Example #1
    public void Run()
        using (Context ctx = new Context())
            BoolExpr p = ctx.MkBoolConst("p");
            IntExpr x = ctx.MkIntConst("x");
            IntExpr y = ctx.MkIntConst("y");

            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAdd(x, ctx.MkInt(1)));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAdd(ctx.MkInt(1), x));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAdd(x, y));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkMul(ctx.MkInt(2), x));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkMul(x, ctx.MkInt(2)));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkMul(x, y));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkDiv(x, y));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkMod(x, y));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkEq(x, y));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkDistinct(x, y, x));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(x, y)));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkEq(x, y));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAdd(x, ctx.MkInt(1)));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAdd(x, ctx.MkInt(1)));

            BoolExpr q = ctx.MkBoolConst("q");
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAnd(p, q));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAnd(p, q));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkEq(x, y));
Example #2
    public void Run()
        Dictionary <string, string> cfg = new Dictionary <string, string>()
            { "AUTO_CONFIG", "true" }

        using (Context ctx = new Context(cfg))
            IntExpr  x   = ctx.MkIntConst("x");
            FuncDecl x_d = x.FuncDecl;

            Console.WriteLine("is_expr(x_d): " + x_d.IsExpr);
            Console.WriteLine("is_func_decl(x_d): " + x_d.IsFuncDecl);
            Console.WriteLine("x_d.Name: " + x_d.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("x_d.Range: " + x_d.Range);
            Console.WriteLine("x_d.Arity: " + x_d.Arity);
            Console.WriteLine("x_d() == x: " + (x_d.Apply() == x));

            FuncDecl f = ctx.MkFuncDecl("f", new Sort[] { ctx.IntSort, ctx.RealSort }, ctx.BoolSort);

            Console.WriteLine("f.Name: " + f.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("f.Range: " + f.Range);
            Console.WriteLine("f.Arity: " + f.Arity);

            for (uint i = 0; i < f.Arity; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("domain(" + i + "): " + f.Domain[i]);

            Console.WriteLine(f[x, ctx.MkInt2Real(x)]);
            Console.WriteLine(f[x, ctx.MkInt2Real(x)].FuncDecl == f);
Example #3
    public void Run()
        Dictionary <string, string> cfg = new Dictionary <string, string>()

        using (Context ctx = new Context(cfg))
            FuncDecl f = ctx.MkFuncDecl("f", ctx.IntSort, ctx.IntSort);
            FuncDecl g = ctx.MkFuncDecl("g", ctx.IntSort, ctx.IntSort);

            IntExpr a = ctx.MkIntConst("a");
            IntExpr b = ctx.MkIntConst("b");
            IntExpr c = ctx.MkIntConst("c");

            IntExpr x = ctx.MkIntConst("x");

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();
            Params p = ctx.MkParams();
            p.Add("AUTO_CONFIG", false);
            p.Add("MBQI", false);
            s.Parameters = p;

            s.Assert(ctx.MkForall(new Expr[] { x }, ctx.MkEq(f[g[x]], x), 1, new Pattern[] { ctx.MkPattern(f[g[x]]) }));
            s.Assert(ctx.MkEq(g[a], c));
            s.Assert(ctx.MkEq(g[b], c));
            s.Assert(ctx.MkDistinct(a, b));

Example #4
        public void NewSearchTest()
            Solver solver = new Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.Solver("p");

            // creating dummy variables
            List <IntVar> vars = new List <IntVar>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                vars.Add(solver.MakeIntVar(0, 1));

            IntExpr globalSum = solver.MakeSum(vars.ToArray());

            DecisionBuilder db = solver.MakePhase(vars.ToArray(), Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.Solver.INT_VAR_SIMPLE,

            solver.NewSearch(db, new OptimizeVar(solver, true, globalSum.Var(), 100));

            // force Garbage Collector

            // Try to read all solutions
            int count = 0;

            while (solver.NextSolution())
                // Console.WriteLine("solution " + globalSum.Var().Value());
            Console.WriteLine("Solutions: " + count);
Example #5
        public static void Example1(Context ctx)
            Console.WriteLine("Example 1:");

            Sort[]    types = new Sort[3];
            IntExpr[] xs    = new IntExpr[3];
            Symbol[]  names = new Symbol[3];
            IntExpr[] vars  = new IntExpr[3];

            for (uint j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                types[j] = ctx.IntSort;
                names[j] = ctx.MkSymbol(String.Format("x_{0}", j));
                xs[j]    = (IntExpr)ctx.MkConst(names[j], types[j]);
                vars[j]  = (IntExpr)ctx.MkBound(2 - j, types[j]); // reversed

            Expr body_vars = ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkGe(ctx.MkAdd(vars[0], ctx.MkInt(1)), ctx.MkInt(2)),
                                       ctx.MkLe(ctx.MkAdd(-vars[1], ctx.MkInt(2)),
                                                ctx.MkAdd(vars[2], ctx.MkInt(3))));

            Expr x = ctx.MkForall(types, names, body_vars, 1, null, null);

            Console.WriteLine("Formula: " + x.ToString());

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();
            Status q = s.Check();

            PrintResult(q, s);
Example #6
        public static void Example4(Context ctx)
            Console.WriteLine("Example 4:");

            Sort[] types = new Sort[1];
            types[0] = ctx.IntSort;

            Symbol[] names = new Symbol[2];
            names[0] = ctx.MkSymbol("x");
            names[1] = ctx.MkSymbol("y");

            IntExpr[] xs = new IntExpr[2];
            xs[0] = (IntExpr)ctx.MkConst(names[0], types[0]);
            xs[1] = (IntExpr)ctx.MkConst(names[1], types[0]);

            var expr = ctx.MkEq(xs[0], xs[1]);

            var exists = ctx.MkExists(types, new[] { names[1] }, expr);

            var any = ctx.MkForall(types, new[] { names[0] }, exists);

            Console.WriteLine("Formula: " + any.ToString());

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();
            Status q = s.Check();

            PrintResult(q, s);
Example #7
    public void Run()
        Dictionary <string, string> cfg = new Dictionary <string, string>()
            { "AUTO_CONFIG", "true" }

        using (Context ctx = new Context(cfg))
            BoolExpr p1 = ctx.MkBoolConst("p1");
            BoolExpr p2 = ctx.MkBoolConst("p2");
            BoolExpr p3 = ctx.MkBoolConst("p3");

            IntExpr x = ctx.MkIntConst("x");
            IntExpr y = ctx.MkIntConst("y");

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();

            s.Assert(ctx.MkImplies(p1, ctx.MkGt(x, ctx.MkInt(10))),
                     ctx.MkImplies(p1, ctx.MkGt(y, x)),
                     ctx.MkImplies(p2, ctx.MkLt(y, ctx.MkInt(5))),
                     ctx.MkImplies(p3, ctx.MkGt(y, ctx.MkInt(0))));

            Console.WriteLine(s.Check(p1, p2, p3));
            Console.WriteLine("Core: ");
            foreach (Expr e in s.UnsatCore)

            Console.WriteLine(s.Check(p1, p3));
Example #8
    public void Run()
        Dictionary <string, string> cfg = new Dictionary <string, string>()
            { "AUTO_CONFIG", "true" }

        using (Context ctx = new Context(cfg))
            IntExpr dog   = ctx.MkIntConst("dog");
            IntExpr cat   = ctx.MkIntConst("cat");
            IntExpr mouse = ctx.MkIntConst("mouse");

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();

            s.Assert(ctx.MkGe(dog, ctx.MkInt(1)));
            s.Assert(ctx.MkGe(cat, ctx.MkInt(1)));
            s.Assert(ctx.MkGe(mouse, ctx.MkInt(1)));
            s.Assert(ctx.MkEq(ctx.MkAdd(dog, cat, mouse), ctx.MkInt(100)));
            s.Assert(ctx.MkEq(ctx.MkAdd(ctx.MkMul(ctx.MkInt(1500), dog),
                                        ctx.MkMul(ctx.MkInt(100), cat),
                                        ctx.MkMul(ctx.MkInt(25), mouse)),

        private Constraint CreateConstraintBy(OperatorType operatorType, IntExpr lhsExpr, int rhs)
            switch (operatorType)
            case OperatorType.Equals:
                return(this.solver.MakeEquality(lhsExpr, rhs));

            case OperatorType.NotEqual:
                return(this.solver.MakeNonEquality(lhsExpr, rhs));

            case OperatorType.GreaterThanOrEqual:
                return(this.solver.MakeGreaterOrEqual(lhsExpr, rhs));

            case OperatorType.LessThanOrEqual:
                return(this.solver.MakeLessOrEqual(lhsExpr, rhs));

            case OperatorType.Greater:
                return(this.solver.MakeGreater(lhsExpr, rhs));

            case OperatorType.Less:
                return(this.solver.MakeLess(lhsExpr, rhs));

                throw new NotImplementedException("Not sure how to represent this operator type.");
      public void ConstraintAndIntVar() {
        Solver solver = new Solver("Solver");
        IntVar x = solver.MakeIntVar(3, 13, "x");
        Assert.Equal(3, x.Min());
        Assert.Equal(13, x.Max());

        Constraint c1 = x == 7;
        Assert.Equal("(x(3..13) == 7)", c1.ToString());

        IntVar y = solver.MakeIntVar(5, 17, "y");
        Assert.Equal(5, y.Min());
        Assert.Equal(17, y.Max());

        // Arithmetic operator with IntVar
        IntExpr e3a = c1 + y;
        Assert.Equal("(Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1) + y(5..17))", e3a.ToString());
        IntExpr e3b = y + c1;
        Assert.Equal("(Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1) + y(5..17))", e3b.ToString());

        IntExpr e3c = c1 - y;
        Assert.Equal("(Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1) - y(5..17))", e3c.ToString());
        IntExpr e3d = y - c1;
        Assert.Equal("(y(5..17) - Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1))", e3d.ToString());

        IntExpr e3e = c1 * y;
        Assert.Equal("(Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1) * y(5..17))", e3e.ToString());
        IntExpr e3f = y * c1;
        Assert.Equal("(Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1) * y(5..17))", e3f.ToString());

        // Relational operator with an IntVar
        Constraint c9a = c1 == y;
        Assert.Equal("Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1) == y(5..17)", c9a.ToString());
        Constraint c9b = y == c1;
        Assert.Equal("y(5..17) == Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1)", c9b.ToString());

        Constraint c9c = c1 != y;
        Assert.Equal("Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1) != y(5..17)", c9c.ToString());
        Constraint c9d = y != c1;
        Assert.Equal("y(5..17) != Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1)", c9d.ToString());

        Constraint c9e = c1 >= y;
        Assert.Equal("y(5..17) <= Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1)", c9e.ToString());
        Constraint c9f = y >= c1;
        Assert.Equal("Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1) <= y(5..17)", c9f.ToString());

        Constraint c9g = c1 > y;
        Assert.Equal("y(5..17) < Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1)", c9g.ToString());
        Constraint c9h = y > c1;
        Assert.Equal("Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1) < y(5..17)", c9h.ToString());

        Constraint c9i = c1 <= y;
        Assert.Equal("Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1) <= y(5..17)", c9i.ToString());
        Constraint c9j = y <= c1;
        Assert.Equal("y(5..17) <= Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1)", c9j.ToString());

        Constraint c9k = c1 < y;
        Assert.Equal("Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1) < y(5..17)", c9k.ToString());
        Constraint c9l = y < c1;
        Assert.Equal("y(5..17) < Watch<x == 7>(0 .. 1)", c9l.ToString());
 public void Downcast() {
   Solver solver = new Solver("Solver");
   IntVar x = solver.MakeIntVar(2, 17, "x");
   IntExpr e = x + 5;
   IntVar y = e.Var();
   Assert.Equal("(x(2..17) + 5)", y.ToString());
Example #12
    public void Run()
        using (Context ctx = new Context())
            RealExpr x = ctx.MkRealConst("x");
            RealExpr y = ctx.MkRealConst("y");

            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkEq(x, y));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(x, y)));

            BoolExpr f1 = ctx.MkEq(x, y);
            BoolExpr f2 = ctx.MkEq(x, y);
            BoolExpr f3 = ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(x, y));

            Console.WriteLine(f1 == f2);
            Console.WriteLine(f2 == f1);
            Console.WriteLine(f1 == f3);

            FuncDecl f = ctx.MkFuncDecl("f", new Sort[] { ctx.IntSort, ctx.RealSort }, ctx.IntSort);

            IntExpr a = ctx.MkIntConst("a");
            IntExpr b = ctx.MkIntConst("b");

            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkGt((IntExpr)f[a, ctx.MkInt2Real(a)], b));
            Console.WriteLine(f.DeclKind == Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_UNINTERPRETED);
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAdd(a, b).FuncDecl.DeclKind == Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_ADD);
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAdd(a, b).FuncDecl.DeclKind == Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_UNINTERPRETED);
Example #13
        private BoolExpr handleRectangularObstacle(RectangularObstacle obstacle, Context ctx, IntExpr[] sourcesX,
                                                   IntExpr[] sourcesY, IntExpr[] destinationsX, IntExpr[] destinationsY)
            IntExpr obstacleLeftX  = ctx.MkInt(obstacle.location.x);
            IntExpr obstacleRightX = ctx.MkInt(obstacle.location.x + obstacle.width);
            IntExpr obstacleLeftY  = ctx.MkInt(obstacle.location.y);
            IntExpr obstacleRightY = ctx.MkInt(obstacle.location.y + obstacle.length);
            IntExpr passDistance   = ctx.MkInt(obstaclePassDistance);

            BoolExpr[] avoidingObstaclesX        = new BoolExpr[pathSegments];
            BoolExpr[] avoidingObstaclesY        = new BoolExpr[pathSegments];
            BoolExpr[] avoidingObstaclesCombined = new BoolExpr[pathSegments];
            for (int i = 0; i < pathSegments; i++)
                ArithExpr xl_minus_xs = ctx.MkSub(obstacleLeftX, sourcesX[i]);
                ArithExpr xl_minus_xd = ctx.MkSub(obstacleLeftX, destinationsX[i]);
                ArithExpr xs_minus_xh = ctx.MkSub(sourcesX[i], obstacleRightX);
                ArithExpr xd_minus_xh = ctx.MkSub(destinationsX[i], obstacleRightX);
                avoidingObstaclesX[i] = ctx.MkOr(ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkGe(xl_minus_xs, passDistance), ctx.MkGe(xl_minus_xd, passDistance)),
                                                 ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkGe(xs_minus_xh, passDistance), ctx.MkGe(xd_minus_xh, passDistance)));

                ArithExpr yl_minus_ys = ctx.MkSub(obstacleLeftY, sourcesY[i]);
                ArithExpr yl_minus_yd = ctx.MkSub(obstacleLeftY, destinationsY[i]);
                ArithExpr ys_minus_yh = ctx.MkSub(sourcesY[i], obstacleRightY);
                ArithExpr yd_minus_yh = ctx.MkSub(destinationsY[i], obstacleRightY);
                avoidingObstaclesY[i] = ctx.MkOr(ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkGe(yl_minus_ys, passDistance), ctx.MkGe(yl_minus_yd, passDistance)),
                                                 ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkGe(ys_minus_yh, passDistance), ctx.MkGe(yd_minus_yh, passDistance)));
                avoidingObstaclesCombined[i] = ctx.MkOr(avoidingObstaclesX[i], avoidingObstaclesY[i]);

        public void Example1()
            Sort[]    types = new Sort[3];
            IntExpr[] xs    = new IntExpr[3];
            Symbol[]  names = new Symbol[3];
            IntExpr[] vars  = new IntExpr[3];

            for (uint j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                types[j] = ctx.IntSort;
                names[j] = ctx.MkSymbol(String.Format("x_{0}", j));
                xs[j]    = (IntExpr)ctx.MkConst(names[j], types[j]);
                vars[j]  = (IntExpr)ctx.MkBound(2 - j, types[j]); // reversed

            Expr body_vars = ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkGe(ctx.MkAdd(vars[0], ctx.MkInt(1)), ctx.MkInt(2)),
                                       ctx.MkLe(ctx.MkAdd(-vars[1], ctx.MkInt(2)),
                                                ctx.MkAdd(vars[2], ctx.MkInt(3))));

            Expr x = ctx.MkForall(types, names, body_vars, 1, null, null);

            Console.WriteLine("Formula: " + x.ToString());

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();
            Status q = s.Check();

            Assert.AreEqual(q.ToString(), Status.SATISFIABLE.ToString());
        public void Example3()
            Sort[] types = new Sort[1];
            types[0] = ctx.IntSort;

            Symbol[] names = new Symbol[1];
            names[0] = ctx.MkSymbol("x");

            IntExpr[] xs = new IntExpr[1];
            xs[0] = (IntExpr)ctx.MkConst(names[0], types[0]);

            IntExpr[] constants = new IntExpr[2];
            constants[0] = ctx.MkInt(5);
            constants[1] = ctx.MkInt(3);

            var expr = ctx.MkImplies(ctx.MkLe(xs[0], constants[0]), ctx.MkGe(xs[0], constants[1]));

            var x = ctx.MkExists(types, names, expr);

            Console.WriteLine("Formula: " + x.ToString());

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();
            Status q = s.Check();

            Assert.AreEqual(q.ToString(), Status.SATISFIABLE.ToString());
        public void Example5()
            Sort[] types = new Sort[1];
            types[0] = ctx.IntSort;

            Symbol[] names = new Symbol[1];
            names[0] = ctx.MkSymbol("x");

            IntExpr[] xs = new IntExpr[1];
            xs[0] = (IntExpr)ctx.MkConst(names[0], types[0]);

            IntExpr[] constants = new IntExpr[1];
            constants[0] = ctx.MkInt(2);

            var expr = ctx.MkLe(ctx.MkMod(xs[0], constants[0]), ctx.MkMul(xs[0], constants[0]));

            Console.WriteLine("Formula: " + expr.ToString());

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();
            Status q = s.Check();

            Assert.AreEqual(q.ToString(), Status.SATISFIABLE.ToString());
        public void Example4()
            Sort[] types = new Sort[1];
            types[0] = ctx.IntSort;

            Symbol[] names = new Symbol[2];
            names[0] = ctx.MkSymbol("x");
            names[1] = ctx.MkSymbol("y");

            IntExpr[] xs = new IntExpr[2];
            xs[0] = (IntExpr)ctx.MkConst(names[0], types[0]);
            xs[1] = (IntExpr)ctx.MkConst(names[1], types[0]);

            var expr = ctx.MkEq(xs[0], xs[1]);

            var exists = ctx.MkExists(types, new[] { names[1] }, expr);

            var any = ctx.MkForall(types, new[] { names[0] }, exists);

            Console.WriteLine("Formula: " + any.ToString());

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();
            Status q = s.Check();

            Assert.AreEqual(q.ToString(), Status.SATISFIABLE.ToString());
Example #18
    public void Run()
        Dictionary <string, string> cfg = new Dictionary <string, string>()
            { "AUTO_CONFIG", "true" }

        using (Context ctx = new Context(cfg))
            IntExpr x = ctx.MkIntConst("x");
            IntExpr y = ctx.MkIntConst("y");

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();

            s.Assert(ctx.MkGt(x, ctx.MkInt(10)), ctx.MkEq(y, ctx.MkAdd(x, ctx.MkInt(2))));
            Console.WriteLine("solving s");

            Console.WriteLine("creating new scope");
            s.Assert(ctx.MkLt(y, ctx.MkInt(11)));
            Console.WriteLine("solving updated constraints");

            Console.WriteLine("solving restored constraints");
Example #19
        public static void Example3(Context ctx)
            Console.WriteLine("Example 3:");

            Sort[] types = new Sort[1];
            types[0] = ctx.IntSort;

            Symbol[] names = new Symbol[1];
            names[0] = ctx.MkSymbol("x");

            IntExpr[] xs = new IntExpr[1];
            xs[0] = (IntExpr)ctx.MkConst(names[0], types[0]);

            IntExpr[] constants = new IntExpr[2];
            constants[0] = ctx.MkInt(5);
            constants[1] = ctx.MkInt(3);

            var expr = ctx.MkImplies(ctx.MkLe(xs[0], constants[0]), ctx.MkGe(xs[0], constants[1]));

            var x = ctx.MkExists(types, names, expr);

            Console.WriteLine("Formula: " + x.ToString());

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();
            Status q = s.Check();

            PrintResult(q, s);
Example #20
        public Coordinate[] findPath()
            Coordinate[] path = new Coordinate[pathSegments + 1];

            Context ctx = new Context();

            IntExpr[] sourcesX = new IntExpr[pathSegments];
            IntExpr[] sourcesY = new IntExpr[pathSegments];
            for (int i = 0; i < pathSegments; i++)
                sourcesX[i] = ctx.MkIntConst("xs" + i);
                sourcesY[i] = ctx.MkIntConst("ys" + i);

            IntExpr[] destinationsX = new IntExpr[pathSegments];
            IntExpr[] destinationsY = new IntExpr[pathSegments];
            for (int i = 0; i < pathSegments; i++)
                destinationsX[i] = ctx.MkIntConst("xd" + i);
                destinationsY[i] = ctx.MkIntConst("yd" + i);

            BoolExpr worldSizeConstraints     = generateWorldSizeConstraints(ctx, sourcesX, sourcesY, destinationsX, destinationsY);
            BoolExpr movementConstraints      = generateMovementConstraints(ctx, sourcesX, sourcesY, destinationsX, destinationsY);
            BoolExpr orthogonalConstraints    = generateOrthogonalConstraints(ctx, sourcesX, sourcesY, destinationsX, destinationsY);
            BoolExpr prerequisitesConstraints = generateStartAndGoal(ctx, sourcesX, sourcesY, destinationsX, destinationsY);
            BoolExpr joiningPathSegments      = joinPathSegments(ctx, sourcesX, sourcesY, destinationsX, destinationsY);
            BoolExpr avoidingObstacles        = avoidObstacles(world, ctx, sourcesX, sourcesY, destinationsX, destinationsY);
            BoolExpr pathLengthConstraint     = generatePathLengthConstraint(ctx, sourcesX, sourcesY, destinationsX, destinationsY);

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();

            if (!(curvedPath))

            Status status = s.Check();

            if (status != Status.SATISFIABLE)
                throw new TestFailedException();

            for (int i = 0; i < pathSegments; i++)
                path[i] = new Coordinate(convertExprToInt(s.Model.ConstInterp(sourcesX[i])),
            path[pathSegments] = new Coordinate(convertExprToInt(s.Model.ConstInterp(destinationsX[pathSegments - 1])),
                                                convertExprToInt(s.Model.ConstInterp(destinationsY[pathSegments - 1])));

Example #21
    public void Run()
        Dictionary <string, string> cfg = new Dictionary <string, string>()
            { "AUTO_CONFIG", "true" },
            { "PROOF_MODE", "2" }

        using (Context ctx = new Context(cfg))
            ArrayExpr AllOne = ctx.MkConstArray(ctx.IntSort, ctx.MkInt(1));

            IntExpr a = ctx.MkIntConst("a");
            IntExpr i = ctx.MkIntConst("i");

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();
            s.Assert(ctx.MkEq(a, ctx.MkSelect(AllOne, i)));

            s = ctx.MkSolver();
            s.Assert(ctx.MkEq(a, ctx.MkSelect(AllOne, i)));
            s.Assert(ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(a, ctx.MkInt(1))));
Example #22
    public void Run()
        Dictionary <string, string> cfg = new Dictionary <string, string>()
            { "AUTO_CONFIG", "true" }

        using (Context ctx = new Context(cfg))
            FuncDecl f = ctx.MkFuncDecl("f", new Sort[] { ctx.IntSort, ctx.IntSort }, ctx.IntSort);
            IntExpr  x = ctx.MkIntConst("x");
            IntExpr  y = ctx.MkIntConst("y");

            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkForall(new Expr[] { x, y }, ctx.MkEq(f[x, y], ctx.MkInt(0))));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkExists(new Expr[] { x }, ctx.MkGe((ArithExpr)f[x, x], ctx.MkInt(0))));

            IntExpr a = ctx.MkIntConst("a");
            IntExpr b = ctx.MkIntConst("b");

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();
            s.Assert(ctx.MkForall(new Expr[] { x }, ctx.MkEq(f[x, x], ctx.MkInt(0))));
            s.Assert(ctx.MkEq(f[a, b], ctx.MkInt(1)));
      public void ConstraintConstructor() {
        Solver solver = new Solver("Solver");
        IntVar x = solver.MakeIntVar(3, 7, "x");
        Assert.Equal("x(3..7)", x.ToString());

        // Unary operator
        Constraint c0 = (x == 5);
        Assert.Equal("(x(3..7) == 5)", c0.ToString());
        IntExpr e1 = -c0;
        Assert.Equal("-(Watch<x == 5>(0 .. 1))", e1.ToString());
        IntExpr e2 = c0.Abs();
        Assert.Equal("Watch<x == 5>(0 .. 1)", e2.ToString());
        IntExpr e3 = c0.Square();
        Assert.Equal("IntSquare(Watch<x == 5>(0 .. 1))", e3.ToString());

        // Relational operator with a scalar
        Constraint c1 = x == 5;
        Assert.Equal("(x(3..7) == 5)", c1.ToString());
        Constraint c2 = x >= 5;
        Assert.Equal("(x(3..7) >= 5)", c2.ToString());
        Constraint c3 = x > 5;
        Assert.Equal("(x(3..7) >= 6)", c3.ToString());
        Constraint c4 = x <= 5;
        Assert.Equal("(x(3..7) <= 5)", c4.ToString());
        Constraint c5 = x < 5;
        Assert.Equal("(x(3..7) <= 4)", c5.ToString());
        Constraint c6 = x != 5;
        Assert.Equal("(x(3..7) != 5)", c6.ToString());
        Constraint c7 = x == 2;
        Assert.Equal("FalseConstraint()", c7.ToString());
Example #24
    public void Run()
        Dictionary <string, string> settings = new Dictionary <string, string>()
            { "AUTO_CONFIG", "true" }, { "MODEL", "true" }

        using (Context ctx = new Context(settings))
            IntExpr  a = ctx.MkIntConst("a");
            IntExpr  b = ctx.MkIntConst("b");
            IntExpr  c = ctx.MkIntConst("c");
            RealExpr d = ctx.MkRealConst("d");
            RealExpr e = ctx.MkRealConst("e");

            BoolExpr q = ctx.MkAnd(
                ctx.MkGt(a, ctx.MkAdd(b, ctx.MkInt(2))),
                ctx.MkEq(a, ctx.MkAdd(ctx.MkMul(ctx.MkInt(2), c), ctx.MkInt(10))),
                ctx.MkLe(ctx.MkAdd(c, b), ctx.MkInt(1000)),
                ctx.MkGe(d, e));

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();


Example #25
    public void Run()
        Dictionary <string, string> cfg = new Dictionary <string, string>()
            { "AUTO_CONFIG", "true" }

        using (Context ctx = new Context(cfg))
            IntExpr x = ctx.MkIntConst("x");

            Console.WriteLine("is expression: " + (x is Expr));

            Expr n = ctx.MkAdd(x, ctx.MkInt(1));

            Console.WriteLine("is application: " + (x.IsNumeral || x.IsExpr));

            Console.WriteLine("decl: " + n.FuncDecl);

            Console.WriteLine("num args: " + n.NumArgs);

            for (uint i = 0; i < n.NumArgs; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("arg(" + i + ") -> " + n.Args[i]);
Example #26
        public static void Example5(Context ctx)
            Console.WriteLine("Example 5:");

            Sort[] types = new Sort[1];
            types[0] = ctx.IntSort;

            Symbol[] names = new Symbol[1];
            names[0] = ctx.MkSymbol("x");

            IntExpr[] xs = new IntExpr[1];
            xs[0] = (IntExpr)ctx.MkConst(names[0], types[0]);

            IntExpr[] constants = new IntExpr[1];
            constants[0] = ctx.MkInt(2);

            var expr = ctx.MkLe(ctx.MkMod(xs[0], constants[0]), ctx.MkMul(xs[0], constants[0]));

            Console.WriteLine("Formula: " + expr.ToString());

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();
            Status q = s.Check();

            PrintResult(q, s);
Example #27
    public void Run()
        using (Context ctx = new Context())
            Sort U = ctx.MkUninterpretedSort("U");
            Expr a = ctx.MkConst("a", U);

            a = ctx.MkConst("a", U);
            Expr b = ctx.MkConst("b", U);
            Expr c = ctx.MkConst("c", U);

            IntExpr x = ctx.MkIntConst("x");
            IntExpr y = ctx.MkIntConst("y");

            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAnd(ctx.MkEq(a, b), ctx.MkEq(a, c)));
            Console.WriteLine(U == ctx.IntSort);

            Sort U2 = ctx.MkUninterpretedSort("U");
            Console.WriteLine(U == U2);

            U2 = ctx.MkUninterpretedSort("U2");
            Console.WriteLine(U == U2);
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkDistinct(a, b, c));

            FuncDecl f = ctx.MkFuncDecl("f", new Sort[] { U, U }, U);
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkEq(f[a, b], b));
Example #28
    static void Main()
        Solver solver = new Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.Solver("p");

        // creating dummy variables
        List <IntVar> vars = new List <IntVar>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 200000; i++)
            vars.Add(solver.MakeIntVar(0, 1));

        IntExpr globalSum = solver.MakeSum(vars.ToArray());

        DecisionBuilder db = solver.MakePhase(

        solver.NewSearch(db, new OptimizeVar(solver, true, globalSum.Var(), 100));


        while (solver.NextSolution())
            Console.WriteLine("solution " + globalSum.Var().Value());
Example #29
    public void Run()
        Dictionary <string, string> cfg = new Dictionary <string, string>()
            { "AUTO_CONFIG", "true" }

        using (Context ctx = new Context(cfg))
            IntExpr x = ctx.MkIntConst("x");
            IntExpr y = ctx.MkIntConst("y");

            FuncDecl f = ctx.MkFuncDecl("f", new Sort[] { ctx.IntSort, ctx.IntSort }, ctx.IntSort);
            FuncDecl g = ctx.MkFuncDecl("g", new Sort[] { ctx.IntSort }, ctx.IntSort);
            Expr     n = f[f[g[x], g[g[x]]], g[g[y]]];


            Expr nn = n.Substitute(new Expr[] { g[g[x]], g[y] },
                                   new Expr[] { y, ctx.MkAdd(x, ctx.MkInt(1)) });


            Console.WriteLine(n.Substitute(g[g[x]], y));
Example #30
    public void Run()
        using (Context ctx = new Context())
            BoolExpr p = ctx.MkBoolConst("p");
            BoolExpr q = ctx.MkBoolConst("q");
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAnd(p, q));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkOr(p, q));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAnd(p, ctx.MkTrue()));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkOr(p, ctx.MkFalse()));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkImplies(p, q));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkEq(p, q).Simplify());
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkEq(p, q));

            BoolExpr r = ctx.MkBoolConst("r");

            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(p, ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(q, r)))));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(p, q)), r)));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkEq(p, ctx.MkTrue()));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkEq(p, ctx.MkFalse()));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkEq(p, ctx.MkTrue()).Simplify());
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkEq(p, ctx.MkFalse()).Simplify());
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkEq(p, p).Simplify());
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkEq(p, q).Simplify());
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAnd(p, q, r));
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkOr(p, q, r));

            IntExpr x = ctx.MkIntConst("x");

            Console.WriteLine(x is BoolExpr);
            Console.WriteLine(p is BoolExpr);
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAnd(p, q) is BoolExpr);
            Console.WriteLine(p is BoolExpr);
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAdd(x, ctx.MkInt(1)) is BoolExpr);
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkOr(p, q).IsOr);
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkAnd(p, q).IsAnd);
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkEq(p, q).IsDistinct);
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkDistinct(p, q).IsDistinct);
            Console.WriteLine(ctx.MkDistinct(x, ctx.MkAdd(x, ctx.MkInt(1)), ctx.MkAdd(x, ctx.MkInt(2))).IsDistinct);



            Context ctx1 = new Context();
            Console.WriteLine(ctx1.MkBool(true).Sort == ctx1.BoolSort);
            Console.WriteLine(ctx1.MkBool(true).Sort == ctx.BoolSort);
            Console.WriteLine(ctx1.MkBool(true).Sort != ctx.BoolSort);
Example #31
        // <-- Name
        //   | FN Name TupleType
        //   | BOOL_LITERAL
        //   | INT_LITERAL
        //   | STRING_LITERAL
        //   | LPAREN (Expression)? RPAREN
        private IUnboundExpr PrimaryExpr()
            IUnboundExpr expression;

            if (CurrentIs(TokenType.Name))
                var name = Consume();
                expression = new NameExpr(name.Position, name.StringValue, TypeArgs());
            else if (CurrentIs(TokenType.Fn)) expression = FuncExpr();
            else if (CurrentIs(TokenType.Bool)) expression = new BoolExpr(Consume(TokenType.Bool));
            else if (CurrentIs(TokenType.Int)) expression = new IntExpr(Consume(TokenType.Int));
            else if (CurrentIs(TokenType.String)) expression = new StringExpr(Consume(TokenType.String));
            else if (CurrentIs(TokenType.LeftParen))
                Token leftParen = Consume(TokenType.LeftParen);

                if (CurrentIs(TokenType.RightParen))
                    // () -> unit
                    expression = new UnitExpr(leftParen.Position);
                else if (CurrentIs(TokenType.Operator))
                    // ( OPERATOR ) -> an operator in prefix form
                    Token op = Consume(TokenType.Operator);
                    expression = new NameExpr(op.Position, op.StringValue);
                    // anything else is a regular parenthesized expression
                    expression = Expression();

            else expression = null;

            return expression;
Example #32
 public override Null Visit(IntExpr node)
     context = null;
     node.computedType = new PrimType { kind = PrimKind.Int };
     return null;