Example #1
        public void Handle(PurgeActivityTag command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var activity = _entities.Get <Activity>()
                           .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <Activity, object> >[]
                x => x.Values.Select(y => y.Tags),
                           .ById(command.ActivityId, false);
            var values = activity.Values.Single(x => x.Mode == activity.Mode);

            if (values.Tags.All(x => !x.Text.Equals(command.ActivityTagText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))

            var tags = values.Tags.Where(x => x.Text.Equals(command.ActivityTagText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToArray();

            foreach (var tag in tags)

            activity.UpdatedOnUtc       = DateTime.UtcNow;
            activity.UpdatedByPrincipal = command.Impersonator == null
                ? command.Principal.Identity.Name
                : command.Impersonator.Identity.Name;
Example #2
        public void Handle(UpdateActivity command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            if (command.OnGoing.HasValue && command.OnGoing.Value)
                command.EndsOn = null;

            var activity = _entities.Get <Activity>()
                           .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <Activity, object> >[]
                x => x.Values,
                           .ById(command.ActivityId, false);

            if (command.Mode.HasValue && command.Mode.Value != activity.Mode)
                activity.Mode = command.Mode.Value;
            activity.UpdatedByPrincipal = command.Impersonator == null
                ? command.Principal.Identity.Name
                : command.Impersonator.Identity.Name;
            activity.UpdatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var values = activity.Values.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Mode == activity.Mode);

            if (values == null)
                var copyValuesCommand = new CopyActivityValues(command.Principal)
                    ActivityValuesId = activity.Values.Single(x => x.Mode != activity.Mode).RevisionId,
                    Mode             = activity.Mode,
                    CopyToActivity   = activity,
                    NoCommit         = true,
                values = copyValuesCommand.CreatedActivityValues;
                values.UpdatedByPrincipal = command.Principal.Identity.Name;
                values.UpdatedOnUtc       = DateTime.UtcNow;

            values.Title               = command.Title;
            values.Content             = command.Content;
            values.StartsOn            = command.StartsOn;
            values.EndsOn              = command.EndsOn;
            values.StartsFormat        = command.StartsOn.HasValue ? command.StartsFormat ?? "M/d/yyyy" : null;
            values.EndsFormat          = command.EndsOn.HasValue ? command.EndsFormat ?? "M/d/yyyy" : null;
            values.OnGoing             = command.OnGoing;
            values.WasExternallyFunded = command.WasExternallyFunded;
            values.WasInternallyFunded = command.WasInternallyFunded;

Example #3
        public void Handle(CreateActivity command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var person = _entities.Get <Person>()
                         .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <Person, object> >[]
                x => x.User,
                         .ByUserName(command.Principal.Identity.Name, false);

            var activity = new Activity
                Person             = person,
                PersonId           = person.RevisionId,
                Mode               = command.Mode,
                CreatedByPrincipal = command.Principal.Identity.Name,
                CreatedOnUtc       = DateTime.UtcNow


            command.CreatedActivity = activity;

            if (!command.NoCommit)
Example #4
        public void Handle(CreateAffiliation command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var personId = !command.PersonId.HasValue
                ? _queryProcessor.Execute(new MyPerson(command.Principal)).RevisionId
                : command.PersonId.Value;

            var entity = new Affiliation
                PersonId        = personId,
                EstablishmentId = command.EstablishmentId,
                FacultyRankId   = command.FacultyRankId,
                JobTitles       = command.JobTitles,

            if (command.NoCommit)
                command.Created = entity;

            command.Created = _queryProcessor.Execute(new AffiliationByPrimaryKey(entity.PersonId, entity.EstablishmentId));
Example #5
        public void Handle(CopyActivity command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var createActivity = new CreateActivity(command.Principal)
                Mode     = command.Mode,
                NoCommit = true,

            command.CreatedActivity = createActivity.CreatedActivity;

            var originalActivity = _entities.Get <Activity>().ById(command.ActivityId, false);

            command.CreatedActivity.Original = originalActivity;
            originalActivity.WorkCopy        = command.CreatedActivity;

            if (!command.NoCommit)
        public void Handle(UpdateAffiliation command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var entity = !command.PersonId.HasValue
                ? _entities.Get <Affiliation>().Single(x => x.EstablishmentId == command.EstablishmentId &&
                                                       x.Person.User != null &&
                                                       x.Person.User.Name.Equals(command.Principal.Identity.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                : _entities.Get <Affiliation>().Single(x => x.EstablishmentId == command.EstablishmentId &&
                                                       x.PersonId == command.PersonId.Value);

            entity.JobTitles     = command.JobTitles;
            entity.FacultyRankId = command.FacultyRankId;

            // can update the establishment as long as it is not the default
            if (!entity.IsDefault && command.NewEstablishmentId.HasValue && command.NewEstablishmentId.Value != command.EstablishmentId)
                entity.EstablishmentId = command.NewEstablishmentId.Value;

Example #7
        public void Handle(CreateActivityType command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var activity = _entities.Get <Activity>()
                           .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <Activity, object> >[]
                x => x.Values.Select(y => y.Types),
                           .ById(command.ActivityId, false);
            var values = activity.Values.Single(x => x.Mode == activity.Mode);

            values.Types.Add(new ActivityType
                TypeId = command.ActivityTypeId,
            activity.UpdatedOnUtc       = DateTime.UtcNow;
            activity.UpdatedByPrincipal = command.Impersonator == null
                ? command.Principal.Identity.Name
                : command.Impersonator.Identity.Name;

Example #8
        public void Handle(PurgeActivityPlace command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var activity = _entities.Get <Activity>()
                           .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <Activity, object> >[]
                x => x.Values.Select(y => y.Locations),
                           .ById(command.ActivityId, false);
            var values = activity.Values.Single(x => x.Mode == activity.Mode);

            if (values.Locations.All(x => x.PlaceId != command.PlaceId))

            var locations = values.Locations.Where(x => x.PlaceId == command.PlaceId).ToArray();

            foreach (var location in locations)

            activity.UpdatedOnUtc       = DateTime.UtcNow;
            activity.UpdatedByPrincipal = command.Impersonator == null
                ? command.Principal.Identity.Name
                : command.Impersonator.Identity.Name;
Example #9
        public void Handle(UpdateActivityDocument command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var entity = _entities.Get <ActivityDocument>()
                         .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <ActivityDocument, object> >[]
                x => x.ActivityValues.Activity,
                         .Single(x => x.RevisionId == command.DocumentId);

            if (entity.Title == command.Title)

            entity.Title              = command.Title;
            entity.UpdatedOnUtc       = DateTime.UtcNow;
            entity.UpdatedByPrincipal = command.Impersonator == null
                    ? command.Principal.Identity.Name
                    : command.Impersonator.Identity.Name;
            entity.ActivityValues.Activity.UpdatedOnUtc       = entity.UpdatedOnUtc;
            entity.ActivityValues.Activity.UpdatedByPrincipal = entity.UpdatedByPrincipal;

        public void Handle(PurgeActivityDocument command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var entity = _entities.Get <ActivityDocument>()
                         .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <ActivityDocument, object> >[]
                x => x.ActivityValues.Activity,
                         .SingleOrDefault(x => x.RevisionId == command.DocumentId)

            if (entity == null)
                return;                 // delete idempotently
            entity.ActivityValues.Activity.UpdatedOnUtc       = DateTime.UtcNow;
            entity.ActivityValues.Activity.UpdatedByPrincipal = command.Impersonator == null
                    ? command.Principal.Identity.Name
                    : command.Impersonator.Identity.Name;


            if (!command.NoCommit)
Example #11
        public void Handle(CreateActivityValues command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var activityValues = new ActivityValues
                ActivityId          = command.ActivityId,
                Title               = command.Title,
                Content             = command.Content,
                StartsOn            = command.StartsOn,
                EndsOn              = command.EndsOn,
                OnGoing             = command.OnGoing,
                StartsFormat        = command.StartsOn.HasValue ? command.StartsFormat ?? "M/d/yyyy" : null,
                EndsFormat          = command.EndsOn.HasValue ? command.EndsFormat ?? "M/d/yyyy" : null,
                Mode                = command.Mode,
                WasExternallyFunded = command.WasExternallyFunded,
                WasInternallyFunded = command.WasInternallyFunded,

                CreatedByPrincipal = command.Principal.Identity.Name,


            command.CreatedActivityValues = activityValues;

            if (!command.NoCommit)
Example #12
        public void Handle(UpdatePlace command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var entity = _entities.Get <Place>().Single(x => x.RevisionId == command.PlaceId);

            //var audit = new CommandEvent
            //    RaisedBy = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name,
            //    Name = command.GetType().FullName,
            //    Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
            //    {
            //        command.PlaceId,
            //        command.IsRegion,
            //    }),
            //    PreviousState = place.ToJsonAudit(),

            var lastParentId = entity.ParentId; // do not change parent when command.ParentId is zero

            if (command.ParentId.HasValue && command.ParentId.Value != 0)
                var parent = _entities.Get <Place>().Single(x => x.RevisionId == command.ParentId.Value);
                entity.Parent   = parent;
                entity.ParentId = parent.RevisionId;
            else if (!command.ParentId.HasValue)
                entity.Parent   = null;
                entity.ParentId = null;

            if (command.IsRegion.HasValue)
                entity.IsRegion = command.IsRegion.Value;
            if (command.IsWater.HasValue)
                entity.IsWater = command.IsWater.Value;

            //audit.NewState = place.ToJsonAudit();

            if (lastParentId != entity.ParentId)
                _hierarchy.Handle(new EnsurePlaceHierarchy(entity));

        public void Perform(FixUsfEmailAddresses job)
            var peopleWithoutEmailAddress = _entities.Get <Person>()
                                            .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <Person, object> >[]
                x => x.User,
                                            .Where(x => x.User != null && x.User.Name.EndsWith("@usf.edu") && !x.Emails.Any())

            if (peopleWithoutEmailAddress.Length < 1)

            var fixedPeople = new List <string>();

            foreach (var person in peopleWithoutEmailAddress)
                var emailValue = person.User.Name;
                if (person.User.Name.Equals("*****@*****.**"))
                    emailValue = "*****@*****.**";
                if (person.User.Name.Equals("*****@*****.**"))
                    emailValue = "*****@*****.**";
                person.Emails.Add(new EmailAddress
                    IsConfirmed = true,
                    IsDefault   = true,
                    Number      = 1,
                    Value       = emailValue,
                var fixedPerson = new StringBuilder();
                fixedPerson.Append(string.Format(" - NetID: {0}", person.User.Name));
                fixedPerson.Append(string.Format(", email = {0}", emailValue));

            fixedPeople = fixedPeople.OrderBy(x => x).ToList();
            var output = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var item in fixedPeople)
            var inspect = output.ToString();

Example #14
        public void Handle(DeleteExternalUrl command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var entity = _entities.Get <ExternalUrl>().Single(x => x.Id == command.UrlId);

        public void Perform(DeleteRandomUsfActivities job)
            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            var draftText  = ActivityMode.Draft.AsSentenceFragment(); // delete drafts and work copies
            var activities = _entities.Get <Activity>().Where(x => x.ModeText == draftText || x.Original != null);

            foreach (var activity in activities)

            activities = _entities.Get <Activity>()
                         .Where(x => x.Person.Affiliations.Any(y => y.IsDefault && y.EstablishmentId == 3306))

            var random = new Random();

            while (activities.Count() > 250)
                var total      = activities.Count();
                var idToDelete = random.Next(activities.Min(x => x.RevisionId), activities.Max(x => x.RevisionId));
                if (!IdsToKeep.Contains(idToDelete))
                    var activityToDelete = _entities.Get <Activity>().ById(idToDelete);
                    if (activityToDelete != null)

                if (stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMinutes > 1)
        public void Handle(DeleteEmailAddress command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var emailAddress = _entities.Get <EmailAddress>()
                               .Single(x => x.PersonId == command.PersonId && x.Number == command.EmailAddressNumber);

Example #17
        public void Handle(UpdateExternalUrl command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var entity = _entities.Get <ExternalUrl>().Single(x => x.Id == command.UrlId);

            entity.Description = command.Description;
            entity.Value       = command.Value;
Example #18
        public void Handle(CopyActivityAndValues command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var originalActivity = _entities.Get <Activity>()
                                   .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <Activity, object> >[]
                x => x.WorkCopy,
                                   .ById(command.ActivityId, false);

            // do not do anything if the activity already has a copy
            if (originalActivity.WorkCopy != null)
                command.CreatedActivity = originalActivity.WorkCopy;

            // copy activity entity
            var copyActivity = new CopyActivity(command.Principal)
                ActivityId = command.ActivityId,
                Mode       = originalActivity.Mode,
                NoCommit   = true,

            var copiedActivity = copyActivity.CreatedActivity;

            // copy activityvalues entity
            var modeText           = originalActivity.Mode.AsSentenceFragment();
            var originalValues     = originalActivity.Values.First(x => x.ModeText == modeText);
            var copyActivityValues = new CopyActivityValues(command.Principal)
                CopyToActivity   = copiedActivity,
                ActivityValuesId = originalValues.RevisionId,
                Mode             = copiedActivity.Mode,
                NoCommit         = true,

            command.CreatedActivity = copiedActivity;


            // fix image paths now that there is a pk
            _moveActivityDocuments.Handle(new MoveActivityDocuments(command.CreatedActivity.RevisionId));
        public void Handle(PurgeAffiliation command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var entity = !command.PersonId.HasValue
                ? _entities.Get <Affiliation>().Single(x => x.EstablishmentId == command.EstablishmentId &&
                                                       x.Person.User != null &&
                                                       x.Person.User.Name.Equals(command.Principal.Identity.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                : _entities.Get <Affiliation>().Single(x => x.EstablishmentId == command.EstablishmentId &&
                                                       x.PersonId == command.PersonId.Value);

Example #20
        public void Handle(MoveActivityDocuments command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var queryable = _entities.Get <ActivityDocument>()
                            .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <ActivityDocument, object> >[]
                x => x.ActivityValues,

            if (command.ActivityId.HasValue)
                queryable = queryable.Where(x => x.ActivityValues.ActivityId == command.ActivityId);

            var entities = queryable.ToArray();

            foreach (var entity in entities)
                if (entity.Path.StartsWith(string.Format(ActivityDocument.PathFormat, entity.ActivityValues.ActivityId, "")))

                var oldPath = entity.Path;
                var newPath = string.Format(ActivityDocument.PathFormat, entity.ActivityValues.ActivityId, Guid.NewGuid());
                    _binaryData.Move(oldPath, newPath);
                    entity.Path = newPath;
                    if (_binaryData.Exists(newPath))
                        _binaryData.Move(newPath, oldPath);
Example #21
        private void ComposeRegionsFromGeoPlanet()
            var regions = _entities.Get <Place>()
                          .Where(x => x.IsRegion && !x.IsWater && !x.Components.Any())

            if (regions.Any())
                var mutated = false;
                foreach (var region in regions)
                    if (!region.IsRegion)
                    var woeId      = region.GeoPlanetPlace.WoeId;
                    var components = _entities.Get <Place>()
                                     .Where(x => x.GeoPlanetPlace != null &&
                                            x.GeoPlanetPlace.BelongTos.Select(y => y.BelongToWoeId).Contains(woeId));
                    foreach (var component in components)
                        if (!component.IsCountry && !component.IsWater)
                        if (component.IsRegion)
                        if (region.Components.All(x => x.RevisionId != component.RevisionId))
                            if (!mutated)
                                mutated = true;
                if (mutated)
Example #22
        public void Handle(CreateExternalUrl command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var entity = new ExternalUrl
                PersonId    = command.PersonId,
                Description = command.Description,
                Value       = command.Value,

            command.Created = entity;
        public void Perform(PopulateActivityContentSearchable job)
            var isChanged = false;
            var entities  = _entities.Get <ActivityValues>();

            foreach (var entity in entities)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.ContentSearchable) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.Content))
                    entity.Content = entity.Content;
                    isChanged      = true;
            if (isChanged)
        public void Perform(MigrateUsfAgreementData job)
            var reportBuilder = new WorkReportBuilder("Migrate USF Agreement Data");

                // for USF, move from description into content
                // do not preserve any titles as names.
                const int usfEstablishmentId = 3306;
                var       usfAgreements      = _entities.Get <Agreement>()
                                               .Where(x => x.Participants.Any(y => y.IsOwner
                                                                                  y.EstablishmentId == usfEstablishmentId
                                                                                  y.Establishment.Ancestors.Any(z => z.AncestorId == usfEstablishmentId)

                foreach (var usfAgreement in usfAgreements)
                    var html = usfAgreement.Description.ToHtml();
                    usfAgreement.Name    = null;
                    usfAgreement.Content = html;
            catch (Exception ex)
                reportBuilder.Report("JOB FAILED!");
            public void Handle(EnsurePlaceHierarchies command)
                if (command == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

                var queryable = _entities.Get <Place>()
                                .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <Place, object> >[]
                    x => x.Parent.Ancestors.Select(y => y.Ancestor),
                    x => x.Ancestors.Select(y => y.Ancestor),
                                .Where(x => x.Parent != null)
                                .Where(x => x.Ancestors.Count <= x.Parent.Ancestors.Count || // place should always have more ancestors than its parent
                                       !x.Ancestors.Select(y => y.AncestorId).Contains(x.ParentId.Value) // place ancestors should always contain the parent
                                                                                                         // place should have 1 more ancestor than its closest ancestor does
                                       || x.Ancestors.Count != x.Ancestors.OrderBy(y => y.Separation).FirstOrDefault().Ancestor.Ancestors.Count + 1)
                                .OrderBy(x => x.Ancestors.Count)

                //var placesFixed = new List<Place>();
                while (queryable.Any())
                    var howMany = queryable.Count();
                    if (howMany < 1)
                    var place = queryable.First();
                    if (!command.EnsuredPlaceNames.ContainsKey(place.RevisionId))
                        command.EnsuredPlaceNames.Add(place.RevisionId, place.OfficialName);
                    _hierarchy.Handle(new EnsurePlaceHierarchy(place));
                //var names = placesFixed.Select(x => x.OfficialName).ToArray();
Example #26
        public void Handle(CreatePlace command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var parent = command.ParentId.HasValue
                ? _entities.Get <Place>().Single(x => x.RevisionId == command.ParentId.Value) : null;
            var entity = new Place
                OfficialName = command.OfficialName,
                ParentId     = command.ParentId,
                Parent       = parent,
                IsWater      = command.IsWater,
                IsRegion     = command.IsRegion,

            _hierarchy.Handle(new EnsurePlaceHierarchy(entity));
            command.Created = _entities.Query <Place>().Single(x => x.RevisionId == entity.RevisionId);
Example #27
        public void Handle(CreateEmailAddress command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            // load person
            var person = command.Person ?? _entities.Get <Person>()
                         .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <Person, object> >[]
                x => x.Emails,
                         .Single(x => x.RevisionId == command.PersonId);

            // override IsDefault when person has no default email
            var isDefault = command.IsDefault || !person.Emails.Any(x => x.IsDefault);

            // clear previous default email
            if (isDefault)
                foreach (var email in person.Emails.Where(x => x.IsDefault))
                    _updateEmail.Handle(new UpdateEmailAddress(email)
                        NoCommit    = true,
                        IsDefault   = false,
                        IsConfirmed = email.IsConfirmed,
                        IsFromSaml  = email.IsFromSaml,
                        Value       = email.Value,

            // create email address entity
            var entity = new EmailAddress
                IsConfirmed = command.IsConfirmed,
                IsDefault   = isDefault,
                Value       = command.Value,
                Number      = person.Emails.NextNumber(),
                Person      = person,
                IsFromSaml  = command.IsFromSaml,


            // log audit
            var audit = new CommandEvent
                RaisedBy = Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name,
                Name     = command.GetType().FullName,
                Value    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                    IsDefault = isDefault,
                NewState = entity.ToJsonAudit(),


            // store
            if (!command.NoCommit)

            command.CreatedEmailAddress       = entity;
            command.CreatedEmailAddressNumber = entity.Number;
        public void Handle(CopyActivityValues command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var copyToActivity = command.CopyToActivity
                                 ?? _entities.Get <Activity>().ById(command.CopyToActivityId);

            var copiedActivityValues = _detachedEntities.Query <ActivityValues>()
                                       .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <ActivityValues, object> >[]
                x => x.Locations,
                x => x.Types,
                x => x.Tags,
                x => x.Documents,
                                       .ById(command.ActivityValuesId, false);

            copiedActivityValues.Activity   = copyToActivity;
            copiedActivityValues.ActivityId = copyToActivity.RevisionId;
            copiedActivityValues.Mode       = command.Mode;
            copiedActivityValues.RevisionId = 0;
            EnableForCopy(copiedActivityValues, command);

            foreach (var location in copiedActivityValues.Locations)
                EnableForCopy(location, command);

            foreach (var type in copiedActivityValues.Types)
                EnableForCopy(type, command);

            foreach (var tag in copiedActivityValues.Tags)
                EnableForCopy(tag, command);

            var documentsToCopy = copiedActivityValues.Documents;

            copiedActivityValues.Documents = new Collection <ActivityDocument>();
            foreach (var document in documentsToCopy)
                _createActivityDocument.Handle(new CreateActivityDocument(command.Principal, copiedActivityValues)
                    FileName = document.FileName,
                    MimeType = document.MimeType,
                    Content  = _binaryData.Get(document.Path),
                    Title    = document.Title,
                    EntityId = document.EntityId,
                    NoCommit = true,

            command.CreatedActivityValues = copiedActivityValues;
            if (!command.NoCommit)
Example #29
        public void Perform(AddNewEstablishmentTypes job)
            var establishmentType = _entities.Get <EstablishmentType>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.CategoryCode == EstablishmentCategoryCode.Inst && x.EnglishName == "Institute");

            if (establishmentType != null)

            _entities.Create(new EstablishmentType
                CategoryCode      = EstablishmentCategoryCode.Inst,
                EnglishName       = "Institute",
                EnglishPluralName = "Institutes",
            _entities.Create(new EstablishmentType
                CategoryCode      = EstablishmentCategoryCode.Inst,
                EnglishName       = "School",
                EnglishPluralName = "Schools",
            _entities.Create(new EstablishmentType
                CategoryCode      = EstablishmentCategoryCode.Inst,
                EnglishName       = "Academy",
                EnglishPluralName = "Academies",
            _entities.Create(new EstablishmentType
                CategoryCode      = EstablishmentCategoryCode.Inst,
                EnglishName       = "Centre / Center",
                EnglishPluralName = "Centres / Centers",
            _entities.Create(new EstablishmentType
                CategoryCode      = EstablishmentCategoryCode.Corp,
                EnglishName       = "Foundation",
                EnglishPluralName = "Foundations",
            _entities.Create(new EstablishmentType
                CategoryCode      = EstablishmentCategoryCode.Corp,
                EnglishName       = "Other Non-Governmental Organization",
                EnglishPluralName = "Other Non-Governmental Organizations",
            _entities.Create(new EstablishmentType
                CategoryCode      = EstablishmentCategoryCode.Govt,
                EnglishName       = "Ministry",
                EnglishPluralName = "Ministries",
            _entities.Create(new EstablishmentType
                CategoryCode      = EstablishmentCategoryCode.Govt,
                EnglishName       = "Secretariat",
                EnglishPluralName = "Secretariats",
            _entities.Create(new EstablishmentType
                CategoryCode      = EstablishmentCategoryCode.Govt,
                EnglishName       = "Department",
                EnglishPluralName = "Departments",
            _entities.Create(new EstablishmentType
                CategoryCode      = EstablishmentCategoryCode.Govt,
                EnglishName       = "Other Governmental Organization",
                EnglishPluralName = "Non-Governmental Organizations",

Example #30
        public void Handle(CreateUser command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            // determine which establishment the user should be affiliated with
            var emailDomain = command.Name.GetEmailDomain();
            var establishmentToAffiliate =
                _entities.Get <Establishment>()
                .Single(x => x.EmailDomains.Any(y => y.Value.Equals(emailDomain, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));

            // default person to the one provided by another internal command
            var person = command.Person;

            if (person == null && command.PersonId.HasValue)
                // get person by id when provided by command
                person = _entities.Get <Person>().Single(x => x.RevisionId == command.PersonId.Value);
            else if (person == null)
                // otherwise, must create a new person
                var createPersonCommand = new CreatePerson
                    DisplayName = command.Name,
                    NoCommit    = true,
                person = createPersonCommand.CreatedPerson;

            if (!person.Emails.Any(x => x.Value.Equals(command.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                var createEmailCommand = new CreateEmailAddress(command.Name, person)
                    NoCommit    = true,
                    IsConfirmed = true,
                    IsFromSaml  = false,
                    IsDefault   = true,

            var affiliation = new Affiliation
                IsDefault       = true,
                Person          = person,
                EstablishmentId = establishmentToAffiliate.RevisionId


            var user = new User
                Name         = command.Name,
                IsRegistered = command.IsRegistered,
                TenantId     = establishmentToAffiliate.RevisionId,
                Person       = person,

            // log audit
            var audit = new CommandEvent
                RaisedBy = command.Principal.Identity.Name,
                Name     = command.GetType().FullName,
                Value    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                NewState = user.ToJsonAudit(),


            command.CreatedUserId = user.RevisionId;

            var userCreated = new UserCreated(command.Principal)
                UserId   = user.RevisionId,
                PersonId = person.RevisionId,
                TenantId = affiliation.EstablishmentId,
