private static IEnumerable <InstinctData> StripperActions(IPlayerRepository playerRepo, IEnumerable <InstinctData> mcPlayers, Random rand)
            // Strippers - remove random item
            var mcStrippers = mcPlayers.Where(p => JokeShopProcedures.STRIPPERS.Any(stripperForm => p.FormSourceId == stripperForm)).ToList();

            foreach (var stripper in mcStrippers)
                var stripperPlayer = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == stripper.Id);
                var stripperItems  = ItemProcedures.GetAllPlayerItems(stripperPlayer.Id)
                                     .Where(i => i.dbItem.IsEquipped &&
                                            i.Item.ItemType != PvPStatics.ItemType_Pet &&
                                            i.Item.ItemType != PvPStatics.ItemType_Consumable &&
                                            i.Item.ItemType != PvPStatics.ItemType_Consumable_Reuseable).ToList();

                if (stripperItems.Any())
                    string[] adverbs    = { "seductively", "cautiously", "flirtatiously", "cheekily", "obediently", "enthusiastically", "reluctantly", "hesitantly", "energetically", "sheepishly" };
                    var      adverb     = adverbs[rand.Next(adverbs.Count())];
                    var      itemToDrop = stripperItems[rand.Next(stripperItems.Count())];

                    PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(stripper.Id, $"You {adverb} remove your <b>{itemToDrop.Item.FriendlyName}</b>!", true);
                    LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(stripper.dbLocationName, $"{stripperPlayer.GetFullName()} {adverb} removes their <b>{itemToDrop.Item.FriendlyName}</b>!");

                mcPlayers = mcPlayers.Where(p => p.Id != stripper.Id);

Example #2
        public virtual ActionResult Quest()
            IQuestRepository repo = new EFQuestRepository();

            var myMembershipId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var me             = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFromMembership(myMembershipId);

            var unopenedMessageCount = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetUnreadMessageCountByPlayer {
                OwnerId = me.Id
            var openedUnreadMessageCount = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetReadAndMarkedAsUnreadMessageCountByPlayer {
                OwnerId = me.Id

            var output = new QuestPlayPageViewModel();

            output.Player               = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFormViewModel(me.Id);
            output.QuestStart           = QuestProcedures.GetQuest(me.InQuest);
            output.QuestState           = QuestProcedures.GetQuestState(me.InQuestState);
            output.QuestConnections     = QuestProcedures.GetChildQuestConnections(me.InQuestState);
            output.BuffBox              = ItemProcedures.GetPlayerBuffs(me);
            output.QuestPlayerVariables = QuestProcedures.GetAllQuestPlayerVariablesFromQuest(output.QuestStart.Id, me.Id);
            output.HasNewMessages       = unopenedMessageCount != 0;
            output.UnreadMessageCount   = unopenedMessageCount + openedUnreadMessageCount;

            ViewBag.ErrorMessage    = TempData["Error"];
            ViewBag.SubErrorMessage = TempData["SubError"];
            ViewBag.Result          = TempData["Result"];


            return(PartialView(MVC.Quest.Views.Quest, output));
Example #3
        public virtual ActionResult DeMeditateVictim(int id)
            var myMembershipId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var me             = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFromMembership(myMembershipId);
            var victim         = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayer(id);

            // run generic MC checks
            var errorsBox = MindControlProcedures.AssertBasicMindControlConditions(me, victim, MindControlStatics.MindControl__MeditateFormSourceId);

            if (errorsBox.HasError)
                TempData["Error"]    = errorsBox.Error;
                TempData["SubError"] = errorsBox.SubError;

            var buffs  = ItemProcedures.GetPlayerBuffs(victim);
            var result = PlayerProcedures.DeMeditate(victim, me, buffs);

            MindControlProcedures.AddCommandUsedToMindControl(me, victim, MindControlStatics.MindControl__MeditateFormSourceId);

            TempData["Result"] = "You force " + victim.GetFullName() + " to meditate while filling their mind with nonsense instead of relaxation, lowering their mana instead of increasing it!";
            StatsProcedures.AddStat(me.MembershipId, StatsProcedures.Stat__MindControlCommandsIssued, 1);

Example #4
        public virtual ActionResult SelfCast(int itemId)
            var myMembershipId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var me             = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFromMembership(myMembershipId);

            var item = ItemProcedures.GetItemViewModel(itemId);

            // assert player does own this
            if (item.dbItem.OwnerId != me.Id)
                TempData["Error"] = "You don't own that item.";

            // assert that it is equipped
            if (!item.dbItem.IsEquipped)
                TempData["Error"] = "You cannot use an item you do not have equipped.";

            // assert this item is a transmog
            if (item.dbItem.ItemSourceId != ItemStatics.AutoTransmogItemSourceId)
                TempData["Error"] = "You cannot change form with that item.";

            // assert player has not already used an item this turn
            if (me.ItemsUsedThisTurn >= PvPStatics.MaxItemUsesPerUpdate)
                TempData["Error"]    = "You've already used an item this turn.";
                TempData["SubError"] = "You will be able to use another consumable type item next turn.";

            // assert that this player is not in a duel
            if (me.InDuel > 0)
                TempData["Error"] = "You must finish your duel before you use this item.";

            // assert that this player is not in a quest
            if (me.InQuest > 0)
                TempData["Error"] = "You must finish your quest before you use this item.";

            var model = new SelfCastViewModel
                ItemId = itemId,
                Skills = DomainRegistry.Repository.Find(new GetSkillsOwnedByPlayer {
                    playerId = me.Id
                }).Where(s => s.SkillSource.MobilityType == PvPStatics.MobilityFull)

            return(View(MVC.Item.Views.SelfCast, model));
Example #5
        public static void SpawnLoremaster()
            var loremaster = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetPlayerByBotId {
                BotId = AIStatics.LoremasterBotId

            if (loremaster == null)
                var cmd = new CreatePlayer
                    BotId        = AIStatics.LoremasterBotId,
                    Level        = 5,
                    FirstName    = FirstName,
                    LastName     = LastName,
                    Health       = 100000,
                    Mana         = 100000,
                    MaxHealth    = 100000,
                    MaxMana      = 100000,
                    Mobility     = PvPStatics.MobilityFull,
                    Money        = 1000,
                    FormSourceId = LoremasterFormId,
                    Location     = "bookstore_back",
                    Gender       = PvPStatics.GenderMale,
                var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd);

                var playerRepo   = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var lorekeeperEF = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);
        public static void SpawnBartender()
            var bartender = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetPlayerByBotId {
                BotId = AIStatics.DonnaBotId

            if (bartender == null)
                var cmd = new CreatePlayer
                    FirstName    = "Rusty",
                    LastName     = "Steamstein the Automaton Bartender",
                    Location     = "tavern_counter",
                    Gender       = PvPStatics.GenderMale,
                    Health       = 100000,
                    Mana         = 100000,
                    MaxHealth    = 100000,
                    MaxMana      = 100000,
                    FormSourceId = BartenderFormId,
                    Money        = 0,
                    Mobility     = PvPStatics.MobilityFull,
                    Level        = 15,
                    BotId        = AIStatics.BartenderBotId,
                var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd);

                IPlayerRepository playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var newBartender             = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);
        public static void SpawnPetMerchant()
            var petMerchant = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetPlayerByBotId {
                BotId = AIStatics.WuffieBotId

            if (petMerchant == null)
                var cmd = new CreatePlayer
                    BotId        = AIStatics.WuffieBotId,
                    Level        = 5,
                    FirstName    = "Wüffie",
                    LastName     = "the Soul Pet Vendor",
                    Health       = 100000,
                    Mana         = 100000,
                    MaxHealth    = 100000,
                    MaxMana      = 100000,
                    Mobility     = PvPStatics.MobilityFull,
                    Money        = 1000,
                    FormSourceId = WuffieFormId,
                    Location     = "270_west_9th_ave", // Lindella starts her rounds here
                    Gender       = PvPStatics.GenderFemale,
                var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd);

                var playerRepo    = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var petMerchantEF = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);
        public static string FillInventory(Player player, bool overflow, Random rand = null)
            var itemsEquipped  = ItemProcedures.GetAllPlayerItems(player.Id).Count(i => !i.dbItem.IsEquipped);
            var inventorySlots = PvPStatics.MaxCarryableItemCountBase + player.ExtraInventory;

            if (overflow)

            if (itemsEquipped >= inventorySlots)

            rand = rand ?? new Random();

            for (; itemsEquipped < inventorySlots; itemsEquipped++)
                // Low value consumable
                int[] itemTypes = { ItemStatics.SpellWeaverDryItemSourceId,
                                    ItemStatics.WillflowerDryItemSourceId };

                var itemType = itemTypes[rand.Next(itemTypes.Count())];

                ItemProcedures.GiveNewItemToPlayer(player, itemType);

            return("While browsing through a clothes rail you find a fab pair of psychedelic flares and for a moment you are transported to the groovy era of peace and love, full of hippies, daisy chains and flower power.  You could almost reach out and grab those blooms!");
        public static void SpawnLindella()
            var merchant = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetPlayerByBotId {
                BotId = AIStatics.LindellaBotId

            if (merchant == null)
                var cmd = new CreatePlayer
                    BotId        = AIStatics.LindellaBotId,
                    Level        = 5,
                    FirstName    = "Lindella",
                    LastName     = "the Soul Vendor",
                    Health       = 100000,
                    Mana         = 100000,
                    MaxHealth    = 100000,
                    MaxMana      = 100000,
                    Mobility     = PvPStatics.MobilityFull,
                    Money        = 1000,
                    FormSourceId = LindellaFormId,
                    Location     = "270_west_9th_ave", // Lindella starts her rounds here
                    Gender       = PvPStatics.GenderFemale,
                var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd);

                IPlayerRepository playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var newMerchant = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);

                AIDirectiveProcedures.SetAIDirective_MoveTo(id, "street_15th_south");
        public static string GetProspectsMessage(Player player)
            IInanimateXPRepository inanimXpRepo = new EFInanimateXPRepository();
            IItemRepository        itemRep      = new EFItemRepository();

            var inanimateMe = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetItemByFormerPlayer {
                PlayerId = player.Id

            if (inanimateMe == null)

            var meItem   = itemRep.Items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == inanimateMe.Id);
            var myItemXP = inanimXpRepo.InanimateXPs.FirstOrDefault(i => i.OwnerId == player.Id);

            if (meItem == null || myItemXP == null)

            var turnsSinceLastAction = Math.Max(0, PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber() - myItemXP.LastActionTurnstamp);

            // Time until lock - at 2% per turn  (negative threshold)
            var turnsUntilLocked = (myItemXP.TimesStruggled - TurnTimesStatics.GetStruggleXPBeforeItemPermanentLock()) / 2 - turnsSinceLastAction;

            if (!meItem.IsPermanent && turnsUntilLocked <= TurnTimesStatics.GetItemMaxTurnsBuildup())
                if (turnsUntilLocked <= 1)
                    return("<b style=\"color: red;\">Be careful!</b>  Just one more move and you might never be human again!");
                    var time = turnsUntilLocked * TurnTimesStatics.GetTurnLengthInSeconds();

                    return($"If you keep enjoying your current form you might find yourself locked into it forever!  That could happen in as little as <b>{SecondsToDurationString(time)}</b> or so!");

            // Time until chance of escaping - at 1% per turn outside Chaos
            var turnsUntilAbleToStruggle = 1 - myItemXP.TimesStruggled - turnsSinceLastAction;

            if (ItemProcedures.ItemIncursDungeonPenalty(inanimateMe))
                turnsUntilAbleToStruggle *= 3;

            if (!PvPStatics.ChaosMode && turnsUntilAbleToStruggle > 1 && turnsUntilAbleToStruggle <= TurnTimesStatics.GetItemMaxTurnsBuildup())
                var time = turnsUntilAbleToStruggle * TurnTimesStatics.GetTurnLengthInSeconds();

                return($"You could be free in approximately <b>{SecondsToDurationString(time)}</b> if you keep fighting!");

Example #11
        public virtual ActionResult ReadSkillBook(int id)
            var myMembershipId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var me             = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFromMembership(myMembershipId);

            // assert player is animate
            if (me.Mobility != PvPStatics.MobilityFull)
                TempData["Error"] = "This curse is too strong to be lifted.";

            // assert player has not already used an item this turn
            if (me.ItemsUsedThisTurn >= PvPStatics.MaxItemUsesPerUpdate)
                TempData["Error"]    = "You've already used an item this turn.";
                TempData["SubError"] = "You will be able to use another consumable next turn.";

            var book = ItemProcedures.GetItemViewModel(id);

            // assert player owns this book
            if (book.dbItem.OwnerId != me.Id)
                TempData["Error"] = "You do not own this book.";

            // make sure that this is actually a book
            if (book.Item.ConsumableSubItemType != (int)ItemStatics.ConsumableSubItemTypes.Tome)
                TempData["Error"]    = "You can't read that item!";
                TempData["SubError"] = "It's not a book.";

            // assert player hasn't already read this book
            if (ItemProcedures.PlayerHasReadBook(me, book.dbItem.ItemSourceId))
                TempData["Error"]    = "You have already absorbed the knowledge from this book and can learn nothing more from it.";
                TempData["SubError"] = "Perhaps a friend could use this tome more than you right now.";

            ItemProcedures.AddBookReading(me, book.dbItem.ItemSourceId);
            PlayerProcedures.GiveXP(me, 35);
            PlayerProcedures.AddItemUses(me.Id, 1);

            StatsProcedures.AddStat(me.MembershipId, StatsProcedures.Stat__LoreBooksRead, 1);

            TempData["Result"] = "You read your copy of " + book.Item.FriendlyName + ", absorbing its knowledge for 35 XP.  The tome slips into thin air so it can provide its knowledge to another mage in a different time and place.";
Example #12
        public static void SpawnBimboBoss()
            var bimboBoss = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetPlayerByBotId {
                BotId = AIStatics.BimboBossBotId

            if (bimboBoss == null)
                var cmd = new CreatePlayer
                    FirstName    = BossFirstName,
                    LastName     = BossLastName,
                    Location     = "stripclub_bar_seats",
                    Gender       = PvPStatics.GenderFemale,
                    Health       = 100000,
                    Mana         = 100000,
                    MaxHealth    = 100000,
                    MaxMana      = 100000,
                    FormSourceId = BimboBossFormSourceId,
                    Money        = 2500,
                    Level        = 15,
                    BotId        = AIStatics.BimboBossBotId,
                var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd);

                var playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var bimboEF    = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);



                // set up her AI directive so it is not deleted
                IAIDirectiveRepository aiRepo = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
                var directive = new AIDirective
                    OwnerId        = id,
                    Timestamp      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    SpawnTurn      = PvPWorldStatProcedures.GetWorldTurnNumber(),
                    DoNotRecycleMe = true,


                for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new GiveRune {
                        ItemSourceId = RuneStatics.BIMBO_RUNE, PlayerId = bimboEF.Id
Example #13
        public static string UseFurniture(int furnitureId, Player user)
            IFurnitureRepository furnRepo = new EFFurnitureRepository();
            var dbFurniture = furnRepo.Furnitures.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == furnitureId);

            dbFurniture.LastUseTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            dbFurniture.LastUsersIds     = user.Id.ToString();

            var furnitureStatic = furnRepo.DbStaticFurniture.FirstOrDefault(f => f.dbType == dbFurniture.dbType);

            var logMessage = "<b>" + user.GetFullName() + "</b> used <b>" + dbFurniture.HumanName + "</b>.";

            CovenantProcedures.WriteCovenantLog(logMessage, (int)user.Covenant, false);

            // furniture gives AP reserve bonus
            if (furnitureStatic.APReserveRefillAmount > 0)
                IPlayerRepository playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var dbPlayer = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == user.Id);
                dbPlayer.ActionPoints_Refill += furnitureStatic.APReserveRefillAmount;
                if (dbPlayer.ActionPoints_Refill > TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointReserveLimit())
                    dbPlayer.ActionPoints_Refill = TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointReserveLimit();
                dbPlayer.LastActionTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

                return("You used " + dbFurniture.HumanName + ", a human voluntarily transformed into furniture and leased by your covenant, and gained " + furnitureStatic.APReserveRefillAmount + " reserve action points.");

            // furniture gives effect
            else if (furnitureStatic.GivesEffectSourceId != null)
                EffectProcedures.GivePerkToPlayer(furnitureStatic.GivesEffectSourceId.Value, user);
                return("You used " + dbFurniture.HumanName + ", a human voluntarily transformed into furniture and leased by your covenant, and gained the " + EffectStatics.GetDbStaticEffect(furnitureStatic.GivesEffectSourceId.Value).FriendlyName + " effect.");

            //furniture gives item
            else if (furnitureStatic.GivesItemSourceId != null)
                ItemProcedures.GiveNewItemToPlayer(user, furnitureStatic.GivesItemSourceId.Value);
                var itemGained = ItemStatics.GetStaticItem(furnitureStatic.GivesItemSourceId.Value);
                return("You used " + dbFurniture.HumanName + ", a human voluntarily transformed into furniture and leased by your covenant, gaining a " + itemGained.FriendlyName + ".");

        public virtual ActionResult Index(int offset = 0)
            var myMembershipId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            var me = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFromMembership(myMembershipId);

            if (DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new IsAccountLockedOut {
                userId = me.MembershipId

            DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new DeletePlayerExpiredMessages {
                OwnerId = me.Id

            var output = MessageProcedures.GetPlayerMessages(me, offset);

            output.InboxSize = 150;

            // if you are inanimate and are being worn, grab the data on who is wearing you

            if (me.Mobility == PvPStatics.MobilityInanimate)
                var personWearingMe = ItemProcedures.BeingWornBy(me);
                if (personWearingMe != null)
                    output.WearerId    = personWearingMe.Player.Id;
                    output.WearerBotId = personWearingMe.Player.BotId;
                    output.WearerName  = personWearingMe.Player.GetFullName();

            var isDonator = me.DonatorGetsMessagesRewards();

            ViewBag.IsDonator = isDonator;

            if (isDonator)
                output.InboxSize = 500;

            ViewBag.ErrorMessage    = TempData["Error"];
            ViewBag.SubErrorMessage = TempData["SubError"];
            ViewBag.Result          = TempData["Result"];

            return(View(MVC.Messages.Views.Messages, output));
Example #15
        public static void CounterAttack(Player demon, Player attacker)
            IPlayerRepository playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
            var dbDemon = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == demon.Id);

            if (dbDemon.Mobility != PvPStatics.MobilityFull)
                decimal xpGain     = 30 + 5 * dbDemon.Level;
                decimal pointsGain = dbDemon.Level * 2;
                PlayerProcedures.GivePlayerPvPScore_NoLoser(attacker, pointsGain);
                var playerLog = "You absorb dark magic from your vanquished opponent, earning " + pointsGain + " points and " + xpGain + " XP.  Unfortunately the demon's new form fades into mist, denying you any other trophies of your conquest.";
                PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(attacker.Id, playerLog, true);
                PlayerProcedures.GiveXP(attacker, xpGain);

                var item = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetItemByFormerPlayer {
                    PlayerId = dbDemon.Id

                DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new DeletePlayer {
                    PlayerId = demon.Id

                StatsProcedures.AddStat(attacker.MembershipId, StatsProcedures.Stat__DungeonDemonsDefeated, 1);
            else if (dbDemon != null && dbDemon.Mobility == PvPStatics.MobilityFull && attacker.Mobility == PvPStatics.MobilityFull)
                var(complete, _) = AttackProcedures.Attack(dbDemon, attacker, PvPStatics.Dungeon_VanquishSpellSourceId);

                if (!complete)
                    (complete, _) = AttackProcedures.Attack(dbDemon, attacker, PvPStatics.Dungeon_VanquishSpellSourceId);

                var dbDemonBuffs = ItemProcedures.GetPlayerBuffs(dbDemon);
                if (dbDemon.Mana < PvPStatics.AttackManaCost * 6)
                    DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new Meditate {
                        PlayerId = dbDemon.Id, Buffs = dbDemonBuffs, NoValidate = true

                if (complete)
                    AIProcedures.EquipDefeatedPlayer(dbDemon, attacker);
Example #16
        public static void TransferBooksFromLindellaToLorekeeper(Player lorekeeper)
            var lindella = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFromBotId(AIStatics.LindellaBotId);

            var allLindellaItems = ItemProcedures.GetAllPlayerItems(lindella.Id).Where(i =>
                                                                                       i.Item.ConsumableSubItemType == (int)ItemStatics.ConsumableSubItemTypes.Spellbook ||
                                                                                       i.Item.ConsumableSubItemType == (int)ItemStatics.ConsumableSubItemTypes.Tome);

            foreach (var i in allLindellaItems)
                var cmd = new ChangeItemOwner {
                    ItemId = i.dbItem.Id, OwnerId = lorekeeper.Id
Example #17
        private static void PerformAnimateTransformation(Player victim, Player attacker, DbStaticForm targetForm, LogBox output)
            var playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
            var dbVictim   = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == victim.Id);

            SkillProcedures.UpdateFormSpecificSkillsToPlayer(dbVictim, targetForm.Id);
            DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new ChangeForm
                PlayerId     = dbVictim.Id,
                FormSourceId = targetForm.Id

            // wipe out half of the target's mana
            dbVictim.Mana -= dbVictim.MaxMana / 2;
            if (dbVictim.Mana < 0)
                dbVictim.Mana = 0;

            // Remove any Self Restore entires.

            var targetbuffs = ItemProcedures.GetPlayerBuffs(dbVictim);

            dbVictim = PlayerProcedures.ReadjustMaxes(dbVictim, targetbuffs);

            // take away some of the victim's XP based on the their level
            // target.XP += -2.5M * target.Level;


            output.LocationLog += $"<br><b>{dbVictim.GetFullName()} was completely transformed into a {targetForm.FriendlyName} here.</b>";
            output.AttackerLog += $"<br><b>You fully transformed {dbVictim.GetFullName()} into a {targetForm.FriendlyName}</b>!";
            output.VictimLog   += $"<br><b>You have been fully transformed into a {targetForm.FriendlyName}!</b>";

            // Let the target know they are best friends with the angel plush.
            if (attacker.BotId == AIStatics.MinibossPlushAngelId)
                output.VictimLog += $"<br><br><b>{attacker.GetFullName()}</b> was happy to make you into a new friend!<br>";

            TFEnergyProcedures.DeleteAllPlayerTFEnergiesOfFormSourceId(dbVictim.Id, targetForm.Id);

            StatsProcedures.AddStat(dbVictim.MembershipId, StatsProcedures.Stat__TimesAnimateTFed, 1);
            StatsProcedures.AddStat(attacker.MembershipId, StatsProcedures.Stat__TimesAnimateTFing, 1);
        public static void SpawnFae()
            var fae = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetPlayerByBotId {
                BotId = AIStatics.JewdewfaeBotId

            if (fae == null)
                var cmd = new CreatePlayer
                    FirstName    = FirstName,
                    LastName     = LastName,
                    Location     = "apartment_dog_park",
                    Gender       = PvPStatics.GenderFemale,
                    Health       = 100000,
                    Mana         = 100000,
                    MaxHealth    = 100000,
                    MaxMana      = 100000,
                    FormSourceId = FaeFormId,
                    Money        = 1000,
                    Level        = 7,
                    BotId        = AIStatics.JewdewfaeBotId
                var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd);

                var playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var faeEF      = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);

                // set up her AI directive so it is not deleted
                IAIDirectiveRepository aiRepo = new EFAIDirectiveRepository();
                var directive = new AIDirective
                    OwnerId        = id,
                    Timestamp      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    SpawnTurn      = 0,
                    DoNotRecycleMe = true,
                    sVar1          = ";", // this is used to keep track of which players have interacted with her by appending their id to this string
                    sVar2          = "",  // this is used to keep track of which locations Jewdewfae has been in during the past cycle
                    Var1           = 0,   // this keeps track of how many people she has played with in the current location
                    Var2           = 0    // this stores the turn number of Jewdewfae's last move

Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete any curses/blessing gained by items/pets from a player that they no longer posses, then give them any curses unique to a new item/pet.  Psychopathic spellslingers make an exception and should never learn any new curses from items/pets they have gained.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">The Player who owns/owned the item</param>
        /// <param name="newItemSourceId">The id of a new item that the player is gaining, if any.</param>
        public static void UpdateItemSpecificSkillsToPlayer(Player owner, int?newItemSourceId)
            ISkillRepository skillRepo = new EFSkillRepository();

            // delete all of the old item specific skills for the player
            IEnumerable <SkillViewModel> itemSpecificSkills = GetSkillViewModelsOwnedByPlayer__CursesOnly(owner.Id).ToList();
            List <int> equippedItemSourceIds = ItemProcedures.GetAllPlayerItems_ItemOnly(owner.Id).Where(i => i.IsEquipped && i.ItemSourceId != newItemSourceId).Select(s => s.ItemSourceId).ToList();
            var        itemSpecificSkillsIds = new List <int>();

            foreach (var s in itemSpecificSkills)
                if (s.StaticSkill.ExclusiveToItemSourceId != null && !equippedItemSourceIds.Contains(s.StaticSkill.ExclusiveToItemSourceId.Value))

            foreach (var id in itemSpecificSkillsIds)

            // don't give psychos any curses.  Quit automatically
            if (owner.BotId == AIStatics.PsychopathBotId)

            // now give the player any skills they are missing
            if (newItemSourceId != null)
                var itemSpecificSkillsToGive = SkillStatics.GetItemSpecificSkills(newItemSourceId.Value).ToList();
                foreach (var skill in itemSpecificSkillsToGive)
                    // make sure player does not already have this skill due to some bug or othher
                    var possibledbSkill = skillRepo.Skills.FirstOrDefault(s => s.OwnerId == owner.Id && s.SkillSourceId == skill.Id);

                    if (possibledbSkill == null)
                        DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new CreateSkill {
                            ownerId = owner.Id, skillSourceId = skill.Id
        private static bool Teleport(Player player, string location, bool logLocations)
            if (location == null)

            var destination = LocationsStatics.LocationList.GetLocation.FirstOrDefault(l => l.dbName == location);

            if (destination == null)

            if (player.InDuel > 0 || player.InQuest > 0 || player.MindControlIsActive || player.MoveActionPointDiscount < -TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointReserveLimit())

            if (ItemProcedures.GetAllPlayerItems(player.Id).Count(i => !i.dbItem.IsEquipped) > PvPStatics.MaxCarryableItemCountBase + player.ExtraInventory)
                // Carryiing too much

            if (destination.dbName.Contains("dungeon_"))
                SkillProcedures.GiveSkillToPlayer(player.Id, PvPStatics.Dungeon_VanquishSpellSourceId);

            PlayerProcedures.MovePlayer_InstantNoLog(player.Id, location);

            if (logLocations)
                LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(player.dbLocationName, $"Strange forces propel {player.GetFullName()} off to {destination.Name}!");
                LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(player.dbLocationName, $"{player.GetFullName()} is whisked off to a faraway place!");
            LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(location, $"{player.GetFullName()} is surprised to find they are suddenly here!");
            PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(player.Id, $"You are sent to {destination.Name}", false);

Example #21
        public virtual ActionResult RemoveCurse(int itemId)
            var myMembershipId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var me             = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFromMembership(myMembershipId);

            // assert player is animate
            if (me.Mobility != PvPStatics.MobilityFull)
                TempData["Error"] = "You must be animate in order to use this.";

            // assert player has not already used an item this turn
            if (me.ItemsUsedThisTurn >= PvPStatics.MaxItemUsesPerUpdate)
                TempData["Error"]    = "You've already used an item this turn.";
                TempData["SubError"] = "You will be able to use another consumable next turn.";

            // assert player owns at least one of the type of item needed
            var itemToUse = ItemProcedures.GetAllPlayerItems(me.Id).FirstOrDefault(i => i.dbItem.Id == itemId);

            if (itemToUse == null)
                TempData["Error"] = "You do not own the item needed to do this.";

            if (itemToUse.dbItem.ItemSourceId != ItemStatics.CurseLifterItemSourceId && itemToUse.dbItem.ItemSourceId != ItemStatics.ButtPlugItemSourceId)
                TempData["Error"] = "This type of item cannot lift curses.";

            IEnumerable <EffectViewModel2> effects = EffectProcedures.GetPlayerEffects2(me.Id).Where(e => e.Effect.IsRemovable && e.dbEffect.Duration > 0).ToList();

            RemoveCurseViewModel output = new RemoveCurseViewModel
                Effects = effects,
                Item    = itemToUse

            return(View(MVC.Item.Views.RemoveCurse, output));
        internal static string MovePlayer(Player player, string destination, int maxSpacesToMove, Action <Player, string> callback = null, bool timestamp = true)
            var start = LocationsStatics.LocationList.GetLocation.FirstOrDefault(l => l.dbName == player.dbLocationName);
            var end   = LocationsStatics.LocationList.GetLocation.FirstOrDefault(l => l.dbName == destination);

            if (destination == null || start == null || end == null)

            if (player.InDuel > 0 || player.InQuest > 0 || player.MindControlIsActive || player.MoveActionPointDiscount < -TurnTimesStatics.GetActionPointReserveLimit())

            if (ItemProcedures.GetAllPlayerItems(player.Id).Count(i => !i.dbItem.IsEquipped) > PvPStatics.MaxCarryableItemCountBase + player.ExtraInventory)
                // Carryiing too much

            IPlayerRepository playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
            var target = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == player.Id);

            var pathTiles   = PathfindingProcedures.GetMovementPath(start, end);
            var costPerTile = Math.Max(0, 1 - target.MoveActionPointDiscount);

            // Cap distance, plus don't exceed number of tiles or available AP
            var maxDistance  = (costPerTile == 0) ? 200 : Math.Floor(target.ActionPoints / costPerTile);
            var spacesToMove = (int)Math.Min(maxDistance, pathTiles.Count());

            spacesToMove = Math.Min(maxSpacesToMove, spacesToMove);

            if (spacesToMove <= 0)

            var stoppingTile = pathTiles[spacesToMove - 1];

            PlayerProcedures.MovePlayerMultipleLocations(player, stoppingTile, spacesToMove * costPerTile, timestamp: timestamp, callback: callback);

Example #23
        private static decimal CalculateTFEBonusBuff(Player victim, Player attacker)
            var attackerTFEnergyBonus   = ItemProcedures.GetPlayerBuffs(attacker).SpellExtraTFEnergyPercent();
            var victimTFEnergyReduction = ItemProcedures.GetPlayerBuffs(victim).SpellTFEnergyDamageResistance();
            // Collect the attacker ExtraTFEnergyPercent and modify it by the defenders TFEnergyDamageResistance
            var modifiedTFEnergyPercent = 1 + ((attackerTFEnergyBonus - victimTFEnergyReduction) / 100M);

            // Cap the damage modifier at 0.5 / 2.0
            if (modifiedTFEnergyPercent < 0.5M)
                modifiedTFEnergyPercent = 0.5M;
            if (modifiedTFEnergyPercent > 2.0M)
                modifiedTFEnergyPercent = 2.0M;

Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Spawns Narcissa into the world and sets her initial blank AI Directive
        /// </summary>
        public static void SpawnFaeBoss()
            var faeboss = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetPlayerByBotId {
                BotId = AIStatics.FaebossBotId

            if (faeboss == null)
                var cmd = new CreatePlayer
                    FirstName    = FirstName,
                    LastName     = LastName,
                    Location     = SpawnLocation,
                    Gender       = PvPStatics.GenderFemale,
                    Health       = 100000,
                    Mana         = 100000,
                    MaxHealth    = 100000,
                    MaxMana      = 100000,
                    FormSourceId = FaeBossFormId,
                    Money        = 1000,
                    Mobility     = PvPStatics.MobilityFull,
                    Level        = 25,
                    BotId        = AIStatics.FaebossBotId,
                var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd);

                var playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var faebossEF  = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);


                for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new GiveRune {
                        ItemSourceId = RuneStatics.NARCISSA_RUNE, PlayerId = faebossEF.Id
Example #25
        public virtual ActionResult MyInventory()
            var myMembershipId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var me             = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFromMembership(myMembershipId);

            if (me.MembershipId == myMembershipId)
                ViewBag.BelongsToPlayer = "block";
                ViewBag.BelongsToPlayer = "none";

            var output = new InventoryBonusesViewModel
                Items = DomainRegistry.Repository.Find(new GetItemsOwnedByPlayer {
                    OwnerId = me.Id
                }).Where(i => i.EmbeddedOnItem == null),
                Bonuses           = ItemProcedures.GetPlayerBuffs(me),
                Health            = me.Health,
                MaxHealth         = me.MaxHealth,
                Mana              = me.Mana,
                MaxMana           = me.MaxMana,
                CurrentCarryCount = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetCurrentCarryWeight {
                    PlayerId = me.Id
                MaxInventorySize = ItemProcedures.GetInventoryMaxSize(me)

            ViewBag.ErrorMessage    = TempData["Error"];
            ViewBag.SubErrorMessage = TempData["SubError"];
            ViewBag.Result          = TempData["Result"];

            ViewBag.ShowDetailLinks   = true;
            ViewBag.ItemsUsedThisTurn = me.ItemsUsedThisTurn;

            return(View(MVC.PvP.Views.Inventory, output));
Example #26
        public virtual ActionResult UnembedRunes()
            var me = PlayerProcedures.GetPlayerFromMembership(User.Identity.GetUserId());

                TempData["Result"] = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new UnembedAllRunes {
                    PlayerId = me.Id
                IPlayerRepository playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var newMe = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == me.Id);
            catch (DomainException e)
                TempData["Error"] = e.Message;

Example #27
        public static void Spawn()
            var boss = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetPlayerByBotId
                BotId = AIStatics.MotorcycleGangLeaderBotId

            if (boss == null)
                var cmd = new CreatePlayer
                    FirstName    = BossFirstName,
                    LastName     = BossLastName,
                    Location     = SpawnLocation,
                    Gender       = PvPStatics.GenderFemale,
                    Health       = 100000,
                    Mana         = 100000,
                    MaxHealth    = 100000,
                    MaxMana      = 100000,
                    FormSourceId = BossFormId,
                    Money        = 2000,
                    Mobility     = PvPStatics.MobilityFull,
                    Level        = 20,
                    BotId        = AIStatics.MotorcycleGangLeaderBotId,
                var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd);

                var playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var bossEF     = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);

                for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new GiveRune {
                        ItemSourceId = RuneStatics.MOTORCYCLE_RUNE, PlayerId = bossEF.Id
Example #28
        public static void EquipDefeatedPlayer(Player owner, Player defeatedPlayer)
            var playerIsBot = owner.BotId <= AIStatics.PsychopathBotId;

            if (owner.BotId == AIStatics.PsychopathBotId && EffectProcedures.PlayerHasActiveEffect(owner.Id, JokeShopProcedures.PSYCHOTIC_EFFECT))
                // Do not apply to temporary psychos to avoid circumventing inventory rules
                playerIsBot = false;

            if (playerIsBot)
                // have the bot equip any new item they are carrying (psychos take off duplicates later in world update)
                var item = ItemProcedures.GetAllPlayerItems(owner.Id)
                           .FirstOrDefault(i => i.dbItem.FormerPlayerId == defeatedPlayer.Id);

                if (item != null)
                    ItemProcedures.EquipItem(item.dbItem.Id, true);
        public static void SpawnDonna()
            var donna = DomainRegistry.Repository.FindSingle(new GetPlayerByBotId {
                BotId = AIStatics.DonnaBotId

            if (donna == null)
                var cmd = new CreatePlayer
                    FirstName    = FirstName,
                    LastName     = LastName,
                    Location     = "ranch_bedroom",
                    Gender       = PvPStatics.GenderFemale,
                    Health       = 100000,
                    Mana         = 100000,
                    MaxHealth    = 100000,
                    MaxMana      = 100000,
                    FormSourceId = DonnaFormSourceId,
                    Money        = 1000,
                    Level        = 20,
                    BotId        = AIStatics.DonnaBotId,
                var id = DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(cmd);

                var playerRepo = new EFPlayerRepository();
                var donnaEF    = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);

                for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new GiveRune {
                        ItemSourceId = RuneStatics.DONNA_RUNE, PlayerId = donnaEF.Id
Example #30
 public void Should_retrieve_correct_xp_requirement_for_inanimate_levelup(int level, int expectedXp)
     Assert.That(ItemProcedures.GetXPRequiredForItemPetLevelup(level), Is.EqualTo(expectedXp));