Example #1
		public virtual bool Supports(IVsHierarchyItem item)
			var project = item.GetExtenderObject() as EnvDTE.Project;

			return project != null &&
				project.Object is EnvDTE80.SolutionFolder;
Example #2
		bool Supports (IVsHierarchyItem item, out IVsHierarchyItem actualItem)
			actualItem = item;
			if (!item.HierarchyIdentity.IsRoot)
				return false;

			// We need the hierarchy fully loaded if it's not yet.
			if (!item.GetProperty<bool> (__VSPROPID4.VSPROPID_IsSolutionFullyLoaded)) {
				Guid guid;
				if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded (item.GetActualHierarchy ().GetGuidProperty ((uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Root, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_ProjectIDGuid, out guid)) &&
					// For the solution root item itself, the GUID will be empty.
					guid != Guid.Empty) {
					if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded (((IVsSolution4)solution.Value).EnsureProjectIsLoaded (ref guid, (uint)__VSBSLFLAGS.VSBSLFLAGS_None)))
						actualItem = hierarchyManager.GetHierarchyItem (item.GetActualHierarchy (), item.GetActualItemId ());

			if (!(actualItem.GetActualHierarchy () is IVsProject))
				return false;

			// Finally, solution folders look like projects, but they are not.
			// We need to filter them out too.
			var extenderObject = actualItem.GetExtenderObject();
			var dteProject = extenderObject as EnvDTE.Project;

			if (extenderObject != null && extenderObject.GetType ().FullName == "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Project.Automation.OAProject")
				return false;

			if (extenderObject != null && dteProject != null && (dteProject.Object is EnvDTE80.SolutionFolder))
				return false;

			return true;
            // Returns true if filters hierarchy item name for given filter; otherwise, false</returns>
            private bool ShouldIncludeInFilter(IVsHierarchyItem hierarchyItem)
                if (hierarchyItem?.CanonicalName == null) return false;

                UnifiedDiff diff;
                return _pullRequestFilterProvider.UnifiedDiffs.TryGetValue(hierarchyItem.CanonicalName, out diff);
Example #4
		public ISolutionExplorerNode CreateNode(IVsHierarchyItem item)
			if (item == null)
				return null;

			var factory = customFactories.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Supports(item)) ?? 
				defaultFactories.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Supports(item));

			return factory == null ? new GenericNode(item, this, adapter, solutionExplorer) : factory.CreateNode(item);
        public AnalyzersFolderItemSource(Workspace workspace, ProjectId projectId, IVsHierarchyItem projectHierarchyItem)
            _workspace = workspace;
            _projectId = projectId;
            _projectHierarchyItem = projectHierarchyItem;

            _folderItems = new ObservableCollection<AnalyzersFolderItem>();

Example #6
        public virtual bool Supports(IVsHierarchyItem item)
			// TODO: why wouldn't something like this work? 
			//	 ((VSProject)((Project)hierarchyNode.GetExtenderObject ()).Object).References);

			// \o/: heuristics, no extender object and "References" display name :S
			var extObj = item.GetExtenderObject();
			// TODO: see if we get the VSProject from VSLangProj and compare to the References property there.
            return extObj == null && item.Text == "References";
Example #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ProjectItemNode"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="kind">The kind of project node.</param>
		/// <param name="hierarchyNode">The underlying hierarchy represented by this node.</param>
		/// <param name="nodeFactory">The factory for child nodes.</param>
		/// <param name="adapter">The adapter service that implements the smart cast <see cref="ISolutionExplorerNode.As{T}"/>.</param>
		public ProjectItemNode(
			SolutionNodeKind kind,
			IVsHierarchyItem hierarchyNode,
			ISolutionExplorerNodeFactory nodeFactory,
			IAdapterService adapter,
			Lazy<IVsUIHierarchyWindow> solutionExplorer)
			: base(kind, hierarchyNode, nodeFactory, adapter, solutionExplorer)
			this.nodeFactory = nodeFactory;
			owningProject = new Lazy<IProjectNode>(() => 
				this.nodeFactory.CreateNode(hierarchyNode.GetRoot ()) as IProjectNode);
Example #8
 public AnalyzersFolderItem(
     Workspace workspace,
     ProjectId projectId,
     IVsHierarchyItem parentItem,
     IContextMenuController contextMenuController)
     : base(SolutionExplorerShim.AnalyzersFolderItem_Name)
     _workspace = workspace;
     _projectId = projectId;
     _parentItem = parentItem;
     _contextMenuController = contextMenuController;
Example #9
        public virtual bool Supports(IVsHierarchyItem hierarchy)
            if (hierarchy.Parent == null)
                return false;
			var ext = hierarchy.GetExtenderObject();
            var item = ext as ProjectItem;
            var project = hierarchy.Parent.GetExtenderObject() as Project;

                project != null &&
                item != null &&
                project.Object is EnvDTE80.SolutionFolder;
Example #10
        public virtual bool Supports(IVsHierarchyItem item)
			var extenderObject = item.GetExtenderObject();
			var projectItem = extenderObject as EnvDTE.ProjectItem;

			if (extenderObject == null || projectItem == null)
				return false;

			try {
				// Fails in F# projects.
				return projectItem.Kind == EnvDTE.Constants.vsProjectItemKindPhysicalFile;
			} catch (Exception) {
				return false;
Example #11
		//Lazy<string> name;
		//Lazy<string> caption;

		internal VsSolutionItemNode (IVsHierarchyItem item)
			if (item.HierarchyIdentity.IsNestedItem) {
				VsHierarchy = item.HierarchyIdentity.NestedHierarchy;
				ItemId = item.HierarchyIdentity.NestedItemID;
			} else {
				VsHierarchy = item.HierarchyIdentity.Hierarchy;
				ItemId = item.HierarchyIdentity.ItemID;

            extensibilityObject = new Lazy<object>(() => item.GetProperty((int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_ExtObject));
			serviceProvider = new Lazy<IServiceProvider> (() => item.GetServiceProvider ());
			//name = new Lazy<string> (() => item.GetProperty<string> ((int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_Name));
			//caption = new Lazy<string> (() => item.GetProperty<string> ((int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_Caption));

			parent = new Lazy<VsSolutionItemNode> (() => item.Parent == null ? null : new VsSolutionItemNode (item.Parent));
Example #12
		public virtual bool Supports (IVsHierarchyItem item)
			var extenderObject = item.GetExtenderObject();
			var projectItem = extenderObject as EnvDTE.ProjectItem;

			if (extenderObject == null || projectItem == null)
				return false;

			if (extenderObject.GetType ().FullName == "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Project.Automation.OAFolderItem")
				return true;

			try {
				// Fails in F# projects.
				return projectItem.Kind == EnvDTE.Constants.vsProjectItemKindPhysicalFolder;
            } catch (Exception) {
				return false;
        public bool TryGetProjectId(IVsHierarchyItem hierarchyItem, out ProjectId projectId)
            var project = _workspace.ProjectTracker.ImmutableProjects
                    .Where(p => p.Hierarchy == hierarchyItem.HierarchyIdentity.NestedHierarchy)
                    .Where(p => p.ProjectSystemName == hierarchyItem.CanonicalName)

            if (project == null)
                projectId = default(ProjectId);
                return false;
                projectId = project.Id;
                return true;
 public bool TryGetHierarchyItem(IVsHierarchy hierarchy, uint itemid, out IVsHierarchyItem item) {
     item = null;
     return false;
Example #15
        public void SubmitResult(IRelatableItem?item)
            if (item == null)

            item = DeduplicateItem(item);



            void PopulateAncestors(IRelatableItem childItem)
                if (childItem.ContainedByCollection != null)
                    // We've already populated this item's ancestors. It's likely an ancestor of
                    // another search result. This also prevents runaway in case of cycles.

                ImmutableArray <IRelation> containedByRelations = _relationProvider.GetContainedByRelationsFor(childItem.GetType());

                if (containedByRelations.IsEmpty)
                    // We should never have a scenario where an item type does not have a parent.
                    TraceUtilities.TraceError($"No IRelation exports exist that provide parent (ContainedBy) items for type {childItem.GetType()}.");

                var allParentItems = new List <object>();

                foreach (IRelation relation in containedByRelations)
                    IEnumerable <IRelatableItem>?relationParentItems = relation.CreateContainedByItems(childItem);

                    if (relationParentItems != null)
                        foreach (IRelatableItem parentItem in relationParentItems)
                            IRelatableItem deduplicateItem = DeduplicateItem(parentItem);

                            if (deduplicateItem.TryGetProjectNode(_targetRootNode, parentItem, out IProjectTree? projectNode))
                                uint             itemId        = (uint)projectNode.Identity.ToInt32();
                                IVsHierarchyItem hierarchyItem = _hierarchyItemManager.GetHierarchyItem(_projectVsServices.VsHierarchy, itemId);

                            if (deduplicateItem.ContainedByCollection == null)

                childItem.ContainedByCollection = new AggregateContainedByRelationCollection(allParentItems);

            IRelatableItem DeduplicateItem(IRelatableItem item)
                object key = GetItemKey(item);

                if (_itemByKey.TryGetValue(key, out IRelatableItem existingItem))

                _itemByKey.Add(key, item);
Example #16
 public virtual bool Supports(IVsHierarchyItem item) => item.GetExtenderObject() is VSLangProj.Reference;
Example #17
 public virtual ISolutionExplorerNode CreateNode(IVsHierarchyItem item) => Supports(item) ?
 new SolutionItemNode(item, childNodeFactory.Value, adapter, solutionExplorer) : null;
        public bool TryGetProjectId(IVsHierarchyItem hierarchyItem, string targetFrameworkMoniker, out ProjectId projectId)
            if (_workspace.DeferredState == null)
                projectId = default(ProjectId);

            // A project node is represented in two different hierarchies: the solution's IVsHierarchy (where it is a leaf node)
            // and the project's own IVsHierarchy (where it is the root node). The IVsHierarchyItem joins them together for the
            // purpose of creating the tree displayed in Solution Explorer. The project's hierarchy is what is passed from the
            // project system to the language service, so that's the one the one to query here. To do that we need to get
            // the "nested" hierarchy from the IVsHierarchyItem.
            var nestedHierarchy   = hierarchyItem.HierarchyIdentity.NestedHierarchy;
            var nestedHierarchyId = hierarchyItem.HierarchyIdentity.NestedItemID;

            if (!nestedHierarchy.TryGetCanonicalName(nestedHierarchyId, out string nestedCanonicalName) ||
                !nestedHierarchy.TryGetItemName(nestedHierarchyId, out string nestedName))
                projectId = default(ProjectId);

            var project = _workspace.DeferredState.ProjectTracker.ImmutableProjects
                          .Where(p =>
                // Here we try to match the hierarchy from Solution Explorer to a hierarchy from the Roslyn project.
                // The canonical name of a hierarchy item must be unique _within_ an hierarchy, but since we're
                // examining multiple hierarchies the canonical name could be the same. Indeed this happens when two
                // project files are in the same folder--they both use the full path to the _folder_ as the canonical
                // name. To distinguish them we also examine the "regular" name, which will necessarily be different
                // if the two projects are in the same folder.
                if (p.Hierarchy.TryGetCanonicalName((uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Root, out string projectCanonicalName) &&
                    p.Hierarchy.TryGetItemName((uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Root, out string projectName) &&
                    projectCanonicalName.Equals(nestedCanonicalName, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                    if (targetFrameworkMoniker == null)

                    return(p.Hierarchy.TryGetTargetFrameworkMoniker((uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Root, out string projectTargetFrameworkMoniker) &&


            if (project == null)
                projectId = default(ProjectId);
                projectId = project.Id;
Example #19
 public virtual ISolutionExplorerNode CreateNode(IVsHierarchyItem item) => Supports(item) ?
 new SolutionNode(services, item, nodeFactory.Value, adapter, selection, solutionExplorer) : null;
Example #20
		Lazy<ISolutionExplorerNode> GetParent (IVsHierarchyItem hierarchy) => hierarchy.Parent == null ? null :
			new Lazy<ISolutionExplorerNode> (() => this.nodeFactory.CreateNode (hierarchy.Parent));
Example #21
 public static object GetProperty(this IVsHierarchyItem item, int propId, object defaultValue = null)
     return(GetProperty <object>(item, propId, defaultValue));
Example #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the DTE extensibility object for the given hierarchy item.
 /// </summary>
 public static T GetExtenderObject <T>(this IVsHierarchyItem item)
Example #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the DTE extensibility object for the given hierarchy item.
 /// </summary>
 public static object GetExtenderObject(this IVsHierarchyItem item)
Example #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the actual item id, which is the nested id if the item is nested.
 /// </summary>
 public static uint GetActualItemId(this IVsHierarchyItem item)
     return(item.HierarchyIdentity.IsNestedItem ?
            item.HierarchyIdentity.NestedItemID :
Example #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the actual item hierarchy, which is the nested hierarchy if the item is nested.
 /// </summary>
 public static IVsHierarchy GetActualHierarchy(this IVsHierarchyItem item)
     return(item.HierarchyIdentity.IsNestedItem ?
            item.HierarchyIdentity.NestedHierarchy :
Example #26
 Lazy <ISolutionExplorerNode> GetParent(IVsHierarchyItem hierarchy) => hierarchy.Parent == null ? null :
 new Lazy <ISolutionExplorerNode>(() => nodeFactory.CreateNode(hierarchy.Parent));
Example #27
 public static T GetProperty <T>(this IVsHierarchyItem item, __VSPROPID5 propId, T defaultValue = default(T))
     return(item.GetProperty <T>((int)propId, defaultValue));
Example #28
 public ItemProperties(ItemNode item)
     this.item = item.HierarchyNode.GetExtenderObject() as ProjectItem;
     node      = item.HierarchyNode;
     msBuild   = item.OwningProject.AsVsBuildPropertyStorage();
Example #29
 public bool Contains(IVsHierarchyItem item) => filteredItems.Contains(item);
Example #30
 public virtual bool Supports(IVsHierarchyItem item) => item.HierarchyIdentity.Hierarchy is IVsSolution;
Example #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the solution item.
 /// </summary>
 protected SolutionItem(IVsHierarchyItem item, SolutionItemType type)
     Type = type;
Example #32
        public CpsDiagnosticItemSource(Workspace workspace, string projectPath, ProjectId projectId, IVsHierarchyItem item, IAnalyzersCommandHandler commandHandler, IDiagnosticAnalyzerService analyzerService)
            : base(workspace, projectId, commandHandler, analyzerService)
            _item = item;
            _projectDirectoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectPath);

            _analyzerReference = TryGetAnalyzerReference(Workspace.CurrentSolution);
            if (_analyzerReference == null)
                // The workspace doesn't know about the project and/or the analyzer yet.
                // Hook up an event handler so we can update when it does.
                Workspace.WorkspaceChanged += OnWorkspaceChangedLookForAnalyzer;
Example #33
		public virtual ISolutionExplorerNode CreateNode (IVsHierarchyItem item) => Supports (item) ?
			new FolderNode (item, childNodeFactory.Value, adapter, solutionExplorer) : null;
Example #34
 public ItemProperties(ItemNode item)
     this.item = item.HierarchyNode.GetExtenderObject() as ProjectItem;
     node      = item.HierarchyNode;
     msBuild   = item.HierarchyNode.GetRoot().HierarchyIdentity.Hierarchy as IVsBuildPropertyStorage;
        public bool TryGetProjectId(IVsHierarchyItem hierarchyItem, string targetFrameworkMoniker, out ProjectId projectId)
            // A project node is represented in two different hierarchies: the solution's IVsHierarchy (where it is a leaf node)
            // and the project's own IVsHierarchy (where it is the root node). The IVsHierarchyItem joins them together for the
            // purpose of creating the tree displayed in Solution Explorer. The project's hierarchy is what is passed from the
            // project system to the language service, so that's the one the one to query here. To do that we need to get
            // the "nested" hierarchy from the IVsHierarchyItem.
            var nestedHierarchy   = hierarchyItem.HierarchyIdentity.NestedHierarchy;
            var nestedHierarchyId = hierarchyItem.HierarchyIdentity.NestedItemID;

            if (!nestedHierarchy.TryGetCanonicalName(nestedHierarchyId, out string nestedCanonicalName) ||
                !nestedHierarchy.TryGetItemName(nestedHierarchyId, out string nestedName))
                projectId = default(ProjectId);

            // First filter the projects by matching up properties on the input hierarchy against properties on each
            // project's hierarchy.
            var candidateProjects = _workspace.CurrentSolution.Projects
                                    .Where(p =>
                // We're about to access various properties of the IVsHierarchy associated with the project.
                // The properties supported and the interpretation of their values varies from one project system
                // to another. This code is designed with C# and VB in mind, so we need to filter out everything
                // else.
                if (p.Language != LanguageNames.CSharp &&
                    p.Language != LanguageNames.VisualBasic)

                // Here we try to match the hierarchy from Solution Explorer to a hierarchy from the Roslyn project.
                // The canonical name of a hierarchy item must be unique _within_ an hierarchy, but since we're
                // examining multiple hierarchies the canonical name could be the same. Indeed this happens when two
                // project files are in the same folder--they both use the full path to the _folder_ as the canonical
                // name. To distinguish them we also examine the "regular" name, which will necessarily be different
                // if the two projects are in the same folder.
                // Note that if a project has been loaded with Lightweight Solution Load it won't even have a
                // hierarchy, so we need to check for null first.
                var hierarchy = _workspace.GetHierarchy(p.Id);

                if (hierarchy != null &&
                    hierarchy.TryGetCanonicalName((uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Root, out string projectCanonicalName) &&
                    hierarchy.TryGetItemName((uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Root, out string projectName) &&
                    projectCanonicalName.Equals(nestedCanonicalName, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                    if (targetFrameworkMoniker == null)

                    return(hierarchy.TryGetTargetFrameworkMoniker((uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Root, out string projectTargetFrameworkMoniker) &&


            // If we only have one candidate then no further checks are required.
            if (candidateProjects.Length == 1)
                projectId = candidateProjects[0].Id;

            // If we have multiple candidates then we might be dealing with Web Application Projects. In this case
            // there will be one main project plus one project for each open aspx/cshtml/vbhtml file, all with
            // identical properties on their hierarchies. We can find the main project by taking the first project
            // without a ContainedDocument.
            foreach (var candidateProject in candidateProjects)
                if (!candidateProject.DocumentIds.Any(id => ContainedDocument.TryGetContainedDocument(id) != null))
                    projectId = candidateProject.Id;

            projectId = default(ProjectId);
Example #36
		public virtual bool Supports (IVsHierarchyItem item) => item.HierarchyIdentity.Hierarchy is IVsSolution;
Example #37
 public IProjectNode WithInnerHierarchy(IVsHierarchyItem innerHierarchyItem) =>
 new ProjectNode(hierarchyItem, nodeFactory, adapter, solutionExplorer, ExpressionEvaluator, innerHierarchyItem);
Example #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new child node using the node factory received in the constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">The hierarchy node to create the child node for.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This method is used for example when the node exposes child node creation APIs, such as
 /// the <see cref="FolderNode"/>.
 /// </remarks>
 protected virtual ISolutionExplorerNode CreateNode(IVsHierarchyItem item) => nodeFactory.CreateNode(item);
Example #39
		public virtual bool Supports (IVsHierarchyItem item) => Supports (item, out item);
 internal PhysicalFile(IVsHierarchyItem item, SolutionItemType type) : base(item, type)
Example #41
 public virtual bool Supports(IVsHierarchyItem item) => Supports(item, out item);
 public bool TryGetHierarchyItem(IVsHierarchy hierarchy, uint itemid, out IVsHierarchyItem item)
     item = null;
Example #43
 public virtual ISolutionExplorerNode CreateNode(IVsHierarchyItem item) => Supports(item, out item) ?
 new ProjectNode(item, childNodeFactory.Value, adapter, solutionExplorer, expressionEvaluator) : null;
Example #44
		public virtual ISolutionExplorerNode CreateNode (IVsHierarchyItem item) => Supports (item, out item) ?
			new ProjectNode (item, childNodeFactory.Value, adapter, solutionExplorer, expressionEvaluator) : null;
Example #45
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates collection sources for selected hierarchy items, depending upon the implementation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Only called for hierarchy items whose flags match those passed to the constructor. <paramref name="flagsString"/> is
 /// provided in case further information is needed.
 /// </remarks>
 protected abstract bool TryCreateCollectionSource(
     IVsHierarchyItem hierarchyItem,
     string flagsString,
     IRelationProvider relationProvider,
     [NotNullWhen(returnValue: true)] out AggregateRelationCollectionSource?containsCollectionSource);
Example #46
		public ItemProperties (ItemNode item)
			this.item = item.HierarchyNode.GetExtenderObject () as ProjectItem;
			node = item.HierarchyNode;
			msBuild = item.HierarchyNode.GetRoot ().HierarchyIdentity.Hierarchy as IVsBuildPropertyStorage;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets information from the underlying data types.
 /// </summary>
 public void GetItemInfo(out IVsHierarchy hierarchy, out uint itemId, out IVsHierarchyItem hierarchyItem)
     hierarchy     = _hierarchy;
     itemId        = _itemId;
     hierarchyItem = _item;
Example #48
		public virtual ISolutionExplorerNode CreateNode (IVsHierarchyItem item) => Supports (item) ?
			new SolutionNode (services, item, nodeFactory.Value, adapter, selection, solutionExplorer) : null;
 private static bool MeetsFilter(IVsHierarchyItem item)
     return((item != null) && _pattern.IsMatch(item.Text));