public PacketChatGuildListReadResult(L2RPacket packet) { using (StreamWriter stm = new StreamWriter(@"Output\GuildChat.csv", true)) { if (stm.BaseStream.Length < 1) { stm.WriteLineAsync("Time,Name,Message,type,unk1,unk2,unk3,unk4,unk5,unk6"); } packet.Skip(11); ushort numMessages = packet.ReadUInt16(); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { unk1 = packet.ReadUInt64(); PlayerID = packet.ReadUInt64(); PlayerName = packet.ReadString(); unk2 = packet.ReadUInt32(); unk3 = packet.ReadUInt32(); MessageTime = packet.ReadDate(); Message = packet.ReadString(); unk4 = packet.ReadUInt32(); packet.Skip(27); unk5 = packet.ReadByte(); unk6 = packet.ReadByte(); stm.WriteLineAsync(MessageTime + "," + PlayerName + "," + Message + ",GuildRead," + unk1 + "," + unk2 + "," + unk3 + "," + unk4 + "," + unk5 + "," + unk6); } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PacketSimpleEquipment"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="packet">The packet.</param> public PacketSimpleEquipment(IL2RPacket Packet) { L2RPacket packet = (L2RPacket)Packet; ItemInfoID = packet.ReadUInt32(); EnchantLevel = packet.ReadByte(); byte tmpUnk = packet.ReadByte(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PacketPartyEmblem"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="packet">The packet.</param> public PacketPartyEmblem(IL2RPacket Packet) { L2RPacket packet = (L2RPacket)Packet; PartyName = packet.ReadString(); Bool = packet.ReadByte(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PacketPKMode"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="packet">The packet.</param> public PacketPKMode(IL2RPacket pkt) { L2RPacket packet = (L2RPacket)pkt; PkStatus = packet.ReadByte(); Monster = packet.ReadByte(); Guild = packet.ReadByte(); Alliance = packet.ReadByte(); Friends = packet.ReadByte(); EtcPlayer = packet.ReadByte(); BadPlayer = packet.ReadByte(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PacketPlayerKillNotify" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="packet">The packet.</param> public PacketPlayerKillNotify(L2RPacket packet) { using (StreamWriter fileStreamer = new StreamWriter(@"Output\GuildPvp.Txt", true)) { ClanName = packet.ReadString(); PlayerName = packet.ReadString(); Clan2Name = packet.ReadString(); Player2Name = packet.ReadString(); var region = GetRegionByCode(packet.ReadInt32()); Region = region.Key; Channel = region.Value; var Unknown = packet.ReadByte(); // Unknown Int32, Unknown byte fileStreamer.WriteLineAsync(PlayerName + "(" + ClanName + ") Killed " + Player2Name + "(" + Clan2Name + ")."); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PacketClanMemberListReadResult" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="packet">The packet.</param> public PacketClanMemberListReadResult(L2RPacket packet) { using (StreamWriter fileStream = new StreamWriter(@"Output\GuildMemberList.csv", true)) { // Parses the header of the PktGuildMemberListReadresult // First two bytes are not used. packet.Skip(2); ClanID = packet.ReadUInt64(); MemberCount = packet.ReadUInt16(); // Parses the PktGuildMemberListReadresult while (packet.Remaining > 0) { PacketClanMemberItem item = new PacketClanMemberItem { PlayerID = packet.ReadUInt64(), PlayerName = packet.ReadString(), ClanRole = CSV.guildMemberGrade.guildMemberGradeName(packet.ReadByte()), Race = CSV.race.RaceName(packet.ReadInt32()), PlayerClass = CSV.Class.className(packet.ReadUInt16()), UnkA = packet.ReadByte(), UnkB = packet.ReadByte(), Level = packet.ReadUInt16(), Offline = Misc.Misc.CalcTime(packet.ReadUInt64()), Contribution = packet.ReadUInt32(), TotalContribution = packet.ReadUInt32(), IGreet = packet.ReadByte(), TheyGreet = packet.ReadByte(), Checkin = packet.ReadByte(), PlayerCP = packet.ReadUInt32(), Unk1 = packet.ReadUInt32(), RewardCount = packet.ReadByte(), WorldID =, introLength = packet.ReadUInt16(), Introduction = packet.ReadString() }; packet.Skip(1); Members.Add(item); fileStream.WriteLineAsync(item.PlayerID + "," + item.PlayerName + "," + item.Level + "," + item.PlayerCP + "," + item.ClanRole + "," + item.PlayerClass + "," + item.Offline + "," + item.Contribution + "," + item.TotalContribution + ", " + item.Checkin + "," + item.RewardCount + "," + item.WorldID + "," + item.Introduction); } fileStream.WriteLineAsync("\n\n"); }; }
public PacketClanInfoReadResult(L2RPacket packet) { //using (StreamWriter fileStream = new StreamWriter(@"Output\DetailedGuildInfo.csv", true)) //{ // First two bytes are not used. packet.Skip(2); ////Writes header for the PktGuildInfoReadresult //if (fileStream.BaseStream.Length < 1) //{ // fileStream.WriteLineAsync("ID,Ranking,Name,Leader,Level,Exp,As Percentage, Reputation,Combat Power,Adena," + // "Proof of Blood,Red Star Stone,Members,Checked in Yesterday,Checked in Today," + // "Fortress Owned,Fortress Occupy Date,Wins,Draws,Losses,Require Approval," + // "Level Requirement,Intro,Notice"); //} ID = packet.ReadUInt64(); Name = packet.ReadString(); EmblemSymbolID = packet.ReadUInt32(); EmblemBackgroundID = packet.ReadUInt32(); Level = packet.ReadUInt16(); Exp = packet.ReadUInt32(); Adena = packet.ReadUInt64(); BloodCrystal = packet.ReadUInt64(); Intro = packet.ReadString(); Notice = packet.ReadString(); IsPublic = packet.ReadByte(); Ranking = packet.ReadUInt32(); RankingTotal = packet.ReadUInt32(); Reputation = packet.ReadUInt32(); LeaderName = packet.ReadString(); SquireCount = packet.ReadByte(); packet.Skip(1); GuardCount = packet.ReadByte(); packet.Skip(1); KnightCount = packet.ReadByte(); packet.Skip(1); CaptainCount = packet.ReadByte(); packet.Skip(1); ElderCount = packet.ReadByte(); packet.Skip(1); RequireApproval = packet.ReadByte(); LevelRequirement = packet.ReadByte(); CastleOwned = packet.ReadUInt32(); packet.Skip(1); FortressOwned = Convert.ToString(packet.ReadUInt32()); RedStarStone = packet.ReadUInt16(); packet.Skip(100); // Junk Data PacketID2 = packet.ReadUInt32(); ID2 = packet.ReadUInt64(); Name2 = packet.ReadString(); Emblem2SymbolID = packet.ReadUInt32(); Emblem2BackgroundID = packet.ReadUInt32(); //Intro2 = packet.ReadString(); Level2 = packet.ReadUInt16(); Exp2 = packet.ReadUInt32(); Reputation2 = packet.ReadUInt64(); Spacer = packet.ReadUInt32(); Members = packet.ReadUInt16(); //Leader2Name = packet.ReadString(); Adena2 = packet.ReadUInt64(); RequireApproval2 = packet.ReadByte(); LevelRequirement2 = packet.ReadUInt16(); Wins = packet.ReadUInt16(); Draws = packet.ReadUInt16(); Losses = packet.ReadUInt16(); CombatPower2 = packet.ReadUInt64(); Unk3 = packet.ReadUInt64(); Unk4 = packet.ReadByte(); FortressOccupyDate = Convert.ToDouble(packet.ReadUInt64()); if (FortressOccupyDate > 0) { FortressOccupyDate = FortressOccupyDate / 60 / 60 / 24 + 25569 - (5 / 24); } Unk5 = packet.ReadByte(); Unk6 = packet.ReadUInt64(); Unk7 = packet.ReadByte(); Four = packet.ReadUInt16(); Unk8 = packet.ReadByte(); SiegeDate = Convert.ToDouble(packet.ReadUInt64()); SiegeDate = SiegeDate / 60 / 60 / 24 + 25569 - (5 / 24); BidDate = Convert.ToDouble(packet.ReadUInt64()); BidDate = BidDate / 60 / 60 / 24 + 25569 - (5 / 24); CombatPower = packet.ReadUInt64(); Seven = packet.ReadUInt32(); Unk9 = packet.ReadByte(); CastleDate = Convert.ToDouble(packet.ReadUInt32()); CastleDate = CastleDate / 60 / 60 / 24 + 25569 - (5 / 24); Unk11 = packet.ReadUInt16(); Unk12 = packet.ReadByte(); Unk13 = packet.ReadByte(); Unk14 = packet.ReadByte(); Unk14_2 = packet.ReadByte(); Unk15 = packet.ReadUInt32(); Unk15_2 = packet.ReadUInt32(); CheckinYesterday = packet.ReadUInt16(); CheckinToday = packet.ReadUInt16(); Unk17 = packet.ReadUInt16(); Unk18 = packet.ReadUInt32(); Unk18_2 = packet.ReadUInt32(); Unk20 = packet.ReadUInt16(); Unk21 = packet.ReadUInt16(); Unk22 = packet.ReadUInt16(); Unk23 = packet.ReadUInt16(); Unk24 = packet.ReadUInt16(); Unk25 = packet.ReadUInt16(); Unk26 = packet.ReadUInt16(); Unk27 = packet.ReadUInt16(); Unk28 = packet.ReadUInt16(); Unk29 = packet.ReadUInt16(); Unk30 = packet.ReadUInt16(); Unk32 = packet.ReadByte(); // Calculates Total Members from Data given for all Clans TMembers = SquireCount + GuardCount + KnightCount + CaptainCount + ElderCount + 1; //// Calculates Percentage to next level. //ExpPer = Convert.ToDouble(CSV.guildLevelUp.guildLevelUpExp(Level)); //ExpPer = Exp / ExpPer * 100; //fileStream.Write(ID + "," + Ranking + "," + Name + "," + LeaderName + "," + Level + "," + Exp + "," + ExpPer + "%," + // Reputation + "," + CombatPower + "," + Adena + "," + BloodCrystal + "," + RedStarStone + "," + // TMembers + "," + CheckinYesterday + "," + CheckinToday + "," + // FortressOwned + ","); //if (FortressOccupyDate > 0) //{ fileStream.Write(FortressOccupyDate + "," + Wins + "," + Draws + "," + Losses + ","); } //else //{ fileStream.Write(",,,,"); } //fileStream.Write(RequireApproval + "," + LevelRequirement + ",\"" + Intro + "\",\"" + Notice + "\"\n"); //} }