protected DeclarationStatementNodeBase(string identifier) { if (identifier == null) ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(() => identifier); Identifier = new IdentifierNode(identifier); AddChildren(Identifier); }
public void TestDeserializeNullException() { IGraphController graphController = new GraphController(null); IStorage storage = null; IVisualNode node = new IdentifierNode(graphController, "a"); Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => { node.Deserialize(storage); }); }
public void IdentifierNodeTest() { StreamLocation expectedLocation = new StreamLocation(3, 2, 1); Field<string> retriever = new IntegerField<string>(s => int.Parse(s)); ParameterExpression arg = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "arg"); ValueNode sut = new IdentifierNode<string>("identifier", retriever, arg, expectedLocation); Assert.AreEqual(TNode.IDENTIFIER, sut.NodeType); Assert.AreEqual(expectedLocation, sut.Location); Assert.IsTrue(sut.Description.Contains("IDENTIFIER")); Assert.AreEqual(FieldValueType.INTEGER, sut.ValueType); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(sut.SubExpression, typeof(UnaryExpression)); Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Convert, sut.SubExpression.NodeType); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(long?), sut.SubExpression.Type); { Expression invokeExpr = ((UnaryExpression)sut.SubExpression).Operand; Assert.IsInstanceOfType(invokeExpr, typeof(InvocationExpression)); Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Invoke, invokeExpr.NodeType); Assert.AreEqual(arg, ((InvocationExpression)invokeExpr).Arguments[0]); } }
public virtual void Visit(IdentifierNode node) { node.Accept(Visitor); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new type denoter node /// </summary> /// <param name="identifier">The identifier associated with the node, i.e. the name of the type</param> public TypeDenoterNode(IdentifierNode identifier) { Identifier = identifier; }
public override object VisitExpr(Z80AsmParser.ExprContext context) { if (context == null) { return(null); } // --- Extract the expression text var sb = new StringBuilder(400); for (var i = 0; i < context.ChildCount; i++) { var token = context.GetChild(i).GetText(); sb.Append(token); } ExpressionNode expr = null; switch (context) { // --- Primary operators case Z80AsmParser.BuiltInFunctionExprContext ctx: expr = (ExpressionNode)VisitBuiltinFunctionInvocation(ctx.builtinFunctionInvocation()); break; case Z80AsmParser.FunctionInvocationExprContext ctx: expr = new FunctionInvocationNode(ctx.functionInvocation(), this); break; case Z80AsmParser.MacroParamExprContext ctx: expr = new MacroParamNode(ctx.macroParam(), this); break; // --- Unary operators case Z80AsmParser.UnaryPlusExprContext ctx: expr = new UnaryPlusNode(ctx, this); break; case Z80AsmParser.UnaryMinusExprContext ctx: expr = new UnaryMinusNode(ctx, this); break; case Z80AsmParser.BinaryNotExprContext ctx: expr = new UnaryBitwiseNotNode(ctx, this); break; case Z80AsmParser.LogicalNotExprContext ctx: expr = new UnaryLogicalNotNode(ctx, this); break; // --- Bracketed/Parenthesized expressions case Z80AsmParser.BracketedExprContext ctx: expr = (ExpressionNode)VisitExpr(ctx.expr()); break; case Z80AsmParser.ParenthesizedExprContext ctx: expr = (ExpressionNode)VisitExpr(ctx.expr()); break; // --- Literals case Z80AsmParser.LiteralExprContext ctx: expr = (ExpressionNode)VisitLiteral(ctx.literal()); break; case Z80AsmParser.SymbolExprContext ctx: if (ctx.ChildCount != 0 && ctx.symbol()?.IDENTIFIER() != null) { AddIdentifier(ctx); expr = new IdentifierNode(ctx.symbol()); } break; // --- Min/Max operators case Z80AsmParser.MinMaxExprContext ctx: switch (ctx.op?.Text) { case "<?": expr = new MinOperationNode(ctx, this); break; default: expr = new MaxOperationNode(ctx, this); break; } break; // --- Multiplication operators case Z80AsmParser.MultExprContext ctx: switch (ctx.op?.Text) { case "*": expr = new MultiplyOperationNode(ctx, this); break; case "/": expr = new DivideOperationNode(ctx, this); break; default: expr = new ModuloOperationNode(ctx, this); break; } break; // --- Addition operators case Z80AsmParser.AddExprContext ctx: switch (ctx.op?.Text) { case "+": expr = new AddOperationNode(ctx, this); break; default: expr = new SubtractOperationNode(ctx, this); break; } break; // --- Shift operators case Z80AsmParser.ShiftExprContext ctx: switch (ctx.op?.Text) { case "<<": expr = new ShiftLeftOperationNode(ctx, this); break; default: expr = new ShiftRightOperationNode(ctx, this); break; } break; // --- Relational operators case Z80AsmParser.RelExprContext ctx: switch (ctx.op?.Text) { case "<": expr = new LessThanOperationNode(ctx, this); break; case "<=": expr = new LessThanOrEqualOperationNode(ctx, this); break; case ">": expr = new GreaterThanOperationNode(ctx, this); break; default: expr = new GreaterThanOrEqualOperationNode(ctx, this); break; } break; // --- Equality operators case Z80AsmParser.EquExprContext ctx: switch (ctx.op?.Text) { case "==": expr = new EqualOperationNode(ctx, this); break; case "===": expr = new CaseInsensitiveEqualOperationNode(ctx, this); break; case "!=": expr = new NotEqualOperationNode(ctx, this); break; default: expr = new CaseInsensitiveNotEqualOperationNode(ctx, this); break; } break; // --- Bitwise operators case Z80AsmParser.AndExprContext ctx: expr = new BitwiseAndOperationNode(ctx, this); break; case Z80AsmParser.XorExprContext ctx: expr = new BitwiseXorOperationNode(ctx, this); break; case Z80AsmParser.OrExprContext ctx: expr = new BitwiseOrOperationNode(ctx, this); break; // --- Ternary operator case Z80AsmParser.TernaryExprContext ctx: expr = new ConditionalExpressionNode(ctx, this); break; } if (expr != null) { expr.SourceText = sb.ToString(); } return(expr); }
private bool TryParseInputExpression(string inputSymbol, out IdentifierNode identifier, out AssociativeNode defaultValue, out string comment) { identifier = null; defaultValue = null; comment = null; var parseString = InputSymbol; parseString += ";"; // During loading of symbol node from file, the elementResolver from the workspace is unavailable // in which case, a local copy of the ER obtained from the symbol node is used var resolver = workspaceElementResolver ?? ElementResolver; var parseParam = new ParseParam(this.GUID, parseString, resolver); if (EngineController.CompilationServices.PreCompileCodeBlock(ref parseParam) && parseParam.ParsedNodes.Any()) { var parsedComments = parseParam.ParsedComments; if (parsedComments.Any()) { comment = String.Join("\n", parsedComments.Select(c => (c as CommentNode).Value)); } var node = parseParam.ParsedNodes.First() as BinaryExpressionNode; if (node != null) { var leftIdent = node.LeftNode as IdentifierNode; var rightIdent = node.RightNode as IdentifierNode; // "x" will be compiled to "temp_guid = x"; if (leftIdent != null && leftIdent.Value.StartsWith(Constants.kTempVarForNonAssignment)) { identifier = rightIdent; } // "x:int" will be compiled to "x:int = tTypedIdent0"; else if (rightIdent != null && rightIdent.Value.StartsWith(Constants.kTempVarForTypedIdentifier)) { identifier = leftIdent; } else { identifier = leftIdent; } if (inputSymbol.Contains('=')) { defaultValue = node.RightNode; } if (parseParam.Errors.Any()) { this.Error(parseParam.Errors.First().Message); } else if (parseParam.Warnings.Any()) { var warnings = parseParam.Warnings.Where(w => w.ID != WarningID.IdUnboundIdentifier); if (warnings.Any()) { this.Warning(parseParam.Warnings.First().Message); } } return(identifier != null); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Create BinaryExpressionNode /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> /// <param name="outnode"></param> private void EmitBlockNode(Block node, out AssociativeNode outnode) { Validity.Assert(node != null); // TODO: Confirm that these children are returned in the order that they // appear in the code Dictionary <int, Node> childNodes = node.GetChildrenWithIndices(); // Parse program statement in node.Name string code = node.Name + ";"; ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.CodeBlockNode commentNode = null; ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.CodeBlockNode codeBlockNode = (ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.CodeBlockNode)GraphUtilities.Parse(code, out commentNode); Validity.Assert(codeBlockNode != null); List <ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.AssociativeNode> astList = codeBlockNode.Body; Validity.Assert(astList.Count == 1); if (astList[0] is ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode) { ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.BinaryExpressionNode ben = new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.BinaryExpressionNode(); ben.LeftNode = astList[0]; ben.Optr = ProtoCore.DSASM.Operator.assign; ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.AssociativeNode statement = null; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Node> kvp in childNodes) { DFSTraverse(kvp.Value, out statement); } ben.RightNode = statement; astList[0] = ben; } //I don't know what I am doing if (astList[0] is BinaryExpressionNode) { BinaryExpressionNode tempBen = astList[0] as BinaryExpressionNode; if (tempBen.LeftNode is IdentifierNode) { IdentifierNode identitiferNode = tempBen.LeftNode as IdentifierNode; if (identitiferNode.ArrayDimensions != null) { ArrayIndexerNode arrIndex = new ArrayIndexerNode(); arrIndex.ArrayDimensions = identitiferNode.ArrayDimensions; arrIndex.Array = identitiferNode; tempBen.LeftNode = arrIndex; } } if (tempBen.RightNode is IdentifierNode) { IdentifierNode identitiferNode = tempBen.RightNode as IdentifierNode; if (identitiferNode.ArrayDimensions != null) { ArrayIndexerNode arrIndex = new ArrayIndexerNode(); arrIndex.ArrayDimensions = identitiferNode.ArrayDimensions; arrIndex.Array = identitiferNode; tempBen.RightNode = arrIndex; } } astList[0] = tempBen; } //it should be correct, if not, debug? ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.BinaryExpressionNode bNode = astList[0] as ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.BinaryExpressionNode; Validity.Assert(bNode != null); bNode.Guid = node.Guid; //bNode.SplitFromUID = node.splitFomUint; // Child nodes are arguments to expression in bNode.RightNode. // Match child nodes with IdentifierNode's in bNode.RightNode - pratapa foreach (Node n in childNodes.Values) { AssociativeNode argNode = null; DFSTraverse(n, out argNode); // DFS traverse the bNode.RightNode and check for IdentifierNode's // and if their names match with the names of argNode, then replace // the IdentifierNode in bNode.RightNode with argNode BinaryExpressionNode ben = argNode as BinaryExpressionNode; Validity.Assert(ben != null); //ProtoCore.CodeGenDS codeGen = new ProtoCore.CodeGenDS(ben); AstCodeBlockTraverse sourceGen = new AstCodeBlockTraverse(ben); ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.AssociativeNode right = bNode.RightNode; sourceGen.DFSTraverse(ref right); bNode.RightNode = right; } //(AstRootNode as CodeBlockNode).Body.Add(expressionNode); Validity.Assert(gc != null); gc.HandleNewNode(bNode); outnode = bNode; }
public virtual void VisitIdentifierNode(IdentifierNode node) { DefaultVisit(node); }
private static IEnumerable <AST.Node> ParseUserCodeCore(Core core, string expression, string postfixGuid, ref bool parseSuccess) { List <ProtoCore.AST.Node> astNodes = new List <ProtoCore.AST.Node>(); core.ResetForPrecompilation(); core.IsParsingCodeBlockNode = true; core.ParsingMode = ParseMode.AllowNonAssignment; ProtoCore.AST.Node codeBlockNode = ProtoCore.Utils.ParserUtils.ParseWithCore(expression, core); parseSuccess = true; List <ProtoCore.AST.Node> nodes = ParserUtils.GetAstNodes(codeBlockNode); Validity.Assert(nodes != null); int index = 0; foreach (var node in nodes) { ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.AssociativeNode n = node as ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.AssociativeNode; ProtoCore.Utils.Validity.Assert(n != null); // Append the temporaries only if it is not a function def or class decl bool isFunctionOrClassDef = n is FunctionDefinitionNode || n is ClassDeclNode; // Handle non Binary expression nodes separately if (n is ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.ModifierStackNode) { core.BuildStatus.LogSemanticError("Modifier Blocks are not supported currently."); } else if (n is ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.ImportNode) { core.BuildStatus.LogSemanticError("Import statements are not supported in CodeBlock Nodes."); } else if (isFunctionOrClassDef) { // Add node as it is astNodes.Add(node); } else { // Handle temporary naming for temporary Binary exp. nodes and non-assignment nodes BinaryExpressionNode ben = node as BinaryExpressionNode; if (ben != null && ben.Optr == ProtoCore.DSASM.Operator.assign) { ModifierStackNode mNode = ben.RightNode as ModifierStackNode; if (mNode != null) { core.BuildStatus.LogSemanticError("Modifier Blocks are not supported currently."); } IdentifierNode lNode = ben.LeftNode as IdentifierNode; if (lNode != null && lNode.Value == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kTempProcLeftVar) { string name = string.Format("temp_{0}_{1}", index++, postfixGuid); BinaryExpressionNode newNode = new BinaryExpressionNode(new IdentifierNode(name), ben.RightNode); astNodes.Add(newNode); } else { // Add node as it is astNodes.Add(node); } } else { // These nodes are non-assignment nodes string name = string.Format("temp_{0}_{1}", index++, postfixGuid); BinaryExpressionNode newNode = new BinaryExpressionNode(new IdentifierNode(name), n); astNodes.Add(newNode); } } } return(astNodes); }
// $ANTLR start "primaryExpression" // JavaScript.g:330:1: primaryExpression : ( 'this' | Identifier | literal | arrayLiteral | objectLiteral | '(' expression ')' ); public JavaScriptParser.primaryExpression_return primaryExpression() // throws RecognitionException [1] { JavaScriptParser.primaryExpression_return retval = new JavaScriptParser.primaryExpression_return(); retval.Start = input.LT(1); object root_0 = null; IToken string_literal396 = null; IToken Identifier397 = null; IToken char_literal401 = null; IToken char_literal403 = null; JavaScriptParser.literal_return literal398 = default(JavaScriptParser.literal_return); JavaScriptParser.arrayLiteral_return arrayLiteral399 = default(JavaScriptParser.arrayLiteral_return); JavaScriptParser.objectLiteral_return objectLiteral400 = default(JavaScriptParser.objectLiteral_return); JavaScriptParser.expression_return expression402 = default(JavaScriptParser.expression_return); object string_literal396_tree=null; object Identifier397_tree=null; object char_literal401_tree=null; object char_literal403_tree=null; try { // JavaScript.g:331:2: ( 'this' | Identifier | literal | arrayLiteral | objectLiteral | '(' expression ')' ) int alt201 = 6; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case 111: { alt201 = 1; } break; case Identifier: { alt201 = 2; } break; case StringLiteral: case NumericLiteral: case RegexLiteral: case 112: case 113: case 114: { alt201 = 3; } break; case 67: { alt201 = 4; } break; case 40: { alt201 = 5; } break; case 42: { alt201 = 6; } break; default: if ( state.backtracking > 0 ) {state.failed = true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae_d201s0 = new NoViableAltException("", 201, 0, input); throw nvae_d201s0; } switch (alt201) { case 1 : // JavaScript.g:331:4: 'this' { root_0 = (object)adaptor.GetNilNode(); string_literal396=(IToken)Match(input,111,FOLLOW_111_in_primaryExpression3017); if (state.failed) return retval; if ( state.backtracking == 0 ) {string_literal396_tree = new ThisRef(string_literal396) ; adaptor.AddChild(root_0, string_literal396_tree); } } break; case 2 : // JavaScript.g:332:4: Identifier { root_0 = (object)adaptor.GetNilNode(); Identifier397=(IToken)Match(input,Identifier,FOLLOW_Identifier_in_primaryExpression3026); if (state.failed) return retval; if ( state.backtracking == 0 ) {Identifier397_tree = new IdentifierNode(Identifier397) ; adaptor.AddChild(root_0, Identifier397_tree); } } break; case 3 : // JavaScript.g:333:4: literal { root_0 = (object)adaptor.GetNilNode(); PushFollow(FOLLOW_literal_in_primaryExpression3034); literal398 = literal(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return retval; if ( state.backtracking == 0 ) adaptor.AddChild(root_0, literal398.Tree); } break; case 4 : // JavaScript.g:334:4: arrayLiteral { root_0 = (object)adaptor.GetNilNode(); PushFollow(FOLLOW_arrayLiteral_in_primaryExpression3040); arrayLiteral399 = arrayLiteral(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return retval; if ( state.backtracking == 0 ) adaptor.AddChild(root_0, arrayLiteral399.Tree); } break; case 5 : // JavaScript.g:335:4: objectLiteral { root_0 = (object)adaptor.GetNilNode(); PushFollow(FOLLOW_objectLiteral_in_primaryExpression3046); objectLiteral400 = objectLiteral(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return retval; if ( state.backtracking == 0 ) adaptor.AddChild(root_0, objectLiteral400.Tree); } break; case 6 : // JavaScript.g:336:4: '(' expression ')' { root_0 = (object)adaptor.GetNilNode(); char_literal401=(IToken)Match(input,42,FOLLOW_42_in_primaryExpression3052); if (state.failed) return retval; PushFollow(FOLLOW_expression_in_primaryExpression3055); expression402 = expression(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return retval; if ( state.backtracking == 0 ) adaptor.AddChild(root_0, expression402.Tree); char_literal403=(IToken)Match(input,44,FOLLOW_44_in_primaryExpression3057); if (state.failed) return retval; } break; } retval.Stop = input.LT(-1); if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { retval.Tree = (object)adaptor.RulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.SetTokenBoundaries(retval.Tree, (IToken) retval.Start, (IToken) retval.Stop);} } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); // Conversion of the second argument necessary, but harmless retval.Tree = (object)adaptor.ErrorNode(input, (IToken) retval.Start, input.LT(-1), re); } finally { } return retval; }
public static IVisualNode Create(IGraphController graphController, IStorage storage) { if (graphController == null || storage == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("graphcontroller, storage"); storage.Seek(12, SeekOrigin.Current); //Skip NodeSignature NodeType type = (NodeType)storage.ReadInteger(FieldCode.NodeType); storage.Seek(-24, SeekOrigin.Current); //Shift cursor back to the start point of reading NodeSignature VisualNode node = null; switch (type) { case NodeType.CodeBlock: node = new CodeBlockNode(graphController); node.Deserialize(storage); break; case NodeType.Condensed: node = new CondensedNode(graphController); node.Deserialize(storage); break; case NodeType.Driver: node = new DriverNode(graphController); node.Deserialize(storage); break; case NodeType.Function: node = new FunctionNode(graphController); node.Deserialize(storage); break; case NodeType.Identifier: node = new IdentifierNode(graphController); node.Deserialize(storage); break; case NodeType.Property: node = new PropertyNode(graphController); node.Deserialize(storage); break; case NodeType.Render: node = new RenderNode(graphController); node.Deserialize(storage); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid 'nodeType'"); } return node; }
public void TestDeserilaizeOperationException() { IGraphController graphController = new GraphController(null); IStorage storage = new BinaryStorage(); IVisualNode node = new IdentifierNode(graphController, "a"); ulong signature = Utilities.MakeEightCC('T', 'E', 'S', 'T', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '); storage.WriteUnsignedInteger(signature, 21); storage.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); bool result = node.Deserialize(storage); Assert.AreEqual(result, false); }
public void TestSerializeDeserialize() { IGraphController graphController = new GraphController(null); IStorage storage = new BinaryStorage(); IVisualNode node1 = new IdentifierNode(graphController, "a"); IVisualNode node2 = new IdentifierNode(graphController, "b"); node1.Serialize(storage); storage.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); node2.Deserialize(storage); Assert.AreEqual(NodeType.Identifier, node2.VisualType); Assert.AreEqual(node1.NodeId, node2.NodeId); Assert.AreEqual(true, ((IdentifierNode)node2).Dirty); Assert.AreEqual(((IdentifierNode)node1).Text, ((IdentifierNode)node2).Text); Assert.AreEqual(((IdentifierNode)node1).Caption, ((IdentifierNode)node2).Caption); Assert.AreEqual(node1.X, node2.X); Assert.AreEqual(node1.Y, node2.Y); Assert.AreEqual(1, node2.GetInputSlots().Length); Assert.AreEqual(1, node2.GetOutputSlots().Length); }
public MarkupExtensionNode(IdentifierNode identifier) : this(identifier, new OptionsCollection()) { }
public virtual bool VisitIdentifierNode(IdentifierNode node) { return(DefaultVisit(node)); }
protected bool Equals(IdentifierNode other) { return string.Equals(Prefix, other.Prefix) && string.Equals(TypeName, other.TypeName); }
public IArithmeticNode Factor() { IArithmeticNode factorNode = new BlankNode(); switch (curTokenType) { case TokenType.LPAREN: Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.LPAREN); factorNode = BooleanExpression(); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.RPAREN); break; case TokenType.ID: String idName = lookAheadToken.getValue(); factorNode = new IdentifierNode(idName, IdentifierType.UNKNOWN); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.ID); /*if (lookAheadToken.getType() == TokenType.LPAREN) { Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.LPAREN); ITreeNode argument = BooleanExpression(); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.RPAREN); factorNode = new FunctionCallNode(idName, argument); }*/ break; case TokenType.INTEGER: factorNode = new IntegerNode(int.Parse(lookAheadToken.getValue())); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.INTEGER); break; case TokenType.MINUS: //unary minus Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.MINUS); IArithmeticNode tempNode = Expression(); tempNode.setNegative(); factorNode = tempNode; break; default: Expect(TokenType.UNKNOWN, lookAheadToken); break; } return factorNode; }
private static void ParseUserCodeCore(Core core, string expression, out List <AssociativeNode> astNodes, out List <AssociativeNode> commentNodes) { astNodes = new List <AssociativeNode>(); core.ResetForPrecompilation(); core.IsParsingCodeBlockNode = true; core.ParsingMode = ParseMode.AllowNonAssignment; ParseResult parseResult = ParserUtils.ParseWithCore(expression, core); commentNodes = ParserUtils.GetAstNodes(parseResult.CommentBlockNode); var nodes = ParserUtils.GetAstNodes(parseResult.CodeBlockNode); Validity.Assert(nodes != null); int index = 0; int typedIdentIndex = 0; foreach (var node in nodes) { var n = node as AssociativeNode; Validity.Assert(n != null); // Append the temporaries only if it is not a function def or class decl bool isFunctionOrClassDef = n is FunctionDefinitionNode; if (n is ImportNode) { core.BuildStatus.LogSemanticError(Resources.ImportStatementNotSupported); } else if (n is ClassDeclNode) { core.BuildStatus.LogSemanticError(Resources.ClassDeclarationNotSupported); } else if (isFunctionOrClassDef) { // Add node as it is astNodes.Add(node); } else { // Handle temporary naming for temporary Binary exp. nodes and non-assignment nodes var ben = node as BinaryExpressionNode; if (ben != null && ben.Optr == Operator.assign) { var lNode = ben.LeftNode as IdentifierNode; if (lNode != null && lNode.Value == Constants.kTempProcLeftVar) { string name = Constants.kTempVarForNonAssignment + index; var newNode = new BinaryExpressionNode(new IdentifierNode(name), ben.RightNode); astNodes.Add(newNode); index++; } else { // Add node as it is astNodes.Add(node); index++; } } else { if (node is TypedIdentifierNode) { // e.g. a : int = %tTypedIdent_<Index>; var ident = new IdentifierNode(Constants.kTempVarForTypedIdentifier + typedIdentIndex); NodeUtils.CopyNodeLocation(ident, node); var typedNode = new BinaryExpressionNode(node as TypedIdentifierNode, ident, Operator.assign); NodeUtils.CopyNodeLocation(typedNode, node); astNodes.Add(typedNode); typedIdentIndex++; } else { string name = Constants.kTempVarForNonAssignment + index; var newNode = new BinaryExpressionNode(new IdentifierNode(name), n); astNodes.Add(newNode); index++; } } } } }
public ITreeNode Program() { ITreeNode programNode = new ErrorNode(); switch (curTokenType) { case TokenType.BEGINBL: Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.BEGINBL); ITreeNode someStatement = Program(); BlockNode block = new BlockNode(); block.addStatement(someStatement); while (curTokenType != TokenType.ENDBL) { someStatement = Program(); block.addStatement(someStatement); } Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.ENDBL); programNode = block; break; case TokenType.LABEL: Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.LABEL); LabelNode labeledBlock = new LabelNode(matchToken.getValue()); ITreeNode labeledStatement; do { labeledStatement = Program(); labeledBlock.addStatement(labeledStatement); } while (curTokenType != TokenType.EOF); programNode = labeledBlock; break; case TokenType.INTDEC: Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.INTDEC); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.ID); programNode = new IdentifierDeclarationNode(IdentifierType.INT, matchToken.getValue()); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.EOS); break; case TokenType.BOOLDEC: Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.BOOLDEC); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.ID); programNode = new IdentifierDeclarationNode(IdentifierType.BOOL, matchToken.getValue()); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.EOS); break; case TokenType.FOR: Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.FOR); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.LPAREN); AssignmentNode init = (AssignmentNode)Program(); AssignmentNode step = (AssignmentNode)Program(); BooleanExpressionNode condition = (BooleanExpressionNode)BooleanExpression(); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.RPAREN); BlockNode forBody = (BlockNode)Program(); programNode = new ForNode(init, step, condition, forBody); break; /*case TokenType.FUN: Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.FUN); IdentifierNode id = (IdentifierNode)Factor(); programNode = new FunctionNode(id); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.EOS); break;*/ case TokenType.GOTO: Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.GOTO); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.ID); IdentifierNode gotoLabel = new IdentifierNode(matchToken.getValue(), IdentifierType.LABEL); programNode = new GotoNode(gotoLabel); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.EOS); break; case TokenType.ID: Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.ID); IdentifierNode assignId = new IdentifierNode(matchToken.getValue(), IdentifierType.UNKNOWN); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.ASSIGN); BooleanExpressionNode assignValue = (BooleanExpressionNode)BooleanExpression(); programNode = new AssignmentNode(assignId, assignValue); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.EOS); break; case TokenType.IF: Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.IF); ITreeNode thenBranch; ITreeNode elseBranch; Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.LPAREN); BooleanExpressionNode ifCondition = (BooleanExpressionNode)BooleanExpression(); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.RPAREN); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.THEN); thenBranch = (BlockNode)Program(); if (curTokenType == TokenType.ELSE) { Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.ELSE); elseBranch = (BlockNode)Program(); } else { elseBranch = new BlankNode(); } programNode = new IfNode(ifCondition, thenBranch, elseBranch); break; /*case TokenType.LET: Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.LET); IdentifierNode shortId = (IdentifierNode)Factor(); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.ASSIGN); BooleanExpressionNode subst = (BooleanExpressionNode)BooleanExpression(); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.IN); BooleanExpressionNode target = (BooleanExpressionNode)BooleanExpression(); programNode = new LetNode(shortId, subst, target); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.EOS); break;*/ case TokenType.PRINT: Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.PRINT); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.LPAREN); BooleanExpressionNode printArgument = (BooleanExpressionNode)BooleanExpression(); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.RPAREN); programNode = new PrintNode(printArgument); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.EOS); break; case TokenType.WHILE: Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.WHILE); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.LPAREN); BooleanExpressionNode whileCondition = (BooleanExpressionNode)BooleanExpression(); Match(ref matchToken, TokenType.RPAREN); BlockNode whileBody = (BlockNode)Program(); programNode = new WhileNode(whileCondition, whileBody); break; case TokenType.EOF: programNode = new BlankNode(); break; default: Expect(TokenType.UNKNOWN, lookAheadToken); break; } return programNode; }
public override object VisitIdentifier(IdentifierNode identifierNode, TData data) { return(null); }
public virtual Value evaluate(Context cx, IdentifierNode node) { output("<IdentifierNode name=\"" + + "\"/>"); return null; }
public MarkupExtensionNode(IdentifierNode identifier, OptionsCollection options) { Options = new OptionsCollection(options); Identifier = identifier; }
public IdentifierNode(IdentifierNode rhs) : base(rhs) { datatype = new ProtoCore.Type { UID = rhs.datatype.UID, rank = rhs.datatype.rank, Name = rhs.datatype.Name }; Value = rhs.Value; IsLocal = false; }
private bool TryParseOutputExpression(string expression, out IdentifierNode outputIdentifier, out string comment) { outputIdentifier = null; comment = null; var resolver = workspaceElementResolver ?? ElementResolver; var parseParam = new ParseParam(GUID, expression + ";", resolver); EngineController.CompilationServices.PreCompileCodeBlock(ref parseParam); if (parseParam.ParsedNodes.Any()) { var parsedComments = parseParam.ParsedComments; if (parsedComments.Any()) { comment = String.Join("\n", parsedComments.Select(c => (c as CommentNode).Value)); } if (parseParam.ParsedNodes.Count() > 1) { this.Warning(Properties.Resources.WarningInvalidOutput); } var node = parseParam.ParsedNodes.First() as BinaryExpressionNode; if (node == null) { if (parseParam.Errors.Any()) { this.Error(Properties.Resources.WarningInvalidOutput); } } else { var leftIdent = node.LeftNode as IdentifierNode; var rightIdent = node.RightNode as IdentifierNode; // "x" will be compiled to "temp_guid = x;" if (leftIdent != null && leftIdent.Value.StartsWith(Constants.kTempVarForNonAssignment)) { outputIdentifier = rightIdent; } // "x:int" will be compiled to "x:int = tTypedIdent0;" else if (rightIdent != null && rightIdent.Value.StartsWith(Constants.kTempVarForTypedIdentifier)) { outputIdentifier = leftIdent; } else { if (parseParam.Errors.Any()) { this.Error(parseParam.Errors.First().Message); } else { this.Warning(Properties.Resources.WarningInvalidOutput); } outputIdentifier = leftIdent; } return(outputIdentifier != null); } } return(false); }
// Factor = [ "-" ], Number | Identifier | ParenExpression | FunctionCall private Node ParseFactor() { if (tokenStream.Consume("-")) return new UnaryMinusNode(ParseFactor()); Node factor = null; if (tokenStream.Consume(TokenType.Number)) { Double termValue = Convert.ToDouble(ConsumedToken.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); factor = new NumberNode(termValue); } else if (CurrentToken.Type == TokenType.Identifier) { var lookAhead = tokenStream.LookAhead(); if (lookAhead != null && lookAhead.Value == "(") return ParseFunctionCall(); tokenStream.Consume(); factor = new IdentifierNode(tokenStream.ConsumedToken.Value); } else if (tokenStream.Consume("(")) { factor = ParseExpression(); tokenStream.Expect(")"); } if (factor == null) throw new Exception("Number, identifier or function call expected"); return factor; }
public AstNode VisitIdentifier(IdentifierNode n) { Append(n.Id); return(n); }
public IdExpressionNode(IdentifierNode identifier, IParameterNode parameterNode) { Identifier = identifier; ParameterNode = parameterNode; }
public static ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.FunctionDotCallNode GenerateCallDotNode(ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.AssociativeNode lhs, ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.FunctionCallNode rhsCall, Core core = null) { // The function name to call string rhsName = rhsCall.Function.Name; int argNum = rhsCall.FormalArguments.Count; ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.ExprListNode argList = new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.ExprListNode(); foreach (ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.AssociativeNode arg in rhsCall.FormalArguments) { // The function arguments argList.list.Add(arg); } FunctionCallNode funCallNode = new FunctionCallNode(); IdentifierNode funcName = new IdentifierNode { Value = Constants.kDotArgMethodName, Name = Constants.kDotArgMethodName }; funCallNode.Function = funcName; funCallNode.Name = Constants.kDotArgMethodName; NodeUtils.CopyNodeLocation(funCallNode, lhs); int rhsIdx = ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex; string lhsName = string.Empty; if (lhs is ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode) { lhsName = (lhs as ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode).Name; if (lhsName == ProtoCore.DSDefinitions.Keyword.This) { lhs = new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.ThisPointerNode(); } } if (core != null) { DynamicFunction func; if (core.DynamicFunctionTable.TryGetFunction(rhsName, 0, Constants.kInvalidIndex, out func)) { rhsIdx = func.Index; } else { func = core.DynamicFunctionTable.AddNewFunction(rhsName, 0, Constants.kInvalidIndex); rhsIdx = func.Index; } } // The first param to the dot arg (the pointer or the class name) funCallNode.FormalArguments.Add(lhs); // The second param which is the dynamic table index of the function to call var rhs = new IntNode(rhsIdx); funCallNode.FormalArguments.Add(rhs); // The array dimensions ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.ExprListNode arrayDimExperList = new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.ExprListNode(); int dimCount = 0; if (rhsCall.Function is ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode) { // Number of dimensions ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode fIdent = rhsCall.Function as ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode; if (fIdent.ArrayDimensions != null) { arrayDimExperList = ProtoCore.Utils.CoreUtils.BuildArrayExprList(fIdent.ArrayDimensions); dimCount = arrayDimExperList.list.Count; } else if (rhsCall.ArrayDimensions != null) { arrayDimExperList = ProtoCore.Utils.CoreUtils.BuildArrayExprList(rhsCall.ArrayDimensions); dimCount = arrayDimExperList.list.Count; } else { arrayDimExperList = new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.ExprListNode(); } } funCallNode.FormalArguments.Add(arrayDimExperList); // Number of dimensions var dimNode = new IntNode(dimCount); funCallNode.FormalArguments.Add(dimNode); if (argNum >= 0) { funCallNode.FormalArguments.Add(argList); funCallNode.FormalArguments.Add(new IntNode(argNum)); } var funDotCallNode = new FunctionDotCallNode(rhsCall); funDotCallNode.DotCall = funCallNode; funDotCallNode.FunctionCall.Function = rhsCall.Function; // Consider the case of "myClass.Foo(a, b)", we will have "DotCall" being // equal to "myClass" (in terms of its starting line/column), and "rhsCall" // matching with the location of "Foo(a, b)". For execution cursor to cover // this whole statement, the final "DotCall" function call node should // range from "lhs.col" to "rhs.col". // NodeUtils.SetNodeEndLocation(funDotCallNode.DotCall, rhsCall); NodeUtils.CopyNodeLocation(funDotCallNode, funDotCallNode.DotCall); return(funDotCallNode); }
public ParameterNode(TypeDeclarationNode type, IdentifierNode identifier) { this.type = type; this.identifier = identifier; }
/// <summary> /// Carries out identification on an identifier node /// </summary> /// <param name="identifier">The node to perform identification on</param> private void PerformIdentificationOnIdentifier(IdentifierNode identifier) { IDeclarationNode declaration = SymbolTable.Retrieve(identifier.IdentifierToken.Spelling); identifier.Declaration = declaration; }
public void Visit(Node node) { if (node is ArgumentsListNode) { VisitSubnodes(node); } else if (node is BinaryOperationNode) { BinaryOperationNode binop = (BinaryOperationNode)node; if (binop.BinaryOperation == BinaryOperation.Assignment) { if (binop.Left is IdentifierNode) { IdentifierNode ident = (IdentifierNode)binop.Left; if (!symbolTable.IsSymbolDefined(ident.Name)) { symbolTable.AddSymbol(ident.Name); } } } VisitSubnodes(node); } else if (node is ClassDeclarationNode) { throw new System.Exception("Can't define an class inside of an function."); } else if (node is CodeBlock) { VisitSubnodes(node); } else if (node is EnumDeclarationNode) { symbolTable.AddSymbol(((EnumDeclarationNode)node).Name); } else if (node is ExpressionNode) { VisitSubnodes(node); } else if (node is ForNode) { VisitSubnodes(node); } else if (node is FunctionCallNode) { VisitSubnodes(node); } else if (node is FunctionDeclarationNode) { throw new System.Exception("Can't define an function inside of an function."); } else if (node is GetAttributeNode) { VisitSubnodes(node); } else if (node is IfNode) { VisitSubnodes(node); } else if (node is IndexerNode) { VisitSubnodes(node); } else if (node is ReturnNode) { VisitSubnodes(node); } else if (node is ScopeNode) { symbolTable.BeginScope(); VisitSubnodes(node); symbolTable.EndScope(); } else if (node is FunctionDeclarationNode) { throw new System.Exception("Using statement is not valid inside function body."); } else if (node is WhileNode) { VisitSubnodes(node); } }
public virtual TAssociative VisitIdentifierNode(IdentifierNode node) { return(VisitAssociativeNode(node)); }
public static FunctionDotCallNode GenerateCallDotNode(AssociativeNode lhs, FunctionCallNode rhsCall, Core core = null) { // The function name to call string rhsName = rhsCall.Function.Name; int argNum = rhsCall.FormalArguments.Count; ExprListNode argList = new ExprListNode(); foreach (AssociativeNode arg in rhsCall.FormalArguments) { // The function arguments argList.Exprs.Add(arg); } var arguments = new List <AssociativeNode>(); int rhsIdx = DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex; string lhsName = string.Empty; if (lhs is IdentifierNode) { lhsName = (lhs as IdentifierNode).Name; if (lhsName == DSDefinitions.Keyword.This) { lhs = new ThisPointerNode(); } } if (core != null) { DynamicFunction func; if (core.DynamicFunctionTable.TryGetFunction(rhsName, 0, Constants.kInvalidIndex, out func)) { rhsIdx = func.Index; } else { func = core.DynamicFunctionTable.AddNewFunction(rhsName, 0, Constants.kInvalidIndex); rhsIdx = func.Index; } } // The first param to the dot arg (the pointer or the class name) arguments.Add(lhs); // The second param which is the dynamic table index of the function to call arguments.Add(new IntNode(rhsIdx)); // The array dimensions ExprListNode arrayDimExperList = new ExprListNode(); int dimCount = 0; if (rhsCall.Function is IdentifierNode) { // Number of dimensions IdentifierNode fIdent = rhsCall.Function as IdentifierNode; if (fIdent.ArrayDimensions != null) { arrayDimExperList = CoreUtils.BuildArrayExprList(fIdent.ArrayDimensions); dimCount = arrayDimExperList.Exprs.Count; } else if (rhsCall.ArrayDimensions != null) { arrayDimExperList = CoreUtils.BuildArrayExprList(rhsCall.ArrayDimensions); dimCount = arrayDimExperList.Exprs.Count; } else { arrayDimExperList = new ExprListNode(); } } arguments.Add(arrayDimExperList); // Number of dimensions var dimNode = new IntNode(dimCount); arguments.Add(dimNode); if (argNum >= 0) { arguments.Add(argList); arguments.Add(new IntNode(argNum)); } var funDotCallNode = new FunctionDotCallNode(rhsCall, arguments); // funDotCallNode.FunctionCall.Function = rhsCall.Function; NodeUtils.SetNodeEndLocation(funDotCallNode, rhsCall); return(funDotCallNode); }
public MethodParameterNode(TypeNode type, IdentifierNode ident, SourceCodePosition pos) : base(pos) { Type = type; Identifier = ident; }
public static string NotDeclaredVariable(IdentifierNode node) { return($"({node.Line}, {node.Column}) - Semantic Error: The name " + $"'{node.Text}' does not exist in the current context." ); }
public void Visit(IdentifierNode node) { node.Accept(_visitor); }
public static string RepeatedVariable(IdentifierNode node) { return($"({node.Line}, {node.Column}) - Semantic Error" + $" The variable '{node.Text}' is already defined in this scope." ); }
/// <summary> /// Check does some sanity check, e.g., if a variable is re-defined. /// </summary> /// <param name="asts"></param> private static List <WarningEntry> Check(IEnumerable <AssociativeNode> asts) { var warnings = new List <WarningEntry>(); HashSet <string> scope = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var node in asts) { BinaryExpressionNode bnode = node as BinaryExpressionNode; if (bnode == null || bnode.Optr != Operator.assign) { var fNode = node as FunctionDefinitionNode; if (fNode != null) { var fbody = NodeUtils.Clone(fNode.FunctionBody) as CodeBlockNode; var body = fbody.Body; warnings.AddRange(Check(body)); fNode.FunctionBody.Body.Clear(); fNode.FunctionBody.Body.AddRange(body.Where(n => !n.skipMe)); } continue; } IdentifierNode ident = bnode.LeftNode as IdentifierNode; if (ident == null) { continue; } var variable = ident.Value; if (!scope.Contains(variable)) { scope.Add(variable); VariableFinder finder = new VariableFinder(variable); var langNode = bnode.RightNode as LanguageBlockNode; if (langNode != null) { var cbn = langNode.CodeBlockNode as CodeBlockNode; if (cbn != null) { var copy = NodeUtils.Clone(cbn) as CodeBlockNode; warnings.AddRange(Check(copy.Body)); cbn.Body.Clear(); cbn.Body.AddRange(copy.Body.Where(n => !n.skipMe)); } continue; } bnode.RightNode.Accept(finder); if (finder.Found) { warnings.Add(new WarningEntry { Message = String.Format(Resources.VariableRecursiveReference, variable), }); node.skipMe = true; } } else if (ident.ArrayDimensions == null) { warnings.Add(new WarningEntry { Message = String.Format(Resources.VariableRedifinitionError, variable), }); node.skipMe = true; } } return(warnings); }
public void Visit(IdentifierNode node) { }
public override dynamic Visit(IdentifierNode node) { return(node.Token.Content); }
public void Visit(IdentifierNode node) { Nodes.Push(new IdentifierNode(node.Name)); }
public BoolType(IdentifierNode identifier) : this() { this.identifier = identifier; }
void ArgDecl(out Node node) { IdentifierNode tNode = null; VarDeclNode varDeclNode = new ProtoImperative.AST.VarDeclNode(); varDeclNode.memregion = ProtoCore.DSASM.MemoryRegion.kMemStack; if (la.kind == 25) { Get(); varDeclNode.memregion = ProtoCore.DSASM.MemoryRegion.kMemHeap; } if (isArrayAccess()) { arrayident(out node); tNode = node as IdentifierNode; varDeclNode.NameNode = tNode; } else if (la.kind == 1) { Get(); tNode = new IdentifierNode() { Value = t.val, Name = t.val, type = (int)ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeVar, datatype = ProtoCore.PrimitiveType.kTypeVar }; varDeclNode.NameNode = tNode; } else { SynErr(68); } ProtoCore.Type argtype = new ProtoCore.Type(); argtype.Name = "var"; argtype.rank = 0; argtype.UID = 0; if (la.kind == 36) { Get(); Expect(1); argtype.Name = t.val; if (la.kind == 6) { argtype.IsIndexable = true; Get(); Expect(7); argtype.rank = 1; if (la.kind == 6 || la.kind == 17 || la.kind == 31) { if (la.kind == 17) { Get(); Expect(6); Expect(7); argtype.rank = ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.nDimensionArrayRank; } else { while (la.kind == 6) { Get(); Expect(7); argtype.rank++; } } } } } varDeclNode.ArgumentType = argtype; if (la.kind == 31) { Get(); Node rhsNode; expr(out rhsNode); BinaryExpressionNode bNode = new BinaryExpressionNode(); bNode.LeftNode = tNode; bNode.RightNode = rhsNode; bNode.Optr = Operator.assign; varDeclNode.NameNode = bNode; } node = varDeclNode; if (!isGlobalScope) { localVarCount++; } }
public ParameterNode(ASTNode typeNode, IdentifierNode identifier, SourcePosition position) : base(position, identifier.Content, LexTokenType.None) { this.Type = typeNode; this.Identifier = identifier; }
public void TestHandleSaveGraphAndLoadGraph() { try { GraphController graphController1 = new GraphController(null); IVisualNode node1 = new CodeBlockNode(graphController1, "Double Click and Type"); IVisualNode node2 = new DriverNode(graphController1, Configurations.DriverInitialTextValue); IVisualNode node3 = new FunctionNode(graphController1, "", "-", "double,double"); IVisualNode node4 = new IdentifierNode(graphController1, "c"); string filePath = Path.GetTempPath() + "test.bin"; graphController1.DoSaveGraph(filePath); GraphController graphController2 = new GraphController(null, filePath); Assert.AreEqual(4, graphController2.GetVisualNodes().Count); } finally { File.Delete(Path.GetTempPath() + "test.bin"); } }