private static void Update() { if (inputSnapshot.KeyEvents.Any(ke => ke.Key == Key.Escape && ke.Down)) { window.Close(); } if (inputSnapshot.KeyEvents.Any(ke => ke.Key == Key.Up && ke.Down)) { fontSize += 0.5f; UpdateFont(); } if (inputSnapshot.KeyEvents.Any(ke => ke.Key == Key.Down && ke.Down)) { fontSize -= 0.5f; UpdateFont(); } if (inputSnapshot.KeyEvents.Any(ke => ke.Key == Key.Left && ke.Down)) { letterSpacing -= 0.01f; } if (inputSnapshot.KeyEvents.Any(ke => ke.Key == Key.Right && ke.Down)) { letterSpacing += 0.01f; } if (inputSnapshot.KeyEvents.Any(ke => ke.Key == Key.Enter && ke.Down)) { currentFontIndex = (currentFontIndex + 1) % fonts.Length; UpdateFont(); } if (inputSnapshot.KeyEvents.Any(ke => ke.Key == Key.Space && ke.Down)) { currentColorIndex = (currentColorIndex + 1) % colors.Length; } infoTextRenderer.Update(); demoTextRenderer.Update(); var xAccumulated = 0f; const float xInset = 10; const float lineSpacing = 5; infoTextRenderer.DrawText("Debug Controls:", new Vector2(xInset, xAccumulated += xInset), colors[0]); infoTextRenderer.DrawText("Up/Down = Increase/Decrease Font Size", new Vector2(xInset, xAccumulated += lineSpacing + infoFont.FontSizeInPixels), colors[0]); infoTextRenderer.DrawText("Right/Left = Increase/Decrease Letter Spacing", new Vector2(xInset, xAccumulated += lineSpacing + infoFont.FontSizeInPixels), colors[0]); infoTextRenderer.DrawText("Enter = Change Font", new Vector2(xInset, xAccumulated += lineSpacing + infoFont.FontSizeInPixels), colors[0]); infoTextRenderer.DrawText("Space = Change Colorm", new Vector2(xInset, xAccumulated += lineSpacing + infoFont.FontSizeInPixels), colors[0]); infoTextRenderer.DrawText($"Current Font: {demoFont.Name}", new Vector2(xInset, xAccumulated += lineSpacing + infoFont.FontSizeInPixels), colors[0]); demoTextRenderer.DrawText("Sixty zippers were quickly picked from the woven jute bag.", new Vector2(xInset, xAccumulated += (lineSpacing * 5) + infoFont.FontSizeInPixels), colors[currentColorIndex], letterSpacing); demoTextRenderer.DrawText("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", new Vector2(xInset, xAccumulated += lineSpacing + demoFont.FontSizeInPixels), colors[(currentColorIndex + 1) % colors.Length], letterSpacing); demoTextRenderer.DrawText("How vexingly quick daft zebras jump!", new Vector2(xInset, xAccumulated += lineSpacing + demoFont.FontSizeInPixels), colors[(currentColorIndex + 2) % colors.Length], letterSpacing); }