internal static void LoadSettings(ulong guildId, BotVar var) { if (var.IsGeneric) { JSONContainer json = var.Generic; if (json.TryGetField(JSON_ENABLEDEBUG, out JSONContainer debugSettings)) { if (debugSettings.IsArray) { for (int i = 0; i < debugSettings.Array.Count && i < debugLogging.Length; i++) { debugLogging[i] = debugSettings.Array[i].Boolean; } } } json.TryGetField(JSON_MODERATORROLE, out AdminRole); json.TryGetField(JSON_WELCOMINGMESSAGE, out welcomingMessage, welcomingMessage); json.TryGetField(JSON_MUTEROLE, out MuteRole); if (json.TryGetField(JSON_CHANNELINFOS, out JSONContainer guildChannelInfoContainer)) { GuildChannelHelper.FromJSON(guildChannelInfoContainer); } if (json.TryGetArrayField(JSON_AUTOASSIGNROLEIDS, out JSONContainer autoAssignRoles)) { foreach (JSONField idField in autoAssignRoles.Array) { if (idField.IsNumber && !idField.IsFloat && !idField.IsSigned) { EventLogger.AutoAssignRoleIds.Add(idField.Unsigned_Int64); } } } } }
public bool ApplyJSON(JSONContainer json) { if (json.TryGetField(JSON_RED, out uint red) && json.TryGetField(JSON_GREEN, out uint green) && json.TryGetField(JSON_BLUE, out uint blue)) { C = new Color((byte)red, (byte)green, (byte)blue); return(true); } return(false); }
public bool FromJSON(JSONContainer json) { if (json.TryGetField(JSON_ID, out Id)) { json.TryGetField(JSON_ALLOWCOMMANDS, out AllowCommands, DEFAULT_ALLOWCOMMANDS); json.TryGetField(JSON_ALLOWSHITPOSTING, out AllowShitposting, DEFAULT_ALLOWSHITPOSTING); return(true); } return(false); }
public bool ApplyJSON(JSONContainer json) { macros.Clear(); quotes.Clear(); if (json.TryGetField(JSON_QUOTEID, out QuoteId) && json.TryGetArrayField(JSON_MACROS, out JSONContainer macroList) && json.TryGetArrayField(JSON_QUOTES, out JSONContainer quoteList)) { foreach (JSONField macroField in macroList.Array) { if (macroField.IsObject) { Macro macro = new Macro(); if (macro.ApplyJSON(macroField.Container)) { macros[macro.Identifier] = macro; } } } foreach (JSONField quoteField in quoteList.Array) { if (quoteField.IsObject) { Quote quote = new Quote(); if (quote.ApplyJSON(quoteField.Container)) { quotes[quote.QuoteId] = quote; } } } return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Initiates the GuildChannelHelpers stored configs and ids from a json object /// </summary> /// <param name="json">json data</param> public static void FromJSON(JSONContainer json) { channelConfigs.Clear(); json.TryGetField(JSON_DEBUGCHANNELID, out DebugChannelId); json.TryGetField(JSON_WELCOMINGCHANNELID, out WelcomingChannelId); json.TryGetField(JSON_ADMINCOMMANDUSAGELOGCHANNELID, out AdminCommandUsageLogChannelId); json.TryGetField(JSON_ADMINNOTIFICATIONCHANNELID, out AdminNotificationChannelId); json.TryGetField(JSON_INTERACTIVEMESSAGECHANNELID, out InteractiveMessagesChannelId); json.TryGetField(JSON_GUILDCATEGORYID, out GuildCategoryId); if (json.TryGetField(JSON_CHANNELINFOS, out IReadOnlyList <JSONField> channelInfos)) { foreach (JSONField channelInfo in channelInfos) { if (channelInfo.IsObject) { GuildChannelConfiguration info = new GuildChannelConfiguration(); if (info.FromJSON(channelInfo.Container)) { channelConfigs.Add(info.Id, info); } } } } }
public bool ApplyJSON(JSONContainer json) { if (json.TryGetField(JSON_ALLOWCMDS, out AllowCommands) && json.TryGetField(JSON_ALLOWSHITPOSTING, out AllowShitposting)) { if (json.TryGetArrayField(JSON_ALLOWEDCOLL, out JSONContainer collArray)) { foreach (JSONField field in collArray.Array) { if (field.IsString) { allowedCommandCollections.Add(field.String); } } } return(true); } return(false); }
public bool FromJSON(JSONContainer json) { MemberIds.Clear(); if (json.TryGetField(JSON_CHANNELIDS, out ChannelId) && json.TryGetField(JSON_ROLEID, out RoleId) && json.TryGetField(JSON_CAPTAINID, out CaptainId) && json.TryGetField(JSON_MEMBERIDS, out IReadOnlyList <JSONField> memberIdList)) { json.TryGetField(JSON_ACTIVE, out Active, Active); foreach (JSONField memberIdJson in memberIdList) { if (memberIdJson.IsNumber && !memberIdJson.IsSigned && !memberIdJson.IsFloat && !MemberIds.Contains(memberIdJson.Unsigned_Int64) && memberIdJson.Unsigned_Int64 != CaptainId) { MemberIds.Add(memberIdJson.Unsigned_Int64); } } if (json.TryGetField(JSON_MATEIDS, out IReadOnlyList <JSONField> mateIdList)) { foreach (JSONField mateIdJson in mateIdList) { if (mateIdJson.IsNumber && !mateIdJson.IsSigned && !mateIdJson.IsFloat && !MateIds.Contains(mateIdJson.Unsigned_Int64)) { MateIds.Add(mateIdJson.Unsigned_Int64); if (MemberIds.Contains(mateIdJson.Unsigned_Int64)) { MemberIds.Remove(mateIdJson.Unsigned_Int64); } } } } if (json.TryGetField(JSON_FOUNDINGTIMESTAMP, out string timestamp_str)) { if (!DateTimeOffset.TryParseExact(timestamp_str, "u", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out FoundingTimestamp)) { FoundingTimestamp = DateTimeOffset.MinValue; } } TryFindNameAndColor(); return(true); } return(false); }
private Dictionary <string, System> GetNames(JSONContainer json) { Dictionary <string, System> result = new Dictionary <string, System>(json.Array.Count); foreach (JSONField systemField in json.Array) { if (systemField.IsObject) { JSONContainer systemJSON = systemField.Container; if (systemJSON.TryGetField("name", out string name) && systemJSON.TryGetField("distance", out double distance)) { result.Add(name, new System() { Name = name, Distance = distance }); } } } return(result); }
private static EmbedBuilder getEmbed(JSONContainer embedJSON) { EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder { Title = getLengthCheckedStringField(embedJSON, TITLE, EMBEDTITLE_MAX, "The embed title may not exceed {0} characters!"), Description = getLengthCheckedStringField(embedJSON, DESCRIPTION, EMBEDDESCRIPTION_MAX, "The embed description may not exceed {0} characters!"), Url = getFormCheckedURLField(embedJSON, URL, "The embed URL is not a well formed URL!"), Timestamp = getParsedTimestampField(embedJSON, TIMESTAMP, "Could not parse the timestamp to a DateTimeOffset"), ThumbnailUrl = getFormCheckedImageField(embedJSON, THUMBNAIL, "The URL for the embed thumbnail is not a well formed URL!"), ImageUrl = getFormCheckedImageField(embedJSON, IMAGE, "The url for the embed image is not a well formed url!") }; if (embedJSON.TryGetField(AUTHOR, out JSONContainer authorJSON)) { embed.Author = getAuthor(authorJSON); } if (embedJSON.TryGetField(COLOR, out int color)) { embed.Color = new Color((uint)color); } if (embedJSON.TryGetField(FOOTER, out JSONContainer footerJSON)) { embed.Footer = getFooter(footerJSON); } if (embedJSON.TryGetField(FIELDS, out IReadOnlyList <JSONField> fieldsJSON)) { embed.Fields = getEmbedFields(fieldsJSON); } // Length check if (embed.Length > EMBEDTOTALLENGTH_MAX) { throw new EmbedParseException($"The total length of the embed may not exceed {EMBEDTOTALLENGTH_MAX} characters!"); } return(embed); }
public bool FromJSON(JSONContainer json) { if (json.TryGetField(JSON_MODTYPE, out uint type) && json.TryGetField(JSON_CHANNELID, out ulong channelId) && json.TryGetField(JSON_ACTORID, out ulong actorid)) { Type = (ChannelModerationType)type; ChannelId = channelId; ActorId = actorid; if (json.TryGetField(JSON_TIMESTAMP, out string timestamp_str)) { if (DateTimeOffset.TryParseExact(timestamp_str, "u", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTimeOffset timestamp)) { Timestamp = timestamp; } else { Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.MinValue; } } json.TryGetField(JSON_CHANNELNAME, out string channelname); ChannelName = channelname; json.TryGetField(JSON_ACTORNAME, out string actorname); ActorName = actorname; json.TryGetField(JSON_INFO, out string info); Info = info; return(true); } return(false); }
public bool ApplyJSON(JSONContainer json) { if (json.TryGetField(JSON_ID, out QuoteId) && json.TryGetField(JSON_CONTENT, out MessageContent) && json.TryGetField(JSON_TIMESTAMP, out string timestamp_str) && json.TryGetField(JSON_GUILD_ID, out GuildId)) { json.TryGetField(JSON_AUTHOR_ID, out AuthorId); json.TryGetField(JSON_AUTHOR_NAME, out AuthorName, "Unknown Author"); json.TryGetField(JSON_CHANNEL_NAME, out ChannelName, "Unknown Channel"); json.TryGetField(JSON_MESSAGE_ID, out MessageId); json.TryGetField(JSON_CHANNEL_ID, out ChannelId); json.TryGetField(JSON_IMAGE_URL, out ImageURL, string.Empty); return(DateTimeOffset.TryParseExact(timestamp_str, "u", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out Timestamp)); } return(false); }
private static string getLengthCheckedStringField(JSONContainer json, string identifier, int maxlength, string errorstring) { if (json.TryGetField(identifier, out string str)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { if (str.Length > maxlength) { throw new EmbedParseException(string.Format(errorstring, maxlength)); } return(str); } } return(null); }
public bool FromJSON(JSONContainer json) { if (json.TryGetField(JSON_TYPE, out int type_i) && json.TryGetField(JSON_ACTORID, out ulong actorId)) { Type = (ModerationType)type_i; ActorId = actorId; if (json.TryGetField(JSON_TIMESTAMP, out string timestamp_str)) { if (DateTimeOffset.TryParseExact(timestamp_str, "u", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTimeOffset timestamp)) { Timestamp = timestamp; } else { Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.MinValue; } } if (json.TryGetField(JSON_DESCR, out string descr)) { Reason = descr; } else { Reason = null; } if (json.TryGetField(JSON_INFO, out string info)) { Info = info; } else { Info = null; } if (json.TryGetField(JSON_ACTORNAME, out string actorname)) { ActorName = actorname; } else { ActorName = null; } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private static DateTimeOffset?getParsedTimestampField(JSONContainer json, string identifier, string error) { if (json.TryGetField(identifier, out string timestamp_str)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timestamp_str)) { if (DateTimeOffset.TryParse(timestamp_str, out DateTimeOffset timestamp)) { return(timestamp); } else { throw new EmbedParseException(error); } } } return(null); }
private static string getFormCheckedURLField(JSONContainer json, string identifier, string errorstring) { if (json.TryGetField(identifier, out string embedURL)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(embedURL)) { if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(embedURL, UriKind.Absolute)) { return(embedURL); } else { throw new EmbedParseException(errorstring); } } } return(null); }
internal bool FromJSON(JSONContainer json) { if (json.TryGetField(JSON_ID, out Identifier) && json.TryGetField(JSON_TYPE, out int type)) { Type = (BotVarType)type; switch (Type) { case BotVarType.Undefined: return(true); case BotVarType.UInt64: return(json.TryGetField(JSON_VALUE, out UInt64)); case BotVarType.Int64: return(json.TryGetField(JSON_VALUE, out Int64)); case BotVarType.Float64: return(json.TryGetField(JSON_VALUE, out Float64)); case BotVarType.String: return(json.TryGetField(JSON_VALUE, out String)); case BotVarType.Bool: return(json.TryGetField(JSON_VALUE, out Bool)); case BotVarType.Generic: return(json.TryGetField(JSON_VALUE, out Generic)); default: return(false); } } else { return(false); } }
public bool FromJSON(JSONContainer json) { if (json.TryGetField(JSON_CHANNELID, out ChannelId)) { if (json.TryGetArrayField(JSON_MODENTRIES, out JSONContainer jsonModEntries)) { foreach (JSONField field in jsonModEntries.Array) { if (field.IsObject) { ChannelModerationEntry entry = new ChannelModerationEntry(Parent.GuildId); if (entry.FromJSON(field.Container)) { moderationEntries.Add(entry); } } } } return(true); } return(false); }
public void FromJSON(JSONContainer json) { json.TryGetField("name", out Name, Name); json.TryGetField("id", out Id); if (json.TryGetField("requirePermit", out RequirePermit)) { if (RequirePermit == true) { json.TryGetField("permitName", out PermitName, "Unknown Permit"); } } if (json.TryGetObjectField("information", out JSONContainer infoJSON)) { json.TryGetField("security", out Security, "Anarchy"); json.TryGetField("faction", out ControllingFaction); } }
private EmbedBuilder GetSystemInfoEmbed(JSONContainer systemJSON, JSONContainer stationsJSON, JSONContainer trafficJSON, JSONContainer deathsJSON, out List <EmbedFieldBuilder> allStations) { EmbedBuilder systemembed = new EmbedBuilder(); allStations = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder>(); bool stationsFound = false; if (systemJSON.TryGetField("name", out string system_name, string.Empty) && systemJSON.TryGetField("id", out ulong system_id, 0)) { // Gathering Information // Gathering General System information string system_name_link = system_name.Replace(' ', '+'); string security = "Unknown"; if (systemJSON.TryGetObjectField("information", out JSONContainer system_information)) { system_information.TryGetField("security", out security, "Anarchy (Unpopulated)"); } string startype = "Not found"; if (systemJSON.TryGetObjectField("primaryStar", out JSONContainer primaryStar)) { primaryStar.TryGetField("type", out startype, startype); if (systemJSON.TryGetField("isScoopable", out bool scoopable)) { if (!scoopable) { startype += " **(Unscoopable)**"; } } } systemJSON.TryGetField("requirePermit", out bool system_requirepermit, false); systemJSON.TryGetField("permitName", out string system_permit, "Unknown Permit"); // Gathering information about stations StationInfo bestOrbitalLarge = null; StationInfo bestOrbitalMedium = null; StationInfo bestPlanetary = null; List <StationInfo> stationInfos = new List <StationInfo>(); if ((stationsJSON != null) && stationsJSON.TryGetArrayField("stations", out stationsJSON)) { stationsFound = true; foreach (JSONField station in stationsJSON.Array) { StationInfo info = new StationInfo(); if (info.FromJSON(station.Container)) { stationInfos.Add(info); if (info.HasLargePadOrbital) { if (bestOrbitalLarge == null) { bestOrbitalLarge = info; } else if (info.Distance < bestOrbitalLarge.Distance) { bestOrbitalLarge = info; } } if (info.HasMedPadOrbital) { if (bestOrbitalMedium == null) { bestOrbitalMedium = info; } else if (info.Distance < bestOrbitalMedium.Distance) { bestOrbitalMedium = info; } } if (info.IsPlanetary) { if (bestPlanetary == null) { bestPlanetary = info; } else if (info.Distance < bestPlanetary.Distance) { bestPlanetary = info; } } } } } // Getting Information about traffic int traffic_week = -1; int traffic_day = -1; if ((trafficJSON != null) && trafficJSON.TryGetObjectField("traffic", out trafficJSON)) { trafficJSON.TryGetField("week", out traffic_week, -1); trafficJSON.TryGetField("day", out traffic_day, -1); } // Getting Information about CMDR deaths int deaths_week = -1; int deaths_day = -1; if ((deathsJSON != null) && deathsJSON.TryGetObjectField("deaths", out deathsJSON)) { deathsJSON.TryGetField("week", out deaths_week, -1); deathsJSON.TryGetField("day", out deaths_day, -1); } // Constructing message systemembed.Color = BotCore.EmbedColor; systemembed.Title = $"__**System Info for {system_name}**__"; systemembed.Url = $"{system_id}/name/{system_name_link}"; systemembed.AddField("General Info", $"{(system_requirepermit ? string.Format("**Requires Permit**: {0}\n", system_permit) : string.Empty)}Star Type: {startype}\nSecurity: {security}"); bool provideInfoOnLarge = bestOrbitalLarge != null; bool provideInfoOnMedium = (!provideInfoOnLarge && bestOrbitalMedium != null) || (provideInfoOnLarge && bestOrbitalMedium != null && bestOrbitalLarge.Distance > bestOrbitalMedium.Distance); bool provideInfoOnPlanetary = (!provideInfoOnLarge && bestPlanetary != null) || (provideInfoOnLarge && bestPlanetary != null && bestOrbitalLarge.Distance > bestPlanetary.Distance); if (provideInfoOnLarge) { systemembed.AddField("Closest Orbital Large Pad", bestOrbitalLarge.ToString()); } if (provideInfoOnMedium) { systemembed.AddField("Closest Orbital Medium Pad", bestOrbitalMedium.ToString()); } if (provideInfoOnPlanetary) { systemembed.AddField("Closest Planetary Large Pad", bestPlanetary.ToString()); } if (!provideInfoOnLarge && !provideInfoOnMedium && !provideInfoOnPlanetary) { systemembed.AddField("No Stations in this System!", "- / -"); } if (traffic_day != -1 && traffic_week != -1) { systemembed.AddField("Traffic Report", string.Format("Last 7 days: {0} CMDRs, last 24 hours: {1} CMDRs", traffic_week, traffic_day)); } else { systemembed.AddField("No Traffic Report Available", "- / -"); } if (deaths_day != -1 && deaths_week != -1) { systemembed.AddField("CMDR Deaths Report", string.Format("Last 7 days: {0} CMDRs, last 24 hours: {1} CMDRs", deaths_week, deaths_day)); } else { systemembed.AddField("No CMDR Deaths Report Available", "- / -"); } if (stationsFound) { foreach (StationInfo stationInfo in stationInfos) { allStations.Add(Macros.EmbedField(stationInfo.Title_NoLink, stationInfo.Services_Link)); } } }
public bool ApplyJSON(JSONContainer json) { return(json.TryGetField(JSON_GUILDID, out GuildId) && json.TryGetField(JSON_CHANNELID, out ChannelId)); }
public static ArgumentParseResult TryParseEmbedFromJSONObject(JSONContainer json, out EmbedBuilder embed, out string messageContent) { embed = null; messageContent = null; json.TryGetField(MESSAGECONTENT, out JSONField messageContentJSON); json.TryGetField(EMBED, out JSONContainer embedJSON); if (messageContentJSON == null && embedJSON == null) { return(new ArgumentParseResult("Neither message nor embed could be found!")); } if ((messageContentJSON != null) && messageContentJSON.IsString) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageContentJSON.String)) { if (messageContentJSON.String.Length > MESSAGECONTENT_MAX) { return(new ArgumentParseResult($"The message content may not exceed {MESSAGECONTENT_MAX} characters!")); } messageContent = messageContentJSON.String; } } else { messageContent = string.Empty; } if (embedJSON != null) { embed = new EmbedBuilder(); // Parse TITLE, DESCRIPTION, TITLE_URL, TIMESTAMP if (embedJSON.TryGetField(TITLE, out string embedTitle)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(embedTitle)) { if (embedTitle.Length > EMBEDTITLE_MAX) { return(new ArgumentParseResult($"The embed title may not exceed {EMBEDTITLE_MAX} characters!")); } embed.Title = embedTitle; } } if (embedJSON.TryGetField(DESCRIPTION, out string embedDescription)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(embedDescription)) { if (embedDescription.Length > EMBEDDESCRIPTION_MAX) { return(new ArgumentParseResult($"The embed title may not exceed {EMBEDDESCRIPTION_MAX} characters!")); } embed.Description = embedDescription; } } if (embedJSON.TryGetField(URL, out string embedURL)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(embedURL)) { if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(embedURL, UriKind.Absolute)) { embed.Url = embedURL; } else { return(new ArgumentParseResult("The url for the embed title is not a well formed url!")); } } } if (embedJSON.TryGetField(TIMESTAMP, out string embedFooterTimestamp)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(embedFooterTimestamp)) { if (DateTimeOffset.TryParse(embedFooterTimestamp, out DateTimeOffset timestamp)) { embed.Timestamp = timestamp; } else { return(new ArgumentParseResult("Could not parse the timestamp to a DateTimeOffset")); } } } // Parse AUTHOR if (embedJSON.TryGetField(AUTHOR, out JSONContainer authorJSON)) { EmbedAuthorBuilder author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder(); if (authorJSON.TryGetField(NAME, out string authorName)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorName)) { if (authorName.Length > EMBEDAUTHORNAME_MAX) { return(new ArgumentParseResult($"The embed author name may not exceed {EMBEDAUTHORNAME_MAX} characters!")); } author.Name = authorName; } } if (authorJSON.TryGetField(ICON_URL, out string authorIconUrl)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorIconUrl)) { author.IconUrl = authorIconUrl; } } if (authorJSON.TryGetField(URL, out string authorUrl)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorUrl)) { author.Url = authorUrl; } } embed.Author = author; } // Parse THUMBNAIL, IMAGE if (embedJSON.TryGetField(THUMBNAIL, out JSONContainer thumbnailJSON)) { if (thumbnailJSON.TryGetField(URL, out string thumbnailUrl)) { if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(thumbnailUrl, UriKind.Absolute)) { embed.ThumbnailUrl = thumbnailUrl; } else { return(new ArgumentParseResult("The url for the embed thumbnail is not a well formed url!")); } } } if (embedJSON.TryGetField(IMAGE, out JSONContainer imageJSON)) { if (imageJSON.TryGetField(URL, out string imageUrl)) { if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(imageUrl, UriKind.Absolute)) { embed.ImageUrl = imageUrl; } else { return(new ArgumentParseResult("The url for the embed image is not a well formed url!")); } } } // Parse Color if (embedJSON.TryGetField(COLOR, out int color)) { Discord.Color embedColor = new Color((uint)color); embed.Color = embedColor; } // Parse Footer if (embedJSON.TryGetField(FOOTER, out JSONContainer footerJSON)) { EmbedFooterBuilder footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder(); if (footerJSON.TryGetField(TEXT, out string footerText)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(footerText)) { if (footerText.Length > EMBEDFOOTERTEXT_MAX) { return(new ArgumentParseResult($"The embed footer text may not exceed {EMBEDFOOTERTEXT_MAX} characters!")); } footer.Text = footerText; } } if (footerJSON.TryGetField(ICON_URL, out string footerIconUrl)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(footerIconUrl)) { if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(footerIconUrl, UriKind.Absolute)) { footer.IconUrl = footerIconUrl; } else { return(new ArgumentParseResult("The url for the embed footer icon is not a well formed url!")); } } } embed.Footer = footer; } // Parse Fields if (embedJSON.TryGetField(FIELDS, out IReadOnlyList <JSONField> fieldsList)) { if (fieldsList.Count > EMBEDFIELDCOUNT_MAX) { return(new ArgumentParseResult($"The embed can not have more than {EMBEDFIELDCOUNT_MAX} fields!")); } foreach (JSONField fieldJSON in fieldsList) { if (fieldJSON.IsObject && fieldJSON.Container != null) { if (fieldJSON.Container.TryGetField(NAME, out string fieldName) && fieldJSON.Container.TryGetField(VALUE, out string fieldValue)) { fieldJSON.Container.TryGetField(INLINE, out bool fieldInline, false); if (fieldName != null && fieldValue != null) { if (fieldName.Length > EMBEDFIELDNAME_MAX) { return(new ArgumentParseResult($"A field name may not exceed {EMBEDFIELDNAME_MAX} characters!")); } if (fieldValue.Length > EMBEDFIELDVALUE_MAX) { return(new ArgumentParseResult($"A field value may not exceed {EMBEDFIELDVALUE_MAX} characters!")); } embed.AddField(fieldName, fieldValue, fieldInline); } } } } } if (embed.Length > EMBEDTOTALLENGTH_MAX) { return(new ArgumentParseResult($"The total length of the embed may not exceed {EMBEDTOTALLENGTH_MAX} characters!")); } } return(ArgumentParseResult.SuccessfullParse); }
public bool ApplyJSON(JSONContainer json) { JSON = json; return json.TryGetField(JSON_ID, out Identifier) && (json.HasField(EmbedHelper.MESSAGECONTENT) || json.HasField(EmbedHelper.EMBED)); }
internal bool RetrieveId(JSONContainer json) { return(json.TryGetField("Id", out Id)); }
private EmbedBuilder GetEDSMCMDREmbed(JSONContainer json, string backupName) { EmbedBuilder result; if (json.TryGetField("msg", out string msg)) { if (msg == "OK") { string system_link = null; bool system_id_found = json.TryGetField("systemId", out uint system_id, 0); if (json.TryGetField("system", out string system_name, null) && system_id_found) { system_link = $"{system_id}/name/{system_name.Replace(' ', '+')}"; } string user_name = backupName; if (json.TryGetField("url", out string profile_url, "")) { string[] urlsections = profile_url.Split('/'); if (urlsections.Length > 1) { user_name = urlsections[urlsections.Length - 1]; } } json.TryGetField("shipType", out string shipType, null); string station_name = null; string station_link = null; if (json.TryGetField("isDocked", out bool isDocked, false)) { json.TryGetField("station", out station_name, "Unknown Station"); if (json.TryGetField("stationId", out uint station_id) && system_link != null) { station_link = $"{system_id}/name/{system_name.Replace(' ', '+')}/details/idS/{station_id}/nameS/{station_name.Replace(' ', '+')}"; } } result = new EmbedBuilder() { Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { Url = profile_url, Name = $"{user_name}'s EDSM Profile" }, Color = BotCore.EmbedColor }; if (system_name != null) { if (system_link != null) { result.AddField("System", $"[{system_name}]({system_link})"); } else { result.AddField("System", system_name); } } if (shipType != null) { result.AddField("Ship", shipType); } if (isDocked) { if (station_link != null) { result.AddField("Docked At", $"[{station_name}]({station_link})"); } else { result.AddField("Docked At", station_name); } } } else { result = new EmbedBuilder() { Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { Name = backupName }, Color = BotCore.ErrorColor, Description = msg }; } } else { result = new EmbedBuilder() { Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { Name = backupName }, Color = BotCore.ErrorColor, Description = $"Internal Error - {Macros.GetCodeLocation()}" }; } return(result); }
private EmbedBuilder GetInaraCMDREmbed(JSONContainer json, string backupName) { EmbedBuilder result; if (json.TryGetArrayField("events", out JSONContainer arrayJSON)) { if (arrayJSON.Array.Count >= 1 && arrayJSON.Array[0].IsObject) { JSONContainer eventJSON = arrayJSON.Array[0].Container; if (eventJSON.TryGetField("eventStatus", out uint eventStatusId)) { eventJSON.TryGetField("eventStatusText", out string eventStatusText); if (eventStatusId == 204) { result = new EmbedBuilder() { Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { Name = backupName }, Color = BotCore.ErrorColor, Description = eventStatusText }; } else if (eventJSON.TryGetObjectField("eventData", out JSONContainer cmdrJSON)) { if (cmdrJSON.TryGetField("userName", out string user_name)) { if (eventStatusId == 202 && !user_name.Equals(backupName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && cmdrJSON.TryGetArrayField("otherNamesFound", out JSONContainer otherNamesArray)) { result = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = "Multiple Results found!", Description = $"{user_name}\n{otherNamesArray.Array.OperationJoinReadonly("\n", field => { return field.String; })}" }; } else { cmdrJSON.TryGetField("inaraURL", out string cmdr_url); result = new EmbedBuilder() { Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { Name = $"{user_name}'s Inara Profile", Url = cmdr_url }, Color = BotCore.EmbedColor }; if (cmdrJSON.TryGetField("preferredGameRole", out string cmdr_gamerole)) { result.AddField("Game Role", cmdr_gamerole, true); } if (cmdrJSON.TryGetField("preferredAllegianceName", out string cmdr_allegiance)) { result.AddField("Allegiance", cmdr_allegiance, true); } if (cmdrJSON.TryGetObjectField("commanderSquadron", out JSONContainer squadronJSON)) { squadronJSON.TryGetField("squadronName", out string squadron_name); squadronJSON.TryGetField("squadronMemberRank", out string squadron_rank); squadronJSON.TryGetField("squadronMembersCount", out uint squadron_membercount); if (squadronJSON.TryGetField("inaraURL", out string squadron_link)) { result.AddField("Squadron", $"[{squadron_name}]({squadron_link}) ({squadron_membercount} Members): Rank `{squadron_rank}`", true); } else { result.AddField("Squadron", $"{squadron_name} ({squadron_membercount} Members): Rank `{squadron_rank}`", true); } } } } else { result = InaraErrorEmbed(backupName); } } else { result = InaraErrorEmbed(backupName); } } else { result = InaraErrorEmbed(backupName); } } else { result = InaraErrorEmbed(backupName); } } else { result = InaraErrorEmbed(backupName); } return(result); }
public bool FromJSON(JSONContainer json) { if (json.TryGetField(JSON_USERID, out ulong id)) { UserId = id; } else { return(false); } string timestamp_str; if (json.TryGetField(JSON_BANNEDUNTIL, out timestamp_str)) { if (DateTimeOffset.TryParseExact(timestamp_str, "u", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTimeOffset bannedUntil)) { BannedUntil = bannedUntil; } else { BannedUntil = DateTimeOffset.MaxValue; } } else { BannedUntil = null; } if (json.TryGetField(JSON_MUTEDUNTIL, out timestamp_str)) { if (DateTimeOffset.TryParseExact(timestamp_str, "u", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTimeOffset mutedUntil)) { MutedUntil = mutedUntil; } else { MutedUntil = DateTimeOffset.MaxValue; } if (json.TryGetField(JSON_ROLEIDS, out JSONContainer roleArray)) { rolesPreMute = new List <ulong>(); if (roleArray.IsArray && roleArray.Array != null) { foreach (JSONField arrayField in roleArray.Array) { if (arrayField.IsNumber && !arrayField.IsFloat) { rolesPreMute.Add(arrayField.Unsigned_Int64); } } } } } else { MutedUntil = null; } if (json.TryGetArrayField(JSON_MODENTRIES, out JSONContainer jsonModEntries)) { if (jsonModEntries.Array != null) { foreach (JSONField jsonModEntry in jsonModEntries.Array) { if (jsonModEntry.IsObject) { UserModerationEntry moderationEntry = new UserModerationEntry(Parent.GuildId); if (moderationEntry.FromJSON(jsonModEntry.Container)) { moderationEntries.Add(moderationEntry); } } } } } return(BannedUntil != null || MutedUntil != null || moderationEntries.Count > 0); }