Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves form for master page zones update.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Form context.</param>
        /// <returns>Form object.</returns>
        private Form GetMasterPageZonesForm(string context)
            // Get tenant identifier
            long tenantId = _authenticationService.TenantId;

            // Get identifier of master page that is being updated
            string[] parts        = context.Split('|');
            long     masterPageId = Convert.ToInt64(parts[0]);

            // Get existing master page details
            MasterPage masterPage = _masterPageService.Read(tenantId, masterPageId);

            // Construct view model
            Form form = new Form {
                Fields = new Dictionary <string, IFormField>(), Id = FormId.ToString(), Context = context

            form.SubmitLabel = MasterPageResource.UpdateZonesButtonLabel;

            // Create sub forms
            form.SubForms = new Dictionary <string, Form>();
            form.SubForms.Add("zone", GetMasterPageZoneForm(context));

            // Set master page as form data
            form.Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(masterPage.MasterPageZones);

            // Return form
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets form for updating existing master page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Form context.</param>
        /// <returns>Form for creating a new master page.</returns>
        private Form GetUpdateMasterPageForm(string context)
            // Get identifier of master page that is being updated
            string[] parts        = context.Split('|');
            long     masterPageId = Convert.ToInt64(parts[1]);

            // Get existing master page details
            long       tenantId   = _authenticationService.TenantId;
            MasterPage masterPage = _masterPageService.Read(tenantId, masterPageId);

            // Get form
            Form form = GetMasterPageForm(context);

            form.SubmitLabel = MasterPageResource.UpdateMasterPageButtonLabel;
            form.Data        = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(masterPage);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets view model for master page read.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tenantId">Identifies website that master pages belong to.</param>
        /// <param name="masterPageId">Identifies master page whose details are returned.</param>
        /// <returns>View model for master page read.</returns>
        public AdminPageViewModel <MasterPageViewModel> Read(long tenantId, long masterPageId)
            // Get master page
            MasterPage masterPage = _masterPageService.Read(tenantId, masterPageId);

            // Get breadcrumbs
            List <NavigationItemViewModel> breadcrumbs = new List <NavigationItemViewModel>();

            breadcrumbs.Add(new NavigationItemViewModel
                Name = MasterPageResource.SearchMasterPagesBreadcrumbLabel,
                Url  = _webHelperService.GetUrl(new UrlParameters {
                    ControllerName = "masterpages", ActionName = "search"
            breadcrumbs.Add(new NavigationItemViewModel
                Name = string.Format(MasterPageResource.ReadMasterPageBreadcrumbLabel, masterPage.Name),
                Url  = _webHelperService.GetUrl(new UrlParameters {
                    ControllerName = "masterpages", ActionName = "read", RouteValues = new { masterpageid = masterPage.MasterPageId }

            // Construct UI navigation
            NavigationViewModel navigation = new NavigationViewModel
                ActionItems     = GetActionItems(DataAction.Read, masterPage),
                BreadcrumbItems = breadcrumbs,
                HamburgerItems  = _administrationPortalService.GetHamburgerItems(AdministrationArea.MasterPage)

            // Construct model to return
            AdminPageViewModel <MasterPageViewModel> viewModel = new AdminPageViewModel <MasterPageViewModel>
                Model      = _masterPageConverter.GetViewModel(masterPage),
                Navigation = navigation

            // Return result
Example #4
        public Form GetForm(string context)
            // Check permissions

            // Get tenant, page and page zone identifiers
            string[] parts      = context.Split('|');
            long     pageId     = Convert.ToInt64(parts[0]);
            long     pageZoneId = Convert.ToInt64(parts[1]);
            long     tenantId   = _authenticationService.TenantId;

            // Get page and master page zones
            Page           page           = _pageService.Read(tenantId, pageId);
            MasterPage     masterPage     = _masterPageService.Read(tenantId, page.MasterPageId);
            PageZone       pageZone       = page.PageZones.Where(pz => pz.PageZoneId == pageZoneId).First();
            MasterPageZone masterPageZone = masterPage.MasterPageZones.Where(mpz => mpz.MasterPageZoneId == pageZone.MasterPageZoneId).First();

            // Get all element types
            List <IElementSettings>        elements         = new List <IElementSettings>();
            IEnumerable <ElementType>      elementTypes     = _elementService.ListTypes();
            Dictionary <Guid, ElementType> elementTypesById = elementTypes.GroupBy(t => t.ElementTypeId).ToDictionary(t => t.Key, t => t.First());

            // Construct form
            Form form = new Form {
                Fields = new Dictionary <string, IFormField>(), Id = FormId.ToString(), Context = context
            List <ElementType> availableElementTypes = new List <ElementType>();

            foreach (MasterPageZoneElementType masterPageZoneElementType in masterPageZone.MasterPageZoneElementTypes)
                ElementType elementType = elementTypesById[masterPageZoneElementType.ElementTypeId];
            form.FieldSets      = GetFieldSets(elementTypesById, pageZone);
            form.NamedFieldSets = GetNamedFieldSets(availableElementTypes);
            form.SubmitLabel    = PageResource.PageZoneAdminButtonLabel;

            // Return result
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates a configurable page zone. Creates new elements and removes old elements. Re-orders existing elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tenantId">Website that page belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="pageId">Page identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="pageZoneId">Page zone identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="pageZoneElements">New page zone contents.</param>
        /// <param name="unitOfWork">Unit of work.</param>
        public void UpdateZone(long tenantId, long pageId, long pageZoneId, List <PageZoneElementInfo> pageZoneElements, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = null)
            // If we don't have a unit of work in place, create one now so that we can rollback all changes in case of failure
            IUnitOfWork localUnitOfWork = unitOfWork == null?_unitOfWorkFactory.CreateUnitOfWork() : null;

            // Do the page update
                // Get page, master page and page zone that we administering
                Page       page       = Read(tenantId, pageId, unitOfWork ?? localUnitOfWork);
                MasterPage masterPage = _masterPageService.Read(tenantId, page.MasterPageId, unitOfWork ?? localUnitOfWork);
                PageZone   pageZone   = page.PageZones.Where(z => z.PageZoneId == pageZoneId).FirstOrDefault();

                // Perform validation
                _pageValidator.ValidateUpdateZone(masterPage, page, pageZoneId, pageZoneElements);

                // Construct new list of page zone elements
                List <PageZoneElement> newPageZoneElements = new List <PageZoneElement>();
                foreach (PageZoneElementInfo info in pageZoneElements)
                    // Create new page zone element?
                    if (info.PageZoneElementId == 0)
                        IElementSettings element = _elementService.New(tenantId, info.ElementTypeId);
                        element.Name = info.Name;
                        long elementId = _elementService.Create(element, unitOfWork ?? localUnitOfWork);
                        newPageZoneElements.Add(new PageZoneElement
                            TenantId          = tenantId,
                            PageId            = pageId,
                            PageZoneId        = pageZoneId,
                            PageZoneElementId = 0,
                            SortOrder         = info.SortOrder,
                            ElementTypeId     = info.ElementTypeId,
                            ElementId         = elementId,
                            Element           = element

                    // Update existing page zone element?
                    if (info.PageZoneElementId != 0)
                        IElementSettings element = _elementService.New(tenantId, info.ElementTypeId);
                        element.Name = info.Name;
                        PageZoneElement pageZoneElement = pageZone.PageZoneElements.Where(e => e.PageZoneElementId == info.PageZoneElementId).First();
                        pageZoneElement.SortOrder = info.SortOrder;
                        pageZoneElement.Element   = element;

                // Do the page zone element update
                _pageRepository.UpdatePageZoneElements(tenantId, pageId, pageZoneId, newPageZoneElements, unitOfWork ?? localUnitOfWork);

                // Get elements that might be removed
                List <ElementKeyValue> elementsToDelete = new List <ElementKeyValue>();
                foreach (PageZoneElement pageZoneElement in pageZone.PageZoneElements)
                    PageZoneElementInfo pageZoneElementInfo = pageZoneElements.Where(e => e.PageZoneElementId == pageZoneElement.PageZoneElementId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (pageZoneElementInfo == null)
                        elementsToDelete.Add(new ElementKeyValue {
                            ElementId = pageZoneElement.ElementId, ElementTypeId = pageZoneElement.ElementTypeId

                // Delete elements if no longer in use
                foreach (ElementKeyValue elementKeyValue in elementsToDelete)
                    if (!ElementInUse(tenantId, elementKeyValue.ElementId, unitOfWork ?? localUnitOfWork))
                        _elementService.Delete(tenantId, elementKeyValue.ElementTypeId, elementKeyValue.ElementId, unitOfWork ?? localUnitOfWork);

                // Commit work if local unit of work in place
                if (localUnitOfWork != null)
            catch (ValidationErrorException)
                if (localUnitOfWork != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (localUnitOfWork != null)
                throw new ValidationErrorException(new ValidationError(null, ApplicationResource.UnexpectedErrorMessage), ex);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves form for master page zone update.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Form context.</param>
        /// <returns>Form object.</returns>
        private Form GetMasterPageZoneForm(string context)
            // Get tenant identifier
            long tenantId = _authenticationService.TenantId;

            // Get identifier of master page zone that is being updated
            string[] parts = context.Split('|');
            long masterPageId = Convert.ToInt64(parts[0]);
            long masterPageZoneId = Convert.ToInt64(parts[1]);

            // Get existing master page details
            MasterPage masterPage = _masterPageService.Read(tenantId, masterPageId);
            MasterPageZone masterPageZone = masterPage.MasterPageZones.Where(mpz => mpz.MasterPageZoneId == masterPageZoneId).FirstOrDefault();

            // Construct form
            Form form = new Form { Fields = new Dictionary<string, IFormField>(), Id = FormId.ToString(), Context = context, SubmitLabel = MasterPageResource.UpdateZoneButtonLabel };
            form.Fields.Add("name", new TextField
                Name = "zoneName",
                Label = MasterPageResource.ZoneNameLabel,
                Required = true,
                RequiredErrorMessage = MasterPageResource.ZoneNameRequiredMessage,
                MaxLength = MasterPageLengths.ZoneNameMaxLength,
                MaxLengthErrorMessage = string.Format(MasterPageResource.ZoneNameMaxLengthMessage, "name", MasterPageLengths.ZoneNameMaxLength)
            form.Fields.Add("adminType", new SelectListField<string>
                Name = "adminType",
                Label = MasterPageResource.AdminTypeLabel,
                Items = new List<ListFieldItem<string>> {
                    new ListFieldItem<string> { Name = _dataAnnotationsService.GetEnumDisplayName<MasterPageZoneAdminType>(MasterPageZoneAdminType.Static), Value = ((int)MasterPageZoneAdminType.Static).ToString() },
                    new ListFieldItem<string> { Name = _dataAnnotationsService.GetEnumDisplayName<MasterPageZoneAdminType>(MasterPageZoneAdminType.Editable), Value = ((int)MasterPageZoneAdminType.Editable).ToString() },
                    new ListFieldItem<string> { Name = _dataAnnotationsService.GetEnumDisplayName<MasterPageZoneAdminType>(MasterPageZoneAdminType.Configurable), Value = ((int)MasterPageZoneAdminType.Configurable).ToString() }
                Required = true,
                RequiredErrorMessage = MasterPageResource.AdminTypeRequiredMessage
            form.Fields.Add("contentType", new SelectListField<string>
                Name = "contentType",
                Label = MasterPageResource.ContentTypeLabel,
                Items = new List<ListFieldItem<string>> {
                    new ListFieldItem<string> { Name = _dataAnnotationsService.GetEnumDisplayName<MasterPageZoneContentType>(MasterPageZoneContentType.Standard), Value = ((int)MasterPageZoneContentType.Standard).ToString() },
                    new ListFieldItem<string> { Name = _dataAnnotationsService.GetEnumDisplayName<MasterPageZoneContentType>(MasterPageZoneContentType.Main), Value = ((int)MasterPageZoneContentType.Main).ToString() },
                    new ListFieldItem<string> { Name = _dataAnnotationsService.GetEnumDisplayName<MasterPageZoneContentType>(MasterPageZoneContentType.Comment), Value = ((int)MasterPageZoneContentType.Comment).ToString() }
                Required = true,
                RequiredErrorMessage = MasterPageResource.ContentTypeRequiredMessage
            form.Fields.Add("beginRender", new MultiLineTextField
                Name = "beginRenderZone",
                Label = MasterPageResource.ZoneBeginRenderLabel,
                Rows = 4
            form.Fields.Add("endRender", new MultiLineTextField
                Name = "endRenderZone",
                Label = MasterPageResource.ZoneEndRenderLabel,
                Rows = 4,
                Value = masterPageZone.EndRender

            // Create sub forms
            form.SubForms = new Dictionary<string, Form>();
            form.SubForms.Add("zoneElement", GetMasterPageZoneElementForm(context));
            form.SubForms.Add("zoneElementNew", GetMasterPageZoneElementNewForm(context));
            form.SubForms.Add("zoneElementType", GetMasterPageZoneElementTypeForm(context));

            // Set master page zone as form data
            form.Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(masterPageZone);

            // Return form
            return form;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves form for creating new page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Form context.</param>
        /// <returns>View model used to render form.</returns>
        private Form GetCreateForm(string context)
            // Get website identifier
            long tenantId = _authenticationService.TenantId;

            // Get type of page to create
            string[] parts        = context.Split('|');
            long     masterPageId = Convert.ToInt64(parts[1]);

            // Get the master page on which new page will be based
            MasterPage masterPage = _masterPageService.Read(tenantId, masterPageId);

            // Get list of possible parent pages
            List <Page> parentPages = _pageService.ListMasterPageParentPages(masterPage);

            // Construct form
            Form form = new Form {
                Fields = new Dictionary <string, IFormField>(), Id = FormId.ToString(), Context = context

            form.Fields.Add("name", new TextField
                Name                  = "name",
                Label                 = PageResource.NameLabel,
                Value                 = masterPage.PageName,
                Required              = true,
                RequiredErrorMessage  = PageResource.NameRequiredMessage,
                MaxLength             = PageLengths.NameMaxLength,
                MaxLengthErrorMessage = string.Format(PageResource.NameMaxLengthMessage, "name", PageLengths.NameMaxLength)
            form.Fields.Add("description", new MultiLineTextField
                Name  = "description",
                Label = PageResource.DescriptionLabel,
                Rows  = 4
            if (parentPages.Count > 1)
                form.Fields.Add("parent", new SelectListField <string>
                    Name                 = "parent",
                    Label                = PageResource.ParentLabel,
                    Required             = true,
                    RequiredErrorMessage = PageResource.ParentRequiredMessage,
                    Items                = new List <ListFieldItem <string> > {
                        new ListFieldItem <string> {
                            Name = PageResource.SelectParentLabel, Value = null
                foreach (Page page in parentPages)
                    ((SelectListField <string>)form.Fields["parent"]).Items.Add(new ListFieldItem <string> {
                        Name = page.Name, Value = page.PageId.ToString()
            if (masterPage.Taggable)
                form.Fields.Add("tags", new MultiLineTextField
                    Name  = "tags",
                    Label = PageResource.TagsLabel,
                    Rows  = 4
            if (masterPage.HasImage)
                form.Fields.Add("upload", new UploadField
                    Name  = "upload",
                    Label = PageResource.UploadLabel
            form.SubmitLabel = string.Format(PageResource.CreatePageButtonLabel, masterPage.Name.ToLower());

            // Return result