public async Task <Result> GetNicoFeed(string status, string platform, bool titlePreset, int offset, int limit, string sort, string query, UserAuthenticationEntity userAuthenticationEntity) { var url = EndPoints.NicoNicoBaseUrl; // Sony's app hardcodes this value to 0. // This app could, in theory, allow for more polling of data, so these options are left open to new values and limits. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { url += $"keyword={query}&"; } url += $"offset={offset}&"; url += $"limit={limit}&"; url += $"status={status}&"; url += $"sce_platform={platform}&"; if (titlePreset) { url += "sce_title_preset=true&"; } url += $"sort={sort}"; // TODO: Fix this cheap hack to get around caching issue. For some reason, no-cache is not working... url += "&r=" + Guid.NewGuid(); return(await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(url), userAuthenticationEntity)); }
public async Task <NicoNicoEntity> GetNicoFeed(string status, string platform, int offset, int limit, string sort, UserAccountEntity userAccountEntity) { try { var url = EndPoints.NicoNicoBaseUrl; // Sony's app hardcodes this value to 0. // This app could, in theory, allow for more polling of data, so these options are left open to new values and limits. url += string.Format("offset={0}&", offset); url += string.Format("limit={0}&", limit); url += string.Format("status={0}&", status); url += string.Format("sce_platform={0}&", platform); url += string.Format("sort={0}", sort); // TODO: Fix this cheap hack to get around caching issue. For some reason, no-cache is not working... url += "&r=" + Guid.NewGuid(); var result = await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(url), userAccountEntity); var nico = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <NicoNicoEntity>(result.ResultJson); return(nico); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Failed to get Nico Nico Douga feed", ex); } }
public async Task <List <RegDate> > TotalRegistrations() { var uri = new Uri(EndPoints.ViewRegistrations); var result = await _webManager.GetData(uri); return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <RegDate> >(result.ResultJson)); }
/// <summary> /// Search for GIFs. /// </summary> /// <param name="searchParameter">Required: Used to query the search engine.</param> /// <returns>A GifSearch Result object.</returns> public async Task <GiphySearchResult> GifSearch(SearchParameter searchParameter) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchParameter.Query)) { throw new FormatException("Must set query in order to search."); } var nvc = new NameValueCollection(); nvc.Add("api_key", _authKey); nvc.Add("q", searchParameter.Query); nvc.Add("limit", searchParameter.Limit.ToString()); nvc.Add("offset", searchParameter.Offset.ToString()); if (searchParameter.Rating != Rating.None) { nvc.Add("rating", searchParameter.Rating.ToFriendlyString()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchParameter.Format)) { nvc.Add("fmt", searchParameter.Format); } var result = await _webManager.GetData(new Uri($"{BaseUrl}{BaseGif}/search{UriExtensions.ToQueryString(nvc)}")); if (!result.IsSuccess) { throw new WebException($"Failed to get GIFs: {result.ResultJson}"); } return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GiphySearchResult>(result.ResultJson)); }
public async Task <List <PrivateMessageEntity> > GetPrivateMessages(int page) { var privateMessageEntities = new List <PrivateMessageEntity>(); var url = Constants.PRIVATE_MESSAGES; if (page > 0) { url = Constants.PRIVATE_MESSAGES + string.Format(Constants.PAGE_NUMBER, page); } HtmlDocument doc = (await _webManager.GetData(url)).Document; HtmlNode forumNode = doc.DocumentNode.Descendants("tbody").FirstOrDefault(); foreach ( HtmlNode threadNode in forumNode.Descendants("tr")) { var threadEntity = new PrivateMessageEntity(); threadEntity.Parse(threadNode); privateMessageEntities.Add(threadEntity); } return(privateMessageEntities); }
public async Task <Result> GetMessageGroup(string username, UserAuthenticationEntity userAuthenticationEntity, string region = "jp", string language = "ja") { var url = string.Format(EndPoints.MessageGroup, region, username, language); url += "&r=" + Guid.NewGuid(); return(await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(url), userAuthenticationEntity, language)); }
public async Task <Result> GetTrophyList(string comparedUser, string fromUser, int offset, UserAuthenticationEntity userAuthenticationEntity, string region = "jp", string language = "ja") { var url = string.Format(EndPoints.TrophyList, region, language, offset, comparedUser, fromUser); url += "&r=" + Guid.NewGuid(); return(await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(url), userAuthenticationEntity, language)); }
public async Task <List <Groups> > GetGenreGroupsAsync(int @group = 1) { var result = await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(string.Format(EndPoints.GenreGroup, group))); var entity = result.ResultXml.ParseXml <GroupEntity>(); return(entity.Groups); }
public async Task <Thumb> GetThumbInfoAsync(string videoId) { var result = await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(string.Format(EndPoints.ThumbInfo, videoId))); var entity = result.ResultXml.ParseXml <ThumbnailEntity>(); return(entity.Thumbnail); }
public async Task <string> GetSearchResults(String url) { try { string htmlBody = await PathIO.ReadTextAsync("ms-appx:///Assets/thread.html"); var doc2 = new HtmlDocument(); doc2.LoadHtml(htmlBody); HtmlNode bodyNode = doc2.DocumentNode.Descendants("body").FirstOrDefault(); //inject this HtmlDocument doc = (await _webManager.GetData(url)).Document; HtmlNode searchNode = doc.DocumentNode.Descendants("div") .FirstOrDefault(node => node.GetAttributeValue("class", string.Empty).Contains("inner")); url = string.Format("{0}search.php{1}", Constants.BASE_URL, searchNode.Descendants("a").FirstOrDefault().GetAttributeValue("href", string.Empty)); doc = (await _webManager.GetData(url)).Document; var tableNode = doc.DocumentNode.Descendants("table") .FirstOrDefault(node => node.GetAttributeValue("id", string.Empty).Contains("main_full")); tableNode.SetAttributeValue("style", "width: 100%"); HtmlNode[] linkNodes = tableNode.Descendants("a").ToArray(); if (!linkNodes.Any()) { // User has no items on their rap sheet, return nothing back. return(string.Empty); } foreach (var linkNode in linkNodes) { var divNode = HtmlNode.CreateNode(linkNode.InnerText); linkNode.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(divNode.ParentNode, linkNode); } HtmlNode[] jumpPostsNodes = tableNode.Descendants("div").Where(node => node.GetAttributeValue("align", string.Empty).Equals("right")).ToArray(); foreach (var jumpPost in jumpPostsNodes) { jumpPost.Remove(); } bodyNode.InnerHtml = tableNode.OuterHtml; return(WebUtility.HtmlDecode(WebUtility.HtmlDecode(doc2.DocumentNode.OuterHtml))); } catch (Exception) { // Person does not have platinum. return(string.Empty); } }
public async Task <FrontPageWebArticleEntity> GetArticleMetaData(string url) { HtmlDocument articleDoc = (await _webManager.GetData(url)).Document; string articleHtml = await ParseArticleHtml(articleDoc); var frontPageArticleEntity = new FrontPageWebArticleEntity(); frontPageArticleEntity.MapTo(WebUtility.HtmlDecode(articleHtml), 1); return(frontPageArticleEntity); }
public async Task <FriendsEntity> GetFriendsList(string username, int?offset, bool blockedPlayer, bool playedRecently, bool personalDetailSharing, bool friendStatus, bool requesting, bool requested, bool onlineFilter, UserAccountEntity userAccountEntity) { try { var user = userAccountEntity.GetUserEntity(); var url = string.Format(EndPoints.FriendList, user.Region, username, offset); if (onlineFilter) { url += "&filter=online"; } if (friendStatus && !requesting && !requested) { url += "&friendStatus=friend&presenceType=primary"; } if (friendStatus && requesting && !requested) { url += "&friendStatus=requesting"; } if (friendStatus && !requesting && requested) { url += "&friendStatus=requested"; } if (personalDetailSharing && requested) { url += "&friendStatus=friend&personalDetailSharing=requested&presenceType=primary"; } if (personalDetailSharing && requesting) { url += "&friendStatus=friend&personalDetailSharing=requesting&presenceType=primary"; } if (playedRecently) { url = string.Format( EndPoints.RecentlyPlayed, username); } if (blockedPlayer) { url = string.Format("https://{0}{1}/blockList?fields=@default,@profile&offset={2}", user.Region, username, offset); } // TODO: Fix this cheap hack to get around caching issue. For some reason, no-cache is not working... url += "&r=" + Guid.NewGuid(); var result = await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(url), userAccountEntity); var friend = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FriendsEntity>(result.ResultJson); return(friend); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex); } }
public async Task <Suggestion> GetSuggestions(string suggestion) { var result = await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(EndPoints.SearchSuggestion + suggestion)); try { return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Suggestion>(result.ResultXml)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Failed to get suggestions" + result.ResultXml, ex); } }
public async Task <Result> GetUser(string userName, UserAuthenticationEntity userAuthenticationEntity, string region = "jp", string language = "ja") { try { var url = string.Format(EndPoints.User, region, userName); return(await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(url), userAuthenticationEntity, language)); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new Exception("Error getting user", exception); } }
public async Task <NicoliveVideoResponse> GetOnAirListAsync(int @from = 0, int length = 50, string order = "a", string provider = "community", string sort = "start_time") { var result = await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(string.Format(EndPoints.OnAirList, from, length, order, provider, sort))); try { var live = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LiveVideo>(result.ResultXml); return(live.NicoliveVideoResponse); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Failed to get live videos: " + result.ResultXml, ex); } }
public async Task <SessionInviteEntity> GetSessionInvites(int offset, UserAccountEntity userAccountEntity) { try { var user = userAccountEntity.GetUserEntity(); string url = string.Format(EndPoints.SessionInformation, user.Region, user.OnlineId, user.Language, offset); var result = await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(url), userAccountEntity); var sessionInvite = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SessionInviteEntity>(result.ResultJson); return(sessionInvite); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Failed to get session invites", ex); } }
public async Task <List <SmileCategoryEntity> > GetSmileList() { var smileCategoryList = new List <SmileCategoryEntity>(); //inject this HtmlDocument doc = (await _webManager.GetData(Constants.SMILE_URL)).Document; IEnumerable <HtmlNode> smileCategoryTitles = doc.DocumentNode.Descendants("div") .FirstOrDefault(node => node.GetAttributeValue("class", string.Empty).Contains("inner")) .Descendants("h3"); List <string> categoryTitles = smileCategoryTitles.Select(smileCategoryTitle => WebUtility.HtmlDecode(smileCategoryTitle.InnerText)) .ToList(); IEnumerable <HtmlNode> smileNodes = doc.DocumentNode.Descendants("ul") .Where(node => node.GetAttributeValue("class", string.Empty).Contains("smilie_group")); int smileCount = 0; foreach (HtmlNode smileNode in smileNodes) { var smileList = new List <SmileEntity>(); IEnumerable <HtmlNode> smileIcons = smileNode.Descendants("li"); foreach (HtmlNode smileIcon in smileIcons) { var smileEntity = new SmileEntity(); smileEntity.Parse(smileIcon); smileList.Add(smileEntity); } smileCategoryList.Add(new SmileCategoryEntity(categoryTitles[smileCount], smileList)); smileCount++; } return(smileCategoryList); }
public async Task <List <Avatar> > GetStaticAvatars() { var uri = new Uri(EndPoints.GetAvatarList); var result = await _webManager.GetData(uri); return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Avatar> >(result.ResultJson)); }
public async Task <Result> SearchForFriends(string query, UserAuthenticationEntity userAuthenticationEntity, string region = "jp", string language = "ja") { var url = String.Format(EndPoints.FriendFinder, query); return(await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(url), userAuthenticationEntity, language)); }
public async Task <User> GetUserViaEmail(int id) { var uri = new Uri(string.Format(EndPoints.GetUserViaId, id)); var result = await _webManager.GetData(uri); return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(result.ResultJson)); }
public async Task <UserEntity> GetCurrentUserInfoAsync() { var result = await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(EndPoints.UserCurrentInfo)); if (!result.IsSuccess) { throw new Exception("Failed to Get User Info: " + result.ResultXml); } try { return(result.ResultXml.ParseXml <UserEntity>()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Failed to Login: " + result.ResultXml, ex); } }
public async Task <Result> GetFriendsList(string username, int?offset, bool blockedPlayer, bool playedRecently, bool personalDetailSharing, bool friendStatus, bool requesting, bool requested, bool onlineFilter, UserAuthenticationEntity userAuthenticationEntity, string region = "jp", string language = "ja") { var url = string.Format(EndPoints.FriendList, region, username, offset); if (onlineFilter) { url += "&filter=online"; } if (friendStatus && !requesting && !requested) { url += "&friendStatus=friend&presenceType=primary"; } if (friendStatus && requesting && !requested) { url += "&friendStatus=requesting"; } if (friendStatus && !requesting && requested) { url += "&friendStatus=requested"; } if (personalDetailSharing && requested) { url += "&friendStatus=friend&personalDetailSharing=requested&presenceType=primary"; } if (personalDetailSharing && requesting) { url += "&friendStatus=friend&personalDetailSharing=requesting&presenceType=primary"; } if (playedRecently) { url = string.Format( EndPoints.RecentlyPlayed, username); } if (blockedPlayer) { url = $"https://{region}{username}/blockList?fields=@default,@profile&offset={offset}"; } url += "&r=" + Guid.NewGuid(); return(await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(url), userAuthenticationEntity, language)); }
private async Task <WebManager.Result> SendLoginData(string sessionId) { var result = await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(string.Format(EndPoints.Login, sessionId))); if (result.IsSuccess) { _localSettings.Values["sessionId"] = sessionId; } return(result); }
public async Task <ForumThreadEntity> GetThread(string url) { var forumThread = new ForumThreadEntity(); WebManager.Result result = await _webManager.GetData(url); HtmlDocument doc = result.Document; try { forumThread.ParseFromThread(doc); } catch (Exception) { return(null); } var query = Extensions.ParseQueryString(url); if (!query.ContainsKey("postid")) { return(forumThread); } // If we are going to a post, it won't use #pti but instead uses the post id. forumThread.ScrollToPost = Convert.ToInt32(query["postid"]); forumThread.ScrollToPostString = "#post" + query["postid"]; return(forumThread); }
public async Task <Result> GetActivityFeed(string userName, int?pageNumber, bool storePromo, bool isNews, UserAuthenticationEntity userAuthenticationEntity, string region = "jp", string language = "ja") { var feedNews = isNews ? "news" : "feed"; var url = string.Format(EndPoints.RecentActivity, userName, feedNews, pageNumber); if (storePromo) { url += "&filters=STORE_PROMO"; } url += "&r=" + Guid.NewGuid(); return(await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(url), userAuthenticationEntity, language)); }
public async Task <UserSession> StartUserSessionAsync() { if (!_webManager.IsCookieContainerSet) { throw new Exception("You must log the user in and set the cookie container"); } var result = await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(EndPoints.CreateSession)); if (!result.IsSuccess) { throw new Exception("Failed to Create Session: " + result.ResultXml); } try { return(result.ResultXml.ParseXml <UserSession>()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Failed to Create Session: " + result.ResultXml, ex); } }
public async Task <IEnumerable <PostIconCategoryEntity> > GetPostIcons(ForumEntity forum) { string url = string.Format(Constants.NEW_THREAD, forum.ForumId); WebManager.Result result = await _webManager.GetData(url); HtmlDocument doc = result.Document; HtmlNode[] pageNodes = doc.DocumentNode.Descendants("div").Where(node => node.GetAttributeValue("class", string.Empty).Equals("posticon")).ToArray(); var postIconEntityList = new List <PostIconEntity>(); foreach (var pageNode in pageNodes) { var postIconEntity = new PostIconEntity(); postIconEntity.Parse(pageNode); postIconEntityList.Add(postIconEntity); } var postIconCategoryEntity = new PostIconCategoryEntity("Post Icon", postIconEntityList); var postIconCategoryList = new List <PostIconCategoryEntity> { postIconCategoryEntity }; return(postIconCategoryList); }
public async Task <SearchResultsEntity> SearchForUsers(int offset, string query, UserAccountEntity userAccountEntity) { try { var url = string.Format(EndPoints.Search, offset, query); url += "&r=" + Guid.NewGuid(); var result = await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(url), userAccountEntity); var search = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SearchResultsEntity>(result.ResultJson); return(search); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex); } }
public async Task <NotificationEntity> GetNotifications(string username, UserAccountEntity userAccountEntity) { try { var user = userAccountEntity.GetUserEntity(); var url = string.Format(EndPoints.Notification, user.Region, username, user.Language); var result = await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(url), userAccountEntity); var notification = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <NotificationEntity>(result.ResultJson); return(notification); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Failed to get notification list", ex); } }
public async Task <UserEntity> GetUser(string userName, UserAccountEntity userAccountEntity) { try { var user = userAccountEntity.GetUserEntity(); string url = string.Format(EndPoints.User, user.Region, userName); url += "&r=" + Guid.NewGuid(); var result = await _webManager.GetData(new Uri(url), userAccountEntity); var userEntity = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UserEntity>(result.ResultJson); return(userEntity); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error getting user", ex); } }