/// <summary>
        /// Gets all Files and Directories at the given Path and handles their synchronisation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="absolutePath"></param>
        private void GetDataAndHandleSync(CancellationToken cancleToken, string absolutePath, ISyncClient client,
                                          ILogger logger, Configuration config, SyncIndexManager indexManager)
            //Get the remote Properties, Files and Folder of the root folder
            IEnumerable <IRemoteProperty>      remoteProperties = client.GetProperties(GetRemotePath(config, absolutePath));
            IEnumerable <FileSyncElement>      files            = GetFiles(absolutePath, config, logger);
            IEnumerable <DirectorySyncElement> directories      = GetDirectories(absolutePath, config, logger);

            //If there is no connection or something went wrong during request
            if (remoteProperties == null)
                _logger.Error("Something went wrong during connection to server.");
            //First the Directories -> ensure they are not deleted before processing everything else
            foreach (DirectorySyncElement dir in directories)
                if (cancleToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                HandleISyncElement(cancleToken, dir, client, remoteProperties, indexManager, logger, config);
            foreach (FileSyncElement file in files)
                if (cancleToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                HandleISyncElement(cancleToken, file, client, remoteProperties, indexManager, logger, config);
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches the given Folder and its content from the server
        /// </summary>
        private void FetchFolderFromServer(CancellationToken cancleToken, string relativePath, ISyncClient client, Configuration conf, ILogger logger, SyncIndexManager indexManager)
            if (cancleToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            //Check if folder exists locally -> else create
            string localDirectoryPath = conf.Local.LocalSyncDir + relativePath;

                if (!Directory.Exists(localDirectoryPath))
                    _logger.Debug("Folder " + localDirectoryPath + " does not exist locally. Creating folder and adding to the index.");

                    indexManager.AddOrUpdate(CreateIndexElement(new DirectorySyncElement(new DirectoryInfo(localDirectoryPath), conf.Local.LocalSyncDir, logger), null));
            } catch (Exception exc)
                _logger.Error("A error occured while creating local folder", exc);

            //Get Properties and Process them
            IEnumerable <IRemoteProperty> remoteProperties = client.GetProperties(GetRemotePath(conf, localDirectoryPath));

            //Something went wrong during the connection to the server
            if (remoteProperties == null)
                _logger.Error("Something went wrong during connection to server.");

            foreach (IRemoteProperty property in remoteProperties)
                if (cancleToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                if (property.ElementType.Equals(SyncElementType.Directory))
                    FetchFolderFromServer(cancleToken, property.DecodedRelativeRemotePath, client, conf, logger, indexManager);
                    FetchFileFromServer(cancleToken, property, client, conf, logger, indexManager);