Example #1
    private void _ComputeFlow()
        var W = Terrain.GetWidth();
        var H = Terrain.GetHeight();
        var t = Terrain.GetData();
        var f = Flow.GetData();

        for (int x = 0; x < W; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < H; y++)
                var   Flow   = f.GetPixel(x, y);
                var   curr   = t.GetPixel(x, y);
                var   left   = t.GetPixel(x - 1, y);
                var   right  = t.GetPixel(x + 1, y);
                var   up     = t.GetPixel(x, y - 1);
                var   down   = t.GetPixel(x, y + 1);
                float height = curr.r + curr.g;
                float fl     = 0f;
                float fr     = 0f;
                float fu     = 0f;
                float fd     = 0f;
                if (x - 1 >= 0)
                    fl = Flow.r + Mathf.Max(0, height - left.r - left.g);
                if (x + 1 < W)
                    fr = Flow.g + Mathf.Max(0, height - right.r - right.g);
                if (y - 1 >= 0)
                    fu = Flow.b + Mathf.Max(0, height - up.r - up.g);
                if (y + 1 < H)
                    fd = Flow.a + Mathf.Max(0, height - down.r - down.g);
                float fout = fl + fr + fu + fd;
                float K    = 0f;
                if (fout != 0)
                    K = Mathf.Min(1, curr.r / fout);
                f.SetPixel(x, y, new Color(K * fl, K * fr, K * fu, K * fd));
Example #2
    public override void _Ready()
        if (Terrain == null || Terrain.GetWidth() != TileSize || Terrain.GetHeight() != TileSize)
            Terrain = new ImageTexture();
            Terrain.Create(TileSize, TileSize, Image.Format.Rgbaf);
            terrainImg = new Image();
            terrainImg.Create(TileSize, TileSize, false, Image.Format.Rgbaf);
        if (Mesh == null)
            var mesh = new PlaneMesh();
            mesh.Size           = new Vector2(TileSize, TileSize);
            mesh.SubdivideWidth = TileSize;
            mesh.SubdivideDepth = TileSize;
            Mesh = mesh;
            var mat = new ShaderMaterial();
            SetSurfaceMaterial(0, mat);

        if (WorldPos != Vector3.Zero)

        hydraulics = new HydraulicSimulation(Terrain);
        terrainImg = Terrain.GetData();
Example #3
 public StatusNumber(XElement xml) : this(
         uint.TryParse(xml?.Attribute("Digits")?.Value, out uint digits) ? digits : 0
     XML      = xml;
     Position = new Vector2(
         float.TryParse(XML?.Attribute("X")?.Value, out float x) ? x : 0,
         float.TryParse(XML?.Attribute("Y")?.Value, out float y) ? y : 0
     if (XML?.Attribute("Name")?.Value is string name && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
         Name = name;
     if (XML?.Attribute("Have")?.Value is string have && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(have))
         Have = Assets.PicTexture(have);
     if (XML?.Attribute("Empty")?.Value is string empty && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(empty))
         Empty = Assets.PicTexture(empty);
     if (Empty != null || Have != null)
         ImageTexture size = Empty ?? Have;
         Item = new Sprite()
             Name     = "Item",
             Position = new Vector2(size.GetWidth() / 2, size.GetHeight() / 2),
     if (uint.TryParse(XML?.Attribute("Max")?.Value, out uint max))
         Max = max;
     if (uint.TryParse(XML?.Attribute("Init")?.Value, out uint init))
         Value = init;
     Visible = !XML.IsFalse("Visible");
Example #4
 public HydraulicSimulation(ImageTexture terrain)
     this.Terrain = terrain;
     Flow         = new ImageTexture();
     Flow.Create(Terrain.GetWidth(), Terrain.GetHeight(), Image.Format.Rgbaf);