Example #1
    private IEnumerator DownloadIASData(bool cachedDataLoaded = false)
        // Wait for an active internet connection
        while (Application.internetReachability == NetworkReachability.NotReachable)
            yield return(null);

        ProjectManager.AdvLog("IAS downloading data..");

        // Iterate through each JSON file
        for (int jsonFileId = 0; jsonFileId < jsonUrls.Length; jsonFileId++)
            // Download the JSON file
            WWW wwwJSON = new WWW(jsonUrls[jsonFileId]);

            // Wait for the JSON data to be downloaded
            yield return(wwwJSON);

            // Check for any errors
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wwwJSON.error))
                Analytics.LogError("IAS", "JSON download error! " + wwwJSON.error);
                yield break;
            else if (wwwJSON.text.Contains("There was an error"))
                Analytics.LogError("IAS", "JSON download error! Serverside system error!");
                yield break;
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wwwJSON.text))
                Analytics.LogError("IAS", "JSON download error! Empty JSON!");
                yield break;

            JsonFileData tempAdvertData = JsonUtility.FromJson <JsonFileData>(wwwJSON.text);

            // Dispose of the wwwJSON data (clear it from memory)

            if (tempAdvertData == null)
                Analytics.LogError("IAS", "Temp advert data was null!");
                yield break;

            if (!DoesSlotFileIdExist(jsonFileId))
                advertData.Add(new AdJsonFileData());

            bool needToReloadAdSlots = !cachedDataLoaded;
            bool needToRandomizeSlot = false;

            // We're currently only using the slots, not containers
            for (int i = 0; i < tempAdvertData.slots.Count; i++)
                JsonSlotData curSlot = tempAdvertData.slots[i];

                // We'll be converting the slot id (e.g 1a, 1c or 2f) into just number and just character values
                int slotInt; char slotChar;

                // Attempt to extract the slot int from the slot id
                if (!int.TryParse(Regex.Replace(curSlot.slotid, "[^0-9]", ""), out slotInt))
                    Analytics.LogError("IAS", "Failed to parse slot int from '" + curSlot.slotid + "'");
                    yield break;

                // Attempt to extract the slot character from the slot id
                if (!char.TryParse(Regex.Replace(curSlot.slotid, "[^a-z]", ""), out slotChar))
                    Analytics.LogError("IAS", "Failed to parse slot char from '" + curSlot.slotid + "'");
                    yield break;

                // If this slot doesn't exist yet create a new slot for it
                if (!DoesSlotIntExist(jsonFileId, slotInt))
                    advertData[jsonFileId].slotInts.Add(new AdSlotData(slotInt, new List <AdData>()));

                // Get the index in the list for slotInt
                int slotDataIndex = GetSlotIndex(jsonFileId, slotInt);

                if (slotDataIndex < 0)
                    Analytics.LogError("IAS", "Failed to get slotDataIndex!");
                    yield break;

                // Make sure this slot char isn't repeated in the json file within this slot int for some reason
                if (!DoesSlotCharExist(jsonFileId, slotInt, slotChar))
                    advertData[jsonFileId].slotInts[slotDataIndex].advert.Add(new AdData(slotChar));
                    needToRandomizeSlot = true;

                int slotAdIndex = GetAdIndex(jsonFileId, slotInt, slotChar);

                if (slotAdIndex < 0)
                    Analytics.LogError("IAS", "Failed to get slotAdIndex! Could not find " + slotInt + ", " + slotChar.ToString());
                    yield break;

                AdData curAdData = advertData[jsonFileId].slotInts[slotDataIndex].advert[slotAdIndex];

                // Extract the bundleId of the advert
                                        #if UNITY_ANDROID
                // Regex extracts the id GET request from the URL which is the package name of the game
                // (replaces everything that does NOT match id=blahblah END or NOT match id=blahblah AMERPERSAND
                string packageName = Regex.Match(curSlot.adurl, "(?<=id=)((?!(&|\\?)).)*").Value;
                                        #elif UNITY_IOS
                // IOS we just need to grab the name after the hash in the URL
                string packageName = Regex.Match(curSlot.adurl, "(?<=.*#).*").Value;
                // For other platforms we should be fine to just use the full URL for package name comparisons as we'll be using .Compare
                // And other platforms won't include any other referral bundle ids in their URLs
                string packageName = curSlot.adurl;

                string imageFileType = Regex.Match(curSlot.imgurl, "(?<=/uploads/adverts/.*)\\.[A-z]*[^(\\?|\")]").Value;

                curAdData.fileName    = curSlot.slotid + imageFileType;
                curAdData.isSelf      = packageName.Contains(bundleId);
                curAdData.isActive    = curSlot.active;
                curAdData.isInstalled = IsPackageInstalled(packageName);
                curAdData.adUrl       = curSlot.adurl;
                curAdData.packageName = packageName;

                curAdData.imgUrl = curSlot.imgurl;

                if (curAdData.newUpdateTime < curSlot.updatetime || curAdData.newUpdateTime == 0L)
                    needToReloadAdSlots = true;

                curAdData.newUpdateTime = curSlot.updatetime;

                // I'm not pre-downloading all the images here because it takes quite a long time to download even on our fast ethernet connection (~15 seconds)
                // So I think it's best to download the images (if needed) when the ads are called to be refreshed

            if (needToRandomizeSlot)

            if (needToReloadAdSlots)


        ProjectManager.AdvLog("IAS Done");