Example #1
        public override string Convert(int number, GrammaticalGender gender)
            if (number < 0)
                return("meno " + Convert(Math.Abs(number), gender));

            var cruncher = new ItalianCardinalNumberCruncher(number, gender);

        public override string Convert(long input, GrammaticalGender gender)
            if (input > Int32.MaxValue || input < Int32.MinValue)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            var number = (int)input;

            if (number < 0)
                return("meno " + Convert(Math.Abs(number), gender));

            var cruncher = new ItalianCardinalNumberCruncher(number, gender);

        public string Convert()
            // it's easier to treat zero as a completely distinct case
            if (_fullNumber == 0)

            if (_fullNumber <= 9)
                // units ordinals, 1 to 9, are totally different than the rest: treat them as a distinct case
                return(_unitsUnder10NumberToText[_fullNumber] + _genderSuffix);

            var cardinalCruncher = new ItalianCardinalNumberCruncher(_fullNumber, _gender);

            var words = cardinalCruncher.Convert();

            var tensAndUnits = _fullNumber % 100;

            if (tensAndUnits == 10)
                // for numbers ending in 10, cardinal and ordinal endings are different, suffix doesn't work
                words = words.Remove(words.Length - _lengthOf10AsCardinal) + "decim" + _genderSuffix;
                // truncate last vowel
                words = words.Remove(words.Length - 1);

                var units = _fullNumber % 10;

                // reintroduce *unaccented* last vowel in some corner cases
                if (units == 3)
                    words += 'e';
                else if (units == 6)
                    words += 'i';

                var lowestThreeDigits = _fullNumber % 1000;
                var lowestSixDigits   = _fullNumber % 1000000;
                var lowestNineDigits  = _fullNumber % 1000000000;

                if (lowestNineDigits == 0)
                    // if exact billions, cardinal number words are joined
                    words = words.Replace(" miliard", "miliard");

                    // if 1 billion, numeral prefix is removed completely
                    if (_fullNumber == 1000000000)
                        words = words.Replace("un", string.Empty);
                else if (lowestSixDigits == 0)
                    // if exact millions, cardinal number words are joined
                    words = words.Replace(" milion", "milion");

                    // if 1 million, numeral prefix is removed completely
                    if (_fullNumber == 1000000)
                        words = words.Replace("un", string.Empty);
                else if (lowestThreeDigits == 0 && _fullNumber > 1000)
                    // if exact thousands, double the final 'l', apart from 1000 already having that
                    words += 'l';

                // append common ordinal suffix
                words += "esim" + _genderSuffix;
