public void Handle(CreateMyNewActivityCommand command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            //var person = _queryProcessor.Execute(
            //    new GetMyPersonQuery(command.Principal));
            var person = _entities.Get <Person>()

            var otherActivities = _entities.Query <Activity>()

            var activity = new Activity
                Person   = person,
                PersonId = person.RevisionId,
                Number   = otherActivities.NextNumber(),

            command.CreatedActivity = activity;
Example #2
 public User Handle(GetUserByNameQuery query)
     return(_entities.Query <User>()
            .EagerLoad(_entities, query.EagerLoad)
Example #3
        public void Seed()
            if (_entities.Query <Place>().Any(x => x.IsRegion || x.Components.Any()))

            // map Woe ID's to GeoName ID's
            var regionsToImport = new Dictionary <int, int?>
                { 24865706, 7729891 }, // Caribbean
                { 24865716, 7730009 }, // Latin America
                //{ 55949058, null }, // Americas
                { 24865707, 7729892 }, // Central America
                { 55949061, 7729893 }, // Central Asia
                { 55949062, 7729895 }, // South Asia
                { 28289414, 7729896 }, // SouthEast Asia
                { 28289416, 7729894 }, // East Asia
                { 28289415, 7729897 }, // West Asia
                { 24865721, 6269133 }, // Middle East
                { 24865722, 7729887 }, // North Africa
                { 55949067, 7729883 }, // North Europe
                { 55949066, 7729882 }, // South Europe
                { 28289419, 7729884 }, // East Europe
                { 28289418, 7729881 }, // West Europe

            foreach (var woeId in regionsToImport.Keys)
                var geoNameId = regionsToImport[woeId];
                var geoPlanet = _entities.Query <GeoPlanetPlace>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.WoeId == woeId) ??
                                _queryProcessor.Execute(new SingleGeoPlanetPlace(woeId));
                GeoNamesToponym geoName = null;
                if (geoNameId.HasValue)
                    geoName = _entities.Query <GeoNamesToponym>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.GeoNameId == geoNameId.Value) ??
                              _queryProcessor.Execute(new SingleGeoNamesToponym(geoNameId.Value));
                if (geoPlanet.Place == null || (geoName != null && geoName.Place == null))
                    _queryProcessor.Execute(new PlaceByWoeId(woeId, geoNameId));

        public InstitutionalAgreementConfiguration Handle(GetMyInstitutionalAgreementConfigurationQuery query)
            if (query == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("query");

            // make sure user is authorized to view settings
            if (!query.Principal.IsInAnyRoles(RoleName.InstitutionalAgreementManagers))
                throw new SecurityAccessDeniedException(string.Format(
                                                            "User '{0}' does not have privileges to invoke this function.",

            // first, get the principal's affiliation
            var person = _queryProcessor.Execute(new GetMyPersonQuery(query.Principal)
                EagerLoad = new Expression <Func <Person, object> >[]
                    p => p.Affiliations.Select(a => a.Establishment),

            // from person's default affiliation, determine establishment
            var configurations = (query.IsWritable)
                ? _entities.Get <InstitutionalAgreementConfiguration>()
                : _entities.Query <InstitutionalAgreementConfiguration>();

            configurations = configurations.EagerLoad(_entities, query.EagerLoad)
                             .Where(c =>
                                    c.ForEstablishment != null &&
                                    c.ForEstablishment.IsMember &&
                                        c.ForEstablishmentId == person.DefaultAffiliation.EstablishmentId ||
                                        c.ForEstablishment.Offspring.Select(a => a.OffspringId)
                             .OrderBy(new Dictionary <Expression <Func <InstitutionalAgreementConfiguration, object> >, OrderByDirection>
                { c => c.ForEstablishment.Ancestors.Count, OrderByDirection.Descending }

Example #5
        public void Handle(CreateLooseFileCommand command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var entity = new LooseFile
                Content  = command.Content,
                Length   = command.Content.Length,
                MimeType = command.MimeType,
                Name     = command.Name,

            command.CreatedLooseFile = _entities.Query <LooseFile>()
Example #6
        public void Handle(CreatePlace command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var parent = command.ParentId.HasValue
                ? _entities.Get <Place>().Single(x => x.RevisionId == command.ParentId.Value) : null;
            var entity = new Place
                OfficialName = command.OfficialName,
                ParentId     = command.ParentId,
                Parent       = parent,
                IsWater      = command.IsWater,
                IsRegion     = command.IsRegion,

            _hierarchy.Handle(new EnsurePlaceHierarchy(entity));
            command.Created = _entities.Query <Place>().Single(x => x.RevisionId == entity.RevisionId);
Example #7
        public void Perform(AddUsfEmailDomains job)
            var emailDomains = new[]
            var saveChanges = false;

            foreach (var emailDomain in emailDomains)
                var exists = _entities.Query <EstablishmentEmailDomain>()
                             .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals(emailDomain, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                if (exists != null)

                saveChanges = true;
                _entities.Create(new EstablishmentEmailDomain
                    EstablishmentId = 3306,
                    Value           = emailDomain,

            if (saveChanges)
Example #8
        public void Handle(ImportUsfEstablishments command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");
            var reportBuilder = command.ReportBuilder ?? new WorkReportBuilder("Import USF Departments");
            var service       = command.Service;

                #region Skip import if not necessary

                // do we need to re-import?
                reportBuilder.Report("Determining whether USF department import should be skipped.");
                var isSkippable = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(service.LastUpdate) // data has already been sync'd at least once
                                                                                 // and the last sync date equals the command's requesting sync date
                                  && (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command.LastUpdate) || service.LastUpdate.Equals(command.LastUpdate))
                                                                                 // and the status does not indicate a failure or in-progress state
                                  && service.Status == UsfFacultyProfileAttribute.Ready.ToString();
                if (isSkippable)
                    reportBuilder.Report("USF department import will be skipped.");
                    return; // note this will also happen when command.SyncDate == null

                #region Wait on import already in progress

                // is there already an import in progress?
                // if so, wait on it to change
                reportBuilder.Report("Determining whether or not USF department import is in progress.");
                _entities.Reload(command.Service.Integration); // freshen status from db
                if (service.Status == UsfFacultyProfileAttribute.InProgress.ToString())
                    // wait for the process to complete
                    reportBuilder.Report("USF Department import is in progress, wait for completion.");
                    WaitOnProgress(command, reportBuilder);

                    // if was in progress, and is now ready, do not import again
                    if (command.Service.Status == UsfFacultyProfileAttribute.Ready.ToString())
                        reportBuilder.Report("USF Department import is ready, parallel import succeeded.");

                #region Update status, invoke USF service, and load comparison data

                // begin progress
                reportBuilder.Report("Setting status to '{0}'.", UsfFacultyProfileAttribute.InProgress.ToString());
                command.Service.Status = UsfFacultyProfileAttribute.InProgress.ToString();
                reportBuilder.Report("Status set to '{0}'.", UsfFacultyProfileAttribute.InProgress.ToString());

                // invoke departments service
                reportBuilder.Report("Invoking USF department service.");
                var departmentsData = _queryProcessor.Execute(new UsfDepartments(command.Service)
                    ReportBuilder = reportBuilder
                if (departmentsData == null || departmentsData.Departments == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                                                            "Could not obtain departments data for '{0}_{1}'service integration.",
                                                            command.Service.Integration.Name, command.Service.Integration.TenantId));
                reportBuilder.Report("Deserialized USF department response to CLR object.");
                reportBuilder.Report("JSON value of deserialized response is:");

                // establishment types will be used later when creating establishments
                reportBuilder.Report("Loading establishment type entities.");
                var establishmentTypeName = KnownEstablishmentType.UniversityCampus.AsSentenceFragment();
                var campusType            = _entities.Query <EstablishmentType>().Single(t => t.EnglishName == establishmentTypeName);
                establishmentTypeName = KnownEstablishmentType.College.AsSentenceFragment();
                var collegeType = _entities.Query <EstablishmentType>().Single(t => t.EnglishName == establishmentTypeName);
                establishmentTypeName = KnownEstablishmentType.Department.AsSentenceFragment();
                var departmentType = _entities.Query <EstablishmentType>().Single(t => t.EnglishName == establishmentTypeName);

                // order the service results by campus, college, deptid
                departmentsData.Departments = departmentsData.Departments
                                              .OrderBy(x => x.CampusName).ThenBy(x => x.CollegeName).ThenBy(x => x.DepartmentId).ToArray();

                // all units will be children of USF
                reportBuilder.Report("Loading USF establishment entity.");
                var usf = _entities.Get <Establishment>()
                          .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <Establishment, object> >[]
                    x => x.Children,
                    x => x.Offspring.Select(y => y.Offspring),
                          .Single(x => x.RevisionId == command.Service.Integration.TenantId);
                reportBuilder.Report("USF establishment entity loaded with id '{0}'.", usf.RevisionId);
                var isChanged = false;

                #region Populate campuses

                // populate the campuses first (they are ranked)
                var campusRanks = new Dictionary <string, int>
                    { "Tampa", 1 },
                    { "Petersburg", 2 },
                    { "Sarasota", 3 },
                var campusNames = departmentsData.Departments.Select(x => x.CampusName).Distinct().ToArray();
                //campusNames = campusNames.Union(new[] { "Unidentified Campus" }).ToArray();
                if (campusNames.Any(x => !campusRanks.Keys.Any(x.Contains)))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                                                            "USF Service returned unexpected campus '{0}'.",
                                                            campusNames.First(x => !campusRanks.Keys.Any(x.Contains))));
                reportBuilder.Report("Iterating over {0} campus names.", campusNames.Length);
                foreach (var campusName in campusNames)
                    // note that the service returns USF Sarasota, but we want official name to be USF Sarasota-Manatee
                    var campusByName = usf.Children.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Names.Any(y => y.Text.Equals(campusName)));
                    if (campusByName == null)
                        var createCampusCommand = new CreateEstablishment(command.Principal)
                            NoCommit     = true,
                            NoHierarchy  = true,
                            Parent       = usf,
                            TypeId       = campusType.RevisionId,
                            Rank         = campusRanks.Single(x => campusName.Contains(x.Key)).Value,
                            OfficialName = new CreateEstablishmentName(command.Principal)
                                NoCommit       = true,
                                IsOfficialName = true,
                                Text           = !campusName.Contains("Sarasota") ? campusName : "USF Sarasota-Manatee",
                        if (campusName.Contains("Sarasota"))
                            var createCampusNameCommand = new CreateEstablishmentName(command.Principal)
                                NoCommit = true,
                                Owner    = createCampusCommand.Created,
                                Text     = campusName,
                        isChanged = true;

                #region Populate Colleges

                // get all unique combinations of campus / college
                var campusColleges = departmentsData.Departments
                                     .Select(x => new { x.CampusName, x.CollegeName, }).Distinct()
                                     .OrderBy(x => x.CampusName).ThenBy(x => x.CollegeName)
                reportBuilder.Report("Iterating over {0} campus colleges.", campusColleges.Length);
                foreach (var campusCollege in campusColleges)
                    var collegeInCampus = campusCollege;

                    // does the college already exist?
                    var campus = usf.Children
                                 .Single(x => x.Names.Any(y => y.Text.Equals(collegeInCampus.CampusName)));
                    var officialName  = string.Format("{0}, {1}", collegeInCampus.CollegeName, campus.OfficialName);
                    var collegeByName = campus.Children
                                        .SingleOrDefault(x => x.OfficialName.Equals(officialName) ||
                                                         x.Names.Any(y => y.Text.Equals(collegeInCampus.CollegeName) && y.IsContextName));
                    if (collegeByName != null)

                    var createCollegeCommand = new CreateEstablishment(command.Principal)
                        NoCommit     = true,
                        NoHierarchy  = true,
                        Parent       = campus,
                        TypeId       = collegeType.RevisionId,
                        OfficialName = new CreateEstablishmentName(command.Principal)
                            NoCommit       = true,
                            IsOfficialName = true,
                            Text           = officialName,
                    var createCollegeNameCommand = new CreateEstablishmentName(command.Principal)
                        NoCommit      = true,
                        IsContextName = true,
                        Owner         = createCollegeCommand.Created,
                        Text          = collegeInCampus.CollegeName,
                    isChanged = true;

                    // does this college have any department id's?
                    var customIds = departmentsData.Departments
                                    .Where(x => x.CollegeName == collegeInCampus.CollegeName &&
                                           x.CampusName == collegeInCampus.CampusName &&
                                    .Select(x => x.DepartmentId).Distinct()
                                    // it is possible that this custom DEPTID is named elsewhere
                                    .Where(x => !departmentsData.Departments
                                           .Any(y => y.DepartmentId == x && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(y.DepartmentName)))
                    //var doubleCheckCustomIds = departmentsData.Departments
                    //    .Where(x => customIds.Contains(x.DepartmentId)).ToArray();

                    foreach (var customId in customIds)
                        createCollegeCommand.Created.CustomIds.Add(new EstablishmentCustomId
                            Owner = createCollegeCommand.Created,
                            Value = customId,

                #region Populate Departments

                // we are going to skip all unnamed departments
                var namedDepartments = departmentsData.Departments
                                       .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.DepartmentName))
                reportBuilder.Report("Iterating over {0} named departments.", namedDepartments.Length);
                foreach (var departmentData in namedDepartments)
                    var campus = usf.Children
                                 .Single(x => x.Names.Any(y => y.Text.Equals(departmentData.CampusName)));
                    var college = campus.Children
                                  .Single(x => x.Names.Any(y => y.Text.Equals(departmentData.CollegeName)));
                    var officialName = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", departmentData.DepartmentName, departmentData.CollegeName, campus.OfficialName);

                    // is the name of the department the same as the name of the college?
                    if (departmentData.DepartmentName == departmentData.CollegeName)
                        if (college.CustomIds.All(x => x.Value != departmentData.DepartmentId))
                            college.CustomIds.Add(new EstablishmentCustomId
                                Owner = college,
                                Value = departmentData.DepartmentId,
                            isChanged = true;

                    // does the department already exist?
                    var departmentByName = college.Children
                                           .SingleOrDefault(x => x.OfficialName.Equals(officialName) ||
                                                            x.Names.Any(y => y.Text.Equals(departmentData.DepartmentName)));
                    var departmentById = college.Children
                                         .SingleOrDefault(x => x.CustomIds.Select(y => y.Value).Contains(departmentData.DepartmentId));

                    if (departmentByName == null)
                        if (departmentById == null)
                            var createDepartmentCommand = new CreateEstablishment(command.Principal)
                                NoCommit     = true,
                                NoHierarchy  = true,
                                Parent       = college,
                                TypeId       = departmentType.RevisionId,
                                OfficialName = new CreateEstablishmentName(command.Principal)
                                    NoCommit       = true,
                                    IsOfficialName = true,
                                    Text           = officialName,
                            var createDepartmentNameCommand = new CreateEstablishmentName(command.Principal)
                                NoCommit      = true,
                                IsContextName = true,
                                Owner         = createDepartmentCommand.Created,
                                Text          = departmentData.DepartmentName,
                            departmentByName = createDepartmentCommand.Created;
                            var formerContextNames = departmentById.Names.Where(x => x.IsContextName).ToArray();
                            foreach (var formerContextName in formerContextNames)
                                formerContextName.IsFormerName = true;

                            var newContextName = formerContextNames.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Text == departmentData.DepartmentName);
                            if (newContextName != null)
                                newContextName.IsFormerName = false;

                                departmentById.Names.Add(new EstablishmentName
                                    ForEstablishment = departmentById,
                                    IsContextName    = true,
                                    Text             = departmentData.DepartmentName,
                            departmentById.Names.Single(x => x.IsOfficialName).Text = officialName;
                            departmentById.OfficialName = officialName;
                            departmentByName            = departmentById;
                        isChanged = true;

                    if (departmentById == null)
                        departmentByName.CustomIds.Add(new EstablishmentCustomId
                            Owner = departmentByName,
                            Value = departmentData.DepartmentId,
                        isChanged = true;

                #region Populate Unnamed Department Id's

                var unnamedDepartments = departmentsData.Departments
                                         .Where(x => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.DepartmentName))
                foreach (var departmentData in unnamedDepartments)
                    var campus = usf.Children
                                 .Single(x => x.Names.Any(y => y.Text.Equals(departmentData.CampusName)));
                    var college = campus.Children
                                  .Single(x => x.Names.Any(y => y.Text.Equals(departmentData.CollegeName)));
                    if (college.CustomIds.All(x => x.Value != departmentData.DepartmentId))
                        college.CustomIds.Add(new EstablishmentCustomId
                            EstablishmentId = college.RevisionId,
                            Owner           = college,
                            Value           = departmentData.DepartmentId,
                        isChanged = true;


                if (isChanged)
                { // TODO: only update hierarchy when establishments are added or removed
                    reportBuilder.Report("USF Department import has pending database changes.");
                    _updateHierarchy.Handle(new UpdateEstablishmentHierarchy(usf));
                    reportBuilder.Report("USF Department import pending database changes have been committed.");

                reportBuilder.Report("USF Department import is complete.");
                reportBuilder.Report("Setting status to '{0}'.", UsfFacultyProfileAttribute.Ready.ToString());
                command.Service.Status = UsfFacultyProfileAttribute.Ready.ToString();
                reportBuilder.Report("Setting last update to '{0}'.", command.LastUpdate);
                command.Service.LastUpdate = command.LastUpdate;
                reportBuilder.Report("Status set to '{0}'.", UsfFacultyProfileAttribute.Ready.ToString());
                reportBuilder.Report("USF Department import encountered an exception.");
                reportBuilder.Report("Setting status to '{0}'.", UsfFacultyProfileAttribute.FailedState.ToString());
                command.Service.Status = UsfFacultyProfileAttribute.FailedState.ToString();
                reportBuilder.Report("Status set to '{0}'.", UsfFacultyProfileAttribute.FailedState.ToString());
                reportBuilder.Report("Rethrowing exception.");
        public override void Seed()
            if (_entities.Query <Place>().Any())

            var earth = _queryProcessor.Execute(new GetPlaceByWoeIdQuery {
                WoeId = GeoPlanetPlace.EarthWoeId

            Debug.Assert(earth != null);

            var geoPlanetContinents = _geoPlanet.Continents()
                                      .OrderBy(c => c.Name)

            foreach (var geoPlanetContinent in geoPlanetContinents)
                var continent = _queryProcessor.Execute(new GetPlaceByWoeIdQuery {
                    WoeId = geoPlanetContinent.WoeId
                Debug.Assert(continent != null);

            //var countriesToImport = new[]
            //    "United States", "China", "United Kingdom", "Peru", "South Africa", "Australia", "India", "Egypt",
            var countriesToImport = new[]
                "United States", "China", "United Kingdom",
            var geoPlanetCountries = _geoPlanet.Countries()
                                     .Where(c => countriesToImport.Contains(c.Name))
                                     .OrderBy(c => c.Name)

            foreach (var geoPlanetCountry in geoPlanetCountries)
                var country = _queryProcessor.Execute(new GetPlaceByWoeIdQuery {
                    WoeId = geoPlanetCountry.WoeId
                Debug.Assert(country != null);

            foreach (var geoPlanetCountry in geoPlanetCountries)
                var geoPlanetStates = _geoPlanet.States(geoPlanetCountry.WoeId)
                                      .OrderBy(s => s.Name)
                if (!geoPlanetStates.Any())
                foreach (var geoPlanetState in geoPlanetStates)
                    var state = _queryProcessor.Execute(new GetPlaceByWoeIdQuery {
                        WoeId = geoPlanetState.WoeId
                    Debug.Assert(state != null);
Example #10
        public void Handle(ImportUsfPerson command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var reportBuilder = command.ReportBuilder ?? new WorkReportBuilder("Import USF Person");

            // find user by id
            reportBuilder.Report("Querying database for user #{0}.", command.UserId);
            var user = _entities.Get <User>()
                       .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <User, object> >[]
                x => x.Person.Affiliations,
                       .Single(x => x.RevisionId == command.UserId);

            reportBuilder.Report("Found matching user with name '{0}'.", user.Name);

            // invoke USF person service
            reportBuilder.Report("Invoking USF person service with user name '{0}'.", user.Name);
            //const string testJson = "{\"Last Name\":\"Hernandez\",\"First Name\":\"Mario\",\"Middle Name\":\" \",\"Suffix\":\" \",\"Gender\":\"Male\",\"USF Email Address\":\"[email protected]\",\"lastUpdate\":\"05-28-2013\",\"profile\":[{\"DEPTID\":\"0-5830-001\",\"Faculty Rank\":\"2\",\"Position Title\":\"Professor\",\"Institutional Affiliation\":\"USF Tampa\",\"College\":\"College of Behavioral and Community Sciences\",\"Department/Program\":\"Division of Administration and Communication\"},{\"DEPTID\":\"0-6405-000\",\"Faculty Rank\":\"2\",\"Position Title\":\"Professor\",\"Institutional Affiliation\":\"USF Tampa\",\"College\":\"College of Public Health\",\"Department/Program\":\"Department of Community and Family Health\"}]}";
            //var usfPerson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<UsfPersonData>(testJson);
            var usfPerson = _queryProcessor.Execute(new UsfPerson(command.Service, user.Name)
                ReportBuilder = reportBuilder,

            if (usfPerson == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                                                        "Could not obtain data for user '{2}' using '{0}_{1}'service integration.",
                                                        command.Service.Integration.Name, command.Service.Integration.TenantId, user.Name));
            reportBuilder.Report("Deserialized USF person response to CLR object.");
            reportBuilder.Report("JSON value of deserialized response is:");

            reportBuilder.Report("Invoking command to import USF organization data.");
            _importEstablishments.Handle(new ImportUsfEstablishments(command.Principal, command.Service, usfPerson.LastUpdate)
                ReportBuilder = reportBuilder,

            // check affiliations (only do this once when created)
            if (usfPerson.Affiliations != null && usfPerson.Affiliations.Any())
                reportBuilder.Report("USF person has affiliations, loading offspring and module settings.");
                var usf = _entities.Query <Establishment>()
                          .EagerLoad(_entities, new Expression <Func <Establishment, object> >[]
                    x => x.Offspring,
                          .Single(x => x.RevisionId == command.Service.Integration.TenantId);
                var offspring = usf.Offspring.Select(x => x.Offspring).ToArray();
                var settings  = _queryProcessor.Execute(new EmployeeSettingsByEstablishment(usf.RevisionId)
                    EagerLoad = new Expression <Func <EmployeeModuleSettings, object> >[]
                        x => x.FacultyRanks,
                reportBuilder.Report("Iterating over {0} affiliations.", usfPerson.Affiliations.Length);
                var createdAffiliations = new List <Affiliation>();
                foreach (var usfAffiliation in usfPerson.Affiliations)
                    // make sure the establishment exists
                    var establishment = offspring.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CustomIds.Any(y => y.Value == usfAffiliation.DepartmentId));
                    if (establishment == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                                                                "Could not find UCosmic establishment for USF Department '{0}'.", usfAffiliation.DepartmentId));

                    // make sure the affiliation is not a duplicate
                    if (createdAffiliations.Any(x => x.EstablishmentId == establishment.RevisionId && x.PersonId == user.Person.RevisionId))

                    var facultyRank = settings.FacultyRanks.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Rank == usfAffiliation.PositionTitle);
                    var createAffiliationCommand = new CreateAffiliation(command.Principal, user.Person.RevisionId, establishment.RevisionId)
                        NoCommit      = true,
                        FacultyRankId = facultyRank != null ? facultyRank.Id : (int?)null,

            // possibly add a new email addresss
            if (!user.Name.Equals(usfPerson.EmailAddress, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                reportBuilder.Report("USF person has email address '{0}' different from username.", usfPerson.EmailAddress);

                // create user command will already have created an email based on the username / EPPN
                // we trust USF email addresses, so change the email added during person creation
                user.Person.Emails.Single(x => x.IsDefault).Value = usfPerson.EmailAddress;

            // update person
            var displayName = _queryProcessor.Execute(new GenerateDisplayName
                FirstName  = usfPerson.FirstName,
                MiddleName = usfPerson.MiddleName,
                LastName   = usfPerson.LastName,
                Suffix     = usfPerson.Suffix,

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(displayName))
                displayName = usfPerson.EmailAddress;
            var updatePersonCommand = new UpdatePerson(command.Principal, user.Person.RevisionId)
                NoCommit             = true,
                FirstName            = usfPerson.FirstName,
                MiddleName           = usfPerson.MiddleName,
                LastName             = usfPerson.LastName,
                Gender               = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(usfPerson.Gender) ? "P" : usfPerson.Gender.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper(),
                Suffix               = usfPerson.Suffix,
                DisplayName          = displayName,
                IsDisplayNameDerived = false,
                IsActive             = true,


            reportBuilder.Report("Committing changes based on USF person response.");
            reportBuilder.Report("Committed changes based on USF person response.");