public static async Task <LoadFileOperation> LoadToJSONObject(string path) { LoadFileOperation operation = new LoadFileOperation() { Success = false, Result = null }; if (File.Exists(path)) { string fileContent = ""; try { fileContent = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(path, Encoding.UTF8); operation.Success = JSONContainer.TryParse(fileContent, out operation.Result, out string error); return(operation); } catch (Exception e) { await YNBBotCore.Logger(new Discord.LogMessage(Discord.LogSeverity.Critical, "Save/Load", "Failed to load " + path, e)); } } return(operation); }
public static async Task <RequestJSONResult> GetWebJSONAsync(string url) { RequestJSONResult loadresult = new RequestJSONResult(); try { using (HttpRequestMessage requestmessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url)) { requestmessage.Version = new Version(1, 1); using (HttpResponseMessage responsemessage = await httpClient.SendAsync(requestmessage)) { loadresult.Status = responsemessage.StatusCode; loadresult.IsSuccess = responsemessage.IsSuccessStatusCode; if (responsemessage.IsSuccessStatusCode) { loadresult.rawData = await responsemessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); JSONContainer.TryParse(loadresult.rawData, out loadresult.JSON, out loadresult.jsonParseError); } } } } catch (Exception e) { loadresult.IsException = true; loadresult.ThrownException = e; } return(loadresult); }
protected override Task <ArgumentParseResult> ParseArgumentsGuildAsync(IGuildCommandContext context) { ArgumentContainer argOut = new ArgumentContainer(); if (!ArgumentParsing.TryParseGuildTextChannel(context, context.Arguments.First, out { return(Task.FromResult(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[0], "Failed to parse to a guild text channel!"))); } if (context.Message.Content.Length > Identifier.Length + context.Arguments.First.Length + 2) { context.Arguments.Index++; string embedText = context.RemoveArgumentsFront(1).Replace("[3`]", "```"); if (JSONContainer.TryParse(embedText, out JSONContainer json, out string errormessage)) { if (EmbedHelper.TryGetMessageFromJSONObject(json, out argOut.embed, out argOut.messageContent, out string error)) { return(Task.FromResult(new ArgumentParseResult(argOut))); } else { return(Task.FromResult(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[1], error))); } } else { return(Task.FromResult(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[1], $"Unable to parse JSON text to a json data structure! Error: `{errormessage}`"))); } }
protected override Task <ArgumentParseResult> ParseArguments(IDMCommandContext context) { if (context.Message.Content.Length > Identifier.Length + 1) { string embedText = context.ArgumentSection.Replace("[3`]", "```"); if (JSONContainer.TryParse(embedText, out JSONContainer json, out string errormessage)) { return(Task.FromResult(EmbedHelper.TryParseEmbedFromJSONObject(json, out embed, out messageContent))); } else { return(Task.FromResult(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[0], $"Unable to parse JSON text to a json data structure! Error: `{errormessage}`"))); } }
public static async Task <JSONContainer> LoadJSONFile(string path) { if (File.Exists(path)) { try { string filecontent = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(path); if (JSONContainer.TryParse(filecontent, out JSONContainer result, out string jsonerror)) { return(result); } else { await BotCore.Log(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, "RESOURCES", $"Couldn't load \"{path}\"! JSON parsing error: {jsonerror}")); return(null); } }
protected override async Task <ArgumentParseResult> ParseArgumentsGuildAsync(IGuildCommandContext context) { MacroIdentifier = context.Arguments.First; if (!StoredMessagesService.IsValidMacroName(MacroIdentifier)) { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[0], "Not a valid macro name!")); } context.Arguments.Index++; if (context.Arguments.First.ToLower() == "remove") { Delete = true; SelectedMacro = null; return(ArgumentParseResult.SuccessfullParse); } else { Delete = false; JSONContainer json; if (context.Arguments.First.StartsWith("http")) { string[] argSections = context.Arguments.First.Split("/", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (argSections.Length < 3) { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[1])); } if (!(ulong.TryParse(argSections[argSections.Length - 3], out ulong guildId) && ulong.TryParse(argSections[argSections.Length - 2], out ulong channelId) && ulong.TryParse(argSections[argSections.Length - 1], out ulong messageId))) { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[1])); } SocketGuild guild = BotCore.Client.GetGuild(guildId); if (guild == null) { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[1])); } SocketTextChannel channel = guild.GetTextChannel(channelId); if (channel == null) { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[1])); } IMessage message = await channel.GetMessageAsync(messageId); if (message == null) { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[1])); } EmbedHelper.GetJSONFromUserMessage(message, out json); SelectedMacro = new Macro(MacroIdentifier, json); } else { string embedText = context.RemoveArgumentsFront(1).Replace("[3`]", "```"); if (!JSONContainer.TryParse(embedText, out json, out string error)) { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[1])); } SelectedMacro = new Macro(MacroIdentifier, json); if (!SelectedMacro.Build(out _, out _, out error)) { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[1], error)); } } return(ArgumentParseResult.SuccessfullParse); } }
protected override Task <ArgumentParseResult> ParseArguments(IDMCommandContext context) { if (context.Arguments.TotalCount == 0) { mode = CommandMode.listall; return(Task.FromResult(ArgumentParseResult.DefaultNoArguments)); } if (context.Arguments.First.ToLower() == "save") { mode =; return(Task.FromResult(ArgumentParseResult.SuccessfullParse)); } BotVarId = context.Arguments.First; BotVarManager.TryGetBotVar(BotVarId, out BotVar); if (context.Arguments.TotalCount == 1) { mode = CommandMode.get; if (BotVar.IsDefined) { return(Task.FromResult(ArgumentParseResult.SuccessfullParse)); } else { return(Task.FromResult(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[0], $"Couldn't locate a config variable named `{BotVarId}`!"))); } } else { mode = CommandMode.set; } context.Arguments.Index++; if (context.Arguments.First.ToLower() == "delete") { mode = CommandMode.delete; if (!BotVar.IsDefined) { return(Task.FromResult(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[0], $"Couldn't locate a config variable named `{BotVarId}`!"))); } else { return(Task.FromResult(ArgumentParseResult.SuccessfullParse)); } } if (context.Arguments.TotalCount == 2) { return(Task.FromResult(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[2], "Cannot assign an empty value!"))); } if (!Enum.TryParse(context.Arguments.First, true, out assignType)) { return(Task.FromResult(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[1]))); } if (assignType == BotVarType.Undefined) { return(Task.FromResult(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[1]))); } context.Arguments.Index++; value = context.Arguments.First; switch (assignType) { case BotVarType.UInt64: if (ulong.TryParse(value, out ulong uint64Val)) { BotVar = new BotVar(BotVarId, uint64Val); } else { return(Task.FromResult(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[2]))); } break; case BotVarType.Int64: if (long.TryParse(value, out long int64Val)) { BotVar = new BotVar(BotVarId, int64Val); } else { return(Task.FromResult(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[2]))); } break; case BotVarType.Float64: if (double.TryParse(value, out double float64Val)) { BotVar = new BotVar(BotVarId, float64Val); } else { return(Task.FromResult(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[2]))); } break; case BotVarType.String: BotVar = new BotVar(BotVarId, value); break; case BotVarType.Bool: if (bool.TryParse(value, out bool boolVal)) { BotVar = new BotVar(BotVarId, boolVal); } else { return(Task.FromResult(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[2]))); } break; case BotVarType.Generic: if (JSONContainer.TryParse(value, out JSONContainer json, out string error)) { BotVar = new BotVar(BotVarId, json); } else { return(Task.FromResult(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[2], error))); } break;
protected override async Task <ArgumentParseResult> ParseArgumentsGuildAsync(IGuildCommandContext context) { ArgumentContainer argOut = new ArgumentContainer(); if (!context.Arguments.First.StartsWith("") || context.Arguments.First.Length < 40) { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[0], "Not a valid message link! Failed Startswith or length test")); } string[] messageIdentifiers = context.Arguments.First.Substring(32).Split('/'); if (messageIdentifiers.Length != 3) { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[0], "Not a valid message link! Failed split test")); } if (!ulong.TryParse(messageIdentifiers[0], out ulong guildId) || !ulong.TryParse(messageIdentifiers[1], out ulong channelId) || !ulong.TryParse(messageIdentifiers[2], out ulong messageId)) { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[0], "Not a valid message link! Failed id parse test")); } SocketGuild guild = BotCore.Client.GetGuild(guildId); if (guild != null) { SocketTextChannel channel = guild.GetTextChannel(channelId); if (channel != null) { argOut.message = await channel.GetMessageAsync(messageId) as IUserMessage; if (argOut.message == null) { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[0], "Found correct guild and correct channel, but not correct message! Has the message been deleted?")); } else if (argOut.message.Author.Id != BotCore.Client.CurrentUser.Id) { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[0], "Can not edit a message the bot didn't post itself")); } } else { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[0], "Found correct guild, but not the channel!")); } } else { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[0], "Could not find the correct guild!")); } if (context.Message.Content.Length > Identifier.Length + context.Arguments.First.Length + 2) { context.Arguments.Index++; string embedText = context.RemoveArgumentsFront(1).Replace("[3`]", "```"); if (JSONContainer.TryParse(embedText, out JSONContainer json, out string errormessage)) { if (EmbedHelper.TryGetMessageFromJSONObject(json, out argOut.embed, out argOut.messageContent, out string error)) { return(new ArgumentParseResult(argOut)); } else { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[1], error)); } } else { return(new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[1], $"Unable to parse JSON text to a json data structure! Error: `{errormessage}`")); } }
private bool parseArgument_Value(IDMCommandContext context, ArgumentContainer argOut, out ArgumentParseResult failedParse) { argOut.value = context.Arguments.First; switch (argOut.assignType) { case BotVarType.UInt64: if (ulong.TryParse(argOut.value, out ulong uint64Val)) { argOut.BotVar = new BotVar(argOut.BotVarId, uint64Val); } else { failedParse = new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[3]); return(false); } break; case BotVarType.Int64: if (long.TryParse(argOut.value, out long int64Val)) { argOut.BotVar = new BotVar(argOut.BotVarId, int64Val); } else { failedParse = new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[3]); return(false); } break; case BotVarType.Float64: if (double.TryParse(argOut.value, out double float64Val)) { argOut.BotVar = new BotVar(argOut.BotVarId, float64Val); } else { failedParse = new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[3]); return(false); } break; case BotVarType.String: argOut.BotVar = new BotVar(argOut.BotVarId, argOut.value); break; case BotVarType.Bool: if (bool.TryParse(argOut.value, out bool boolVal)) { argOut.BotVar = new BotVar(argOut.BotVarId, boolVal); } else { failedParse = new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[3]); return(false); } break; case BotVarType.Generic: string json_str = context.RemoveArgumentsFront(3); if (JSONContainer.TryParse(json_str, out JSONContainer json, out string error)) { argOut.BotVar = new BotVar(argOut.BotVarId, json); } else { failedParse = new ArgumentParseResult(Arguments[3], error); return(false); } break;