Example #1
        public bool CanBeSeen(MapPoint from, MapPoint to, bool throughEntities = false, WorldObject except = null)
            if (from == null || to == null)
            if (from == to)

            var occupiedCells = new short[0];

            if (!throughEntities)
                occupiedCells = Objects.Where(x => x.BlockSight && x != except).Select(x => x.Cell.Id).ToArray();

            var line = new LineSet(from, to);

            return(!(from point in line.EnumerateValidPoints().Skip(1) where to.CellId != point.CellId let cell = Cells[point.CellId]
                                                                                                                  where !cell.LineOfSight || !throughEntities && Array.IndexOf(occupiedCells, point.CellId) != -1 select point).Any());
Example #2
        public bool CanBeSeen(short from, short to, bool throughEntities = false)
            if (from == to)

            var occupiedCells = new short[0];

            if (!throughEntities)
                occupiedCells = GetAllFighters(true).FindAll(x => x.BlockSight).Select(x => x.CellId).ToArray();

            var line = new LineSet(new MapPoint(from), new MapPoint(to));

            var list = line.EnumerateValidPoints().Skip(1);

            return(!(from point in list
                     where to != point.CellId
                     let cell = point.CellId
                                where !Map.LineOfSight(cell) || !throughEntities && Array.IndexOf(occupiedCells, point.CellId) != -1
                                select point).Any());