Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Recalculates the axis aligned bounding box and the inertia
        /// values in world space.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Update()
            if (isParticle)
                this.inertia        = JMatrix.Zero;
                this.invInertia     = this.invInertiaWorld = JMatrix.Zero;
                this.invOrientation = this.orientation = JMatrix.Identity;
                this.boundingBox    = shape.boundingBox;
                JVector.Add(ref boundingBox.Min, ref this.position, out boundingBox.Min);
                JVector.Add(ref boundingBox.Max, ref this.position, out boundingBox.Max);

                // Given: Orientation, Inertia
                JMatrix.Transpose(ref orientation, out invOrientation);
                this.Shape.GetBoundingBox(ref orientation, out boundingBox);
                JVector.Add(ref boundingBox.Min, ref this.position, out boundingBox.Min);
                JVector.Add(ref boundingBox.Max, ref this.position, out boundingBox.Max);

                if (!isStatic)
                    JMatrix.Multiply(ref invOrientation, ref invInertia, out invInertiaWorld);
                    JMatrix.Multiply(ref invInertiaWorld, ref orientation, out invInertiaWorld);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// PrepareForIteration has to be called before <see cref="Iterate"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timestep">The timestep of the simulation.</param>
        public void PrepareForIteration(float timestep)
            float dvx, dvy, dvz;

            if (considerAngularVelocity)
                dvx = (body2.angularVelocity.Y * relativePos2.Z) - (body2.angularVelocity.Z * relativePos2.Y) + body2.linearVelocity.X;
                dvy = (body2.angularVelocity.Z * relativePos2.X) - (body2.angularVelocity.X * relativePos2.Z) + body2.linearVelocity.Y;
                dvz = (body2.angularVelocity.X * relativePos2.Y) - (body2.angularVelocity.Y * relativePos2.X) + body2.linearVelocity.Z;

                dvx = dvx - (body1.angularVelocity.Y * relativePos1.Z) + (body1.angularVelocity.Z * relativePos1.Y) - body1.linearVelocity.X;
                dvy = dvy - (body1.angularVelocity.Z * relativePos1.X) + (body1.angularVelocity.X * relativePos1.Z) - body1.linearVelocity.Y;
                dvz = dvz - (body1.angularVelocity.X * relativePos1.Y) + (body1.angularVelocity.Y * relativePos1.X) - body1.linearVelocity.Z;
                dvx = body2.linearVelocity.X;
                dvy = body2.linearVelocity.Y;
                dvz = body2.linearVelocity.Z;

                dvx = dvx - body1.linearVelocity.X;
                dvy = dvy - body1.linearVelocity.Y;
                dvz = dvz - body1.linearVelocity.Z;

            float kNormal = 0.0f;

            JVector rantra = JVector.Zero;

            if (!treatBody1AsStatic)
                kNormal += body1.inverseMass;

                if (!body1IsMassPoint)
                    // JVector.Cross(ref relativePos1, ref normal, out rantra);
                    rantra.X = (relativePos1.Y * normal.Z) - (relativePos1.Z * normal.Y);
                    rantra.Y = (relativePos1.Z * normal.X) - (relativePos1.X * normal.Z);
                    rantra.Z = (relativePos1.X * normal.Y) - (relativePos1.Y * normal.X);

                    // JVector.Transform(ref rantra, ref body1.invInertiaWorld, out rantra);
                    float num0 = ((rantra.X * body1.invInertiaWorld.M11) + (rantra.Y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M21)) + (rantra.Z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M31);
                    float num1 = ((rantra.X * body1.invInertiaWorld.M12) + (rantra.Y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M22)) + (rantra.Z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M32);
                    float num2 = ((rantra.X * body1.invInertiaWorld.M13) + (rantra.Y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M23)) + (rantra.Z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M33);

                    rantra.X = num0; rantra.Y = num1; rantra.Z = num2;

                    //JVector.Cross(ref rantra, ref relativePos1, out rantra);
                    num0 = (rantra.Y * relativePos1.Z) - (rantra.Z * relativePos1.Y);
                    num1 = (rantra.Z * relativePos1.X) - (rantra.X * relativePos1.Z);
                    num2 = (rantra.X * relativePos1.Y) - (rantra.Y * relativePos1.X);

                    rantra.X = num0; rantra.Y = num1; rantra.Z = num2;

            JVector rbntrb = JVector.Zero;

            if (!treatBody2AsStatic)
                kNormal += body2.inverseMass;

                if (!body2IsMassPoint)
                    // JVector.Cross(ref relativePos1, ref normal, out rantra);
                    rbntrb.X = (relativePos2.Y * normal.Z) - (relativePos2.Z * normal.Y);
                    rbntrb.Y = (relativePos2.Z * normal.X) - (relativePos2.X * normal.Z);
                    rbntrb.Z = (relativePos2.X * normal.Y) - (relativePos2.Y * normal.X);

                    // JVector.Transform(ref rantra, ref body1.invInertiaWorld, out rantra);
                    float num0 = ((rbntrb.X * body2.invInertiaWorld.M11) + (rbntrb.Y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M21)) + (rbntrb.Z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M31);
                    float num1 = ((rbntrb.X * body2.invInertiaWorld.M12) + (rbntrb.Y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M22)) + (rbntrb.Z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M32);
                    float num2 = ((rbntrb.X * body2.invInertiaWorld.M13) + (rbntrb.Y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M23)) + (rbntrb.Z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M33);

                    rbntrb.X = num0; rbntrb.Y = num1; rbntrb.Z = num2;

                    //JVector.Cross(ref rantra, ref relativePos1, out rantra);
                    num0 = (rbntrb.Y * relativePos2.Z) - (rbntrb.Z * relativePos2.Y);
                    num1 = (rbntrb.Z * relativePos2.X) - (rbntrb.X * relativePos2.Z);
                    num2 = (rbntrb.X * relativePos2.Y) - (rbntrb.Y * relativePos2.X);

                    rbntrb.X = num0; rbntrb.Y = num1; rbntrb.Z = num2;

            if (!treatBody1AsStatic)
                kNormal += rantra.X * normal.X + rantra.Y * normal.Y + rantra.Z * normal.Z;
            if (!treatBody2AsStatic)
                kNormal += rbntrb.X * normal.X + rbntrb.Y * normal.Y + rbntrb.Z * normal.Z;

            massNormal = 1.0f / kNormal;

            float num = dvx * normal.X + dvy * normal.Y + dvz * normal.Z;

            tangent.X = dvx - normal.X * num;
            tangent.Y = dvy - normal.Y * num;
            tangent.Z = dvz - normal.Z * num;

            num = tangent.X * tangent.X + tangent.Y * tangent.Y + tangent.Z * tangent.Z;

            if (num != 0.0f)
                num        = (float)Math.Sqrt(num);
                tangent.X /= num;
                tangent.Y /= num;
                tangent.Z /= num;

            float kTangent = 0.0f;

            if (treatBody1AsStatic)
                kTangent += body1.inverseMass;

                if (!body1IsMassPoint)
                    // JVector.Cross(ref relativePos1, ref normal, out rantra);
                    rantra.X = (relativePos1.Y * tangent.Z) - (relativePos1.Z * tangent.Y);
                    rantra.Y = (relativePos1.Z * tangent.X) - (relativePos1.X * tangent.Z);
                    rantra.Z = (relativePos1.X * tangent.Y) - (relativePos1.Y * tangent.X);

                    // JVector.Transform(ref rantra, ref body1.invInertiaWorld, out rantra);
                    float num0 = ((rantra.X * body1.invInertiaWorld.M11) + (rantra.Y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M21)) + (rantra.Z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M31);
                    float num1 = ((rantra.X * body1.invInertiaWorld.M12) + (rantra.Y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M22)) + (rantra.Z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M32);
                    float num2 = ((rantra.X * body1.invInertiaWorld.M13) + (rantra.Y * body1.invInertiaWorld.M23)) + (rantra.Z * body1.invInertiaWorld.M33);

                    rantra.X = num0; rantra.Y = num1; rantra.Z = num2;

                    //JVector.Cross(ref rantra, ref relativePos1, out rantra);
                    num0 = (rantra.Y * relativePos1.Z) - (rantra.Z * relativePos1.Y);
                    num1 = (rantra.Z * relativePos1.X) - (rantra.X * relativePos1.Z);
                    num2 = (rantra.X * relativePos1.Y) - (rantra.Y * relativePos1.X);

                    rantra.X = num0; rantra.Y = num1; rantra.Z = num2;

            if (treatBody2AsStatic)
                kTangent += body2.inverseMass;

                if (!body2IsMassPoint)
                    // JVector.Cross(ref relativePos1, ref normal, out rantra);
                    rbntrb.X = (relativePos2.Y * tangent.Z) - (relativePos2.Z * tangent.Y);
                    rbntrb.Y = (relativePos2.Z * tangent.X) - (relativePos2.X * tangent.Z);
                    rbntrb.Z = (relativePos2.X * tangent.Y) - (relativePos2.Y * tangent.X);

                    // JVector.Transform(ref rantra, ref body1.invInertiaWorld, out rantra);
                    float num0 = ((rbntrb.X * body2.invInertiaWorld.M11) + (rbntrb.Y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M21)) + (rbntrb.Z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M31);
                    float num1 = ((rbntrb.X * body2.invInertiaWorld.M12) + (rbntrb.Y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M22)) + (rbntrb.Z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M32);
                    float num2 = ((rbntrb.X * body2.invInertiaWorld.M13) + (rbntrb.Y * body2.invInertiaWorld.M23)) + (rbntrb.Z * body2.invInertiaWorld.M33);

                    rbntrb.X = num0; rbntrb.Y = num1; rbntrb.Z = num2;

                    //JVector.Cross(ref rantra, ref relativePos1, out rantra);
                    num0 = (rbntrb.Y * relativePos2.Z) - (rbntrb.Z * relativePos2.Y);
                    num1 = (rbntrb.Z * relativePos2.X) - (rbntrb.X * relativePos2.Z);
                    num2 = (rbntrb.X * relativePos2.Y) - (rbntrb.Y * relativePos2.X);

                    rbntrb.X = num0; rbntrb.Y = num1; rbntrb.Z = num2;

            if (!treatBody1AsStatic)
                kTangent += JVector.Dot(ref rantra, ref tangent);
            if (!treatBody2AsStatic)
                kTangent += JVector.Dot(ref rbntrb, ref tangent);
            massTangent = 1.0f / kTangent;

            restitutionBias = lostSpeculativeBounce;

            speculativeVelocity = 0.0f;

            float relNormalVel = normal.X * dvx + normal.Y * dvy + normal.Z * dvz; //JVector.Dot(ref normal, ref dv);

            if (Penetration > settings.allowedPenetration)
                restitutionBias = settings.bias * (1.0f / timestep) * JMath.Max(0.0f, Penetration - settings.allowedPenetration);
                restitutionBias = JMath.Clamp(restitutionBias, 0.0f, settings.maximumBias);
                //  body1IsMassPoint = body2IsMassPoint = false;

            float timeStepRatio = timestep / lastTimeStep;

            accumulatedNormalImpulse  *= timeStepRatio;
            accumulatedTangentImpulse *= timeStepRatio;

                // Static/Dynamic friction
                float relTangentVel     = -(tangent.X * dvx + tangent.Y * dvy + tangent.Z * dvz);
                float tangentImpulse    = massTangent * relTangentVel;
                float maxTangentImpulse = -staticFriction * accumulatedNormalImpulse;

                if (tangentImpulse < maxTangentImpulse)
                    friction = dynamicFriction;
                    friction = staticFriction;

            JVector impulse;

            // Simultaneos solving and restitution is simply not possible
            // so fake it a bit by just applying restitution impulse when there
            // is a new contact.
            if (relNormalVel < -1.0f && newContact)
                restitutionBias = Math.Max(-restitution * relNormalVel, restitutionBias);

            // Speculative Contacts!
            // if the penetration is negative (which means the bodies are not already in contact, but they will
            // be in the future) we store the current bounce bias in the variable 'lostSpeculativeBounce'
            // and apply it the next frame, when the speculative contact was already solved.
            if (penetration < -settings.allowedPenetration)
                speculativeVelocity = penetration / timestep;

                lostSpeculativeBounce = restitutionBias;
                restitutionBias       = 0.0f;
                lostSpeculativeBounce = 0.0f;

            impulse.X = normal.X * accumulatedNormalImpulse + tangent.X * accumulatedTangentImpulse;
            impulse.Y = normal.Y * accumulatedNormalImpulse + tangent.Y * accumulatedTangentImpulse;
            impulse.Z = normal.Z * accumulatedNormalImpulse + tangent.Z * accumulatedTangentImpulse;

            if (!treatBody1AsStatic)
                body1.linearVelocity.X -= (impulse.X * body1.inverseMass);
                body1.linearVelocity.Y -= (impulse.Y * body1.inverseMass);
                body1.linearVelocity.Z -= (impulse.Z * body1.inverseMass);

                if (!body1IsMassPoint && considerAngularVelocity)
                    float num0, num1, num2;
                    num0 = relativePos1.Y * impulse.Z - relativePos1.Z * impulse.Y;
                    num1 = relativePos1.Z * impulse.X - relativePos1.X * impulse.Z;
                    num2 = relativePos1.X * impulse.Y - relativePos1.Y * impulse.X;

                    float num3 =
                        (((num0 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M11) +
                          (num1 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M21)) +
                         (num2 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M31));
                    float num4 =
                        (((num0 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M12) +
                          (num1 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M22)) +
                         (num2 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M32));
                    float num5 =
                        (((num0 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M13) +
                          (num1 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M23)) +
                         (num2 * body1.invInertiaWorld.M33));

                    body1.angularVelocity.X -= num3;
                    body1.angularVelocity.Y -= num4;
                    body1.angularVelocity.Z -= num5;

            if (!treatBody2AsStatic)
                body2.linearVelocity.X += (impulse.X * body2.inverseMass);
                body2.linearVelocity.Y += (impulse.Y * body2.inverseMass);
                body2.linearVelocity.Z += (impulse.Z * body2.inverseMass);

                if (!body2IsMassPoint && considerAngularVelocity)
                    float num0, num1, num2;
                    num0 = relativePos2.Y * impulse.Z - relativePos2.Z * impulse.Y;
                    num1 = relativePos2.Z * impulse.X - relativePos2.X * impulse.Z;
                    num2 = relativePos2.X * impulse.Y - relativePos2.Y * impulse.X;

                    float num3 =
                        (((num0 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M11) +
                          (num1 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M21)) +
                         (num2 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M31));
                    float num4 =
                        (((num0 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M12) +
                          (num1 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M22)) +
                         (num2 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M32));
                    float num5 =
                        (((num0 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M13) +
                          (num1 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M23)) +
                         (num2 * body2.invInertiaWorld.M33));

                    body2.angularVelocity.X += num3;
                    body2.angularVelocity.Y += num4;
                    body2.angularVelocity.Z += num5;

            lastTimeStep = timestep;

            newContact = false;