Example #1
        public static void ShowMessage(String message, ExRichTextBox richTextControl, RtfColor foreColor, RtfColor backGround, FontStyle textStyle, HorizontalAlignment textAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, Single textSize = 10, String textFont = "Tahoma", int crlf = 1, Control setFocusTo = null, bool isMessage = true)
            if (richTextControl != null && !richTextControl.IsDisposed)
                //cleaning left-over RTF characters (avoid breaking RTB)
                if (message.IndexOf(@"\") > -1)
                    message = message.Replace(@"\", @"\\");

                if (message.IndexOf("{") > -1)
                    message = message.Replace("{", @"\{");

                if (message.IndexOf("}") > -1)
                    message = message.Replace("}", @"\}");

                if (message.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine) > -1)
                    message = message.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + @"\par  ");

                //we deal with the emoticons only if it is a chat message (ignore emoticons on system message)
                if (isMessage)
                    foreach (var icon in EmoticonsHelper.GetEmoticons())
                        if (icon.Key.IndexOf(",") > -1)
                            var optionalToken = icon.Key.Split(',');

                            foreach (var opt in optionalToken)
                                if (message.IndexOf(opt) > -1)
                                    //replace the token with its RTF equivalent ;)
                                    message = message.Replace(opt, icon.Value);
                        else if (message.IndexOf(icon.Key) > -1)
                            message = message.Replace(icon.Key, icon.Value);

                FontStyle extraStyles = new FontStyle();
                if (message.IndexOf("") > -1)
                    extraStyles |= FontStyle.Bold;

                Font extraFonts = new Font(textFont, textSize, textStyle | extraStyles, GraphicsUnit.Point);

                //add extra carriage returns
                if (crlf > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < crlf; i++)
                        message += Environment.NewLine;

                RTFFractionMessage messageFractions = new RTFFractionMessage(message, foreColor, backGround);
                    if (message.IndexOf("\u0003") > -1)
                        string[] formattedParts = message.Split(new string[] { "\u0003" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                        for (int i = 0; i <= formattedParts.Count() - 1; i++)
                            if (formattedParts[i].Length > 1)
                                if (IntegerHelper.IsNumeric(formattedParts[i].Substring(0, 1)))
                                    messageFractions = (ReturnRTFColor(formattedParts[i]));
                                    if (i < formattedParts.Length - 1)
                                        richTextControl.AppendTextAsRtf(messageFractions.Message, extraFonts, messageFractions.Forecolor, messageFractions.BackgroundColor);
                                    messageFractions = new RTFFractionMessage(formattedParts[i], RtfColor.Black, RtfColor.White);
                                    richTextControl.AppendTextAsRtf(messageFractions.Message, extraFonts, messageFractions.Forecolor, messageFractions.BackgroundColor);
                    //TODO: Handle

                //write any extra text left
                richTextControl.AppendTextAsRtf(messageFractions.Message, extraFonts, messageFractions.Forecolor, messageFractions.BackgroundColor);

                //scroll to bottom of the RTB
                //if something else needs to be focused, focus that
                if (setFocusTo != null)
                    if (setFocusTo.CanFocus)
Example #2
        public static RTFFractionMessage ReturnRTFColor(string Str)
            string Definition = "";

            if (Str.Length == 2)
                Definition = Str.Substring(0, 2);
            else if (Str.Length == 4)
                Definition = Str.Substring(0, 3);
            else if (Str.Length >= 4)
                Definition = Str.Substring(0, 5);

            bool HasBackground = false;

            int    Forecolor       = 0;
            int    BackgroundColor = 0;
            string Message         = "";

            if (Definition.IndexOf(",") > -1)
                HasBackground = true;

                Forecolor = Convert.ToInt32(Definition.Substring(0, Definition.IndexOf(",")));
                if (IntegerHelper.IsNumeric(Definition.Substring(Definition.IndexOf(",") + 1, 2)))
                    BackgroundColor = Convert.ToInt32(Definition.Substring(Definition.IndexOf(",") + 1, 2));
                    Message         = Str.Substring(Str.IndexOf(",") + 3);
                else if (IntegerHelper.IsNumeric(Definition.Substring(Definition.IndexOf(",") + 1, 1)))
                    BackgroundColor = Convert.ToInt32(Definition.Substring(Definition.IndexOf(",") + 1, 1));
                    Message         = Str.Substring(Str.IndexOf(",") + 2);
                    BackgroundColor = 0;
                    Message         = Str.Substring(Str.IndexOf(","));
                //No background
                HasBackground = false;
                if (IntegerHelper.IsNumeric(Definition.Substring(0, 2)))
                    Forecolor = Convert.ToInt32(Definition.Substring(0, 2));
                    Message   = Str.Substring(2);
                    Forecolor = Convert.ToInt32(Definition.Substring(0, 1));
                    Message   = Str.Substring(1);
            return(new RTFFractionMessage(Message, GeteXRTBColorFromInt(Forecolor), GeteXRTBColorFromInt(BackgroundColor)));