Example #1
        private SyntaxRemoveOptions CreateSyntaxRemoveOptions(TLocalDeclarationStatement localDeclaration, ISyntaxFactsService syntaxFacts)
            var removeOptions = SyntaxGenerator.DefaultRemoveOptions;

            if (localDeclaration != null)
                if (localDeclaration.GetLeadingTrivia().Contains(t => t.IsDirective))
                    removeOptions |= SyntaxRemoveOptions.KeepLeadingTrivia;
                    var statementParent = localDeclaration.Parent;
                    if (syntaxFacts.IsExecutableBlock(statementParent))
                        var siblings = syntaxFacts.GetExecutableBlockStatements(statementParent);
                        var localDeclarationIndex = siblings.IndexOf(localDeclaration);
                        if (localDeclarationIndex != 0)
                            // if we're removing the first statement in a block, then we
                            // want to have the elastic marker on it so that the next statement
                            // properly formats with the space left behind.  But if it's
                            // not the first statement then just keep the trivia as is
                            // so that the statement before and after it stay appropriately
                            // spaced apart.
                            removeOptions &= ~SyntaxRemoveOptions.AddElasticMarker;

        protected static IReadOnlyList <SyntaxNode> WalkDownScopeBlocks(
            ISyntaxFactsService syntaxFacts, IReadOnlyList <SyntaxNode> statements)
            // If our statements only contain a single block, walk down the block and any subsequent nested blocks
            // to get the real statements inside.

            while (statements.Count == 1 && syntaxFacts.IsScopeBlock(statements[0]))
                statements = syntaxFacts.GetExecutableBlockStatements(statements[0]);

        private static bool TryGetSiblingStatement(
            ISyntaxFactsService syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode ifOrElseIf, int relativeIndex, out SyntaxNode statement)
            if (syntaxFacts.IsExecutableStatement(ifOrElseIf) &&
                var blockStatements = syntaxFacts.GetExecutableBlockStatements(ifOrElseIf.Parent);

                statement = blockStatements.ElementAtOrDefault(blockStatements.IndexOf(ifOrElseIf) + relativeIndex);
                return(statement != null);

            statement = null;
        protected static IReadOnlyList <SyntaxNode> WalkUpScopeBlocks(
            ISyntaxFactsService syntaxFacts, IReadOnlyList <SyntaxNode> statements)
            // If our statements are inside a block, walk up the block and any subsequent nested blocks that contain
            // no other statements to get the topmost block. The last check is necessary to make sure we stop
            // walking upwards if there are other statements next to our current block:
            // {
            //     {
            //         <original statements>
            //     }
            //     AnotherStatement();
            // }

            while (statements.Count > 0 && statements[0].Parent is var parent &&
                   syntaxFacts.IsScopeBlock(parent) &&
                   syntaxFacts.GetExecutableBlockStatements(parent).Count == statements.Count)
                statements = ImmutableArray.Create(parent);
