ErrorMessageLog("Run file '" + pathToRunFile + "' not found for user " + username + "."); } }
public static void SaveGroupFileToDb(string filePath, string fileName, string fileOwner) { try { byte[] rawData = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath); int fileSize = rawData.Length; // other way to get a file to byte array //FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); //long fileSize2 = fs.Length; //rawData = new byte[fileSize]; //fs.Read(rawData, 0, (int)fileSize2); //fs.Close(); DbUse.RunMySqlParams("INSERT INTO webmpx.group_files (FileName, File, FileSize, File_owner) VALUES (@FileName, @File, @FileSize, @File_owner);", new string[] { "@FileName", "@File", "@FileSize", "@File_owner" }, new object[] { fileName, rawData, fileSize, fileOwner }); } catch (Exception ex) { // show error message... LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); } }
public static bool SameOperNameNumExists(string opName, int prodId, int opNum, int opId, string connectionString, LogFiles logFiles) { bool exists = false; ADODB.Connection conn = new ADODB.Connection(); ADODB.Recordset rec = new ADODB.Recordset(); opName = opName.ToUpper(); bool adoOpen = DbUse.OpenAdo(conn, connectionString); string queryString = "SELECT OpID, OpNam, OpNum, Prodfore FROM tblOper WHERE Prodfore = " + prodId + " AND OpNam = '" + opName + "' AND OpNum = " + opNum + " AND OpID <> " + opId; bool recOpen = DbUse.OpenAdoRec(conn, rec, queryString); try { if (adoOpen && recOpen) { if (opId != -1) { // we actually know the opid of the record exists = !rec.EOF; } else { // don't know opid - one record it is the one we previously entered, more records - more opers with same name and num if (!rec.EOF) { rec.MoveNext(); exists = !rec.EOF; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); } finally { DbUse.CloseAdoRec(rec); DbUse.CloseAdo(conn); } return(exists); }
public static void SaveGroupFileToDisk(int fileId, string filePath) { using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(DbUse.GetConnectionString())) { using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT File From Webmpx.group_files WHERE file_id = @fileId;", conn)) { try { conn.Open(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fileId", fileId); MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { byte[] fileBytes = (byte[])reader["File"]; File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, fileBytes); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { // show error message... LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); } } } }
public static string GetEmailAddress(string username) { using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(DbUse.GetConnectionString())) { using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT userlog.mail FROM userlog INNER JOIN userlist ON = WHERE username = @username;", conn)) { try { conn.Open(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", username); MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { string mail = reader["mail"].ToString(); conn.Close(); return(mail); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(username); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); return(null); } } } }
public void buttonr1_a_click(Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(this.username); logFiles.RunLog(); if (DbUse.InRunProcess(userDir)) { Master.ShowErrorMessage("Cannot start verification and calculations. The verification and calculations are still in process from the previous run. Please wait."); logFiles.DuplicateRunEndLog(); return; } CreateRunFile(); int ret; try { classE1_1.Open(); classE1_1.SetBasicModelInfo(); // sets glngwid etc. classE1_1.calc_return = 0; //0 - none, 1 labor, 2 eq over util, 4 warnings 8 errors //----------------------------------------------------------------- // count all whatifs to be calculated and write it to the main mysql database ADODB.Recordset recWhatifs = new ADODB.Recordset(); bool recOpened = DbUse.OpenAdoRec(classE1_1.globaldb, recWhatifs, "SELECT tblWhatIf.*, tblWhatIf.recalc FROM tblWhatIf WHERE FamilyID = 0;"); int totalCalc = 1; int currentCalc = 0; while (!recWhatifs.EOF) { totalCalc++; recWhatifs.MoveNext(); } DbUse.CloseAdoRec(recWhatifs); DbUse.RunMysql("INSERT INTO usercalc (id) SELECT FROM userlist WHERE userlist.sessionid = '" + HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID + "';"); DbUse.RunMysql("UPDATE usercalc INNER JOIN userlist ON = SET total = " + totalCalc + ", calc = " + currentCalc + ", lastCheck = " + DateTime.Now.Ticks + ", cancel = 0 WHERE userlist.sessionid = '" + HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID + "';"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// classE1_1.global_runalldone = false; classE1_1.global_initwid = classE1_1.glngwid; classE1_1.errorMessageGlobal = ""; while (classE1_1.global_runalldone == false) { classE1_1.calc_return = 0; classE1_1.runall_from_display(); } if (classE1_1.global_initwid != classE1_1.glngwid) { if (classE1_1.global_initwid != 0) { classE1_1.LoadBaseCase(); ret = classE1_1.LoadWhatIf(classE1_1.global_initwid); } else { classE1_1.LoadBaseCase(); } } ; //----------------------------------------------------------------- MPXRunChoices.SetActiveView(viewResults); SetActiveView(2); if ((classE1_1.calc_return & CalcClass.ERR_FLAG) > 0) { resultsMessage = do_calc_msg(classE1_1.calc_return, 0); } else { resultsMessage = do_calc_msg(classE1_1.calc_return, 1); } /* todaytoday if ... public const short LAB_OVER_U = 1; * public const short EQ_OVER_U = 2; * show .... * */ string errorsMessage = GetErrorMessage(); txtResults.Text = resultsMessage; txtErrors.Text = errorsMessage; save_errors_results(resultsMessage, errorsMessage); pnlResults.Visible = true; pnlErrors.Visible = !errorsMessage.Trim().Equals(String.Empty); classE1_1.runsqlado("UPDATE zs0tblWhatif SET display = -1 WHERE WID = " + classE1_1.glngwid + ";"); } catch (Exception ex) { logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); Master.ShowErrorMessage("MPX internal error has occured. " + classE1_1.errorMessageGlobal); } classE1_1.Close(); DbUse.RunMysql("DELETE usercalc.* FROM usercalc INNER JOIN userlist ON = WHERE userlist.sessionid = '" + HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID + "';"); DeleteRunFile(); logFiles.RunEndLog(); }
public int Count; // counts # times run then erases database -- nothing in it... a.mdb !! public float RunSql2(string str1, short level1) { //on error GoTo err_RunSql2; ADODB.Recordset reccust = null; short ret; int i; float retval; string str2; retval = -1; if (globaldb_a == null) { try { if (!File.Exists("")) { File.Copy(DbUse.GetMainDirectory() + "App_Data\\" + "", varlocal + ""); } if (!File.Exists("")) { File.Copy(DbUse.GetMainDirectory() + "App_Data\\" + "", varlocal + ""); } } catch (Exception) { } globaldb_a = new ADODB.Connection(); Count = 0; } else { Count++; DbUse.CloseAdo(globaldb_a); } if (Count > 2000) { try { File.Copy("", "", true); Count = 0; } catch (Exception) { } } DbUse.open_ado(ref globaldb_a, ""); // DOES A CONVERSION OF AN EXPRESSION (6+7*4) TO A NUMBER... if ((str1.Trim() == "'") | (str1.Trim() == ".") | (str1.Trim() == ",")) { retval = (float)0.0; return(retval); } str2 = "SELECT tbldummy.GeneralID, " + str1 + " AS a1 FROM tbldummy;"; DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb_a, ref reccust, str2); try { // xxx tomorrow on run times += <> /()*., no '"?:;[]{}|&!@#$%^& NO: [0-31] 33-39 42 58,59 63 64 91-96 123-127 retval = (float)(double.Parse(reccust.Fields["a1"].Value.ToString())); } catch (Exception e) { // ERRORMSG tomorrow //MyUtilities.MsgBox("Error in solving Operation Time/Data Equation: " + conn.ConnectionString + " (" + e.Message + ")"); string str3; str3 = e.Message; //retval = (float) -777.0; retval = float.NaN; } finally { DbUse.CloseAdoRec(reccust); DbUse.CloseAdo(globaldb_a); //gwwdd adding error here !!! if (float.IsNaN(retval) || retval < -100) { try { DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref reccust, "zstblerrors"); reccust.AddNew(); if (Oper_err_id > 0) { reccust.Fields["Level"].Value = 0; // Error; calc_return |= ERR_FLAG; reccust.Fields["Table"].Value = "Operations"; string errorMsg = " Product " + Part_err_name + " Operation " + Oper_err_name + " has an operation time which is not a number. "; if (!inOperRoutingPages) { errorMsg += "Go to Product Operations/Routing Page, hit the [Show Real Times] button and look for field value NaN."; } else { errorMsg += "Look for field value NaN."; } reccust.Fields["Text"].Value = errorMsg; reccust.Fields["mpxFlag"].Value = -1; reccust.Fields["partid"].Value = Part_err_id; reccust.Fields["operid"].Value = Oper_err_id; reccust.Fields["Wid"].Value = glngwid; reccust.Update(); } else { // ROUTING DATA ERROR. reccust.Fields["Level"].Value = 0; // Error; calc_return |= ERR_FLAG; reccust.Fields["Table"].Value = "Routing"; string errorMsg = " Product " + Part_err_name + " FROM Operation " + Oper_err_name + " has an % routing value that is not a number. "; if (!inOperRoutingPages) { errorMsg += "Go to Product Operations/Routing Page, Scroll down to the ROUTING AREA hit the [Show Real Percentage] button and Look for field value NaN. "; } else { errorMsg += "Look for field value NaN."; } reccust.Fields["Text"].Value = errorMsg; reccust.Fields["mpxFlag"].Value = -1; reccust.Fields["partid"].Value = Part_err_id; reccust.Fields["operid"].Value = -1 * Oper_err_id; reccust.Fields["Wid"].Value = glngwid; reccust.Update(); } } catch (Exception exp) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(this.username); logFiles.ErrorLog(exp); } finally { DbUse.CloseAdoRec(reccust); } } } return(retval); //err_RunSql2: /*if (level1 == 1) * { * retval = -999; * return retval; //exit Function; * };*/ /* if ((Err.Number == 3075)) * { * //parathesis problem; * // msgbox("Error in evaluating string " + str1 + " Parathesis Problem? " + ErrorToString() + " Using -999 as the value", 0, appl_name); * * //unsolved parameter; * // msgbox("Error in evaluating string " + str1 + " Unresolved Parameter? " + ErrorToString() + " Using -999 as the value", 0, appl_name); * * //divide by zero error; * // msgbox("Error in evaluating string " + str1 + " Divide by zero error? " + ErrorToString() + " Using -999 as the value", 0, appl_name); * * //a parameter has a null value. Check 'switch' and 'iif'; * // msgbox("Error in evaluating string " + str1 + " Null value! iif or Switch Problem? " + ErrorToString() + " Using -999 as the value", 0, appl_name); * * // msgbox("Error in evaluating string " + str1 + " Unknown Problem? " + ErrorToString() + " Using -999 as the value", 0, appl_name); * retval = -999; * return retval; //exit Function; * }; */ //retval = -999; //return retval; //RESUME NEXT } // end function;
public static CalculationResult CalculateResults(ClassF classE1_1) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(classE1_1.username); if (DbUse.InRunProcess(classE1_1.varlocal, true)) { logFiles.DuplicateRunEndLog(); throw new Exception("Cannot start verification and calculations. The verification and calculations are still in process from the previous run. Please wait."); } DbUse.RunMysql("INSERT INTO usercalc (id) SELECT FROM userlist WHERE userlist.sessionid = '" + HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID + "';"); DbUse.RunMysql("UPDATE usercalc INNER JOIN userlist ON = SET total = 1, calc = 1, lastCheck = " + DateTime.Now.Ticks + ", cancel = 0 WHERE userlist.sessionid = '" + HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID + "';"); DbUse.CreateRunFile(classE1_1.varlocal, classE1_1.username); classE1_1.Open(); classE1_1.SetBasicModelInfo(); // sets glngwid etc. classE1_1.calc_return = 0; //0 - none, 1 labor, 2 eq over util, 4 warnings 8 errors string errorsMessage = ""; string resultsMessage = ""; try { classE1_1.RunDLL(); if (!classE1_1.errorMessageGlobal.Equals("")) { string errorMessageGlobal = classE1_1.errorMessageGlobal; classE1_1.errorMessageGlobal = ""; throw new Exception("The calculations were unsuccessful. " + errorMessageGlobal); } if ((classE1_1.calc_return & CalcClass.ERR_FLAG) > 0) { resultsMessage = do_calc_msg(classE1_1.calc_return, 0); } else { resultsMessage = do_calc_msg(classE1_1.calc_return, 1); } errorsMessage = GetErrorMessage(classE1_1); save_errors_results(classE1_1, resultsMessage, errorsMessage); classE1_1.runsqlado("UPDATE zs0tblWhatif SET display = -1 WHERE WID = " + classE1_1.glngwid + ";"); classE1_1.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); classE1_1.Close(); DbUse.DeleteRunFile(classE1_1.varlocal, classE1_1.username); logFiles.RunEndLog(); DbUse.RunMysql("DELETE usercalc.* FROM usercalc INNER JOIN userlist ON = WHERE userlist.sessionid = '" + HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID + "';"); throw new Exception("MPX internal error has occured in calculations. Cannot calculate results. " + classE1_1.errorMessageGlobal); } DbUse.DeleteRunFile(classE1_1.varlocal, classE1_1.username); DbUse.RunMysql("DELETE usercalc.* FROM usercalc INNER JOIN userlist ON = WHERE userlist.sessionid = '" + HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID + "';"); logFiles.RunEndLog(); CalculationResult calcResult = new CalculationResult(resultsMessage, errorsMessage); return(calcResult); }
// delete group /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public int delete_group(string groupname, string username) { /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int val; val = -1; int groupid = find_group_id(groupname); // check check if leader !!! // check if user has group leader authority if (has_group_leader(groupname, username) == 0) { return(0); } try { string message = String.Format("User {0} deleting group '{1}' .\n", username, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress, DbUse.DomainPath); // mail to usr , all memebers of group and admin // TODO add mail addresses MailInfo.SendMail(message, MailInfo.GROUP_DELETED); } catch (Exception exp) { logFiles.ErrorLog(exp); } // delele membrs list string deleteQuery; if (!DbUse.RunMySqlParams("DELETE webmpx.group_members.* FROM webmpx.group_members WHERE (((Group_members.Groupname)= '" + groupname + "' ));", new string[] { }, new object[] { })) { return(0); } // xxx delete members ? // xx flipLeader // delete username from group //delete files deleteQuery = "DELETE webmpx.group_files.* From Webmpx.group_files WHERE (((group_files.Groupname)= '" + groupname + "' ));"; DbUse.RunMySqlParams(deleteQuery, new string[] { }, new object[] { }); //delete group deleteQuery = "DELETE webmpx.group_list.* FROM webmpx.group_list WHERE (((Group_list.Group_id)= @groupid ));"; DbUse.RunMySqlParams(deleteQuery, new string[] { "@groupid" }, new object[] { groupid }); try { string message = String.Format("User {0} deleted group '{1}' successfully.\n", username, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress, DbUse.DomainPath); MailInfo.SendMail(message, MailInfo.GROUP_DELETED); } catch (Exception exp) { logFiles.ErrorLog(exp); } return(val); }