Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Set value to domain
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="domainSupport"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <exception cref="ApplicationException"><c>ApplicationException</c>.</exception>
        private void SetValueIntoDomain(IUIDataModelSupport domainSupport, IUIDataModel data, object value)
            string path = domainSupport.PathString;

            //string domainName = ExtractDomainName(path);
            string[] nestedPropertyNames = ExtractNestedPropertyName(path);
            string   resutlPropertyName  = ExtractResultPropertyName(path);

            // ค้นหาทุกๆ Nested Property เพื่อทำการ Get
            object objLastNestedProperty = data;

            if (nestedPropertyNames != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < nestedPropertyNames.Length; i++)
                    Type         typeProperty = objLastNestedProperty.GetType();
                    PropertyInfo propInfo     = typeProperty.GetProperty(nestedPropertyNames[i]);
                    if (propInfo == null)
                        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Not found property \"{0}\" on path: \"{1}\"", nestedPropertyNames[i], path));

                    if (!propInfo.CanRead)
                        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("path: \"{0}\", cannot access property name \"{1}\"", path, nestedPropertyNames[i]));
                    objLastNestedProperty = propInfo.GetGetMethod().Invoke(objLastNestedProperty, null);

            // ค้นหา Result Property เพื่อทำการ get object

            Type         typeObject     = objLastNestedProperty.GetType();
            PropertyInfo propResultInfo = typeObject.GetProperty(resutlPropertyName);

            if (propResultInfo == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Not found property \"{0}\" on path: \"{1}\"", resutlPropertyName, path));

            if (!propResultInfo.CanWrite)
                throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("path: \"{0}\", cannot access property name \"{1}\"", path, resutlPropertyName));

            if (objLastNestedProperty is NZBaseObject)
                ((NZBaseObject)objLastNestedProperty).Owner = domainSupport;

            propResultInfo.SetValue(objLastNestedProperty, value, null);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="ApplicationException"><c>ApplicationException</c>.</exception>
        private object GetValueDomainFromPath(string path, IUIDataModel data)
            //string domainName = ExtractDomainName(path);
            string[] nestedPropertyNames = ExtractNestedPropertyName(path);
            string   resutlPropertyName  = ExtractResultPropertyName(path);

            // ค้นหาทุกๆ Nested Property เพื่อทำการ Get
            object objLastNestedProperty = data;

            if (nestedPropertyNames != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < nestedPropertyNames.Length; i++)
                    Type         typeProperty = objLastNestedProperty.GetType();
                    PropertyInfo propInfo     = typeProperty.GetProperty(nestedPropertyNames[i]);
                    if (propInfo == null)
                        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Not found property \"{0}\" on path: \"{1}\"", nestedPropertyNames[i], path));

                    if (!propInfo.CanRead)
                        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("path: \"{0}\", cannot access property name \"{1}\"", path, nestedPropertyNames[i]));
                    objLastNestedProperty = propInfo.GetGetMethod().Invoke(objLastNestedProperty, null);

            // ค้นหา Result Property เพื่อทำการ get object

            Type         typeObject     = objLastNestedProperty.GetType();
            PropertyInfo propResultInfo = typeObject.GetProperty(resutlPropertyName);

            if (propResultInfo == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Not found property \"{0}\" on path: \"{1}\"", resutlPropertyName, path));

            if (!propResultInfo.CanRead)
                throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("path: \"{0}\", cannot access property name \"{1}\"", path, resutlPropertyName));

            return(propResultInfo.GetValue(objLastNestedProperty, null));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Load data from Domain to UI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        public void LoadData(IUIDataModel data)
            List <string> listRadioGroup = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < ListDomainSupport.Count; i++)
                if (ListDomainSupport[i].PathString == null || ListDomainSupport[i].PathString == String.Empty)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("UI Model has empty path on object: \"{0}\"", ListDomainSupport[i].GetType().Name));

                object objValue = GetValueDomainFromPath(ListDomainSupport[i].PathString, data);

                if (ListDomainSupport[i] is EVORadioButton)
                    // Check duplicate.
                    if (listRadioGroup.Contains(ListDomainSupport[i].PathString))

                    // Otherwise will add into list.
                    for (int iControl = i; iControl < ListDomainSupport.Count; iControl++)
                        if (ListDomainSupport[iControl] is EVORadioButton)
                            EVORadioButton radioButton = (EVORadioButton)ListDomainSupport[iControl];

                            // if element in loop is equal property value on path.
                            if (object.Equals(radioButton.SpecificValue, objValue))
                                radioButton.Checked = true;

                else if (ListDomainSupport[i] is EVOCheckBox)
                    // Check duplicate.
                    if (listRadioGroup.Contains(ListDomainSupport[i].PathString))

                    // Otherwise will add into list.
                    for (int iControl = i; iControl < ListDomainSupport.Count; iControl++)
                        if (ListDomainSupport[iControl] is EVOCheckBox)
                            EVOCheckBox chkBox = (EVOCheckBox)ListDomainSupport[iControl];

                            // if element in loop is equal property value on path.
                            if (object.Equals(chkBox.CheckedValue, objValue.ToString()))
                                chkBox.Checked = true;
                                chkBox.Checked = false;

                {  // General control editor.
                    ListDomainSupport[i].PathValue = objValue;