Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes the layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">The layer.</param>
        /// <param name="lineLayer">The line layer.</param>
        internal static void DeserializeLayer(dynamic layer, MapLineLayer lineLayer)
            if (UseAlternateParser(layer))
                // TODO: write alternate parser for this layer information.
            var lineSymbolizer = new LineSymbolizer();


            lineLayer.Symbolizer = lineSymbolizer;
Example #2
        public void setSymbolizer()
            double baseWidth        = 20.0;
            double baseOutlineWidth = 10.0;
            double adjWidth         = baseWidth;
            double adjOutlineWidth  = baseOutlineWidth;

            LineScheme rdScheme = new LineScheme();

            LineSymbolizer catSelSym = new LineSymbolizer();

            catSelSym.ScaleMode = ScaleMode.Geographic;
            catSelSym.SetOutline(Color.Blue, adjOutlineWidth);

            LineSymbolizer symDef = new LineSymbolizer();

            symDef.ScaleMode = ScaleMode.Geographic;
            symDef.SetOutline(Color.Black, adjOutlineWidth);

            LineCategory catDef = new LineCategory();

            catDef.LegendText = "No RSL Info";

            catDef.SelectionSymbolizer = catSelSym;
            catDef.Symbolizer          = symDef;

            int[] r = new int[30];
            int[] g = new int[30];
            int[] b = new int[30];

            if (Project.settings.GetValue("road_colors").Contains("t"))
                if (moduleRoads.roadColors == "RSL")
                    for (int rsl = 0; rsl <= 20; rsl++)
                        // create a category
                        LineCategory colorCat = new LineCategory();
                        colorCat.FilterExpression = "[TAMSROADRSL] = '" + rsl.ToString() + "'";

                        LineSymbolizer colorSym = new LineSymbolizer();
                        colorSym.ScaleMode = ScaleMode.Geographic;
                        colorSym.SetOutline(Color.DarkGray, adjOutlineWidth);

                        Color fillColor = Color.Gray;
                        if (rsl == 20 || rsl == 19)
                            fillColor = Color.Blue;
                        if (rsl <= 18 && rsl >= 16)
                            fillColor = Color.DeepSkyBlue;
                        if (rsl <= 15 && rsl >= 13)
                            fillColor = Color.Green;
                        if (rsl <= 12 && rsl >= 10)
                            fillColor = Color.LimeGreen;
                        if (rsl <= 9 && rsl >= 7)
                            fillColor = Color.Yellow;
                        if (rsl <= 6 && rsl >= 4)
                            fillColor = Color.Orange;
                        if (rsl <= 3 && rsl >= 1)
                            fillColor = Color.Red;
                        if (rsl == 0)
                            fillColor = Color.DarkRed;

                        if (selectedColors[fillColor])

                        colorCat.Symbolizer = colorSym;

                        // assign (default) selection symbolizer
                        colorCat.SelectionSymbolizer = catSelSym;

                        // done

                if (moduleRoads.roadColors == "Treatment")
                    DataTable nameToTreatment = Database.GetDataByQuery(Project.conn, "SELECT name, category FROM treatments;");
                    string[]  treatments      = new string[30];
                    int       j = 0;
                    foreach (DataRow row in nameToTreatment.Rows)
                        treatments[j] = row["name"].ToString();
                        if (row["category"].ToString() == "routine")
                            r[j] = 0;
                        g[j] = 0; b[j] = 255;
                        if (row["category"].ToString() == "patch")
                            r[j] = 50;
                        g[j] = 205; b[j] = 50;
                        if (row["category"].ToString() == "preventative")
                            r[j] = 255;
                        g[j] = 255; b[j] = 0;
                        if (row["category"].ToString() == "rehabilitation")
                            r[j] = 255;
                        g[j] = 0; b[j] = 0;
                        if (row["category"].ToString() == "reconstruction")
                            r[j] = 139;
                        g[j] = 0; b[j] = 0;
                    treatments[24] = "Routine"; r[24] = 0; g[24] = 0; b[24] = 255;
                    treatments[25] = "Patching"; r[25] = 50; g[25] = 205; b[25] = 50;
                    treatments[26] = "Preventative"; r[26] = 255; g[26] = 255; b[26] = 0;
                    treatments[27] = "Preventative with Patching"; r[27] = 255; g[27] = 165; b[27] = 0;
                    treatments[28] = "Rehabilitation"; r[28] = 255; g[28] = 0; b[28] = 0;
                    treatments[29] = "Reconstruction"; r[29] = 139; g[29] = 0; b[29] = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < treatments.Length; i++)
                        // TODO: Get this to work
                        Color fillColor = Color.Gray;
                        if (r[i] == 0 && g[i] == 0 && b[i] == 255)
                            fillColor = Color.Blue;
                        if (r[i] == 50 && g[i] == 205 && b[i] == 50)
                            fillColor = Color.LimeGreen;
                        if (r[i] == 255 && g[i] == 255 && b[i] == 0)
                            fillColor = Color.Yellow;
                        if (r[i] == 255 && g[i] == 165 && b[i] == 0)
                            fillColor = Color.Orange;
                        if (r[i] == 255 && g[i] == 0 && b[i] == 0)
                            fillColor = Color.Red;
                        if (r[i] == 139 && g[i] == 0 && b[i] == 0)
                            fillColor = Color.DarkRed;
                        if (!selectedColors[fillColor])

                        LineCategory colorCat = new LineCategory();
                        colorCat.FilterExpression = "[TAMSTREATMENT] = '" + treatments[i] + "'";

                        LineSymbolizer colorSym = new LineSymbolizer();
                        colorSym.ScaleMode = ScaleMode.Geographic;
                        colorSym.SetOutline(Color.DarkGray, adjOutlineWidth);
                        colorSym.SetFillColor(Color.FromArgb(r[i], g[i], b[i]));

                        colorCat.Symbolizer = colorSym;

                        // assign (default) selection symbolizer
                        colorCat.SelectionSymbolizer = catSelSym;

                        // done
            ((MapLineLayer)moduleRoads.Layer).ShowLabels = false;

            FeatureLayer roadFeatures = moduleRoads.Layer as FeatureLayer;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Project.settings.GetValue("road_labels")))
                string streetnames = "[" + Project.settings.GetValue(ModuleName + "_f_streetname") + "]";
                roadFeatures.AddLabels(streetnames, new Font("Tahoma", (float)8.0), moduleRoads.labelColor);
                roadFeatures.ShowLabels = Project.settings.GetValue("road_labels").Contains("true");

            ((MapLineLayer)moduleRoads.Layer).Symbology = rdScheme;