private bool ShouldCeremonyBeCalledOff() { return(firstPawn.Destroyed || secondPawn.Destroyed || !firstPawn.relations.DirectRelationExists(PawnRelationDefOf.Fiance, secondPawn) || spot.GetDangerFor(firstPawn, Map) != Danger.None || spot.GetDangerFor(secondPawn, Map) != Danger.None || !MarriageCeremonyUtility.AcceptableGameConditionsToStartCeremony(Map) || !MarriageCeremonyUtility.FianceCanContinueCeremony(firstPawn, secondPawn)); }
/** * Move few stepf srom dispenser to avoid clustering in a single cell */ public static Toil CarryIngestibleToChewSpot(Pawn pawn, TargetIndex ingestibleInd) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = delegate { Pawn actor =; IntVec3 intVec = IntVec3.Invalid; Thing thing = null; Thing thing2 = actor.CurJob.GetTarget(ingestibleInd).Thing; intVec = RCellFinder.SpotToChewStandingNear(actor, actor.CurJob.GetTarget(ingestibleInd).Thing); Danger chewSpotDanger = intVec.GetDangerFor(pawn, actor.Map); if (chewSpotDanger != Danger.None) { thing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(actor.Position, actor.Map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.BuildingArtificial), PathEndMode.OnCell, TraverseParms.For(actor), thing2.def.ingestible.chairSearchRadius, (Thing t) => (int)t.Position.GetDangerFor(pawn, t.Map) <= (int)chewSpotDanger); } if (thing != null) { intVec = thing.Position; actor.Reserve(thing, actor.CurJob); } actor.Map.pawnDestinationReservationManager.Reserve(actor, actor.CurJob, intVec); actor.pather.StartPath(intVec, PathEndMode.OnCell); }; toil.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.PatherArrival; return(toil); }
private bool ShouldCeremonyBeCalledOff() { if (firstPawn.Destroyed || secondPawn.Destroyed) { return(true); } if (!firstPawn.relations.DirectRelationExists(PawnRelationDefOf.Fiance, secondPawn)) { return(true); } if (spot.GetDangerFor(firstPawn, base.Map) != Danger.None || spot.GetDangerFor(secondPawn, base.Map) != Danger.None) { return(true); } if (!GatheringsUtility.AcceptableGameConditionsToContinueGathering(base.Map) || !MarriageCeremonyUtility.FianceCanContinueCeremony(firstPawn, secondPawn) || !MarriageCeremonyUtility.FianceCanContinueCeremony(secondPawn, firstPawn)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool SafeEnvironmentalConditions(Pawn pawn, IntVec3 cell, Map map) { if (map.gameConditionManager.ConditionIsActive(GameConditionDefOf.ToxicFallout) && !cell.Roofed(map)) { return(false); } if (cell.GetDangerFor(pawn, map) != Danger.None) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool ValidateGatheringSpot(IntVec3 cell, GatheringDef gatheringDef, Pawn organizer, bool enjoyableOutside) { Map map = organizer.Map; if (!cell.Standable(map)) { return(false); } if (cell.GetDangerFor(organizer, map) != Danger.None) { return(false); } if (!enjoyableOutside && !cell.Roofed(map)) { return(false); } if (cell.IsForbidden(organizer)) { return(false); } if (!organizer.CanReserveAndReach(cell, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.None)) { return(false); } bool flag = cell.GetRoom(map)?.isPrisonCell ?? false; if (organizer.IsPrisoner != flag) { return(false); } if (!EnoughPotentialGuestsToStartGathering(map, gatheringDef, cell)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static Toil CarryIngestibleToChewSpot(Pawn pawn, TargetIndex ingestibleInd) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = delegate() { Pawn actor =; IntVec3 intVec = IntVec3.Invalid; Thing thing = null; Thing thing2 = actor.CurJob.GetTarget(ingestibleInd).Thing; Predicate <Thing> baseChairValidator = delegate(Thing t) { bool result; if (t.def.building == null || !t.def.building.isSittable) { result = false; } else if (t.IsForbidden(pawn)) { result = false; } else if (!actor.CanReserve(t, 1, -1, null, false)) { result = false; } else if (!t.IsSociallyProper(actor)) { result = false; } else if (t.IsBurning()) { result = false; } else if (t.HostileTo(pawn)) { result = false; } else { bool flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { IntVec3 c = t.Position + GenAdj.CardinalDirections[i]; Building edifice = c.GetEdifice(t.Map); if (edifice != null && edifice.def.surfaceType == SurfaceType.Eat) { flag = true; break; } } result = flag; } return(result); }; if (thing2.def.ingestible.chairSearchRadius > 0f) { thing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(actor.Position, actor.Map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.BuildingArtificial), PathEndMode.OnCell, TraverseParms.For(actor, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false), thing2.def.ingestible.chairSearchRadius, (Thing t) => baseChairValidator(t) && t.Position.GetDangerFor(pawn, t.Map) == Danger.None, null, 0, -1, false, RegionType.Set_Passable, false); } if (thing == null) { intVec = RCellFinder.SpotToChewStandingNear(actor, actor.CurJob.GetTarget(ingestibleInd).Thing); Danger chewSpotDanger = intVec.GetDangerFor(pawn, actor.Map); if (chewSpotDanger != Danger.None) { thing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(actor.Position, actor.Map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.BuildingArtificial), PathEndMode.OnCell, TraverseParms.For(actor, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false), thing2.def.ingestible.chairSearchRadius, (Thing t) => baseChairValidator(t) && t.Position.GetDangerFor(pawn, t.Map) <= chewSpotDanger, null, 0, -1, false, RegionType.Set_Passable, false); } } if (thing != null) { intVec = thing.Position; actor.Reserve(thing, actor.CurJob, 1, -1, null); } actor.Map.pawnDestinationReservationManager.Reserve(actor, actor.CurJob, intVec); actor.pather.StartPath(intVec, PathEndMode.OnCell); }; toil.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.PatherArrival; return(toil); }
private static bool CanWanderToCell(IntVec3 c, Pawn pawn, IntVec3 root, Func <Pawn, IntVec3, IntVec3, bool> validator, int tryIndex, Danger maxDanger) { bool flag = false; if (!c.Walkable(pawn.Map)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0f, "walk"); } return(false); } if (c.IsForbidden(pawn)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.25f, "forbid"); } return(false); } if (tryIndex < 10 && !c.Standable(pawn.Map)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.25f, "stand"); } return(false); } if (!pawn.CanReach(c, PathEndMode.OnCell, maxDanger)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.6f, "reach"); } return(false); } if (PawnUtility.KnownDangerAt(c, pawn.Map, pawn)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.1f, "trap"); } return(false); } if (tryIndex < 10) { if (c.GetTerrain(pawn.Map).avoidWander) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.39f, "terr"); } return(false); } if (pawn.Map.pathGrid.PerceivedPathCostAt(c) > 20) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.4f, "pcost"); } return(false); } if ((int)c.GetDangerFor(pawn, pawn.Map) > 1) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.4f, "danger"); } return(false); } } else if (tryIndex < 15 && c.GetDangerFor(pawn, pawn.Map) == Danger.Deadly) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.4f, "deadly"); } return(false); } if (!pawn.Map.pawnDestinationReservationManager.CanReserve(c, pawn)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.75f, "resvd"); } return(false); } if (validator != null && !validator(pawn, c, root)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.15f, "valid"); } return(false); } if (c.GetDoor(pawn.Map) != null) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.32f, "door"); } return(false); } if (c.ContainsStaticFire(pawn.Map)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.9f, "fire"); } return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool IsValidMarriageSpotFor(IntVec3 cell, Pawn firstFiance, Pawn secondFiance, StringBuilder outFailReason = null) { if (!firstFiance.Spawned || !secondFiance.Spawned) { Log.Warning("Can't check if a marriage spot is valid because one of the fiances isn't spawned.", false); return(false); } if (firstFiance.Map != secondFiance.Map) { return(false); } if (!MarriageSpotUtility.IsValidMarriageSpot(cell, firstFiance.Map, outFailReason)) { return(false); } if (!cell.Roofed(firstFiance.Map)) { if (!JoyUtility.EnjoyableOutsideNow(firstFiance, outFailReason)) { return(false); } if (!JoyUtility.EnjoyableOutsideNow(secondFiance, outFailReason)) { return(false); } } if (cell.GetDangerFor(firstFiance, firstFiance.Map) != Danger.None) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotDangerous".Translate(new object[] { firstFiance.LabelShort })); } return(false); } if (cell.GetDangerFor(secondFiance, secondFiance.Map) != Danger.None) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotDangerous".Translate(new object[] { secondFiance.LabelShort })); } return(false); } if (cell.IsForbidden(firstFiance)) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotForbidden".Translate(new object[] { firstFiance.LabelShort })); } return(false); } if (cell.IsForbidden(secondFiance)) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotForbidden".Translate(new object[] { secondFiance.LabelShort })); } return(false); } if (!firstFiance.CanReserve(cell, 1, -1, null, false) || !secondFiance.CanReserve(cell, 1, -1, null, false)) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotReserved".Translate()); } return(false); } if (!firstFiance.CanReach(cell, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.None, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotUnreachable".Translate(new object[] { firstFiance.LabelShort })); } return(false); } if (!secondFiance.CanReach(cell, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.None, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotUnreachable".Translate(new object[] { secondFiance.LabelShort })); } return(false); } if (!firstFiance.IsPrisoner && !secondFiance.IsPrisoner) { Room room = cell.GetRoom(firstFiance.Map, RegionType.Set_Passable); if (room != null && room.isPrisonCell) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotInPrisonCell".Translate()); } return(false); } } return(true); }
public static Toil CarryIngestibleToChewSpot(Pawn pawn, TargetIndex ingestibleInd) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = delegate { Pawn actor =; IntVec3 cell2 = IntVec3.Invalid; Thing thing = null; Thing thing2 = actor.CurJob.GetTarget(ingestibleInd).Thing; Predicate <Thing> baseChairValidator = delegate(Thing t) { if (t.def.building == null || !t.def.building.isSittable) { return(false); } if (!TryFindFreeSittingSpotOnThing(t, out var _)) { return(false); } if (t.IsForbidden(pawn)) { return(false); } if (!actor.CanReserve(t)) { return(false); } if (!t.IsSociallyProper(actor)) { return(false); } if (t.IsBurning()) { return(false); } if (t.HostileTo(pawn)) { return(false); } bool flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Building edifice = (t.Position + GenAdj.CardinalDirections[i]).GetEdifice(t.Map); if (edifice != null && edifice.def.surfaceType == SurfaceType.Eat) { flag = true; break; } } return(flag ? true : false); }; if (thing2.GetIngestibleProperties().chairSearchRadius > 0f) { thing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(actor.Position, actor.Map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.BuildingArtificial), PathEndMode.OnCell, TraverseParms.For(actor), thing2.GetIngestibleProperties().chairSearchRadius, (Thing t) => baseChairValidator(t) && t.Position.GetDangerFor(pawn, t.Map) == Danger.None); } if (thing == null) { cell2 = RCellFinder.SpotToChewStandingNear(actor, actor.CurJob.GetTarget(ingestibleInd).Thing, (IntVec3 c) => actor.CanReserveSittableOrSpot(c)); Danger chewSpotDanger = cell2.GetDangerFor(pawn, actor.Map); if (chewSpotDanger != Danger.None) { thing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(actor.Position, actor.Map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.BuildingArtificial), PathEndMode.OnCell, TraverseParms.For(actor), thing2.GetIngestibleProperties().chairSearchRadius, (Thing t) => baseChairValidator(t) && (int)t.Position.GetDangerFor(pawn, t.Map) <= (int)chewSpotDanger); } } if (thing != null && !TryFindFreeSittingSpotOnThing(thing, out cell2)) { Log.Error("Could not find sitting spot on chewing chair! This is not supposed to happen - we looked for a free spot in a previous check!"); } actor.ReserveSittableOrSpot(cell2, actor.CurJob); actor.Map.pawnDestinationReservationManager.Reserve(actor, actor.CurJob, cell2); actor.pather.StartPath(cell2, PathEndMode.OnCell); bool TryFindFreeSittingSpotOnThing(Thing t, out IntVec3 cell) { foreach (IntVec3 item in t.OccupiedRect()) { if (actor.CanReserveSittableOrSpot(item)) { cell = item; return(true); } } cell = default(IntVec3); return(false); } }; toil.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.PatherArrival; return(toil); }
public static bool __Prefix(Pawn pawn, TargetIndex ingestibleInd, ref Toil __result) { if (!TableDiner.settings.useExtraFeatures) { return(true); } Toil toil = new Verse.AI.Toil(); toil.initAction = delegate { Pawn actor =; IntVec3 intVec = IntVec3.Invalid; Thing thing = null; Thing thing2 = actor.CurJob.GetTarget(ingestibleInd).Thing; Predicate <Thing> baseChairValidator = delegate(Thing t) { bool result; if (t.def.building == null || !t.def.building.isSittable) { result = false; } else if (t.IsForbidden(pawn)) { result = false; } else if (!actor.CanReserve(t, 1, -1, null, false)) { result = false; } else if (!t.IsSociallyProper(actor)) { result = false; } else if (t.IsBurning()) { result = false; } else if (t.HostileTo(pawn)) { result = false; } else { bool flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { IntVec3 c = t.Position + GenAdj.CardinalDirections[i]; Building edifice = c.GetEdifice(t.Map); if (edifice != null && edifice.def.surfaceType == SurfaceType.Eat) { float tr = TableDinerGlobal.GetTableRadius(edifice.ThingID); float pr = TableDinerGlobal.GetTableRadius(actor.ThingID); if (tr >= 1 || pr >= 1) { float r2 = (edifice.TrueCenter() - actor.TrueCenter()).sqrMagnitude; if (tr < 1) { if (r2 <= Mathf.Pow(pr, 2)) { flag = true; break; } } else if (pr < 1) { if (r2 <= Mathf.Pow(tr, 2)) { flag = true; break; } } else { if (r2 <= Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Min(tr, pr), 2)) { flag = true; break; } } } else { flag = true; break; } } } result = flag; } return(result); }; if (thing2.def.ingestible.chairSearchRadius > 0f) { thing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(actor.Position, actor.Map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.BuildingArtificial), PathEndMode.OnCell, TraverseParms.For(actor, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false), thing2.def.ingestible.chairSearchRadius, (Thing t) => baseChairValidator(t) && t.Position.GetDangerFor(pawn, t.Map) == Danger.None, null, 0, -1, false, RegionType.Set_Passable, false); } if (thing == null) { intVec = RCellFinder.SpotToChewStandingNear(actor, actor.CurJob.GetTarget(ingestibleInd).Thing); Danger chewSpotDanger = intVec.GetDangerFor(pawn, actor.Map); if (chewSpotDanger != Danger.None) { thing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(actor.Position, actor.Map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.BuildingArtificial), PathEndMode.OnCell, TraverseParms.For(actor, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false), thing2.def.ingestible.chairSearchRadius, (Thing t) => baseChairValidator(t) && t.Position.GetDangerFor(pawn, t.Map) <= chewSpotDanger, null, 0, -1, false, RegionType.Set_Passable, false); } } if (thing != null) { intVec = thing.Position; actor.Reserve(thing, actor.CurJob, 1, -1, null); } actor.Map.pawnDestinationReservationManager.Reserve(actor, actor.CurJob, intVec); actor.pather.StartPath(intVec, PathEndMode.OnCell); }; toil.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.PatherArrival; __result = toil; return(false); }
internal bool <> m__0(IntVec3 x) { if (!x.InBounds( { return(false); } if (!x.Standable( { return(false); } if (x.Fogged( { return(false); } if (this.rectWithMargin.Contains(x)) { return(false); } if ((x.z <= this.rectWithMargin.maxZ || (this.allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Up) != SpectateRectSide.Up) && (x.x <= this.rectWithMargin.maxX || (this.allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Right) != SpectateRectSide.Right) && (x.z >= this.rectWithMargin.minZ || (this.allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Down) != SpectateRectSide.Down) && (x.x >= this.rectWithMargin.minX || (this.allowedSides & SpectateRectSide.Left) != SpectateRectSide.Left)) { return(false); } IntVec3 intVec = this.spectateRect.ClosestCellTo(x); if ((float)intVec.DistanceToSquared(x) > 210.25f) { return(false); } if (!GenSight.LineOfSight(intVec, x,, true, null, 0, 0)) { return(false); } if (x.GetThingList( y) => y is Pawn && y != this.p) != null) { return(false); } if (this.p != null) { if (!this.p.CanReserveAndReach(x, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Some, 1, -1, null, false)) { return(false); } Building edifice = x.GetEdifice(; if (edifice != null && edifice.def.category == ThingCategory.Building && edifice.def.building.isSittable && !this.p.CanReserve(edifice, 1, -1, null, false)) { return(false); } if (x.IsForbidden(this.p)) { return(false); } if (x.GetDangerFor(this.p, != Danger.None) { return(false); } } if (this.extraDisallowedCells != null && this.extraDisallowedCells.Contains(x)) { return(false); } if (!SpectatorCellFinder.CorrectlyRotatedChairAt(x,, this.spectateRect)) { int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GenAdj.AdjacentCells.Length; i++) { IntVec3 x2 = x + GenAdj.AdjacentCells[i]; if (SpectatorCellFinder.CorrectlyRotatedChairAt(x2,, this.spectateRect)) { num++; } } if (num >= 3) { return(false); } int num2 = SpectatorCellFinder.DistanceToClosestChair(x, new IntVec3(-1, 0, 0),, 4, this.spectateRect); if (num2 >= 0) { int num3 = SpectatorCellFinder.DistanceToClosestChair(x, new IntVec3(1, 0, 0),, 4, this.spectateRect); if (num3 >= 0 && Mathf.Abs(num2 - num3) <= 1) { return(false); } } int num4 = SpectatorCellFinder.DistanceToClosestChair(x, new IntVec3(0, 0, 1),, 4, this.spectateRect); if (num4 >= 0) { int num5 = SpectatorCellFinder.DistanceToClosestChair(x, new IntVec3(0, 0, -1),, 4, this.spectateRect); if (num5 >= 0 && Mathf.Abs(num4 - num5) <= 1) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
public static Toil GoToDineSpot(Pawn pawn, TargetIndex dineSpotInd) { var toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = () => { Pawn actor =; IntVec3 targetPosition = IntVec3.Invalid; var diningSpot = (DiningSpot)actor.CurJob.GetTarget(dineSpotInd).Thing; bool BaseChairValidator(Thing t) { if (t.def.building == null || !t.def.building.isSittable) { return(false); } if (t.IsForbidden(pawn)) { return(false); } if (!actor.CanReserve(t)) { return(false); } if (!t.IsSociallyProper(actor)) { return(false); } if (t.IsBurning()) { return(false); } if (t.HostileTo(pawn)) { return(false); } if (t.Position.GetDangerFor(pawn, t.Map) > JobUtility.MaxDangerDining) { return(false); } return(true); } var chair = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(diningSpot.Position, diningSpot.Map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.BuildingArtificial), PathEndMode.OnCell, TraverseParms.For(actor), 2, BaseChairValidator); if (chair == null) { Log.Message($"{pawn.NameShortColored} could not find a chair around {diningSpot.Position}."); if (diningSpot.MayDineStanding) { targetPosition = RCellFinder.SpotToChewStandingNear(actor, diningSpot); var chewSpotDanger = targetPosition.GetDangerFor(pawn, actor.Map); if (chewSpotDanger != JobUtility.MaxDangerDining) { Log.Message($"{pawn.NameShortColored} could not find a save place around {diningSpot.Position} ({chewSpotDanger}).");; return; } } } if (chair != null) { targetPosition = chair.Position; actor.Reserve(chair, actor.CurJob); } actor.Map.pawnDestinationReservationManager.Reserve(actor, actor.CurJob, targetPosition); actor.pather.StartPath(targetPosition, PathEndMode.OnCell); }; toil.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.PatherArrival; return(toil); }
private static bool CanWanderToCell(IntVec3 c, Pawn pawn, IntVec3 root, Func <Pawn, IntVec3, bool> validator, int tryIndex, Danger maxDanger) { bool flag = UnityData.isDebugBuild && DebugViewSettings.drawDestSearch; if (!c.Walkable(pawn.Map)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0f, "walk", 50); } return(false); } if (c.IsForbidden(pawn)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.25f, "forbid", 50); } return(false); } if (tryIndex < 10 && !c.Standable(pawn.Map)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.25f, "stand", 50); } return(false); } if (!pawn.CanReach(c, PathEndMode.OnCell, maxDanger, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.6f, "reach", 50); } return(false); } if (RCellFinder.ContainsKnownTrap(c, pawn.Map, pawn)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.1f, "trap", 50); } return(false); } if (tryIndex < 10) { if (c.GetTerrain(pawn.Map).avoidWander) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.39f, "terr", 50); } return(false); } if (pawn.Map.pathGrid.PerceivedPathCostAt(c) > 20) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.4f, "pcost", 50); } return(false); } if ((int)c.GetDangerFor(pawn, pawn.Map) > 1) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.4f, "danger", 50); } return(false); } } else if (tryIndex < 15 && c.GetDangerFor(pawn, pawn.Map) == Danger.Deadly) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.4f, "deadly", 50); } return(false); } if (!pawn.Map.pawnDestinationReservationManager.CanReserve(c, pawn)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.75f, "resvd", 50); } return(false); } if (validator != null && !validator(pawn, c)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.15f, "valid", 50); } return(false); } if (c.GetDoor(pawn.Map) != null) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.32f, "door", 50); } return(false); } if (c.ContainsStaticFire(pawn.Map)) { if (flag) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(c, 0.9f, "fire", 50); } return(false); } return(true); }
// Token: 0x0600002A RID: 42 RVA: 0x00002E28 File Offset: 0x00001028 internal bool FlightCellCheck(Pawn pilot, IntVec3 tCell, int fuel, float fRate, float minJump, float maxJump, out string cantReason) { cantReason = ""; if (!tCell.InBounds(pilot.Map)) { cantReason = "JetPack.JumpReasonInvalid".Translate(); return(false); } if (JPOnCooldown) { cantReason = "JetPack.JumpReasonOnCooldown".Translate(); return(false); } if (!pilot.CanReserve(tCell)) { cantReason = "JetPack.JumpReasonReserved".Translate(); return(false); } if (tCell.Roofed(pilot.Map)) { if (!Settings.RoofPunch) { cantReason = "JetPack.JumpReasonRoofed".Translate(); return(false); } var chkSKF = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed(JPSkyFallType, false); if (chkSKF == null || !chkSKF.skyfaller.hitRoof) { cantReason = "JetPack.JumpReasonSFNotRPunch".Translate( chkSKF?.label.CapitalizeFirst()); return(false); } } if (!tCell.Walkable(pilot.Map)) { cantReason = "JetPack.JumpReasonNotWalk".Translate(); return(false); } if (tCell.GetDangerFor(pilot, pilot.Map) == Danger.Deadly) { cantReason = "JetPack.JumpReasonDeadly".Translate(); return(false); } var distance = pilot.Position.DistanceTo(tCell); if (distance < minJump) { cantReason = "JetPack.JumpReasonMinRange".Translate(((int)minJump).ToString()); return(false); } if (distance > maxJump) { cantReason = "JetPack.JumpReasonMaxRange".Translate(((int)maxJump).ToString()); return(false); } if (fRate <= 0f) { cantReason = "JetPack.JumpFuelRateInvalid".Translate(fRate.ToString()); return(false); } float distCanJump; if (Settings.UseCarry) { distCanJump = fuel / fRate * JPWeightUtility.JPCarryFactor(pilot, def, JPFuelItem); } else { distCanJump = fuel / fRate; } if (distCanJump > maxJump) { distCanJump = maxJump; } if (!(distCanJump < distance)) { return(true); } cantReason = "JetPack.JumpNotEnoughfuel".Translate(); return(false); }