Example #1
        public void DrawString(string Text, Rect theRect, IFontStyleInfo theFont)
            GDIFontStyle FontStyle = (GDIFontStyle)theFont;

            if (CurrentTextColor != FontStyle.Win32ForeColor)
                CurrentTextColor = FontStyle.Win32ForeColor;
                API.SetTextColor(hDC, FontStyle.Win32ForeColor);

            IntPtr hOldFont = API.SelectObject(hDC, ((GDIFont)FontStyle.Font).hFont);

            API.RECT r = new API.RECT();

            r.Left   = theRect.Location.X;
            r.Top    = theRect.Location.Y;
            r.Right  = theRect.Right;
            r.Bottom = theRect.Bottom;

            // API.DrawText(hDC, Text, Text.Length, ref r, 2368);

            API.ExtTextOut(hDC, r.Left, r.Top, 4, ref r, Text, (uint)Text.Length, null);

            API.SelectObject(hDC, hOldFont);

            // No need to Delete hFont because we're going to reuse it
            // it is being saved in GDIFontStyle FontStyle
            // API.DeleteObject(hFont);

            // No need to restore old text color
            // because we're setting it new each time anyway
            // API.SetTextColor(hDC, hOldColor);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Whole redraw cycle - raises main Repaint event
        /// for the clients to redraw themselves.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Uses a back buffer, which is being copied to the screen.</remarks>
        /// <param name="ToRedraw">A rectangular area which should be updated (redrawn)</param>
        public void Redraw(Rect toRedraw)
            // size of the backbuffer to use

            // first, clear the buffer with the background color

            // Commented out caret functionality from here.
            // Let the TextBox draw the caret instead.
            //								Kirill

            // hide the caret and see if anyone needs it
            //Caret textCursor = RendererSingleton.MyCaret;
            //textCursor.Visible = false;

            // raise main Repaint event
            // clients (those who draw on this DrawWindow)
            // handle the event and draw everything there
            // (they use the Renderer that they become over a parameter)

#if DEFINE_ShouldMeasureRedrawTime
            GuiLabs.Canvas.Utils.Timer t = new GuiLabs.Canvas.Utils.Timer();

            if (Repaint != null)

#if DEFINE_ShouldMeasureRedrawTime

            if (font == null)
                font           = DrawOperations.Factory.ProduceNewFontStyleInfo("Verdana", 14, FontStyle.Regular);
                font.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;


            // if someone needed the cursor, he/she turned it on
            // so we draw the cursor only if someone needs it
            // (e.g. an active TextBox control)

            // finally, copy the buffer to the screen
            Renderer.RenderBuffer(this, toRedraw);
Example #3
 public void DrawString(string Text, Rect theRect, IFontStyleInfo theFont)
     if (theFont.ForeColor != textBrush.Color)
         textBrush.Color = theFont.ForeColor;
     theRect.Location.FillPoint(ref textLocation);
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// ShapeStyle Constructor initializes the three objects with their default values.
 /// </summary>
 public ShapeStyle()
     FillStyleInfo = RendererSingleton.Instance.DrawOperations.Factory.ProduceNewFillStyleInfo(System.Drawing.Color.White);
     LineStyleInfo = RendererSingleton.Instance.DrawOperations.Factory.ProduceNewLineStyleInfo(System.Drawing.Color.Black, 1);
     FontStyleInfo = RendererSingleton.Instance.DrawOperations.Factory.ProduceNewFontStyleInfo("Courier New", 10, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular);
 public void DrawStringWithSelection(Rect Block, int StartSelPos, int CaretPosition, string Text, IFontStyleInfo FontStyle)
     SourceDrawOperations.DrawStringWithSelection(R, StartSelPos, CaretPosition, Text, FontStyle);
 public void DrawString(string Text, Rect theRect, IFontStyleInfo theFont)
     SourceDrawOperations.DrawString(Text, R, theFont);
Example #7
 // TODO: Implement DrawStringWithSelection
 public void DrawStringWithSelection(Rect Block, int StartSelPos, int CaretPosition, string Text, IFontStyleInfo FontStyle)
Example #8
        public void DrawStringWithSelection(
			Rect Block,
			int StartSelPos,
			int CaretPosition,
			string Text,
			IFontStyleInfo FontStyle
            // API.SetROP2(hDC, 14);
            // API.Rectangle(hDC, theRect.Location.X, theRect.Location.Y, theRect.Right, theRect.Bottom);
            // FillRectangle(theRect, selectionFillStyle);

            DrawString(Text, Block, FontStyle);

            if (StartSelPos == CaretPosition) return;

            int SelStart, SelEnd;
            if (CaretPosition > StartSelPos)
                SelStart = StartSelPos;
                SelEnd = CaretPosition;
                SelStart = CaretPosition;
                SelEnd = StartSelPos;

            if (SelStart < 0)
                SelStart = 0;

            if (SelEnd > Text.Length)
                SelEnd = Text.Length;

            // Added the if-statement to check if the selection borders
            // are within the textlength
            string select = "";
            if ((SelStart < Text.Length) && (SelEnd <= Text.Length))
                select = Text.Substring(SelStart, SelEnd - SelStart);

            stringSize.Set(StringSize(Text.Substring(0, SelStart), FontStyle.Font));
            stringPos.Set(Block.Location.X + stringSize.X, Block.Location.Y);
            stringRect.Set(stringPos, StringSize(select, FontStyle.Font));

            FillRectangle(stringRect, System.Drawing.SystemColors.Highlight);

            System.Drawing.Color OldColor = FontStyle.ForeColor;
            FontStyle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.HighlightText;
            DrawString(select, stringRect, FontStyle);
            FontStyle.ForeColor = OldColor;
Example #9
        public void DrawString(string Text, Rect theRect, IFontStyleInfo theFont)
            GDIFontStyle FontStyle = (GDIFontStyle)theFont;

            if (CurrentTextColor != FontStyle.Win32ForeColor)
                CurrentTextColor = FontStyle.Win32ForeColor;
                API.SetTextColor(hDC, FontStyle.Win32ForeColor);

            IntPtr hOldFont = API.SelectObject(hDC, ((GDIFont)FontStyle.Font).hFont);

            API.RECT r = new API.RECT();

            r.Left = theRect.Location.X;
            r.Top = theRect.Location.Y;
            r.Right = theRect.Right;
            r.Bottom = theRect.Bottom;

            // API.DrawText(hDC, Text, Text.Length, ref r, 2368);

            API.ExtTextOut(hDC, r.Left, r.Top, 4, ref r, Text, (uint)Text.Length, null);

            API.SelectObject(hDC, hOldFont);

            // No need to Delete hFont because we're going to reuse it
            // it is being saved in GDIFontStyle FontStyle
            // API.DeleteObject(hFont);

            // No need to restore old text color
            // because we're setting it new each time anyway
            // API.SetTextColor(hDC, hOldColor);
 public void DrawStringWithSelection(Rect Block, int StartSelPos, int CaretPosition, string Text, IFontStyleInfo FontStyle)
     SourceDrawOperations.DrawStringWithSelection(R, StartSelPos, CaretPosition, Text, FontStyle);
 public void DrawString(string Text, Rect theRect, IFontStyleInfo theFont)
     SourceDrawOperations.DrawString(Text, R, theFont);
Example #12
        public void DrawStringWithSelection
            Rect Block,
            int StartSelPos,
            int CaretPosition,
            string Text,
            IFontStyleInfo FontStyle
            // API.SetROP2(hDC, 14);
            // API.Rectangle(hDC, theRect.Location.X, theRect.Location.Y, theRect.Right, theRect.Bottom);
            // FillRectangle(theRect, selectionFillStyle);

            DrawString(Text, Block, FontStyle);

            if (StartSelPos == CaretPosition)

            int SelStart, SelEnd;

            if (CaretPosition > StartSelPos)
                SelStart = StartSelPos;
                SelEnd   = CaretPosition;
                SelStart = CaretPosition;
                SelEnd   = StartSelPos;

            if (SelStart < 0)
                SelStart = 0;

            if (SelEnd > Text.Length)
                SelEnd = Text.Length;

            // Added the if-statement to check if the selection borders
            // are within the textlength
            string select = "";

            if ((SelStart < Text.Length) && (SelEnd <= Text.Length))
                select = Text.Substring(SelStart, SelEnd - SelStart);

            stringSize.Set(StringSize(Text.Substring(0, SelStart), FontStyle.Font));
            stringPos.Set(Block.Location.X + stringSize.X, Block.Location.Y);
            stringRect.Set(stringPos, StringSize(select, FontStyle.Font));

            FillRectangle(stringRect, System.Drawing.SystemColors.Highlight);

            System.Drawing.Color OldColor = FontStyle.ForeColor;
            FontStyle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.HighlightText;
            DrawString(select, stringRect, FontStyle);
            FontStyle.ForeColor = OldColor;
 // TODO: Implement DrawStringWithSelection
 public void DrawStringWithSelection(Rect Block, int StartSelPos, int CaretPosition, string Text, IFontStyleInfo FontStyle)
 public void DrawString(string Text, Rect theRect, IFontStyleInfo theFont)
     if (theFont.ForeColor != textBrush.Color)
         textBrush.Color = theFont.ForeColor;
     theRect.Location.FillPoint(ref textLocation);