public void SettingTheRetryPolicyUpdatesState() { var retryOptions = new RetryOptions { Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), MaximumDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), TryTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), MaximumRetries = 4, Mode = RetryMode.Fixed }; var customRetry = Mock.Of <EventHubRetryPolicy>(); var consumerOptions = new EventHubConsumerOptions { RetryOptions = retryOptions }; var consumer = new EventHubConsumer(new ObservableTransportConsumerMock(), "dummy", "consumerGroup", "0", EventPosition.Latest, consumerOptions, new BasicRetryPolicy(retryOptions)); Assert.That(consumer.RetryPolicy, Is.InstanceOf <BasicRetryPolicy>(), "The retry policy should have been created from options"); consumer.RetryPolicy = customRetry; Assert.That(consumer.RetryPolicy, Is.SameAs(customRetry), "The custom retry policy should have been set."); var activeOptions = (EventHubConsumerOptions) typeof(EventHubConsumer) .GetProperty("Options", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic) .GetValue(consumer); Assert.That(activeOptions.RetryOptions, Is.Null, "Setting a custom policy should clear the retry options."); }
private static void InitEventConsumer() { var config = EventHubConfigSection.GetConfig(); _eventHubConsumer = new EventHubConsumer(config, "weather"); _eventHubConsumer.RegisterEventProcessor <SimpleEventProcessor>(); }
public void ConstructorSetsTheConsumerGroup() { var consumerGroup = "SomeGroup"; var transportConsumer = new ObservableTransportConsumerMock(); var consumer = new EventHubConsumer(transportConsumer, "dummy", consumerGroup, "0", EventPosition.Latest, new EventHubConsumerOptions(), Mock.Of <EventHubRetryPolicy>()); Assert.That(consumer.ConsumerGroup, Is.EqualTo(consumerGroup)); }
public void ConstructorSetsTheStartingPosition() { var expectedPosition = EventPosition.FromSequenceNumber(5641); var transportConsumer = new ObservableTransportConsumerMock(); var consumer = new EventHubConsumer(transportConsumer, "dummy", EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, "0", expectedPosition, new EventHubConsumerOptions(), Mock.Of <EventHubRetryPolicy>()); Assert.That(consumer.StartingPosition, Is.EqualTo(expectedPosition)); }
public void ConstructorSetsThePartition() { var partition = "aPartition"; var transportConsumer = new ObservableTransportConsumerMock(); var consumer = new EventHubConsumer(transportConsumer, "dummy", EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, partition, EventPosition.FromSequenceNumber(1), new EventHubConsumerOptions(), Mock.Of <EventHubRetryPolicy>()); Assert.That(consumer.PartitionId, Is.EqualTo(partition)); }
public void ConstructorSetsTheRetryPolicy() { var retryPolicy = Mock.Of <EventHubRetryPolicy>(); var transportConsumer = new ObservableTransportConsumerMock(); var consumer = new EventHubConsumer(transportConsumer, "dummy", "consumerGroup", "0", EventPosition.Latest, new EventHubConsumerOptions(), retryPolicy); Assert.That(consumer.RetryPolicy, Is.SameAs(retryPolicy)); }
public async Task CloseAsyncClosesTheTransportConsumer() { var transportConsumer = new ObservableTransportConsumerMock(); var consumer = new EventHubConsumer(transportConsumer, "dummy", EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroup, "0", EventPosition.Latest, new EventHubConsumerOptions()); await consumer.CloseAsync(); Assert.That(transportConsumer.WasCloseCalled, Is.True); }
public void ReceiveAsyncValidatesTheMaximumCount(int maximumMessageCount) { var transportConsumer = new ObservableTransportConsumerMock(); var consumer = new EventHubConsumer(transportConsumer, "dummy", EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroup, "0", EventPosition.Latest, new EventHubConsumerOptions()); var cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); var expectedWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromDays(1); Assert.That(async() => await consumer.ReceiveAsync(maximumMessageCount, expectedWaitTime, cancellation.Token), Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentException>()); }
public void ReceiveAsyncValidatesTheMaximumWaitTime(int timeSpanDelta) { var transportConsumer = new ObservableTransportConsumerMock(); var consumer = new EventHubConsumer(transportConsumer, "dummy", EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, "0", EventPosition.Latest, new EventHubConsumerOptions(), Mock.Of <EventHubRetryPolicy>()); var cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); var expectedWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeSpanDelta); Assert.That(async() => await consumer.ReceiveAsync(32, expectedWaitTime, cancellation.Token), Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentException>()); }
public void CloseClosesTheTransportConsumer() { var transportConsumer = new ObservableTransportConsumerMock(); var consumer = new EventHubConsumer(transportConsumer, "dummy", EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, "0", EventPosition.Latest, new EventHubConsumerOptions(), Mock.Of <EventHubRetryPolicy>()); consumer.Close(); Assert.That(transportConsumer.WasCloseCalled, Is.True); }
public void CloseClosesTheTransportConsumer() { var transportConsumer = new ObservableTransportConsumerMock(); var consumer = new EventHubConsumer(transportConsumer, "dummy", "0", EventPosition.Latest, new EventHubConsumerOptions()); consumer.Close(); Assert.That(transportConsumer.WasCloseCalled, Is.True); }
public void SettingTheRetryPolicyUpdatesTheTransportConsumer() { var customRetry = Mock.Of <EventHubRetryPolicy>(); var transportConsumer = new ObservableTransportConsumerMock(); var consumerOptions = new EventHubConsumerOptions(); var consumer = new EventHubConsumer(transportConsumer, "dummy", "consumerGroup", "0", EventPosition.Latest, consumerOptions, Mock.Of <EventHubRetryPolicy>()); consumer.RetryPolicy = customRetry; Assert.That(transportConsumer.UpdateRetryPolicyCalledWith, Is.SameAs(customRetry), "The custom retry policy should have been set."); }
public void ConstructorSetsTheConsumerGroup() { var options = new EventHubConsumerOptions { ConsumerGroup = "SomeGroup" }; var transportConsumer = new ObservableTransportConsumerMock(); var consumer = new EventHubConsumer(transportConsumer, "dummy", "0", EventPosition.Latest, options); Assert.That(consumer.ConsumerGroup, Is.EqualTo(options.ConsumerGroup)); }
public void ConstructorSetsThePriority(long?priority) { var options = new EventHubConsumerOptions { OwnerLevel = priority }; var transportConsumer = new ObservableTransportConsumerMock(); var consumer = new EventHubConsumer(transportConsumer, "dummy", EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, "0", EventPosition.FromOffset(65), options, Mock.Of <EventHubRetryPolicy>()); Assert.That(consumer.OwnerLevel, Is.EqualTo(priority)); }
private static async Task CreateSenderAndReceiver() { Console.Write("Creating the Sender and Receivers... "); var partition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First(); var producerOptions = new EventHubProducerOptions { PartitionId = partition }; sender = client.CreateProducer(producerOptions); receiver = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, partition, EventPosition.Latest); Console.WriteLine("\tdone"); }
public async Task ReceiveAsyncInvokesTheTransportConsumer() { var options = new EventHubConsumerOptions { DefaultMaximumReceiveWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(8) }; var transportConsumer = new ObservableTransportConsumerMock(); var consumer = new EventHubConsumer(transportConsumer, "dummy", EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, "0", EventPosition.Latest, options, Mock.Of <EventHubRetryPolicy>()); var cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); var expectedMessageCount = 45; await consumer.ReceiveAsync(expectedMessageCount, null, cancellation.Token); (var actualMessageCount, var actualWaitTime) = transportConsumer.ReceiveCalledWith; Assert.That(actualMessageCount, Is.EqualTo(expectedMessageCount), "The message counts should match."); Assert.That(actualWaitTime, Is.EqualTo(options.DefaultMaximumReceiveWaitTime), "The wait time should match."); }
static async Task ReceiveMessages(string connectionString, int numPartitions, int numClients, bool verbose) { Console.WriteLine($"Receiving messages from {numPartitions} partitions using {numClients} client instances"); var clients = new EventHubClient[numClients]; for (var i = 0; i < numClients; i++) { clients[i] = new EventHubClient(connectionString, _eventHubName); } try { var client = clients.First(); var partitionIds = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).Take(numPartitions); var partitions = await Task.WhenAll(partitionIds.Select(id => client.GetPartitionPropertiesAsync(id))); var totalCount = (long)0; foreach (var partition in partitions) { var begin = partition.BeginningSequenceNumber; var end = partition.LastEnqueuedSequenceNumber; var count = end - begin + 1; totalCount += count; if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine($"Partition: {partition.Id}, Begin: {begin}, End: {end}, Count: {count}"); } } if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine($"Total Count: {totalCount}"); } var consumers = new EventHubConsumer[numPartitions]; for (var i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) { consumers[i] = clients[i % numClients].CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, partitions[i].Id, EventPosition.Earliest); } try { var receiveTasks = new Task <(int messagesReceived, long lastSequenceNumber)> [numPartitions]; var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); for (var i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) { receiveTasks[i] = ReceiveAllMessages(consumers[i], partitions[i]); } var results = await Task.WhenAll(receiveTasks); sw.Stop(); var elapsed = sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; var messagesReceived = results.Select(r => r.messagesReceived).Sum(); var messagesPerSecond = messagesReceived / elapsed; var megabytesPerSecond = (messagesPerSecond * _bytesPerMessage) / (1024 * 1024); Console.WriteLine($"Received {messagesReceived} messages of size {_bytesPerMessage} in {elapsed:N2}s " + $"({messagesPerSecond:N2} msg/s, {megabytesPerSecond:N2} MB/s)"); }
public async Task PartitionProcessorCanCreateACheckpointFromPartitionContext() { await using (EventHubScope scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(1)) { var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName); await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString)) { // Send some events. EventData lastEvent; var dummyEvent = new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("I'm dummy.")); var partitionId = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First(); await using (EventHubProducer producer = client.CreateProducer()) await using (EventHubConsumer consumer = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, partitionId, EventPosition.Earliest)) { // Send a few events. We are only interested in the last one of them. var dummyEventsCount = 10; for (int i = 0; i < dummyEventsCount; i++) { await producer.SendAsync(dummyEvent); } // Receive the events; because there is some non-determinism in the messaging flow, the // sent events may not be immediately available. Allow for a small number of attempts to receive, in order // to account for availability delays. var receivedEvents = new List <EventData>(); var index = 0; while ((receivedEvents.Count < dummyEventsCount) && (++index < ReceiveRetryLimit)) { receivedEvents.AddRange(await consumer.ReceiveAsync(dummyEventsCount + 10, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25))); } Assert.That(receivedEvents.Count, Is.EqualTo(dummyEventsCount)); lastEvent = receivedEvents.Last(); } // Create a partition manager so we can retrieve the created checkpoint from it. var partitionManager = new InMemoryPartitionManager(); // Create the event processor manager to manage our event processors. var eventProcessorManager = new EventProcessorManager ( EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, client, partitionManager, onProcessEvents: (partitionContext, events, cancellationToken) => { // Make it a list so we can safely enumerate it. var eventsList = new List <EventData>(events ?? Enumerable.Empty <EventData>()); if (eventsList.Any()) { partitionContext.UpdateCheckpointAsync(eventsList.Last()); } } ); eventProcessorManager.AddEventProcessors(1); // Start the event processors. await eventProcessorManager.StartAllAsync(); // Make sure the event processors have enough time to stabilize and receive events. await eventProcessorManager.WaitStabilization(); // Stop the event processors. await eventProcessorManager.StopAllAsync(); // Validate results. IEnumerable <PartitionOwnership> ownershipEnumerable = await partitionManager.ListOwnershipAsync(client.FullyQualifiedNamespace, client.EventHubName, EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName); Assert.That(ownershipEnumerable, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(ownershipEnumerable.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); PartitionOwnership ownership = ownershipEnumerable.Single(); Assert.That(ownership.Offset.HasValue, Is.True); Assert.That(ownership.Offset.Value, Is.EqualTo(lastEvent.Offset)); Assert.That(ownership.SequenceNumber.HasValue, Is.True); Assert.That(ownership.SequenceNumber.Value, Is.EqualTo(lastEvent.SequenceNumber)); } } }
public async Task EventProcessorCanReceiveFromCheckpointedEventPosition() { await using (EventHubScope scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(1)) { var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName); await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString)) { int receivedEventsCount = 0; // Send some events. var expectedEventsCount = 20; var dummyEvent = new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("I'm dummy.")); long?checkpointedSequenceNumber = default; var partitionId = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First(); await using (EventHubProducer producer = client.CreateProducer()) await using (EventHubConsumer consumer = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, partitionId, EventPosition.Earliest)) { // Send a few dummy events. We are not expecting to receive these. var dummyEventsCount = 30; for (int i = 0; i < dummyEventsCount; i++) { await producer.SendAsync(dummyEvent); } // Receive the events; because there is some non-determinism in the messaging flow, the // sent events may not be immediately available. Allow for a small number of attempts to receive, in order // to account for availability delays. var receivedEvents = new List <EventData>(); var index = 0; while ((receivedEvents.Count < dummyEventsCount) && (++index < ReceiveRetryLimit)) { receivedEvents.AddRange(await consumer.ReceiveAsync(dummyEventsCount + 10, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25))); } Assert.That(receivedEvents.Count, Is.EqualTo(dummyEventsCount)); checkpointedSequenceNumber = receivedEvents.Last().SequenceNumber; // Send the events we expect to receive. for (int i = 0; i < expectedEventsCount; i++) { await producer.SendAsync(dummyEvent); } } // Create a partition manager and add an ownership with a checkpoint in it. var partitionManager = new InMemoryPartitionManager(); await partitionManager.ClaimOwnershipAsync(new List <PartitionOwnership>() { new PartitionOwnership(client.FullyQualifiedNamespace, client.EventHubName, EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, "ownerIdentifier", partitionId, sequenceNumber: checkpointedSequenceNumber, lastModifiedTime: DateTimeOffset.UtcNow) }); // Create the event processor manager to manage our event processors. var eventProcessorManager = new EventProcessorManager ( EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, client, partitionManager, onProcessEvents: (partitionContext, events, cancellationToken) => { // Make it a list so we can safely enumerate it. var eventsList = new List <EventData>(events ?? Enumerable.Empty <EventData>()); if (eventsList.Count > 0) { Interlocked.Add(ref receivedEventsCount, eventsList.Count); } } ); eventProcessorManager.AddEventProcessors(1); // Start the event processors. await eventProcessorManager.StartAllAsync(); // Make sure the event processors have enough time to stabilize and receive events. await eventProcessorManager.WaitStabilization(); // Stop the event processors. await eventProcessorManager.StopAllAsync(); // Validate results. Assert.That(receivedEventsCount, Is.EqualTo(expectedEventsCount)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string for the Event Hubs namespace that the sample should target.</param> /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that she sample should run against.</param> /// public async Task RunAsync(string connectionString, string eventHubName) { // An Event Hub consumer is associated with a specific Event Hub partition and a consumer group. The consumer group is // a label that identifies one or more consumers as a set. Often, consumer groups are named after the responsibility // of the consumer in an application, such as "Telemetry" or "OrderProcessing". When an Event Hub is created, a default // consumer group is created with it, called "$Default." // // Each consumer has a unique view of the events in the partition, meaning that events are available to all consumers // and are not removed from the partition when a consumer reads them. This allows for different consumers to read and // process events from the partition at different speeds and beginning with different events without interfering with // one another. // // When events are published, they will continue to exist in the partition and be available for consuming until they // reach an age where they are older than the retention period. // (see: // // Because events are not removed from the partition when consuming, a consumer must specify where in the partition it // would like to begin reading events. For example, this may be starting from the very beginning of the stream, at an // offset from the beginning, the next event available after a specific point in time, or at a specific event. // We will start by creating a client using its default set of options. await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString, eventHubName)) { // With our client, we can now inspect the partitions and find the identifier // of the first. string firstPartition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First(); // In this example, we will create our consumer for the first partition in the Event Hub, using the default consumer group // that is created with an Event Hub. Our consumer will begin watching the partition at the very end, reading only new events // that we will publish for it. await using (EventHubConsumer consumer = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, firstPartition, EventPosition.Latest)) await using (EventHubProducer producer = client.CreateProducer(new EventHubProducerOptions { PartitionId = firstPartition })) { // Because our consumer is reading from the latest position, it won't see events that have previously // been published. Before we can publish the events, we will need to ask the consumer to perform an operation, // because it opens its connection only when it needs to. The first receive that we ask of it will not see // any events, but will allow the consumer to start watching the partition. // // Because the maximum wait time is specivied as zero, this call will return immediately and will not // have consumed any events. await consumer.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero); // Now that the consumer is watching the partition, let's publish the event that we would like to // receive. await producer.SendAsync(new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello, Event Hubs!"))); Console.WriteLine("The event batch has been published."); // Because publishing and receving events is asynchronous, the events that we published may not // be immediately available for our consumer to see. // // Each receive specifies the maximum amount of events that we would like in the batch and the maximum // amount of time that we would like to wait for them. If there are enough events available to meet the // requested amount, they'll be returned immediately. If not, the consumer will wait and collect events // as they become available in an attempt to reach the requested amount. If the maximum time that we've // allowed it to wait passes, the consumer will return the events that it has collected so far. // // Each Receive call may return between zero and the number of events that we requested, depending on the // state of events in the partition. Likewise, it may return immediately or take up to the maximum wait // time that we've allowed. // // We will ask for just our event, but allow a fairly long wait period to ensure that we're able to receive it. // If you observe the time that the call takes, it is extremely likely that the request to recieve will complete // long before the maximum wait time. Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); IEnumerable <EventData> receivedBatch = await consumer.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.5)); watch.Stop(); // Print out the events that we received. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"The following events were consumed in { watch.ElapsedMilliseconds } milliseconds:"); foreach (EventData eventData in receivedBatch) { // The body of our event was an encoded string; we'll recover the // message by reversing the encoding process. string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine($"\tMessage: \"{ message }\""); } } } // At this point, our client, consumer, and producer have passed their "using" scope and have safely been disposed of. We // have no further obligations. Console.WriteLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string for the Event Hubs namespace that the sample should target.</param> /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that she sample should run against.</param> /// public async Task RunAsync(string connectionString, string eventHubName) { // We will start by creating a client using its default set of options. await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString, eventHubName)) { // With our client, we can now inspect the partitions and find the identifier of the first. string firstPartition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First(); // In this example, we will make use of multiple consumers for the first partition in the Event Hub, using the default consumer group // that is created with an Event Hub. Our initial consumer will begin watching the partition at the very end, reading only new events // that we will publish for it. await using (EventHubProducer producer = client.CreateProducer(new EventHubProducerOptions { PartitionId = firstPartition })) { // Each event that the initial consumer reads will have attributes set that describe the event's place in the // partition, such as it's offset, sequence number, and the date/time that it was enqueued. These attributes can be // used to create a new consumer that begins consuming at a known position. // // With Event Hubs, it is the responsibility of an application consuming events to keep track of those that it has processed, // and to manage where in the partition the consumer begins reading events. This is done by using the position information to track // state, commonly known as "creating a checkpoint." // // The goal is to preserve the position of an event in some form of durable state, such as writing it to a database, so that if the // consuming application crashes or is otherwise restarted, it can retrieve that checkpoint information and use it to create a consumer that // begins reading at the position where it left off. // // It is important to note that there is potential for a consumer to process an event and be unable to preserve the checkpoint. A well-designed // consumer must be able to deal with processing the same event multiple times without it causing data corruption or otherwise creating issues. // Event Hubs, like most event streaming systems, guarantees "at least once" delivery; even in cases where the consumer does not experience a restart, // there is a small possibility that the service will return an event multiple times. // // In this example, we will publish a batch of events to be received with an initial consumer. The third event that is consumed will be captured // and another consumer will use it's attributes to start reading the event that follows, consuming the same set of events that our initial consumer // read, skipping over the first three. int eventBatchSize = 50; EventData thirdEvent; await using (EventHubConsumer initialConsumer = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, firstPartition, EventPosition.Latest)) { // The first receive that we ask of it will not see any events, but allows the consumer to start watching the partition. Because // the maximum wait time is specified as zero, this call will return immediately and will not have consumed any events. await initialConsumer.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero); // Now that the consumer is watching the partition, let's publish a batch of events. EventData[] eventBatch = new EventData[eventBatchSize]; for (int index = 0; index < eventBatchSize; ++index) { eventBatch[index] = new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"I am event #{ index }")); } await producer.SendAsync(eventBatch); Console.WriteLine($"The event batch with { eventBatchSize } events has been published."); // We will consume the events until all of the published events have been received. var receivedEvents = new List <EventData>(); CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); cancellationSource.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); await foreach (EventData currentEvent in initialConsumer.SubscribeToEvents(cancellationSource.Token)) { receivedEvents.Add(currentEvent); if (receivedEvents.Count >= eventBatchSize) { break; } } // Print out the events that we received. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"The initial consumer processed { receivedEvents.Count } events of the { eventBatchSize } that were published. { eventBatchSize } were expected."); foreach (EventData eventData in receivedEvents) { // The body of our event was an encoded string; we'll recover the // message by reversing the encoding process. string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine($"\tMessage: \"{ message }\""); } // Remember the third event that was consumed. thirdEvent = receivedEvents[2]; } // At this point, our initial consumer has passed its "using" scope and has been safely disposed of. // // Create a new consumer beginning using the third event as the last sequence number processed; this new consumer will begin reading at the next available // sequence number, allowing it to read the set of published events beginning with the fourth one. await using (EventHubConsumer newConsumer = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, firstPartition, EventPosition.FromSequenceNumber(thirdEvent.SequenceNumber.Value))) { // We will consume the events using the new consumer until all of the published events have been received. CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); cancellationSource.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); int expectedCount = (eventBatchSize - 3); var receivedEvents = new List <EventData>(); await foreach (EventData currentEvent in newConsumer.SubscribeToEvents(cancellationSource.Token)) { receivedEvents.Add(currentEvent); if (receivedEvents.Count >= expectedCount) { break; } } // Print out the events that we received. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"The new consumer processed { receivedEvents.Count } events of the { eventBatchSize } that were published. { expectedCount } were expected."); foreach (EventData eventData in receivedEvents) { // The body of our event was an encoded string; we'll recover the // message by reversing the encoding process. string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine($"\tMessage: \"{ message }\""); } } } } // At this point, our client, all consumers, and producer have passed their "using" scope and have safely been disposed of. We // have no further obligations. Console.WriteLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string for the Event Hubs namespace that the sample should target.</param> /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that she sample should run against.</param> /// public async Task RunAsync(string connectionString, string eventHubName) { // An Event Hub consumer is associated with a specific Event Hub partition and a consumer group. The consumer group is // a label that identifies one or more consumers as a set. Often, consumer groups are named after the responsibility // of the consumer in an application, such as "Telemetry" or "OrderProcessing". When an Event Hub is created, a default // consumer group is created with it, called "$Default." // // Each consumer has a unique view of the events in the partition, meaning that events are available to all consumers // and are not removed from the partition when a consumer reads them. This allows for different consumers to read and // process events from the partition at different speeds and beginning with different events without interfering with // one another. // // When events are published, they will continue to exist in the partition and be available for consuming until they // reach an age where they are older than the retention period. // (see: // // Because events are not removed from the partition when consuming, a consumer must specify where in the partition it // would like to begin reading events. For example, this may be starting from the very beginning of the stream, at an // offset from the beginning, the next event available after a specific point in time, or at a specific event. // We will start by creating a client using its default set of options. await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString, eventHubName)) { // With our client, we can now inspect the partitions and find the identifier // of the first. string firstPartition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First(); // In this example, we will create our consumer for the first partition in the Event Hub, using the default consumer group // that is created with an Event Hub. Our consumer will begin watching the partition at the very end, reading only new events // that we will publish for it. await using (EventHubConsumer consumer = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, firstPartition, EventPosition.Latest)) await using (EventHubProducer producer = client.CreateProducer(new EventHubProducerOptions { PartitionId = firstPartition })) { // Because our consumer is reading from the latest position, it won't see events that have previously // been published. Before we can publish the events, we will need to ask the consumer to perform an operation, // because it opens its connection only when it needs to. The first receive that we ask of it will not see // any events, but will allow the consumer to start watching the partition. // // Because the maximum wait time is specified as zero, this call will return immediately and will not // have consumed any events. await consumer.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero); // Now that the consumer is watching the partition, let's publish the events that we would like to // receive. EventData[] eventsToPublish = new EventData[] { new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello, Event Hubs!")), new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Goodbye, Event Hubs!")) }; await producer.SendAsync(eventsToPublish); Console.WriteLine("The event batch has been published."); // Because publishing and receiving events is asynchronous, the events that we published may not be immediately // available for our consumer to see. We will iterate over the available events in the partition, which should be // just the events that we published. // // When a maximum wait time is specified, the iteration will ensure that it returns control after that time has elapsed, // whether or not an event is available in the partition. If no event was available a null value will be emitted instead. // This is intended to return control to the loop and avoid blocking for an indeterminate period of time to allow event // processors to verify that the iterator is still consuming the partition and to make decisions on whether or not to continue // if events are not arriving. // // For this example, we will specify a maximum wait time, and won't exit the loop until we've received at least one more // event than we published, which is expected to be a null value triggered by exceeding the wait time. // // To be sure that we do not end up in an infinite loop, we will specify a fairly long time to allow processing to complete // then cancel. CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); cancellationSource.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); TimeSpan maximumWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250); List <EventData> receivedEvents = new List <EventData>(); Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); await foreach (EventData currentEvent in consumer.SubscribeToEvents(maximumWaitTime, cancellationSource.Token)) { receivedEvents.Add(currentEvent); if (receivedEvents.Count > eventsToPublish.Length) { watch.Stop(); break; } } // Print out the events that we received. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"The following events were consumed in { watch.ElapsedMilliseconds } milliseconds:"); foreach (EventData eventData in receivedEvents) { // The body of our event was an encoded string; we'll recover the // message by reversing the encoding process. string message = (eventData == null) ? "<< This was a null event >>" : Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine($"\tMessage: \"{ message }\""); } } } // At this point, our client, consumer, and producer have passed their "using" scope and have safely been disposed of. We // have no further obligations. Console.WriteLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string for the Event Hubs namespace that the sample should target.</param> /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that she sample should run against.</param> /// public async Task RunAsync(string connectionString, string eventHubName) { // We will start by creating a client using its default set of options. await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString, eventHubName)) { // With our client, we can now inspect the partitions and find the identifier // of the first. string firstPartition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First(); // In this example, we will create our consumer for the first partition in the Event Hub, using the default consumer group // that is created with an Event Hub. Our consumer will begin watching the partition at the very end, reading only new events // that we will publish for it. await using (EventHubConsumer consumer = client.CreateConsumer(EventHubConsumer.DefaultConsumerGroupName, firstPartition, EventPosition.Latest)) await using (EventHubProducer producer = client.CreateProducer(new EventHubProducerOptions { PartitionId = firstPartition })) { // Because our consumer is reading from the latest position, it won't see events that have previously // been published. Before we can publish the events, we will need to ask the consumer to perform an operation, // because it opens its connection only when it needs to. The first receive that we ask of it will not see // any events, but will allow the consumer to start watching the partition. // // Because the maximum wait time is specivied as zero, this call will return immediately and will not // have consumed any events. await consumer.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero); // Now that the consumer is watching the partition, let's publish a fair sized batch of events // we would like for it to consume. int eventBatchSize = 100; EventData[] eventBatch = new EventData[eventBatchSize]; for (int index = 0; index < eventBatchSize; ++index) { eventBatch[index] = new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"I am event #{ index }")); } await producer.SendAsync(eventBatch); Console.WriteLine($"The event batch with { eventBatchSize } events has been published."); // To allow for throughput in our application, we will process the published events by consuming them in // small batches with a small wait time. This will allow us to receive and process more quickly than blocking // to wait on a larger batch size. // // The values that are used in this example are intended just for illustration and not as guidance for a recommended // set of defaults. In a real-world application, determining the right balance of batch size and wait time to achieve // the desired performance will often vary depending on the application and event data being consumed. It is an area // where some experimentation in the application context may prove helpful. // // Our example will attempt to read about 1/5 of the batch at a time, which should result in the need for 5 batches to // be consumed. Because publishing and receving events is asynchronous, the events that we published may not be // immediately available for our consumer to see. To compensate, we will allow for a small number of extra attempts beyond // the expected 5 to to be sure that we don't stop reading before we receive all of our events. var receivedEvents = new List <EventData>(); int consumeBatchSize = (int)Math.Floor(eventBatchSize / 5.0f); int maximumAttempts = 15; int attempts = 0; while ((receivedEvents.Count < eventBatchSize) && (++attempts < maximumAttempts)) { // Each receive, we ask for the maximum amount of events that we would like in the batch and // specify the maximum amount of time that we would like to wait for them. // // The batch of events will be returned to us when either we have read our maximum number of events // or when the time that we asked to wait has elapsed. This means that a batch we receive may have // between zero and the maximum we asked for, depending on what was available in the partition. // // For this attempt, we will ask to receive our computed batch size (1/5 of published events) and wait, at most, // 25 milliseconds to receive them. We'll then process them and if we haven't gotten all that we published, we'll // make another attempt until either we have them or we have tried for our maximum number of attempts. IEnumerable <EventData> receivedBatch = await consumer.ReceiveAsync(consumeBatchSize, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25)); receivedEvents.AddRange(receivedBatch); } // Print out the events that we received. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Events Consumed: { receivedEvents.Count }"); foreach (EventData eventData in receivedEvents) { // The body of our event was an encoded string; we'll recover the // message by reversing the encoding process. string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine($"\tMessage: \"{ message }\""); } } } // At this point, our client, consumer, and producer have passed their "using" scope and have safely been disposed of. We // have no further obligations. Console.WriteLine(); }