public static bool OpenAdoMysql(ADODB.Connection conn) { bool opened; // close the connection if it already exists CloseAdo(conn); try { // gwwd - nont here at start ... conn.DefaultDatabase = ""; //conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MySQLProv;Data Source=webmpx; Persist Security Info = False"; //conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MySQLProv;" + GetUserDatabaseConnection().ToString(); /* using (OdbcConnection connection = new OdbcConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MySQLConnStr"].ConnectionString)) { * connection.Open(); * */ conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MySQLConnStr"].ConnectionString; conn.Mode = (ADODB.ConnectModeEnum)ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseServer; conn.Open(); opened = true; } catch (Exception e) { // MyUtilities.MsgBox("Error in opening database connection: " + conn.ConnectionString + " (" + e.Message + ")"); opened = false; LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(e); //throw new Exception(e.Message); } return(opened); }
public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext) { var exception = filterContext.Exception; //var request = filterContext.HttpContext.Request; LogFiles.WriteLog(LogFiles.LogLevel.ERROR, exception, filterContext); }
public string Put(string CompetitionDate, [FromBody]Competition cmpt) { string userName = string.Empty; if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current != null && System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) userName = User.Identity.Name; } DBservices dbs = new DBservices(); int return_val = 0; LogFiles lf = new LogFiles(); List<Object> mlist = new List<Object>(); mlist.Add(cmpt); try { return_val = dbs.updateCompetitionInDatabase(cmpt, CompetitionDate); } catch (Exception ex) { string Response = ("Error updating the Competition database " + ex.Message); lf.Main("Competition", Response); return "Error"; } if (return_val == 0) { return "Error"; } return "Success"; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- private List <CategoryStatus> Init(string LogFilePath, string LogFileName, SqlCommand cmd) { SqlConnection con = db.getConnection(); cmd.Connection = con; List <CategoryStatus> l_CategoryStatus = new List <CategoryStatus>(); try { con.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); SmartDataReader smartReader = new SmartDataReader(reader); while (smartReader.Read()) { CategoryStatus m_CategoryStatus = new CategoryStatus(db.ConnectionString); m_CategoryStatus.CategoryStatusId = smartReader.GetByte("CategoryStatusId"); m_CategoryStatus.CategoryStatusName = smartReader.GetString("CategoryStatusName"); m_CategoryStatus.CategoryStatusDesc = smartReader.GetString("CategoryStatusDesc"); l_CategoryStatus.Add(m_CategoryStatus); } smartReader.disposeReader(reader); db.closeConnection(con); } catch (SqlException ex) { LogFiles.WriteLog(ex.Message, LogFilePath + "\\Exception", LogFileName + "." + this.GetType().Name + "." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); } return(l_CategoryStatus); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: private void appendNullTransactionLogEntryToSetRaftIndexToMinusOne() throws private void AppendNullTransactionLogEntryToSetRaftIndexToMinusOne() { ReadOnlyTransactionIdStore readOnlyTransactionIdStore = new ReadOnlyTransactionIdStore(_pageCache, _databaseLayout); LogFiles logFiles = LogFilesBuilder.activeFilesBuilder(_databaseLayout, _fs, _pageCache).withConfig(_config).withLastCommittedTransactionIdSupplier(() => readOnlyTransactionIdStore.LastClosedTransactionId - 1).build(); long dummyTransactionId; using (Lifespan lifespan = new Lifespan(logFiles)) { FlushableChannel channel = logFiles.LogFile.Writer; TransactionLogWriter writer = new TransactionLogWriter(new LogEntryWriter(channel)); long lastCommittedTransactionId = readOnlyTransactionIdStore.LastCommittedTransactionId; PhysicalTransactionRepresentation tx = new PhysicalTransactionRepresentation(Collections.emptyList()); sbyte[] txHeaderBytes = LogIndexTxHeaderEncoding.encodeLogIndexAsTxHeader(-1); tx.SetHeader(txHeaderBytes, -1, -1, -1, lastCommittedTransactionId, -1, -1); dummyTransactionId = lastCommittedTransactionId + 1; writer.Append(tx, dummyTransactionId); channel.PrepareForFlush().flush(); } File neoStoreFile = _databaseLayout.metadataStore(); MetaDataStore.setRecord(_pageCache, neoStoreFile, LAST_TRANSACTION_ID, dummyTransactionId); }
public void WithBookmarkedLogAtTheEndOfFirstFile_ThenAllNextFilesAreRead() { GivenLogFilesInDirectory(files: 2); var initialFile = LogFiles[0]; var otherFile = LogFiles[1]; var batchCount = Fixture.Create <int>(); var otherFileLength = BatchPostingLimit * batchCount; GivenFileDeleteSucceeds(initialFile); GivenPersistedBookmark(initialFile, Fixture.Create <long>()); GivenLockedFileLength(initialFile, length: CurrentLogFilePosition); GivenLockedFileLength(otherFile, length: otherFileLength); GivenLogReader(initialFile, length: CurrentLogFilePosition, maxStreams: int.MaxValue); GivenLogReader(otherFile, length: otherFileLength, maxStreams: int.MaxValue); GivenSendIsSuccessful(); WhenLogShipperIsCalled(); this.ShouldSatisfyAllConditions( () => LogFiles.ShouldBe(new[] { otherFile }, "Only one shall remain!"), () => CurrentLogFileName.ShouldBe(otherFile), () => CurrentLogFilePosition.ShouldBe(otherFileLength), () => SentBatches.ShouldBe(batchCount), () => SentRecords.ShouldBe(otherFileLength) ); }
//This solution uses the IComparable<T> interface to sort the input. In the best case, when all the words after the identifers contain digits, it will still take O(nlogn) time. public string[] ReorderLogFiles(string[] logs) { LogFiles[] logFiles = new LogFiles[logs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < logs.Length; i++) { int firstSpaceIndex = logs[i].IndexOf(' '); string identifier = logs[i].Substring(0, firstSpaceIndex); string contents = logs[i].Substring(firstSpaceIndex + 1); logFiles[i] = new LogFiles(i, identifier, contents); } Array.Sort(logFiles); string[] sortedLogs = new string[logs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < logFiles.Length; i++) { sortedLogs[i] = logFiles[i].Identifier + " " + logFiles[i].Contents; } return(sortedLogs); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- public List<ImageTypes> Init(string LogFilePath, string LogFileName, SqlCommand cmd) { SqlConnection con = db.getConnection(); cmd.Connection = con; con.Open(); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); SmartDataReader rd = new SmartDataReader(dr); List<ImageTypes> l_ImageTypes = new List<ImageTypes>(); try { while (rd.Read()) { ImageTypes m_ImageTypes = new ImageTypes(db.ConnectionString); m_ImageTypes.ImageTypeId = rd.GetByte("ImageTypeId"); m_ImageTypes.ImageTypeDesc = rd.GetString("ImageTypeDesc"); m_ImageTypes.ImageTypeName = rd.GetString("ImageTypeName"); l_ImageTypes.Add(m_ImageTypes); } } catch (SqlException ex) { LogFiles.WriteLog(ex.Message, LogFilePath + "\\Exception", LogFileName + "." + this.GetType().Name + "." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); } finally { rd.disposeReader(dr); cmd.Dispose(); db.closeConnection(con); } return l_ImageTypes; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the log files from the server (using webclient). /// </summary> /// <param name="server">The server.</param> /// <param name="directory">The directory.</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <author>Jurie.smit</author> /// <date>2013/05/24</date> public IEnumerable <FilePath> GetLogFiles(IEnvironmentModel server, DirectoryPath directory) { LogFiles.Clear(); if (server == null || directory == null) { return(new List <FilePath>()); } var address = String.Format(server.Connection.WebServerUri + "{0}/{1}?DirectoryPath={2}", "Services", "FindDirectoryService", directory.PathToSerialize); var datalistJson = WebClient.UploadString(address, string.Empty); if (datalistJson.Contains("Error")) { var error = "Error: Log directory not found." + Environment.NewLine + datalistJson.GetManagementPayload(); ShowErrorPopup(error); } else { var filePaths = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <FilePath> >(datalistJson); filePaths.ForEach(fp => { if (fp.Title.EndsWith(".wwlfl")) { LogFiles.Add(fp); } }); return(filePaths); } return(new List <FilePath>()); }
private bool Recover(File storeDir, LogFiles logFiles) { LifeSupport life = new LifeSupport(); RecoveryMonitor monitor = mock(typeof(RecoveryMonitor)); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean recoveryRequired = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean(); AtomicBoolean recoveryRequired = new AtomicBoolean(); try { StorageEngine storageEngine = mock(typeof(StorageEngine)); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.log.entry.LogEntryReader<org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.log.ReadableClosablePositionAwareChannel> reader = new org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.log.entry.VersionAwareLogEntryReader<>(); LogEntryReader <ReadableClosablePositionAwareChannel> reader = new VersionAwareLogEntryReader <ReadableClosablePositionAwareChannel>(); LogTailScanner tailScanner = GetTailScanner(logFiles, reader); TransactionMetadataCache metadataCache = new TransactionMetadataCache(); LogicalTransactionStore txStore = new PhysicalLogicalTransactionStore(logFiles, metadataCache, reader, _monitors, false); CorruptedLogsTruncator logPruner = new CorruptedLogsTruncator(storeDir, logFiles, FileSystemRule.get()); life.add(new Recovery(new DefaultRecoveryServiceAnonymousInnerClass3(this, storageEngine, tailScanner, _transactionIdStore, txStore, _versionRepository, NO_MONITOR, recoveryRequired) , logPruner, _schemaLife, monitor, SilentProgressReporter.INSTANCE, false)); life.Start(); } finally { life.Shutdown(); } return(recoveryRequired.get()); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- public List <CategoryStatus> GetList(string LogFilePath, string LogFileName, string Conditions, string OrderBy) { List <CategoryStatus> RetVal = new List <CategoryStatus>(); try { string Sql = "SELECT * FROM V$CategoryStatus"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Conditions)) { Sql += " WHERE " + Conditions; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OrderBy)) { Sql += " ORDER BY " + OrderBy; } SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Sql); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; RetVal = Init(LogFilePath, LogFileName, cmd); } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles.WriteLog(ex.Message, LogFilePath + "\\Exception", LogFileName + "." + this.GetType().Name + "." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); } return(RetVal); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: public void delete( storeDir, org.neo4j.kernel.impl.transaction.log.files.LogFiles logFiles) throws public virtual void Delete(File storeDir, LogFiles logFiles) { // 'files' can be null if the directory doesn't exist. This is fine, we just ignore it then. File[] files = _fs.listFiles(storeDir, _fileFilter); if (files != null) { foreach (File file in files) { _fs.deleteRecursively(file); } } File[] txLogs = _fs.listFiles(logFiles.LogFilesDirectory()); if (txLogs != null) { foreach (File txLog in txLogs) { _fs.deleteFile(txLog); } } IEnumerable <FileHandle> iterator = AcceptedPageCachedFiles(storeDir).iterator; foreach (FileHandle fh in iterator) { fh.Delete(); } }
public static bool RunSql(string commandString, string connectionString) { bool updated; try { using (OleDbConnection oleConn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString)) { oleConn.Open(); using (OleDbCommand comm = new OleDbCommand(commandString, oleConn)) { try { comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Exception excep = new Exception("Error in executing oledb command. Command string: " + comm.CommandText + ". Exception message: " + ex.Message, ex); throw excep; } oleConn.Close(); updated = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); updated = false; } return(updated); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private List <ImageMediaItems> Init(string LogFilePath, string LogFileName, SqlCommand cmd) { SqlConnection con = db.getConnection(); cmd.Connection = con; List <ImageMediaItems> l_ImageMediaItems = new List <ImageMediaItems>(); try { con.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); SmartDataReader smartReader = new SmartDataReader(reader); while (smartReader.Read()) { ImageMediaItems m_ImageMediaItems = new ImageMediaItems(db.ConnectionString); m_ImageMediaItems.ImageMediaItemId = smartReader.GetInt32("ImageMediaItemId"); m_ImageMediaItems.ImageId = smartReader.GetInt32("ImageId"); m_ImageMediaItems.MediaItemId = smartReader.GetInt32("MediaItemId"); m_ImageMediaItems.CrUserId = smartReader.GetInt32("CrUserId"); m_ImageMediaItems.CrDateTime = smartReader.GetDateTime("CrDateTime"); l_ImageMediaItems.Add(m_ImageMediaItems); } smartReader.disposeReader(reader); db.closeConnection(con); } catch (SqlException ex) { LogFiles.WriteLog(ex.Message, LogFilePath + "\\Exception", LogFileName + "." + this.GetType().Name + "." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); } return(l_ImageMediaItems); }
public static bool RunMysql(string commandString) { bool updated = false; string conn_string = GetConnectionString(); using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(conn_string)) using (MySqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { //watch out for this SQL injection vulnerability below cmd.CommandText = commandString; try { conn.Open(); try { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception exp) { throw new Exception("Error in executing MySql command. Command string: " + commandString + ". Exception message: " + exp.Message, exp); } updated = true; } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); } finally { conn.Close(); } } return(updated); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void correctLastAppliedToPreviousLogTransactionInHeaderOnLogFileRotation() throws //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void CorrectLastAppliedToPreviousLogTransactionInHeaderOnLogFileRotation() { LogFiles logFiles = GetLogFiles(_logVersionRepository, _transactionIdStore); Life.add(logFiles); DatabaseHealth databaseHealth = DatabaseHealth; LogRotationImpl logRotation = new LogRotationImpl(_monitors.newMonitor(typeof(Org.Neo4j.Kernel.impl.transaction.log.rotation.LogRotation_Monitor)), logFiles, databaseHealth); TransactionMetadataCache transactionMetadataCache = new TransactionMetadataCache(); SynchronizedArrayIdOrderingQueue idOrderingQueue = new SynchronizedArrayIdOrderingQueue(); BatchingTransactionAppender transactionAppender = new BatchingTransactionAppender(logFiles, logRotation, transactionMetadataCache, _transactionIdStore, idOrderingQueue, databaseHealth); Life.add(transactionAppender); LogAppendEvent logAppendEvent = new RotationLogAppendEvent(logRotation); TransactionToApply transactionToApply = PrepareTransaction(); transactionAppender.Append(transactionToApply, logAppendEvent); assertEquals(1, logFiles.HighestLogVersion); File highestLogFile = logFiles.HighestLogFile; LogHeader logHeader = LogHeaderReader.readLogHeader(FileSystem, highestLogFile); assertEquals(2, logHeader.LastCommittedTxId); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public bool InsertNoInform(string LogFilePath, string LogFileName, byte DistributedProcess, string IpAddress, int ActUserId) { bool RetVal = false; try { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("ArticleContentMediaItems_InsertNoInform"); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@DistributedProcess", DistributedProcess)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@IpAddress", IpAddress)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ArticleContentId", this.ArticleContentId)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@MediaItemId", this.MediaItemId)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CrUserId", ActUserId)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CrDateTime", this.CrDateTime)); cmd.Parameters.Add("@ArticleContentMediaItemId", SqlDbType.Int).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; db.ExecuteSQL(cmd); this.ArticleContentMediaItemId = Convert.ToInt32((cmd.Parameters["@ArticleContentMediaItemId"].Value == null) ? "0" : cmd.Parameters["@ArticleContentMediaItemId"].Value.ToString().Trim()); RetVal = (this.ArticleContentMediaItemId > 0); } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles.WriteLog(ex.Message, LogFilePath + "\\Exception", LogFileName + "." + this.GetType().Name + "." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); } return(RetVal); }
public static bool RunMySqlParams(string commandString, string[] paramNames, object[] parameters) { bool updated; string conn_string = GetConnectionString(); try { using (MySqlConnection oleConn = new MySqlConnection(conn_string)) { oleConn.Open(); using (MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand(commandString, oleConn)) { try { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { comm.Parameters.AddWithValue(paramNames[i], parameters[i]); } comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Exception excep = new Exception("Error in executing mysql command. Command string: " + comm.CommandText + ". Exception message: " + ex.Message, ex); throw excep; } oleConn.Close(); updated = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); updated = false; } return(updated); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void pruningStrategyShouldBeDynamic() throws //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void PruningStrategyShouldBeDynamic() { CheckPointer checkPointer = GetInstanceFromDb(typeof(CheckPointer)); Config config = GetInstanceFromDb(typeof(Config)); FileSystemAbstraction fs = GetInstanceFromDb(typeof(FileSystemAbstraction)); LogFiles logFiles = LogFilesBuilder.builder(Db.databaseLayout(), fs).withLogVersionRepository(new SimpleLogVersionRepository()).withLastCommittedTransactionIdSupplier(() => 1).withTransactionIdStore(new SimpleTransactionIdStore()).build(); // Force transaction log rotation WriteTransactionsAndRotateTwice(); // Checkpoint to make sure strategy is evaluated checkPointer.ForceCheckPoint(_triggerInfo); // Make sure file is still there since we have disable pruning assertThat(CountTransactionLogs(logFiles), @is(3)); // Change pruning to true config.UpdateDynamicSetting(, "false", "test"); // Checkpoint to make sure strategy is evaluated checkPointer.ForceCheckPoint(_triggerInfo); // Make sure file is removed assertThat(CountTransactionLogs(logFiles), @is(2)); }
public void Test_Ctor_Initializes_Log_Paths_If_Relative_Path_Provided() { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles("logs"); const string consoleLog = @"logs\output.txt"; Assert.Equal(consoleLog, logFiles.ConsoleLog); const string removedFilesLog = @"logs\removedFiles.txt"; Assert.Equal(removedFilesLog, logFiles.RemovedFilesLog); const string normalFilesLog = @"logs\normalFiles.txt"; Assert.Equal(normalFilesLog, logFiles.NormalFilesLog); const string notExistentFilesLog = @"logs\notExistentFiles.txt"; Assert.Equal(notExistentFilesLog, logFiles.NotExistentFilesLog); const string copiedFilesLog = @"logs\copiedFiles.txt"; Assert.Equal(copiedFilesLog, logFiles.CopiedFilesLog); const string replacedLinksLog = @"logs\replacedLinks.csv"; Assert.Equal(replacedLinksLog, logFiles.ReplacedLinksLog); const string replacedLanguageLinksLog = @"logs\replacedLanguageLinks.csv"; Assert.Equal(replacedLanguageLinksLog, logFiles.ReplacedLanguageLinksLog); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void restoreTransactionLogsInCustomDirectoryForTargetDatabaseWhenConfigured() throws, org.neo4j.commandline.admin.CommandFailed //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void RestoreTransactionLogsInCustomDirectoryForTargetDatabaseWhenConfigured() { string databaseName = "to"; Config config = ConfigWith(databaseName, Directory.absolutePath().AbsolutePath); File customTxLogDirectory ="customLogicalLog"); string customTransactionLogDirectory = customTxLogDirectory.AbsolutePath; config.AugmentDefaults(GraphDatabaseSettings.logical_logs_location, customTransactionLogDirectory); File fromPath = new File(Directory.absolutePath(), "from"); File toPath = config.Get(GraphDatabaseSettings.database_path); int fromNodeCount = 10; int toNodeCount = 20; CreateDbAt(fromPath, fromNodeCount); GraphDatabaseService db = CreateDatabase(toPath, customTransactionLogDirectory); CreateTestData(toNodeCount, db); Db.shutdown(); // when (new RestoreDatabaseCommand(FileSystemRule.get(), fromPath, config, databaseName, true)).execute(); LogFiles fromStoreLogFiles = LogFilesBuilder.logFilesBasedOnlyBuilder(fromPath, FileSystemRule.get()).build(); LogFiles toStoreLogFiles = LogFilesBuilder.logFilesBasedOnlyBuilder(toPath, FileSystemRule.get()).build(); LogFiles customLogLocationLogFiles = LogFilesBuilder.logFilesBasedOnlyBuilder(customTxLogDirectory, FileSystemRule.get()).build(); assertThat(toStoreLogFiles.LogFilesConflict(), emptyArray()); assertThat(customLogLocationLogFiles.LogFilesConflict(), arrayWithSize(1)); assertEquals(fromStoreLogFiles.GetLogFileForVersion(0).length(), customLogLocationLogFiles.GetLogFileForVersion(0).length()); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public bool InsertNoInform(string LogFilePath, string LogFileName, byte DistributedProcess, string IpAddress, int ActUserId) { bool RetVal = false; try { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Categories_InsertNoInform"); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@DistributedProcess", DistributedProcess)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@IpAddress", IpAddress)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@DisplayOrder", this.DisplayOrder)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ParentCategoryId", this.ParentCategoryId)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CategoryName", this.CategoryName)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CategoryDesc", this.CategoryDesc)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Url", this.Url)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CategoryStatusId", this.CategoryStatusId)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ImageIcon", this.ImageIcon)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CrUserId", ActUserId)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CrDateTime", this.CrDateTime)); cmd.Parameters.Add("@CategoryId", SqlDbType.SmallInt).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; db.ExecuteSQL(cmd); this.CategoryId = Convert.ToInt16((cmd.Parameters["@CategoryId"].Value == null) ? "0" : cmd.Parameters["@CategoryId"].Value.ToString().Trim()); RetVal = (this.CategoryId > 0); } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles.WriteLog(ex.Message, LogFilePath + "\\Exception", LogFileName + "." + this.GetType().Name + "." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); } return(RetVal); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void pullRotatesWhenThresholdCrossedAndExplicitlySet() throws //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void PullRotatesWhenThresholdCrossedAndExplicitlySet() { // given Config config = Config.defaults(); config.Augment(GraphDatabaseSettings.logical_log_rotation_threshold, "1M"); // 1 mebibyte // and Org.Neo4j.Storageengine.Api.StoreId storeId = SimulateStoreCopy(); // and long fromTxId = BASE_TX_ID; TransactionLogCatchUpWriter subject = new TransactionLogCatchUpWriter(_databaseLayout, _fs, _pageCache, config, NullLogProvider.Instance, fromTxId, PartOfStoreCopyConflict, false, true); // when a bunch of transactions received LongStream.range(fromTxId, _manyTransactions).mapToObj(TransactionLogCatchUpWriterTest.tx).map(tx => new TxPullResponse(ToCasualStoreId(storeId), tx)).forEach(subject.onTxReceived); subject.Close(); // then there was a rotation LogFilesBuilder logFilesBuilder = LogFilesBuilder.activeFilesBuilder(_databaseLayout, _fs, _pageCache); LogFiles logFiles = logFilesBuilder.Build(); assertNotEquals(logFiles.LowestLogVersion, logFiles.HighestLogVersion); VerifyTransactionsInLog(logFiles, fromTxId, _manyTransactions); VerifyCheckpointInLog(logFiles, PartOfStoreCopyConflict); }
public string Delete(string username) { int return_val = 0; LogFiles lf = new LogFiles(); DBservices dbs = new DBservices(); string Response= ""; username = username.Replace("'", "''"); try { return_val = dbs.DeleteDatabase("Rider",username); } catch (Exception ex) { Response = ("Error in the Delete process the Rider(user) database " + ex.Message); lf.Main("Users", Response); return "Error"; } lf.Main("Users", Response); if (return_val <= 0) { Response = "The Rider " + username + " was not Deleted from the Database"; lf.Main("Users", Response); return "Error"; } else { Response = "The Rider " + username + " was Deleted from the Database"; lf.Main("Users", Response); return "Success"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string redirect = ""; try { m_Categories = new Categories(WEB_CONSTR); m_CategoryStatus = new CategoryStatus(WEB_CONSTR); IpAddress = Request.UserHostAddress; ActUserId = MyConstants.ActUserId; if (ActUserId > 0) { if (!IsPostBack) { bindData(-1); } } else { redirect = MyConstants.PRJ_ROOT + "/Login.aspx"; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles.WriteLog(ex.Message, LogFilePath + "\\Exception", LogFileName + "." + this.GetType().Name + "." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirect)) { Response.Redirect(redirect); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void m_grid_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { try { short delId = (Int16)m_grid.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value; if (delId > 0) { m_Categories.CategoryId = delId; m_Categories.CrUserId = ActUserId; m_Categories.CrDateTime = System.DateTime.Now; if (m_Categories.DeleteNoInform(LogFilePath, LogFileName, MyConstants.DISTRIBUTED_PROCESS, IpAddress, ActUserId)) { SysMessageDesc = "Đã xoá chuyên mục"; } else { SysMessageDesc = "Lỗi xoá chuyên mục"; } JSAlert.Alert(SysMessageDesc, this); bindData(-1); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles.WriteLog(ex.Message, LogFilePath + "\\Exception", LogFileName + "." + this.GetType().Name + "." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public bool UpdateNoInform(string LogFilePath, string LogFileName, byte DistributedProcess, string IpAddress, int ActUserId) { bool RetVal = false; try { if (this.ArticleContentMediaItemId > 0) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("ArticleContentMediaItems_UpdateNoInform"); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@DistributedProcess", DistributedProcess)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@IpAddress", IpAddress)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ArticleContentId", this.ArticleContentId)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@MediaItemId", this.MediaItemId)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CrUserId", ActUserId)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CrDateTime", this.CrDateTime)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ArticleContentMediaItemId", this.ArticleContentMediaItemId)); db.ExecuteSQL(cmd); RetVal = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles.WriteLog(ex.Message, LogFilePath + "\\Exception", LogFileName + "." + this.GetType().Name + "." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); } return(RetVal); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldCloseIndexAndLabelScanSnapshots() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void ShouldCloseIndexAndLabelScanSnapshots() { // Given LabelScanStore labelScanStore = mock(typeof(LabelScanStore)); IndexingService indexingService = mock(typeof(IndexingService)); ExplicitIndexProvider explicitIndexes = mock(typeof(ExplicitIndexProvider)); when(explicitIndexes.AllIndexProviders()).thenReturn(Collections.emptyList()); DatabaseLayout databaseLayout = mock(typeof(DatabaseLayout)); when(databaseLayout.MetadataStore()).thenReturn(mock(typeof(File))); LogFiles logFiles = mock(typeof(LogFiles)); FilesInStoreDirAre(databaseLayout, _standardStoreDirFiles, _standardStoreDirDirectories); StorageEngine storageEngine = mock(typeof(StorageEngine)); NeoStoreFileListing fileListing = new NeoStoreFileListing(databaseLayout, logFiles, labelScanStore, indexingService, explicitIndexes, storageEngine); ResourceIterator <File> scanSnapshot = ScanStoreFilesAre(labelScanStore, new string[] { "blah/", "scan.more" }); ResourceIterator <File> indexSnapshot = IndexFilesAre(indexingService, new string[] { "schema/index/my.index" }); ResourceIterator <StoreFileMetadata> result = fileListing.Builder().excludeLogFiles().build(); // When result.Close(); // Then verify(scanSnapshot).close(); verify(indexSnapshot).close(); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: private static void logFileInStoreDirectoryDoesNotExist( storeDir, org.neo4j.graphdb.DependencyResolver dependencyResolver) throws private static void LogFileInStoreDirectoryDoesNotExist(File storeDir, DependencyResolver dependencyResolver) { FileSystemAbstraction fileSystem = dependencyResolver.ResolveDependency(typeof(FileSystemAbstraction)); LogFiles storeLogFiles = logFilesBasedOnlyBuilder(storeDir, fileSystem).build(); assertFalse(storeLogFiles.VersionExists(0)); }
/// <summary> /// read file from directory /// </summary> public void ReadFiles() { foreach (string filePath in FilePaths) { LogFiles.Add(new LogFile(filePath)); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: private void createTransactionLogWithCheckpoint(org.neo4j.kernel.configuration.Config config, boolean logsInStoreDir) throws private void CreateTransactionLogWithCheckpoint(Config config, bool logsInStoreDir) { Org.Neo4j.Storageengine.Api.StoreId storeId = SimulateStoreCopy(); int fromTxId = 37; int endTxId = fromTxId + 5; TransactionLogCatchUpWriter catchUpWriter = new TransactionLogCatchUpWriter(_databaseLayout, _fs, _pageCache, config, NullLogProvider.Instance, fromTxId, PartOfStoreCopyConflict, logsInStoreDir, true); // when for (int i = fromTxId; i <= endTxId; i++) { catchUpWriter.OnTxReceived(new TxPullResponse(ToCasualStoreId(storeId), Tx(i))); } catchUpWriter.Close(); // then LogFilesBuilder logFilesBuilder = LogFilesBuilder.activeFilesBuilder(_databaseLayout, _fs, _pageCache); if (!logsInStoreDir) { logFilesBuilder.WithConfig(config); } LogFiles logFiles = logFilesBuilder.Build(); VerifyTransactionsInLog(logFiles, fromTxId, endTxId); VerifyCheckpointInLog(logFiles, PartOfStoreCopyConflict); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public bool UpdateNoInform(string LogFilePath, string LogFileName, byte DistributedProcess, string IpAddress, int ActUserId) { bool RetVal = false; try { if (this.CategoryId > 0) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Categories_UpdateNoInform"); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@DistributedProcess", DistributedProcess)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@IpAddress", IpAddress)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@DisplayOrder", this.DisplayOrder)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ParentCategoryId", this.ParentCategoryId)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CategoryName", this.CategoryName)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CategoryDesc", this.CategoryDesc)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Url", this.Url)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CategoryStatusId", this.CategoryStatusId)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ImageIcon", this.ImageIcon)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CrUserId", ActUserId)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CrDateTime", this.CrDateTime)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CategoryId", this.CategoryId)); db.ExecuteSQL(cmd); RetVal = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogFiles.WriteLog(ex.Message, LogFilePath + "\\Exception", LogFileName + "." + this.GetType().Name + "." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); } return(RetVal); }
public string Put(string cap_usr, string new_cap_usr) { int return_val = 0; LogFiles lf = new LogFiles(); DBservices dbs = new DBservices(); Rider rdr = new Rider(); try { return_val = dbs.updateRiderInDatabase(rdr, cap_usr, new_cap_usr); } catch (Exception ex) { string Response = ("Error while trying to switch the Captain(user) " + cap_usr + " in the database: " + ex.Message); lf.Main("Users", Response); return "Error"; } if (return_val == 0) { return "Error"; } return "Success"; }
public string Post([FromBody]Competition cmpt) { DBservices dbs = new DBservices(); int return_val = 0; LogFiles lf = new LogFiles(); List<Object> mlist = new List<Object>(); mlist.Add(cmpt); try { return_val = dbs.InsertDatabase(mlist); } catch (Exception ex) { string Response = ("Error updating the Competition database " + ex.Message); lf.Main("Competition", Response); return "Error"; } if (return_val == 0) { return "Error"; } return "Success"; }
public string updateDB([FromBody]Routes rut) { DBservices dbs = new DBservices(); int return_val = 0; LogFiles lf = new LogFiles(); List<Object> mlist = new List<Object>(); mlist.Add(rut); try { return_val = dbs.InsertDatabase(mlist); } catch (Exception ex) { string Response = ("Error while trying to INSERT the new Route to the database " + ex.Message); lf.Main("Routes", Response); return "Error"; } if (return_val == 0) { return "Error"; } return "Success"; }
public string updateDB([FromBody]Rides rds) { LogFiles lf = new LogFiles(); if (DateTime.Now.Day.CompareTo(Convert.ToDateTime(rds.RideDate).Day) < 0 || DateTime.Now.Month.CompareTo(Convert.ToDateTime(rds.RideDate).Month) != 0) { lf.Main("Rides", "The Ride Date:" + rds.RideDate + " Can't be in the future or in a diffetent month "); return "Error"; } int return_val = 0; DBservices dbs = new DBservices(); List<Object> mlist = new List<Object>(); mlist.Add(rds); try { return_val = dbs.InsertDatabase(mlist); } catch (Exception ex) { string Response = ("Error while trying to INSERT the new Ride to the database " + ex.Message); lf.Main("Rides", Response); return "Error"; } if (return_val == 0) { return "Error"; } return "Success"; }
public string DeleteOrganization(string orgname) { int return_val = 0; LogFiles lf = new LogFiles(); DBservices dbs = new DBservices(); string Response = ""; orgname = orgname.Replace("'", "''"); try { return_val = dbs.DeleteDatabase("Organizations", orgname); } catch (Exception ex) { Response = ("Error in the Delete process the Organization from the database " + ex.Message); lf.Main("Organizations", Response); return "Error"; } Response = "The Organization " + orgname + " was Deleted from the Event"; lf.Main("Organizations", Response); if (return_val == 0) { return "Error"; } return "Success"; }
public string DeleteEvent(string eventname) { int return_val = 0; LogFiles lf = new LogFiles(); DBservices dbs = new DBservices(); string Response = ""; eventname = eventname.Replace("'", "''"); try { return_val = dbs.DeleteDatabase("Event", eventname); } catch (Exception ex) { Response = ("Error in the Delete process the Event from an event database " + ex.Message); lf.Main("UserEvent", Response); return "Error"; } Response = "The Event " + eventname + " was Deleted from the Event"; lf.Main("UserEvent", Response); if (return_val == 0) { return "Error"; } return "Success"; }
public string Delete(string username, string routename) { DBservices dbs = new DBservices(); int return_val = 0; LogFiles lf = new LogFiles(); username = username.Replace("'", "''"); string Response = ""; try { return_val = dbs.DeleteDatabase("Routes",username, routename); } catch (Exception ex) { Response = ("Error in the Delete process of the Route " + routename + " of " + username + ", " + ex.Message); lf.Main("Routes", Response); return "Error"; } Response = "The Route " + routename + " was Deleted from the Database"; lf.Main("Routes", Response); if (return_val == 0) { return "Error"; } return "Success"; }
public string DeleteGroup(string grpname, string orgname) { int return_val = 0; LogFiles lf = new LogFiles(); DBservices dbs = new DBservices(); string Response = ""; grpname = grpname.Replace("'", "''"); orgname = orgname.Replace("'", "''"); try { return_val = dbs.DeleteDatabase("Groups", grpname, orgname); } catch (Exception ex) { Response = ("Error in the Delete process the group from an event database " + ex.Message); lf.Main("Groups", Response); return "Error"; } Response = "The Group " + grpname + " was Deleted from the Databse"; lf.Main("Groups", Response); if (return_val == 0) { return "Error"; } return "Success"; }
public string RiderInEvent(string eventname, string username) { int return_val = 0; LogFiles lf = new LogFiles(); DBservices dbs = new DBservices(); eventname = eventname.Replace("'", "''"); username = username.Replace("'", "''"); try { return_val = dbs.updateRiderIneventDatabase(eventname, username); } catch (Exception ex) { string Response = ("Error while trying to Update the Rider(user) " + username + " to the event " + eventname + ", "+ ex.Message); lf.Main("UsersEvents", Response); return "Error"; } if ( return_val == 0 ){return "Error";} return "Success"; }
public string updateDB([FromBody]Rider rdr) { int return_val = 0; LogFiles lf = new LogFiles(); DBservices dbs = new DBservices(); try { return_val = dbs.insertRider(rdr); } catch (Exception ex) { string Response = ("Error while trying to INSERT the new Rider(user) to the database " + ex.Message); lf.Main("Users", Response); return "Error"; } if (return_val != 3) { return "Error"; } return "Success"; }
public string Put(string username, [FromBody]Rider rdr) { int return_val = 0; LogFiles lf = new LogFiles(); DBservices dbs = new DBservices(); username = username.Replace("'", "''"); try { return_val = dbs.updateRiderInDatabase(rdr,username); } catch (Exception ex) { string Response = ("Error while trying to Update the Rider(user) " + username + " to the database " + ex.Message); lf.Main("Users", Response); return "Error"; } if ( return_val == 0 ){return "Error";} return "Success"; }
private void Save() { LogFiles pc = new LogFiles(); pc.Files = Logs.ToList(); if (_cfg.AppSettings.Settings.AllKeys.Contains(ConfigConstants.FileLogs) == true) _cfg.AppSettings.Settings[ConfigConstants.FileLogs].Value = pc.GetSerialized(); else _cfg.AppSettings.Settings.Add(ConfigConstants.FileLogs, pc.GetSerialized()); _cfg.Save(ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified); ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection("appSettings"); }
public string Put(string eventname, [FromBody]Event evt) { int return_val = 0; LogFiles lf = new LogFiles(); DBservices dbs = new DBservices(); eventname = eventname.Replace("'", "''"); try { return_val = dbs.updateEventInDatabase(evt, eventname); } catch (Exception ex) { string Response = ("Error while trying to Update the Event " + eventname + " to the database " + ex.Message); lf.Main("Events", Response); return "Error"; } if (return_val == 0) { return "Error"; } return "Success"; }
public string updateDB([FromBody]Group grp) { DBservices dbs = new DBservices(); int return_val = 0; LogFiles lf = new LogFiles(); List<Object> mlist = new List<Object>(); mlist.Add(grp); try { return_val = dbs.InsertDatabase(mlist); } catch (Exception ex) { string Response = ("Error updating the Group database " + ex.Message); lf.Main("Groups", Response); return "Error"; } if (return_val == 0) { return "Error"; } return "Success"; }