Example #1
        private void SetRowDataForItem(RecipeRow row, string alias, JsonFileData jsonFileData)
            JObject json = jsonFileData.Json;

            JToken appeal = json.SelectToken("entity_data.stonehearth:appeal.appeal");

            row.SetAppeal(appeal == null ? null : appeal.ToObject <int?>());

            JToken hasVariableItemQuality = json.SelectToken("entity_data.stonehearth:item_quality.variable_quality");

            row.SetIsVariableQuality(hasVariableItemQuality == null ? null : hasVariableItemQuality.ToObject <bool?>());

            JToken shopLevel = json.SelectToken("entity_data.stonehearth:net_worth.shop_info.shopkeeper_level");

            row.SetShopLvl(shopLevel == null ? null : shopLevel.ToObject <int?>());
            JToken isBuyable = json.SelectToken("entity_data.stonehearth:net_worth.shop_info.buyable");

            row.SetIsBuyable(isBuyable == null ? null : isBuyable.ToObject <bool?>());
            JToken isSellable = json.SelectToken("entity_data.stonehearth:net_worth.shop_info.sellable");

            row.SetIsSellable(isSellable == null ? null : isSellable.ToObject <bool?>());


            row.Item = jsonFileData;
            row.SetNetWorth(jsonFileData.NetWorth == -1 ? (int?)null : (int?)jsonFileData.NetWorth);

            if (jsonFileData.GetModuleFile() != null && jsonFileData.GetModuleFile().IsDeprecated)
                row.IsDeprecated = true;
Example #2
        private void LoadRecipesForJob(string jobAlias)
            string modName           = jobAlias.Split(':')[0];
            int    index             = jobAlias.IndexOf(':');
            string jobKey            = jobAlias.Substring(index + 1);
            char   sep               = System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
            string recipeFileDataKey = modName + sep + "aliases" + sep + jobKey + sep + "recipes";

            JsonFileData recipesIndex = ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().GetSelectedFileData(recipeFileDataKey) as JsonFileData;

            // Non-crafter jobs will not have recipes
            if (recipesIndex == null)

            Dictionary <string, FileData> recipeFileData = recipesIndex.LinkedFileData;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, FileData> recipe in recipeFileData)
                JsonFileData jsonFileData    = recipe.Value as JsonFileData;
                JObject      recipeJson      = jsonFileData.Json;
                JArray       ingredientArray = recipeJson["ingredients"] as JArray;
                JArray       productArray    = recipeJson["produces"] as JArray;

                foreach (JToken product in productArray)
                    RecipeRow row = mDataTable.NewRecipeRow();

                    row.RecipeList = recipesIndex;
                    row.Recipe     = jsonFileData;

                    JToken lvlReq    = recipeJson["level_requirement"];
                    JToken effort    = recipeJson["effort"];
                    JToken workUnits = recipeJson["work_units"];
                    JToken appeal    = recipeJson.SelectToken("entity_data.stonehearth:appeal.appeal");

                    row.SetLevelRequired(lvlReq == null ? null : lvlReq.ToObject <int?>());
                    row.SetEffort(effort == null ? null : effort.ToObject <int?>());
                    row.SetWorkUnits(workUnits == null ? null : workUnits.ToObject <int?>());

                    JToken item = product["item"];
                    if (item != null)
                        string alias = item.ToString();
                        // Check aliases linked by recipe file
                        JsonFileData itemFileData = FindLinkedJsonMatchingAlias(jsonFileData, alias) ?? jsonFileData;
                        SetRowDataForItem(row, alias, itemFileData);

                    foreach (JToken ingredient in ingredientArray)
                        JToken uri      = ingredient["uri"];
                        JToken material = ingredient["material"];
                        JToken count    = ingredient["count"];

                        Ingredient ingredientData = row.AddNewIngredient();
                        ingredientData.Amount = count.ToObject <int>();

                        if (material != null)
                            ingredientData.Name = material.ToString();
                        else if (uri != null)
                            JsonFileData ingrJsonFileData = FindLinkedJsonMatchingAlias(jsonFileData, uri.ToString());
                            if (ingrJsonFileData == null)
                                MessageBox.Show("Could not find ingredient \"" + uri + "\" in the manifest for recipe \"" + jsonFileData.FileName + "\"");

                            ingredientData.Name = ingrJsonFileData.GetModuleFile().FullAlias;
                            throw new Exception("Recipe " + jsonFileData.GetModuleFile().FullAlias + " has invalid ingredient with no uri/material field");
